Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    XllC Hiuti UiliMlA. 1BL IVjW A A , AT Ism , XJi..
rrineipal Contexts An Whether
license Shall PreTaiL
Flneee Vkm Seeialssta Have lm
la OflW ae Hole Tarn Bark
Here tar Celesta Aeblaaa
Dryo Wis.
(Continued from Pint Pass )
twenty-five yetes, which assures another
dry yw.
8GHVTLER, N-. AprU t- Special
TleTam. J. a Woodartl, deraorrat, m
elected mayor yesterday. He uccki
a republican.
llMaliitu la Wet.
BLOOMINOTON. Neb, April X. (Spa
rial Talent am.) Bloom! naton want wet
by eevea nt D. T. Welrath, 8. T.
Hurt. r. H. Ludeke. wera electee' vll-
bur trustees.
tSpedal TelesTem.-Tnere was but ana
ticket ber. Mayor FTed H. Oorder, wee
Ta elected. Other officers arei Clark, Yi.
H. Lymes; treasurer, Tnomas afurtey;
aehool trustees, O. K. Cromwell su4 C
C Dar. License was not In Issue. Tha
town remains dry.
NORTH BEJiO. Nab, April 1-Tbe ou
ter ftht oner tha Vquor quaatloa with
resulted traaa tta kUHnc of sflxx Oorsy
during- a Cnitaemes dar fint la Oorey's
saloon resulted ta a victory br tha
"wets," ths Scenes ordinaaos betas; car
ried br a majority of SL Mr. James afe
Loren, lleenaa candidate, defeated Ales
Ttjom. "law add order," for major.
CLARKB, Neb.. April t-tHpeelal Tele
gram.) Clarke, dry tor aeveral year,
want Wat roetardaj by one rote, follow.
tag trustees war alectad: William Douf
bu. O. R. Campbell aad H. Leamon.
W esse a Elected Treaesrev.
, ALMA, Neb., April I. -(Special Tla
rram-W- B. BUllnxs. republican, waa
elected mayor by M majority. Tha weta
won by T majorttr. Mrs. Jean McKee
tree elected aa treasurer br I majority.
TRKAMAH, Neb.. April t- Special -The
city aleetloa la Tekamak waa devoid
of Interest and If there ever waa a time
la tba history at thla dty wkea tba "wet"
aide bad an opportunity to win It waa
yeaterday, for oa tba part ef the tetneer
aaoa people there waa abaolutely do tf
lart made to seiner ta vetea, Tba ma
jority for tba dry aide waa forty In the
rtrat ward and thirty-two In tha Second
ward. There waa a ctty, nominalist
eaecue thai year and tba name ef lux
tea ted icandldates had to be written In
aad rated that way. Than waa M oe
aeelttoa to tba re- lection of Mayor A.
at Anderson, City Cterk M. I. MeOrew
aad Traaaurar Ed ltta. Ft eeunellmaa
la tba Plrat ward Char lee Neawt.wae
eterted and la tba Second ward, Arthur
RAOAN. Nab., AarO t-(aperlaX-AI
the annual city election tha question of
aaloone and pool balla waa, aa aeual
defeated. Tba election waa very quiet
ad not much Interact shews. '
eerrlee Wet Aftev stabt.
BKATR1CC Neb., Aprtl. t-.(lpaelal
Talecram,) Beatrice todai asted oa city
eommtaaloaers for tha fjrs. time and
alerted 1. R. C. field. J.' R. Bpleer and
Mayor ornr Morria Praahmaa, at
Roby and A. Pre water. .
For the leal year the atty eemlnlatra
tton baa awn heeded by W. K. Orlrfjn.
enclallat. aj tncydr.' J A Wrra tlfht va
waged betweai tba wen and dry a, tna
former wlnHr by majority ef ra
laat year tna bfwa braa voted dry by
17. In tba Paurtb wnrd. tba laneat la
the city, nearly lot did not rata aa the
aalooa queatlea- ' -
C. B. Dempeter. feoadi of tba Dempeter
Mill, made a etraiut riylU acalnat i. R.
C Field, an of tba eaeceeeruj eaadldatat
for eovmraaiorwr aad areeeat water core
nlaaloner of tba city.
