lull ULL: OuAllA. tA'iliiiA, AflilL. t. 1112. - 1 Nebraska GRAND lSIiTO COMPLMHT Cuiucfcrcial Clnb Allege Union Pa cific Favors Omaha. ANT AIL HAS GASOLINE O&BEB Fire Caamtssloaer Seeds Oat Ctr-t-alar a Dealer la Gasoline that Klnld Mast Be Kept Vader INwi tar Safety. From a Staff Correspondent.! -LINCOLN. April S. (Special Telegram.) -Tile Grand Island Commercial club, 1 rouga A. I. Conner, has filed a com : !-ir.l with the State Railway rsaimls : lea alk-gln; discrimination on the part ' the VnloA Pacific railroad against frand I.-lanil wholesalers and In favor Or.:s!ia. .The petition sets up that the n cs. nnri'cUsa, Omaha to Grand Island, in a Cents per 100 and from there to !'-Uis on the St. Joseph & Grand Island i., I Grand Island johbera or their id'i-'iiMn must pay iw-m iicij,mi, -. In I 1. . n h Uhli . . ..-! Til immi. III! .c frame road ct tlto rate fixed from t:i.ii.a to Grand lesland, and as Goods il:- dcitinulkn they charso the Omaha r ue Is dteil.;:lnalory as relief. The : aau condition. It is altered, obtains for .-:ler classes of freight, though the rates cro different. The complaint aets out I hut the difference in favor of Omaha in come Instancts amounts to 55 cents per ') pounds. The commission, after the I'nion Pacific has. tiled Its reply, will i.t a dtg for a hearing. liaaollue Ordered I aderrreaad. l'imt Commissioner C. A. Randall has :Ksud an order which will atlr thing up In all probability. He I sending out a circular to all dealer In gasoline that the fluid must be kept la an underground Mstem hereafter and that prosecution will follow If the order I not respected, lie takes the stand this authority Is given Mm in the law which mal es practices which endanger life and property by fire p. nuisance, and be Insists that unless rasollno I kept under ground It I, a cieax menace. He consoles the dealer ly telling them the saving In evaporation l.y putting It underground will more than I ay for Installing the system. La Follette Stops Short Time at Union I.XIO.V. Keb. April .-Declaring that "We want to squeeze the water out of the trusts," Senator Robert H. La FOU ett of Wisconsin made a fifteen-minute address from the platform" of hi car here this morning. HI talk dealt with the centralisation of Industry In a few hands. Be elted the Instance of ' the lxty-three director In the Rockefeller and Morgan banks In New York, City, who, be declared, held over a thousand directorate In the big corporation and trusts. The special train did not atop long enough for addresses at Murray and Maynard. .but Senator La Follette shook hands from the rear platform with the crowds Which 'had gathered. DISTRICT COURT JETTLES - -r ittlAUkd OALAnl &UII vKAHNKV. ;b4 : Jprli 5.-Speclal Telegram, h-ln district ! court today the raw of the Kearney hae ball and 'ath letic association agsftifct II. a Slevera. Grand Island, president of the Nebraska Hate iia-w' Bail lesgu last year, the association Was awarded USD and the defendant charged with costs, all result ing from the Black salary case. lilac k had in overdraft In a local bank and when released by. the local manage ment last season hi last pay check was placed en deposit In that bank, the bank crediting him with the deposit and offer? inx him the balance, over half the amount, after deducting the overdraft. This Black failed to accept, appealing te the president of the league, who. It Is said, on the advice of the director, de ducted that amount from the tMS guar antee of the club, remitting at the close of the season the remainder of the guar antee. Motion tor a new trial was over ruled by the Judge, the deficit being or dered paid by the ex-presldent as an In dividual and not as a league officer. i J NEW LIBRARY AT NORTH - - PLATTE IS OPENED NORTH PLATTE, April (.-(Special.) North Platte' new Carnegie library was formally opened last night with a pub lic reception given by the board of di rectors. A large crowd was present- to itispect the building and listened to talks hy Dr. N. . HoCabe. president of the board of director;. Mayor Patterson, and Ills Templet on, secretary of the State Library board.- The-city-Is largely in debted to Mayor -Patterson for bavin tecum! this structure. Lees then a year cto jbecrlptlon., was started by him tu .raise a .sufficient sum of . money -te reran -donation from sir. Carnegie, heading the fist himself .with .am To day the building I completely, furnished sd M books are en the, shelve. Itils located in the most central portion at the city Just w of the court house square and cost I.V. AL WINKELBAUER THROWS TOM RAY AT RANDOLPH Neb.. ApdU .