THE BEK: OMAHA. SATl'KUAY. APRIL (5, 1912. DES MOINES RIYER IS OPEN OMAHA'S GREATEST CLOTHING HOUSE SUIT OVERCOAT HE IS DRAWING SPORTING CAR TOONS FOR THE BEE. Where $20 to $25 g't,l.HlM "3 .TO ORDER 1 Men of Omaha! Don Be Misled by the "holier than thou" ad vertising of our panic-stricken competitors (?) in this city. The "Dundee". $15 suits, sold under a ' guarantee, are the best produced in America at the price. FREE A $7.00 fancy Silk Vest free with every made-to-nieas- nre suit order $15 Saturday only April 6, 1912. imam- VSfottW.T lip 7 Our patterns are all hand some new spring de signs. Endless assortment to choose from. Every gar ment made to your measure. G uaranteed nil wool. Made, by Union Men. Dundee Woolen Ells N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney Streets Council Bluffs Store, 409 W. Broadway Mail Orders Solicited. UNPAID CARPENTERS STRIKE Basmusten'l Men' t Court House lay Aside Their Tools. ZIEGLEB EXPLAINS THE CAUSE MotUmpi Have Met Been raid for Meath, Thoagh Saboeatractor Ha Received All or Dae HI at aa Estimates. The twelve csrpetiters employed on the construction of the Douglas county court hou?e quit work yesterday aa the re sult ot financial differences between ub (Juntractor ftasmuseen, who la doing the carpentry work, and the general con tractors. Caldwell Drake. Superintendent Zlegler. employed by Caldwsll Drake, Is now endeavoring to cat the men hack on the Job. He ex plains that Itasmusaen has not paid his workmen for thirty days, snd that they are dlsaatlafled. "This has occurred several times with Rasmursen and his men," says Mr. Zleg ler, "and it always reflects on Caldwell e Drake. Rasmuaten has been paid eer thing that la coming to him, de ducting 11 per cent which Is to be held liack until the job Is completed, and he seems to think that Caldwell & Drake should dig down for money to keep the carpenters going," Van the Triable lies. Chief Clerk John W. Murphy ot Cald. well Drake said the trouble Is solely between Rasumssen and his men. "We have paid liasmussen all he has coming to blm up to date' said Mur phy. "If he hasn't cot enougli work out of his men so that what we paid him will cover their wages It Is his fault and not ours. If work la not resumed within a reasonable time w will declare his con tract forfeited and proceed with the work ourselves." Several of the carpenters called on th county commissioners to ask aid In get ting their pay. They were told the county has nothing to do with th matter and cannot Interfere, DAWES HELPED FINANCE SHERMAN'S CAMPAIGN WASHINGTON. April 6.-Charles G. Dawes of Chicago, former comptroller of the currency, contributed $2.50 of th IS.Stn primary campaign funds of Law rence Y. Sherman, republican candidate for I'nlted States senator, against Sen ator Cullom of Illinois, according to the report filed with the senate today. The other contributors Included: Sherman. J,S; W. A. Ilosenfeld, 11.000; James A. 1'atton. font); K. L. Ames, $300; Elbert Eads. Milton J. Foreman and "a friend." $".50 each. Train service cost Sherman I2,8?: advertising. J2.W7; hall rental. $993. and cigars, 135. the total expenses being 17,99. Stimulate your business by advertising In The Beethe newspaper that reaches all ot th buyers. One Lonely Freighter Will Hake Trip and Then Quit. LAST EFFORT AT NAVIGATION deletes ea Attempt la Revive Beet lac aral Officials Klad Chlaaaum I alawfally la tke Coeetrr. DES MOINES. April S.-(tipec!al Tele gram. I There is to be an opening ot the "navigation season" In Des Moinee on Monday and the one solitary steamboat that thus far represents the fleet of freighters for the river is to make a Journey down the river aa far at least as the city limits. A boat was built about three years aso, but the water was never high enough to float the craft until re cently. Then it got so lush the "captain" was afraid to trust the craft out of reach ot the banks. Now he has planned to start things. It is the only effort made to revive boating on the river, and sines th turning dowu of the scheme by engineers It prabably will be the last. Klad Saiaaalra alaaaaaa. After several weeks' Investigation fed eral officials today discovered that a Chinaman who has been held in the county Jail on a charge of vagrancy, so cured entrance to the I'nited States un lawfully. The Chinaman gave his name as John Hounk, and has been taken In charg by 8. L. Whltcfleld, Immigration Inspector of St. 1-oula. The prisoner was arrested several week ago by police officers, who turned him over to the dialrlct court on a charge of vagrancy. Judge Brannan took charge of the man and tried to learn something of his past life, but he refused to talk with his countrymen who lived In les Moines. He was then turned over to the federal authorities for In vestigation. Drs Molaea Uela fMI-Ceat (ias. Des Moines will get 90 cent gas after a battle of nearly a year. Judge Sloan, who was appointed master to take the evidence in the case, toduy reported to Judge McPherson in favor ot the ordi nance reducing the gas rate from a fl to W cents. The case had been In court for over a year. It la now up to Judge McPherson to approve the findings, and the gas rate will come down. Will Buy You Most Value SMALL CHILD FALLS DOWN FURNACE PIPE MARSHA LLTOWN, la.. April 5.