niE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 6. 1912. 19 For Your Easter Dinner ( ii CORN GOES TO RECORD LEYEL Reach e 75 1-2 Ctata, Highest Since April Poor Year Ago. SUPPLY TOEQUAI TO DEXA3TD Reaorta fross th Caaatar ttmta that Cant ld ta Rntnt asd riv llaadred Basket Lata Brian tram TS ta 80 Ceata. Cash corn value went aviating oa the Omaha market yesterday. Bamplm of th yellow cereal sold ai high aa Wi cent. making new high lereli for the crop year. This la the hi sheet since April. 18, when 8 rants was reached. Dealer find It bard to eecura enough corn to supply their order and claim receipts will be Mill lighter as the spring farm work progresses. Report from the country state corn sold In 100 to Ms bushel lots ta bringing Vs to M oenu a bushel and buyers are willing to do their own hauling. An easier feeling la expected as soon as heavy feeding can be cut down by pas turing. SaM ta Bo good Cava. Remarks were current on the exchange floor that the high-priced grain was seed corn, but President Bewsher of the Bew sher Oram company, which aold a oar load at the high figure, aays it waa taken by a feeder. The Nyo-Bchneider-Fowler company waa another that sold at the record figure. Buyers from western and Pad Ho coast markets. It la said, are partly responsible for the high selling prices here. From these western markets earlier in the year have been- shipped large quantities of barley1, reducing the supply so that now, when feed Is needed, buyers are coming within twenty-five miles of Omaha to buy oo rn tor shipment westward. Tbey never bar don that until this year et least so extensively. Grain dealers say they expect corn to sell at the same price a wheat before the summer Is over. Apartment House is Traded for Land B. F. Glllett, lilt South Thirty-first street, has traded a two-story apartment house at Thirtieth avenue and Faciflo streets for 1,19 acre of fertile farm land, twelve miles north of Bpaldlng. Tho ex change was mad with T. P. Story, a stock raiser, who Intend to move to Omaha and engage In business at the took yards. The Omaha property which la .known a a part f Hanaoom Place, waa valued at 130,000. It eon tains six apartments of eight room each. Tho building was erected about thirty years ago by George W. Hicks, a real estate man. QUlett will hold tho Wheeler county land a an Investment Many Candidates Want to Be Justices Many applications for appointment to the office of Justice of the peace, made vacant by the death of the lata Justice Cocsrell, have been received by members of the Board of County Commissioner. At least fifty men are seeking the posi tion. None of the Candida tea yet has been considered by tho board. ' CUNDIFF LOOKS FOR AN INCREASED ACREAGE VT. H. Cundlff. assistant general pas senger agent of the Union Pacific, who has been out in Nebraska during tho last three weeks and marooned at half a dosen places by floods. Is back and In his judgment, while the high waters did an Immenss amount of damage to farms la the low lands and valleys It will sot be lasting. Mr. Cundlff says that up through the valley of tho Elkhorn. Platte and Loup the waters have rapidly receded and that where a week ago water stood to a depth of from on to three feet the tend la now pretty well dried up and about ready for cultivation. Everywhere, he says, farmers Sre predicting tho best crop year in the history of the state and are consequently preparing to plant an ususually large acreage, THIS LAD DETERMINED TO JOIN THE U. S. NAVY George S. Lund of Grand Junction, Colo, was so intent upon Joining the navy that he shoveled coal on freight train from Denver to Omaha la order to enlist at the local recruiting Halloa. Imi left hi