-(Special Telegram.) Al Wlnkeibauer, Randolph's contribution to the wrestling game, put bis home town on the map last might by winning a neat victory aver Tom Ray, Lament. 1st, better known aa the corn belt cyclone, in two straight fan of 7T and. minutes. This gtvea Wlnkei bauer tlio -undisputed championship for his class- In -this section Bach man weighed. St pounds and gave the beat exhibition ever witnessed here. Ray was very ctevor and up to this time bad not been beatch; bawever, be waa unable w do anything with the corn fed Wln 'telbauer. who showed marvelous strength and endurance. Child Last Wear Aellav. NELIQH. Neb, April i Special. V The -yrar-o)d child of John Malaacwski wandered from home about 4 o'clock yes terday and waa not found until tea boon later. After searching for several hours and feillog In their huat Use family aad neighbors trVphoned at 11 s-efeck la the night te Keisxh fsr help. left sere sooa after for the miles aortk of tows. One ssT these stare h srs found the) chad at I 'else, la tea Ills s a asersiag trass asms - Tbsssjs ttasrewghhr esOsI it s Uusarat the cfafld vfl i.ili tap erdrsl aaal be nsoe the wars ser k. Always the Best at Each Price. OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING HOUSE THE HOME OF QUAUTY CLOTHES Half-Minute Store Talk Economy ts I be watch word in most h)me& The avenue pernor, is more keen to get ralue reveiveil than ever before. l.oia of merrhants are aaya talkins- about "val uea" and lotn of well Intemioned people fall for the "ralue talk. The value of a article depends upon how jrood it K If you buy poor rlothinj. It doe not comfort jou very nvuch to know that you got It cheap. But. a mora that caa sell you good rlothlnr for lean than other ask for in ferior klnda la stvinic you real values and vou are practicing- real economy. This U that kind of a otere and our customers ar that kind of customers. 'This is the Store for Easter Furnishings ' Our Easter furnishings are in strict accord with the newness of the sea sonbright, fresh and admirable. If you need an entire outfit or only a few ties or such like it's all the same to us and we'd like to have come in. Plain white, cream, tan and grey oft shirts, collar to match and French cuffs, 1.50. ' Silk cord Madras shirts, collar to match, $2.00 and $2.50. Pure Silk shirts, beautiful, $2.00, $3.80 and $4-30. Fast colored laundred coat ah'.rts, attached cuffs, $1.00, $l.5o op. To Wtar a King Swanson ; Spring Hat is to proclaim to the world your good taste and good . judgment. Stetsons $3.50 up. t Berwick 13.00. Kingsons J2-50. Other down to $1.50. itsf . Swell plain and fancy silk neck wear, SOe. 73c, $1.00. Pure silk wash four-in-hands, guaranteed, 30r, $1.00. New belts, tan, black and grey, 30 to 52. SOc, 73c, $1.00. Fast color mercerized Madras and silk pajamas, $1.00. $1.50, $.00. Union Suits In lisle, silk lisle and nainsook, short and long sleeves In three-quarter, ankle and knee lengths. $1.00 up. All our Shoes for spring are thor oughly good and faultlessly correct iVey are made by master shoe makers and upon lasts designed by up-to-date style artists. They're made from . wonderfully good leathers and they're priced easy. To see them is to buy them, to buy them is to wear them and to wear them is to be . dissatisfied with any other afterwards. Oxfords and high cuts. $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00. The Reputation of Our Clothing 1 1A A fWWI lAI Should Crowd This Store on I'l i ll f Y , EASTER SATURDAY With fellows who will be conspicuous on Easter Sunday by their well-dressed appearance Easter is the great dress-up day everyone makes a special effort to look his best. The garments we show, suit able for Easter wear, are the kind that , will not only look good on Faster but will look good after many months of wear. Thousands upon thousands of men know this and that knowledge should tax this store to a capacity busi ness on Saturday. Better be one of the fellows who go to make np the crowd. , True Blue Serges For the Eatter ityle parade -one of our ewell overgarmente $10 to $25 y Swell Suits ia Fancy Fabrics Grey In the lead for first place In the fashion handicap but Tan and Hair line effect running second and third. Models most attractive and