-Spe-clsl.) For a child to tumble down a furnace pipe Is a new episode In child life, but la what occurred In the fam ily of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vosburg of Oilman. Eighteen-month old Kvert Voe- burg; wlill exploring the house, re moved a register covering a large cold air ptpe leading to the furnace and then tumbled Into the round sine tunnel thai sloped Into the furnace. Mrs. Vosburg heard the child crying, but could not locate lis voice, until she happened to find the cold air register out ot place. Help was summoned and Jamea Stewart, a carpenter who was working on the place, went down the pipe head first, while the parents of the child held him by each ankle. Stewart was able to stretch far enough to get hold of the baby's garments and drag tt out of Its uncomfortable place. But for the fact that the fire In the fuprnace wa low the child woud probably have been pretty well roasted before It wa rescued. CUMMINS WINS FIGHT IN THIRD IOWA DISTRICT WATERLOO. Ia April !.-Senator A. B. Cummin won th delegation, to th national convention at Chicago In the third district convention here at 11 o'clock on the sixty-second ballot. Frank lin county' delegation went over to the progressiva side, breaking the deadlock. The delegate to the national republican convention are C. B. Santee and O. P. Morton. They are unlnstructed. Bante and Morton announced them selves as for Cummin first, last and all th tlm. PEARSON TAKES PRESIDENCY OF IOWA STATE COLLEGE AMES, la., April 6. Dr. Raymond A. Pearson of New York has accepted the presidency ot the Iowa State College ot Agriculture at Ames. Pearson has been for the last four yesrs commissioner of agriculture for the state of New York. Cregor Short of Food. KEOKUK. la.. April t.-A work train carrying food supplies to flood sufferers at Gregory, Mo., was unable to get through the flooded railroad area and. It was reported, the food supplies were transferred to small boats. Whether or not they reached the town la not known. if Saturday Special Sale OncHalf Price and Less Brooms, Baskets, Hampers Gas Globes, Gas Mantles In Our Basement 300 Brooms 1 our choice while they last, Saturday, each, 25c llijf WASTE BASKETS-About 100 in the lot Fancy baskets, all in3 shapes and sizes, none sold for less than 50c each, and the most of them for 7oc, $1.00, $1.35, $2.00 and up to $2.95. Your iiAA rrnilia tragi! Itiot ftanh Oafe ' Jl vuuiii, n an is vhtzj iaoiv cam . (j)tfV WOKK. aASJvETs One-hall Dnce Saturday. So at Wki to $1-35. Your choice Saturday at Half Price. HAMPERS $2, $2.50 and $3 Hampers; your choice, each, 50c $4.00 and $5.00 Hampers; your choice, each $1.50 $6.00 Hampers Saturday, each $2.00 GAS GLOBES AND MANTLES - $1.50 Inverted Lights, complete 85c $1.00 Inverted Liarhts, complete 65 C IP o QJ ' 50c Inverted Lights, complete 32c ttliu Cl.'fi iuivi icti utiil.T, uilJ-'it:iTT . . . . ,tot. '20c. fhial d'lob. unrieht 1IW " 20c and 25c Upright Mantles 10c W 25c Miniature Lamps, complete 17c Orchard &Wilhelm (2arpet Qo 1 1 t o r r 8 HAL COFKMAN. The situation as Gregory la said to be serious, the fifty Inhabitants of the place havlub been unable to get provisions for several days. lowra IMoaeer Ieaa. FORT DoliUK. la.. April 6-(.ipeclal Telegram.) Jacob Clausen, Duneombo pioneer, s."i, hanged himself last night without apparent motive. He resided with an only child, Jacob Clausen, Jr., manager of the Farmers' Elevator com pany at Duncombe. I.leatenant la Dlawlaaed. WASHINGTON. April a.-(Special Telegram.)-President Taft has dismissed Meutensnt Alge from the navy for not paying his debts. He enlisted In South Dakota. lowia Mewra Notea. TAMA Seth Both, who attempted to commit suicide by shouting himself yes terday after he had gone to the grave of his wife, died today. He fore he be came unconscious ?otti said he did nut want to live. KORT DOLMIK-Ilecause he played with a dynamite cap. the 13-year-old son of Ol Jacohsen of Duncombe, must go through the remainder of his life minus three fingers and the thumb of his left hand and the first finger ot his right hand. The rap exploded In the boy s hands. EVIL PROPHECY KNOCKED OUT ladlaa Porlnae Teller's I'realclloa tronds (be KUae of Reality. When the? British steamship Hyla. now at the Bush terminal. South Brooklyn. was In Calcutta last December being loaded with East Indian merchandise tor New York, a fortune teller went