14 THE BEE: OMAHA, ' THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1912. I ii Wom osrfol s nua la tuttr eovslty rswsiry a- aroay. Women's Kid Gloves for Easter i .- w 12 and 16-button length gloves of, finest French lambskin; white, black, tan, pearl and champagne fitted to the band. At Main Glove Counterj per Short two-clasp gloves of fine Fren c.h "lambskin, -single row embroidery white, black, brown, navy and gray fitted ( 4 if desired, at, pr.. Long Silk OloTes Extra heavy illk. Tricot weave, double tipped fin Ken, 3-claip fas'tners; black, white, navy, tan and pongee bargain square apeclal, worth $1,' CQ at, pair :. aJC Wonderful Sale Mimsing Union Suit , UnaalBg "Irregokra" la Spring and Summer Weight Women's, Children a and Boyi' sires Women' Suite In .low neck, sleeveless and caff knee; children'! and;boys' ulU In low neck, aloevoleu and knee length or 'high . neck,' long or abort sleeves, sleeveless, ankle or knee- length, worth up to 75c, at, par salt .... , 39c! Women ' $1 Pore Thread Silk Hosierf, 69c Plain and fancy silk embroidered boot patterns, wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles; also all silk, wide hem silk) - tops, lisle soles, etc.; black, tan, white and faQ fancy light shades, worth to $1.00; at, pair. . . . U" V Women's Black Pore Silk Boot Hosiery, 15c Wide lisle garter tops, double lisle heels and toes; worth 25c a pair. Easter Norelties in Handkerchiefs Women's pure Irish linen embroidered handkerchiefs; dainty, new embroidered designs, hand drawnwork, hand embroidered initials, Armenian lace ) borders; worth up to 25c; at, each . , . I.4- v Real Madeira hand embroidery and real Armenian lac borderi, pure linen handkerchief, white and colored border many dainty and very unusual designs- worth up to $1, Cf. at, each UUC Stamped Whit Apron with floe for embroidery many new de ign. special, at, each 5c Bumped Pillow Cssea on best quality casing with' sufficient floss to complete the embroid ery, new French ' and eyelet designs spe cial at,, per Of" pair ., wCi 3 SPECIALS-ART NEEDLEWORK DEPT. D. M. C. 8Ilpper Cot' ton in a large variety of the most popular colors. This floss Is specially adapted for making the fancy crochet bags. Regular 6o quality. "I ( at, per spool XvC ADVANCE NOTICES . Great Special Sales of Silverware, Watches, Jewelry and Clocks We bought an entire New Tork wholesale stock at one-third actual value. All the watches and jewelry now on sale. Bee our Sixteenth street window. Next week. 1,000 pieces of Reed A Barton Silver Hollowsr tea sets, etc at less than one-half wholesale price. The fol lowing week all the mantel clocks and clocks of sll kinds go on sale. Watch for later particulars. XLOTKESLINE STRETCHER t i X ''V """"as '. TtfSBWSi iilll Q t' wIOQsMiofJlMOfa IiTif H w Bsnb7 putin pitoe and i J if i 1 'perlecsy Ugh. Noftgpj II 7 AW vsatfww is dry I Ttto the M offers,) taht No Prooi nssoed ( 4 AfW Mesiww is dry rqurC prPrTyJrUsttwhdti.tn.fey' . Ei on t eessiw end to take 1 the housa ewurs; csaviA" I far nwd washday. , , oi III I Mil ll ll awt L-i. J B-W ? Wettr " Special oemorutration of this Cloth eelina StretcW, Tues day and all week, at entrance to PompeUn Room. You'll b grtady interested a this labor-earrinf household device. Coim and sea it work. Demonstration aO day. BR ANDEIS STORES tmm amaorsre) srrsmAU rou. Til mun Mad af turn choteeat grains, full of strength and aisor. The amber bottle tHum -5 lull. .-all t Janta Onuu-vs. jbttb-b. Oi- Knao r. arx.. - Doagla St, Psoas swag las 14. - - ftth tsE;:a c. aoim oiuxa, m. !a ml Exceptional Offers I In llanos Taken in Exchange Our Big Player Piano Business has brought us in ex change a host o-. gooid, used pianos, .and the crowded condition -of -our floors ' makes it necessary that they be sold at once. Upright pianos at . ... $40, 975988, $95, $100, $125,9150 and Up to . $325 Pretty nearly all good, standard makes included, that originally sold for $300, $350, $400 and up to $500. Payments as low as $1.00 per week, i A. Hospe Co. 1513 Douglas St. Easter Footwear For Women SPRING STYLES that will sat isfy the moat particular dresser are on displsy In our windows. This season ws ar showing more and better styles than ever before. Oxford Ufa and Pumps ar her in all the lat est styles light and hesry soles. Military and low Cuban hsels beauUful designs snd models. Including the high stub toe, the receding English snd the plain stage. A White Season This will be a white season and we ar showing all styles of white shoe in high or low ef fects. 