THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APK1L 6, 1912. FnnfAr riAflino W MA11 y Young Men , rv VrtMCl VylVJLIlVO 1W1 Ana ior poys V ? w ' Easter morning will see hundreds of Omaha's best dressed men in Brandeis Suits. You can't do better than job the ranks of the most dis criminating dressers in your city. Brandeis is official agent for the best ready:tc-put oa clothes that are made by the best triors in America. THE HIGHEST CLASS CLOTHES A MAN CAN WEAR ARE THESE Rogers-Peet and Hirsh-Wickwire Spring Suits for Men at $25 to $40 v You can't improve on Hirah-Wickwire or Eogers-Peet Suits. They are examples of extreme good taste and absolute tailoring perf Take this suTgestioL . Buy from our great groups of these best-in-theounlry spring suits at twenty-five dollars. You 11 not find r anything anywhere in spring clothes for men or young men thaj surpasses or even equal them at Brandeis is Beyond All Question the Style . Store for Young Men Hundreds of young men have declared Brandeis Spring Models far-and-away the craftiest clothes for 1912. Take a young man . to know style whet i" We specialize in clothes of this clas.-snug around the collar, not a wrinkle long graceful tapjk 0 "g ; tweeds, cheviots, etc. Every feature that's new and accepted by the young men who know what genuine jgl 9 50-S15-$17.50 class means. Easter Clothes that put you in the front ranks of well dressed men at .x.kjvj k We Are Omaha Agents for Famous Society Brand Clothes for Young Men M . t 1 t 1 r ii'-i .... rtsrw. flbr","- We 8how,styles Uiat are confined to us because this is tlie recognized siyie store ior meii uu tun l m . a. - proof back of it. You'll like this high art clothing. It is the cleverest line of the new season. Prices are v iu ..I X' il... 'New' Arrivals in Men's Serviceable and Up-to-Date Spring Clothes at $12.50 to $20 ... 4 a vi... . .,, riu4i anA tmoprla' nit mUn Rprirft lined, hand tailored throughout peg top or regu- .' lar cut trousers, etc Two and three-button models-stouts, regulars, shms and extra sizes. alnes np to f -5.UU. . , as: SPECIAL SECTION tD FLOOR OLD STORE f him in nn f thp carefullv selected. 1UUI UUT Hill UlU.b JVU liwuw v - . ' ' . . .. mi j j i: l 'quality guaranteed, spring suns, iney are aressy nuu pracui m, iw. Boys' Cunruntoed All Wool alto EltBw one .Omaha's Most Completely Equipped Store for Boys - - ... a! if or two pair puU; style are de AA Nortolk and double breeaUdi, PJsW Boys' All Wool Bert Bate With twa pair panta made up of l-ounes all wool . terg. Panta full peg Norfolk or doublo ; broaited gtylen sgea I to It gQ nor' Top Coats New shadings and fabrlci; $2.50 t0 $5 Bon Long Fanta Sutto Afaa 14 to 18 wall Bad lota of ntylo and iplendld wearing quality, at S7.BO, $10.00 and S12.50 Manhattaa Waahable Surta for Boy at 91.00 to $3.50 Bor' AU Wool Panta Can't bo duplicated elsewhere at these prleca from 751 o $1.50 Boya KumUb Blouse Suits Agea 3 to I yeara, at $1.98 to 83.98 Famous K. E. Blooss WaiaU wlta tha patent loop, at 40 to Jl.W BASE BALL AND BAT TREE WITH EVERY BOYS' WOOL SUIT. 'i ' ' vtIVVv-v ! ' IP-- I I - Correct Easter Hatis for Men thn moit romrjlete stock of Easter. u uuuviq .y wm w J- lists for men and young men ever assembled in one ptore 'Jfrom tha foremost makers of America and Europe. You will not be confinod to any one mike or style, but have the best the world produces to choose fron The Tamoui John B. Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats, 0 Cf) ia all the latest shapes and shades, at tJ)j.eJU 'to .