The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TWELVE WIATKEB FORECAST. Fair; Cooler VOL. XLI NO. 252. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1912 TWENTY-TOUR . PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SAMUEL COTNER DIES SUDDENLY F0U3SE& OF C OTHER UNIVERSITY FIRE WIPES OUT Uncle Sam-"0h! I Reckon So" CREST OF FLOOD IS YETTO COME Mississippi Birer Continues to Bise at All Points Below Cairo, Elinoii. CONDITIONS BECOME CBITICAL ' DIES SUDDENLY. ENTIRE FACTORY rounder of Cotner University Dropt Dead as Ee Eaten Sis , Sister's Home. T. F. Stroud Manufacturing Com pan Sustains Loss of $200,000 in Disastrous Blase. i WAS THESE TO PAY A VISIT Said Ee Wished to Visit His Sister Before She Died. HIT . OMAHA 05 WEDNESDAY Cotners Have Lived in Omaha for Forty-Six Years. WAS ROT COMPLAINING AT ALL ONE MAN BUSSED TO DEATH John Lausterer, Woodworker, Dies Levees Above Memphis on Both Sides in Attempt to Secure Tools. STARTS FB0M SWITCH ENGINE A V Pioaeer Waa Apparestiy ua ana Hearty Wkn Ha Vrtt Oataha Tin Dave Ao Body . He Braasat Here. Samuel Cotner. pioneer tanker an real 3t:Ue dealer, Sounder of Cotner uni versity and o resident of Omaha for many year dropped dead at the home of hie lister, Mrs. Mary Barnett. of heart failureyesterday afternoon. "1 must vtslt sinter before aha diee; the' a 80 year old now." ld Mr. Cotner. general manager of the Banker Ufa In aurance company, Omaha, and founder of Cotner university. Lincoln. Mr. Cotner and hi wife went to Logans port. Ind., to visit Mr Mary Barnett and he dropped dead of heart failure aa lie entered her home- He waa 69 yean old. Mr. Cotner had been a resident of Omaha for nearly forty-six years, lie and his wife having. coma here from Logansport In IMS. five yeara after their marriage. Mr. Cotner taught school on the site now occupied by Bellevue college and through the early daya was one of the moat ardent of those who fought for more thorough and higher education. Ha and his wife gaa not only of their time, but of their means for educational ad vance.. They endowed Cotner university tnd from them It got Its name. Mr. and Mrs. Cotner were married at Burnettsvtlle, lnd. Mrs. Cotner at the time was teacher In the BilrnetUvlUe Normal school and Mr. Cotner waa a young Logansport business man. Before her marriage Mrs. Cotner waa Mlis Sarah lirlseoe. , .- - The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cotner waa celebrated on Oc tober M. 1911. at the home of their grand son. Olln Devriee. who resides In Dundee. Mr. Cotner la survived by his widow and one son, Samuel Cotner, Jr., who Uvea In the Bl Horn basin, -j The body will be brought to Omaha for burial. i Suicide is Defense TT n.-lrviW'biSruel anywhere In th world- Ill Y wl liUl V a VttO 0 '' CHICAGO, April -Contending that Richard T. Smith committed eulolds, counsel for Mrs. Louise Vermilya, charged with smith's murder by poison, today closed their case, which may go to the Jury by night. Only three witnesses were called by the defense, Mrs. vermiiya, or sister and Russell F. Thompson. Thomp son testified that Smith had threatened suicide. ' - F. Kban. an automobile demonstrator. In the state s rebuttal testimony said Mrs. Vermilya paid him 60 toward the pur chase of a machine after ha had taken her for several rides In the car. Once she said she wanted the car for her "undertaking business," according to the witness, and on another occasion shs ex plained she Intended using the mean Ine on her honeymoon with Smith. Argu ments followed Eban's testimony. New World's Record in Torpedo Firing PKNSACOLA, Fla., April "i. A new world's record in night torpedo Bring was made last night In this harbor by the United Slates destroyers Trappe and Monaghan. livery torpedo Bent from the tubes of these vessels struck the bulla eys of the target. The entire group of five Teasels mads n average of TO per cent of hits, which Is above the average for even daylight firing under favorable weather condi tions. Last night's conditions were not good. , The Weather For Nebraska Generally fair; cooler north and eat