16 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912. The Omaha Daily Bee POrXPED BT UPWARD ROSE WATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EUtTOR. BEE BL'ILDIXQ. FAKXAM AND 17TH. Entered at Omaha poetotfle a escond- class mutter. Sunday Bee. one year Kturlay Bee. year fl.JJ Lily Boe twllhout Sunday), on r Welly Be and Sunday, on rear... DELIVERED BY tAluiiin. Evening Bee (with Sunday), per S0....BC Dally Hre tmrtuding tiinday). per "' Daily Br (without Sunday), par '5 Address all romplalats or Irroguierltte B delivery to City circulation DPt- REMITTANCE. . Remit by draft, express or poatal order, payable to The Boa Publlehln company. Jnly S-ernt stamp received la payment of small account Personal chacSe. ea cent oa Omaha and aaatarn exchange, act accepted. . Omaha Tha Bee Building, tout h Omaha-Sit N St. - Council Bluffs-;! Boon St. . Uncoln S Little Building. Cnkaxo-lMi Marquette Kutlalng. ' Kanaaa City Ketone Building. New Yorfc-M West Thirty-third. Washtngton-TS Fourteenth St., N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newe and editorial matter atiould be addraaaad Omaha Bee. Editorial Department. MARCH C1KCULATI0N. 49,508 lata of Nebraska, County of Dougiea. a. . Dwtsht William, circulation manadat of Tha Bee Pubuahlag company, being duly sworn, aaya that tha average dally circulation, leu spoiled, unused and re turned coptes. lor tha month of March, JW. 4I)WK1HT WILLIAMS. I Circulation Manager. - Subscribed In my praaanca and a"orn to aelora ma this Kh day of April WU. xa' Notary Pubs. ' Ssbecrlbers Wain ' ' temporarily should have Tko Be nsaUled to that. Addroaa 'h will bo shaaaed as eft.n as r. ' It U not too late for April to fool Ho ret ' The spring clsan-up should Include tba back rard M well M tha front yard. Governor Oabora la tha tint of tnose tevea governors to tear for cover. NegL Baeaaaa a maa mar bav a germ la hla bat ia ao proof that ba baa a bea In hla bonnet But, speaking of dreadnaufhta Ml warship, folka dread lot rea sonable) appropriations.' It la going to aztramea to try to make adverse capital oat of the pres ident's plea for giving business a fair chance. If Dr. Sua Yat Ben would applr to Milwaukee tor advice, ba probabl would be told not to to In for ao elallaa ao toon. It la decided not to call J. P. Mor gaa to toattfr befcjrs the ataal cora tnltte. What' tha ih, after hear log yncle Andy, , . . . The Loe Angelas achool children bare voted against cigarettes. Now when tha bora there atop smoking them all will ba wall. It would not eurprlee aa to hear at air time tbat old Dos Cook had sud denly bobbed up at tha aouth pole as Ita original discoverer. Tba beaatr doctor who aara all women can . become beautiful la thinking of the old adage that "Pretty la ai pretty does." Tea, thera are plentr of good rapabllcaaa running for eommlaaion, ao that republicans need not rot for either democrata or aoctallita. Governor Wllaoa'a fiiendi hare waked to that Joker which aoma of the other crowd slipped oxer pa him In the Nebraska primary deck. . It these Alleaa had onlr hit for the mountains of Mexico Instead of West Virginia, tier might bare made good on their recall of judges. Those thirty epeechee the countess of Warwick bad to leave undelivered on ' being auddenlr called home doubtless would hare been worth fullr 30 cents to us. An eastern communltr is perplexed over the case of a girl who hsa been asleep for a week. Pshaw, we hare known of ball players sleeping tor a whole season at a time. Senator' Hitchcock through his newspaper is asking Mr, Bryan a lot Of Impertinent questions, which we could easily answer It we wanted to, but we wont Still, the people mar reasonably be expected to continue to rule in Ne braska whether the Initiative and referendum amendment to the con stltutloB la adopted or rejected. Democracy must ba getting Irk some to Dr. Wa Ting-tang, if he wants to return to the United Slate as ambassador, where we are still struggling to let the people rule. . Mr. Bryan Is graduallr getting back bis voice. He baa found It pos sible to repeat that he Is not a can didate and that either Clark or VVU son will ba acceptable to him. It he i aot nominated himself. ' It is time once more for soma one to demand that the democratic state committee be convened at oaoa to make the charging . and counter charging warriors prove what tier my arert one another, or take it all back. "- Taft Efficiency and Economy. Adoption of the Taft program of efficiency aad economy In the matter of departmental reorganization as outlined in the president's message to congress would