$2.50 VY The Famous Wilson Hats of Denton, England, at ,...... iovh K. W'a Bats of Btockport. Enlan4-f Ina ,-oft haU; $1.00 lua. 2.00 BraMhrfa Betal Soft a BtUf Hau at .... j ; 92.00 F.H Oorfaror Kffetta aad Stitched Hats Something sew and wj toppy- M OR (1.00 aluee, at ....V" ' Vaa Mcn'i White Canvas ' and White Nubuck Oxfords Tfeese) oxfords promise to be the big featara In Man's Low Sum mer footwear buttoa and blur bar laoa styles all ataea aal widths, at, per pair $2.48 to $3.95 Men's Sample Shoes Tana and black leathers, patent leather and dull ealfakla button and blucher lace styles with hlgtt toes nobby, dressy shoes la comfortable ehapea, regularly selling for 13.10 aad 94.09, la all aissa aad widths, special, at, rr yn $2.85 . . r . - : 'aii it V Easter Sale of Men's Shirts and Neckwear Mea'a Sample Soft aad Stiff Hats All samples, worth 13.00. at......... SI .23 Boys' Caps la plala aad fancy colors all new sprint tylee, at Boys' Easter Bate In all the mew enaaes and college shapes, at t 35c49c.98c-$1.50 COUNCIL LETSJHAKCE SUP ' eiuiet to Bare Uia City Urgo lorn Whta it Su Chaaea. CIS POXm.iWH!TK WAT . i 1 . .. . .- Clir Tiimiw e a tlr Has rotated vet the laemetoacr the Mrt ( te Caaaall 7 While aaesibera of the city eeaneil aa fcM erring -Domr la the eitr adakta uratlon" they hare femn peratoteBtly IeonbetUna a plan at the city treasurer Skat weM seve the ctty ss aueh as IS.0M a year. . w ' 1 ' Crty TresMrer It'. J. r has repest edly pointed eat that InetfKJeiwr ea the jpart of the flaaaoe Otwuntttee ef the potato, heaoed by W. t. SheMoa, U sneaatsg a heavy loss snaaaQy te the fcity. Oasha a hncoX teaehtedaeu oa o oant of hona sold to pave streets Is ftl.5M.iek The city new owns of these sxsuoa There are sufficient fuada ea hsad te as off or parshasa IBM of Sheas hoods. If tots aaooey was seed urtheM heads, thareey stoaptnc the to- Urert of 4 per cent, the ladebtednen of the city for pavhic streets would he de- ereseed te tUM . This t.0M is sow hM hy the etty treasurer, who Is expreuly preveated hy law treat Investlsc ft In saythinc rlss iiit city hands or warrants. When the round! war reminded that K sosMhedr had not Bundled the teterast ea a larse fMt cent ot sH evtstaadiaa heads weald he seved. the finance cosasrittss Dew tote a ra aad took M out ea the treae- (un that 17100 street Improvement bends were for sals sad eusht la hs purchssea. Ills eomnunleeUon was read rapidly sad staoed ea tils by a ansalmoue vote, al though Mr. Vre had beta eaplalalnc hts piaa aad pleading tor Its sdoptioa tor five weeks, some s( the couaeU did ast kaew ea what proposlttoa they ware ot- iBB. 25c and 49c ADTO COT UP AT A WEDDING Judge Kennedy Ties Knot and Hood- lami amain Kachine. Manhattan New Spring S5 Shlrta S5 New Spring Neckwear t 504?tS3 Xothino hm that isn't new. Here are the fixitas . that meet the taste of the best dressed men everywhere. Men's madras, percale and mercerized cotton QQa Shirta, values up to $1.00 at, each ....0-L Men's madras and soisette, negligee and outing SQ shirts, values up to $125, at, each, UL High grade sample shirts, coat style, plain colors and neat striped effects values up to ' QQn $3.00, at sOl Easter Neckwear Wonderful now assortmeat of four-tn-handa, made ot Imported . llaa-Taluea silks dsasy, now ahe4ee new patterns; in. QQ- 1 up to Tec, at "l wew Shlrta at ..Jl.SO to J K. W. New Spring Shi at. S1.50toj Nsw Soring Neckwear Spring Weight Union Suits Pur Egyptian Cotton Butts. 11.50 values, at ..754 and 984 Mussing Union Suits tor wring wear ...... 9 1.00 "d S3. 00 Madawall Union Sulta at '. 92.00 Superior Union lulu nt J1.50 to S3.00 t mm Without heeding threats directed at kin thea be asked for addtaoasl saraiar ke araaos sad a safety deposit vault, whteh lie had been forced to smuts at his ewa inpenee. the treasurer seat a eemsraalea. tlea te ba eouncU. It wss read at th last BMCtltig. Ia Us auteaseat Mr. Crs Doa t vea think that would have bees a rood plaa to foltowT' CouaeDipaB Sush don wss asked. T' heads hsvs besa sold aad are ao lower ea the nurket." "And tha dty la that esse has lost an other chsaos to eliminate waste." said Mr. t'ra. "I'm la favor of buying up our sonde If tha ttfa! departoMnt thlaka we can do It." said Councilman Thomas McOovem. Wllllaa to Save. Tm for anytblns that sseans s ssvlng to the