TilE OMAHA SUXJJAi" BE: APKIL 7, 1911 B The Busy Bees .PRLNQ Is really here at Interests . will bo different from shat they were last winter I Wa will be mora outdoor. Are any of ths Bur tha other Beea about roar plana and write letters about the success you hare with Hare any of tbe Busy Bees fixed houses In the trees for the birds to lodge' In T Remember,, just a box or tin can will attract aorae birds which ara looking for a place to settle. ' "--' , ' ' 'Who of the Beea. hare cUlckens, .rabbits, squlrrcU or guinea pigs? Soma pictures of the Busy Bees taken with their pets would be Tory lnter est'ng for the Children's page. !.',''' i ; Tour queen, Harel .Smith,-has won one of the prlxea today. 'c'Jwr prixe goes to Alta DaTls c'South Omaha. i ' ir :., , Thiers, are a "number of new.. BwryiBecs today Martha-E., Adams, fvlnlh Omaha; Gertrude Koenlg: Omaha; Bird la- Evans, behl.iUuh; Louise Pacific Junction, la.; Edith Cmaha.' -JTWi8eHn. " t 6:.A!t pvi.ilt; North Twentr-f.iurtli Street, Sain a ,0,maha. .'.Blue, Side. .. ( ' Ijuutsprlng we 'had.'sonis Uttls chirk- Ms. ATney wars., very -ctits and I' liked, lb watch, Unnurv ' r--. i i lOae 'daywhile, It was .watching them the'eMhacMBe.'out-of her-aoj.. but yrr aooa aha west back sgain.. I was wondering' eTrfy !' a that wrien 1 Bears e'lo'ud scra'trfang. 'A' turned 'sr.4 ' there Iteold bu.no scratching the hay-: froDl lwr-box oa to tk4-T0OB(... . ', ' I thought aha waa vary wlaa because lh erwind.ars gaipp and she ,did. not want the llltle chirkfna to catch cold. ' f t jT '.--. -, e-e ; . V. iflc)D.pma.) , , ... , by HaseTBmlth. MlrHofd Street,' Otrraha. . i; ....; .Jilua Side. - . iOna 'day' last sumrhar my twb cousins tooa. a.fsw.'.glrls .stia .boys. ntyaslf taftd ny brother, eat on.a picnic - We all took lunch and got . to our destination' about! n eioca. sty- conun. nui owmi uvioiw aad put us a-swing.for us. Wa' awung until, lunch waa ready... ' ' '' rt 'Attar lunch the boyi atarlod off to, rat rettelle. sr.d lhe- glrle sat-ooww under a big traed; tell -m'(rU.' which ' they ned urn thaalvea.lWa!WBra ttlUng' thVii about ach Vth ' : This Is tba one I told 'Once wpou' a" time -there were flve 'ala-i- lers. Tbay loved each-oiher. very much. Owatawnunc-they- vanr amine together oa-thidooratc when one-of them aaw a beautiful white, fleecy cloud overhead. Mil at. ones they, alt aald together: "How I anal waa ea that cloud." Jut alter they' had aald thla. a, fairy esld-Tour Wbih-,eha- ba granted. " and aha. carried tham up to theluud. 8he then chanted ; i . i - ; t r . i - ' : . - ; j ' iluttlejSbmes .byLittieikl ; then lntolreJndnpla.vSoi,n afler'lhle Itbo. began to rain ad (bey feu Int.o. tha-aea. 1 ' What ia your name and where do you The neat day. stvw ',e.rm "and .-tha aon 1 Bw" aakl Henry... .. . ; a. drew tbata u 1-0a lid I1 .-My name ia Albert Ktrong and I llva, they.- wtfhad 't ,ba-fa "ftteir own ahar ! , (n itreet." . . ' , The tnkw. tsnuaaja4iaanM4 )KT that la a long way fror Jetra," The cloud waa tun juft hold tueio aow, , ud HrJ,, "How did you luppaa o be , o tUw Jciinl4 i'!,V'!fJS'" hn,r vw..; earth twrf iprt i ihrjau5 w4n, j.,. wh toya eame oa ;i Wejha.4. aupper then. After 'eapper'Vfe gatntred. some flowera and about t" o'Wock we atarted for borne.' i I (Honarable Mention.) i. fi Grtet Excitement. ' '- by Oertrtide Kcenl. Aieed II Years, 11 ' North Ttiirt ftxat Avenue, ', ,v ', , Omaha. Blue Hide. . . ' vt'e bad been traveling, abroad and 'baj seen fa , ttirapa' eighteen , niithe ,Vf palled f i New pTork Aaguat 41. . , , , . One morning -while 'on. the .teoir keerS re.. hu- lAtl..tlievmeai ln 'aervica. Sack and lati Hie llfriMMa, dowa - Pro ale'Whp'dul not know ghout It were "veryj h-lrhtened. j ';'! S -!. ; 4 ' After, a mutate, or. ao tint , Mf.