portions. For Iowa Generally fair; cooler. Tmstislsra at usaaha k'eetersay. Hour. Deg. temforatlvc Util Record. isit iil mt. lllabeet yesterday ;.. Si 7 Lowest yesterday ii 4 Ss Mean temperature M 11 e s Frecipitatlon M J ' .10 .00 Tempera tore and precipitation depar tures Irom the normal: formal temperature 41 Exress ltt the day 18 Deficiency since March 1 Ta Normal precipitation at inch Iwficiencv for the day eg inch Total rainfall stnre March 1 J. SO inches Excess since March 1 .7j inch Deficiency for cor. period; 1911.. Jl inch ' JJeficierK-y for cor. period. IMA. 1.71 Inches Heporia Fraaa btatiwaa at 1 s an. Sutton and State ' Temp. High- Kaln- oi neatner. 1 p. Cheyenne, part cloudy.... i Iavenport, clear TO Denver, cloudy i le Moinen, clear TO lMdee City, cloudy 74 Lander, elear ti North Platte, cloudy T Omaha, clear rB Pueblo, cloudy ft, Rarad City, cloody........ O Salt Lake City, clear . fc! Panta Fa, clwidy at Sheridan, cloudy 3S Floux City, dear 70 Valentine, cloudy TO fau. C .0 . A is. m a fi V la. li U VcilV Jf la. m a ytvixxi - m 'ISJL. 10 a. m 4 ,y1LJ r i p. m.....,... lAtLZJ 4-? p. m!i!"i!;i;i 7$ J P- m....... . 7 W IS ?:::::: 5 s p. m u 72 .J 7S . 74 .0 M .09 . t .00 75 .10 74 m m U .1 m .m .m 7 . 71 M L, A. WiU. Local FortcasteC. aTN Jj ( SAMUEL. LAV FOLLETTE BEGINS TOUR Wisconsin Senator Makes First Speech at Plattsmouth. HAS MESSAGE FOR NEBRASKANS Be Says th Iaaae la Whether the People Are troaS" Eaoash ta teatrol Their tlev. eraaarat. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April S.-8p. dal Telegram.) Senator, Robert M. La Follette dictated this message of greeting to the people of Nebraska through the press while crossing the river from Pa cific Junction thla morning: "I know from my acquaintance with the people Of Nebraska that they are thoroughly pro gressiva. I have learned from coming Into contact with them oa my annual Chautauqua and lyceum circuit trips that they are the same kind of people we have la Wisconsin, with the same kind of po litical idea la. I am confident that the result In the primaries of Nebrsska will a progressiva victory ones the real Issues are understood. I am here to make as clear as 1 can the great domi nating question which the people of tins country must settle. That Is the question whether they are strong enough, to make the pwr a f their wl( felt In; the con trol of their hi govsrarotnt. The most are fcuad in the middle west . This great ment through the people themselves cams out of the middle west, an It has begun to take hold strongly In ths east. I lleve the time lofeear at hand when our government will become truly representa tive. I am asking for the support of the state of Nebraska on the basis of the constructive legislation accomplished' In congress demonstrating that the pro greraivt movement la one that builds up and does not tear down. I want dele gates who will stand squarely for the principles on which that movement Is founded, and who Will not be turned aside by any appeal which disregards them." Senator La Follette made the first speech of his Nebraska tour hers this morning.' "My campaign will b. for .the most part limited to tbo states which have presidential primaries." be stated. "I will not be able to visit Illinois, as their primary cornea on April . and I will be la Nebraska till that time. I am told that there Is splendid chance for a pro gressiva victory In New Jersey." A great Increase In the number of trusts occurred during Roosevelt's admin istration, declared the senator In his ad dress here, the number going from 14 to S.M0, and the capitalisation from H,780.