city." said Irouls Bumweter, wns ta walttns te be ahowa. Counrtlmaa M. r. runkhoueer heard tre's recomsMadaUoa read aad voted scatnst H without senuaeat. Let Bridges declared the finance committee was trying to run everythlnd and forthwith took his stand wrth the treasurer. Thla faconuBendatloa covered bonds falling dae m U and UU and of fered br Burns. Brlaker Co at which, the treasurer eaplareed. would mean a savins of a Utile saors than per eeat te the etty. ' Ceald Bay Move. Collecttoa of specie sues la Wl would eaaMe the eltr te pay off more bonds. a the partes tea eoheeiloae from Marca to December, UU: will amoont to M.9t, which, l( It could be used, would fur ther decrease the beaded ladebtedaeea ef I be dty for pavtsc streets to pet, we. Sack a esuree woe Id by Jsauary L Oil, dear the city ef half of the now eutstaadlBS paving heads. Bat because the taraes were tea largo sad ef too late awtartty. thla saeaey most bo held by the treasurer. It Is draartne per eeat and the hoods are drawmc fls per eeat Internet. - - WAS KI3 SICOSP CSK05T svsao Oa BvtdenUp Trtee to Baa Away with tha Car, hat, low seeded la CetMac It hat ' Block. ' Judge Howard Kennedy performed hat second 'manias ceremony Thureday, but ths pleasure was marred by hood lums who took liberty wrth the Judge's aew automobile while he wss tying the te ride boase la a ttghtleea aatemohtla, The work of the hoodlums was reported to the police sad ts Juvenile OTOeer Mogy Berastata, hut as far tha mis creants have not besa apprehended. stimulate your business hy eavertlelnf a Ths Bee-the aissnaser that reaches HI of tha buyers. Former Omaha Man Marvels at Its Size 1 sm surprissd at the growth ef Omaha aad Us spparaatly piospsrsus ooadiuo, remarked R. B. Bttekle after baring taken a motor trip about the dty. the guest ot George vVeat. general agent of the passenger and K. C Oriffla. gea eral as vat ef the frelsnt dspartasvat ef the North westers read. yor many years Mr. Ritchie was gen eral Meat of the Northwestern ttaea la this city. Fifteen years ago he wss pro moted te tha' Bosnian ot general agent at ths esmpsny Unas at Ban Francisco. I am astonished at the growth of Omaha," said Mr. Xltcble. "It has forged ahead waadartully until It ben taken a plaos amors the beet cttlea he tha coun try. U nas become a hasutag mu epulis of snagalflecet nomas aad palatial of fice buudkngs and buslBess a sad aU this wttbout any boom. Omaha surely Is a aroat Otr and everything tadketas that thers Is a great future la stare for It aad Its people." Miss Dorothea Jt'tL a handsome sad attractive young woman who bad heea employed fat ths Kennedy home for mere then a year, was ths bride sad the groom was Asd T. Jesperaen. Judge Keanody with all the other Judges of ths district diaspora res dvtl marriages and urges that weddings be solemnised by ministers or priests. Rarely do the Judges perform such ceremonies and when asked they geaersllr reply with Bdvlcs that the eoupi seek some maa ot ths cloth. Mrs. Jesperera and her husband so tnsistrat thst Judge Kennedy consented to emcate. Judge and Mrs. Kennedy went to Miss Jsth's homo oa North Thirty-third street last sight snd the ceremony wss Bar- It wss a beautiful ceremony and waa carried through with as much soiemalty aad appreciation of Its ssrleoa- Boss as It a minister had tied the sacred knee Whoa the Judge and his wife stappsd out, et the bouse their ear wss rone. It waa found a block north of the hones. A plats glass mirror te eoabts the driver te see the rear st the car bad besa smarted and tha ansa saoaorter had baaa twisted out sd saane. Tha alar Iris lights has heea asMabed eat ef com- ! Ho wouM have had as go Ciaeasa, la. BUasiea. A driving bat the Jadao had left thiasi b m. Joseph aad oa ths drtvere seat had heea eat n , It was Bwcessary for the couple f Parmlls ts smoke oa. RANCHMAN WAITS FOR THE WATERS TO SUBSIDE Frank Ptronka. SB eM Bma resident et Omaha, hat aew