aboard and tried to Induce the ship' officer to let him foretell their future. He was greeted with derision by all except J. puxiey. chief officer, who told the sooth sayer he would listen to the predictions. The fortune teller lost his popularity with puxley when he prophesied the ship would go to the bottom with all on board. The man said very bsd weather would hit the vessel, and he even went ao far aa to advise Puxley not to make th voyage. When Puxley' brother officers heard what was to happen they drove the eer from the ship. Not until the Hylas entered th Medl :erranean did the vll prophecy recur to the ship's officers. The vessel scarcely had cleared the Sues canal when un usually severe weather set In. It lasted several days, and the longer It continued the more uneasy became those who knew what had been said by th fortune teller. The ship labored heavily, but reached the Straits ot Gibraltar aafely. On January M. when In mld-A'Iantlc another storm arose that lasted for seven dsys. The wind blew with great force. and huge sea swept the vessel. Again the fortune teller prediction loomed up. At time th Hylas was burled by enor mous waves, and the damage that was being done by tons of water that washed aboard . worried Huxley and the other of ficers. All who knew of the forecast of th vessel's doom began to be alarmed. "Only one thing saved us." said Puxley. 'This ship had flush decks. A th water came aboard It ran off quickly. Had there been a high rail to atop It th for tune teller's prediction would have come true. We don't deny we were In a pretty baa way for a week, and every time the ship took a big sea we wondered bow much longer we could last." Extensive damage waa done to the ves sel, and three sailor were Injured. The cabin of the chief engineer waa smashed In, the bridge railing was swept away. and doors of all the officers' cabins amid ships were broken. Daring work by Robert Flood, chief en gineer; James Daley, third engineer, and the ship's carpenter saved th ship from foundering. In the height of the storm they lashed themselves together and placed an iron door against the chief en gineer's cabin, where tons of water were pouring In. It was feared the force of the water would breaM the cabin bulk head and wash away the superstructure. Had the bulkhead gone the danger would have been great. Puxley saved a seilor from being washed overboard. Th man was at work on the forecastle when the ship dipped suddenly, and a big wave burled th forward part of the ship. Th chief officer caught the sailor a h was carried past him. at th same time hold nig on for his life to a stanchion. New Tork Press. LATEST STYLEIN STREET CAR Uobble Skirt Baalsbea Stepa a ad She straps Glee War sap Brt I m a Pales. The steplese street car. Invented by Frank Hedley, vie president and gen eral manager, and J. 8. Doyle, superin tendent of ear equipment of the New York Railways company, the new name for -the old Metropolitan Street Railway company, was run out of the car barns at Ninety-ninth street and Lexington avenue for Its first try-out by the com pany's officers and members of the Federation of Women's clubs. The floor of th car I only ten inches above th street pavement, which does away with th necessity for a step. One steps directly from th street to the floor of th car. There are no end entrances, entrance and egress being Your spring clothes money should buy more than style and design. It should secure for you a service that is represented by superior workmanship, all wool fabrics and de tails which can only be attained by a large manufacturing organization. The clothes you buy from the Berg Cloth ing Co. have been selected with this thought in mind. Only the lines which measure up to our policy of "the best value for the money" find a place in this establishment. Hence when we of fer you a suit at $20 to $25, you can depend upon it that you get your money's worth in every stitch and thread. Prominent among this season's selections we feature the models from The House of Kuppenheimer The new Bprinil and summer clothing from The House of Kuppenheimer includes all the exclusive fabrics; the radiant double shaded L- L . . ... I uiuwiis, me pencn stripes in firevs ana black. the basket weaves, soft and hard-finished worsteds. - cheviots, 4 serges. English tweeds and homespuns. We stand back of every Kuppenheimer suit it must .:. . t:t l'. i i rr give aauMatiioa or your money DacK. The Suffolk is one of our most ooDular Rellpra ;n viionf Met fn of life and nerve a three-button coat with natural shoulders and medium long roll lapel. The Essex oes even farther with vminrt man narrnmns shoulders, form-fitting, a two button sack. . ' We have other garments as low as $12. $15 znA SIR nor c,t makes, with plenty of style and map to them a suit to meet yjur require ments