- 000, to 130,000.000.000. The Increase, he declared, had continued during the Tatt administration. At present, said the sen ator, there la no competitive market left la America. Rt&evolt, ha said, has stood "la pat" with the trusts. NEBRASKA CITY. April "Forxet me If yon will on primary day, but don't for get to vote for the district legislation amendment," said Senator La Follette In his address here this afternoon. Ha de voted moat of bis talk to a dlscussloa of t ha Initiative and referendum amendment to the Nebraska constitution, which Is to be voted on at the primaries. Coed Crew at Aabara. AUBURN, Neb.. April i. -A review of Wisconsin's progressiva legislation was given by Senator La Follette of Wiscon sin hers this noon to a largo crowd of people. The senator cosnpared himself with an engine and. declamd that ha bad plenty of "sand In bis sand box.'' Paul and Julias . were thei atalona passed through by the special without lone stops. At Jul Ian, where the population la largely French, the entire population of the town turned out to cheer tbo senator as he passed through. FALLS CITT. Neb., April (.-Facing the biggest crowd ha bsd met la Nebraska In the center of the stand pat district of the state, - Senator La Follette declared hero this afternoon that the governmental crisis now pending in the United States la the greatest since MSt He declared that the present feneration faces the re sponsibility of freeing the nation from combinations of wealth and power. Two Men Murdered at Granbury Tex GRANBURT, Tex.. April S.-Dr. J. B. ThlUey and Lather Garrell were Instantly killed and T. M. WBaon badly wounded at Hill City, near here, today. Their assailant waa Mack Parker, s young farmer, who telephoned for Granbury officers to coma and arrest him. The cause of tha shooting la unknown here. Dr. Thllley waa shot dead as he stood in bis drug store. Wilsoa waa tired on as he stood at a telephone. Garrell was killed in a field a his farm hast outside urn cay. Spark from Passing- Missouri Pacific Train Probable Origin. SMALL INSURANCE CARRIED Only SS.OOO am Plaat and Haildlaars Valaed a Mara Tea a 200,00 Low Water rreeaaro Retard Work af Uepartsseot. . man IS umu ami pniiPTnj " '.aST.. -Ijrfmateiv LSOOOS Is totally destroyed . ,Klie result of a fire which started yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the T. 1'. Stroud Manufacturing company's plJtit at Twentieth and Ames avenue. The Urn la supposed to have been started by sparks from a Mtssourl-PacKis switch engine which psssed close to the paint room where many hundreds of gallons of gasolene and oils are kept. Only t,0U Insurance la held on the plar. Rashes After Taala. John Lauseterer, a woodworker, aged fi years, who lives at Nineteenth and Clark streets, waa the victim of the fire. Lausterer was out ot the building when the" firs was first discovered, as wars all of the other employes. Ha watched the flamee tor a few m-nutes when he exclaimed that bis woodwo-k-Ing tools were In the burning paint eho-. Ho rushed In and a few moments lat ho was seen frantically trying to ralie a window to get air. A he waa tugging at the window the entlro building bunt Into a sheet of flame and when later hit body waa recovered, it was burned to a crisp. Coroner Crosby took charge ot the body and Is endeavoring to locate bis re latives. Last night It could not be as certained whether he had a family hers He had been In the employe ot the Stroud company for several years and was known as aa excellent workman, tiaaollao la Shop. Men who were working In the paint shop where the fire started, say thu one employe had just brought 4wenty gallons ot gasolene up to the building from the oil room and was about to mis some paint. That waa the last thing known, tor It seems that be had hardly turn id his back when the entlro room, covering an ares of 0 squara feet, was envel oped In a sheet et fltmt. The sw'tro engine. was standing on a sidlrs close to the-BulMmg- and waa jnat finishing pushing soma empty ears , down the tracks which run close to the building, (iearral Alarm seeadrd. A general alarm was turned In and all ot the fire companies In the north part of tha city and In the down town dis tricts responded. The blsse had too good a start, however, and when they arrived the entire Stroud property, which covers over a square block, waa ablase. Water pressure was poor and the fire men had a hard time battling with the flames, and It was nearly o'clock be fore tha conflagration waa under control. At S o'clock It was still burning, but two companies