Tba tou aa other tawaa In Una eaetloa
of the aalooa auaattoa br. rVymora, wet
ay Kf. Odall. wet by M; VwM, wet
titles Wat Twa ta aa.'
UT1CA. Nab, April l-eeclaJ Tale-
ram.) Utloa west wet at tha vUmga
election today by a rote of mora than
two to oaa. Oacar Cral nd William
Tre merer ware aleeted ta tba board at
be eel riahi at telemeae.
COL.UMBUH Neb.. April lBaaclal
Tolegraakr-rour demoeratle eounctlnuu
wera elected here today, twa of
deeatlnt rapubllcana, whkh maka tho
antlra dty admliilatratla danjoerarla
BeeMaa tha fl1)t en tha eraool board.
reaultlnc froat recent trouble In ' tha
ehoara, aad tha putting of tha achaol
board back la nollUca, there waa a t.M
uond Bropoeltlon for a new aohool boaae
. la the Tktrd.ward. Two aeroooraU ware
alectad aa tba achaol board, eoe replae.
UC w. A. MaAlaatar. prealdent ef the
board, waa la a republican. U W.
PhUUpa, oewjocratlo naomber, anianaid
btmealf. Tba bond propuelUon. la whlob
tba woman teak inaak Intaraat, waa car
ried by better than twa to ana. The
Uoaar quoatloa did not eater Into the
alactiea and tba dty In wet aa naaal.
LHtla Caateat at Oeaad lalaaa.
GRAND ItfUAND, Ken, AarU l
fAmdal TeleiTam.-Onry la oaa of tba
ward aoandlmaalo elections waa there
tnvotved aaythlna tike aa laaua. Court.
Cllmaa Knlckrehm was eapased far re.
alaoiloa becauae he tarored tha (rant
la of a aalosa license la a serosa at
tba dty hitherto net barinc aaioena.
KnlckrekBi won by Me retea acalnat
bis epneaant's ML Three ether eenar
cUmea and three mem hen of tba Board
ef Kdacatloa were elected without any
can lest ef leawe.
He a see at lanwll.
BVRWKIX, Neb, Aprs l-(SrecUl
Taleraav)-HbTk Bcenee earned by a
eod vote. ' Pool bails carried by eoty
flee votes.
Beaeea (aaaiM.
OBNETA, Keb, April l-(gperlal Tele
tram. r-At tna vUlae elect toe bald bore
today Oemrra went dry by a majority
fifteen eetea. W. H. lstea was
elected mayor en the ettltene ilcket.
He laaae at HauMlace..
HArrmQ Keb, April r-(Berlal
Teiecrem.) Emeat Butxlrua. c. X.
XBis. .O. a Zlea aad C O. IneTaham
ware 'alerted esvacttmea teday. Bna
witbeat eojnretltloe. Oeorta E. laaman.
IX T. Joaes end J. XX, Reed ware
elected members at , the Board ef
Education wtthoet onaosltloa. Ne ether
efncaa ware "voted en. All - candldatea
ran by petit tea and aeltber party aer
local laeuee were facaere la tha eJtctloa,
ORLEANS, Nee, Apr. L (RpedeJ
TeleaTarti.)-Orleans alectad tha eltresns'
J. C- Oay. merer; B. B. Web-
nellee Judca: B. R. Fate, dty
The aalooa twestka was svb
nsitled and carried by a majority of I
far Bcenee. Orleans was dry test year.
Beaeaska CM Cemmlaataaua.
(Bpeeial Telaresa.-Tne Orat aleetloa
ef dty ' commleatcoera was held teday.
A Tery'llfht vote was aoOed. Taeoaav
mlaalenera are J. D. Houston, J. A.
Rk-hardaoa and R. & nawley: BoarS
of Educatloa. Dr. Watson, Jobs B.
Ballard aad Henry Paauaaa.
Cleea at I' plead.
UPLAND, Neb.. April t- Special Tela-
rram -At tha election kere today the
vote waa a to H In favor ef the dry
element. HiMreth went wet by a w
of te B.
Heller Meyer at Blair.
BLAIR. Neb.. April t-8peclal Tele-
fram W. O. Hajler. a atandpat Tart
repubuVan. was elected mayor today with
practically no opposition. Three other
candidates had filed for election, two of
wblca were withdrawn by beeueaa In-
teresta with which they were eonaected.