whatever the price. ' f ' '. ! ' . ' Halt the reliable at $3.50. Your , ...... ... r ... j nuy no oexier quamy. mik iioso with a guarantee, make it aa easy for you to wear as cotton, lie sure and ask i for them throe pairs ov- "Satisfaction and Sarinf are Our Watchweris 2 through door In th sides, at th center. The Inventors, recognising the great vogue ot the bobble skirt, and anyway that much time and effort were lost every year by passengers ln stepping up forty Inches to the floor of the old-fashioned cars, have done away with the step entirely by letting the floor of the new rsr down closer to th ground. The car wa promptly named th "Cosy Corner Car" by th women who looked It over, because In the pointed ends of the car beck of the motormsn cab are two circular seats, one at either end, capable of holding a dosea or so person. Naturally these cosy comer seau will be popular and will draw the crowd away from the entrance) in the middle. On either side of the middle ntraric are rws of cross-seats, each holding two persons. The conductor sits behind a Uttle counter with a latticed window, near the door. He baa at his command signal apparatus for starting the car, stopping It, stopping the motor under th car la case be wishes to. In spite of the motor man or In case of accident, and the pay-as-you-enter arrangement rings up the fares on a register visible to all the passengers. There are no strap, but Indeed are upright steel poles like those la the Hudson tunnel cars for standing pas sengers to hold to. There are dividing railings ln th center of the car. All handrails and grabralls are enameled, providing perfect sanitation. There Is nothing on the outside of the car to which boys can hang to and tide. The car I steel throughout. The motorman la provided with complete veetlbuled private compartment entereed from the outside. He baa s comfortable seat, aa baa also the conductor. Ventilation is provided by ventilation Jack on the roof of the car. The car I th only one of Its kind yet manufactured. Mr. Heller, who ex plained IU features, said It would aooo be put on tbe Broadway tine, and It the public liked It more might be built and put Into service. Tbe arrangement of fenders at the ends greatly lie.nns the danger of death or mangling under the heels. The car la supplied with four mirrors. two on either side of the entrance and exita. Whisper! If the women will look at themselves In the mirror (which they are naturally expected to dot the com pany may succeed In lu effort to break up their habit of getting off the ear backward.-New Tork World. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising. PIG GETS AWAY WITH MONK fr. Gregory I.lncom or Maryevtlle, O., Is proeliated with grief because a pet rig devoured her Inseparable companion. Jocko, a monkey, t-year -old. Physicians say that Mrs. Lincoln may recover, but will never be the same woman as a result of the shock. Mr. Lincoln declares that her pet met his death aa the result of Jealousy on the part ot Plgaaay, a forty -pound porker. She aays that Plgaway always waa Jealous ot Jorko, and waa always waiting for a chance to eat him up. The chance came, she says, when Plgaway deliberately concealed himself under her bed, and a ah fell Inte a doc stealthily crept upon the bed, where she held Jocko In her arms, and ate the pet In two gulp and then Jumped to the floor, snorting over his victory. Mrs. Lincoln awoke Just In time to hear a faint squeal from Jocko aa he was disappearing down the pig s throat. "Jocko loved to sit beside me and hear me read poems and to hare me cares him," said the disconsolate woman. Plgaway. on the other hand, she says, ha not the remotest conception of re finement. All he knows I Jealousy. He often crept Into the nous and mad murderous assaults on poor little Jocko. Mrs. Lincoln added. She baa ordered that Plgaway Immediately be killed for the "diabolic! dsed."-Ohlo Etete Jour- osL Sore Throat Sloan's Ijniment is an antiseptic remedy for inflammatory diseases of tbe throat and chest. For soro throat, croup and asthma it gives quick relief. SLOANS LINIMENT is also good for cough or cold. A. Curs, of Wsde,Otle,wrHa07--I bed a severe sor three aad for foerdave cm la ao svsnov. as my swelled very ataea. I seas four drees of UeisMat ea hasps ef easwr and 1st tt dissolve o srv ioagwa, and la eight hoars aealeaaas. bbi .. eta !. abr.KariS.Seea. Boats. Mess. Easter Footwear Individuality one ef the So roe la features, character, excluilveneag, durability, up-to-datenjess and made to order' atyls are some ot tbe load qualities ot tbls great line ot women's hoes. Colonials in all materials with the proper ' backles to match or tone with the shoes. Compare with all other lines and you will bay Sorosis. 203 8. 13TH 8T. 0I0SI KARBACH BLK. . Tour daoghter may aafely b ailowed to reetd -The Be