working on It after that time extinguished It by keeping the smoklnf mass constantly deluged with water. Wad Faaa Flame. A brisk wind from the south kept the fire alive, and Chief Salter and his men were forced to battle hard to keep the spark from setting fire to houses across tha street on Commercial avenus - A number ot persons who occupied these houses feared a spread ot tha fire and began to move their belongings. Several thousand people were attracted to the fire, and after t o'clock hundreds of automobiles crowded the vicinity. The street car company, too, did a big busi ness, and tha traffic on the Sherman avenue lino was so heavy that extra cars were put on. The Stroud Manufacturing company was one ot the largest wagon and farm Implement concerns in the west Only a few months ago T. F. Stroud, who Is the sola owner, waa offered SSO.OOO for the plant, but refused to sell. Farm machines were sent monthly to all pats ot the world, and some of the grading tools and Implements used on tye Pan ama canal were made here. Lisrbt lasarsaee. W: I. Kierstead, Florence boulevard. one ot Mr. Stroud's closest friends, told a Bee reporter that the reason Mr. Stroud had only SS,0M worth of Insurance on the plant was because of the fact that the premiums were too large. He spent nearly $10,000 only last year In putting In a new steam heating plant, so as to re duce possible fire danger to a minimum. Up until s year ago the plant waa heav ily insured, almost up to Its entlro value, but racently Mr. Stroud allowed his poli cies to be cancelled. Mr. Stroud was not much downcast about his heavy loss, but further than (ContlnuedS oa Second Page.) Chicago Butter and Egg Board Will Be Prosecuted CHICAGO, April .Criminal prosecu tion by the federal government against the Chicago Butter and Egg board and the Elgin Board of Trade waa reported today as the slm of an Investigation being conducted here through agents of tha Department of Commerce and Labor. The proceedings are expected to bo under the provisions ot the Sherman law and will be distinct from a civil case, now pending. Special interest attaches to tha new at tempt to keep down the cost ot home necessities, for In this instance the" gov ernment for the first time will depend to considerable extent on evidence ob tained by a woman. She la Miss Ida Beck, a federal employe, who was ape- dally detailed for the purpose. All grades of butter were marked up a cent s pound today, except for packing stock, which was lifted bait a cent. t From the Baltimore American. WILSON INVADES ILLINOIS Governor of New Jersey Begins Two Days Tour of the State. . ROOSEVELT STARTS TODAY Colonel Will Make Three Dors' Trig) egrlaalas la ( hlrsga Me-1 "'rrasss areata Wilsoa at ' Blswailasrtos. t : "" " CHICAGO, April (.Illinois' primary election campaign reached a climax to- day when, with Governor Wilson's ar rival here to begin his tour of ths stste ths battls tor presidential preference was opened on the same fields where for weeks candidates tor governor and for other state offices have been waging a terrific fight. Chsmp Clark la tha only opponent ot Governor Wilson In the struggle for the Illinois democratic dele gation and his supporters are making a warm campaign. Colonel Roosevelt will arrlva In Chicago tomorrow to begin a three days' speak ing trip through ths stats over practically the aama route taken by Governor Wil son. Scores of campaign speakers are on tha stump fur President Tsft from all parts of ths state, and La Follette lead. era are also active. Tha primary elec tion will be held April . - Governor Wood row Wilson arrived from Washington, D. C. this morning prepared to close his Illinois campaign with a two days' speaking tour of tbo state. He la scheduled to visit fifteen cities In the hope of carrying on Tuesday the state democratic preference primary for president against Champ Clark- He waa met at the railway station by a committee of frienda, and later held a short conference with his Illinois canv palgn managers. At t:lS o'clock be left on s special train for a tour ot Illinois towns. He Is scheduled to speak today at Joliet, Dwlght, Pontiac, Btoomlngton, Lincoln. Springfield, Jacksonville, Peters burg, Mason City and Peoria. Tomorrow he will spesk at Galesburg, Mollne, Rock Island, Sterling and Dekalb, and return to Chicago in the evening, where he will address three mass meet ings before going east. Oes ateveaeoa at Blossslastsa. ' BLOOMINGTON, 111., April i.