Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 22

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The Omaha Sunday Bee i
f t
Copyright. 1D1I, by Amerteaa-ExiJniiier. Greet Britala Rights Beatrveq,
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No. 171-New Ways to Grow Thin
Bg time. Una Cavalieri
'iTLB tin to grow thla do
Bot eapeciaiiy interest me,
except for you, my dear
' readers, I cannot help hearing con
tinually of them, Aa I visit Loadoa,
Horn. St. Fetenburg. or tt my
home la Puts, the eonrerMdoa of
th Women I DMt tend to fat All
ar Interested because tbo bo
ar tat wteh to b thla. and thoee
who ar tela tar they mar baeoma
(at. All womankind, tt would eeem,
- baa organised Into aa arm of tat
To th bath to womea who weigh
two hundred pound, and when they
return from Carlsbad, from Marieo
bad and alaawhara 1 paaa them la
the Bote without saluting them, be
eauoo la taoaa ats wooka they har
loot ifty pound aad ara thin bo
road recognition. It la marvelloua,
Oaa et Uia groat physician who
crossed tbo Atlaatlo recently to
traat a Now Tork aoelatr loader tor
obeelty, local rod 11,000 for bia rv.
toas tor two weeks. Thar will do
' much and par greatly to reduce
their tesh. thaao rich, but wfcst of
ua who ara not woalthjrt
- W oaa choose and follow noma
ot tbalr BMtboda one wo bar
laarmad thorn. Tbla la oaa method
which a (Hand of mine aaea to
keep her weight tblrty-av poanda
below what H fanaorlr waa. It la
aimple, being bathe three tlmee a
i weeh la hot aaK water. Into an ai
a I nor r bath tub ado empties two
' pound of tabla ealt ghe pour
water Into the tub until It la two-
trtlrda full, and remain In tha tub
for twenty minute. After thla aha
rub fear body brlekly down with
alee hoi and retire.
Like moat method of quick ra
oucuoa thla mar bo critieieed
tamporaillr weakening. Therefore
wblla am acquainting you wltk
tola troatmont for oboatty I do not
recommend it to oaa who mult keep
her avaogtk at Ita tullaat A vc
Won or a tlma wbea your task,
whether Uay ba business or profss
atonal or social ara light, would ba
.tie" beet Urn for tarn moaaura tor
raduetioa of weight-
Trvm the harem et Conatantloo
pie, tore ugh an escaped Innate,
am the aawa that whoa a member
of It booaiat o fat that aba waa a
form lea soa of Saab,, tha onrlord
order that ah have bona deep
naaaaga daily with thla lotion:
Iodine , I a.
Camphor water I aaa, ,
Alaohor I aaa.
' U while tola deep wtaaaage and
tba hardship for tha member of tha
haraia eating no mora ot the do
licloa Turkleh paata ara eootlnu
lsg bar faot grow haggard and
ME. UNA CAVALIERI m bar tour, of tba capital of Europe
meet prima doooe, nobility, even royalty, and member of th
great world. In thu spher aha bod u in more commonplace
one tha feminine dread of growing fat Recently m St Pet en burg and
London aha learned tha neweat device for ridding ooetclf of auperfluou
pound. She describes the method to-day for her million of admiring
reader in tha United Slate.
tinea appear In It, It U bathed aU
time a day with .
Witch nasal 1 ex.
Roeewater 1 ox.
Specialists are' al way prepared to
hoar tha complaint: "I don't aat
much." All their patient tell then
til and all of them bellere It to be
true, but In nearly orery ceae It
Uo't A taw admit that thay are
normoo feeder, bat ear It 1 Im
poaalble for mo to control my appe
tite." A beauty apociaUtt I know
laugh at tbla. .
"When you ara hungry between
the two meal I will permit you to
drink water," be order. "Hot
water or cold a you Ilka, but drink
It Try (lowly, and never take a
glaaa ot water onieee there la tha
Juice ot a lemon In ft It yoa keep
the etomach filled with water yon
wtU bo lean hungry. If yoa feel a
'gnawing' drink more water."
Thla la the dietary permitted by
an autocrat
peaa bathi
UUon behind
tog nothing
health reeortx
mat viaited there waa not to ba
nougct at any price a glaaa ot beer
or a glaaa of wine. AD Uaoora
were baniahed by tha royal akaee
of the phyaiciaa Cxar.