93.00 $3.50 94 nd $5. DREXEL 1419 Farnam Street The Classified' Sages of The Bee re scanned dally by thou and of people. Try Bee Want Ad. POLITICAL ADVERTISING ' r Alfred C.iKcnntdy Candidal for coiniciLnmi Under Commission PUi 1 j w WOT All Ladies' Home Journal Patterns " ' Are Now on Sale at Half Price. Special Purchase and Sale of High-Grade Watches A Watch Like the Picture and Many Other Styles for Both Men and Women 95 mco values $49J Without an exception this sale represents the beat watch bargatna thla store baa ever of fered. Hnndreda of people - hare , been waiting for Just such an opportunity, so It will be advisable to come . early Thursday morning that you may have choice of the cream of the stock. Brery watok will k eold with hi gwa personal umM There ere thin model, open face and hunting cases for men and boys: snd chstellne, bracelet snd novelty watches In silver, sold tilled snd ensmel and fun metal cases for women. v - All are fitted with Elgin. Standard and Swiss movements and the esses are made by the Illinois and Philadelphia Watch Cane companies. $10.00 Values for only $4.95. Easter Clothes for Boys Smart, snappy suits that boys like, with the kind of service In them parents like. We have ready in Thla Easter showing the kind of clothes that live, healthy active boys like snd require. WE HAVE A WORLD OP CONFIDENCE IN OUR BOYS' 8UlT8-in their materials. In their tailoring. In the service they will give. And we fnlly guarantee them all. Some of the suits have an extra pair of pants to match. Priced 13.75 to 17.50. Boyi' Eatler and confirmation $uit$ of finest bla ierge$ in Norfolk and double breasted stylet; with either one or two pairs pants to match; $4, $5, $6, $7.50 Complete lines af tab-tPated wash salts for the lit tle fellows, I1.J5 to $3.50, according to the finishing and quality. . A special lot of children's spring hats-odds snd ends from various lines previously told up to f 1.60 priced for Thursday' selling, 49c. I "Utile Tudor" rompers and play ' suits-the best made-priced at this store, BAr. Cream-White Suits For Easter Wear New suits, new coats, new dresses, new( waists, new skirts come tumbling out of their boxes every day.' But we think you will be most interested at this time in the new cream-while suits for Esater wear, with all their freshness of springtime and sturdlnees of texture that appeal from the practical tide. Fashioned from finest diagonals, whlncords. Bed- lord cords, fancy tweeds and serges of both foreign sua aomestio weave. Plain tailored and novelty style In variety to please tha most fastidious. Preater value than you have ever known at 118.60, 124.75 and $29.60 the suit. Alto Some Special Tailored Suits , at $14.95, $19.50 and $24.75 i The suits In these three lots had their Inspiration 'in some of the choicest imported models or are tb ! work of America's best designers. An almost endless , variety of plain tailored and novelty effects of dlssunsis, 'res, whipcords, Scotch mixtures and striped worsteds i In black, the staple colors and shades most favored by Ins I season. Blsee (or women snd n.le st sack urlce. Waists for Easter Wear in both novelty and plain styles are priced as follow-. plenty or styles at every price-- Lingerie Waists from $I.2S to S.VOO. -s . K.legant Chiffon Waists from $.1.00 to $15.00. ' Handsome Silk Bhh-ts from $2.00 to $S.OO Jtactlcal Cotton Shirts from $1.25 to $2.05. A Corset Exposition of Advance Models A cordial invitation is extended to i, i j ii an women wuo are interested in me correct figure requirements for this season to visit the jcorset department Thursday, where expert corsetieres will give individual demonstrations of the superiority of ! . Madame Grace and American Beauty Corsets We are offering the largest and cholceat as sortment pf artistic, shapely end serviceable .coragts ever shown In-this locality; your apo dal attention being directed to the fact that our display. of Madame Grace and American Beautr Corsets far surpass' In quality and style the dis plays of, any