Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Counsel in Mercy Case Declare She
Kept Eyes Busy.
Whole Cm Revlewea eat Mask
Strewn Laid Vpen Fact Plaintiff's
ruin Wu a Married
CHICAGO, April Arguments In the
tMo.OM damage suit of Miss Esther
Mercy against Miss Marion Talbot, dean
of women at the University of Chicago,
for alleged slander, cantered today on the
complainant's character.
Counsel for Miss Talbot contended In
closing remarks to the Jury that Miss
Mercy had lied on the witness Rand and
ogled the Jurymen. Miss Mercy's attor
neys accused the opposing counsel f at
tempting to blacken the complainant's
"I will show you, gentlemen, that this
woman lied while sha was on the wit
ness stand.' said Attorney salker,
speaking for the defense.
"How long do you think she would have
remained at the university It they had
known about Reynolds, her married
fiance? I say she would not have re
mained there a minute."
Three Traitors to the Clarions Camae
Discovered la Kansas
Within a week after the Issuing of the
catalogue of the Grant County (Kaa.)
Bachelors' dub for their MIS leap year
matrimonial campaign one of the mem
bers has obtained bride, a second Is en
gaged and a third Is said to be slipping.
having been the recipient of leapyear
It Is likely the bride of the first mar
riage, who Is a Hutchison girl, will say
hers was not a mail-order match, and.
strictly, speaking, was not the result
of the Issuing of the catalogue.
But Ralph Beaty. whose marriage to
Miss Eva, Delano of Hutchison Is an
nounced, s an active member of the
Bachelors' club, waa listed In the cat
alogue of marriageable young bache
lors recently Issued, and he Is the first
of the emb to become a has-been.
Mr. Beaty. who owns an extensive
ranch in Grant county. 'was married to
Miss Delano, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. c. Delano of No. 101 Twelfth
avenue West.
The marriage was a complete sur
prise to alt. The young couple slipped
over to Newton. . where the ceremony
waa performed.
Not until Mr. Beaty arrived at New
Vlyssea with his bride two days later
did hla friends and the other members
of the Bachelors' club know that No. 1
bad happened. '
When the club held Its annual ban
quet Mr. Beaty waa the recipient of
hearty cengratalatloM. The other thirty
four Oraat county bachelors are now
spurred on to still mora eager activity
by the success of Mr. Beaty.
At the banquet of the Bachelors' club
this toast waa drunk: "May we all be
as lucky a Beaty," Topeka Capital.
Death froaa Bleed raise
waa -prevented bf (3. W. Cloud. Plunk.
Mo., Who healed bis dangerous wound
with Bucklen't Arnica Salve, Only So,
Good mater
ial and good
cost money
All I add is
an honest profit
Good suits to
order $25 to $40
MacCarthy-Wilsoi Tailoring Co,
SM-SOO South Sixteenth. St
Permits to smoke Sc. All dealers.
Key to the eiteation Bee Advertising.
Masle by the Baad Starts McKlnley
Flroaettla. la the White
Leopold Bracony. an Italian sculptor,
onoa spent six weeks at the White Housa
engaged In modelling a bust of the late
President McKlnley. Engaged In similar
work he has been In close association
with many famous men, both In this
country and in Europe, but he declares
he never met a mora kindly man than
Mr. McKlnley, and at the same time a
more dignified man.
"Only once," he said the other day,
'during my long stay at the White House
did I see the late president In an ettl-
tude that was not dignified, but It was
only for an Instant. We were In a room
In the White Housa which opened onto
delegation of southern men and was
waiting near the door leading to the bal
cony for the delegation to draw up in
front Besides the president there were
in the room two army officers, Mrs. Mc
Klnley and myself.
'Presently we heard the band that was
leading the delegation. Mr. McKlnley
threw back hla shoulders, stood erect and
placed his hand upon his breast between
the buttons of his frock coat and was
ready to step out at a slgnsl to be given
him by one of the army officers when
all was ready.
The band drew closer and then the
air It was playing could be distinguished.
It was 'Dixie.' When the president heard
the muslo be listened. Intently a moment.
and then, waving hla arms In time to the
music, be began to pirouette around the
com, humming the air aa be went.
'Well, well, well, William!' exclaimed
airs. McKlnley, In a semi-humorous
semi-shocked tone. At once Mr. McKln
ley stopped, assumed the stately, dlgnl-
fled position that was hla habit, and then,
getting the slgnsl, stepped out on the
balcony with hie hand ' thrust Into the
breast of his ooat." Washington Herald,
ma r
OU 1m ,-
Your Easter Hat Is Here
The Snappy Style .... The Latest Shapes
Indeed, here yon H find assembled every
shape and style that have been designed
for the Spring and Summer of 1912, at
$2.00. It matters not how critical may
be your taste about a hat our wide
range of styles will enable us to fit you aa
well as to please yox
- Guaranteed the equal of the best $3.50
hat sold.
SIS South Fifteenth Street
Americana "The Kg of the Cross.
Boyd i Somen and Marlowe la "Mer
chant of Teaioa."
rascals: Bernhardt and Bejaas la
Moving Matures.
Oayatyt Burleseae.
Orphsam: Vaudeville.
alattaees today at the rentals, Oay
ty, Xrug aad Orphans theaters.
"Taatlaa; of the Shrew" at the Boyd.
E. H. tiothem and Julia Marlowe and
company la "Taming ol the Shrew." a
farce by William Shakespeare; ar
ranged by Mr. Sothern in four ecu
and eight scenes. The cast:
Baptists, a rich gentleman of Padua..
, , William Harris
Mncentio, a gentleman of iMsa
. Mtlanu Tlldcn
Lucentio, son to Vlncentlo
Krederlrk Lewis
Petruchlo, si gentleman of Verona....
E. H. Sothern
Gremlo France Bendsun
Hortensio Thomas Coleman
Blondello , v. 1.. Uranville
Tranlo John Tavlor
A Pedant Wayne I.ynton
Tailor Malcolm liradley
Haberdasher , Walter Connolly
Grumlo Rowland Buokstone
Kalherine.., Miss Marlowe
Blenea Miss Norah Lamlson
Widow Miss Mllllcent Mrl.aimhlln
Curtis Mlaa lna Onldsmith
iven with Shakespeare as the author
and Sothern and Marlowe and all their
excellent companions as actors in the
cast, "Taming of the Shrew," does not
become any more beautiful to contemp
late, nor attractive to listen to. Mr.
sothern has dons one service; he has
eliminated Tinker Sly, and the absurdity
of the opening scenes of the drama aa or
iginally produced. It might have been
Jolly good tun In Shakespeare's day for
a noble lord to pick up from his sleep In
the ditch a drunken tinker, take htm
borne, deck him In fine linen, provide
him with at least the semblance of
wife, and then have enacted a play for
his amusement At present the noble
lord would la all likelihood be antlci
pated by the watchful policeman, and
Christopher Biy would find his rest at
the station house. In sny event, the
scenes that have to do with him are In
no sense needed for the action of the
farce, and so have been done away with,
hat Mr. Sothern can not get rid of Is the
fact that what remains of the original
I enacted for the sport of his lordsnlii
who was amusing himself and his retinue
at the expense of besotted Kit "Taming
of the Shrew" at Its best Is a rough and
tumble farce, full of absurdities, proceed
ing with much noise and commotion, and
showing but little of genuine beauty.
either In comedy or philosophy. Were It
not for Kate's counsel to wives, beauti
fully spoken by Miss Marlowe last even
ing, It would be all but aimless. And
It will be a really brave man who will
go home to the partner of hla life and
Insist on thst platform being adopted.
Not In these days of militancy!
But the play is sanctified to some ex
tent by tradition; it Is the one avowed
farce by Its great author, and It has been
played by any number of clever and
gifted people, and perhaps will continue
to be so played, because of Its laughter,
producing qualities. It haa such ele
ments aa to arouse light merriment, and
with no appeal to deeper sentlmegt. It
affords an evening of amusement un
broken by problems of conduct, personal
or otherwise. , , .
Mr. Bothers makes his Petruehlo ram
bunctious from the word go; hit Intro
duction to Hortenste, Gremlo and Lucen
tio might stamp him as a very braggart.
so frankly does hs announce that hla ad
vent In Padua but presages his wedding
with a wealthy wife, and she may be
foul and shrewish aa a number of
feminine undesirables he freely mentions,
save that he takes his audience Into hla
confidence at times, and by a twinkle of
his eys or a nod of his head gives as
surance that he la all right, and Is ant
the arrant blusterer he appears. And
having pitched his performance In this
key, he doesn't relax an Instant to ths
very end, save in those asidee that make
It certain that when Katharine has been
properly "tamed," the will find aa de
voted and dutiful a spouse as sver blessed
woman's life; when Katherlne has bid
den the other wives to place their hands
under their husband's feet, Petruchlo sets
her foot on his hand, to show how per
fect is the partnership. This It the
most graceful and about the only gracious
thing Sothern'a Petruchlo does.
Miss Marlowe, whose name It more
closely associated with characters any
thing but shrewish; the ardent Juliet; the
gentle, wise and patient Portia, the ten
der Rosalind, the loving Viola, the duti
ful and devoted Ophelia the list Is as
long almost as the catalogue of the
Grecian thlps-ahs finds Katherlne some
thing of a problem; at times It seems aa
if she wanted to stop long enough to
have a good laugh with the folks out In
front over her efforts to appear suffi
ciently Ill-tempered and Intractable. Now
snd again she shows a rare burst of
temper. Just the sign that she was not
called In vain "Kate the cursed," but
when a chance Is offered sha lets the
sweet laughter hare its sway and shows
that smile that so becomes her. She Is
far more a source of deligbt as Ksth
erlne then Sothern la as Petruchlo.
Of the company and staging of the play
much might be written, and all In praise.
Mr. Bothera haa shown excellent Judg
ment in his plsnnlng of the eeenea aad
action, managing to keep the current
moving swiftly and providing a reason
able setting for the Incidents of Its prog
ress, to that It haa the advantage of
continuity at least Hla company It made
up at excellent actors, and the humor
of the piece It greatly and agreeably
heightened by the good will wltb which
all enter into Ite enactment
The Boyd waa filled last night by aa
assemblage such ss shows the esteem la
which the stsrs are held, and cu rials
calls at the end of each act with much
anfeigned merriment during the progrsss
of the play, must have convinced the
actors that their efforts were not In vain.
For tonight "The Merchant of Venice''
it the bill, with Mr. Sothern at Bhylock
and Miss Marlowe as Portia,
eo great Is the hold this play his taken
oil the public. Miss ltn. in the role
of Merica. the Christian nialil, ami Sir.
lvxter aa Marcus Superbus, the Koman
wvfect. are doitiK splendid work and are
Kiven excelleut support. For next week
"The Fighting Hope'' is announced.
The appearance in vaudeville of Theo
dore Koberis, the notiNl character actor,
is attracting much attention. Mr. Roberta
is presentmK "The Sheriff of Shasta,'' a
oharminx western Idyl, hi the tlrpiietim.
The sketch is one of unusual Interest, as
It gives a vivid picture of California life
during the early das. The lonely wife,
who falls teinitorarily in love with the
cwapci circus rldor and finally discovers
that she lows her husband. Is a pathetic
character. The setting of the play Is
made reallstio by a beautiful picture of
Mt. Shasta In the background.
Sarah Bernhardt will visit Omaha again
the week of April M, but this time she
will come In the repertoire of Cecelia
l,oftuK, the great mlmtc, who will Ik the
headline attraction at the Orpheum. Miss
Jtftus' mimicry of the divine Sarah is
said to be uncanny In Its reality. It Is
the most wonderfully sccurale copy of
voice, gesture sud enunciation that' has
ever been given.
The White Squaw," which will he the
offering st the Boyd, matinee ami nlKht
Sunday, is said to be a play of AmeiVa
fir Americans. There Is not a iarnnfc
note In it; the story is told Ik a straight
forward, happy and convincing way and
it Is declared that from the rise of the
curtain until the final word Is spoken
there la not a moment but the Interest
of the audience la held closely to the
people and thrlr doings In a little mimic
world before the footlights.
The personnel of the hi audi.nne at
the popular Uayety this week Is the cause
01 mucn ravoraoie comment and con- i
gi'Stulatory remarks to the menaitement.
from "Madam X" la attracting a class
of patronage all of whom prnhuhly sftW
the drama at the Hrandeis or Hnyd
theaters, and consequently are familiar
with the details of the itowerful story,
and therefore most appreciative of the
many funny happening In the burlesque
which la called "Madam X-cuse Me." It's
humor la uncesslng. Ladles' matinee
The drouth of theatergoers, of which
all managers, great and small, have many
fears each apilng, has not caused a de
preciation In the attendance at the Kmc.
where "The Merry Maidens ' are causing
riots of laughter. Manager Charles
Kranke says that the business sn far this
week has far surpassed that of anv other
pre-lSaater season. Munager Kranke ac
counts for the big attendance bv the fact
that this current show Is one of the best
of the season.
What Happened to Kaelueer Who
Maa Ordered to Ignore
Red Light.
This epidemic of train robberies nut
west reminds me of 'way back In the
eighties, when I Wat pullin' an express
train on the Chicago, Burlington
Qulncy railroad," said the tell engineer.
1 showed up at the roundhouse one
night In lime te get the engine In readi
ness to take out my train 'n' I found
Murphy, my fireman, with his Jumper
on hlndslde before. On asktn' him why
he waa backln' up with his ovarshlrt 'n'
goln' forward with his trousers, he said
that In puttln' on his workln' outfit he
got hla overshlrt on wrong, but lied
dlngdonged If hs would chsnge It, as
readjustln' any portion of your clnthln'
after you had put It on wrong had a
broken looking glass skinned forty ways
for brlngln bsd lurk.
'So, with Murphy's Jumper In a nega-
live position, we took the locomotive
down to the depot to wait the arrival of
the express. There waa an air of tup
pressed excitement aroun' the station, 'n'
I no sooner got the engine backed on a
sldln' out of the way till our train came
In than a messenger told me I wss
wanted In the chief dispatcher's office.
'Now, BUI,' says the chief dispstrher
to me, 'we got Inside Information that
sn attempt will be made to hold up the
express Just beyond Cooper's water plug.
Hang onto as much water as you can so's
Have You that Easter Suit
If not, we supgt'st that you soe the now tailored
suits we have received es)mnlly for Hatter selling.
If you care for really distinctive clothes iu well tailored
fabrics there is a varied assortment of attractive styles
at prices ranging from $I.).(H) to .S3.iM), with an unusu
ally fine showing at
$19.50, $25, $29.75, $35
Women's and Misses' Coats
Light weight coats are mighty good things to have
at all times. AVe are showing a large collection which
certainly deserves the consideration of every woman
and miss.
Saturday wo will show scores upon scores of dif
ferent styles of theso inneh wanted coats in black,
navy, tan, grey, white, golden brown, Copenhagen and
novelty materials. Socially priced for Saturday.
Selling at from $10.75 to $63.00 with an unusually
fine showing at
$12.50, $15, $19.50, $22.50
Decreet ORKIN'8
Douglas Street
you won't have to stop at Cooper's for a
tank. If you are flagged with a red lan
tern down there don't stop under any
consideration. There's valuable express
matter In the cara tonight. I'll keep
everything out of your way for an hour,
so you needn't be afraid or runnln' Into
anything. Keep her wide open, 'n' give
no one any chance to git aboard.'
"1 made a roar about runnln' by a red
light If one was offered, but I finally con
sented to follow Instructions. He was
the boss, anyway, but I'll tell you It's no
child's play runnln" by a red light.