mark the fur therest advance ever achieved in civil service reform. Congress should loss no time in acting upon these recommendations. N The president. undoubtedly, will have popular sup port la his bold, unselfish efforts to eliminate politics from public offlcs- holding and reduce the whole admin istration of government, so far aa In hla power Ilea, to a basts of the max imum efficiency at the minimum ex pense. Those not In favor of this, those who believe in making officisl proferment the foot ball ot politics, mar be expected to antagonise the president In this courageous aad businesslike advance. President Taft Is not guessing In msklng his, estimates; bs says be has found by diligent inquiry that the government is losing, for Instance, at least $10,000,000 annually by dupli cation and overlapping In certain departments. What good reason ran be urged against uprooting this system? Ills most pronounced re form, perhsps, Is that placing first and second-class postmasters under the civil service, requiring all of their time for tha office and. doing away with the assistant postmasters. This Is the most emphatic proof ot his determination to divorce office- holding from politics, for' tremen dous patronage power lies In the dis position ot big postoffica plums. A saving of 14,(00,000 ansaallr could be effected br this change, he aaya. Why not make tha change and aave the millions! And so oa down tha list the presi dent goes, through the Postoffica, Treasury and Interior departments, aa well aa tha Departments of Justice and Commerce and Labor. ' And he la specific with his proposals, not general. Ha hsa located tba sources of waste, extravagance and poor service) and ahowa how efficiency and economy are possible and exactlr where. He baa put up to congress the most aerloue sort of a business proposition. Caa any antl-Tsft fac tion la congress afford to p!r poli tics over It? Here ia the best chance ret for putting into practice some of tha preachments about good govern ment Good government la not wasting tha people's moner br re taining political parasites and sine cures when tha moner might be saved and the business of the people better transacted br kicking out tha parasites and abolishing the sine cures. Hera It a tin chance for all true reformers to follow President Tsft In one ot tha greatest reforms yet proposed. Alaska's Banner Gold Tear. Alaska, ia expected . to - produce mora gold this year than aha has in any single year ot her history. This prediction is made in the Pacific aorthweet oa tba basis ot reports of early sluicing that hsvs coma from Nome, Tanana, Iditarod and other place., Will these reports prompt another big rush to Alaska and what effect on prices would a continued Increase la gold production have at thla time? Theaa are questloaa of vital Interest suggested by the prospect. Gold hss never lost Ita lure for men and it is probable that In tha event of any decided boom In the production ot tha Alasksn fields, large numbers of prospectors will find their way. as In other days, Into that dlstsnt land. However thla mar turn out, one finds himself hoping thst tha en larged output will, somehow, aot have Ha natural effect ot further stimulating the price market, though It la quits agreed br now that gold production and the coat ot living are Inevitably related. But there la another point ot par ticular interest suggested br these reports, and that ia this: whst ad vance Alaska la making is In spite snd not br means of governmental aid. Congress stolidly Ignores ex ecutive recommendations for the provision of a aattable form of gov ernment under which the great pen insular might be brought to some thing like normal development The natural resources are there, but they need different regulations to thrive ss ther should. War doss congress continue to ignore Alaska's needs snd ther are the whole country's seeds while It spends its time play lng politics? ' Bad Pavement. New York newepapers are agita ting ways snd means of getting better pavement laid on the streets of that city. The World aaya: "The pava- menta of New Tork are the worst la the world." We are aot prepared to coincide literally with that but the World goes on: TIm pa re menu are ba4 among other reasons, because of a lack ot apsclai knowledc of pa visa, because the meth od are antiquated, tha workmanship slovenly, snd because the hupscUoa Is la faulty, and because the tastwatlea ts In sufficient. They are costly to keep la order and hard to clean, and too snucb I Scene is (Ivan to builders, transit com panies and prtvat In terms