qualities np to standard. $10.00 to $10.00 The Boys' Easter Clothes are here In superb assortment and faultless quality. Every garment sold at a decided saving. Swell Suits $2.00 to $10.00 Confirmation Suits $3.50 up Top Coats $2.50 np. Easter Furnishings and Hats for Boys Even If you've already purchased your boy's Easter suit you've probably over looked the little things he needs to go with It. On our second floor is a splendid department devoted to the sale of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Waists, Ties, Hosiery, etc., and the prices are won fully fair. ' Will not fade, ahrlnk, warp, pucker or pull out of ahape. Finely twilled , and absolutely dependable. Styles the most pleasing for several seasons. $10.00 to $33.00 Confirmation Outfit No. 1 Blue Serge Knickerbocker Suit, Waist, Collar, Tic, Hat, Shoes. $8.40 Confirmation Outfit No. 2 Blue Sergo Long Pants Suit, . Shirt, Tie, Collar, Hat, Shoes. $12.35 ni"i " " 'VrrnrrvrriVrVYrmYrYr ... aaassaaaaaaaaMwwa TAFT-SENTIMENT IN. PIERCE Eapaklicanj aid . Some Democrat! r "Will lotJaie'Chaace oaCTiaaga." JAEMERS ; 'WELL SATISFIES Brpert (hat Reaafclleaas Will Vats .Peaaeeratle Ticket If Taft Is ''- ' Nesslaaie ' Kmt- Bora Oat bf Fails. . PIERCE, Neb., -April l-Speelal.)-Th northern portion of Pierce county show a- decided i Taft sentlmeat and In the event of the president' reno ml nation he will poll the republican vote with 'a sprinkling of democrat who do not car to take chance on a change. At Osmond there ia a atrong Tart sentiment. .The Taft petition received something over fifty signature, many of -them tanners. D. Turner, a former well known tiller of -the soil, said: "I believe that Taft will receive the support of every repub lican fanner In this vicinity. At least. I have heard none of them exprea any op position to him of a serious nature. They are 'going to think twice 'before (hey vote In a way that may mean a demo cratic administration and Ha low price." A. U Todd waa unhitching hi hone preparatory, to starting for his home in the country, but said he always liked to taik aver the political situation. Mr. Todd said he. was a "Hoosier." and mighty proud-ot It. and tbat be had been voting th republican ticket all his life. This talk ot republican farmers voting the democratic ticket if President Taft Is se lected at the convention is all a pips dream." said 'he.1 "At least, I have not truck say; of that .kind : of - sentiment around here." ' .' , Between train at Plalavlew I was told that republican-farmer would generally he found aupporttag tho .' president In event ot hi reeiomlnatlon. ; At Pierce the maaaxtne trust yuid the farm . Journal which were hit.. by Pre!-aent- Taft ruling compelling them to par an Increased . postage .seem to , have been getting In their work and I found a sentiment among the farmer against the administration, though it waa th opinion of many with whom 1 talked that when they understood better the conditions and the animosity which prompted th fight on the president they would probably vote for Taft before they would take any chance on a democratic administration. . 1 P. A. B. WEST POINT FARMER IS ACCIDENTALLY POISONED : WEST POINT, Neb.. April fc (Special.) Prank Banal, a farmer who lived ia Gage valley, east of this city. Is dead aa the result of accidental poisoning. He had beea sick for some time and Wednes day night got hold of a bottle containing wood aJeohol, which he had mistaken for the medicine prescribed for him. He died In a few hours. Alllswt UsarasT wsMed. ALJJANCX, Net, April I. (Special. -The Alliance public library was yester day ' Installed ha Ma new home without any omuiaay. Tat library waa h'tiserto baaomoat of the Phelaa where M years ago by dub of Alheaos. - Through the tixte fsllgsbU efforts as Ibis cfub sufn- ctesst twada were rasssd t ssjast the ismdltlisssi issjulied hy Jtr. Para. i wsu Snesd Cads towards tha beiidtox. which as ana of tha heat sa Us city, be ts bsast of srniil brtrk. with atoaa racsncs hi th gotlde styta , Chaplain Johnson Says He Foretold ;:: Prison Trouble TECUMSEH, Neb.. April .