Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 39

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Suggestions Regarding Attic Rooms
By AXthsr O. Clanssa.
Field C1b1 District Brightening' Up
with $3,000 for Lighting.
The Track, that War Oppaarel Are
Attrartlnsi laaastriee te Lower
Eat af BiiIihi nretlaa
at CUT.
' b ft i cfy
i i
Ji, paitry )
KiTCWei-j p .Diiiia on- d
ir-ee-- , r.oo i1
p on c-t
a a a aa
ll . II
Linan a" I
'eLoateT 4 I
Q I . J CHAAbtft-
leu.. fl
CMArtBtH-1 il-x .'-' I
iliMav.aABBWev j -.
under the low alauta of the root In which
to elor furniture, trunk, ttc. Th solu
tlon of th- old furnttur problem, how
vor, lo not to have any, but la to dl.
poaa at It faat ai th limit of III imo
baa baan reached.
Tha view obtained from attic rooma I
frequently more attractive than can a
obtained from any room In li lowar
Tha Field club district baa had Ha
spring awakening and la a anno of great
activity thete day. A meeting hat been
culled by President J. M. Guild for next
Friday evening at the Field club, at
which all the club a actlvlllea wW ba
reported and further work outlined for
tha prlnf and o'lmmer.
An effort la being made to have th
Woolworth avenue lighting system In.
tailed by tha opening of th Field club,
although that la not far distant.
An active campaign for th suppression
of th evlli of vacant Iota, principal aa
th breeder of dandelion, will ba con
ducted ao that tha effort of .tha man
who keepa hi property In decent ahapa
will not ba thwarted by a lot next door
or across th street.
Tha Park board ha notified th elnb
that It will give aomo attention tbl
year to the central paining on Wool
worth avenue by planting tree where
tree are misting and will also put In
several beda of barberry and lew-growing
splrea. Tha club baa taken up with
the Park board tha matter of running
a water pipe Into the eentral parking.
o that theae may ba kept green In apile
of any drouth. Tree are being trimmed
all over tha neighborhood and lota of
hrubbery planted.
The cltliena there have railed In vari
ous waya nearly UOM for th Installa
tion of thirty-flv handsome concrete
standards, each to carry one large globe,
and thereby make Woolworth avenue
graceful and attractive by day as well
a by alght.
Those who opposed th laying of awltch
track In th lower business section of
tha city, particularly tha Union Pacific
Iracka up Jackson and Howard streets,
have those very nam track to call
responsible for th many big factories
that have located there In recent month,
Th last factory te pick that sect to
waa the Skinner Manufacturing company,
maker of macaroni, when tha lot was
purchased a few day' ago at Fourteenth
and Jackson streets. Thla move mark
th erection of tha third Industry la
that sect ton sine th Union Pacific
switch track were laid. Th lot waa
bought from th afcCagu Investment
company for C,M0, th track undoubt
edly adding much to make that value.
The Skinner Manufacturing company
la a horn Industry a little more thaa
two year old. T,he two-story and base- I
irent building, with a foundation for six '
Jtorh-s, win occupy tha (ull MixlS feet
space, M feet of trackage lying at the '
door. The other two new industries
along these track are the David Cole ,
Creamery company and th J. J. HaM
8 hen Plumbing aiad Heating company's '
warehouse. ,
Tha Burlington and Northwestern i
awltch track are mainly rraponatble foi j
tha location at light h and Farmua
streets of the Omaha COM Storage com-
pany'e new UM,n) building. Th balld- '
Ing will stand on th southwest corner.
running Kt feet on Farnam street and j
13? f-et on Ktghth street. The building :
a) tn b five atones high, with a foun- i
datlon for eight r nine stories. Two
witch tracks are turned Into th alley ;
south of the site, while a Bother track j
will be smug against the building aa 1
Eighth atreet.
And in the future are other deals
which may bt directly brought about by l
tha lure of switch tracks. Both the ,
Henry a Allan company and T. a !
Korthwall at Co. ar contemplating eight- j
story warehouse building Just west of
tha corner of Seventh and Jackson
streets. Both companies have an ere ea '
th advantage of the switching tadll-1
tie. i
Th legislative committee of th Real i
Estate exchanc la to a quandary over j
th communication recently received from
th Denver exchange, favoring the Mil
framed for passage in congress t ley
aside 1,0.J acre of hud In each of tha
western states the land to be sold and
th proceed weed hi bettering the roads.
Soma ar afraid that should thl be
done, speculators will get la tha gam
and gat a comer on thee lands. This
(Continued on Page tight.)