home for Denver to Jom the navy. When be reached there he waa broke, but he did not mind, aa he was sure of shipping tram there. Be waa then Informed that the station at Denver bad beea abaadoaed and Omaha was the nearest recruiting office. He se cured work oa a train, passing coal. Wham the trala reached Its desUaatioa he got a Job on another trala collecting milk cans. In this aaaaer ha reached this city, looking more Rke a tramp thaa a hard working boy with aa alas la the world. He leave for the coast a aa appreattc samsa OMAHA CLUB ORGANIZED AT DARTMOUTH COLLEGE a fans he club with a i atsraa waa arfaaMI at x mining itf -" ' ' kaa waa are arsaseV ke tho- Kew ITetngiiSIr acaoai was aon and ofarar issued far tha year. SUard It Allan Takar. It waa eUtlid liiiUwt. aas Lima aecretavry- treasarar. cjsab aaeaata k fefrjsH" awanaeaarea, taaw K EhMttkata, ChaaMr P. tnattey. Paat Baa eftea Sarara lata Bast Ansae Tansy: r - -. ws AMarasa, Aaw-t aV w-Cm" ' C i Tart a. Baeasr an DXssat Railroads Store . Large Amount of Coal on the Lines In anticipation of a strike In the bitu minous coal mines ths railroad companies that operate in and out of Omaha are storing vast quantities of coal along their respective lines. With railroad the usual plan Is to store coal during the summer months at a tint when business is slack. This rear, however, they have began put ting the fuel away when they are crowded with freight. Already the Northwestern ha In excess of 100.00Q tons of coal stored at atatlona through Iowa and Illinois, with more coming every day. The Rock Island, the Burlington and Milwaukee are buying in large quantities at the mines of Illi nois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas and are filling their house to capacity. Railroad mea are not inclined to discus the strike nor do thsy give any reason tor the activity in stowing away coal, other than to say that tt will bs needed la the future and that now la a good time ta get it Into place where they can get hold of It In the event tho euulde supply should short Bucket Factory to Locate Plant at Council Bluffs Henry Hufnogle, vice president end treasurer of tho Deep Well Bucket com pany of 8L Louis, who haa beea in Omaha several day looking for a sit for a branch factory, haa about decided to locate In Council Bluffs on tho line of the Rock Island ta the south part of town. Mr. Hufnogle has not conferred with the Omaha Commericai club. Ho does not ask any bonua for locating. The company of which Mr. Hufnogle la an officer, la Its Council Bluffs fac tory will give employment to M men. It will put out a line of wooden tanks, buckets and everything else that has to do with well digging end equipment, beside tankage for business houses, ranches and mines. He hopea to have his factory in operation by the first of next year. Rheem Takes Charge of Club at Helena I N. Rheem, one of the organisers of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. haa been elected to th secretaryship of the Helena Commercial club. He haa been located until now at Minneapolis. Hi Omaha friend exerted their Influenoa to place him la charge of the Helena Commercial club. MUNROE ADOPTS CREED FOR HIS DEPARTMENTS In dealing with the publlo and existing conditions, Vloe President and General Trafflo Manager Muaroe ot the Union Pactflo has introduced and adopted a creed for himself and the people of his various departments. Tha creed follows: We believe m our country, the 1'nlted States of America. We believe In her constitution, her Isws, her Institutions snd the principle for which she stands. We believe In her future-the past Is se cure. We believe In her vast resources, her great poesibilltlee yes, mora, her wonderful