By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Claude and Rosamond Escape from the Salt V mine om Are naiiea oy ine vuiain. ite Vwwd,cvJ prr--TTrl TffJ.V-j-f ""7? ' ' """11'"' wrllltJ"""' L?ii---5 ?r lfl nrTfV TTtS 4 3 1 hi a 4 hit. L-TO TUB MINES! Desmond, having captured Claud and Rosamond, la now about to condemn them to tha wont fata poMtbl ra dread Siberia. Ha will taka tbera to tha eelt mines, where tha snatched convict! muat toll Incessantly, hidden forever from the light of day and driven by cruel guards elected from tha oar's moit deaperata soldier WANT ADS Want ads received at aaj time bat ts Insure) proper ciasslficalloa must ' be presented before) 12 o clock ui. for tba evening editlua and before) 7:S f P. an. for morning and Sunday edt I toss. Want ads received after such "'. kauri will have their first Insertion - andcr tba heading Tow Lata to ; UaaslfJ." eien Bieva srkD 1X7 1 'T area. . - uion . . , ' , . - RSGtLARCIiASSIrHCATIO" Oa Insertion 1 H tmt per word and 1 cent per word (or each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Each laser- "" tloa Bade on odd dare 1 4 -cent P word; 1.00 per una per whsa ad Is run without Changs eopr- of D BATHS AD FTJKBBVAL HOTIC-a. " MAUCOIJJ-Ellsabeth, 'April i e years. Funeral services will be held from " BraUey at Dorrance chapel, Nineteenth and Cumins streets. Friday, April i, lslt, at o clock p. m. Interment, For est Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. . HOLMBERO-Gustsf, seed M years, be .. loved husband of Theolenda Hoimberg, - father of Clarence of NaahvllSe. Tenn.. and Lillian and Amelia Holmberg of , Omaha. Funeral Thursday afternoon at I k o'olock from the residence. Mil North " Twentieth street Interment, Forest lawn. CARD Of THANKS. ' WB wish to extend heartfelt thanks ha A o. tl. W.. No. 1J. Tha flrenuui of Omalia and eur many friends, for tha beautiful floral tributes ana ginanees to our belwved husband and son. Mrs. A. C. Nelson and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson and family. U.NDKHTAKfcRU. 1 . ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER i Caskets H trust price, phone H. T. Brass Co. la or F-I7. aad aava money. AMIBKMKNTS U.U.U1A FILM EX. I"! S Motion picture machine and film bargains A N NGl'NCKME JTT8 J. A. GENTLEMAN, Si, - ambaimer. 1-4 Chicago at. D. lg, B-Isa UULSE & ELEPEN, f UNDERTAKEHA ' Water Damage Sale Thirty days to clean ' " ont this damaged stook. 8PRIN0 IS ON t'S. COME NOW. IT 18 TOUR HAHVEST. r.' Dunning Hardware .. COMPANT. : 1111 Harney St ' ' ' .THETEKNASHOP Easter Cards and Novelties. ; Society Stationery. Wa do Em boaalcg and Engraving. v Omaha 'b Exclusive Gift Store. - K. C. ZIMMERER, .1821 Farnam Su Omaha. i'MONEY ro U3AN-LOW rate, in sums ta tuit. aie tea snog. UNION LOAN CO. Gibson's Buffet i FINEST EQUIPPED BAR IN 1 tba West, m 8. 1Mb 8t. ' Alfred C. Kennedy, v Candidate for City Commia i tioner. Real Estate & Insurance - Agent Resident of Omaha 'tince 1869. , :TheWashWord" : of the Home ' W iIum shirt And coJlart o fit ' bj comfort to Oi wtrer. Our nwtlwMU - taaur yon mfr Iff to your ctotbes. KIMBALL ' .LAUNDRY, , Doug, m: led. A-ISIS, . I'Al Jackson. GEO. BAHKER. ROOM li PATTKK SON BIOCK. formerly of Paitoa Block. IT 16 A HEASTLT bHAMB to take , eaody from babiea. But K la a anap to bur Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at Fred Brodegaard tCt i Oreat aacrtfiee and Removal feala during March. KOBTHBl'P USTTER DCFLICATIKO CO M Faoa Blk., circular tetters, any Quantity; eoet established campany; x pcrta of Multurraph and Neoatyla. HARRT W. VICKERS. tB PAXTO.V BIjOCK. CIVIL KNU1.NEKR. Dr. Aibert A. Craj-deil. Ml Om. N'at'l Bk. fAPtKHA.NOiUts use Snowtiake pasta Omata Pasta Co.. 7H a Mm. Both phuaea. EAT KOSU&H HUM COOKJNO. ARKiyg. TA g. BUS. UPSTAIRS, WATERS PRINTING CO. Doug. 21M. CONTN-TO HABANA CliAR. Box W. prepaid. C5. try half dosea: rf at ut(ctorr money nrtinded. BEA. TON URUQ CO.. m Farnam. Omaha. i . ANCHOfi FENCE CO.. tree aw! wire fencer cheaper than wood: bat a I trtma, sx X. nta. Phona Bed r.l II.