ftrae rally to obstruct and blockade them. Repairs at too Ions delayed, competition la Inter farad with by restrict! spedflcatlons. particularly with respect to asphalt pav- Inc and the whole subject f street pav ing Is dealt with aaecooonilcsJIy and In efflcleatlr by tnc city. Most of these reasons might apply ts either cities beside Gotham, and added to them la the reason of graft.! which some western cities know sbout One of the commonest sources of fraud and extravagance in our cities la to be found In this very matter of street paving. Shrewd and unscrupulous contractors, by manipu lation, bare boon able to run things to suit themselves, getting rich by laying a cheap pavement that needed repairs and replacement frequently, while tha city baa gone on stupidly tolerating k. How la the best wsy of handling the problem? Tne fundamental fault in New Tork, aaya the World, ia the absence ot a central authority charged with the entire responsibil ity. Well, In Omaha and other cities with commission forms of govern ment, this central suthority should be had and we should bs abla to get better results. Wa shall see what wa ahall see. Good Ilea for Commissioner Y. J. D. ("Dad") Weaver Every one who known "Dad" Weaver is sure be would make a good councilman for Omsha under the new commission plsn of government "Dsd" knows more men engaged In mercantile bualaees In Omaha than any other person, and hs knows what the business men wsnt from their city government. "Dsd" hss been bead of tha hustlers' committee, snd one ot the chief doers ot tblnga for Ak-Sar-Bea of the Den from its Incep tion, nnd baa tbua demonstrated his ability to cope with complicated af fairs. Incidentally, "Dad" need to work for The Bee In Its advertising department, and we know tha city could have no more faithful public servant. George H. Thummel. Tasted on any standard of In telligence and efficiency, George H. Thummel would make a good mem ber of tha new council. His experi ence . In ' municipal administration harks back to his residence In Grand Island before be became a cltixea of Omaha, and la reflected la thla an- doraemsnt from the Grand Inland Independent: Mr. Thummel waa always numbered among the best aad most procraastr cltlsen. The Impress ot his work and of his executive ability, of hla n terprts snd publlo spirit has been left an many a Grand Island Institution aad In many of our publlo affalra. Certainly his candidacy aa a commissioner at Omaha la the most complet and em phatic refutation of th Srguuunt that sble men should not be secured tor com missioner. Ill former Grand Island neighbors snd frtende will heartily lota: th Independent In unreservedly and un qualifiedly commending him to the 1 ll ama of Omaha aa one of their executive under th new plan of sot ernment and hop for him a splendid majority la th first centrals loner eteatlon the me tropolis. Mr. Thummel hss bees Identified with Omaha bow for mora tbaa ten years, aad la oas of the men endorsed by the Cltlsena' . union. , Harry B. Zlmman. t . Harry B. ' Zlmman made a good councilman for nine years, and all will agree that be will make good councilman again. ' There ia not a maa In or out of office In Omaha who baa kept closer track of city affairs, or who knows as much about ths actual conditions snd needs of our municipal government That he la a persistent, tlghtsr In the public Interest, and haa the courage of his convictions. Is proved by his entire career. Ilia personal platform ts a comprehensive outline for municipal progress, although It possibly over shoots the mark In some directions. Our amiable democratic contem porary seems to be laboring ander a fearful delusion aa to the purpose of the presidential preference pri mary ao far as it applies to demo cratic candidates. Ths primary la not to indicate the choice of the democracy unlesa It coincides with ths choice of Mr. Bryan. . The dsmage . done by spring freshsls to Nebraska bridges finds the fund for state aid to county bridge building exhausted. But with the legislature only a fsw months away, the bridge builders no doubt will be willing to taks a chance oa a deficiency appropriation, other things being favorable. On careful investigation tha grand Jury finds thst whtls ths paring cob tractors have fallen abort of specifi cation requirements of quality and thickness, their Intentions were good. It la worth noting, however, that but one case waa unearthed where the contractors hare given tha city mora than waa stipulated. The first round la the contest tor commission plan offices merely qual ifies for the aacoad