certainties. We believe In the American people, their genius, their brains and their brawn. We believe In their honesty, their Integ rity and dependability. We believe that nothing can stand In ths way ot their commercial advancement and prosperity. We behove that what are termed "time of buainee depression" sro but periods of preparation for greater and more pronounced commercial success. And we believe that In our country are being worked out great problems, the solution of which will be for the benefit or au mankind. In urging the adoption of the text of tut creed, Mr. Munroo I of the opinion that by following the principle laid down better mea and women will be the result MISS HELEN M'GUIRE WINS GOLD RECITATION MEDAL Miss Helen McOutro won the gold medal In a recitation oonui. Held Thursday by the Bensoa Woman a Christian Tem perance uniea. Thar wen asvea contest antsall of whom hav beea winner of stiver medals offered In former contests by the union. They were Misses Helen McOulre. Marguerite Bearsoe. tJiy Rr- man, Evelyn Xelland, Kmua Enters, Min nie Ryman and Gertrude Gat. WIND BLOWS ARC LAMP DOWN UPON PEDESTRIAN While standing oa ths corner of Six teenth and Chicago street! at 1 o'clock yesterday aftamooa, Joe Nelllng. a clerk living at M1 North Talrty-uxta street, waa struck by a tailing are lamp and painfully injured about the head and legs. His wound war dressed at the aoUc station and he was removed ta hi heme. Tbs lamp waa atowa dowa by the high AUTO STOLEN WEDNESDAY FOUND ON THE BOULEVARD The toaaoafla h slanging to tha Inter ar ta Jny rsewra. MERCHANTS TO DECORATE FOR T. P. A, CO?tYtXnOX state AeUiiiwiMsi aasnsaay. vaiea was tolas la trans of a aoaae at Taealy Brst aaa S saner atisst mat Wednesday aesiaag. was foawd jialsi day ant wast aa Cha bnolawara. Tha ass rasas was ffTT-a . r "T Lacal anaasass) at tan Tsaaaosra rsa naeawsr. ww!w aassas an Age aal tflaur atnns uu ilnni BIG REALTY ML IS CLOSED Omaha Cold Storage Company Plant $300,000 Storage Plant. WIIX EBECT TOE BUILDING Property I Secured After Kegoila tiaa .cwvertas; Period af Two Years with Gears aa Railroad Cosaaaalea. The Omaha Cold Storsg company bought the quarter block at tha south west corner of Eighth snd Farnara street yesterday, on which It will begin building this summer a t,0 cold stor age and creamery plant After negotiating for the lot at that location for mora than two years, the cold atorage company consummated the deal yesterday with George A Co., and the Burlington and Northwestern rail roads. The lot runs 154 feet on Fsrnsm street and 133 feet on Eighth street. Sixty-six feet waa bought from the railroads, tb switch tracks of which lay through an alley to tho rear and along the Eighth street frontage. Incidentally these trscks, two In the alley and one on the street, enhance the value of the property for the cold storage company's use, as direct shipments ot butter, egg and produce will bo made la and out from Omaha. Aa Iaasaeae Baildla. I The building which the company will build Is to be of reinforced concrete and stand five stories high with a foundation to hold from eight to nine stories. Of course tlx reinforced concrete building will be fireproof, but a an added pre caution an immense sprinkler system will be Installed. The Omaha Cold Storage company's plsnt now stsnds at Eleventh and Jack son streets. The company la the most extensive butter, egg snd produce dealer In the middle west. Its nsw plant will have all the modern appliances. Its own slectrlo light plant and cooling plants, as It has now, and will be spacious enough to store more than 90 carloads of goods. P. C. Hyson, vie president and gen eral manager of the company, said ex cavation work