" 'Yea, I says to Murphy, after I got
back on the) engine, 'your hlndslde-fure-most
Jumper Is kinder losln' IU stride as
a protector of poor workln' girls like you
n me. we re name to ne neia up or
wrecked down aroun' Cooper tank.
"Five or six detectives were on the
train, which was composed of six express
cars, a day coach'n' a sleeper. Murf 'n'
myself were earn furnished with a re
volver. The express got In on time 'n' we
ware hooked on 'n' cot away quicker'
halt wink.
"When we came aroun' the curve by
Cooper's tank I sure waa hlttln' It up
some, 'n' the fire wss coming out of ths
stark In big chunks. Ws could have
made an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius look
like a safe 'n' sane Fourth of July cele
bration. Huro enough. Just as we hit the
culvert the other side of the water plug
a red lantern was swung across the track
by some one Just the seme aa if he was
gettln' paid for It. I hollered to Murphy
n' he n' I got down on the cab floor.
Aa we shot by the men wltb the red
lantern he let the lamp fly, hurlln' It i
right through the cab window on my
side. Had I not taken the precaution of
gettln down from the seat I would have
gotten that red lantern right In the midst
of my tunny smile. He also shouted
few remarks aa we dashed by him which
sounded to me like the lord's prayer said
backward on a crossed telephone wire.
" 'Well,' 1 says to Murphy, 'I guest we
put somethln' over on those guyt thsl
"Hardly had the words left my mouth
then there loomed up right In front of me
five of the Julelee '' luscious rip red
markers on the tall end of a caboose you
ever eaw. They looked like a fiery red
ruby necklace, 'n' my locomotive was
beaded right for the dark space In the
center. 1 shut off, cot a bar 'n' half
Nelson on ths rtvsrst lever 'a' we went
crash right through the center of that
circle of red lights.
"After the smash I picked myself out
of a ear of scrambled eggs 'n' dug Mur
phy out of a ear of toft grains, where
he waa nearly suffocated, but otherwise
unhurt : Fortunately, there- waa awe
killed In the collision. But. say, mebbt
I didn't talk Dutch to that train dis
patcher. However, H wasn't hla fault
Yoa sea, a freight went along by Cooper's
water plug tome time ahead of us 'n'
were reported In to clear en a sldln' with
out the operator who reported them In
or the engineer knowln' that they were
broken In two 'a' had left their hind end
out on Ihe main track. Tht flagman went
bark honestly to do hat duty.
"Bay, taks It from me, I'll never run by
a red light again, because It doesn't do
your general health any good to have a
couple of legs takes oft or your tkull
crushed l a eolusioo. ; i says to Murphy
sarcastic like: ' 'Tour overshlrt oa hlnd
slde before eertalaly helped out lot.'
" 'Mesne wa night have beea hilled it
It hadnt been tor that.' waa all Murphy
replied." New York Press.
Proa of His Pswcree.
Once upon a time George Baokual t!t
actor, was a bank elerk m Celumkus,
o. He wssn't a tremendous hit aa a
banker. In fact, he waa a takedown
banker the tort of banker who would
have been condemned to play towns l
which, as Hoy McCordell says, "the
organ grinders ' syndicate wouldn't sen !
their No. I organs." When he fined
aixireclaled this act he went ea the
lane. It was years before he eel urns.)
to Columbus aa a sure enough actor.
"One of the most Interested auditors,'
asys Mr. Hack us, "waa Ilia president el
the benk In which I used lo work, lit
kept his eyes glued on me every time I
came on the stag. After the pea-foe ma nee
he hunted me up, lie waa aa aid. man.
and a kind one,". . ......
" Oeorge,' said hs, 1 tm delighted.
Tnu are a fine actor. You didn't amount
lo much as a banker, but you are a fine
srtor. In fact, ) haven't seen a better
actor In years.' '
"He seises! my aad a ahook It
heartily. 1 waa a bit confused, by lbs
warmth of his praise.
" 'You-you you haven't teen a hettes
tetet la teearar 1 asked. r
" 'Ne. Georfe,' said be, T haven't, Not
In years.'