round. Perhsps the voters will ba doing the aixty candidates annffed out la the Initial trial a real kindness avsa tf they do not recognise It to be such. Evidently Wood row Wilson does aot want hla name printed aa a can didate for president oa tha populist ticket la Nebraska with hla consent Yet be will probably make no objec tion to having It written la at the POllaV . William Dean Howell aaya there Is ao chasm between journalism aad literature, that one often sees aa good writing In newspaper ss in books. Tha dean of American literature win get himself scolded by some literary lights tor that ; QjookiDBackward IhkDnv inOmalia tsiia. sj aias fCBMPUCD FROM BEE flLE-A April . Thirty Year Ago A sBttns of the republican city oom mittee was swig at Fireman's hall to night. IX E. 8c Oyer shroed tha eatt aa secretary. The opening of the baa ball ana will he coasumated aezt Saturday with a gam with the picked nine of th Union Pacifle and Burlington headquarters. Thla Monday was duly celebrated a th Cathode churches. Bishop O'Connor celebrated pontifical high mass In the cathedral. He was assisted by Father Phelen of Grand Island. Father Jan nett of Exeter and McCarthy of Omaha, Fathers Kelly of Omaha and Seraphanltia as deacon and sobdescona. Father Colonarl of Omaha as master ot cere monies. Fathers Ryan of Columbus and Qulnn of North Platte aa oil bearers. and Father Smyth of O'Connor aa cross bearer. A caucus of th new and holdover mem ber of th cltr council decided oa Homer Stull for president aad J. L. C. Jewett for clerk. Ths wind is fast drying ap th mud. Internal revenue collect! oa la the dis trict of Nebraska amounted to SS1.474.SV. The Utile daughter of Julius Treluake died yesterday during his absence In St. Los la Bids are being Invited for three-atory brick and atone basement school house to be erected oa Howard street be tween Ninth snd Tenth, according to plans and speciflcstlona by Dutreae A Undeletion. Twenty Years Ago Judas J. X. Wool worth left for Hot Springs, Ark. Th Omaha Western league baa ball Mia slsred Hs first run af tha on, defeating an Omaha picked Bin. U w . t omens team lined up aa fol lows: Snelbeck. ahortaton: VIW fort field: Ollk, enter field; Hayes, captain; Hanlboa. right field and pitch; Davs Row, first base and bumm' rtitanv third hs; Darby, pitch and right field: Pltaaerald. second has. Picked Bin: Oadk. catch; Stermson, pitch; HaaksU, tint ba; atonsy, second base; Van A . nan, shortstop; Camp, third has; Bald win, left field; Chamberlain, center field; jseiroae. right rma. Mr. and Mr. A. J. Himmm -a daughter returned from Florid, when they spent th wlatar. OeorsT Crosby, moral fraurM amit of th Burlington A Missouri River re-turned-from Mexico, where ha oaeat two week. K. R. Cook, who wsa In tha servtoa of th Union Pacific for severe! vaara. se. umed hi duty aa trala aseot after a month s vacation. J. B. Flnlajr. director In Ballsviaa eni. leg, returned from a three we-as' visit m oan rranewce. Rev. W. J. Harsh- TV TV. end sin Haraha left for New Tork City, where th doctor was tallied to a new pariah. Henry T. Oxnard of Oread Island was In town n rout ta Washington, D. C n sua a Uktugnt congress would deal kindly with beat sugar manufacturers In sptt of th opposition et Congressman W, 1, Bryan. Tea Years Ago. John A. Renels. formerly man iter of the Kansas City branch of Ely, Lilly Co., moved to Omahs and wsnt Into th employ ef th Port er-Rrerson-Hoo bier company. Henry g. McDonald aad Daa Bray ef th Omaha Qua ehib went to Otathe, Kan., t participate In the meeting ef the Kansas Btsts Qua elub and frees there they wsrs to g to St Joseph to taks part In a shoot . . Daniel gully put up at the Iler Orand. J. W. Thomas ot the Vnloa National bank, returned from Kansas City, where a a member ef Governor Savage's staff, he took part In th Charity hail. Father Janwa J. Corbley, 8. J., who for some time had been pastor of at John's Roman Catholle church, returned to Chi cago snd was succeeded la Omaha br Father Martin Bronasvaat . t. Father Corbley s health became impaired. Fifteen hundred Sunday pleaaure seek er were at Vlotoa atreet park ta sea th Rourkes beet the Orlstnals In very sood gaats of belt, t t I The Reurk Uned ap thla war: Carter, baft field; Oenlns, center fleldi Calhoun, first baa; Dolaa, abort stop; Stewart, seeond base; Hiekcy, third base; Fleming, right Held; Oondlnft catch; Mordecal Brewa, pitch; Thomas (Jack), catch; Alleway, pitch; Oraham, pitch. Originals: Holm. third ba; Lawler, shortstop; Whitney. outer flaw; Welch (Harry), pitch; Tay lor, left field; Bvandford. second: Foley, first base; CKeefe, catch; Scully, right field. Th Hon. Buck Keith umpired. People Talked About Owing bs th demand a the tool for tutting "melone" the coal trust will not cot the price thla summer. Tha short and ugly word passed be tween members of th Maryland legiala. ture without disturbing aa Inkstand or a tooth. Mollycoddle . Signs ot advancing aprag multiply. Forty timber own la th kit nee at Potutvtlie, Pa., are taking a strike vaca tion because the tmsis wouldn't give tbeca more pay tor carrying safety ksaap. Daniel Daria, wb waa ordered retired from the Bostea poUoe fore seventy slant years ago bscsuss ba waa In such poor health it waa believed be could not Uve a rear. dl4 recently at the age eg Te few torn ts It given ts a beloved friend and la th glory dreams. That was the happy tale of Robert Laytea Newness, years eld. aad a painter, whs waa found dead among hia canvases la hla studio la New Tork recently. With mors r lea pala U should be aetad that la a salxa between th Me Dermott and Poles Mow ski taction at the polls la Cbloaso. ao eao of the Oa- lamMwkls left hla mesa era aa the pavsaneat. But Daty aaa aa Dougherty, members ot the -figuring race." were teanevwS ea shutter. Mr. Robert C. WtckBff, artte ef the representative from Louisiana, la said a bs the originator ef th Man ef selsbiat Ing the Mrthdey ( Deily Maahsoa with a breakfast far th wtvas of Suna rsts hi WJbngtaa- The tislustaUsa - I planned to take Blare May m aad Mrs Champ Clark, wife ef the spsakii ef the aa accepted the post sf treat- In Other Lands Boa Bids Z4gbwj aa What la TraaaptrUg Asssag the aad Par Kstlsna ef the Bart. Third Hosae Rale Bill. The actors are ready aad th scenery la place for th introduction In th British House of Common ef the prom ised bill restoring legislative home rule to Iralasd. Tha eveat Is featured for Thursday, the 11th Inst., with Prime Minister Asq tilth la charge ef the meas ure. Oa tar former occasion horn nil bills wer Introduced In th commons tha first by Prim Minister Gladstone in ItM and the second by the "grand old maa" In 1M. Th first met defeat in the commons by a division ef the liberal party ea the issue raised. The second measure was passed in th common by a substantial majority, but wa rejected by the House, of Lords. Ia th succeed' lng nineteen years the energy and skin of borne rulers were directed toward eliminating the power of the paere. It was a long, wearying, nerve-racking watch for opportunities to batter the walle of hereditary privilege and power. With eourase, patience and unity the Irish natlonslltta pressed the struggle In every direction calculated to uproot or weaken thla dominant power, supporting every measure of progressive reform brought forward by th ministry. In Sua time the persistent opposition of th peers te beneficial aisasurea forced the terna of ending or mending th House ot Lord te a vote of the people resulting In the triumphant return of the liberal ministry a year ago. The restricted veto powei of the peers for the first time makes possible the recovery of home rule for Ireland. Wail th peer possessed co ordinate power the chance ef auch a me sura being passed by th House of Lords were below sere. Should the coming measure command the united sup- pert of the liberal party (roup Its pas- sag by ths commons at three suveeaslv sessions will make it a law In two years, regardless of the opposition of th peers. Th general provisions of the Mil have been published, but many Important de tails relating to finances, customs. Judicial and polic control, are rceerved for the Introductory speech. ess SrraarBt at a Century. One hundred and twelve year age the Irleh PerttemenJ. packed for the pur pose, decreed Ma own death for a pries. The record ef that Infamy, recorded In the "Black Ust" by Berrtngtoa, forma th moat shameless ch spier et English Plunder ever perpetrated hi Ireland. Barringtoa place th cash cost of th set ot union at fT.IW.Mt, most ot which went to a combine of sixteen conspirators. Be sides the 'cash disburse menu, th official spotls distributed Included two bishoprics, fifty-nine valuable offices, twlcs that number ef minor offices, fourteen colo nelcies, one of which went to Sir Edwin Packmham, whom General Jackson mashed at New Orleans fourteen years alleri etghteea peerages, forty-one Judge ships, two generaldea and two baronet cies. From the hour of the betrayal of Ireland, effective ea January X, 1801. al most to tha cloe of the nineteenth cen tury th peopls wer subjected to every specie f coercion laws that dsvlltsh In genuity could