All flan except trout and ealmeft.
Beef (In very email and rare per
tlone, preferably raw).
All add fruKe euch a cranber
riee, eherrte, peaehee and blaekbar-
Tat at one of tha groat Euro- ,
tha. Indeed, ba pot temp- 8 ft t ; . VV
ehlnd the victim by permit- . , ,4V. v
Mag alae to bo aold la Ua l , , f-,
to all of tha tetaraxmntala f , ' t. t, ,t N T
oaortt In the Alp which If f "" j ' - -'. V
Lis Greatest Scheme
a aeniva. Thar wa
, deaM aaeut It Ula hair waa teaa.
aad there waa a drtear. tar-awar lock ..a therefor, when a eroml-
ta bla area, aad be bad a echtaa that Mnt a, reader eaaie beaae one alakt
would make bua rich rth aajroad the and teaad hi a bad bought a -
re Me et avert, deeertpt moiiarel he we rather riled,
What I rear cfcmr aaktd a frtead "Bow mean dldet thee gte for that
f hia, aeeUag the aeerat teteiaaaUea. gr be Ineulrea.
-Oaa M a uit earaen aad t will ehllllnga," replleg Ua aea,
ttil roe." aald the long-locked one, TU thee what A U de," replug ta
"'Tm Uua It ha bees ettlmated that parent. "Ah'U go tharea wr the. AO
the eenvea fetnal beaee-fly lay 10,00 gt thee halt a crow for ma ahar,"
.-' aae eea." The half-crown waa duly paldl Uea
wau." aored bla trtaad, -.hat af (athM. mMi '
..... mill M - I m a
I yrepeee," eeatnae th othe. la a ; """ gel
trHaiphMt vete, "te gran the buae-a
at the hear
Szzce for the Goose
bey waa hare-legged end
Tp. 'llatjl Pe-noaandb-ac l J
' Boani" U ' ' I ' .
II .I' ' Carrota. f . f f , i . y , T ( - '
'i V " . CabbaBa. W ' 7' VA
I Caullnower. i , ' v4 f . j On
I t V. " Tomato. If If . I 1 1 . V "
I - ' , Rubbing Lettuce. ' Ilr t Is t 'i I Her
II Y ,' witll celery. Ill f I ' t 1
" iVv ' 1 Br5 SS-T- 11 .. I Nawwat
V KVH t P S25'S3-M .om. U - ? ' ' ' ' U Charmin,
II J ' y i . tha Poaed th food. No eervaat eouM 1 f . I 1 '1
II , S Ear bribed for a potato, and all I I M " I . Poaea.
I ; ' . .. ' i ; , and urnd round oyoa of Inaooent woa- i ' I ; v.v i
.' , Bacanaa tba ehanga to thla diet I H J ,,'-
' o Neck a ao radical the doctor did not In- 't;t:' - f " i
. I V V Will npon Solent exerde, bat he f .it V - J -
' .-, , . I Down the Parle pbyelcUa. to keep mov ' - v f , V "-
Little) W1II you ara roduelng depend t . ' 1 I - V S
,;" p.. Pn a Upomeaanre rather than the , . .J ! , ,,1 5
V! . i . n;5" eealea to determine your k. of ' 4I , 1 4 3 i. ;T
jt',- '...' Ridgaa. w.ght aloaaura your blpa and ,V- l ' ' ' -4VC
:iV ' N wal.t and upper ana. Fat te balk S II ' ' !VI
' 1 but It take a large amount . If - c jM. . . ,
M'N, - 1 . .of Rto woliii a pound. A woman, j" ' ft) U . , v i f " r " !'
' S. . my neighbor at the batha I vlartad! ' I 1 d J tC'l- -
1 1 " - ' ' . . . 4 If-t thr Inchea ut th?hS l' ft w - 'i ? I ' V
- .t . S and two about the watot yet bad ' ' t . " f-'H
X i - ' 1 " brtwr,,hV,,fw,,wrter or XW -
ae TBI Uaeaehlre people are fend ef ' "V ' " '" J. t t - 1
I dage-tft laet. they're very proud i - .' ",''"- trf J. ' ' I '- ,' t J .