"I thought I would ho area and tun
ning. 'Hut,' I said, 'you don't go ta the
theater very often, do your
" 'No,' said Ihe old man thoughtfully,
'new yoa speak of tt, I do not, la fast,
I haven't been to the theater elnce For
rest left the stage.' "-CluiUiaail Times.
cumulate your business by advertising
In The Bee-the newspaper that reaches
ell' of tht buyers.
Loral Hates ef the lute.
Only four more performances remain
of the photo-play pictures at the Braa-
aelt theater. I
"The Poring Maid" Is to be heard stain
Its bauatiag melodies, gay romance and I
joyous near, and. aoove all. the witchery j
or aiminutne atizx. ttajos in toe aaucy
title role and will cast the'r charm '
over opera lovers at the Brandeie the-1
ster on Easier feundsy night. The return
f -thr Spring Maid" on the remarkable
trio which CMirieti It twice over ail the
length and breadth of the land la a sin-.
gie season is good Indicstion that the
recognition of the better things la light '
opera music, when presented with lavlsa I
good taste. Is not confined to any one I
eecrion. The engagement of "The liprliig !
Maid'' will extend over until Wednesday j
evening, with a mnilnea ea Wednesday.
The row of The Blgn of the Ones- st :
the American Is coming to an and with
olmost a record for attendance. Kach 1
performance aces the big theater packed, 1
First Award. $25 In Gold Second Award. $15 In Gold Third Award. $10 In Gold
Why Does a Name Mean So Much? Because
Some punos,. TIiexmpco, jMrre
DrinciDles or DAD orinclples.
3AD names.
The mere MENTIONING of a name stands for GOOD
GOOD names, while some pianos, like some people, have
We Are Offering These Prizes for a Name for a Player Piano. Why We Do its
Our factory at Minneapolis is prepared to launch on the market a full size 88-note Player Piano. Wtiat we are after ooa h
A NAME for this Player Piano that is expressive of quality, a name that is easy to pronounce and that will rnexn arjtrwflatafc
We are not coinr to depend upon our own ideas, but will leave the naming of our Player Piano to the people of thb dtr and
community. Too many people nowadays are buying- pianos and player pianos with actually "any old name" on the ralAoer.
or'front of the Instrument, and simply because of that fact they do not know what they are ettinr. We are auttxwtied by the
factories to spend a large part of our energy and advertising money to burn It in the minds of the people so atronj that the
NAME of "OUR" Player Piano will become a by-word and a common household word with everybody in this conrmcJy. , hut
this good judgment on our part? .... - ,
WHAT does the piano-buying public have to guide or direct them In the purchase of a piano or Player Piano? Only "A
NAME" in reality. Of course they have the piano dealers' guarantee back of it, but most people want more than that IP WH.
as piano dealers, can tell YOU about our Piano: "Your next door neighbor has one," "The people themselves named it," and
we have hundreds of them In this community, then we have "SAID SOMETHING" haven't we?
Write eat plainly Uit nam rrn gargeat for the Player Plana, whether It be long or ehort, a word orprejastng qoalitr or aomttrrlnc tarlatt.
no matter what K mar be. give your reaaona why 70a think It appropriate. A abort name means as mnch aa a Ion. one lust ao It te what we
a"'r'Tliig propoaltion It conducted for the purpose) of getting the "BI8T NUflT obtainable for 00 r new Plajar Piano and to lJopnlartae fhej
makes we handle. .... .
K- ms mnmetl with our boaae or any other to otic house Is ell Clble to enter.
The superintendent of onr factory will choose or select the first Lore beat name. TJilt It with tbe itmoet ftirnee to a& aVQ
aeadiag In suitable tnggettione wUl be notified by mail. Propotala matt be mailed to oar etore by April Itth. IMS.
In case of a tie. equal awardt wUl be given.
Segerstrom Piano Co.
Omaha's Exclusive Representatives of the genuine Knabe Piano
1825-27 Farnam St. OMAHA, NEB.
"Walk Out of Your Way to Buy From Us It Pays"