-(Special.) -Rev. P. C. Johnson of thl city, the former chaplain of the Nebraaka peni tentiary, who resigned shortly after Deputy Warden Davis was stabbed to death by the negro. Prince, and before the mutiny at the prison In which War den Oelahunhty and Usher Hellman were killed, has given out th following state ment: "Somewhat reluctantly I appear In pub lic print. I hat a newspaper contro versy, but simple luetic to myself re quire a few brief Utements. "Some paper say: 'It Is understood about Lincoln that the chaplain had It ugReated lo him that his resignation Would be accepted'; others that 'it waa demanded,' etc. Allow me to say there Is absolutely no truth In these statements. The resignation iu wholly an act of my own. ... ."Further let me say I quarreled with no one. When I called upon tha gov ernor to resign I was not angry, nor did I make any complaint against any body. My only Intent was to resign. ' "My reason tor resigning are wholly my own, and really concern no one else. I had no personal difficulty with th prison administration, but I saw, beard and felt , that which made It Im possible for me to work there any longer. ' "Anyone that can read Intelligently what ha appeared In the papera. for several weeks, th statement made, the reform' proposed, the change , sug gested and comment made will see what I and other have. In some tform or ctberr contended for for from five to even yers. The thing tbat la more than merely amusing la th new-found teal for reform reform that ha been asked for by th real friend ot th prison and It Inmate for-year past. May I not. suggest, modestly, that it would have paid had this need of re form, and It demand, been heeded year ago? , . "Concernfng th article In the Appeal to Reason, which was largely quoted. It was not written at my dictation, nor waa th exact language mine. However, la substsoce. It expressed my feelings." NEWS NOTES FR0M BEATRICE Casasalestraera Take Charsje at tha City Gaewrasaeat Meat Mssesr. . BEATRICE. Nab.. April (.-tSpecial)-The new commissioners who were elected Tuesday, will assume charge of the city- affair next Monday after th city coun cil finishes canvassing the vote of the lata election. Already they are being besieged with application for chief of pollc and position oa tha nolle force. It Is reported that the number of aaloosts will be limited to tax. Pred Bchtrasrher returned bom yes terday from a four month trip to hi old homo In Germany. He wa accom panied home by hi niece, Mies Mag sis Wosthoft who will locate la this city. D. T. James of Cortland and Mrs. F. L. Bartons of De Witt, were married her yesterday by Judge WaMen. They will make their home on a farm near De Witt, Chariea ahrera waa taken t th asylum yesterday by gberirf gehlek. Jeff Looaey. who waa arrested last week and lodged In the county Jail on a peao warrant sworn out by Irs Stout. a druggist, wa released yesterday on bond to appear for trial on April 16. Th director of th Commercial club held a meeting last avenlng and formu lated plans for a campaign on the bud get plan, which wa recently, adopted by th member of the club. A- number of butanes men met at the, Young Men' Christian association last evening and took Initial atepa to give a minstrel show here th latter part of April, th proceed to be de voted the base ball fund. The follow ing committee waa selected to take charge of the sffslr: O. P. Fulton, D. C. Jenkins, J. T. Harddert, A. II. Kldd, A. P, Hlllyer, and Guny Rathbun. New Fire F.aalae at Broke Bow. BROKEN BOW, April a -(Special. ) Th new chemical fire engine recently ordered by the city for the Broken Bow Fir department ha arrived and I now Installed ' at headquarter. Th cart weighs 4,500 pounds, has a forty gallon capacity In the large tank and Is equipped with two movable fir extin guisher. It carries Tie feet of chemical hoe and ha perforated steel capacity for 1,001) feet ' of ordinary,- cotton fire hose. Two extension ladder ar also part ot th equipment. The machine is thoroughly modern and presents a very handaom appearance. Th coat was I1.S00. DEATH JjECORD Jasaea H. Fair. IDA GROVm la., April t-8pecli.)-James H. Fair of Arthur, thl county, died after a brief Illness of pneumonia. He was one of the most prominent of pioneer citizens, coming to this county In U7L He leave a widow and seven children-Thomas Fair of CusMng, la.; Jam Fair ot Schaller, Ia.; Will Fair, who farm th old home place In this county; John Fair, Arthur, la.; Mr. Thomas Coulter, Galva, la.: Mrs. Fr-d laiseombe, Ida Grove: Mrs. L. H. Smith, Alta, I.' Mr. Fair wa horn In County Tyrone, Ireland, and was 57 years old. H. R. Mellsaa. BTROMSBURO. Neb., April i-(8peclal.) Word ha just been received here of the death of II. 8. Nellson at St. 