-DOWN THE SHAFT. Gotacoff, the villainous Russian assis tant of Desmond, the International crook, la now, under the villain's orders, lowering Claude and Rosamond down tha shaft of tha mine, from which tha lovers are never to return. If Desmond's plan la carried out. Even at thla dread moment Claude la defiant and vows vengeance on Desmond. ANNOCSCKMEST9 PARALYZED 11 YEARS Vnt 1 177 RuhecrlTitlnna . TO The Ladles' Home Journal II 50 The aturaay evening rosi...,., The Country Gentleman l.M Vh. nuhllahre will deooslt Ki.OOO for charity, the Interest of whlcn will bring na Hi month for life. Must have HT? In April or me svjov pnre is iosu sour tenewals count. Rush them tn! 'Phone D. 7IO. GORDON TUK MAjMNl MAN. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'a. ?ArV mi Tha Tailor haa n.oved AW- A A utn gt Everything In new springs stylts. CUT P1UCE M1LLINEKY "The Place to Buy Your Hat for Just the Price Tou Want to Pay." M18S BUTLER. UU Douglas St, over Alexander'a Shoe Store. FRED OFFERMAN. Bath tubs, I1060- GRAPE VINES TRIMMED. Either by day or contract. Now Is tha time. Call Webster 6581. HAZEL LEAF P1LK CONBS-Uest remedy tor Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies, &0o postpaid; eamplee tree. Hherman McCnnnell lirug Co.. Omaha. b. H. Cole Sign Co. U. KM. Ull Farnam. Wedding Announcements, Ioug. Ptg Co. u. a. urttfitn, wig mir.. is r renser aia. x.v T Classy Clot hes see Jackson, the Tailor, "euo" biock. Neb. Seed Co. 110 Jones. Both phones. Twenty per cant lesa than Omaha priata, HOMB FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourtn and L Sta, south Omaha. DOUULAS Prtnung Co. Tel. Doug, m. tlnholitertng. Piano turn. ren. set Far. KLA8TIC STOCKINOS, supporters snd sell so many; trusses fitted; every thine; the largest surgical supply house, 14t-12 Harney St. ALTOMOniLES. iNsuiiANCE fi-ars,a. tf sued hare, loweat rates HARRT a. BVHNK. (01 City Natl. D. 1W; A-Hul. LOZIER SK1 lieinunstrator. W1J (- lrlvn ,gus bargain, J. T. Stewart, MO Farnam 8L DRUMMOND Auto repair. mtbt Ut, for cri n commtrrcJai. truckek lth and Harney. MclNTYBE AUTO CO. Oakland, Stearns, Knight and R 0. H. Bargains In used cars, tin Farnam. AO TO SU.PA1KINU TO PLBASs!. 0'Donovan& Pease Auto garage, storage. Bargain In e-pase. Rambler, ill N. Hlh. Bo. Omaha. So. lss. Auto lamps repaired, oiusha Silver Co. 1 1 'TV If, REPAIRINU Murphy Didlt vMS: Hiiy not sea your old automobile and buy a new one or, maybe, you can use the mcnay It some other way In either event. Bee want ads will do the work. Ha tea 14 cents par word It lun only one time or I oent per word If run two or mure times eonaaoutively- Auto lampa. radlatora repd., plating all kinds. Neb. PI. Co., 1311 Howard. D. sTus. FOR SALB-Fine Oldsmoblle. -horse power, 4-cyilnder, fully euulpped. On sale at Cadillac Co., 64 Farnam St. Your TIRE EXPENSE cut In two. Coooult us be tare buying new tires. AUTO TIRE RKPA1R CO., la Farnam. REBUILT STODDAHD-DAYTONS T. L. 7-passenger ........ TW . I. F. I-paaenger Law) . r.' Limousine . A. s-paaaenger tot SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OK" CARS AT REDUCED PKICE& J. J. PERIOHT COMPANY, MM 'Farnam et. Omaha, Nab. FOR TRADE Soma good town lota for an automobile. Oct busy and trade off that machine while you have a cAaaca, Address Y Ki, Omeua Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get m or out of business call oa OANOKSTAD. sM Bee Bldg. Tel. D. UTI. RESTAURANT, confectionery, soda fountain; ouly restaurant In town; pop ulation. Tut; good reason for selling. Box lots. Aoama, tseo " " f ill . 1 for the Hotel Cafe Wanted facilities for feeding our guests. VYm. Usher, Mgr. Mth and Howard. U ROOM, nlcciv furnished, first-class rooming house and boarding house. Owner going on farm; big anap. Oange stad. Room eH. Bee Bldg. GROCERY and meat market In Bemla park district. Owner leaving state; fix tires, tl,uue; stork can be cut to suit buyer. K Til. Bee. Ed Rothery, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co Room It. McCague Bldg. BARBER Beat four-chair barber ahop In Council Bluffs for sale cheap. D. F. Maxfleld. ill W. Broadway. ROOMING houee furniture for 20 rooms at your awn price. Call at JUf Daven port. GOOD paying; restaurant for sale at a big bargain. ne. GA.NUE.STAL. Room 46 Bee Bldg. geeausg slvmaee tea gala. PURN1TURB IS noma; rreateat offer la Omaha; must have money; only CSS. Tel Rod rrm (-ROOM strictly modern flat, com pletely funuahe with substantial furni ture, good rugs, all erase beds and plenty of good bed Unas, eta Also gas range. Will sell reasonable oa ac count of alckneea. z8 N. anh at ELBGANTLT furnished bign-claa rooming bouse, eight blocks west of City National bank, small payment dews, VTwud Ilka to b eard and ream with buyer. Phase Tyler JOR. m-MCTTINO TUB TRAP. Twenty miles away from tha sail mine, Desmond, rifle In band, la lying hidden behind a big reek beside a Utile pond at (rash water. It to not easy to see his object, but undoubtedly the villain' scheme is la soma way snaaeeted with the fortunes of Claude and Rosamond, we muat look further alone tha pictures. BUSINESS PKRSOXALS Architects. BLDG PLANS2blrJr.Cf,RCeoU Arteaiaa We lis. ED ROWE, well boring. Benson Mi. Attaraeya, List on I Hill, Lawyer. S4T Bran. Bldg. "a. W. Bhlslds. Attorney. SIR ol Trade, Awalase anal Teats. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas. Bag Maaalaetarera. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Neb, Bassage and Taxlcaba, THR ONLY WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Ta li ra be and touring cara Tat Douglas an. Creasaerles, ialrtea aad sapplles. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COI.B CREAMERY COMPANY. es aad Package Maaaraetarers. Wooden Bos a Package Co.. Kit W. lrth. T Carpeatera aad C.atraclora. gtsvenson. carpenter, eont. Both phones, Iblrvpodlsts. DR. ROT. 1W Fsrnsm. Douglas Ml. Clethlngj Maaataetnrera. r Ideal drees shirts, at K. Smith Cs. Ceal Beaten. WBSTERFIELD sells REEDER COAL; FURNACE or RANUK, D-.UWlA-lj Ceratae and sts CaUiaas. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. . . ilanelaa Academies, Morand's private lessons every day. Classes Mon. snd Fri I p. m. Doug, tm. IMteetlvaa. JAMES ALLAN Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases Tyler Ilia. L. W, LONQNECKEH, MI Karbaoh Blk. Omaha Sscrat arv, 431 paxton blk. U.llit . Ueatlata. DA M'LKRAN, specialist In Plata work. Satisfaction or no tea. 434 Brandeis Bldg. e Taft'a dental rooms, 17 Doug. D. mne. Bslley, the dentist. City Nat l. D. iisa, Mack a Mach. id floor Paxtun. l ltak Dreessaa alas Terry's Dressmaking college Bth 4 Far. REASON A BUS PRICKS. Plain and fanuy dressmaking. tjt St. Mary's Ava Kea 4SUU. WANTEI-Sewliig. Phone Webster UU PLAIN sewing, reasonsble. Harney 21 W Drssglsts. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on HO orders; catalogue free. Hherman at MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Evarrtklan Blertrieal. Elactrle lighting fix., wholesale anu retail. Burgaas-Oranden Co., Ull Howard. D-eal. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO.. Telephone Doug. Ml. 31 South 13th St, EDWARD F. HCHUH1U, Mgr. 2d lland Electric Apparatus and repairs. La Bron, IH a lWh Bt. Kverythlag tur Wen CONSULT DR. BURKB, 4t Doug. Blk. Willow plumes made from your old ami new feathers, ressunable, U61 8. 11. D. 71. Out-of-date garments ex. tor new, W. Me. EVELYN BOLEN will go to homes ts taka measure for tailor-made corseta, clean and repair corsets, Douglas Mi. Nubone Tailored Corsets. - Guaranteed not to rust or break. Nu Bone Corset Shop, l Neville Bk. D. 8170. DRKSS pleatlngs, buttons, covered, all alsea and etylas. THIS IDEAL PLKAT- IN J CO., Douglas Block. Both phones. EASTER MILLINERY at half tha Erica you pay elsewhere. McMshon liltlnery Co., U14 liougias. tnd Iioor. MAYME RAUBEli ,fciISJ l;t a Mth St.. 1 block south of V. Ilium. Feed Mil is aad etores. Feed, sll kinds. Olencoe Mills. tYxt I sard. Flortata, A. Donaghue, liW Far. D. MM. A-MH HESti A BWOBOUA. Hl Farnam St L. HENDEKrlON. 1IS Farnam. D. USa, BRANDKI8 FLORIST, Bandeis Bidg. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 117. raeadrlce. McDonald brasa and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. ltt Jackson. irflnndrtea. Guarantee Lanary. Fine work. D. XI71 MRS. GERTRUDE G ARM EN, curtains cleaned: six years' experience. Prices Ec to Ko per pair. Douglas Z7B. Metareyelea. Motorcycle repairing at post. Doug. 43. afaate. An aad Laaaaasrea, Experienced violin teacher. Web. Baa. Jdevlas, Stersura aa Cleuhg. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Ca-Movrag furniture, peeking, fireproof storage. City office, IM 8, 17th. Doug. M I DO. B-JK FEHRIN Vaa A Storage. Tyler IK. B-17SS. Fura. moving; i men. tl par nr. W. 774. MaltlgrapSiara. Trl-Otr Dunnoat rat Cs. 181 Nat l Bldg. Mailing lists. Douglas Ma. OMAHA DUPLICATING CO- 4B PAX- TON BLK. DOUGLAS 70l Fruit Trees Shads trees, ahruba . General anrsary awca. raw scasoa seas Cttsana Nursery, IV. THE ESCAPE. Ones In the salt mine ft does not taka Claude lone to plan an escape. He gets Rosamond to bide herself In a car of newly mined salt and then coceala klra aelf In It. He knowa that no one his seen them and that when the car Is hoisted to the surface it will be an easy matter to escape across country. BUSINESS PERSONALS N arecrles. M.P.BYRD NURSERY CO. We will be at the same old stand. 18th snd Douglas Sts. CallD oug. 4M; let us help you plan your grounds free of charge. Opticians. B. r. Worn, fitting snd rep'g. 441 Brandeis Oeteopalb?. Alice Johnson, ara-f Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickoiaa, aai-4 Brandeis Theater Palate aaa Ulnae. YOU are Invited to come In and get color cards and talk over your painting and decorating. Complete line Sherwin Wliliama paints and varnlahea. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. MOsts Farnam. Doug. 47SO, Patents. D. O. Barnelt Paxton Blk. Tel. Red rm. Wlllard -dl. ksuu ,ak aukj -.. Pheaosrapka. Edison phonographa. Shults Bros 140 Far. Photos rapkere. Rlnehart, photographers. Uth A Farnam. Platlas. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 114 8. Utn, Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, SSUPml BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rlee-Hsll Ptg. Co. US a 14. Ind. A-1U4. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. I7W, Lyngstad Printing Co., mth and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. aati fur good PlamSMsrs. U r. VALKENBERQ. Plumbing. W. Ml. Steel Tank aad Calvert CeaaaemU-e. NEBRASKA snd Iowa Steel Tank Com. pany. 14th and Nicholas. U. Saw. Seeds. STEW ART' 8. 8EBDMEN. U W. MTH Sleaegrapkers aad tuart Meparterfc Myrtle A. Kelley, 7W Bran. The, D. Mst Miss Warehlma. na paxtun Blk. D. UtiT Tatlorlus T T !-ff Ladles' Ullor; tailored Ja funs ana rancy tfOSJ Rooms 4. t. . Weed Bldg. Teste aad AwaUas OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. ta Douglas, , Treats aad Salt Caeca, Frellng A Stelnle. 18M Farnam St. Wluea aad Liuaera, WILLOW Springe beer, liquor, utgara, unwivm Aiex jetea. evi-s d. isin, o(. . a i VTDm.r, , r,.r,n , , , . iiiHjinui aAnsi wine, eoo a laisa Us. Klein Liquor House, aa N. isiA St. EDUCATIONAL TUTORING, 1st to Ith grade. H. : SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE MONDAY, APRIL 1 DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In business, book keeping, stenography, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or Shone for It at once. Addreaa H. B. ioylea, president Boy lea College, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALB A seats aad Salraweeaeat. Clerical aaa utflee. Factory sad Trades, WANTED Experienced press re; good wages. Dresner Bros., 2211-1) Farnam. LADY who understands repairing all garments and who la first class on press lug ladies' garments; to a first-class woman will pay good wages. Call at once. The Reeves Cleaning r'Wks., 711 N. Mth St Moasekeenera aad Desacevlce. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREc until you gat tba desired results. Bring your sd to lne Bee office or telephone lyler IOMl EXPERIENCED waitress; report ready tor work. Oilman's cafe, lout Howard Su Girl for general housework in family of two. 14 Park Ave. H. 6714. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no cooking; references required. Call Jtut Dewey avenue. WANT ED Girl for general housework: small family; no waahing. Kit Cuming. fnone Harney 4773. WANTED A clrl for general house work. Mrs. Sher. 161J Burt 8t. W ANTED Girl for general housework: no laundry; good wages to competent girl, me Lincoln Blvd. Tel. Harney WANTED A woman for general housework on Nebraska ranch. Mrs. R. M. Te III. Browniee. Neb. WANTED A maid for general house work. Apply Clarkson Hospital aetweca N and 11 WANTED A young girl to assist at housework and care of two children. 11 N 30th. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. S 8. Sth St Harney 1717. WANTED Girl for position as house maid and auras girl. Must hsve beet of referencee. Harney sun- jsrs. u. . Young, tl B. JMh Bt - W ANT KD Good, plain eeok. good refereneee required; 3 in famuy. Apply Sd & 17 th St WANTED Competent cook. MS 8. JgUt or phone Harney was. W ANT ED Cook at Child Sanaa In stitute, aid and Jackson Sta. Pawns Harney UU. WANTED A goad, experienced cook t -ooe. JH fi. Sd St. TeteMtoaa Har- nay Mil, HELP WASTED FEMALE Meaaekevpers aad Domestics WANTED-Glrl for general housework. TeL Harney H71. Il Georgia Ave. WANTED-Girl to help care for child S years old. A-1T. wa VTi'.n i v 1 ri.wuii 17771 .... era! housework; references. Mrs. Frank HBdleV. 2217 Dodn Kt. ' Phnn. t4arn- 5311. ' GIRL for general housework. 406 N. 16th St., store. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. Robert Dempster, 3627 Harney. WANTED A good cook. 401 N. th W iXTE n a mu.1,- 1 In entllu IRjlv 8. Xti Ave. Telephone Harney IK. WANTED A girl for general houae work; small family. Phone Harney Jeu. WANTED An experienced maid for general nouseworx; references required. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm. Harney S48, WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework; 1 In family. tl! 8. 41st St. Harney 1563. WANTED Girl for general house work; I In family: good wages. 1724 Spalding. Webster 3303. WANTED A chambermaid. Millard Hotel. KXPERIKNCED girl to assist with general housework: one who could go noma nigut preferred, 'tyier lfler. WANTED Second girl, Wl 8. Kid Ave, Vt'ANTED-Glrl for general housework. 33 South I7th St. WANTED A girl for general house work; no washing. Webster 3&4S. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family. Apply Mra Steel, Xt Woolworth Ave. Teleuhona Harnev l7. - Mtscellaaeoaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha ss strangers are invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building st 8U Mary's Ave and 17th St., where they will be dire, led to suitsbls boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for eur travelers' gulds at tba Union station, HELP WANTED MALE Aseata, Salesmen aad SeUeltere, RELIABLB salesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with new concern of reputation. For particulars phone Douglas M2t. Permanent Income fur salesmen. Ask for Mr. Wilson, "X Brandeis Theater. AC1KNTS Ten calls an hour; profit M.7V; work s hours, make $18.10. Outfit for demonstration free. M. L. Hurlbut, mt West Huron St., Chicago, III. WANTelD Honest men to sell the moat attractive accident snd health policies Will meet all competition. Assets, IKS. OMtW. Write to or call at the office of the largest casualty company of tha west. National Fidelity Casualty Company, Uth and Farnam Sta, Omaha, Nebraska. Clerical aad Of floe. FULL dress suits snd psrty dresses for sals; also for rent tl.Du to 11.60 a night JOHN FELDMAN. J06 N. 17th. D. U2S. "CANO"-High grade positions 40) Bee, - Factory and Trades, " Drug store (snaps) jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg MECHANICS We purchssed a largs stock of tools last fall and as we must move oa aooount of space to 1W7 Howard St., we are sell ing out our tools st s GREAT REDUCTION. PATT0N-B0WMAN HARD WARE CO, MIS Fsrnsm St. Water Damage Sale Garden Tools . That pays you to bay. Our loss. Tour gain. Dunning Hardware COMPANT. 1611 Harney 81 WANTED First class architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer Co Architects, Fremont. Neb. RELIABLB colored man wants house- cleaning. Phone Douglas ma. WANTED All round printer: good. steedy position and good wagee to ca pable, sober man. J. K. Keitiuey, Syra cuse, Neb. . WANTED Tailors, bushelmen and preasers, both on men's snd ladles' work. Dresher Bros.. Ell-It Farnam. GOOD first-class paper hanger. 2uu7 Clark St. TELEGRAPH Positions cuarsnteed eea kv the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training- la eur school. Practice oa R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boy lea. Pres. fcoyles College, Omaha. Neb. U. S. ,gp AUTO SCHOOL, t OMAHA, I LARGE SHOPS. GUARANTEE, higher (Hai ti graduates. More ears and actual repair work than any three western schools- Let us PPYK It. STOP READ!! 3 Learn automobile engU-eerlag In oar large training ahop Hundrede of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Training Aasn- CM Braadeta Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha. N WANTED FOR U. & ARMY- Abie eodled unmarried mea betweaa the ages at It snd a; elUsens ef United Stataa of good character and temperate taotr was can spsa, reaa ssa writs ue gitse Mag-age. Far Infosmatloa amiv ta ts. cruitiQg officer, Uth aad Ioug,.aa gta. Omaha, Nea..: m eth Bt, Stonx Cliy. is.; 134 K. Nth SC. Llncola. Nek MEN. be independent. Leara the bar ber trade. Be your own boas. We teach you ta few weeks snd furnlati your a no p. Good locations sad positions warttsg. Prepare now for spring rush. Call or write at ooca, Moier Barsea Co ssa. IM , Mtk au V.-THB THIRST DEMON. Half choking with tha salt that they have swallowed, Claude and Rosamond feel all the tortures of thirst as they quickly beat It across the plain. It la the one hope of tha lovers to get quickly to some place where they can get a long draught of fresh water to alleviate their terrible suffering from tha thirst demon. HELP WANTED MALE OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaeellaaeeaa. Farslehed Hoeaaa. n.B.iLJ'.iTFRa wi""Ad M 0nCe- LARGE front reonTTarge alcove poreN nard Swayer. Avon. 8. D. - lavntory and telephone: arranged for tw WANTED Bohemian man and four or four; first-class meals. 2aB Howard women for Janitor work. Orpheum Sr. theater. LA RGK front rooms, suitable for tWo W ANTED M ore people to raise poui- modern home. 8608 Dodge St, try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write S2W CASS ST. Lady alone, will rent tor tree catalogue, M. M. Johnson. Clay part of modern house: references. Center, Neb. 1- - rr- - NICE. new. modern room; private WO MAN wanted with rig to take clmrse of uy. ud 8. SOth'St. Harney 47M. Joa!U?umt.."lcUt stcek'Tna 77 HARNEY 8T.-Pleant front room!r', Tou'run," J JEStZ?t One man made one week: ateady work trio light: eaay walking distance, guaranteed; work healthful, pleasant ELKGANT room, private family, fur very profitable; references required; write nished or unfurnished; gentleman P ca ns. We mean business. Shores-Mueller ferred; flanscom park. H. 4334. Company. Dept. It, Cedar Rapids, .la. "DELIGHTFUL furnished room 11 mod H MEN 10 41 years old wanted at ern hime for gentlemen; excellent board, once for elect rio railway motormen and Phone H. MW. ... SrttnMneol'rn.'.un,? NEWLY furnished, strictly modern ril wi?Tli?Tnn iSn troM room for two. Ten minutes' walk swank.' A7dreMt4'of B.kUOn o lh and jr.tnsm Sta Tyler HB. 1 - 1 , Ml) 8. ilST-Furnlshed rooms. With large closet, an all modern horns; break- . HELP WANTED . fast If desired; have piano. MAI. IB or KEWAI.B FOR RENT J nicely furnished front MEN and women solicitors; good prop- rooms In private family, elect rle light, eeltlon: permanent position, M. Mont- hath, telephone, 1 beat, strictly modern. gomerv, 1714 Farnam St. ta) So. 17th Ave. ' - , WANTED Gordon prees feeder; boy Faralabed Hoaaekeeplag Reeass, or girl. Lew Raber, Bee Bldg. . 1 ' . t THE MANUEL Two-room apartment. VI. The Howard, I-room, private bath, LIVE STOCK FOR BALK t36- st snd HowstJ. Ueraes aad Vekletea. ' TWO housekeeping rooms, J01I DSvSa- . port ' ' " Harness of all kinds, the largest stock THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms In the city st attractive prices Johnson, for light housekeeping: all modern. 808 N, Danforth Co., a W. Cor, kith and Jones, tii St. Phone. I 'oug. 4701. HORSBS and cows. 41t Cuming St", ROOMING House, newly opened; house- HORSES w". ""k nsrnes! for keerdng complete; fine locstlon; closs In. AAVi.VOJiO w N WeB Tel. Red 1.90. . Black mare, wt 1.4W. Wagner, 1 N. U. TWO single rooms, sleeping or light at in- s'i. I housekeeping.' 1406 Joaes. FOR SALE 8 head of good mares, weight l.lis) to 1.4W Ins. Mth snd Clsrk m Sta., stables. Phone Webster leta.. Hotela aad Apansaeats, Dewey European hotel. 13th snd rarnani lost and found Ogden Hotel KBI;'M PERSONS having losi. some aruole 5 B.U1 to n w per week. would do well to call up the office of the Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele Omaha A Council Bluffs btreet Railway phonss In every room: prices the same. !nmthT.tJroarii'a "Wy " "OXFORD and Arcade, .pedal wklTrtaT Many articles each day are turned Id A part meats and Flats. and the. core pany is anxious to rastors thenjtp. the figalful owner. Call Dous- 4-room flat ca Bhsrmsn Ava ' Web. s7a. 'tikwHWiR STREET ss'Si-tsssfsr te' im iuJrH ""a oonla'nln 4-ROOM apartment new modern brick; nark ear ?h" fc, "a'Lfr'Si '" heat; short walking distance; gas para car lines, between 17th and Marnier- ttOVs, retrlgeiator. cupboard, wardrobe: son 81s. and zld and Leavenworth Sts., blinds- laundry: tins Isnltor irvlee: Sunday evening. March Ji. li Finder flZVlL. Sit , . Janitor Mrvica. please return to J. Spellnian. all So, d ' St. and receive reward. VERY fine duplex apartment, large UST-D.rk brlndl. genuine English Sc.' vd' Ud 1',""! t bull; tag 11. Liberal reward for finder. SSwwiak B. L. Danforth, 214 8. 261 h 8t. Georgia Ave. - - - LADIES' black pocketbook. containing -BOUM "" ' 8. Uth Si, about IM) In bills; also amall change; J-ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg.. either left on street car (N. Mth line) or M1 No. !4th St., So. Omaha. Halt, U lost after leaving car at Mth and Dodge; Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. A -,- finder phone Webster 4iWj reward. DESIRABLE (-ROOM APARTMENT PARTY" who walked off with fur at IN THE CALIFORNIA. RK1CHEN- Appollo Theater the other night had BERG BROS. BEE JANITOR. D. 6237. rouble 'palsknown." BEAUTIFUL lArral. apmenu, I trouoie as party is known. rooms, sll modern, Uth snd Maple Sts.. - . loug. J4M MEN'OEDOHT. A. SO. '. . MF,DIC.Ji : ' ' Piles, Fistula Cured "Zn!: '" Dr. K. R- Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, bathroom, small storeroom, outside porch, snd other rectal diseases, without surgical garden and fruit; modern except heat; operation. Cure guaranteed and no money no children; references 317 N. 18th. paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials Uoases aad Cottasea. PR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DR. RACE-Specisllst nervous snd ail SIX-ROOM house, nearly new, an mod. . chronic disease. SB3 Harney. Red 3m. ern; bath, Jeundry. hot water host. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk.' ?bo" ' . Good men are herd to get. They don't wander around MONET TO LOAN. '. the streets looking for signs In windows. Salary ad Chattels. When you need good help advertise In Tha Bee. MONEY FOR EASTER -' - r x AOAJl, , keen, energetic men who Wish Let Us Supply Tou With Any Extrs to better their condition. Rates Money You May Need. . lc per word If run two -or '- REMEMBER more times consecutively. Tale- - We Loan All Working People On Just phone Tyler lets). - - - s Persons! Note. No Security. No In- a.Rno 'house 122. l-room. us. 'Modarfa- V TTAV T Y r T rtr FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, AA-lU-aAt lJAN VJ, - corner Kt- 2601 N. 16th St. Phone BMH. 404 Bee Bldg. ' Phone Douglas 51IL s-ROOM bouse, modern, UK. Fine laws. TATE. FURNITURE, PIANOS, WARS HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALARIES, ETC. LOWEST RATES. QUICKEST SERV. ICS, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE US F1KS1. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ID FLOOR PAXTON BLDG.. til 8. UTH. TEL.fMO.MSS UUVUUAS 1U1 m A-ltU . If en furniture, pianos and JYlOnCV real estate at a very low rate of Interest. . Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. IS. ' Bee Bldg. ' A-I3S- MONEY loaned salaried Debbie, wehiea keeping house aad others, without Bo unty; easy payTnents. ui ill in at pnn cipal citlea. Tolma a. C Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg, formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Loweat rates and ssleet terms, bee others: then see as nd be eonvtneed that we wtll save you nosey. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. K. e. 14tk Doug. 8u D. 4U- Ind. A-SU. Chattel Loans, U to tm. Salary Loans. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., 444 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOAN at and I r r ceaL F-ATAU. 1SI4 Dodge Si- TeL Red. tUK OFFERED FOR RK-VT ataerd aad Keen O. M It hauls tranks. D. 4H. A-tll SOUTH TU AYS. 4(g-Nleely -fur- nlabed modern rooms. - Board WALKING DISTANCE JTJ Dewey avenue, IS minutes' walk te la sad Far nam; room with beard la private family; good family cooking; new house; new f una lure; yonng- people; no children; ref erences exchanged, price reasonable. TeL Doug. 7. " ' tm DODOS Modera room and board; private family; walking distsnra. fut. Ha y MM. m Dodge Fuia. isiuii, private family, steam heat, sloe, ttgau ret Deo,. VI.-SURPRISED! At last! A little pond of fresh, clear water! Eagerly Clauds and Rosamond stoop to gulp up tba reviving fluid: but little do they know that right beside them Is the cruel figure of Desmond, who knew that all escaping prisoners reach that pond. Ho captures them, and tomorrow wa shall sea their fate. BRICK rooming house. 14 rooms. MM N. lrth St.. ted. -room cottage. x42 Davenport St., 4-room house, U N. th St (will rent to colored), 43s.- -a-room bouse, and barn. tSX N. 28th. tl6. JOHN W. ROBB1N8, il FARNAM ST. S-r., mod. 70s a. Uth. Harney 43W. an l1! yTT AK. ,11 nwm annt Ciie Ll, . U.H VI, . , H nil spa In all pans of the city. MOVING, packmg and atortaa ef bouse. hold goods and pianos la our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. ftrenraof: storage, 04 fl. Mth, by the viaduct.' Branca e tflce, M a 17th St TeL, D. 4141 A-UUl lies N. 1Mb St.. 7-r.. fine modern house. s bed rooms. (3s. -Phone B-ua. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS necked sad for warded: cheap freight rates: mo vine and storing. E xpressmen's Delivery Co. TeL, Lioug ssa, wily oiuce, 21s a, iut at. Bee Bldg. M MARCT ST. Eight rooms, completely modern, fine neighborhood, near car, tm. .LTCHINIX-1WIUU COt, 1 Farnam St. St LAKE Modern M-room house: bat water beat; range; cistern; shade; water rent paid. S3 .). McEacbron Realty Co BC4 Lake 8t TeJ Web. 1-1. 4 LOW RENTS; CLOSE IX. . t reoma. 'all modern. lit North - at sn exceilept neighborhood. - s rooms, upper Bat kit North Sd Bt. TEL. RED SK4. W. FARNAM. Baw brick. I hn a baths, at N. ath A v.. tSa. Red tHL L-FOUR bright Slry rooa: nolea exoere heat; garden. 32 Emmet et lt Leavenworth, 7-r asod. eat heat, fi K17 N. ISth. 4-r.. tk. . Kul Woolworth Ave, S-r., modern. fl lie N. Sid t, 7-r.. modern. 3S M N. Sth Ave.. 4-r.. part ssod-ra. tie UBraU3-CARI)ERO CO, m. ..SftdU Braa4a Zbastaa,