a rancher at net Mo. whs has bean ss the etty a aassl of days vtstuag friends, baa returned his boms. He tadeadrd te Isava a week sao. hut wss sis re sard hy the floods. Mr. Ptronka Uvea hut atsty mUea from Osaaka by aoaa heme whoa tha flood was at Ms kettht he weald have bad ta a miles, to roach hat anatlnetlea. PROBE DOTfflTO PAYING Grand Jarr laTestignte. "Vgtj Kamori" of Kutg ia Coaaeu. PATETO PU0XOTXE3 ASS CALLED Rewards of tha Lett tan ad Certain Ashe Wlll Be Maaaataed . . Per see Parian Report ss Red rtaaL Investigation of a rumored combination at seres etty councilmsa eft acted te safe guard the nterosts of certain paving companies, wss begun by the grand Jury yesterday. Paving promotere end representative at brick sad ssphalt perms; companies ware called ts testify aa to tha legality of pevtns petitions seeured by promoters sad recognised hy the etty council ever protests suaatttbsd la the form ef alfl- dsvtts. X embers ef the city council may as abaasneed before the probe late lbs sanac sltuatioa ta ended- Ausoaga a report was made Br taa graaa jury in which It waa stated vast ot ths paring Is of good nueltty. that report was n fmai. aad tha see pa of the luveeugatiou Is being widened. Records at ths Istttag of certain Jobs wUl be examined and their ganutneneas determined Three indictments la routine police esses wore returned by tha grand Jury Friday morning. The Indicted men are not m custody and their names were with held pending arrests. The grand Jury wUI submit Us Baal re port end adjourn some time asi of the body. longer going the asms route. Davis saps ran wheat never looked hotter and pro. diets a hamper yield. He believed that pktwtag Should etsrt la earnest Boat weak, tor by that dime the ground will be dry. "Old earn, sening nt frees gut ta V s bushel. Is beian- used for seed around Broken Bow," he seM. DELTA PHI DELTA IS . INSTALLED AJ CRE1GHT0N A chapter of Delta Fnl Delta Legal fraternity wss Installed at the Cretghtoa Ceilega of Law by Dosa Marshall wy. MeKustck ef the University of gouts Dakota School . of Law, assisted by Messrs. J. R. Uodgroa sad William Bewea ef Minneapolis, also Messrs. J. I rons and T. A. Lewis of Vermilion. Thuodsy sad FrMay. The 'tetters were entertained hy ths aew frat men aad shown various places of Interest about the dty. Those who were Initiated are Messrs. Henry Moasky. Donald J. Barks, Arthur B. Jsceulta, Chester D. Fletcher. K. a Reaner. Done C O.swlmss. Artlrar Ron. sablnm, rarl J. Aldrich, Fred W. Msss- aaara, J. W. Whelsa aad C F. ScJwompp. STATE IN GOOD CONDITION FOR A BIG CROP YIELD tea Davis, la from Broken Bow with a load ef stock, said that hm trata was rested Tbi Ashland and PacUJs Junction treat Uneeta. ho arriving here st 11 I o'clock yesterday. Re said another train which fallowed was delayed five hours a ulheo Death mar result from dansisd lunas. Curs oemrbn and weak, sore lungs with Dr. Kmn'i New ixsmvsry. iso aad tLsk For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Many ConTentions Already Secured; for Another Year Kight eonveatlono for mi already hare sea sssarid for Omaha by the psbKettv surssa ef tha Commercial dub. adesv- le mads te notigr avals throe of ths avger conraotlone hers at the e time. The three inctud men m- ptm ths sasss Hue. They are the Nebrsaka Rural Lite commission. N (breaks Farmsrs coogrsss and the Ce-opsrsUva Live Stock and Shipping association. The ether conventions so far enlisted are the Lumber Dealers, State Hard ware assodstlen. Midwest Cement Deal ers' assocUtloa sad the Federation of h'cbrsJkn Retailers. ALLEMAN A DIRECTOR OF THE CITY NATIONAL BANK C Is. Allsmsn. praatdeat at the Stand ard Oil comaany of KeSraaaa. was stsctod ta ths directorate of the CHy National baak at a meeting of ths directors Thurs day afternoon. The vote for him wss unanimous. The City Nstianal Is one of banks of ths dty. McKibbin A dercr hat for dTcr head Three dollars 1 I IS1ISIB