other establishment in the length and breadth of Nebraska. We (Guarantee These Corsets to-be correct tn design, faultless In construction and highly serviceable In every way. Ail models costing $2.00 or more are expertly fitted and the advice of our corsetleres is at your service any Urn yon may wish it. Prices Range from $1 to $25 Grocery Specials 1 pound ran Bennett s Breakfast coffee snd 4 stamps for .... assorted tesa and - ( stamps, lb. See Tea sittings , snd IS stamps, lb. ISs Bennett s Capitol flour, sack . . . ; . - fe-lo. can Kennett s Cap- Hot bsKinf powder snd 1ft stsmps for ISe gnlder's chile saucs and 1 stamps', bottle sas ISe can Happy Vsis areco asparajrus ..Sss T. A. spsaheiii aad i stamps, can ISs (Ix bars Electric Spark soap snd IS stamp. S6s Soar pickles and 1 stamps, quart ISs Cleaned currants and 1 stun pa, lb. pus. . .ls ii-lb. sack "Qusen of the Pantry" pastry flour and 4 stamps tor , HA 2 cans Evsraroea corn aad 1 stamps . .SO 9 PR. Toasto corn flakes and IV st'ps. SSs riewer - aad vafstaals sssda. ska-. ate Pint can Galllard's pure olive oil reduced lo SSs Bennett's Capitol pears snd 20 stsmps. can SSs 0s )ar Bishop's Cali fornia fruttale ....SOS Full cream cheese snd IS stsmps. lb. SSs Ite can Carpenter's skin less lies 11 S cans shrln.ps and IS stamps for ...See 1 cans Eagle Lye and IS stamps SSs One doaea boxes safety matches for So Large Queen Olives, fin est quallty-tl.lS bot tle. aei tic bottle, So FRUITS ANDltTi firrAVjiAr(! f (x. Special prices quoted on Early Ohio and Early Ross Seed Potatoes on application. Large and juicy fancy lemons, doseu SOc Florida tomatoes, lb 10c Large ripe bananas, dosen ...15e quarts Cape Cod cranberries for S5e Those famous Redlands oranges-shipped di rect to ns from Redlands, Calirorn la-no finer oranges grown anywhere--per . dosea 13c, 20c, S5c, 80c aad S5e Meat Bargain for Thursday Only - lb. pkg. Lefi Lard $1.00 1 3 lbs. Lamb Chops . , . .25c 'S lbs. Shoulder Steak . .25c 4 lbs. Boilin Beef . .V.25o. Beautiful Spring Millinery, Authentic Styles, Matchless AsjortneBt, Saving Prices Sea tha New ' Queen Quality Shoes Stetson Shoes for Men The Best, Magnificent Dress Bargains Thursday Two big special purchases just received from our Nev iorx resident buyer surpass anything offered this season. Silk Dresses, Wool Dresses Nearly 1,000 of them, made by a N. Y. manufacturer to sell up to $20.00; pretty one-pieco styles in both plain and fancy colors, clever new designs; your choice.. Beautiful One-Piece Dresses Values up to $30.00, in chif fons, serges, Bedford cordtf, satins, taffetas, etc. Very newest styles and most want ed colors; your (HO CA 7XaskfV $5.95 oar sioows yuos &oag B1U aUmoaoe, values S4 nr to II.OD, choice Jl3 3 Blisses' Wash Dresses, all AC colors, to IS values ....yaiilv women's Ulack Sateen Under skirts, on sale tafaata Short X Balls. Slips, apeclal. st tafaata Long Blips St T Inrsnta- Silk Embroidered and Lace Bonnets, special , 25c 19c 25c 15c choice Thursday. Cream Wool Serge Tailored Suits, worth 120.00, special ...$13.95 Very Special Bargains in Sample Tailored Sulfa Lines of three prominent manufacturers for selec tion. ..$49 845 S39.75 S35 nr DOatzsTio moon Women's Oottoa Voile Skirts, trlm n.ed with 4 bands of tat- I Cft tets, snap at WliwU Vaau'f Tailored Sulta, well C worth tlu.ll. choice 9 Woman's aslnnosta, match- Q f lees barcalns, at VSlSU Cnildrsa's Ooats In Spring vreis-hta. aood assortment, all col- 1 f f ore, on esle st ssiiVlf Vrstty ah Dresses, vary , special bargains .$1.00 EMBROIDERIES AND LACES 3.V Embroideries 19c yd. . A big line of choice patterns in Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirt Flounclngs, the regular 35c qualities, st yard EASTER KECK WEAK Ail the New Laces We Just received a fine new line of Macrame, Ratine, Cluny and Venic laces, bands, edges and allovers, -will be on Sale Thursday, latest novelties, almost unlimited assortments for selection. IN SILK AND WOOL GOODS SECTION Specials that will delight economical buyers Thursday. 1.25 Tub Silks 9.V Beautiful and practical wash silks, 26 in. wide, in white grounds with colored stripes, the very smart est materials for spring waiats or dress, regular $1.25 flC. yard,-values, yard .. aaJC $1.35 Natural Pongees 85c A beautiful quality of all silk, smooth weave Pongee, launder ing perfectly and la just tha thing for spring coat or dress, 36-ln. wide, 11.23 o r 'quality, yard OOC SKIRTS MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. 