for ths new building would begin early thla summsr. Ths president of tho Omaha Cold Stor age oompany Is I B. KUbourne, who is affiliated with C. 11. Weaver Co., the largest produce dealera ot Chicago. O. P. Goodwin Is secretary and treasurer of the company. Five Autoists Are Fined for Speeding The cases ot seven violators of ths speeding laws were called In polios court yesterday. Five were convicted, one forfeited a cssh bond, and the seventh case waa oontlnued until tomorrow morn Jamea Corr, Louis K. Doty and 1. T. Bertwell were fined 110 and Costa each, while Joe Barron and Walter Bharror were fined t and costs each. Oliver Hoff was ths on who forfeited a bond, and A. H. MoConnell will be tried Sat urday . morning. Motorcycle Officer Wheeler and Early made the arrests. Crop Conditions in Iowa Are Great "Nvr haa Iowa had a better outlook for crops,' said 1. C Vollstedt of Walnut, la., at the Merchants. "As tar aa com I oonoarned the state should hav equally as good a yield as two year ago." Vollstedt Is la Omsha on a business trip. Hs ssld that the farmers were already beginning to plow and though admit Ing some damage by floods, added laughingly: "You can't stop them on ac count of water." Leon's Shop Shows New Easter Hats Leon'e two-dollar hat (tor, HI South Fifteenth street, will do Hs second week of business Saturday with a special showing of Eeaster hats. Tb Leon (tor Is owned by two brother, young; pro grossly fellows, who hav on of the largest line ot P hats la ths west. They represent all shapes, sises and styles that oan be- found la higher priced hat. Tbs Loon have a hat for every head. CITY ENGINEER'S HORSE MAKES AN EXCITING DASH blaek Inn as whU-h thm aiieliia.lna department ot th city procured recently established a noora yoalsiday asoa la distance with a leaded wagon la ran track tin, and dodging autonw bilee ad ether vehicle which happened to be oa Seven teen th street, and eroailng Douglaa, A niece of no Ma" frirhlsnsA tha sutraa a he was tied to a post In tb alter bask ot ua dty hail, with a snort to ani mal burst tb strap and dashed Cvws th alley. At the earner at the atky and Seven teen t the aoraa tnraad aaeeh aa caned colliding with ten aatomobDes. Th dash was stopped by a telegraph pot be tween Douglaa aa Dodge streets. XeKhetr rVsot wtabiaa Beat results ahoold aeV vartia ta The Kee. It pays. our &pxoial orrcR sW faWawt 9sfTr gfttf aw4W 4cgc? aawiak a. J lajijgga TOilE 8PIGES war aarisr saw r Was lOoseAyow 5asHawrMa. H'.iss of star aswl of sjsa yea gear saisav Ww4UswWWsos,ear saaa--TleaaWTaUi U Seisip4gtta-elUat -.eUiawa as-sW.svsaavs JZmlrZ- - swjowi ettsefaeiai gftMavftg8t,. Commercial Club Compliments the Mendelssohn Choir The Mendelssohn choir hss been com plimented by the Commercial club for bringing to Omaha the famous Thomas orchestra to play at the Auditorium April 8: A resolution endorsing the undertaking sdopted by the club follows: Realisms- that the efforts Af the In. delssohn Choir to brlnu the Thomas Or chestra, a nigh class musical orsanliatloa of Chicago, to Omaha for a series ot con certs In conjunction wiih ths Mendelssohn Choir Is a laudable one. snd that it Is a step In the right direction toward the greater development of mimical activities In local mualrsl circles, be It resolved thst ths Commercial club hereby In dorsee the undertaking as one worthy of the morel support of this organisa tion and of the cltlsens of Omaha and the atate ot Nebraska. AUGUST SMITH DEFEATS OTHER AUGUST SMITH LA CROSSE, Wis.. April (.