;' "r :. . . : r
! T2Sr. ---v , - ; 'C
Aaahtdld. . Ill .V '-A- V- ' ' - -j.V ... V
1 -'j '-X I ti rW.dOa fMr g.
JETf Mme. Linn Cavalieri
B. W. aika: "What 1 good for
double ehlaf "
; I believe tha rubber ehla band
worn at night la tha beat among
the aarroctlvea. Holding tha head
high la another meana. - Strong
maeeaga with the back of "the
hand, that la, prwtalng the back of
tha hand alternately beneath tha
thla la a good meaaure for the aama
purpooa. go, tee, ie frequently bath,
ing tha ehln In eeld water, or pre.
Ing lee againat It
at W. aaka: "How can I enlarge
tha calf ot one of my lege? Ona
la (mailer than tha other, canning:
me to be a trifle lama." '.
Oo to a phyaiciaa who practice
C R. aaya: "My hxlr la white la
front and tha back la dark. My
flrit experiment with henna waa a
failure. It made the white hair
yellow and the back hair darker,
and did not color It at tha roota."
If H did not ooler the hair at tha
reota It la became you did net thor
oughly apply It there. The next
time you make the experiment aaa
that the hair la molatentd X th
root aa wall ae the of e. Put
mere henna Into the water. Ex '
perlmant until you get It to tha de
elred ahada. It requlree more
henna to dye eomo hair than oth
er. You must centlnu th appll
aatlena until the deelred ihada la
reached. Ooed result are eomo
time curd by addinq a little In
digo to the water. Thle aide in
making the hair look darker. .
8. R. W. make thl Inquiry:
"Will yon kindly tell me how.
much anenlo one I luppoied to
take each time In order to whiten
the kln alio how often on may
take it without Injuring th health,
and will It really whiten a nat
urally dark eomplextonr"
There I no doubt aa to the whit
enlng power of araenlo. ' 1 bellevo
area tha eadly . conflicting medical
pmfeealon practically agree upon
that 80 deadly a drux ta llkaly to
whiten the ektn until It whtteneia
how beneath th gjaii of a eaa
ket cover. I do not advise It fa bnv
quantltlea. and T beg you to take
none without a heart to heart talk
? rt"b'' Prlclan on th
aubject When you have flnlthed
th-oonultat)on you win prohablv
not-want to take that meana, to
whiten the akin. '
trying raqulariy. with neurlahlng
food end plenty of Deep anf M0!
Ing Hi akin eltanaad with eeld
creama and warm water and mild
toap (hould make th skin white
ae the color aehme ntur-Qv
you dwnanda. But (f vou with to
p further than that a few drop of
ammonia, ef lemon julew or perox
ide In the water ehould whiten th
T H lady wa attired ta the height THl charge waa one of aauuii
1 af fuhkm drM to kUI, te fact 'But hy did you attack the eon.
a a 4 eh etrutted xiajreitrally through pialaantr aaked the magutxate.
the BiatB etreet ef the village. -Bwi. , ciUmi , haeemeat .1..-
MMlmml k MM - fiKaJ aua a . "h "r:
' - eeawerve ine prieonvr eaojleaiv.
aa hoy. and aha artatled wttk anger, -cj, ,eu a Unaajir ...
Downright Snobbery
At a dance recently young gentle,
man aom.what Inferior In loelal
poiltlod te most ef thoee preaent an
preaohed an Aideman't daughter--"mightily
aupertor" eert aad raik..
d'.fftdeailr aaked tor the favor of a
dance. . . .
Tha girt looked him itenlly U th
face for a momeat. thea toned ....
with the remark!
-rm aorry; hut ro-vtll, nth
tleular ae t whom X- dance with."
Ah. Indeedl" waa the quiet retort,
-thea we differ te that r..0" ,"!
not a Wt particular. That waa wi..
eaked yor . "
Thea he left tier.
Thacleray's Thank
mgaftatrau, In luriHiM, Mi
MB.. ..