'Joseph's hospital In Omaha following an operation for hernia. Mr. Nellson waa prominently identified with the business of this city, being the proprietor of an extensive coal business, a concrete factory, resident agent ot the Hord Grain compeny -and treasurer of the Scandinavian Mutual Fir Insurance company and ot the Lu theran Orphans' home, situated here. A widow and three children survive him. Theasas Bars IDA GROVE, la., April 6. -(Special. r Thomaa Hayn died at the home of hi daughter, Mrs. Barney Johnson, and the body was taken to Marshalltown for In terment. Mr. Hayn waa one of the first settlers of that section. He leaves a widow and three children Mrs. Barney Johnson and Mrs. Hixson of Ida Grov and Willlard Hayn of De Moines. : k Peter Crwaatadt. IDA GROVE, la.. April 5,-FpecUI.)- Peter Cronstadt died suddenly of pneu monia after a week's Illness. Born In Sweden In IK? he came to America In 1881 and first located at Denlson, la., coming to Ida county the following year. He leaves a widow and three children. Caatala T. a. Carter. VERSAILLES. Ky.. April .-Captain Thomas F. Carter, U. 8. N-, (retired), died suddenly here early today. lie wa chief engineer of the battleship Brook lyn during the battle of Santiago. Captain Carter wa SB year old. Sttlmnlat l in nn - (mmMm. ta To Bee the newspaper that reaches ail or toe surer Brown or Norris Letter Addressed hy Kdlloe at Aurora Repabllran ta toe ressesaa fraaa Fifth District I am In receipt of a letter from you soliciting support In your campaign tor United states senator. I am compelled to Inform you that I know uf no good reason why Senator Brown should be denied a re-election, and until I am con vinced that I am mistaken I shall do what I can for him. There U certainly nothing In your recent communication to lead ma to chang my mind. Tou speak of your experience and faith ful service In the house, all of which Is undisputed. But may not the same thing be said of Benstor Brown? You have represented your district ably and have no doubt accomplished much that I good, but the senator s friends ar Inclined to believe that he ha mad omethlng ot a record along that line himself. As many republicans out here In Nebraaka view It, there I no radical difference between you and Senator Brown; while you may differ on some matters of de tail, both of you appear to be working toward th suit general purpose. It Is, therefore, not clear to us why you should relinquish your claim to an almost cer tain re-election In th Fifth district and by opposing Brown place both of your eats in jeopardy. , If there haa been any marked disagreement between you and Brown, except possibly on th dead Issue ot reciprocity and th support of the Taft administration. It ha escaped my notice. And speaking of the administra tion, which is now th only live Issue between you, whom are you supporting for president at tha present timer We who depend upon the dally newspaper for our information concerning publlo men understood that you were strong for La Follette. but recent advlcea from Washington Indlcat that you have gone over to Roosevelt. How about It? And If so, why? , Tou say "the interests" bar marked you for political extinction. It may be that you are doing a t George-and-the- dragon or AJax-defylng-the-llghtnlng act in Washington, but wa search your record In this state in vain for evidence that you were ever particularly dangerous or obnoxious to what Mr. Bryan call preda tory wealth. I have jus read your speech advocating tha payment ot a bounty to beet sugar manufacturers. In which, you stated that th removal of th tariff meant destruction of tha bom Industry and th monopolisation of the market by the sugar trust, which speech waa fol lowed by the overwhelming defeat ot your bounty amendment and tha paasag of the democratic free sugar bill, with your vote recorded In the affirmative! I this a sample ot the work. Mr. Norris. which baa antagonized "the In terests" to such an extent that they are moving heaven and earth to encompass your defeat? On the other band I happen to know something of the work done by Senator Brown In Nebraaka before going to Washington, and have found nothing la his subsequent record lncona latent there with. He was the first attorney general Nebraska ever had who showed hi teeth to the railroads and compelled them to bear a fair proportion of taxation. He prosecuted the grain trusts and put them out of business, and today co-operative