-boate ware pulled back again, THiaa called k fire jdrtll. OS every voyage. this imuat. be dona, aa aecotlut of the dalit4r of Bra. -,Taa,da;on'.Whlch;lt 'la,don'la whea the ocean tl quiet. I hope my Mory shall not become friendly with the Mper baakeL I ' 1 an a new Bury Bee and would Ilka le Join the blue side. . Marg-sreti lesson. ' fey Rebecca Katsman, Aged 13 Teara, S9S 1 K Street, bouth Omaha. Once there were two little girls. Their hames were Margaret and Clara, Clara traa kind, but Margarat was aot. One lay when they were out walking they SMt a dog. Its foot was cut and bleeding- Thea Clara said. "Come, lat a sea what's the matter with that dog' a foot" Margaret said, 0h, come on. it don't gurt aim." Thea Clara said, "Ton eaa go, I will lot." 80 Margarat went. When aha wa gone I'lara took bar handkerchief and tied It . around the dog'a foot. Hhe waa going lo take him home when ahe saw a collar an the dea'a neck and a card hanging on Ihe collar, and on. the card told tha name and addreea where the dog Hved. Hla toaster's name waa Mr. Brown. One day Margaret and Clara were out Walking, when Margaret fell and cut her Land. Then aha aald, "Clara, won't yoa l.elp ar Thea Clara aald, "No, I won't. Don't you remember that time about that poor dug?" Than Clara went borne and left her there. This taught her a leaeou. and titer that whenever aba met a dumb tnlmal aha always helped ft. Alter that the waa kind. A Trip to the South. By Kdlth Hawklne. A rod N Yeara.,4s Grant Street. Onuaia. Ked KMC Two years ago when Papa had h'j va latloa we started fot tha south. I Itayed bv.M fronv school because I 1. an ted to g9 too. . The train left front Omaha at I o'clock ta the morning. Wa saw so many farms I nd rattle and everythlnc else oa the t iy.- It was a pretty sight. We arrived ac Kanaaa City. Mo., at 4 t'rlock la the evening. We ataVed, at lur aunt's house for a little while, i nen tea went to Guthrie, Okl. We saw Indiana mi the way. - We visited there ijr a few days. We saw lota of cotton lda. , " Thea we atarted again. Wc arrived at Houston. Tex., end rm.4 'our uricle and iuot at tbe depat. Oar uncle hal an tutomebile sod be took ws for a ride al exia every day. T;ire we went and saw tiie men aawtng trees Into lumber at tha 1 iw. We stayed far a week. Then wa atarted to go biclc. On tbe My whea we were looking out of t last, Busy Bees, and man; of our Beea planning (ardens? If ao tell your flowers and vegetables. I .Hawkins, Omaha; Charles Prlgeon 1. Write, plainly oa eaa aide of, '. tha paper sair aad asjabe taet t Xtm- . - . ,' .s 1. Vaa paa aaJ , Ink, aot pan- -1 ail. . i v ' ' . 2. Short ' aad PoUUd Vartielae will ba glraa yrefareaee. Be aot eaa, ovr tM worda. ' Original atonaa.er - letters only will ha .need. S. Write youj name. If and - address, at tha top . of . the ' tlrat ..' -. f- .t.... Jlrt and aecond pr'ea at boeks i will ba gtvaa for tha beat twa aea trlbntloaa to this para aaah weak. . Addreee.. all cqoti natoet-toae ae i carrLDBi a psrABTUBrT, .'fOauaa.ae, Oataha, slab. cb-,"' ' Vlndoanwa aaw cotton (rowing and papa tbouett that It waa blackberry '-Vine. V We'atopped at Oklahoma City again for a rw fliyn. Whoa an 'Changed cars at Kanaaa City We had to' wait in tha depot for a long time. " ' i ' "V'hen'wt"'got todataha'wa were glad thaty we ere home. -M We ata ear. supnar dotrn towiC , Than we want to our own " v"Tr a000 umm- I am a new Bea., I hope my athry aa- apea "ibt safe "basket t hope It U In print Sundayv I ;:;; .Heary Wm Lite. ', f By Loulaa Stone, Aged Veara, Pacific -Junction, la. illua Bide. Henry was on hla way to school one morning- when ha met a little boy. The boy waa crying snd Henry naked what the (rouble waa '1 can't find my way home,' aald tha ('-rode', um far." '"Jl should think you did. I wlah't had tllne to take you borne, but t must go' to oaooi. ' . (i ' The boy began to cry 'again. " . fti "t)h, please take roe home," he aald, ,"0h. dear!1' ld Henry' to hlmaalf, "f haven't, been late this -year. He ought le have gone home long ago."- '' ; Henry Stood atlll for a tew minutes and then1, went tot Albert. j ', V, ' '-' . 1 ' 'i '.'I'll-take you home." .be said, "if you lwlll.,etlo crying 1 don't Hke te walk with, si hoy who, erica " Don't you know mat dots anouiq jiaver cryr A'lr stopped, frying and began. In- am He. : ' , i 'Vouwoold Have" gone to school if I had' not cried,' ha said, "and t should not 1m vw found mV my home, i VThat Is ao,"' aald Henry. 