Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaha daily Bee
Bi:!: til ;l.dinG. faknam axu irm,
tatnred M Oaliut puMOltice aa ecood
cles matter.
Sunday bw, one year Bf
XjiunWy Be, one year
Daily tie twunout Sunday, on year 0
Daily Be and Sunday, one year.......
Evening lie twtih Sunday). per me..
ueily He Occluding b.inoayi. per
Daily Bee (without Sunday), per ,
address ail eomplauita or irreguiaritie
la delivery to City Circulation DepL
Remit by draft, expiree or poatal order,
payable to The Be luauehtng company,
only t-cest stamps received In payment
af email account. 1-ersonei chcs. ea
cept en Omaha and eastern eicnang. not
Omaha Tha Br Building.
Mouth Omaha SIS N 8t
Cauaell Bluff-: Sect St
lencein-M Llttl Building.
Chicago ISiS Marquette Bulloinc.
Xaaaaa Ctty-RlUnea Building.
New York- West TMrty-lblrd.
' Washington 7B Fourteenth Ht, N. W.
Coairaunlretloae rlatin(
editorial matter should b '-aaaj staia
Omaha Bee. Ktltoriai imnnm
ftat ml Nebraska. County of Douglee. r.
Dwight Wiillema, circulation manager
of The Bee e-uwiswng nwiwr.
ae 8m Pubuthlng company. Mine
worn, aay that tha vrg dally
atlon, lea tpolled. an used and rc
i copies, for Um month of February,
duly worn.
Uil waa 40.
Circulation Manegr.
Sebeerlhed In my praaanc and wora
In belore ma tell th day of March, tH
fc r Notary Public
abac rt leaTlaej be olty
tamnavmrtly ahem Id haw Th
Bee MlM ta these. Addreae
will a ha-d aa ft aa raw
Mayor Bold.! has beea sidled oft
th track. -
A Uttls mora wet than dry In Ne
braska this yr.
Even If old Louis XtV tu th
state, tha auto vat sot much.
Bllll. Nebraska to not yet to
ooBildored aa la tha laka rtglos.
Tha latest political complication la
Dick Croker'i eulogy of Mr. Bryaa.
Colombia ha aoat aa a mw atla-
latar. Woadar If ka knows hit plaoe.
Preeumebly, ws amtt assume that
tha people rule vea la Booth OaMfca.
"Bars as Bo-elected Chalrtmaa of
Now Tork Committot." Aad wtcta
trleB ta hat
Tha Totars of Omaha will play
.thalr ltttla April fool praaka sait
wotk Tuaadar.
'' That popalar aprtslac for Cotoaol
'. RoosaTalt must also hsra , (a)
around Wtocootm. ... -'!
' If oaa good term dsaarra aaothor,
Btat Troaaarar Walter A. Ooorfo la
. satltlod to ra-alaetloa.
Soma of onr eommttaloBarshtp
eaadldatea ara talklnf .whlla othars
art just sawing wood.
Tha eoffoo king to d aad th
Miar king to dead, kt long Ils
' Both of their kingdoms..
Caa the-aoftragsttea aeo throagh
to tha eoeeese of tha eaaaa tar
dearer, with the wlndowa emathed?
: Fnaay, of all the eaadldatea for
commissioner who have withdrawn,
not one haa done to for fear of get
ting beat ',
'Observe that the soelallatg make
ao pretense of aonDartiaaaahln.
Ther are aoelalltU all tha time, aad
glory la tL
Mounted oa IU piaaacl,
' feat tbore the sea, Omaha looks
,'4owa with compataloa oa her o-
, gulfed atotar aJUea.
Fl amendment to tha eaastlta-
tloa of Mobraaka are to be Toted Oa
'at tha atatewlde primary. How mmnr
"caa tell what they are all aboetf
Before making tke award to "Ne
" btmaka'a most proline letter writer,"
1 onr old friend, "JohaajT .Maker,
,'oeght to be gta a chaaee to aaHfy.
For tha maa who tried to rise a
aabmargad track with a handcar, we
kae only to aay that wa hope kta
laenaes will sot depart from him
It's aa Ul wind that blowa nobody
- good. Oar near-by sammer reeorta
omght to kayo eaoagh water thla eaav-
aoa to permit of both bathing aad
A battle of the roana la planned
for Ak-Sar-Bea'a aeit earnlraL If
the Mateo ta too far advanced for
rosea, euanowers or dandelions caa
a bo safely sabcUUted.
