Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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j No Burden! No Worry! Get
I An Easter Outfit
J There's no reason why other should dress
better than yoa on Easter Sunday. YOU
I may wear as fine an outfit as anv other
1 Omahan and bay it on easy weekly payments of
I jrTi?! Ladles' lingerie and mannish styles,
I CygffjJC values from 1.60 to $1.00 - QQ
SJmT to be had now at . ........ ...e70C
JL selection at f IS and low aa S3-00
T S T Tfaw t inmi crrrB. Vjw wMiwnrda 1at
UfU&K miiai . "
to hand; priced aa low as . .-. . -$S-7B
aergce and fancy worsteds low as $9-M
MEN'S SPRTXG SITTS,' newest of the
season at low as $9-
er wear, at as low as $2-M
MEN'S HATS,. the latest of blocks at
$3.60. !.50 and as low as . . . ..$x.BO
NECKTIE SPECIAL: Bilk or knit 4-ln-hands
worth 60c go tomorrow as au
Easter Special at -23
Don't make a needless outlay of cash
when your entire Easter outfit may be
purchased on easy f 1 per -week pay
menu at the-"Peoples." ' '
South Dakota Sena ton Arrange for
Emergtacy Appropriation. i
j You've Just Time Enough to Select
Easter Wearables With tare.
Aniwer Made in Allegations in the
. Water Work Cron-Complaint ,
Claim la Made that Salt la llelug
Fnael Solely (or the Parseee
ml Compelling the City ta
Par Fall Value.
Ths Onubl Water company yesterday
mornlnf filed with the clerk of the United
States dlitrlct court an aiuwer to the
cros complaint of the city to the sup
plemental bill.
The Omaha Water company denies the
allegation that the gross earning! of the
company amount to ffto,oov per annum.
It alio denies the eutement that the
Inoome from East Omaha. Dundee and
Florence was an addition to thla amount;
that the expense of running the water
works plant don not exceed SN0.00O a
year, and that the annual Income de
rived from the water works system ex
ceeds hioftocn.
The company further denies the ajlef a.
tlon It secretly contrived to Influence a
large number of voters In the Third ward
against the proposition of Issuing bonds.
A denial Is made of the allegation that
the suit Instituted by George 8hlelds
about December 6, ml. In the district
court against James C. Dahlman, as
mayor, was Instigated hy It or Its rep
resentatives for the purpose of delaying
the sale of the water-works. It also de
nies that there has been any scheme to
Interfere wtih the voting and sale of
bonds or the taking over of the water
works plant, and that It has prevented
the city from making all necessary ad
ditions sufficient to supply the city of
Omaha. South Omaha, Florence and
Dundee with an adequate supply of
water. It alleges that It has been ac
tively prosecuting the suit for the pur
pose of compelling the city to'psy the
appraised value of the water works plant.
Coroner's Jury Fails
to Fix Responsibility
ROCK 18LAXD. III. April t-Re-aponHblllty
for the deaths fit Frank Kel
logg and Raymond Swingle, shot In the
riot of last Tuesday night, was not fixed
by the verdict of the coroner's jury, re
turned tonight, this formality having
been passed to the special grand Jury,
which Is expected to return Its findings
The verdict of the coroner's jury aim
ply says that the men died of bullet
wounds' received during an attack -by. a
mob upon police headquarters, during
which the officers fired la the deteim
of their lives.
Frank Ward, s gun expert, testified
before the coroner's jury today that an
investigation showed that Kellogg and
Swingle were killed by. bullets from .Il
eal! ber revolvers, thus disproving the
charge of the opponents of the police
that the police had killed the two vic
tims. It was found that all of the wea
pons used by the police department wert
JS-oaUber. i' . -
' Postmaster John C. Wharton met with
the executive committee of the Commer
cial club yesterday noon to discuss the
civil service pension bill now pending la
Postmaster Wharton favors the hill and
asked the Commercial club for its as
sistance In getting it throusX
. As Miss Esther Carlson of 45M Frank
Hn street, was crossing Jackson and
Tenth streets last night she waa struck
and knocked down by an express wagon
driven by Charles Alexander. The
wheels passed over her right foot, mash
ing it. cine was taken to the police sta
tion, where Dr. Harris attended her In
juries and had her taken home
A Life Prwbless Selves
hy that great health tonic. Electric Btt
lers. Is the enrichment of poor, thin
blase, aa strengthening the weak. Sec
for sale hy Beaton Drug Co.