'Perhapi tllie boys Ilka you may cry sometime. V6n must hurry now, 'for I do not Ilka to be Jala. ' It waa a long way to Albert's home, but they reached It at laat.. Henry could hardly wait for Albert's mother tn thank him, but ran as taut aa ha could to school. He was ten mlnutea late,' but whea be told hla teacher the reason aba said that ha did right. "But I did wlah I could go to echool all this year without being late," sail Henry. , ' . , 1 am S new Baa. . A Picnie. By Birdie Evans, A red II Tears, Lehi, . . I'tah. Blue Side. One day laat summer alx girla and my self went on -a picnic. We were going te pick wild flowers. Ws csme actons soma wild flowera; then we thought we would ..hunt birds' nests. We found twelve nests snd there were nine egg in them. . We had taken our lunch with us. -Wa ate twa, meals. Ws picked flowers aus all day.. We had many baskets of flow, era Then we went home all tired out. W: kept the flowers -till they faded aad then threw them away. 1 am a new Bee, I hope to see my story In print. A Picnic. By KvHvn Bruce. Aged Years, til North Sixteenth street, xoutn umana. Blue Side. One summer day my grandpa took mv mother and mv tare alstera and three other girls and me out for a picnic. We cent to see the animals and bad twa racks of peanuts. Mamma threw pea nuts on the ground and. tn-j one who found the moat peanuta got a penny. did not find any peanuts and I began tn jcry. Thea mamma threw them again j end 1 did not rind any. We played bean big. Then we tutd lunch. After lunch we went dowa to the lake. Wa had j Ore time. We did not go home Out I! ' smrk. This Is a true story. I hope to flnd'my story in 'print.. . . " a . . . Our Club, v . . .. . . By Martha Clifton. Aired t Tears. 13 North Twenty-fourth Street. South . . ..Omaha. Neb. Blue Side. Cur c;ub had a meeting at Ardath Mc Brlde'a house. - We are trying to piece a quilt and send K to tha Child Saving In stitute. There are eight girls that ba icng to .our club. Areata McBride la tha president Whea we set through with Ike quilt wa are going te elect an other president Tbra tha new president j can es va maaa wcaiever aae wanis us Dog and Monkey Friends f Tit ! r ' - 1 la i f f . . . 77 . TOPST AXD It would be hard to find two better ! friends than Topey. and Teddy. Topay la a big, ahaggy brown -year-old monkey Jjaqd; Teddy, la. :a mile : fluffy, white t I montha -old 8plts dag. Teddy la a lively. I fun loving puppy, whole life has bean j very peaceful ao far. Topay la a wlaa, aad monkey who has had an unuaually ex citing career. ' ' Being ao different It seems strsnge that thaaa two should be so congenial. Peruana they feel dependent on each other for companionship and protection In thia world, of .human. beiaga. Whatever, .the. feeling may be, Topay has aaaumed tha role of protector toward Teddy and Teddy la perfectly happy when playing- with Topay. ' A ,i These frlanda are living for tha present In a shooting gallery on Sixteenth etreet. Their, cages an. adjoining ao that thay may i play . together. Sometlmea their kaepan lets Topay into Teddy's cage and then the big 'monkey fondles snd hugs the little puppy In the moat loving man- ar - s And If anyone attempta'to teaee or hurt the little Spits, Topsy's anger la Instantly roused en her . friend's behalf and she to make,. We take turna having the club at our houaea. .' ' '7-' - -' This Is tha first time I hgve written to you and I thought J would .try my luck. Wall. I hope, the waatebaaket haa gone to dinner- whenmy, story, reaches you, I would like tu join the-filue Side. . -'-.' , " V ' The Eaiter Bunnie. By Isabelle - Kddy. , tt Wirt Street, It was the week before fcastor and Mr. Winnie Wag very busy dyeing egga. while Mrs. Bunnie was making candy eggs. - "rieaswas pt naatiSat my way aald. Mrs, .Bunnie te tier god Pater. "Oo and get some more wood to keep this fire. I must make en extra batch because the -Nearby children live near," They are such nice children. Tea, they are, the nicest children around here," added Mr. Bunnie. , ' Mary sad Betty were making Ihe nest for ths Bunnie to put- their egga in. Ob.t do kone he puts a lot of egg-i lit our Best, don 1' your' fcald Belt'. Yea," saed Mary, ' but let s hurry with our' nesta, -for mother will be calling us soon':''v. t f ;, ."Mine Is dona. Is yours?" said j Mary. And Wotber Is calling us now anyway.'' In twenty minutes both Mary aad Betty ware feat asleep dreaming about the Easter rabbit ' -V-'ell-1 ua fg time ts atart." said Mr. Bunnie to Peter. , ! ! Tea. " said Peter, "I think ths chil dren will be in bed now." ; Bo both of them atarted. each hauling a. wagon filled with eggs. Mrs.' Bunnie waved her hand at them and said, "Oood bye.". . ' . They filled ail of the nests with egga. not forgetting the Nearby children, and then atarted home. -- It waa morning when they got near home, and one little