- aw .1. k..a k. ul " 1 mumW tbal laa
MiTaMt - - me hrowa' e7T VteTSInt ZZ
-Too-re a bad. whed boyr mapped ,7..T iT. ..V
the ladr. wttheut the (IHHtoet aretlmi. . "' ' " aa
- . aaaeoMnir
Tk. aold. had W. wa. a M .kit .. "TT. ' " " "-.- explained
., 1 piaiauir. -uuiwiri,
eelier, aa- if tnat ala't
"Hew cwuld yeq reb the aeetr h gaa wot la."
eeeUaued. "No doubt the boot mother
la evea aew grtevtag tor the lea ex her
"You can mix your witch hazel and roe water youraolf."
rS Breeding Mussels to Make Our Own Pearls
".Not eh, mum," cam the eheeky r
ply. "the'e part e" four aat!
n me taakiea-plale ereeeeded rata,
ar teeter ea her weary war.
'Hard On Him
4YT your aame. my beyr the
VY ten
HeiMna; tha Broken Heart.ft"
Widow Caaer Ah, Mr. Dotaav whra
jM eiq maa died It left a big hole ta my
Tim Deles Mia. Caeey, weald re
meliut petthln. it id a t eat ( mtaut
Eajon Inongh,
Lady (la tourlaa car, beckoning te
pedeetrlaa) Will ye kindly d me q
wall fever, elr
IHdeitrtea Certelaly. madam,
L4-TbeB pleaee taad eat la U
middle et the higbwar aae let me ae
ha qulcklr I eaa ale my car wlta.
eat hitting roe. rm afraid thle brake
la eul order. -
Wrecked by th Lind.
Wife iweetiy -D remember the
dret Ume we met? It waa fa a trala. -
Moaband IMtterlrV Ten hut H .
late bow te eu for daaA ea.
Jgvanlla Strattry. -
Pareat Win:, dldat yea go to tha
truaka iere yeaterday aad tell hia W
I orderedf -
teeeher aaked tt bow papd.
"til v U dews tor ye
the aew hoy. fcaeUattegly.
T aeeda'b My hearing la quite
rood." "id the (eaeker. letlng aeme at
jkt arbaalty. -Tin me year aeme.
-r rather ae tea yea, mlaa"
"naat. n yea aeaamed ef yeur
nairr' ae ere nacoer, eiarary,
-Ne, mi: hut"
--l aea doa't waste my Ume like tha, If
you p.ux. What is your atonf
The ar anw a leag areata
hex a deseeratetr:
-Kua-auic-aua-kuX-Clareoeet That ml round th trunk
lT Bret saxce. The ether eae le Pea- Willie Tee. pa.
u-eu-saie-rrhm. 1 never Mailer Parent Well, here t th trunk, hut
-v wumm l trr te say my aam" ba a otrap.
1 wroie Tea. val 1 ti14 klm f thougtn
trie renlfiU d
i-d rXt this tt make me weraet".
vee hadat better hare any aire.
rTT-lHB GoTemment Fltberlee
I .Bureau baa recently eatae-
llshed, near Falrport, Iowa,
a (tatloa tor bitching and rearing
pearly muaseia. ,
It la expected by thla' mana to
preaerve tha pearl buttoa industry
in tbla country, which at the pres
ent tiki is threatened with ruina
tion, owing to the reck Ire. destruc
tion of the natural bods of pearly
massala la tha Mississippi and
various ot Ua tributaries The in
dustry In queetion I worth JS.000,
POO a year.
What ehould we do without pearl
button? Tba aoawer 1 that wa
could hardly get along without
them; but. it th business of man
ufacturing them wer brought to a
atop la tha United Biatea by the ex
termination ot the mussels from
which the raw material 1 obtained,
we should doubtless Import our
pearl tuttona from abroad.
Tha paarla obtained from each
muaseia are by all odds t&a moat
beautiful known, running through a
great variety of huea, from copper
eolored w ealmon and from rose
pink to sky blue sad silvery white.
To obtain them, within recent
timea, th masse! beds bsT been
-ruthlessly attacked, thousand of
the blvalvea bain? destroyed ra
order to secure ona that might coa.
teln a gem.
Vnder the etrcumltancea, th only
possible remrdy le to brood th
muse is artificially and plant them
In tba itroam, la order that new
beda may be created to ba pro
trcted thereafter by State law
Thl 1 th task undertaken by tha
Fisheries Bureau at rairport, whore
the most important part ot tha
plant consists of aa elaborate
system of specially constructed
An important part of the bntnet
consists in hatching and roarlag
mall nihe, suck as auaOsa. for
aithout fishes there eaa ba aa pear
ly mussels. Th iaby mussel de
mands a ntrrso, and thla office can
be filled only by a aea. It la an
under natural ooadKioaa, aad tha
aame Idea must be followed out la
attempting the .artificial propaga
tion of the bivalve.