Low Bids for Beaton's Paring Are
' Received from Contractor!.
Social Service Boars' te Hare Coa
'trel 'ef Amasesaeate and Leak
"Alter General Welfare of
the Yoath.
Bids for paving and curbing. opened by
the city council last nigbt were the low
est received la several years. A. Mafia)
and O. . Maclna swept the .slate clean on
bids for srtlflclsl atone curbing. ' Their
prices for such curbs ranged from It te
IS per cent under bids tor the same class
of work last year. C E. Fanning snd
Hugh Murphy spilt the brick block work,
their bids being lowers by , a few cento
than last year. . Bryant Co. were low
on asphalt, their competitor being the
M. Ford company.
Bidders were: 'Hugo Murphy, C. E.
Panning, E. B. Van Court, M..Ford. Bry
ant Co.. Offerman Bros., O. Maolne,
A. Mattel, at. B. Jensen. The bids were
referred' to the city engineer for tabu
lation. They covered street Improvement
districts tJos. IMS, 1217, . 131, 12. 12,
1231. IMS, 123J, 1238, 1237, 12S8, 139, 12M and
1241. -
Bears' of Cessers ;
A resolution requesting the passage ot
an ordinance providing for the establish
ment of a "social service board", of five,
two of the members to be women, was
Introduced by W. 8. Sheldon and .referred
to the committee of the whole upon re
quest of Judge Howard Kennedy, who
dratted the resolution and the ordinance.
The resolution ls:-
Whereas, It Is Is desirable and neces
sary that a closer supervision be exer
cised over places of public amusement In
thla community and that moral and so
cial conditions be Investigated and stud
ied with a view to such supervision snd
regulation; therefore, be it
Kesolved. That there exlata a necessity
for the creation of a social service board
to consist of five members, at least two
of whom shall be women, which board
shall be appointed by the mayor and shall
serve wltnout compensation, and -whoso
duty It shall be to Inspect and Investigate
nu pieces or puouc amusement, ana to
take all necessary steps to prevent the
carrying on of any amusement or enter
tainment which has a tendency to Impair
or destroy good morale In this com
munity, or the running of anv Dlaoa of
amusement where the health, comfort and
aalety of the patrons and employes of
such Dlaoa are net properly protected,
and which board shall investigate and
study moral and social conditions In all
places In the community, eapedally where
young persons are concerned, and shall
oo-operate with all agencies existing for
like purposes, and shall report to the
mayor In writing from time to time the
result of Its Investigations and work, with
any recommendations it may deem
proper, and the members of which board
shall be commissioned as special police
officers, with all the powers of a police
officer of the dty of Omaha-
Numerous resolutions : directing the
street commissioner . to repair washouts
occasioned hy . the recent ' thaw and pro
viding for the installation of lights were
read and passed...
W. O. Cre reported that he had received
propositions from Insurance agencies to
Increase the burglar insurance carried by
the city from K.000 to 3. The best
bid waa for three years, and would coat
rioS. The communication was referred to
the- committee 'of the . whole.
The appointment ot four sanitary in
spectors by . Health Commissioner Connell
was approved.
Bids for pointing snd making other Im
provements st the library were received
and referred.
City. Attorney Rise was instructed to
prepare plana and a contract so thst he
city coi a take ever the decorative light
but system on Wool worth avenue.
Street Commissioner Flynn waa given
permission to repair his automobile at a
eost not to exceed flOtt.