boy aald, "Oh, mother, there's ths rabbit," "Of course it Isn't," said hla mother. But Johnny ran where Mr. Buanle and Peter had hidden, and aald. "Ob, thank yen for the eggs. I've seen waiting a long time to sea you, but I missed you every time.' Well, good-bye, for my mother is calling me." ' ' Mr. Bunnie got home the rest or tha way without being seen again. Oh. wasn't the Bunnie good this year." asld Mary, ' . ' "Tea. see sll the eggs fve got, but let's ge la to breakfaat nd tell mother about them," said Betty. . Trip from Chicago to Omaha. By Irene Dermis. Aged U Years, S3 South Twenty-fourth Street. Omaha. We atarted from Chicago en time, on a Sunday night about 3 p. m. It waa quite cold. We sat up a little while and then went to bed. I did not know but that I Waa In my can bed at home. Ia the morning we were traveling through large prairies that bad no trees on them. As soon aa 1 had dressed I went Into the dining car to .get my breakfaat. We aped along past bluffs and prairies, but saw very tew trees. We saw plenty of cattle and horses In ths cornfields, but I do not think they could get much te eat, aa there were only cornstalks in the fields. There were several flocks of black crows firing past the cornfields. The train atopped at a little station called Missouri Valley. We crossed tbe Missouri river. It was a mass of Ice except on the edges, where It had melted. Just before we came to Omaha we came to Council Bluffs. We did not see much of that city, but expect to go there some time, ss It is not tar from Omaha. .. . ...Honesty Bewtrded. - By V." est genie McGrath, Aged It Tears, SM touth Seventeenth Street, Onee upon a time there was a very poor boy. He had a stater snd a mother. Ona day aa be waa walking along a path he found a pocket book. He opeted It snd found ths owner's name oa a csid. His name was B, P. Smith. His address was tOM North Twenty-fourth street. He lost ao tints tn going there. The owner was vary -glad and ha gave Jamea (aa that was bis name) half af the money. There were CCOt ee James get 11.09a. The aext day was Easter. James went te the store snd bought a very pretty Their Own TEDDT makes vicious grabs and slaps at the unwise person. There la only one point on which Topay does not put her friend a intereats first. . This ia food. Topay has a taste for fruits and sweets and cannot resist taking some of Teddy's portion. When. summer cornea the twe friende will leave Omaha ' and atart traveling about the, country, appearing la ahowa at caralvaia and fairs. This experience will-be new to Teddy, but Topay haa bean tn shows all her life. Topay la en dowed, wtlh, remarkable Intelligence and acta ao Ilka a human being that people crowd around to sea her performance. Topsy's moat "wonderful stunt Is going up m a balloon aad dropping with tha parachute. Whether - Topay dreads this performance or not.no one knows, for she gets into the rigging of the balloon very. braety and seriously, sails up Into ths sky,, and then, when the keeper fires a gun. cuts looee from 'the ballooa an descends with the" parachute. Mow the keeper la" trying to train Topay to carry Teddy up along in-the balloon In order to.ntakw a better show for the people next summer. ' , But so fan Topay; is loath to take , her little friend wwajf from solid earth, doll for' his 'sister and a dress for tils mother..' His mother snd sister bed saved up enough money to buy him a coat and cap. . AM three were vary -glad when Easter came.: 1 A Contented Girl.' By Mollis Orenman.'aS South aeVcntB Street, Omaha. Aged a yea ra. t Aa automobile was traveling at an easy pace when the owner spied a farm house near the. road. "Stop," aald he to the klreswM,' want to get a drink at Water rrorn tnat wn near which stands a JlUlo.-gJO, who, looks so wistlujead de- jectea.', ' . To. Ms' request for' a drink, ' ths llttls girl smiled and handed ths man a dipper brimming over with cool, delicious water. 'Thank you, very much," said the trav eler. "Take' this,' mtle girl, you look Very tired. I' presume you would like to go to the great city-and see some of ihe things that make' people happy." j "Oh. no. elr," replied the lass, hand ing him bark tha coin; l'I am very con tended here. We never eomphutt. Good by.'t- " - ' -'. ...' If'am a new Bee '' ' V -i ..'...... n '' , ' 'What: the Tree; Doe for Billie. Hy Helherta Barker. Aged 1! Years, tig ! Korth Fiftieth Street. Omaha. 