Invent. Oppression, repres sion and depression, flanked with bay onets, bull!, th hsngmaa's roa snd Inveruatary exile, were th common fate ef Irishmen openly opposed to alien gov ernment. Compared with th aped mens ef British "etviliiatlou" exhibited In Ire land front not te Us, the recent raid et Russian csssscks Into Persia was a mild and sedate ss a Sunday school pie am. Practically every mure of relief (ranted by Parliament during the cen tury was wrung from sn unwilling body through fsar or forced by political ax. sjencsss. Fsar af the power behind O'Connell wrung Catholic mancipation la ICS. Church dlsestabllshawat in MB) wa th aftermath of Fenian activity ta Ireland aad abroad. Similarly th be ginning ot land reform laws ss well aa Gladstone's horns rule bills were ths off spring ef the Land league agitation, backed by a united people led by Par Ball. Blcgr. Dsvltt. Redmond, Dillon, O'Connor and their lieutenants. On the eueeaas of the third heme rule bins Is staked the Ills of the liberal ministry. ss Aftermath of Strike. A permanent and far-reaching result of th coal miner strike In Great Britain la noted by th London correspondent of the New Tork Post In the Impetus given 41 .a fuel. There was an enpreesdsnt edly large attendance at th Institution ef Mechanical Knglnser te hear Dr. Ru dolph Dteeel give an account of hla oil engine, and the newspapers have heaa d. voting columns at their space to th sub ject. When the Selaadla. a Msf-toa ell driven steamer, appeared In the London dock a few week ago. ther was a good deal ef sensational talk about th de thronement af King Coal aad th doom of that commercial aad Industrial prosperity which had rested so largely upon our coal supply. Dr. Diesel himself think thla a groundless scare. England, hs poults out will always have an advantage la he mineral wealth. sMemuch as her coal fields are a vast ell reservoir. The coal tar new being produced In Great Britain aad largely wasted, contain oil enough to keep th antlr British navy auppUed with liquid fuel. Dr. Dtaaai tsreeeea th day whoa all coal brought a th suifaee will b con verted probably at th pit head. nt gas. soke and oU. The eU will be largely used for driving engines to generate electricity la bulk. This will mesa aa Immense economy In the use ot coal, and a con urnt postponement of th data whea th national aupplte will be exbauetad. Military Spirit la A Parisian correspondent, writing to a Lndoe Journal, comments upon th x traordlnary new spirit recently drrel eped fa France, a exhibited at thj re esat pring review at Vlacennaa ot th regular Paria garrison. He says: "For tw hour or a soktW aiad what were almost triumphal marches Serosa Pari. Three sjiartera f th aug crowd at Vhtcann waited to eeeort the trees home. Along th boulevard aa hour er two stuar one heard trampiog, cheers and bands la th distance. Than a small etvtliea army cam la sight marching la tba. and more er lea ta serf -imposed rank aad ill, with a swarm ef cyclists havering around. . All had walked, er Jewry cycled, the wool way tress Vta eenttss with th troop, sad I ssw hun dreds of women la thetr Sunday best who bad also tramped with the soldier. Each legist waa ssimSia. followed aad eatirely surrounded by a aaarchlng erowd. aad tha officers ea swraahack red eesnpteter hnamsd ta by saaa and sera. I repeat that I have aerrsr seea tat a lansastiatloa ef salutary patriae ban la Paris before. Th thsisis ta the Preach aatloaal liasjn atnee last sum mer ts a rsaeiikaHi Jtarepsaa even.- POLITICAL SNAPSHOTS. Philadelphia Record: So far Taft keep a two-third lead to his race for dele gates to th republican national con vention. Not so bad. considering th roar and clamor of the third-term claimant trailing in the rear. t- Louie Globe Democrat1. Abraham Lincoln never went up and down the country atorming at his own party. Mr Lincoln's Idea waa to choose what he considered the beet party and then strengthen it by good work for r.:ore good works. Chicago Record-Herald: Hughes is be ing talked of as a dark horse. One good thing about being a dark horss Is that while acting In that capacity one Is not compelled to go out traveling around the country for the purpose) of showing how eagerly the office I seeking the man. Sioux City Journal : Senator La FoU lette's campaign Work In Nebraska vill be witched with Interest by the Roose velt strategy board. 