Clty Attorney Bine was instructed to
bring mandamus proceedings against the
railroads . interested The Union Pacific,
the Missosrt Pacific and the Chicago,
St Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha to force
construct km of the Locust street via
duct. An ordinance fixing a graduated oc
cupation tax, dealers la building material,
coal, coke and ios to pay S for. each
place of business snd ft for each team
used, was read and referred to the com
mittee of the whole.
City Treasurer 'Ure's recommendation
that moneys held hy him be Invested In
outstanding bonds m order to save the
dty the Interest was placed en file
Drmasatto Koalas la Xatloaal Capi
tal te Aid Dweller. Alaaa; xk.
aeeH Xewr Venalllea aael
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C. April X-8pa-ctal
Telegram.) A dramatic ending to
the efforts of Senator Gamble and Con
gressman Burke, ot South Dakota, to
secure a emergency appropriation
to he used In breaking an Ice gorge
formed on the Missouri river between
Vermilion snd Tankton. which threat
ened the destruction Tf hundreds of
thousands of dollars' worth of property
through the accumulation of back water
dammed by the gorge came st snout
t o'clock today, when s telegram waa
received that the gorge waa broken snd
the danger waa past.
President Antra
At the moment the message was re
ceived that the Ice had given way. Sen
ator Gamble waa on hta feet on the
floor of the senate to present a Joint
resolution calling for the appropriation
snd Congressman Burke had Just stsrted
for the house chamber with a similar
resolution, both having paved the way
tor its immediate passage in both
branches by conference with the chair
men of the appropriation committees.
Furthermore, earlier In the day. when
the news was received here of the
possible damage that would be caused
by the gorge. Senator Gamble had gone
to the president with a statement of
the situation and had secured his sgree
ment for a special messsge to congress
on the matter and for his signature
to the legislation as soon ss It had
paaaed. Instructions had also been
given to the War department to pro-
pare Its machinery for immediate opera
tion so that within a few hours they
would have been en the scene to destroy
the gorge and avert the destruction.
Naturally the South Dakota senator
and congressman were much relieved,
though they expressed satisfaction over
demonstrating how quickly they had been
able to meet the situation.
Katie ManaVll Released.
An order wss Issued todsy by the
bureau of Immigration to release from
detention' at Ellis Island Katie Man
dell, the dsughter of Mr. Msndell of
Omaha, national director of the Hebrew
Immigration and Sheltering society. Miss
Msndell hsd come from Russia with
her mother and sister Intending to gn
to Omaha. She waa not In good health,
however, snd the authorities would not
allow the party to go on. The matter
came before the Immigration bureau
here and letters were received from
Omaha by Senator Brown. Senator
Hitchcock and Congressman Lobeck
asking them to take the matter up and
secure Miss Mandeil's release. Through
action on the part ot the delegation
the authorities were convinced that it
would be proper for the party to go
west and an order was issued to that
effect, the required bond in such cases
being furnished.
The Omaha Commercial club, through
Commissioner Guild, has gons oa record
aa. favoring the Levar Mil providing for
agricultural extension. ; A lettaf to that
effect was received by Senator Hitchcock
A 'telegram received from Des Moines
today reads: "As to the Iowa situation.
It Is as follows: Tart needs only slxty-
rive delegates to cinch the state conven
tion. The president has fit delegates In
structed or pledged at this time. He Is
absolutely certain of six of the eleven
congressional districts. Three hundred
and .forty-three-delegates are yet to be
chosen, thirty-one counties yet to hold
conventions, eight ot which hsve held
caucuses. There Is not the slightest
doubt of Tsft controlling the stats con
vention and securing the four delegates-
at-large. Ida county has gons for Taft,
which Is a distinct gain. This makes It
certain that Taft will have sixteen of the
twenty-six delegates from Iowa."
The bill authorising the sale ot the un
allotted lands ot the Omaha Indians,
now before the house committee and
which recently passed the senate, where
It was introduced by Senstor Brown,
will be reported next Friday according
to a member of the committee. It waa
found necessary to make some further
allotments to members of the tribe who
had not received their share and this
matter must be attended to before the
bill can be reported.