The third, the pi emit mayor, a La Pol-
letU sroaTesalve, stepped down of I
own free choice.
Mr. Heller came te Blair over forty
yearn aco, and thla will make his twelfth
term as mayor. Chris Schmidt was
elected ctty treasurer, S. W. Chambers
dty clerk, Karl Peteraoa councilman
Plrat ward, E. Coetetter Beiond ward.
Uuy Mead re-elected Third ward, Ove
Anderson re-elected PUtk ward, Joe 8.
Cook re-elected aa member of school
beard aad N. T. Lund as the new
taveaaa Weta Have Mnlerlty.
RAVENNA, Neb, April l-Otaeclal
TaleaTara-r Ravenna Went wet by thlrty
foar votes. Carl Unn and A. T. Bhalten-
r, dUsens- ticket, and Prank C.
Moore, aoetallat, wera elected members
of the town board. Muck surprise waa
expressed at the strength ef the socialists
and prehlMtlonlats.
eetelleia Oet at Wyaere.
WTMOKE. Neb, April l-(8peolaJ Tele-
franv-Tbe warmest election ef years In
ymora resulted In the eieeUon of J. A
ReuUnc for mayor, with 171 votes, as-alnat
fit for M. L. Rawlins and M for D. H.
Mordhoret. The lawn remains wet, the
vote beln set for and K4 aaalnst. The
Issue bare was municipal operation of an
electrto Ihjbt plant, for which bende were
voted when Rawllrura waa mayor In 111.
and whlob was built laat year and waa
not being operated becauae of the klne
of engine bought All city official serv
ing when Rawllnge waa mayor ware
candidates for election and all were de
feated except W. 11. Wellemeyer, who
waa elected treasurer.
None of the present socialist adminis
tration was a candidate for re-election.
candidates ware en the ticket be
Berth Platte Vatea fee laleeaa.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., April t-Hps-etal
Telegram. -North Pletta first sleo
Uoa en the wet and dry question went
wet by a vote of Ml te ML There wss a
dose and bet fight for water eommle
alener between W. M. Cunnlngtiam. who
ass bean water superintendent for tha
aid water works company, and Harsher
Wtlch. a etvtl engineer. Welch wea by
vote ef M aa tM.
ReadedsA Is Dry,
RANDOLPH, Nab., April L-apactal
Telegram. -Ranoolph want dry by thirty
three votes. The progress! re ticket was
elected, as follows; L. P. Holts, mayor;
K. M. Ballard, clerk: H: Poje. tmaaurer;
P. Freitgaa, police fudge: M. . Whitney,
CARROLL. Nan., April t-( Spec tat Tel-egrmtn.)-Carnll
elected three dry mem
bers ef the tillage board for terms of
twa years by a large majority.
PA PILLION, Neb.. April I.HSpeclal
Telegram. r-Pepllllon eterted twe trua
teea. W. M. Oehrlnger, democrat, and N.
J. Bleberg. republican. There wss aa
pedal issue, tha town remaining wet.
BEATRICE, Neb, April l.-(Hpotal
Telegram. r-Bameatoa went wet by a
vote of IS to tL
' Brya Wrai keelallata Clalt. -
MED CLOUD. Neb.. April l-8ieolal
Telegram. -D, W. Turnure was sMbwd
mayor bare today on a aomMned rwptra
Ucaa and crtlaens- ticket, there being only
eae ticket la the field. He eueeeada
. W. Pee, saewltat. The vote aa Meenaa
er ae ltoensa resulted an tba drys winning
by twelve aaa)orMy. This la the thlsd
eonaeeuava year ef tha dry poller.
Dry Petwee Taate Aehbsad.
ASHLAND, Neb, Apr L -4 sped el
Telegram.) Tha electloa was complete
victory for tba dry faros. Huge A
Wlggennorn wss elected mayor ever Dr.
a W. Meredith by thirty-three votes.
Oscar Hoffman defeated Claude Chapman
for OBundlmaa la tha First ward by
two. O. U Bcott won ever Jaeeb dandera
in tha Second by forty-one. T. P. Dalley,
abort terra councilman In tha Plrat ward,
defeated Alonas Wbltaker by twenty six
and Is the only wet eeuncllma elected
There was as apposition te City Clerk
L. A. C ha pells or Treasurer Ernest Wig
ganhora. Ashland want dry last year
by five votes.