Tohsco Eitil Baahhe,
Of. BMra Tab aVeea ealehew M
rraea a Tsis Manet k
71 110 Hears,
eevii i w-vm w 'mji bb est
nsaat tsbass Bom Will
tstum a k saale.snsii, )!-. n -re
TiiHiiss ba Im ears we erter ! Iiissnia SS
Mea' j ab. . aaales.aMas., -I tod
lea e saay sSaear tm St yean. AfSav lalilasT yee
renml s earB J was shim wsj earaa." seal n
plaae, at naaasaaa,Wte.ertiea. "t aul aaa Bad
ainaiaf waai qes jaerTaciaara none era na
era a? almltar MBari weal ealMSjai aaOaal
aisaasiaaaWs t-a a ham Madia awae
aaaa ae Bhteav Irfaasil.
,wa ee " TBDaaee mn see i
talan run laforaaltoaaanul any
BMHa Sna as saalB BMae Ba
aa4 aasiaal Tups.
asraea. fosaaawll lis
M. aUttl UallaUW unm,
UK feeling agalust having II v-
jr-w- I ing room In th basement or
I I auto no doubt arise from the
I fent lha.B haaamanta and attk-a
are usually left In tha rough,
and do not present a, very, la-
vi ting appearance. Their poawlbllitlo are
thereXore everiookBd.
When one enters house during tha
prort of enaetructtoa, tha beet room
In H looks vary erud and tar from home
like, but whan complete, flnlahed, decor
ated and furnished It take on an entirely
different aspect. It I th nam with
basement and attic.
On can hardly blame a servant for
not wanting to occupy a room la an attic
wheat It la flnlahed oft In one re mots cor
ner, making It necessary for her to gq
through th greater portion of th attic
with Ita barnllke, "spooky" appearance,
and old, dusty furniture scattered around,
and generally unattractive but when the
stair leading to th attic Is broad, of
eaay rise, I plastered, has a hand rail,
reaches th second floor In a light, well
ventilated, plastered and decorated halt,
which la connected with either on of
several neatly furnished rooms, with any
unfinished parts completely hidden from
view by partitions with doors In them,
and wnen dormers of ample sis are pro
vided to give full height, well ventilated
rooms, there cannot possibly be any ob
jection te a aleeplng chamber In an attic
Th contention la often raised that be
ing Just tinder the roof, attlo rooma ar
exceedingly warm, and H la quit true
' that this la usually tha eaaa, but due to
two faulta In root construction. When
th roof ar papered well wader tha anla
glea and back papered between tha stud
ding, being constructed In every way a
well aa th wutalda wall of any frame
bouse, and when plenty of good elied
windows are provided la tha dormer,
with every room having openings that
will permit of a croa clrculatlea of air,
attie rooms do not prove warmer than
rooms oa the second story. When there
la any braes atlrring at all It la always
mors apparent la the attic rooma than
rooma on th lower floors, since,' be:r.
high, then Is less obstruction from sur
rounding nouses or bulldlnss to deflect
lbs prevailing winds
There are other purposes for which the
attic caa b used la addition to servants'
rooma or extra bed chambers. When
there are young people la the family It
la almost a crime not to finish oft ths
greater part of th attic aa a miniature
ballroom, with a good hardwood floor
and aeatly but Inexpensively decorated.
Th expense la slight and such a room
can be need by the young peopl m raaoy
ways. Fitted up with gymnastic psra
pbarnallla It will mak the boys of tbe
family popular In the neighborhood sad
contribute much te their health and en
joyment. A little rostrum st on end with
coupl of dressing rooms snakes bom
theatricals possible, and other light en
tertainments, and when a good dancing
floor la provided tha young people cm
under proper eondlttons enjoy this nat
ural pastime.
Aa attlo room Is a splendid place for
th bU'-ard table when members of the
fsjrjly enjoy this game. Parlor croquet
and tennis can also be played la a large
attle ballroom. For the former It Is nec
essary to have small bole bored In th
fToor la which t art th wicks Bowl,
teg alleys are a utile too noisy for the
attic, and should be oonf land to the base
ment, when th boase Is long enough.
Th Art, Beteaee and eaUauat
of axosaarallaiuf."
Tklrty chapters, sow UlwsrtraUems.
It cover a wide range of subjects
laeladtaa tha planning or suagm
lost, suburban and city homes,
soatlag tram M.0OO to gtO.OOO, tot.
lag oontraeta, choosing materials,
pro pee deatga of emtraaee, win
dows, flreplaoes, .. Haw third
edJUoa. Frioe, postpaid, im
Address. Artbar 0. ' Classes.
Areklteoi. llaw-ST-sa lumber -
aaaaga. auanespoua.
but few homes ar of proper length for
thl game. '
Th attic la a splendid place for a large
storage linen room, fitted up with ward
robes, shelves, shallow drawsrs or trays
la which to keep furs, dress ocaaslon
suits, oft season clothing and extra bed
ding, to aav crowding th clothe closets
snd linen closet on th second floor.