1 Bllile Is a little "blue-eyed boy of S years: - Ha -baa golden hair and In summer It grows curiy. Two baby boys had Just arrived at his house and his' mamma had received a great many tloarers. ' Among tham ' was an Easter Illy plant and It la standing In front of the fireplace, j Bllly-thtnks that there ia a good little fairy that' cornea down tha chimney while' he is -raking his nap aad In ths bight, and If be hss been, a good boy the fairy would leave a lot of rood lee, but if he baa beea bad be will flnl nothing, and aa he Is a llttls mischievous this Is a great- help to the nurse and girl because they are always busy and this always keeps Urn good. The Boy and the Bear. By Charles PTtglon, Aged IS Years," U04 Miami Street, Omaha. Red Side. A boy was wslking along a path la tba woods whea he beard a bear la .ths bushes. He looked at tha bear and the bear aald: "Where are you going?" The boy said that he waa going to hla father en tha aide of the woods. The bear aald that he would race him there, ao they started. Tha bear beat and the boy got mad and abot the, bear. Hla father came up to see what was the matter aad found that It was the bear that had killed tbe boy'a sister. I sm a new Bee and like to read the stories la the paper every Sunday. Adventure of Hy Brother. By Ruby Henke. Aged t years, toll Leavenworth Street, Omaha. When Richard waa about t years old he thought be would go to work with hie father and went over to the railroad bridge about two miles from home. A rady saw him lust tn time to save him, tor tba train was lust coming. She esr- Prescription that Soon Knocks Eheomatism The only logical treatment for rheu matism ts through the Mood. The poi sons that settle in muscles, Joints snd bark, causing severe pain, must be die solved and' expelled from tbe system or there can be ne relief. Thia prescrip tion from n noted doctor la aald to be working wonders all ever the country. Hundreds of the' worst casee were cured by It here but winter. "From your druggist get one ounce of Toria com pound tin original sealed package) and one ounce of syrup of Saxsaparilla com pound. ' Take these two Ingredients borne and put them Into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake tbe bottle and take a tabieepoonful before eaek saeal and at bed time." Results ooeae the first day. It yoor druggist does aot asre Tarts compound la stock he will get It m a few hours from tots whose ss Is house. Don't be Influenced to take some patent medic, ne Instead of thia Insist oa having the genuine Torta 00m pound la the original, eat sealed, yellow package. Adv. Page rled him. twa or three blocks towards town and a neighbor's boy, passing a JeWeirV Store, saw RirbAnl In the wriiMlnw aad brought him home. That waa about s o cioca. we were all glad to aea aim safe and sound. A true story. Saffydili. SUPERIOR, Neb.. March Ja. Dear Editor: Here are some dsffydils I made up. Can you use them? If Little Boy Blue teU asleep oa the suawslack. would straw-berry him? Aa I waa coming home from the circus I test my key, sa I had to go back to the circus and look for the mon-key. Tours truly, v BRADFORD ADAMS. ' Columbus. -Neb. . " lastet Day. " By Louise M. Tim me. Aged 11 Years, Cat Miami street. Omaha. "Today Is Ea-trr." said little May, "And mtle urace ia here. She haa come to help me gather eigs. For this Is the best of the year." "Do not make noise." said Httle May, Today as glad Easter day. For when the bunnlee see you come. Dear me, they would all begin to run." "It's time to go," ssld little Grace, ror ' mamma does not know , That when 1 asked to run a race The' ground was f ul ef snow." "Oood by. desr Grace." said little Ma?, "Eaater la a beautiful day," "I had a very luce time," said little Grace. Tomorrow I a hall run another race." TIMELY ' SNORE STOPS ROW Brake Laaae 1st Crltlral Pause la Waaaaa'a Rlghta Debate Among Males. A militant suffragist, who happened to be a man, from the platform of the Bush kTemple theater In Chicago, "dared" a nonauffraglst "to go out ln the alley and aettle the question with our flats." Ths challenge was promptly- accepted, but another mere man. who was asleep m tbe center of the hooee - dm-rag 'the ergunfent, spoiled It all by emitting a loud anora. The audience waa waiting What's the '.Matter; WithYdurB , , . . ' v ; 1 aw a ' ." The young mother and many an old one, toe ia often pusxled to know tits causa ef her child's Jit nature.. The loudness off Its crying does not nee ran ssrily Indicate the seriousness of ; Its trouble. It may have nothing more the matter with It than a headache or a feel ing eg general dullness. It cannot, of course, describe Its feelings,' but ss a Rrellminary memeure you are safs ia try la a mild laxative. Nine tlmee out of ten, you will find It la all the child seeds, for Ita reatlesaaeee andpeeviehness ars perhaps dus .to ob struction of the bewele, and once that haa been .remedied the headache, ,lhe slugglahneaa nnd .the many other cvl. dances of conMtration and Indigestion will quickly disappear. ' ; '' . Den't give the little ona salts, rather-' tlo pills or naaty waters, for these will act as purgatives, and they are too strong Health-:andIteautY Hints BV 'MRS. MAE MARTIN. Dm.. Tn rin vmiF Bkln of that -shiny. greasy, sallow look and make It appear charming and youthful, you can u nothing better than a lotion made by disaolvlng 4 ounces- spvrmax In H-pint witch hascl (or hot water), then adding t teaapoonfula glycerine. Thia lotion will clear and whiten your akin, make it rmrorh and velvety, and give you. a beautiful complexion. It coata very lit tle, will not ahow on the akin like pow der does, snd. when you wear a veil, will not rub off so easily. Title ia really a wonderful complexion beautlflar, ad one which every woman should use,. Ptioebe: If a strong light 'hurts 'your eves snd mukes you squint. -yml should nt ones tsks steps to correct this weak ness, (let sa ounce of cryatoa an Hs solve It In a pint of water.- Put, a few riropa of this soothing tonic In each eye dally and you will soon fin your eye greatly strengthened, clesr snd- spark ling. - No remedy haa so fsr been found to equal this excellent tonte for correct ing weak. Inflamed eyes. It makea them healthy and atrong and la used by msny actresses to make their eyes sparkle. M. W.: To permanently remove those halra. mix a little powdered delator, with water, then spread on ' hairy ' sur- face. After -two or three mlnutea -rub off. wash the . akin, and the halra -are gone. Thia- la a painless method. ..and after using the delstone the Sklh Is 'left soft and without a .blemish. , N. B. K.:. For .yonn chronic .co.ridlj.lpn of ill health take a tableapdooful of the following tonic before each meal: Dis solve In pint alcohol. S cupful autar and I ounce kardene: then add hot water te make a full quart. This excellent system-tonic and blood-purifier' gives splendid results In toning up the body. restoring lost sppetite snd color to the complexion. removing pimples, llver blotchea and salkiwiwas. After taking a few doses you will note a big Improve ment In the condition of your health. It Is a great energixer and health restorer. Mrs. T. A.: 1 do not think It Thick, Glossy Hair is a Joy 1 Keep yours so. Nature had want of proper attention, your hair has lost its Tj natural color, its silky softness if it looks pc dead call on your druggist tell him you lff - want to assist nature with a fifty cent bottle of card m yoa to secturea mm In, breathless silence to see the two pugnacious gentlemen retire into the alley. Whea the snore csme everybody Isughed. . This ended tbe tension. Throughout tbe controversy, reports the Chicago Record-Herald, Mrs. Euro Henrotln. Miss Jane Addams and Misa Virginia Brooks sat calmly on the stage. Miss Brooks, who Is known aa "West Hammond's Joan of Arc," ahewed signs of restlessness, but didn't get into action. The challenge came while George I. Halghr, secretary of the Men's Equal Suffrage league, waa peaking. Mr. Height had referred to an argument ad vanced against "votes for women" by a famous English scientist. "It Is the best srgument against wom an suffrage In tbe world." he said, "be cause aobody understands It" "I do," shouted a blond young maa "What la ltr thundered Mr. Height, "It's a physiological objection," replied the young man.' v "What does that mean?" demanded Mr. Height, folding hla anna. "I'll explain It to you after the meet tag." aald the bload young man. "Very well,", replied Mr. Height. "It'a one of there things ttist we have to set tle with cur firsts In tbe alley. Is it? Come ca." ' . ; ' Tbe blond young man rose." "I didn't mean it that way,"' be ssld, "but I'm