-Wood- row Wilson waa met In tha depot here by a committer headed by former Vice President Stevenson and taken' to the court house square, where Wilson wss Introduced to a big crowd by General Stevenson. Governor Wilson gavs great tContinued on Second Page.) The National Capital Friday, April 6, 1913. The Senate. In session at 3 p. m. Adverse report on house steel tariff re vision bill submitted by finance commit tee. Senator Bmoot Introduced bill to repeal "apex mining law." Porto Hicans opposing house free sugar bill were heard by finance com mittee. Bill limiting labor on government work by private contractors to eight hours a day, ordered favorably reported by committee on education and labor, as It psssed the bouse. Add House General Edwards, chief of Insular bu reau, urged before senate finance com mittee the removal of the ton limit of Philippine sugar which the tariff law now permits to enter free of duty. The House. , Met at noon. Continued consideration of Indian MIL Resolution empowering Judiciary com mittee to employ every means possible In Investigating so-called "money trust" is adopted. Committee given power of court. Appropriations Committee Chairman Fltaeerald. after conference with presi dent and Red Cross, announced congress would appronriate bo more money for rel et of Mississippi river flood sufferers tunes conditions grow worse,. . It Begins to Look as It Tbey Will. Striking Weavers . -Attack Officers at Garfield, N, J, PASSAIC. N. X. April a-A batlj, be tween tevtraj hundred irlklnf 'allk' atltl operatives and forty dtfiity afcerttfa er4 policemen occurred today outside the Forstmana A Huffman silk mill at Oar. field, tht Btrikort -Tel Birr, brisk and stone at lbs guard and In iattsf using their clubs and revolvers. Some of the deputies fired over the heads at the trlk ors tnd dispersed ths crowd, which In cluded lot or mors 'women. Bl arrts'ts were mads . , Among those nursing wounds made by clubs ar a dosen women striker who gathsred outside the plant at Oartlald and Jeered the employs la In mill were ordered to disperse, whereupon Charles ltothflsher, on ot tha organisers ot the Industrial Worker of the World, mounted a box and told the crowd ths deputies had no right to enforce their order and a general fight took place. Henry Fagan. a deputy, waa itruck In I he head by a brick and knocked down. One of the strikers was found uncon scious with blood flowing from a cut In ths head. Rothflaher was among ths number ar rested and taken to tha Hackansack Jail. Depositors Attack Bank in Chicago CHICAGO, April l.-Several hundred angry depositors gathered In front of a private bank at ll Blue Island avenue owned by Frank U. Ougllelml and de manded their savings today. The police were summoned to prevent a disturbance. Gugllelml has not been seen since last Saturday, when he told his elerk, John Oliver, whom no left In charge that he wax going to leave tha city for a few daya, as his wife was dying. Monday several depositors called at the bank to withdraw money, but 'Oliver found' all the money and book . were locked In a vault which he could not open. - Today when several hundred depositors visited the bank In a body and threatened to wreck the building unless given their money Oliver became alarmed and sum moned the police. . Chief Crazy Snake ; is Reported Dead OKLAHOMA CITY, Ok I., April S. "Crasy finake," ths Indian responsible for tha last uprising to Oklahoma, -died today, .according ta a report received from Vtneta. Tha old chiefs end came Bear Old Hickory, the stamping ground ot the Creeks In ISO. . . HARVESTER COMBINE MAY AGREE TO DISSOLUTION WASHINGTON, April (.