Dry Agala la Teen meek.
TECVMSBH, Neb, April t-tlpertsl
Tutrgrars-) Tecmmseh went dry again
today by a majority of forty-tut. Tba
granting at Millard ball Heensn wag de
Mated by elghty-nlBe votes.
WUllast Eraeet defaated Sr. A, P. Pita.
atmmoM for re elaotloa tor mayor by
ulnely-twe majority, la the Third ward,
Roy smith was repeated a member of
the etty eeanoa aver Dr. C W. Oraft
ay a majority of nineteen. Dr. Oraft and
A, a Shaw wars elected member of the
school beard, aad Users were aa other
oentaets. ,
The town of Cook la this county want
wet by twelve majority.
Wet Vletery at HieaeMt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb, Asm t-(8pectal
Telegram.) Humboldt went wet by a ma
jority of BUty-aeveo vatea, J. B. Darta
oa the cUiasBt ticket was elected mayor
I. E. 8mltk on the tempermnce
ticket by eighty-seven votes. Carl Mann
oa tba temperance ticket was elected
etlraaa ef the First war by three
vote ever Oeorge Sanford oa the crtlaen'a
ticket. W. & Kalak waa reelected oa
the rlUsens ticket la the Beoond ward
' J. C Simmons ea the temperance
ticket by a majority ef thtrty-twe votes
L. S. Hackett was re el acted etty stark
I W. J. Davis waa re-elected etty en
Move dees ta Leslaertea.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. AprU k-tSpeelal
Taleerram.) The munldpal electloa re
eultad as fethnrs: W. H. WMda. mayer;
Joe Lemmer, clerk; A. P. Wleae. treas-
; R. C. Beany, engineer: R. sTiaai
eawnetlBsaa Pint ward: W. Var-
walder. Second ward; Tea Maker, Third
ward: Jesses Byrnes aad P. U Teaaple,
school board, aalooa Beeeas earrled by
fifty-err en majority. Initiative and
referendum carried bjtJJt amluilty.
M1NDEN. Neb.. April t-( Special Tele
ram. r-J. K. CaMweB. raising na the
eruoeas- tkwst, was eieraed ay a ma
jority ef thirty-five vetee ever E. E.
eaklsa bare today. The town voted
OOALLALA. Nee, April i (Special
Telegrmm.) OgafleJa. with twe aaleone.
voted wet agala by tweaty-tws majority.
OXFORD. Keb, April t-(lpectaj Tel-esTm-)
The enry heme at the election
today was Bteuee. One hwaered aad
thlrty-threa votes were east. The drys
wea en fey a BBajertty ef eUleea. w. T.
Pettegieve. H. 8. Puller and R. L. Lee
were elected ea the vftuure beard.
CRAWPORO, Neb, Asm lloeclal
Tetegrsm.) The entire ettiseas OckM.
hsaded by B. McXeeiey fay nmyer was
elected bare today over Juatkt E. Porter,
areeeat Incumbent. No Issass ef import-
aace wera lavelved aad very little In
terest was shewn.
MeCeek Wet Three te One.
M'COOK. Neb, AprU IMSpeclal Tele
gram.) The entire repubacaa ticket was
elected, as follows; D. P. Hosteff.
mayer; L. C StolL dark; I Thorgen
son, treasurer; Ormaa Campbell, en
gineer; A. N. Undberger. councilman,
Pmt ward; r. la. Schwab, eoundlrnsn.
Second ward: A. BameU and E. D. Per
kins, member at the school board. Mo
Cook went wet 'three to one.
MeaBbUeaaa Calm Ceaaetlaaaa. :
PtATTrMOlTH. Xeb, April t-Spe
del Telegram.) License was not an IS'
ue today. Mayor J. P. Battler, demo,
erat, holds over, as the mayor wss ad
vised by the city attorney on an unoffl
rial opinion from the attorney general
that a dty of lea than ism population
need not elect a mayor. Republicans
will gala one ooondlman. Thoee elected
today are: R. Patterson, First ward; P.