-August Smith defeated August Smith for mayor of Wis., on Tuesday, according to the official count, which was com pleted todsy. Both August Smiths are leading cltlsens of the town, one being a merchant and the other principal ot the high school. The merchant, wno for purposes of identification waa recorded aa August Smith the elder, wss chosen mayor by 161 majority. ARSENIC IN PANCAKES, TWO BOYS MAY DIE ROCK FORD, III., April 1,-George and Lawrence Blldahsl, 17 and 14 years old, are In a critical condition today aa a re sult of eating pancake containing ar senic. Ths food was prepared by the hoys' mother, Mrs. Emma BlldahaJ. An Inquiry la being made Into ths woman's mental condition. . HE GOES TO JAIL FOR AN ATTEMPTED ASSAULT For attempting an assault against two little boys snd a little girl In an alley between California and Webster streets, atnd Seventeenth snd Eighteenth streets late Thursday sfternoon, Frsnk Wallace wss given forty daya In Jail by Judge Footer. Wallace admitted his crime. Hs waa before the court In February for a similar offense and wss then given twenty dsys In Jail. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Roger W. Naylor has returned from Colfax, la. Carl Wright, formerly of Omaha, but now asslstsnt general sttorney for ths Northwestern road at Chicago, la In town on legsl business. Miss Alma Hchoulang. who for eight year haa managed the cigar stand in the eld United Htatea National bank building, has sold out snd will engage In aonther line of business, probably con ducting a delicatessen. !SUNDGREN'S TIMELY The fear of a Coal Strike has hastened orders for Gas Ranges and Gas "Water Heaters. They are coming in rapidly, but not so rapidly as they will come when the threatened strike causes a coal fam ine, or, at best, prohibitory prices. Be timely; order yoor Gas Bange and Water lleater NOW and laugh at the etrike when it dot-s come. And even if there is no strike, yon will be ahead, because Gas is much more economical than any other modern fuel with which to cook and to heat water, and much more convenient. A telephone call or a postal will bring a repre sentative to your door. Omaha Gas Company I MISSOURI RIYER GOES DOWN Drops Over a Foot Daring' the Night at Thit Point. LITTLE DAUGEE FROM FLOODS Usee Foar Feet Over Maht at Pierre, S. D., aed Is Mill Rising dee Raaalaa ta River at Pierre, t'nless unusually heavy rains visit this section of ths country within ths next few days there will be no cause for f!ool alarms along the Missouri river, nt least between Sioux City and Omaha. Reports from points along ths Missouri to Bis marck, X. IV, ahow a drop In the stsge of from five-tenths of a toot to 1.x. The river at this point took a drop of 15 feet In ti e last twenty-four hours. At Blair bridge a drop ot 1.1 feet waa re corded and at Plattaniouth tt tell oft a foot. Tha Missouri river la now open from the source to the mouth. A gradual fail from now on is expected by Forecsster Welsh. PIERRE. 8. )., April S. -(Special Tele gram. )-The Missouri river Is full of run ning Ire today and has risen over four feet since lest evenlug. having reached a stsgs ot eight and a halt feet and yet rising. MARINE EXHIBIT WILL BE AK-SAR-BEN FEATURE The United States Bureau ot Naviga tion will be represented at the Ak -Bar-Bon street fair next year with an ex hibit, according to word received thla morning from Waahlngton. by Lieutenant N. W. Post, officer In charge ot the local recruiting ststlon. The exhibit will consist of works from the electrical class, sesmsn gunner, artificer and machinists Models ot United Btstss cruisers will be shown. ICE CREAM EASTER EGGS Nesselrodo Pudding 75c quart Fancy Moulds for Easter. Phone DouglaB 616. 16th St., Opp. Postoffice. Absolutely Our Own Make. MALTED MILK BREAD MIGHT SEKVK AS A TEXT FOR EVDLEHH BER MONH ON GOODNEHH, CLEANLINESS, PTR1TV, NtTRITIONj BUT LET THIS MUCH SUFKICKl IT 18 ALWAid tilMrwrtflti '"'c-o KKK8H TO VOIR GROCERS EVEHT MORN- ISO; ITS loin miLi IF YOU IX)NT KNOW HOW GOOD IT IS. LOOK FOR THE LABEL. 