ready." ' V "If you are."' said the speaker, "you will' be the tint opponent of woman suffrage I have ever seen who is not a coward." . , Both men stood tense. Then came tbe snore. , . . v After tbe argument Miss Addams ex plained in a fey -words what the physio logical objection. . . '"it means." she said, "that because women have to ' beer children and are not as streni 'as the men -that they shouldn't be given the ballot- .That Is a fallacy which haa long since been ex ploded.'" . Mrs. Henrotln presided. At the .end of the meeting there wss a good' deal of argument between those in the audi ence. Thia was cut ahort when airs. Henrotln told the organist to play, and ssld. . "After the music the meeting Is adjourned." If you have anything to exchange., ad vertise It In The $ee Want Ad eolurons. for s child. - In the families of Mrs. J. E. Harmon. tM Star Ave., Burlington. Iowa, and Mrs. R. Worse. Council Bluffs, Iowa, the only .axatlve given la Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, it haa been found to answer most perfectly all the pur poses of a laxative, and Ita very mildness and freedom from griping recommend It eeieclally for the use of children, woman and old folks generally people who need g gentle bowel stimulant. Thousands of American families have beea enthueiastie about It for more than a quarter eg a century. Anyone wishing te make a trial at this remedy before buying it in tbe regular way of a druggist at Jiffy cents or one dolisr a large bottle tfamliy else) csa hsvs a esmple bottls sent' to the- home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Ca dwell, e Washington St., Montlcello. III. Tour name ana address en-a ousts! card will do. , - ,. - - - - , 1 sary for you tn consult a physician about your weight. You can easily re move your burdensome fat at smalU ex pense by dissolving 4 ounces of parnotls In 1)4 pints hot water and taking a tablexpoonftil before meals. This splendid-rat reducer Is very safe to take and will not Injure your health. It will leave your akin free from wrinkles snd flabbtnesa. No dieting Is necessary. ! Ida P.: You can't ba too careful about the shampoo you use. Soap and now ders should never be used on the soalp. To .'properly cleanse your hair ana scalp without sny danger or Injury to the hajr-;ycu will find nothing to equal a taaspoonful of canlhrox dissolved in a Hnv-.pt hot water. Your hair will rinse rs'sily. dry quickly without streaking or fcristleness. snd taks on an added lustre ;ind flufflrieae that will last. No slism poo Is so effective in removing dsndruff. scalp Irritation and promoting hair health by keeping the scalp perfectly clean; ! Mrs. M.: Your complexion Is shiny frnrn, the -use of greasy cold creams. If kouill mix ah ounce of almoxoln and S teaspoonfuls glycerine in H pint c-ild prater .1 and . use -this greaseless beauty cream tnlght and morning, you will not fee bothered .with a muddy, greaay com plexion'. ' If 'will make your skin ever so soft, smooth- and beautiful. t clears and7efjnes.jtlm .skin aa no other cream I have ever" used will, snd Is a sure pre ventive . against chapping, blackheads and enlarged ores. C. W. R.: Oils, vaseline and most of ths dope called "hair tonic" will never help your hair and scalp troubles. The beat .remedy for ridding your scalp of dandruff. Itching and atopplng your hair from coming out ia made by mixing together- 1 ounce qulnuoin, ( pint alcohol and H pint .cold water. Thia depend able remedy' will not make your hair oily er "stringy," but will make It soft and glossy. I'sed rv Ice s week It -keeps the scalp In a healthy condition and pro motes a vigorous growth of glossy hair. Read Mrs, Martyn's book, "Beauty," fi-Adv. - . Forever' it started right, but if for Q-Ban Hah Restore SPECIAL NOTICE : A postal each package entitles acnes of illustrated oa the Care and Treatment of Hair and Scalp." These lectures are full of useful mibr matioo. Be aure to . get them. ' . PILES ON FACE . CAUSED GREAT . DMREIEMT For Three Long Years. Suffered Great Deal. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Brought Marvelous Results. In Few Weeks Cured Completely. . Ml S W. JOtfc Plaes, Chicago. DL " I tu troubled with acne lor three long jeers, air face was ths snlr part effected, but it caused great aumgurameai, sub sui tering aad loss of sleep. At first there appeared red, hard pimples which later con tained whits matter. I suf fered s great deal caused by tha itching. I waa In a stale ef perpleiily whea walking ths streets or anywhere be fore the public! "I used puis and ether remed ies but they failed com pletely. 