575 NeWet 191lv models, from your choice of a wlde7E rsnge of colors and weaves in wanted wool fabrics, Mannish effects, hairline and pencil stripes, fine Tm serges, etc. The Skirt complete, worlanansbip and fit guaranteed, made to yojir measure, special Thursday, at $5,75. Special Bargains in White Go odsThursd'y 3oft Chamois Finished Imperial English Long Cloth worth 120 a yard; bolt of 11 yards 96 Beautiful fine French and Per- , slan Lawns, worth SOc yard, at, per yard . . . . . J. .. .25 Beautiful fine French and Per sian Lawns worth COc yard, atror yard 30 Pure Linen Ramie Cloth, as sorted new shades worth $ 1 Jard. at 50 Mercerised Waistings and wide Bedford Cords worth 75c a yard, at ..-39 Wash Goods Specials Just In, ths new Lorraine Bor dered Tissues all the leading spring shades on sale Thurs day, at, per yard 454 New Bordered Voiles, beautiful colorings, per yard ....50s New Bordered Half ;,llk Skirt ings, beautiful coloring, per Jui ...50 Egyptian Tissues, genuine arti cle, always sold at. yard, 85c, Thursday only jg Voiles Plain,' striped, figured, single fold, double fold and 'colors and black and white per yard. .15c, 85c. 89c. 50 36-Inch ' fast colored Challls, fine designs, per yard.. 10 Silk . Mixtures, all color per yard. .85c, 89c, 50c, 75 In the Busy Domestic Room Friday Black Sateens, 28 in. wide, 15c yd. value, at yd. 10c Shirting Prints, 27 in. wide, best colors in stripes or figures, 70 yd. values, at, yard ..5c 86-Inch Half Itleached Muslin, Blackstone brand, splendid 12 He value, on sale, yd. 10 c Quality Vnbteacbed Vuslin Long remnants, extra heavy, 36 lncbea wide, on sale at, per yrd fiJss Yard "Wide Silkoline, 12'c value, good patterns, at, yard 10p West Wind Bleached Mus lin, 36 in. wide, regular 7c yd., on sale, yd. 6c A proa Check ' Gingham In standard Indigo Blues, 7 Ho , quality, long remnants, at per J" 5H 12 He Percales 38 lncbea wide, good patterns, at. yard ,.in 25c Dress Poplins, good assortment of colors and patterns splendid bargains at, yard ; ...15c Money Saved is Money Earned Taea Why ray from S to ao store tat the Basse Qnaiitv of aeaaaf nayaen s aiane tne urocery races tor the People Not a Few. 1 lbs. best Granulated Sugar . .S1.00 l oars Lenox, Beat 'tm A.U or Ola- moo a c soap Sfio iS-lb. sacks best High Grade Dia mond H ramily Flour, aothlna like IL Dor sack .". Sls lt-os. can Condensed Milk 1-1 U. pkc- Esle brand, Itacaronl, at YMa Kslloax's Toasted Rice Flakes, per Dkc Ba E. C. Corn Flakes, per pka SWe Grape Nuts, par pkg. ...lis lb. boxes best selected Soda Crackers too Tks best crisp Fretxels. lb. Bs Tne best crisp litnaer Snaps, lb. s I -lo. cans assorteo aoups ......ths Pint bottles Canadian staple Sugar Svnip lae rns best Tea Sittings IS So The beet Santos Cofee ........ SSo STBOIAX URH BD-TTTsV, BM ajto caizsaa aaL The best Creamery Butter, carton or ouis. per in. aae Tne beet No. 1 Country - Cresmerv bulk, per lb. SOs Tbe beat No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. SSo Pull Crean.' Cheese, per lb. ISs Pull Cream Brick Cbeeee. per lb. SSs Pull Cream Young America Cheese. id . ............sss rhs Best Vrssh Egg a, aoasa neuxcnatei cneese, each as Bulk Pesnut Hutter, per lb. .. is. m Maaas-r or oatajas . iSZ raaaai ngsrasui 1 heads trees Leaf Lettuce ga Large Head Lettuce . .TWe and loa Large Stalks Fresh Celery ....7I Large bunches Fresh Beets. Car rots or Turnips 4. Preen Spinach, peck .'. too Fresh Shallots, per bunch . ...TSs Fsncy Kips Tomatoes, per lb. . .loa Fancy extra tins Cucumbers, sacn. at ...ISs large Green Peppers 10 Fancy Aspsrsgus, per lb. 17Wa Fancy CalitornU Cauliflower, each. at lSV4s 1 bunches Fresh Parsley is Fancy Heplant or Rhubarb, bunch. ' st ae Fancy Wax or Green Beana, per lb.. at sos Large Florida Pineapples, each sow Anything you want, we've got IL Sow Bias -Brass (Bos aad Oaioa Bets Bow. Blue Grass, straight or mixed with Clover, ner lb. j. -White Clover Seed, per lb. '45, union tsets, red or yellow, qt ..Tits White Onion Seta, quart lo mi TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Primaries April ttth