Buttrev. Second ward; E. Rrrhey, Third
ward; c A. Anderaoa. Fourth ward, and
John Vorndraa, Fifth ward. John Lets
and Dr. C A. Marshall were elected on
the school board.
PAWNEE, Neb, April t-Special Tel
egram.) D. K. Wherry, republics, was
elected mayor ea the dtlsens ticket
There wss a demoeratle mayor last year.
Dubois. Neb, went wet.
York Votes Water Fraaehlee.
YORK, Neb, April l-tBeectal Tele.
gram.) The dty election bald lodsy was
on ef the moat exdtlng and dosest ever
held la the dty, the fight centering e
tha voting of the twenty-year fraachte
to the Xork Water company, with the
privilege of buying the plant la two
years or sny Ave years thereafter for
the sum of 6.000. The franchise was
carried by a majority ef twenty-two; to
tal vote cast, Lilt.
The following council men were elected:
Pint ward. W. U White, republican;
Second ward, 8. W. Burnham, repub
lican; Third ward, C A. it ease, demo
crat; Fourth warO, C. Ja, Walker, demo
crat. The new council will be alx re
publicans and two democrats, whlla laat
year It waa seven republicans and en
Mrs. S. A Myers aad Mrs. E. Bradwdt,
republlcaaa, were elected atsmbsrs ef
the school board.
BROKEN BOW, Keb, April l-(Spaclal
Telegram. At today's munldpal' election
Andrew Snyder, running for mayor on
the cuieers- ticket, wea ever John O.
Painter, socialist, by a majority ef about
in votes. The entire crttaene ticket wss
sleeted, both parties nut up bitter
fight. The liquor question was net aa
laau thla year and tba town remains dry.
RUSHVILLE, Neb, AprU L-( Special
Telegram.) The dty election today ended
n a victory for the Wet ticket by ma
jority of thirty-nine out ef total vote
ef Me, the largest ever east la a village
election bore. The new rasmbere ef tha
board are J. P. MoParland, Fred Oraeber
and Oeorge Curtis.
. Wets Oaatave Alllaaee.
ALLIANCE. Neb, April 1 -(Special
Ttl.grara.) The electloa teday was tha
moat orderly la the city bnttory. The
queatlea ef Uoene waa the direct Issue
and was the only Issue of geasral later
est, there being ae decided prefer aw for
any ef the candidate. Seven hundred
snd three votes were polled, the largest
In Ike hlsrory of tha dty. A feature of
Inter eat I the large aoctallit vote, a total
of U7 being polled.
The following were elected:
Mayer. W. O. Barnes; dty clerk, J. D.
Bmeriek; treasurer, Percy Cogswell! ctty
engineer. Reuben Knight; eoundlmea.
Oeorge Mollrtog and X. ft. Stem: wet.
dry, NT. I novating aa noruass In
the dry vet ef over eighty aa compared
with a year age.
MeMreare Stays Dry.
HOLDRSOE. Nab, April 1-ffteeelal
Telegram.)-VeUag teday dlrertlr ea the
question of Urease er na Ueaass under
the IntUstlvs and referendurn, Hoi dress
Mmained In the dry eoluma by ninety
one majority. The majority under the
first direct vote twe year age was Ut
C. W. MoConaughy. mayor tor tha mat
four rears and temperance candidate for
re-election, was defeated br C Engstrem
ef tha united party by eighteen votes
All the rest of the temperance caadldatea
woo out.
Meyer Dredaa Re elected.
CRETE. Neb, AprO 1 -(Special Tale-
tram -ln the dty election at Crete te
day Mayor Dredla waa re-elected ever
Norton br a majority ef lm. Tba eerne
erata. being dlteatlafled with the nreeant
administration, put op a separate ticket
but were defeated all the way, with the
exception of one eeundlmaa. The vet
was ene of the heaviest la year at a
city election, there being eoaddtrabl
dlesaUefactlon ever the dtlsens' party
nexus. aad talaga that have happened
recently in the towa.
, . Banks kraawere ta Beetle.
BUTTON, Neb, AprU l- Spasm! Toi-egrera.)-The
munldpal elaotloa resulted
la the re election of the present In
cumbent, Jacob Bender, ea tha dthnrea'
hlgh license ticket, being ae change from
but year. The mala fight was between
the First Nodosal and Bwtton K at tone'
banks for city treasurer, resulting! la
the election ef Homer Oray by twaatp
thrse majority la favor at the Prist Na
UenaL xmdtaneat raa high aad ta aa
sltercetlea oa partlaaa set hx) nana
badly cut.