Thla room can also be provided with a
work table, sewing machine and fitted
up with every convenience at a bom
dressmaking establishment.
When th means will permit, It Is ad
visable to provide tha servant with a pri
vate bath races, or at least a toilet room.
After taking up all of th available apac
In th center of th attic for various
purposes, there Is still plenty of room
V hare the best varieties to
all th aboT seed
Seeds That Crow. Xeed Any?
Open Saturday Evening.
Itic Nebraska Seed
Phone D. 1231.
You'tc tried the rest,
Now try the vest
f V. I If
iHlii -ETTER fill
cTgaTff STwarafffJ
Stlmulste your 1
IB Tho Bee tha i
all of tbe btryera.
wy Mverriatag
Fine Face Brick Make Fine Houses
Brick houses are coming in. There is comfort, economy and distinctive beauty In houses
faced with Sunderland's Face Brick. ) '-. IV '
A $4,000 bouse of cheap construction will cost no more than $4,400 if built of bricks- Oh,
what a differencein the "up-keep." ' ' ' " "
The niost important building matter the owner has to considar, , ,
' See our remarkable display. Let us show you dozens of Sunderland Brick houses; the own-
era are proud of such houses. Please call We shall be glad to see you. '
Main Office mi Display Reoms (Ground Floor) 1614 Harney ;
oj0 Guaranteed on
Home Builders9
Preferred Shares
Shares 11.04 each. Issued a paid for, in any number de
sired, weekly or monthly. Interest paid semi-annually; compounded
if not withdrawn. Shares resold ander guaranty when money In
vested with Interest la wanted. Not a savings bank, yet Just aa
safe, as all money ot boms builders Is secured by mortgage1 cr
deeds on new dwellings. Tour savings Investment solicited. Printed
matter, (ivtng full Information furnished upon request.'
Buy a Home in the
New Way
Ws will build any stylo house you llko on lot selected by yoa
anywhere la tho city and furnish tha money yon need. Ton to pay
ns back almost like rant, or aa fast as yon desire. Tha new way la
simple, eaay and economical. Our free booklet, "The New Way"
will Internet you.
Home Builders
American Security Company
319 So. 17th St, Bet Firnam and Hirney, Ground Floor
Both Phones. OMAHA. NEB.
The fixture house with the V
greatest biyinf towers sells
at prices most faYorable to S
the roblic
COME to onr display
rooms where you can
ii'iBureiy Beieci iroiu our
largo stock just the fixtures
vou renuire for a new home ?
to make an old home up-to- S
Estimates on fixture read
ily given.
Ws will make to order
fixtures to be In harmony
with your own Ideas or a
beautifully fitted room If
special fixtures art required.
t . rt j .ri S
ourgess-uranaen io.,
naa ivn ri crTain I'lTxi-nuu
a- nun a.UM-initj ruiinaa,
Wholesale and Retail. 1511 HOWARD ST.
NeU Door to Gas Office. V
Champion Iron and Wire Works
J.J. Leddy
edfa&m J. A1
15th aal
Douglas 1.1IMI
Iron and Wire Fences, Bailings, Guards. and Screens
Ornamental Iron Work. Builders' lrua Work. Send lor Caialognc.
Jlir I f 0 19 ft Tl F :
0 'W
Now that spring is here to stay, the foremost
thought in the minds of many is moving. Jn days
gone by moving was looked upon with a dread, but
it's different now. Onr large, spacious,' completely
equipped vans eliminate all cause for worry that
your furniture will be marred or broken in the mov.
ing. We have every new moving contrivance known.
Before yon move see us. We will save yon money,
your furniture and take less time to do it.
paciiis m SRIPPIRS
V aav aa4 to years- experience xa the
sacking fcasxaeas aaa employ only the best
eapeneatsa packers- It re are galas; te any
point eat of tows, let aa flgnr oa your paaa
U as aaipsiag.
J7 t armies aU packing material at a reaeoa
aale Price. aUtsvsagh we kav tha aaeet rneoera
faculties, ear prteea are lew. Ws offer yea the
beaaftt ex ess experteaee.
Oar Fireproof Storerooms Excel!
tf yea ar ylaasing te go away for the na
saer oa aa eateaaea trip, onr flrsproof stor
ago effer th SB oat aoeeptaeie slao fo the
safskeoplag of yoar fnxaiTaxe. We have tn
glvuaal storage, which keeps each asaalga
saeBt of famltar aeparate. Oar prices are
teasoaaale aa the ear rice we render the Beet
o hi a ma SI.
uvulr Lvlli
MA IX OFFICE 80 SOITH IflTH ST. PHONE DOUGLAS 4163; IXD. A-1 335. BRANCHES 310 South ITth 8t. and 1120 North 19th St.