-AS the result ot the negotiation Dow In pi mi ess it I stated authoritatively, tha government nas substantial nope or reaming an agreement .with the , International Har vester company for Its disintegration un der tha ahermaa anti-trust law, and thus avoiding a prolonged fight Is the courts. Edgar B. Bancroft, general counsel for the corporation, baa returned to Chicago to put In writing certain propositions for dissolution h made orally to the attorney general. The government has not yet accepted the company's plan of two corporation. No definite conclusion baa been reached, but the friendly spirit which It Is said characterizes the negotiations gives rise to the hope that the question will be sealed by agiecnient. The problem Is extremely complicated, officials declare, , COUNTY DADSJN FIST FIGHT John C. Lynch and Tom O'Connor Go to Floor Over Hospital Charge, TWO OTHERS HA VI HEAB-FIQHT Frank' C. eland Fetor B. Klsassor . ' Coats ta , risw dsMurtate, box i otkee Vosasslsslsaer I a ' i- i ;, f, tf vtsrs. y , v ,'. I i Blow were struck, two commissioners slashed as men clashed when ths world was young, charges and counter charges of politics and covering up dirty work were made, and threats and counter threat to "take this u the grand Jury." were hurled yesterday afternoon at one ot the most ssnsatlonal ruutlngs of ths Board ot County Commissioner held in years. The trouble was the outgrowth ot an attempted inveatlgailoa ot sensational re ports of scandalous conditions and do ings at ths county hospital, which cam to light after a flat fight at the hospital between Louis 1. Storkan, hopltal drug, gist, and Ralph P. Hlgglns, on of tlie hospital Intern, lavestlaatla Choked Off. Commissioner Thomas O'Connor bsd joined with Commissioners Pster E. EU ssaser and John C. Lynch and In calling an Inveetlf stlon for the afternoon, but when to time came O'Connor switched to the sld of Commissioner Frank C. Best, chairman of the county hospital committee, . and Commissioner A. C llarte and th Investigation was aban doned before It waa begun. , Tha wrangling almost ended In physical combat between Commissioner Elessser, democrat, and Commissioner Best, re publican, but still cool -heads prevented this. The tiro of battle burned on and (row hotter, until Commissioner Lynch, republican, and Commissioner O'Connor, democrat, jumped from their chairs Lyara aad O'Connor Battle, The two went first to the table and tnen onto the floor. Lynch on top. Sev eral blows were struck and some found tnelr marks before the two could be sep arated. When the fight started Com missioner Hart telephoned to Sheriff McShane's office for help, but by the time two deputies, breathless, arrived, uie conflict waa ended. . O'Connor, look ing aurly, sat In a chair near one end of the committee room. At the-ther end Courthouse Superintendent J. M. isiaorta waa weaning blood from a (cratch on Lynch' right cheek. ' v ' What It Waa Aooat. To the press storkan made a lengthy statement regarding affairs at th county noepi tal, , lulU ot sensational charges et mismanage ment, incompetence and Im moral conduct. ' It developed at tha board meeting that Druggist Storkan and Interna Hlgglns nave been discharged, Storkan having Bean removed Wednesday and Illggins Thursday. Tha whole hospital matter probably will bo laid before tha grand jury today. ALFRED H. MONROE IS AGAIN UNDER ARREST CHICAGO. April S-Alfrod H. Monro. president of the Globe association, a mall order concern, was arrested by United States officers today oa a warrant e barg ing he waa about to forfeit bis koads at SM0& Monroe Is under Indictment for alleged fraudulent uae ot the mails la connection with ths operation ot his basi- EIGHT ARE KILLED BY .AVALANCHE IN AUSTRIA INNSBRUCK. Austria, April (. - A party of sight professors and students m Laibach university were ever- whelmed by an avalanche and allied while making a tour in ths mountains sear bora of Barer Are Weak. THOUSANDS OF UYES IN iUNGEB Warning- is Sent to All Fersons Liv ing' on Lowlands, CAIBO HAS A BAD SCABS Report that Levee la Front of City Had Brakea (a a see Great Exelto aseat tsishteoa Llvee Lost to Data. MEMPHK Tenn.. April l-Telephone advice that th government levee at Hickman, Ky , has broken have been verified. This dyk protect the Reel Foot lake region, which I thickly popu lated. A largo area I certain to bo flooded and great damage has bees ex pected should this levee bresk.v - While report today from i upper stretches of river, territory wets oa the whole encouraging to thousands of high water refugees in town along th Mis sissippi, nevertheless Indications continue to point to the development ot an even mora serious flood situation la the lower valley than sow exists. Today was marked by th usual num ber et alarming, rumor of sorloo dis asters, many proving rroneoua upon In veetlgatloa. Tha backwater from a drain age pump at Cairo, HI., led to th report that th levee which protect Cairo from the Ohio river had broken and that the city waa doomed, A prompt denial of this report was mad by th United States weather observer at Cairo, who said ao serious danger was apprehended, Th arwt ot th flood wllljMt bo reached In th St. Louis-Memphis stretch ot th Mississippi for a day of two and oven In th event at oontlnuou fair weather th Immense volume of water sow pour ing Into th Mississippi from It Burner, ou trikutarte threaten critically high tag at Iowa river points. Th creel, of th present flood wav la th Ohio I expected at Loulsvlll during Satarday alfht or Sunday. - Th death Hst throughout th flood area today reached eighteen. 'A family ot five was drowned near Bird' Point, Mo.; two farmer ar reported drowned ht th bum neighborhood and a logger In eastern Kentucky lost bl lit. . CAItlO. 111., April a-Th backing ot water from -th Toata (tract .dratnaa -. pump this morning threw eitlsens tats a penlc aad th report lpreed that th lav whtrh bold th Ohio rtvar oat ot ' Carlo kt broken at Tmn street The - report proved untrue. This message la being sent from the Western Union of fice leas than two Blocks from th Tenth street levae. -I William Lvnn. wife 'and throe children were drowned In 'the flood between Bird Point and Wyelt, Mo, Lynn waa a farmer and wa . overtaken with his family by the rising water. J. a, CaryX a farmer, four mil' from Wyatt, Is missing. , His aklf f waa; found today and , It, la thought that 'ha was drowned. Henry Baker, a farmer at Texas Bend, la reported drowned. . ; ' O release District Floods. The drainage district north at Cairo thla morning presented a desolats scene. Th lumber from houses and sheds under tli debris floats about tha district in water probably ten feat deep while her and there th top of houses may be sen floating about Th water went into th eastern part et the district teat Bight with a rush and a roar. . Tha lumber, pile at th lumber yards war turned over aad tossed about Ilk tooth pick. Water reached th subway under the III now Contra! bridge approach shortly before dark and at midnight had almost reached th top ot the bulkhead whan it reached It level. All of the worker have been brought from the drainage district to Cairo to work oa the save her. - Th work has not relaxed a particle and will continue endl the high water la : past.' Tli big subway aad Cairo eros ' levee stood Arm sgatnat the angry rusk It waters In the drainage district. Th only rail connection Cairo has today la ' by tugboat to Mound City to reach in TUw Vniir. Th llllnola ?irl fraha through the drainage district Want out with the flood last night and mora than 2.0M feet ot th road la gone. The river at Cairo has fallen one-tenth In the last twenty-four hour. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April A-Weather Ob server Barron at Carlo, HI., telegraphed Everybody who is . advertising in The Bee classified columns gets results. No matter what they have for sale or - what message they are send ing to the immense number of Bee readers, they are getting many returns on the money invested. If rem . hav any alUtbtly need goods, pianos, aato- mobiles, lawn mower or garden Implements tfaat ro wish to sell, Let it be known through a Eee want ad and yoa will find a buy er very toon. Tyler 1000 4