1 thought af tiring up when nothing would help, bat something told ma to try the ' Cuticura Soap and ointment. 1 sens tor a Cuticura Booklet which I read carefully. Then I bought sona Cuticura Soap and Ointment and by foUoa tag the directions I wss reliered Btstewdaya. I used Cuticura Soap lor wasb- . . .-J fe fS.lUw. Il.nl . mg my ace, anu men! morning and arming. Tha treatment brought marrelous results ao I continued with It for a few wks and was cured completely. I can truthful y say that the Cuticura Rem, dies are aot ooiy all. but mora than they claim te be.". (Signed) 0. Baumel, May , 111. Cuticura Soap snd Cuticura Osttmsnt do ss aiuch for skin eruptions, poor complex ions, led. rough, hands, and dry, thin snd falling hair, and cost so ttttts thst It b almost ertnu- ' asl est te use them. Sold by dealers erery. where. Ubartl asm pis of each mailed free, with . book. Address, "CuUcurs." Dept. ' T. Boston. Tender-faced men should Share with Cuticura Soap Bharing Btick. WRINKLES GO QUICK! '' ftRrMOtat TOWO Wsw Horns Treatment 1 - -bBMftKTa AtraaioaaTB LOOK YOUNG AGAIN get This free look Commence te ar mors Tour Wrinkle at Ones, asaatr Doctors aad the Ksdleal Profss sloa gtand Aghast la Amassment, atarrellng at hls Wondrous 8st Method of . e soring Wrinkles, : - V , Which Has for Age Baffled the , Leading experts of ths Earth. STo Creams. Bo Piasters, Bo ltassags, Be Boilers, Be Medicine, Vothlng to Xnlest Dader Skin Absolutely stew Treatsasat Barer Before Offered S7 others la macs" TOatio W WtUU Trttmt -VtvkM Old ld yoa STtr w-e a Jattmnf1 woman wiih wrinkltM, iiTwpctlv of age. Then iettxav byw thay t kvbicve and maintain a sniootn race,' Cre Troth wrinkles. For tha flrnt time In America, the Prtnceaa Toklo treatment la bWng-.ir.axia known and It t9 a revelaiton, .Never before have Christian women , feeen able to solve the secrets of then oriental beau tlesy whose faces -and forma have been the marvel .through taus. But at last tha treasure-troy e haa been unlocked and there in set before every American lady, who writes Immediately, the full knowledge about this wondrous new method. The Prineess Toklo Booklet of Beauty la memage full of sisterly feeling and sympathy for the American ladles. It tells, without hesitation, sJi about the Princeee Toklo new treatment for re moving wrinkles without harmful creams, pastes, lotions, or plasters, or mechanical appliances. If you are a matron, would you like to look like a girl again? If you- ai fifty years of age. would you wli-h t look like a splendid young woman of twentv-flve? If you are forty, would you like to look like a girl Jut out of her teens? Then to you this book will be of great value. No money will be accepted for tha Princess Toklo Booklet about wrinkle. It will be given to you FREK. sealed privately, by one who believes that there has dawned the most splendid dtr tor Aatrtfati waeii of ill nm ss to nt. It ia a swiwap of tbo bmoI iMartr gootl chajor, asBil anlllw anything Amerlcaa, n U a treat Is Its eniquo coattott. All yo need d hi tutt tor a FRBE cop. ey)f1reaini Prlnra Toklo, Solta 1140. Coatra. Bank BnUdlag, Vmjm, color., u. s A, It toll, boor t rmOT wrlnklae sy entirety bow troosBMet le eat? ight dare. ScottTent and Awning Co. Boys! Start Baring Tour Money. r 1- cf g.'T .ir- ' ToaH Want Cae Use This This gammas BOYS' TEXTS a, t m . size; i mi square. - Height: Center, 7 feet; Walla, S feet Material: Plaia White 8-ox. Duck. full weight or a heary Khaki color drill. Tenu well made, reinforced and sewed. Poles, Stakes, etc., furnished com ' plete ready to set up. Price $5.00 Each. Camp Stool aame color 25c Each. Scott Tent and Awning Co., 814 Sooth 12th Street. HOTKLt, Hotel Flanders 133-137 West 47th Street, K. T. CITY. SOO Feet East of Broadway. A ssodern fireproof hotel la the heart ol the theater, club u kora! eiatrict; convenient to all car uses. Aa exceptional orchestra. Rootaa was private bath g.e dst e rrorn Grand Central Station. BroeoV a ay ears without transfer. FTora PsnBsyhrania Station. 7th Aeeau? cars without transfer. Scoklaaaas H. R. SHABE8. Proy. vwv America. awe. f I 4 - V