8-.nca the outcome in North Dakota not one of the Roose velt supporters has even peeped s sug gestion that La FoUeUCs phyaical con dition is such as to make a continuance of hi candidacy hopeless. New York Sun: A friend of Mr. Bry an's declares that the Nebraskan would not bolt even It both Mr. Taft sad Mr Harmon were nominated tor president "although Mr. Bryan might withhold his active support" The prospect ought not to disturb Governor Harmon when be reflect that Mr. Bryan actively sup ported Judss Parker, with th result that the democratic vote fell oft la the country a round million. la Cold Btarasj. . 8t Paul Pioneer Press. Senator McCumber would repeal the Canadian reciprocity' act This is be cause hs oppose Ita prtnetpl nnd not because Canada rejected It But Norman E. Mack thinks ths set Is s good thing te store away and have handy about the house. It may be like the. old discarded dresser ef a peat age which Is found In the garret and turns out to be ot solid State Resralattoa af Trusts. Philadelphia Record. The states are better qualified for the regulation ef the trusts thaa the federal goverameat la. . They have suocseded better In their proeeeutloas. and it they oaa drive out of their awn Jurisdiction corporation that vtolat their anti-trust laws they can aetlie the whole matter without help from congress.. In several Instances then- right to arivs out trusts, or compel them te obey the laws ot tha locality where they do business, hs. been sustained by tha supreme court snd Uie latest Instanc Is the decision recently sustaining Missouri la driving ut the Standard Oil company of Indiana and th Republic Oil company of New Tork, and fining each of them ISO, 000. OVtfltlG PQlVOER Greatest aid to home baking Makes the cake, biscuits and .hot-breads ot superior flavor and nealtMolness Absolutely free from alum and other ." Injurious submtanoes. Against D..L-a!a.a.- ouDstituies Get the Well-Known Round! Ptcluge -sV UsD B6fn aJUTJtf n ' , hS ss wnit s 17 'Juan:' i m vsWvrTTMvTiir? a Ax ' yxwV err- GEKS ASD GE0A5S. , , . ., .fclnlr thlS 3100 1CUB Wli L . . . rifle Idea is a good one, of killing off all tn '0":v... ,iu ,m would ba too . t y mcutv ' " lontsly. Baltimore American. , nnrvTwil VSV fellOW -iV.v ireatmpnt of thf-t DiOk pompadour gives me a pain. . - Oaker sort 01 piuucrs Chicago Tribune. . n a... v a wrasr vHclr ! rescuing that boy ; you deserve a Car- I 1 -n a. nMAwn Alad VAII Ffh negie meuai. rnfc . rw do It? . . " Tha Hero He haa my saaies ea-rw "Scraggs borrows my paper svery morning.' This morning he told me In a bitter .,.. Miiti im in errons: and that it carries too much advertising. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Why do vou take auch fiendish de light in fiddling while Home burner lng my performance I am roasting the music critics. r uiiiBt The fresh young man sealed himself beride a handsome girl on the train. "Coing far?" be Inquired. "You are. sir: much too far. was the chilling retort. Boston Transcript t 1 ' "I always llks to hsvs Mm corns to the house." That so? Why?" Dwnmnm lie twins - - - lng without once mentioning the pollttca situation." Detroit Free Press. "What make you jump out so unex pectedly end race around the yard with a lawn mower?" asked the neighbor. "Whenever I get to reading," replied Mr. Crosslote, "the hired girl prances around with a carpet sweeper and I have to get even In some way. Washington Star. Mrs. Strucklt Rlch-Our waiter ta a student He I working his way through M?trucklt Rich You don't tell me! Well. If the colleges would only turn out a few mora good waiters I'd have more respect for them seats of learning. Puck. - : . ' "I never eaved a dollar until I was married." "And now?" "Now I never have one thet I feel that I can afford to spend." Detroit Free Press. i - ANTICIPATION. April first! Now the worst Of the wintry day are over; Now s chance for advance Of the grasses and th clover. Sparrowa tit aa they flit la the sunshine warm and mellow: Dandelion, man-1cfin Soon will dot th earth with yellow. Now the sky arching high Smile upon the ecuh below It; Now a cloud like a shroud Knfolda the sun before wa know It; First a thrill, tnn n chill. Then a freakish ind to blow ug. Is It spring? Now by jlng! . April, dear, you've got to show us. ' BATOLL NB TRELLE. Omshs. . Against T -s imitations MALTED MILK Made In the larntL ht equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world We do not make "milk productaZ Skini Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.' But fb. Original-Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Made from pare, fall-crcon. milk and the extract of select malted .train, reduced to powder form, soluble ia water. Best food-drink tar all .. ASK FOR HORLICK'S Used an over the Globe ?i!ifv tn-fjjg.