' Th ggs of the mother maaaet
are hatched in Ca "brood poochoa"
ot her gills. Latsv on. aha tbrowa
th young out Into th water, neat
ly enclosed is a ; small trtaar
lar packet of pearL These pack
ets break np presently, and the
young ewim about in tba water. At
pawning tim' the water ta tba
rACKWRAT-g plsyfui k,w, m
ping rhyme up la proa is bsppiir
fllMtrated ta the letter helew. wWea
wrlttea ta bla. friend Dees Holet y
"Did 1 ever write aad compi. vg.w
OMire ta have 0 page ot autorh.
Toa're welcome ta a quire. Ten V,.
friend the lady l have ae plessure ,ilt,.
laya Its egg. In the Intestine, of tk. '"jVT? "
lltUo mammal, and later on tha " rr- osmpdmeat to . .
egga. mw Tint. tha w.te a" ir.; ta,
la torn, attack other mueeeta, Una m auiioo Urnm l eooaiir 11,. . tT
compleUng the Uf. cycle " Vto oTZccl.i-
Without the musk rat there could tlr. May yoa bring year birds TnJZ
b ao paarla. Wbaaea tt appear w u" r Jr. im. my eowe .mJ?
that three animal are required to bjtbe fond desire ot wuiiam aukL
make a muaael oaari ta worm. I,ckrmr- Editor sad EsoulreT
aoighborhood of a mussel bed la fun
ot iafant muaseia. -
What all ot them ar looking for
aa they swim about la a chance to
"hitch on" to some paaalng fish. It
te a matter of life or death to them,
tor if they fall la this object they
perish. By mease ot two little
hooka Ilka aa ioa tonga, they grab
Ua gilla or Una ot tha Ash tba
tetter aometfmee becoming literally
loaded down with the tittle chap..
Tha lrltatioo goo ta their pree
aoco eaoeee the fish to cover them
ap with a growth of tissue, thu
nmtAf-tias- tSAai Tk n..J . Ky.
aeveaty days ta this condition, aad 1 I IIB was a well-knew, attnr-m....
thea. having assumed their adult A U3XQ a .r -rfd -tike . JZ. 11 - bat b had had a 04 aeasoa.
" y miwk a a ana weenaav to i. &t.r - wws
the muak rat, and finally tba mot.
tusk ltielf.
Warning for Maria
A Safe Horse
viu i . . - mum wmm esBemvai-iB - l,
.yi .1.1, ,k. . . - - sum, . - ie
.m -th, m rh,Lr !Z n-net reaoale. was bullyto the " r Betting en horses. -The glor-
IX? aScb iT. inho? S Uto. touew wa trudasa just te .rtetnw et tk. turf, how,,.,,
W,T" dMC tm WW meiaM Of guatti OC tr. Wll mwncmmt. nasA. . tafvaa t a.. "g
wbiok the distribution of their T'rrJTtaw a tTtZV' hm r"
apeciea la accomolished. swu racu. dwa the me beo) aas, , u t ap.
Tba muaael paarla, aa recently T retu la ta ks "rj't " aald a Mend of his
dlecovered by eciesce. ar produced oompanioo. UKooecmas et aogat J?0 e had net seen tor some time,
by a wori .ricTrir 1 .V Z'T,, IT Wh.T. VoVr'T, ""'"'r now",
the aeshof theblralTe. The utter. IVr'ZT cmtHJ 4V,fr,'d.V2: 'Z.W V
to protect ttaetf from tbia enemy, ks w,td eareer. Am the wool atww awtaa; ta hack a horse U-dar -tf
eavelopa It la a aeries of layer of erawleo out oc toe mire he eaw au het. can t loee." -r ea which
peart ituff. thu forming what wa ter-iaif comg toward him. "Whara thatr aald !.
aalt a pearl. But tha worm te In- air atue aatru. he whte. xairht air aa eld sal thai Mfh a
Csdentlr ti ptraiite ot tbe intM. ww-h. tt -J ' . lr Cxmmo Bnw. hr v
okw A wmm - maa lafasv " TUMW XyK DqgrifinCtl fiUbdl mTteAwBr -..