lumber yarda and grain elevators organ ised by farmers, made possible aa a re sult of his efforts, ran be found la al most every hamlet 0t tha Mate. Ha waa Mtteriy opposed by threw Merest la th oaaapaigsj of iSK, aad probably will be again. ' As to' the sttltuds toward him of Wall street, tha money power and other ogres with which orthodox populist used to frighten their children. I am. ot course. uninformed except Interentlally by your letter. Leaving everything ls out of consid eration It seem to me that It would be unwise for Nebraska to sacrifice th pro. tig and poalllon It ha gained through Senator Brown' six year of servlr by superseding him with even so able and experienced a man yourself. Tou real- much better than I the value of sen iority In the United State senate, and that every new member must serve a tort, of apprenticeship before he caa at tain to a position of real usefulness to hi constituency. Senator Brown has passed through thl probationary stage and I now In a position to do even more effective work for hi state, although hi record to date ha been fairly creditable In the matter of result accomplished. I have written yu rather fully and frankly, believing that you should under stand my reasons for th position I have taken. If I bar misjudged tha eltuatlon In any way I will be glad to have you set m right- But nntll mora convincing argument I offered than has yet bees advanced by your supporters, or by your self, I shall feel rt my patriotlo duty and privilege to support Senator Non-U Brows for re-election. CLARKE) PERKINS. ARMY OF CANDIDATES ACTIVEX Every Method of Personal Advartii.1 inf ii Broach. Into Flay. t . . VOTING PEECD.CTS CHANGED Aaaeaaeesaeat I Made ( th Carei voted Met at Booth Laoallaaa . VslBgr Start at a A. M. aad , teaelade. at P. M. aslaes Mea far City Officer. BTROMSBURO. Neb.. April l.-8pecll.) One' feature of th city election her thl year wis that th wet and dry question waa not taken Into considera tion aa all th principal business mea has agreed to drop that Issue indefi. safely and th question of saloon are not mentioned bar any more. Th busi ness men hare all agreed to serve a city official if nominated for one term. Thl places th affair of th city with business men and they get good results and united action. Ira Banta, cashier of the Btrombaburg bank, waa elected mayor thia year with good bushies meo to support him In th council. Births. Blrths-Merein R. and Helen J. Vernon, 1017 Seward, girl; C. J. and Ruth Hall gren. Hit Maple, boy; Roy and Alma Chapman, ' Methodist hospital, boy. Indications point ts a heavy vote sti th primaries Tueedey. Candidates ar rounding up vry available vote and' lat supporter ar summoning all their strength for th first battle. Every man- ;' ser of personal advertising ever Invented ' Is being used and ton ot literature glv- . Ing Importance personal bistorts sndi promises hav bean scattered ever th' city. '(-. The minion of th vanishing regime, have been put to sor atralta to keep up th bluff and a show of enthusiasm. , Col leg orator and renegades of political . parti ea hare been pressed into th sarv- ' Ice and ar whooping It up half-heartedly tor member of th city council and other r broken political wheelborees who ar la in comnussionersnip race. . Ballot ar prepared. Home of lb can didst registered a kick oa the manner -; in which th name on th ballota war . routed, but thl dissatisfaction has died swsy with th printer' assurance tliat" everybody would be treated alike. . ; Voting booth will open at ( o'clock and , close at In th evening. Several new precinct hav been added this year. Rome members of th Citizens' union) ticket hav abandoned uaa ot'eard car-',; rylng name of other Cltlsen' union can- dldates and ar going It alone, com hav- ,' Ing card that do not even state the can- dldates have been endorsed by th union. I Aa Old gtealdeat Dead. ; STROMfeBL'RO. Neb.. April .-Sp- i, clal.r-Godfrey Johnson a long tlm real- wvmi v. f ui. , vun i j , uir-i hi eia sens w unwuj Mat uinu air. aonnsoa . formerly lived near thl city and haa many relative and friend her. H wa iw scare era. S:il HOTEL GOTHAM f Hotel of refmed celerx. located in ' NewSs toad centre ' Easily accessible to tlieatre ami slxTppirKI. districts P Sasjk rtxm429a59 Singh tasssi a-s3gnr5P PimHi mi nsli t tSgssaag SPCCIAL MSCOWTS S5SSsX MAY ro OCTOftEsl . . Wetherbce U Wood fifth A. V Tifir-GSk St NEW YORK. CITY (