1 IT IS THE H10N OV piRrnr AT ALL GROCERS, SUNDGREN'S BAKERY EVERY LADY calling at our store on Sat urxlay will be presented with a valuable souvenir. Lot us show you the de licious Pure Food "Wines such ns Tort, Sherry or Angelica and explain their beneficial qualities. Full quart., 700. Gallon, $2.60. HILLER'S ffamily Liquor Store 1309 Farnam St rrflfl BEAUTIFUL ALBA rrflfl 1 1 BO LUSTRE VASE llDQ With seen pure haa mad at this siors galurdsy we will give absolute y free beautiful Alha Luster Vase, Mr your Tsas, Coffees and p'oee (teee tomorrow gt a ot tna vase, gee window display, UNION PACIFIC TEA GO. toil S sward treat, The Classified Sates of The Bes r acwasd dally If thou. anus at peouia. Try a Bee Want Ad, Clean, pure milk i r gg tion of food means delicious and appetizing meals Alamito milk, perfectly pasteurized and planed in sterilized bottles, is the cleanest and purest milk that can be bought. Fer-Mil-Lac Tea smtktfjtBX sz nT fcsaJs.'s attak. -ST icrnuB Bgafl ArfawatdawCaP gyaV 9tKmW Tmf Ask your grocer for Eagle Brand Macaroni 10c at all Good Grocers It la very importaiit to keep tha weight of yoor children, up to thf sUcdard .i'-Bzrx atantlki food tha k!n4 that will stick to their rib. EAGLE B8AXD MACAROKI Gestaiaa th ery aoribtBS lmiita that build flash, bon and asBacia. far Dnram wheal with all tha BAttDatiaawt laft la U. Ak iwtt rcw tar ZAfiI.E BRAID StAO ABOXt, It ht atada la Cmata undar th aaosx aaaUary aomdlissaa. BEE HIVE GROCERY a raw grjOKJEs-rioir roa mAarTsta. OaOCIBT BfBCIaX. Strictly fresh Kttga, per dos Mo Orsnulatsd Sugar. 1 lbs (1.00 Diamond C. Lennox Soap. I bara..gSe Kreah country Butter, per lb So Best creamery Butter, per lb 30 Best Prunes, per lb loo Currants or Kalalna, t pkga.........sAo Oat Meal. 1 lc packages lso Corn flaxes, i 10c pacxagee ...... .lso Olives, la bulk, per qusrt So raurr aito YBOMaaLa andAi,. reet Oranges, per dosen aVa Large ripe llananaa. per dos........lOo Large Juicy Lemons, per dos SOo Larss ripe Orape Fruit, each. ...... ,10 lilacs Walnuts, per English Walnuts, per lh ,.17o rx.ou arioiA&s. , unktat I lour, psr sack ,....l-38 XXXX Hour, per sack 1J lancak Flour. 10c package. ........a aUAT BPSOIAJba. Choice Boiling Beef, per lb Choice Shoulder Pet Roast, per lb-.THo Choice Bleak, per lb ,.10o Pry Bait Pork, per lb ...aa No. 1 Bacon, per lb llUo S-lb. poll Lard .Mo rreeh "pare Hlba. per lb 10 Freeh Neck Bnnee, per lb...... 4 Hon. Made Kraut, per lb sa arm qpoowby, eathweat Corner ltta and Oamin tls. rboaeei Bong. 10341 llad. B-iaaL Phone and mall orders given our very prompt attention, fitee good all week. EASTER MEATS Sunday la th day you'll enjoy m good dinner. eapeelaUy good meet We've aiad special efforts to se en re th very ehoiooet af native sore-fed iar, anrrrow, tranta uin, also Pork and VeaL an If you want something a lltfl better than thar eeelere hav eon slrterlng price yeu had better glv ua your order early. .st you forget ws want ta re mind you again about cur XTAA CX0X0S OaTIOsTXaTI W dress all sur hlskna ne. selves, so you need Bet fear getlleg weisr-soeaed or cold . terf onea, And Jil"t samemner 111 is, Whatever you u (n th me lip tram ua you'll gel (h sksieesv vl4 la Omaha, JOS, BATH'S GASH MARKET VeL . . INI i For 2m TU Ike, Evrrung aud Sunday, lVlircrwd at your lioma. in prepara The safe milk Ua it la four cook lot, an4 five It ta baby. It'a tht only substitute, for motierg milk. COR early A mental delivery milk aaa while tbey ar crowing. It . " ia wuao wnca gxronc conxutuuona ar built Children need good, gab- reniGcniay f I I f fl t H