Alma Seymour of Elgin, dsughter of
George Seymour, Is spending her Easter
vacation In Washington snd called on
Congressman Stephens today. Miss Sey
mour la In school in the east. .
The senate reported favorably Senator
Gamble's bill appropriating J66.0CO for a
new federal building at Rodfleld. The
government already owns a UO.O0O site,
secured through a former appropriation.
Allen Johnson of Fremont, Neb., has
been appointed law clerk in the land
office at Lemon. 8. D.
Mlssearl Cat eft Several Miles af
James Blver.
' TAJCKTON, S. D., April t-8pectal.
The great Ice gorge which broke today
threatened to flood the James river valley
by aa overflow from the Missouri. An
Immense gorge, forty feet high and sev
eral miles long, formed st the mouth of
the James river snd s large amount of
the flooded Missouri was turned aside
and poured en the low lands of the James
valley. Around Fullervllle It was so
flooded thst the Milwaukee track was
submerged and traffic lias ceased. The
lowest county bridge on the Jaraee was
forced up stream for half a mile by the
Ice which packed the lower end of the
James river. The situation wss a new
and novel one and was caused by the
Missouri cutting oft five miles of the
smaller river, bringing the mouth to a
point where It faces up the stream ot
the Missouri snd where the full force of
the current wss felt.
Girl Killed by Train;
Youth Gets Away
SCRAN TON, Pa, April L-Louise Burns,
17 years old. of Moostc, wss killed on
the Delaware Hudson railroad near
her home last night, and her companion,
Raymond Curt, 1. narrowly escaped s
similar fats.
She and young Curl were walking along
the railroad toward the girl's home and
had started to crawl under a freight
ear in a train on a siding when the traia
started up. Curl scrambled clear of the
wheels, but the girl waa run over.
Curl's overcoat was found near the
track and when the girl's body was dis
covered he wss arrested.
loth Omaha's Greatest ioth
AnniTersary Clothing HoUSe Wfsar7
It is really surprising to see
men delight in this showing of fine
clothes; we take it as a matter of course
that such a showing is an essential part
of a high grade clothing business; but the
men of Omaha look upon our display as
an innovation and were glad they do.
We've endeavored to provide
all the favored fabrics all the sensible styles for
you, avoiding any garment that might be classed as
"Bizarre'' or over-extreme, inasmuch as the uncon
ventional styles that we have seen lack permanence
of style values. Our largest selection is from
The house of Kuppenheimer
whom we class among the foremost makers of strict
ly high-grade clothing and
whose styles possess a definite
and positive style value un
questioned and unquestionable.
These garments are very handsome
they're novelties in the sense that they're new; the
colorings are cheerful, bright and good to look
upon; the mode of making will delight you; the
perfection of fit will surpise you. Try on a Kup-
We're showing some good suits at $15.00; better val
ues than you 11 find elsewhere
because we pay more and
make lets money but more
friends. See them at
You ought to supply your boy here
Boys' clothes in styles and qualities and at prices which
will appeal to parents; knicker suits of new weaves in
all colors; worsteds, cheviots, Scotch mixtures; Norfolk
single and double breasted two-piece suits, sailor suits,
Russian suits, reefers, top coats, rain coats
$2.50, $3.50, $5.00 up to $10.00
7 - I It ' r V
Seal Estate Exchange Cannot Stand
for Some on List.
Prealdeat MoHu lasseata the V.x
rhaaaa Vis Vm a Slate at Its
Owa for the Mesabere ta
wark Far.
The Omaha Real Estate exchange re
fused to endorse the Cltlsens' union ticket
when the qeuetlon waa brought up In In
formal discussion Immediately following
adjournment of the weeklf meeting yes
terday. The consensus of opinion seemed to
be that two or three men on the slste
were unsatisfactory snd that the Real
Estate exchange should not take a hand
one way or another. It was arranged,
however, that by a tacit agreement
among the members of the association the
individuals would get out snd work for
a certain set ot men whom the exchange
favors, a few of whom sre now on the
Cltlsens' onion slste.