Big Majority fee Weta.
AUBURN, Neb, April t-Op.alel Tel
gram. Incomplete return shew that
the towa went wet by about seventy,
white Blggtna. the minority eandldau for
mayer, was elected by about fifty, aad
Lees, the mlnoctty candidate tor alder I
maa. wins ever his eppaninl BeQ. A
very targe vets was petted and the wet
wea by the largest majority la the bra
tery ef the dty.
K1MBALU Neb, AprU l-(rheela TWe.
gram )Klm sell yederday eleetrd P. M.
Reader sad B. A. Lathrop as Had ess
Reader win be the next mayor end win
be elected at a meeting ef the heard a
May 1. Interest centered on saloon at
e aalooa and the drys wea. P. H. Cun
alnghtaa waa mayor met year.
LOUP CITY, Neb, April l(l4 Dedal
Telearaxa-t-At the dty elecUea here yw
terday H. W. Fedier. repubUcaa, was
re-elected mayor, limn earrled by a
majority ef dxty-twa. Na cbeaga rem
former conditio pp. -
CRICAOO. AprU t Moving that Rather
Merer HOMO elaader suit agated
Martoa Talbot, deaa ef women at the
Untverdty ef Crdcage. be taken from the
Jury. Attorney Walker tar the defease
charged that Mies Mercy "had coatlsesjly
Tuned with the Jwrera during the trleT
aad that the suit waa as laseltmg attack
ea a greet university.
TeaUuKiey ta the ess wss ended te
day after rshottel en bad teettflad
that Mies Mercy ant her (lance here
geed reputations tor truth fulness.
denied a awttea by the defease ta take
the Mercy rase from the Jary.
Trite article appeared in The
Omaha Bee March 31, 1912.
Boil City Water
Next Two Weeks,
Says Dr. Connell
Caution ta boil all water used for
drinking purpoeoe during the next twe
er three weeks ea account ef Impure
condition eanssd by the breaking up of
tea aad aasw wes Issued yesterday ky
Health Cimiinlaaliaiar Ralph W. ConndL
It Is as tallows:
"Although the dty water at the 1 tenant
time from a bacterial esamlaetloa shows
up la fine shape, the chemical exaatma
rJoa ah eg aa laerssesd amount of free
ammonia, which la likely due to the melt
ing of anew and surface drainage. These
essial nations da not necessarily prove
the water Is unsafe; yet, aa an ounce of
prevention Is better than a pound of
ours, I would advtss ss a precautionary
measure, that all dtr water used for
drinking purposes be boiled for the next
two or three weeks."
Notice to
Our Early
Delivery Has
Started ;
DviJsu411 - Ae4411
What Are You Drinking?
Drawn fresh every daydelivered to yoa in sterilized ,
glatt container$a delightful, thirtt-qaenching drink :
Some people are still drinking; city water. Not prudent people, however. Phone now.
Douflas 465; Ind. A-4155. . .. . . .,
Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co.
You and
wmm . ws . W .r,. awev, ; . ' . a
io better than my own baking."
"The whole famfly like it-the children will hare nothing elte,
and I confeis I, too, have a preference for TIP-TOP.".
MGlad? Well. I should mt! For buying TIP-TOP BREAD has
made my old time baking day now my day of rest" -.'
TIP-TOP has taught me the real meaning of stood bread, and
besides I hare found that buying TIP-TOP BREAD is more
econonucal that b-lung m, own. .
"Start Buying HP-TOP today Now !
and tomorrow you will thank me for my TIP-TOP tip.'
It is pure. dean, wholesome and delicious."
"Buy it, but look for the name TIP-TOP on every loaf."
"'"". vi . ...... ;
The transfer point : between any two
lines is USUALLY the first point of inter
section. As there are some exceptions to
this rule, however, the public is requested
to ask the conductor in all cases of doubt.
. Street Railway Company
How Much Is Your Health Worth?
Can You Afford To Run the Risk?
: ...
Pure Distilled Water
.; ' - ; , . , - .
lv '1.'
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