IClng Ooorge'a pkyatdaa comet to
Amortea to attend cUnlca, bat that
i IU not oetraet from the pvofeaaloaal
; rarae of Amorlcaa doctors going to
i Earope for tko tame porpooa.
It la proposed that Ue etty in-
create the barglary toaaranca It car-
: riea. Haa Use risk ucreaatdT It ao.
-UK taeioo or Mtsleo Jobs agatast
which the dty aeeda protecOoaf
I . -
';' Orer la Booth Omaha tt h) charged
. tfcat Good waa aaade tha goat far
"- th democratic black sheep. Well.
- at tii. A good goat to a handy aat-
, aul jU hare aroaad a political atable.
The worktngmen of thla country
need no reassurance of President
Taft't friendihlp for them. They
were given assurance of that by
Pretident Rooterelt In the antumn
or 1908, when inaptred nttempu
were being made to prejudice the la
boring claaees against Mr. Taft
President Roosevelt, la a latter to a
labor leader, at that time wrote:
If titer It one body of man more than
another whoaa support I feel I have a
riant ta challenge oa a half of Secretary
Taft It It tha body of was worker of
the country. A atauncher friend, a fairer
aad truer repraaaatttlve. they cannot find
within the border of the United Btataa.
if will do everything In hit power for
them except to de that which la wrong;
ha w)l do wronc for ao man, and there
fore caa be truatod by all man.
Labor baa found President Taft
fulfilling these promisee. Aad no
pretident haa ever beea mora criti
cally watched by labor than Mr. Taft,
But here la a specific Instance of his
voluntary concern for tha working-
man and hit family: After the act
to compensate, workmen Injured or
killed vu paased a number of gov
ernment omplejee lost their Uvea
and, their famlliee being Ignorant of
tha pro rial one of the law, failed to
make proper application for relief
within the specified time.- When,
therefore, the claims came up to the
secretary of commerce and labor he
had to reject them for want of legal
formality. ' But tha matter somehow
reached the president's ears and he
took It np pereoaally. , Ha sent for
all the data la tha caaea, went over
them thoroughly aad then prepared
aad sent to congress a special mes
sage which resulted In giving to these
poor widows and. orphans tha aasltt
tnce to which they were entitled
under thla act aad out of which they
were about to bo cheated, by their
own lack of familiarity with tha tech
nical requirements of the law, .
Labor undoubtedly knows bow that
there never waa aay foundation for
tha attache upon the president under
pretexts that ha waa ita enemy.
Mora Tales Out of School
If tha debate precipitated by the
division wtthla the ranka of Ne
braska democracy continues, wa may
expect to enjoy a 'whole sarlat,. of
tales out of school, for bora la aa
othor contained la a public letter
berating Chrto O'ruenther, eubecrlbed
by eae of the Bryanite eaadldatea for
At I now remember IU Mr.,braeBttr
waa teereury of the r?twaaka Btat com
mit te la MCS and of the Bryan volun
teer. I tat tn formed thai he had eaaif
ef the eantodlture of about llAeB) ot
tribute by the Bryan e4ecrt, and
m aoeitaoa) ttiat he had harr,of a
earn pat in fund at teraral (heueend dof
lam eentrlbuted by 4ha breware ef Nt
braaka to be need ta th Interact t ear
tela eandldaua, of waka Bryaa waa aet
That ta Interetting. to say! .the
least. As we remember It. i de
tailed account of tha expenditures
oat of tha Bryan volunteer fund waa
made aa required by law,, ahowtag
contributors aad disposition, bat no
where that wa know of has any ac
counting been had of any fund con
tributed by tha Brewer, although the
publicity law oh tha Kobraaka
statute books for nearly ftftaea yeare
makea bo atoaptioa for brewi
mooey. As tha democrat who pre
fers thla charge has been a Tegular
retained attorney for a brewery, we
take It that be knows whereof he
TtntioBe Here and ltewhr.
Congress haa wreetled all this oee-
sioa with , tha atrvioa pension bUI
that haa passed the house and Is
now Jn tha senate. Members have
disagreed over tha bill beet ate It
seeks to impose additional fteaactel
burdens upon the country, ratting
soma Individual pensions to He a
month bow nowhere Bear that The
chief objection au beea that tha bill
might peotioa soma aaworthy cialm-
Senator 8hivaty of Indiana has
called to tho atteatloa of the eta ate
a sample . of - Brlttah pensioning,
which boars with some latereet aa
thla dlacusatoB, . Tho pnttnt Lord
Nelson of England, bow more than
tt years eld. draws aa annual pen-
aioa of 92l,Ov oa account of acre-
lose rendered by hit graadmotber'a
brother at the battle of Copenhagen,
aad betide thla, ho enjoys aa estate
granted to his ancestor under
George III, which, then was valued
at 4at,0.
While ws aeed to guard agatast
eeates uvea In pensioa Milt, we
may be more keen to appreciate this
nation's debts to tha veterans who,
thetnaalTee, did tho fightlec, by ob
serving some such earn partes a. .
A aUaerrolr Tart Coming;.
The Ice gorges sad floods have
beea subjecting the) bridges, their
approecamenta aad tho railway eav
bsAkmeata throughout this whole
sectioa of the coaatry to tha severeet
kind of a test, which, aurfortuaately.
few of them are eaoocssfally wtth-
staadlBg. I
The next test wa win have Is that
of tko trrlaatio aad storage reser
voirs, which have beea auirding ta
great aambera during the last few
years, bat which bava not yet had to
aieet the tall weight of water te their
capacity. The abundance) at saov
and prodpltetioa durlag tko last
wtater Is bouad te fill Ueee reser-
vorra as tun as they avay er er expect
to bo fUled. aad to try oat whatever
defects of eoaatrucUea or englaaar
lag they mag contain, , '
People living la prozlmiry -to the
ttorage reservoirs should take warn
ing. They should use every pre
cautionary meaaare against break,
and be on the lookout when the time
cornea to avoid trouble.
Good Ken for Commiiiioner IEL
Albert C. Kugel.
Yesterday The Bee called attention
to the candidate who, in its Judg
ment, la the beet of those endorsed
by the Citizens' union, and today It
pretests the candidate,, who, la Ita
Judgment, la tha beet af those en
dorsed by tho Labor league. ' Mr.
Kugel Is one of tha highest type of
the mechanic, a class that constitutes
such a substantial part of our com
munity. By trad a plumber, bow
conducting a plumbing business of
his own, bo haa tha good will and
confidence of both fellow laborers
and employer. Aa plumbing In
spector, and later aa councilman, he
baa made a creditable ' record. He
hat beea constantly accessible to hit
conttltuenta, retpontlvo to their de
mands. Indefatigable la attending to
tha pubtlo business entrusted to him,
and aa commissioner could be
counted on to apply the same in
telligence, common sense and Indus
try In the performance of his duties.
Site of th Convention.
' A smell-dtmeoelOBed dltpute It
raging ,in several newspapera over
tha precise number of delegatea that
will make up the coming republican
national convention, one aide con
tending that the figure should be
1.07 lastead of l.fTI. which has
beea officially given out. The call
formulated and adopted by the re
publican national committee pro
Bald national oonventloa thai! eontiat ot
four AeltatMt4arg from each atatt
and two dateavtea-at-large for aacB res-raaanteUve-st.lert
In the fonsTat. two
deiagalea froia eaob eeagrtatlonal dis
trict, eta dlata from each ot th tar
rtterlee, and ' two ! each from
the Dl at riot of Columbia. Alaaka, Porte
Blee and the PbUlpptne Itltnda.
Computed oa thla batla the total
number of delegates will be 1,078,
the two additional delegates not
counted In the l.vTI being among
those apportioned to New Mexico,
Bhlch haa . been admitted Into the
union with two representative ot
congress Instead of one, aa contem
plated la tho apportionment bllL Aa
th call gauges the delegatea accord
ing to uctaal representation In con
great, w tags it that 'New Mexico
wfll have two delegatea for each sen
ator and, 'Congressman, or eight In
f II, th (am at other atetesv
On ef th notable feeturea of the
municipal election returns It the' do.
feat ot Mayor Brows of Kanaaa City,
who made his racoon platform -ad
vseatiag Juuiletpal,' ownership-, ,Ht
had orUttitlr mad a very- aggret-
arre mayor and hla aewapapar organs
said his defeat would set back the
dty' progreeslvtam tea yeare, but
he waa. defeated la spite ot that
ominous warning. But somehow,
Kanees City may be depended oa to
keep up with the proceesloa of live,
a p-te-ate' towns, whota. pace will
make us all buttle.
The CiUteW anion caa't make an
issue of Dahlmanlam while asking
people t vote for a candidate twice
elected oa th same ticket with Dahl
maa, oa record aa with Dahlmaa al
most an tha time, and an ardent
supporter of Dahlmaa for governor
"Pity Hla, but pity 'tie true." '
Referring to criticisms on penl
teattary management. Ooveraor Aid
rich note that "tha people who give
advkm are not entreated with placet
ef reaponalblMtr.". That alao applies
to folks who are talking about tha
recall ot judges, aad popular vote
review of court decisions.
President Taft's appeal to con
gress for $600,000 with which to re
pair flood damage on th big rivers
waa timely aad congress acted wKk
expedition la patting tha appropria-
tloo, whkh alao waa commendable.
Owe Tklaal Settled. '
Maw Tork Sua.
It la difficult ta make out from th
fOctal and tawuraaM aceouate of the bat
tle ef Jtmloea waieh elde wa extaraU-
aatad, bat It waa a famoua victory.
tkaea th Paraalt.
bat B uer haw. the peopm 'agre
that the treat meanataa thould be con
trteud aad aa toea at tweVv of them
gat ea a jury te try a bunch ef th
etfandars they ataeerett . ..
ASvaateatt la Dalaty.
FttiabuisB Dlepatcb,
While the tantti eemmlttee voted te
dlataf ot LartaMT, there do not am to
b that tmpttott eoaOdDoe ameng the
Lertaav artaaane; at being able to hold
a majerlty la the senate, that should
follow that finding. Bo th hmeUgatlng
eemmlttee not to ctoao It report.
The certain way ta Baas Larimer ta tha
teaata ta a keap bat eaee eat ef tt. Th
eoeamrttea, taerafar. eaty bar to bald
back the report far tw year aad ebma
avaathe to awaraatae hla title fee th
waele of BJe term.
atta ad Tea e Oaa.
Tke let eat balleuns at taa piaaleeaUal
ao Beep a ta raOe of aaeaat tea for
Taft to eae for Biooteatt. wweb hat
lewvaned for aome tune. If Uat aon
Uaaa ta the and the aotooel will have
abeat US dtSaaatae la the eoareaUoa If
be atari ka the ficht. ProoaJHy be wui
de batter' ,tiaaa the. b from
It deaetfel If be win
bael aalagatat m alt after the eteam
mUar bee paatad er aay tealaailti
at hai that anay appaer at
Bo far Ma tbaa oaa-third ef
the aalaaatae be a aaletd. bwt th
shewing p ea uH to Indicate .that the
1 aMdnat'tr forlorn hop te hi
aaMttoa far a third term.
attiring RarWartl
gompuxo prom see pilu
April S.
thirty k'eara Ago
The election peaeed off mora quieuy
than wa expected with theaa ratulta.
mottly a victory far th Labor union
ticket: Councilman, First ward, C C.
Thrana; Second ward. Fred Beam: Third
ward, D. L. McOucitln: Fourth ward.
Martin Dunham; Fifth ward. Ed. Leader;
Sunk ward. W. T. Baker. For traaaurer
Wilt lain Saxaoar waa electee.
For th month ef March the highest
temperature waa 71 degree, on it. Pat
rick t day, and the lowest t dagra.
The city council received a petition re
queuing the ettabllahmant ot a curb line
oa Douglas thirty feet- from th curb
line, leaving a uniform width ef forty
feet, and thereby reducing toe coat of
MJaa Ann I B. Raakail of Croaton. Iowa.
la ta the dty for a abort vlatt to her
brother. Harry HaskelL foreman ot The
Be newt room.
aflat Ftnntt ButMrfleld. teacher In the
Tka-d ward echool, leave to vlatt bar
aephtw la Lmeoln, Clem Chan, and her
niece. Mlae Ndll Butterfleld, In Halt
last, te be abeeat about a week.
Th Board ot Education approved the
March payroll calling for $45 for Jani
tor, and KatlJt for teacher.
Th work of guttering Dodge street
being pushed along, alto that of Tenth
Holy week service ot Trinity cathedral
are being held In the eld church, corner
Capitol avenu and Eighteenth street
Th Red Cloud, expected up the river
for Mveral day. It lying dlsiMed near
Nebraska City, where It broke a platen,
and at leant two week' delay will occur.
Th steamer te loaded to the guards with
freight, and has about m ptasengert for
Montana. , .
Twenty Tear Ago
Superintendent ritipatnca ttatea in a
latter to the Board ef Education that
mora room waa needed In Lathrop, Pa
cific, ll art man, Long and Central echocla
Th matter wa reterrea te tne proper
committee. T. 1- Fltamorrte complained
to the board that th Leavenworth
school ground were to graded at te
drain water ecroes hit lot on Seventeenth
The monthly report ef the health office
showed ninety-three death, sixty-three
maiti sod thirty female. Of th
twnty-tls wr married.
United Btat Marahal Drad Slaughter
and Deputy Jackaoo left for Fuliertoa
en buatnee.
City Attorney Cornell and City En
gineer Iloatwater, held a eonaultatlon
with Receiver Blarbowar and Superin
tendent Hunt of th American Water
Work company, relative te making aa
adjustment of the oontrovwwy aa te ourb
line oa streets ordwed paved before th
paving Wa actually atld. They earn
to an agrinent.
Mia Llbbte Andenoa of Mendote, VU
wat tha gueat of Mr. and Mrs, I, C.
Patton, flU Fernera etreat.
County Judg Eller accompanied by hit
prlvaU tMratary. Mr. Walkap, left for
Chicago to look after earn budnea mat
ter,.' , ,. .. ..,. . .
Qaneral Xanager Clark of th Union
Faclfle. aaid b would not appoint a
gnr4 iratne managr to auocaaa v.
a. Mel ten, uatll ha bad canaulted with
the higher In authority. J. A. Menroe
wat touted fer the place. f
Tea Yeare. Ago
F. C. McCutcneon. manager ef auilatles
at the University of Iowa, wat la Omaha,
and bald a conference rlth Chariot Ea-
gd. foot ball manager ef the University
ot Nebraaka, and the chance wrt, a
a result, for a game btwa the two
unlvcreltla la th fall.
Fred Goodrich returned from Ken eat
City, whart be entered the Grand Amer
ican Handicap, but dropped out with
siany othr after tb sixteenth bird
ad beta killed..
Color line In labor circle tallvtned
th meeting ef Central Labor union. H.
A. Gove and Scott Jaekatm defended
the hod camera, and . Jack aoa aaid.
"Ton have drawn the color line en will
tat ae further aaiistane from In col
ored workman.", v
Tw fljiAr I lflller paturtied fmm
Nbraaa ott, where a v let ted hi old
friend, ft fnsvasg Mertea, who had bean
Kat Qoedwia and Maxln Elliott aa
peered a the etar In "Whan W Were
Twenty-Qo. at tha Boyd theater, and
the theater was filled to Its capacity.
Mr. 'OutsrJ- Brommer died at her
ham. H3I South Twentieth avenue.
People Talked About
If ' constat respond properly1 te th
rcommndatlon ef th secretary af the
treasury, next auaamr globe trotter
will be allowed to land with (lot worth
of souvenir without being
Just a aoon as the moving picture
operator gat thatr atecaiac trained oa
the Canary th chaa of the Alien
bandit la Virginia wfll be brought te
th tertians ail max ef nirrendtr.
Mayor. Harries ef Chicago strike out
boldly In favor ef Hamburger ttaaks
compounded from cheap cut of the ani
mal. This Is the strangest. If not th
stoat popular, law projected late th
A college profeaaor diagnose the taring
office chasing fever ae a dlttortioa ef
eonadoue mental pioceeat through th
force ef ubconsciou wtthr.". It to
forting to kara th worst before the
A Bttl axerde takes la
I a good thing In the aprtngtlaa. but
whoa every puling etreaa atrlvca te
stretch Kat If ever the twreundiag terri
tory 001018 meaklad aught at weU cut
tea with a rear at the only aatisfectloa
m eight.
Louie Moilainea ef Haaeoek. kOoh,
atvea feat etx uaehea la
etoeklas fact, waa aosnlnatad- for
Jtattic f th peace la Hancock towa
aalp. He eteima th dlatlaetiea ef being
the kbrawet aaagiateriai catvlldate ia the
war as tarty
af Joyful
It I M-
Harrar' prtmary veto of
far Taft, a far Bsatirdt, . been t
aougb aoise to mar tea dram-
beau of the dlrg. .
When Bebart Wbtalar waa aaaed aa
the Indlanapelle Jwranil eaart to glv
mr Bawuaf raited to eeppert
bat eaiid properly be eat that dartae
ktt tw year f saarrled life his wife
taesstad that be keaa mortiat. Thar
bad moved thirty-tw ttraea ra two yean,
be said, aad aa a reeutt he bad Peon
dbabl to hold ear peattiea.
Stmw vote patatiag oa
nriims ta ta Sawed aaaapa
aaraat new.
Third Term Issue
Oaattal Qaactloa Zarrorvad la Cctoaal
aooeeveirs Caadldaey for th aTomi-
Pretident Harry Pratt Judsoa. Ue D..
of lb Uaivartlty of Chicago, dlanmslng
"Mr. Rooaevalt and tha Third Term" in
the New Torfe Independent, aay tn part:
Th central quest ,en at Usua ia the
third term, defended oa th ground that
it 1 not a third consecutive term. Thla
Is a departure from the unbroken tradi
tion of tha republic ao startling that
surely It thould b examined with car
before adopting It.
Th president ef the United State baa
more power then any eonstltutkinal mon
arch. That be do not tpeedUy grow to
be a monarch la due to the Umltatioa ea
hie terra ef office to tour yeare. Tb
peepl ar than free to re-elect him for
a eecond term of four year, aad tbaa
auoeeaatvely thereafter throughout hi
Ufa. Tnii I about what was done la
MexlcoB ta tha case of Prettdeat Dtaa.
bit iaeumbcacy being finally terminate
only by revolution. With prevlaloa of
uch possibilities it wa early aettled by
practice that th peopi would re-elect
tor on term only, thus limiting th
presidency of a single man to a period
of elgkt yean. Thla waa what the late
pretidaat ao aptly designated la bla
statement of UOi at "th wist custom
which 11 mitt ta president to two term.'
Now v ere told that ao long aa tha
third term 1 not conaecutlv with the
second there caa be no ebJeeUoa. laaa
mueb aa the candidate for a third term
la thua deprived of the great power of
the presidency In tacking a re nomina
tion. I to far tt the candidate la with'
out thla great powerand If the policy
of seeking third term once boaomet
ttabUabed. at It certain to be the caa
If th existing cualom la ouct broken
down, there caa be no atiuranc that
axrangaroeptt may not be mad by which
a president may use bit power la favor
of a third term tor bit Immediate prdc
cateor etlll, la to far tt a candidate ta
tact lack the power In question, the ob
jection to a third term It to that extent
lessened. But objection remains very
strlout nevertheless; so serious that tha
mere question ot consecutrrenett become
a trifle.
In the flrat else thr caa be no doubt
that aa soon aa the custom of two terms
only It broken down every president will
expect and will k a third term. Thlt
It what happened ta te a second term.
Evry one-term pretident, perhaps with
th exception of Pretident Haye. haa da-
aired a second term, and baa beta greatly
disappointed ia falling to get It. Exactly
th tame will be the eat tt to a third
term. Wt may txptct than at one a
new aerial of political oomblnatlon look
ing to that end, with a poaalble alterna
tion ot the tueceaaloB to that there will
be only two different presidents in a
twanty-four-year period. Thlt la no mere
fanciful conjecture. Knowing human na
ture and politic a w do, aad being
guide by the Ught ef the past, wt can
aspect nothing alt.
But thi I not all. Wba eaoe the
two-teravenly tradition baa disappeared
we may next xpet that th Intervening
of aa Intercalary term win soon be
flouted a a mr eupcretltlon, and will
not long endur. A president use hit
power te teeute a second cohaeeutlve
term; why not to seeur a third consecu
tive tormr If s third term at all, why
not a third eontatutiva terror Tha third
term principle once settled, we may be
vary ture that the "oonaecutlv" Umlta
tioa will vanish lot thin air ia company
with tb two-tena-only limitation.
But why atop with a third tannf Tb
earn reason will apply fer a fourth
term, or tor aay number ef term, in
deed, tb continuous presidency already
haa Ita advocate. The Outlook, ef the
Uth of February, lnl, quotas approv
ingly tt parmer editorial ef April It,
U7, la which M waa aaid: "Thar to
ae ejection to three term, or thirty
terms, If the maa It a good oaa.'
Indeed, a good presidency that thould
last twenty year would be a great boon
to th country." Her we have the doc
trine ef the continuous presidency frank
ly proclaimed. Obviously th "good'
president would be en who could con
trive to secure continuous re-election.
He would be "good" tn the eye ot hla
adherent-end w have already built
up a govanuneatal bureaucracy which to
able te Intimidate member of rongrctt.
tad which with ta exteneica which new
legltlatloa may easily bring will
powerful support of tb eontlauoue
lecney. - It may be that the beat govern
BMBt to that ef a benevolent deepoc But
tsptrteae ha thews that after all It to
infer to get along with leas efneieat -
eminent than to risk a despotism.
Of Co ura th only real tuettfiratiAn a
th continuous presidency la that there la
only one man In the republic wn to
etpablt of admlnltterlng tha anvarnment
wtoely. Tfela wat Jut what waa ao often
aasenau witn reference to President
Was. Parhapa that Judgment waa ee.
rest aa te Uextce. Ara wa amnarad i-
believe that uch a Judgment It correct
ta M to united BtateaT Are wa pre
pared to enter oa a nath which l4.
directly toward th Maxl can! aa tloa ot cur
country r
But we are told. K the neoole want a
eonttnuoua prestdeacy why thould they
aet ha oneT At any quadrennial (lec
tio be can be defeated. Feasibly. Haa
B beea te easy to una a political cama
rilla to, ail the etttaeT Has It been e
eeay te choose reliable legtelaturaa an
ttlcical dty ovcrnmenu? Fadlla da.
teaaaae Averse. Toe easiest way to pre
vent aa aaoastracte eoatlnooue presidency
to to eat whart w are an to staimsla
tb "wist utora which tiaalta the preaa-
I eaa eaawtBead that the im,rin. a.
pea ana tuna Mag actor they east aatde
one of the wlacat tradition of th rw
pubtte. Ptrbept th New Tork cJoctloa of
ant may threw tome light sa the way
tins grave poeefbtilty will be regarded.
Barwark Agaima Jla a !.
Baltimore America. .
ItnaniBm wauld aa a hm tai mm-
arr bate anar wttb. Uaitra -TK. ' -
to pursuing csetaarvatlve policy. He to
aa apoU at peac. and if the Improbable
should eaaaa ta naaa and kiaman a.
aatarmtaed upon It wfll be to the great
rasr or nr. Taft; but If com ft doe
the eavnerv wta tia u
eabt that cb a ate to abeelutaiy neeas-
ary for th protection ot the Bra aad
' t f Antartcaa eitlaena.
thaw Jawra Heed Tuataatat,
eX. Leuli Olocc-Democrat. "
A tax to to be mi ea anatchea that
eaee boay Jaw among worfcxeca wb
make tbcav If tb preeideallal year
to to be 'a talkative aa that of the
Hear campaign other queer phenomen
af the Jaw will ace atteatloa,
St. Louto Republic: Tha defection ot
th governor of Michigan from the
third-term movement leave only six
out of forty-eight. It teema that there
are aet enough vie prattdeatlai nomjna
tlone te go around even now.
Indltnapoila New: Senator Stephen
eon wept when hla east waa discussed
ta tha senate Senator Lorimar. tt win
be remembered, alao wept when he wat
held up on the same charge. Are tears
an aaeet la corruption allegatlone?
Coletgo Tribune: Mr. Bryaa thlnka
the colonel atol that 'tet the people
rule" slogan from him. Mr. Bryan
himself did not ateal tn idea. O, no
ne merely adopted It from Lincoln's
Oattytburg ipeecb. And he didn't im
prove oa th original.
New Tork Sun: Tn vote ot the
Harvard primary waa. Taft. 733; Roose
velt, c Thus do the "crooks" revere
the will of the people at the colonel'
oo liege. There It only, too much tor
him to do there at aa ovaraaar without
trying to oversee the rest ot th uni
verse. Baltimore American: Bays Rooaevalt:
"If the people decide the way I think
they ought sot to do I wiU think they
are unwtoe." A curious ttatement In
deed from a man who It preaching the
right ef the people te rule, but who
threatens refusal to abide by their Judgment.
Jersey Ugktalatf Cbaagea.
San Frtnciace Chronicle.
It appear that, after all. Wood row
Wilson did vote for Bryan in 198, not
withstanding hla assertion ot a desire
to set tn Kebraakan "knocked Into a
cocked hat." Added to tha aeveral
ether changei of opinion to which lb
New Jersey governor hat given exprea
eton uch at hit view with respect
to th initiative and referendum, and
the dealrablllty of certain clatset of Im
migrants It would teem that It would
never be very safe to take him In any
other than a Pickwickian etna.
Craeltr Bckbed I a.
Boston Transcript,
Colonel Rooeevtlt'i nephew. Assembly
man Theodore Douglas Robinson, who
waa a candidate for delegate to the
national - oonventloa from Herkimer
county, waa defeated by the Taft candi
date by Kt votes, aay a a New Tork
dltpttch. "Oh, my prophletic tout, my
Msfch kiW'totc
hrprto laaistaaycw
PAD ' " choic eitbar
hi wa acre, -7 PAD l
m Lu
Boston Garter
Holds your sock as
smooth as your skin
aeaaptopaar by saaal ea miisj! f prate
Ala anakare ef the rata
He Sappertert for wewita aad ehjaarea .
THEEE PES CENT Interest is paid on
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Ennds may be with,
drawn at any time without notice.
The combined capital and surplus Is $1,100,000.09.
It Is the oldest bank in Nebraska,
a Established In 1I.
United States National Bank
of Omilia, Nebraska
BT. V. Bestowi, yucHa.
e. er. wanaa, e na
T. B. Caltwaii. TVu glea.
V. at XM4M, Caaa
Opea sa Batwrtteft
I8M Faneua St,
Ptates ... i
CxtraettBg ,
ruiiaxs ....
Crowaa 1.
...BOelp i orb.
2-Mlp w Ilea aa iltatt
i '
-There It one queer thing about a
"What'a thatr
"Those who get It consider It a raw
deal." Jioitiaiore American.
Ftgg Doa't you wish yea coal Dve
your life over again? .
Fogft Well, I snould say not! Tve got
a twenty-year endowment policy maavr
Ing thla month.-McCall'c Masatine.
OK rhlttarrrV Yaaf whB moaty talk
everybody listens.
He (tiianaiyi rut you am ir
that when money One talk tt aiway
tauti cent. Boston Traaaerlpt..
Fond Daughter Pa. I taw in the paper
where yuu got a number ef sealed pro
posals at your office.
Official Father Ye, dear.
Fond Daughter Pa, were any of them
proposal for met Baltimore American.
"Tour maid teemt to be very fond of
"She la. She hat ttayed with mo now
through two houaecioaning teatont "
Detroit Free Press.
The colonel looked equaled.
"i attribute It to aome misunderstood
depression In the earth's crust," be said.
It a evident they don't tee me."
Whereupon he climbed oa the stump
ind becan to talk loudly. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Pott-He think he I the .whole thing,
doe he?
Barker Well, I d hardly go as far tt
that; but he certainly cooddere hlmealt
a quorum. Smart Sat. ...
"What' become ot that gripping pity
you told me about?"
. 'TI" .. I. vnnu. MMMfltlln MHt ,. b
dollara." Cleveland Plata Dealer,
"I fear you are losing Interest In the
"I sec you constantly with a young
"No danger," declared the militant euf
fragettc "Then he ta not your beauf"
"'No; he a professional bondsman-"
Washingtoe Herald.
a FASsnra bseeze. ,
Soft from over the aouthland.
Damp with the dews of the art.
Keen with th chill of the northland
la the wind that it calling me.
' Sweet with the perfume of 'India,
And dank with Africa e gloom,
A whispering sophyr from Arabia,
it enter and Dili my room.
Bringing tht lure of forettt client.
The calls of the mountain high.
Th Yokes of place waste and rant,'
Where lost things laugh and cry.
A thousand tale It tell me,
Thla wind that Is paaslng by.
Of life la lands lived atrarurely
By stranve men who ro there to die.
Silk (Or.
Lial ZSc
mad on or beforg
April 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw intereit from April
S. . aUwntl, aaee. Oaaa,
9. O. atcOiaic, aart, Oa
aV U. Xacse, AaM. Oaa.
ratfl :00 P. M.
Doug. ITS.
aiatwUg Tee, awicweel
witboartpat. Worktraaaa
alccd tew years,