President Morton declared there were
two er three men on the CW sens' union
ticket "that he could not stomach" and
that the exchange should not take a hand
either to endorse or to fight the slate
"What we should do." he said, "la to
get together on seven men, some ot
whom are Included la the Cltlsens union
list, name the two or three we favor te
take the place of those on the Cltlsens'
ticket we do not favor, snd then get out
aa individuals snd work for them."
C. A. Grinnell declared the Real Estate
exchange as an exchange should stay out
of the fight
F. D. Weed started tne discussion by
making a motion that the Real Rstate
exchange hold a special meeting and
make aa endorsement. Big motion waa
voted down.
Destructive Wind
Sweeps Down River
Into Philadelphia
women were , fatally Injured, scores of
houses were unroofed snd more then
twenty-five buildings were demolished by
s wind storm of high velocity, which
passed over that portion of Camden
known aa Copper's Point, snd swept down
the nrii ware river to the center of this
city tonight doing thousands of dollars
worth of property damage.
Tanight Camden la In darkness, all the
electric lights having been turned off.
while streets In the northen section of
that city are filled with debris from
ruined buildings ana teiegrapn poiea.
Mrs. Annie Cleary or Camden and Miss
Behrend of Philadelphia, who were rid
ing in a street car in Camden, were
caught beneath a building, which was
demolished and so aeverly crushed that
physicians say neither can recover.
In the section of Camden where the
storm wss most severs entire blocks of
dwellings were unroofed snd the oc
cupants driven to the streets in terror.
Although the vortex of the storm did
not reach this city, considerable damage
waa doae here, the wind reaching a
velocity ot more than forty miles an
hour. An unoccupied six-etory build
ing IB Chestnut street was unroofed and
an Immense sheet at tin was blows
across that thoroughfare.
A panic was caused among operators
in the main office ot the Western Union
Telegraph company when a holt struck
the seventeenth floor of the building,
where they were employed. Windows
were broken by the shock sad glass
hurled Into the faces ot the telegraphers.
A mad rush for the doors ensued, hut no
on. was seriously Injured.
Investigation of Various Grafts May
Be Concluded Saturday.
Another Week ml Problaa; Mar Be
peat, hat It la relt that Moth
lac Coala Be balneal by
ranker laqalry.
LaTollette Speaks
in Omaha on Next
Saturday Evening
'Senator Robert M. I Follette of Wis
consin, 'candidate for nomination for
president on tha republican ticket will
speak at the Omaha Auditorium Saturday
evening of this, week.
Another half day considering evidence
adduced in many inveatlgatlons was
spent by the Ijouglaa county grand Jury
yesterday. The body at noon took a recess
until this morning.
Paving and Omaha Fire and Police
Board matters were discussed yesterday,
but no decision ss to what further
steps shsll be taken waa reached.
Work on the final report was begun,
but the grand Jury la not sure whether
this . report will be made Saturday or
later. It may be decided to spend an
other week probing further into matters
already Investigated to some extent If
it Is thought nothing could be gained by
further probing the final report will be
completed and the grand Jury will take
final adjournment ,
Only a few more witnesses were ex
amined yesterday morning and these were
In routine police
Stimulate your business by advertising
In The Bee the newspaper that reaches
all of the buyers.
Permits te smoke so. All deal ere.
U iiPPA now? ' j
IP 1"!
Afraid of It? Co To Your Doctor
Afraid to use hair Drerjarations? Don't know prartfv what tn
do ? Then why not consult your doctor ? Isn't your hah worth
it? Ask him if he endorses Ayer's Hair Vigor for Mini hair,
dandruff, a hair tonic and dressing. Have confidence in his
advice. Follow ft. He knows. . fcSJTVi: