The Omaha Daily Bee Mutt and Jef! Shag Beea of Fa Making Kvery Day in Th) Bee. WEATHER FORECAST. Fair; Warmer. VOL. XII XO. 250. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1912-POURTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. FIND STOWAWAYS ON OCEAN LINER Twenty-Serea Armed Italians Found 01 Board Cretio in Harbor of Boston. STEAMER SINKS; On Their Way 130 ARE DROWNED Typhoon Off Coast of Western Aus tralia Wrecks British Boat Xoombana. FIFTY PASSENGERS ON BOARD TWO ARRESTED FOR CONSPIRACY Members of Ship's Crew listed as Interpreter! Art Held. TniI)ESIRABlESFR01I NAPLES Officials Discover Hiding Place in , Copper Water Tank. bujTE DANGEROUS CRIMINALS V Imsalgrallaa Aatbarttlra Hraln Ti A Ilea Wm lupMi to Have Smrifa srhn aa Cretlo ail :k Scare. BOSTON, la , April 1 -After tiie capture tooay b th immigration offi cial! and BoFtor. police of twnty-even , Italian atonaways on board the White Star liner Ctctic. two of th ship' crew, 'listed a Interpreters, vera arretted, charged villi conspiracy tu bring Into thia country alliens not eligible to enter it lie United States. According to the stowaways, they were i approached In Naples by a man who offered to secure their transportation and entrance into the United 8tatea for forty llre( about IS) piece. The night before the t'retio rmled from Naples the twenty-seven men and boys, ranging in age from 11 to 3 years, vara taken 'alongside the liner In small boats and hauled' aboard. I'ntll yesterday, they said, they mingled freely with the steerage paaneiiger and ata the meals provided In that part of the steamer. Last night they were hidden m an un used copper water tank In tne aft peak, where they were found today after thorough search of the whole ship. The immigration officials bad received iuformatlon that more than a core ot undesirable Italians war supposed to! have secreted themselves on board the (.'relic. It was reported that there were dangerous crlmlnats among tnem. , Ac cordingly a large force of immigration Inspectors and police were on band when the vessel docked. ' The slowatcavs made no resistance when they crawled out ot the tank Into the arms of the officers, though most of them were armed. They were taken to the detention room at the immigra tion station and closely guarded, await ing deportation. Thirteen Reported . Dead on Battleship HAMPTON ROADS. Ve, April t-It is reported here and unconfirmed'- that thirteen men havs been killed and several Injured in en aocldent, probably a gun . loivn. on th battleship North Da 1 i cn th southern drill grounds. Yl'.ii hospital ship Solace has left hers for the dilll grounds at full steam. The under Yankton Is expected In from the fleet tonight. WASHINGTON. April I. -At S o'clock the Navy department had re ceived no word of th reported accident on the North pikota, but wireless ad vices received' here report that the At lantic fleet wa caught In - tha gals which swept the South Atlantlo coast i today and had a rough time. The flag ship Connecticut wss reported swept 'clear of all It life rafts. it Is thought th Injuries reported on the North Dakota may have been caused by the storm. Taft Confers with . . . Peace Advocates WASHINGTON. April 1 Although President Taft has not defined his post lion with respect to the arbitration treat lies with Great Britain and Franc, which were amended by the senate In a manner said to have made them unacceptable to him, he conferred today with representa tlves of four great world peace societies. It is said he will not announce his future i course of action until Secretary of Stat Knox returns from bis Central and South American trip. Participating In today's oonferenc were Representative Bartholdt of Missouri, .representing th Interparliamentary un ion; Senator Burton ot Ohio, for the American Peaco aodety; Theodora Mar burg of Baltimore, representing th Bo te lety for tha Judicial Settlement of In ternational Disputes, and Hamilton Holt, .for the American Peace conference. Bom of tbe president's advisers thought that If the treaties as amended prove ac ceptable to Great Britain and Franc 'they should not be rejected by th United State. TWENTY-SEVEN STOWAWAYS ARRESTED ON THE CEDRIC BOSTON. April i Twenty-seven Italian t to ways on board the White Star line (rt earner Create, which arrived from Naples ' today, were apprehended this afternoon., Th search wss mad on in formation "received last week from Italy that stowaway would be found on the rhlp and that they were members of 'black band organisation. The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Fair, with aoawwhtit higher trrnprmtur. FOR IOWA Fair, with ilowly rirtXaf temjerUurt. TMeratartra at Oftasika Te4ertlr t Hour. nfr i .VV: a. ro VJj t a. m .... v?7Z " - m i IS:::::::: J 11 a. m E m 1 p. ro... 2 p. m... ' t p. m... I p. m... p. m... 7 p. .., S p. as... i wv ai NEBRASKA TOWN ELECTIONS Principal Contests Are Whether licenses Shall Prevail. WETS WIN SEVERAL VICTORIES Flare Wsere aeelallsts Have Beea 1st Office as Bala Term Back la Brgwlar Celaaaas Aehlasd Drye Win. License waa the chief issue in the town and village elections of Nebraska Tues day and while the changes were not marked tbe advantage appears te be slightly In the "wets.' According to reports received yesterday, sixty-two towns had Toted for licensee and forty three against Of this number eight towns which war dry last year changed ever to the wets and four towns which were wet will try tbe dry system this year. The most notable change from the dry to the wet side was Beatrice. For several years Beatrice has been trying to decide which is better for the town. The campaign at that place waa vigorous and the wets won a pronounced victory. Auburn is another town to- change from the dry to the wet aide. Dorchester, which has not had a saloon for thirty years, has decided to try out saloon yjV tne coming year. The license war In by a majority of 3 to L. Vp V Political Hues were not drawnX . smaller towns, but In the largeiuu. nldpalitlcs straight tickets were la the field. Havelock and Burlington, rail road shop town, and Columbus, went solidly democratic At Falrtwry the sociellits put up a good fight and elected three out of fire council men. A noticeable feature of th elections was the unseating of socialists who were elected last year. At Lincoln no election was held. ' ellgh Votes Wet. NEL1QH. Neb, April I Spe- lL Nellgh yesterday experienced one of the hardest-fought elections of lta history. In the matter of license the town went wet by 17 majority. ' The fight, however, centered on cotra- cllmeh. In th First ward Forsyth, run ning on petition, defeated Aurlnger, the nomine ot th cltlsena caucus, by ' tm i . a j i . i . II ll VIM . .1 . T-l IS on a petlttan, defeated th Ferguaon can didate of the cltlsena caucus by IL and Pexton, running on petition, was de feated by Keater. Th ether nominee of the caucus had ao opponents, and wer elected as follows: Mayor, O. 0. McPherson: treasurer, E. H. Mellck; clerk, O. S. Mauser; engineer, W, L Stapie. MADISON. April 1. -(Special. V-A4. the city election today Fred H. Davtai was re-elected mayor, Fred J. Danker, clerk: Chris J. Kortman. treasurer; A. J. Thatch, engineer, and Herman J. Fricke, Jr., councilman of ths Second ward with out opposition and WIlHam If. Plnney was chosen councilman of th First ward to succeed Robert Linn, who retire. The vote was light and th election unevent ful. Th mayor and council favor tour saloons, each paying ll. license, to be operated In strict acoordanc with th law and th dtyl ordinances, f ARLINGTON, Neb., April l-(Speclal ) At tha village election yesterday the town went wet by votes. J. C. Chap-' man. F. O. Menklng, O. C. Roberta and W. A. Reckmeyer were elected trustees on the village board. Th board agreed to abide by the election, so there will be saloons here this year. WAYNE. Neb., April t-Specll.-A there ws but on ticket In th field, a light vote waa polled at the city election yesterday. John H. Kato was re-elected mayor; II. 8. Rlngland. city treasurer; J. M. Cherry, clerk; John Lorlson, councilman Third ward; Oeorg Lambertson, councilman Second ward. and John Meister, councilman First ward. J. H. Brtsttel and Herman Henney were elected members of the school board. There was no Issue. , s HART1NOT0N. Neb., April i-lBne-ciai.) Mayor Walg and all the old offi cials wer re-elected without opposition. There was but on ticket is th Acid. The license question was not submitted this year. OVERTON, Neb., Aprlr S. -(Special Tel egram.) The voters here forgot to call s town caucus until It waa too lata ao the o'd town board has to hold over. Owing to the fact that tha majority of tha voters are anti-saloons, there never has been a license Issue here. Scott's Blaff Stays Dry. 8COTT8 BLUFFS, Neb.. April J. (Special Telegram.J-Scott'a Bluff city election resulted In victory for the pro gressive ticket. The present mayor and council were elected. O. L. Bhiimway, Independent, was elected clerk and water commissioner. About fjna votes wer cast. Th officers elect are: Mayor, F, Alexander; Coundlmen, II. E. Brown, C. E. Dooley. C. A. Johnson and E. K. Maxoo. Both tickets declared for a dry administration. I v ST. EDWARD, Neb., April ,-Bpe- dal Telegram.) The village election passed off quietly with a full vote re corded. Only one ticket was In the field, and th three retiring members of the council were re-elected. The proposition for a!oon license' waa defeated by (Continued on Fourth Page.) The National Capital April's, Wednesday, 112. The Senate. In session at t p. m. Beet and cane sugar growers protested against house free sugar bill before the finance committee. Foreign relation - committee a Do roved Crawford bill for International inquiry Into high cost of living. Agriculture committee ordered favorable report on bill creating a division at markets In department of agriculture. Chairman Sutherland of employers' lia bility commission submitted Judiciary committee's favorable report on com mission's vtorkmens bill and announced ne wouhi aaa cocuuaerauon Monday. The Home. Met at wooo. Miscellaneous bills considered. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson told Florida everglades lands investigating committee that original excerpt of Major with bia consent Majority Leader Underwood announced th legislative program from now on would be confined to appropriation and supply bills. Foreign affair committee decided to re port favorably resolution directing Hiate department to insist upon immediate settlement by Mexico of claims of Amcri- Florida Bvergladea Weatlzallna? mitte concluded Us baarlnga. Two-Thoosand-Ton Ship Mining" Since Big Storm. OCCURRED LAST WEES IN MARCH No Chance Remains for Any Victim to Be Saved. DEBRIS ASHORE AT BROOME Mxfy-Sevea Pearl Fishing Baata Are Last la the Same Stores aad Forty Flaherasea - Their Lite. rt;-jA -(era Australl W JK vVN ' up off the ' . j?t. .r th. fit. (ern Australia, April 1- coast appears . 1ate of the fifty passengers .s . lshtv men of ie crew of the ft 5 ' . A i.n steamer Koomoana, wnicn nes wen missing since the dlsaateroua ty phoon that prevailed on the northwest coast of western Australia during the last week of March. The wreckage ot tbe Koombana, which beeinga to Adelaide, waa found in the vicinity ot the peart fishing station at Broome, a email seaport In tha Klmbef ley division ot western Australia. During th typhoon sixty-seven pearl fishing boat belonging to Broom were wrecked and over forty pearl fishers lost their lives. Th Koombana waa a steamer of S.18S tons net It was built at Glasgow a WOO, Wilson Testifies in House Inquiry Into Everglades Case WASHINGTON. April t-Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson testified be fore the house committee on expenditure In the Agricultural department today In answer to critics In and out; ot congress on hi conduct In connection with re ports on the dial nag ot th Florida Ever glades. Mr. Wilson had been attacked, first for permitting to be published de partmental reports which boomed Ever glades lands and then because he sup pressed ths Information. Mr. Wilson denied tbe origins) excerpt of the report of Major J. O. Wright on the Everglades wsa given out with his consent. This excerpt waa used tor ad vertising purposes In Florida. It was ob tained In the department by Henry Clay Halt.. Later. Mr. Wilson said, he wrote former 4Jovrnor Gilchrist et Florida and authorised th publication of .part., of his letter In relation to th Evergladea.' 8crtary Wilson defended th depart ment's actions In connection with reports on the Everglades. II denied batagor ically and In detail that anyone had an proached him either directly or Indirectly with any proposal to suppress any de partment Information on the subject with sn Improper motive. At the conclusion of Mr. Wilson's testi mony the Everglades Investigation hear ings were adjourned. The committee now will formulate Its report. A Hanson D. Morehouse and Ray P. Teele, former Agricultural department mployc Indicted for technical violation of the accounting requirement ot the department, pleaded not guilty today and wer held In SUM) bail each. Former Chief Drainage Engineer C. O. Elliott and Accountant F. K. Singleton, Indicted on the same charges, probably will be arraigned tomorrow. Nichols Aboard Dixie at Pensacola When Dr. KnabeWas Killed PENSACOLA, Fla., April J.-Seth Nich ols, the sailor who told tha police of Portsmouth, N. H . that h killed Dr. Helen Kaabe at Indianapolis October 21 last, was on board th United States cruiser Dixie tbe day of the murder. This information which brands Nich ols' "confession as untrue, wss received here by wireless today from the com mander of the Dixie, which Is engaged In target practice In tbe gulf. BOSTON, April S-Polic officials of Boston and Portsmouth, N. li., wer more confident today that Beth Nichols' de claration that he murdered Dr. Helen Knab In Indlanapolta for S1.M fa an un truth. It has developed that Nichols has resided In this city, that his bride ot six months died here a few week ago and that he la wanted by the 'local police on a charge of burglary. "Seth's statement that he murdered Dr. Knab la th product of a brain erased by th death of hi wife," said Nichols' sistr-la-iw. Mrs. Delia Lyons, of this dty. H worshiped my sister, May, and. as a matter ot fact deserted from the navy so that ba might b with her her." Nichols did not desert from the Dixie. as be claimed, but was given his dis charge on December 2. 1311, for conduct prejudicial to tbe service, according to the measags received from the cruiser' commander. The record of th Dixie show that Nichols waa not on a bur leave on eltharpctober 3 or It Kodgers Killed in Eight Over Ocean! LONG BEACH. Cat, April t-Gal- bralth Rogers, the transcoriUnenUI av iator, waa killed today when bia biplane la which be bad started to make a flight oot OTer th ocean dashed Into th water near th pleasure pier. Judge G. C. Cockrell Is Dead of Apoplexy Judge George C. Cockrell, 7 year old, long Identified In Omaha' affairs, died of xpoplexy yesterday 1 afternoon at o'clock. Prom tha St. Louis Time. COMMITTEE M INDIAN BILL fenatorsFator Sale of Mora Pine Ridg Lands. ' APPRAISED BT COMMISSION Beakers' Asswlala at Kebraeka Appllea far Relief Aatalaat Laws that prevent Katradllloa far ferial a Swindle. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. D. C. April l -(Special Telegram.) Th senate committee on In dian affairs, through Senator Gamble, has reported favorably on a bill providing for the sals of a portion ot the surplus and unallotted lands on the Pine Kldg Indian reservation In Waaabaugh county. 8. D. An area of about tll.ill acres will be opened should the bill become a law. Thar are a few allotment still to be made before proclamation la to Issue. Th report atate that while com of th Pin Ridge Indiana protest against fur ther decreasing tha limits of thslr reser vation. In tha opinion of the committee a majority favor the act and bellev with the commute that th settlement and development of the proposed area to be opened Would greatly enhance th value of th holdings of th Indiana, Two sections In each township ar to be reserved for school purpose. Th Isnds r to be Inspected, appraised and valued by a commission to be ap pointed by the president, subject to the approval of th secretary ot the Interior, and are reserved for homesteads, one fifth ot th appraised pric to be paid upon entry, the balance In fir annual Installment. Tracts for town stta pur Poses ar to be reserved by tha secretary of th Interior, and money raised from their sal la to be applied for the benefit of th tribe, fund realised from other lands to be deposited In the treasury to th credit of the Indiana, to draw Interest at t per cent and to be expended for their benefit. Taft Stress Ik laereaslaaVV Friends of President Tart in in. rfK only thirteen vote lacking to give them th necessary Ml to control the state oonvention to be held April M at Cedar Rapids, yesterday secured exactly the thirteen by th (election of a aolld Taft OVIegattoa la Butler muntv an,. twenty-flv county conventions are to be neia ana advice from Iowa are that enough af theae will aalu T. 4J to give th friends of th administration a gooa working majority In the state oonvention. Tbe Taft force ainutv carried six of th eleven congressional districts In Iowa and th delegates from theso, together wtlh th four delegatee-at-lag which will be selected by the state convention, will give Taft at least sixteen of th twenty-eight delegatea Lease Land te Owla. A bill waa Introduced (Mi. k. gressman MondeU to authorize the secre tary of th Interior to leas at a nominal charge a tract of land not to exceed l. u eaunu to tne uroer ot uwls for health and sanitarium purpose. Mr- MondeU also presented a bill to amend section three of th enlarged homestead law providing that any home stead entryman en lands Vpon which final proof has not been mad ahaJI bare tbe right to further entry on land con tiguous to his former entry which shall not together wtlh hi original entry ex ceed OS acres. The bill further provides that residence upon and cultivation of th orisiual entry either prior or subse quent to th date of th original entry shall b deemed s residence and cultiva tion upon th additional entry. Th banker asaoeUUoa af Nebraska. (Continued oa ftecund Page.) Wot and Dry lineup in Itbruki WIT Berxaa. Blldret a, Kearasy, tvsslagtoa, IVoalBvUis, He Cook, Borth SOatl. Bskraaka City, Beligk. . Berth Bead. Orleans, Oasll, OgaUala, Plattsmoath, PapllUua, sader, raw see, Bash villa, Bvaaa attoa, t raoL oath Omaha, prlafflsla, Aubara, Bancroft, Sarasstoa eatrloe, Bellwood, eakelmaa. Bssuuagtoa. Boasoa, B looming toa orwsU, Calloway. Clark. Cook, Coluaitms, Crete, Be wltt, 'Dorchester, Bssols, iba, 1 all City, felrknry, rrsmoat, r lore noe, treat Island, Bameolt, aveloek. Beatings, Besroa, Oneaweo. SBT Aiaswerth, Bupsxlor. Tabl Bock, title a. Werdoa, WUeos, Wyssore. Bampua, Ore. Oxfors. Ovsrtoa. Areaaia, ketkaay. Basset. Brakes Bow, Carroll, Cotssflsla, Clay Ceuter, . David City, Bis Or. Oeneva, Oothsabarv, BoMrege, ar. wfl IVoap City, Minnas. Bslaon, "loaa. Bed aaolpa. BVspnhL hlieaa Olty, Bootia. ootts Bluffs. Shaken, teUa, at. Bdwarda, Teewaxsea Tekamaa. Vplaaa, . TJaiversity Flaoe, York, TaUay. Wseplrur Water West I.uoola, Oolisg Tlw, Harvard, Waver ly, Viyssa tflys Men Who Try to Mike Iowa Stockman Are Arrested in Chicago CIIICAOO, April a Three men charged with attempting ta obtain SIMM from Dr.. C. P. Kaatachke. a wealthy cattle dealer of New Providence, la., by means of a race horse fraud were trapped by detective In a Chicago hotel and arrested this afternoon. Harry Bdwarda. St years old, one of th prisoners, told the pollia he was a banker la Detroit Mien. The other gave th names of Harry Wilson, a) veers old. Cinclackstt, O.. and Thomas Jsmes, 27 year old. Oakland, Cat, A fourth man and a woman escaped and detective ar searching for them. Dr. Kastschke told th police he met the men t Hot Springs. Ark., a month ago and they attempted to get him to Invest In a wire-tapping scheme by which he could get rich in a few weeks by bet ting on the rates. TAFT ISSUES ORDER TO - AID SMALL STOCKMEN WASHINGTON, April t-In th Interest of small cattle and sheep grower Presi dent Taft today Issued an order designed to break up th monopoly maintained br cattle and sheep king on springs and mall streams in tbe Great Salt Lake desert In western Utah. - Th order ru aside these stream a public watering places. Weaai Strikers Btara Bilk Mills. PABSIAC. N. J., April t Worm strik ers at a silk mill st Garfield stormed the plant and clashed with deputy sheriff! mrA ll.r S ... . women were clubbed and several of Ibe i r V W J '.wVV ' - , r 'y.a. TRAINS BACUN SCHEDULE Union JiOifia Has All IU Trains Aftin on ths Wsy. OTHER BRIDGES ARE REPAIRED Krlhwetera I see lalaa Paelfl Track ta Fressaat and BarllasJ tea Roalee Manila Tralea Via Paelfle Jaactlea. Railroads to the weet pre again run ) nlng trains on scbedu, time, in bb of th flood not Interfering to any great ex tent with the movement of freight and pSMSBtiger. Th Northwestern yesterday, began ualng th Union Pacific . track from Omaha to Fremont In handling Its trains to the northwest. This la don to avoid th delay, and the ose of stub trains to gst around tbe break in the track at Ar lington. Work on th Northwestern s bridge acmes ths Phut at Fremont I pro gressing slowly, owing to th depth ot th water. Two bents have been put In and there ar pile to be drive fur the three additional a pans. This work I dot to th channel of the river, where the water la thirty tost deep. . Repairs on ths Hock Island bridge at tlouth bend, over the Platte river, were completed yesterday and la th afternoon trains to and from Lincoln wars run ning on schedule In effect prior to the flood. During tbe afternoon tour freight trains wer sent out hauling march nd Is and coal for Nebraska and Kansas town. With this line open, short Uns wrvio between Omaha and Llnooin I aaaln established. Work on th Burlington Ashland btidgs la being pushed, but train will not pa over If earlier than lata Thurs day, th damage having beea greater than was at first supposed. In the mean time, trains to Lincoln and th west ar being run by way of Paelfle Junction. Th break In tha track along the Chey enne river in tne vicinity of Bdgemont . u.. waa closed Tuesday and regular service was estsbllshed to the northwest The first trslns that have moved over the Sioux City and A ah land line sine lst week were sent out yeaterday. Union Pacific trains arrived and de parted from the Union station on ths old schedule, the regular service having been resumed from on end to tbe other of the road. From Valley to Fremont, the n tlr business of the road waa handled vr a single track, tne second track having been washed away by th flood. Flv hundred men, however, ao at work and It la expected that the double track will be ready fur use today. Th business handled over the Union Pacific' single track for th first twelve hours after th road waa prned at I o'clock Tuesday afternoon Is said to be a record for one track. The traffic con stated ot eleven west-bound train, carry ing 101 car and twenty-two east-bound train, carrying 151' can. During the time five f reign t train were not ever the track. The volume of business waa moved without an accident ar any delay. BRYAN DOES NOT WANT NAME ON THE CALIFORNIA BALLOT LOS AKOBLE8, CaL, April SL-WUllaai Jennings Bryan, In a letter to th Bryan lub Bera, aaa refused to allow hi nam to be placed la th primary ballot la California a eaadldat for president "1 am not a candidate and am not willing to be put m that attitude before lh untrJr' ' OTuva wiuva waa I mad pubUo today. - - , ...- FOUR CITIES ABE PARTLYFLOODED Situation Along- Vissiuippl River. Below Cairo, HL, Hourly Be coming Worse. THOUSANDS DRIVEN FROM HOMES Total Damage Estimated at Mora Than Million Dollars. FOUR KNOWS TO BE DROWNED People Rescued from Tops of Houses at Dorena, Xy. MEMPHIS IS WITHOUT OAS Hlrkaiaa, Mr I Desasalas Sheet Feud aad sapplles lease Be Brwagbt la hf Train B. caaae of Vaskoats. Mac moat sazeosaly affected by SBa aiaaiv4 xtver xeeui eaiaa, ssy.l sism a, ge-ut.) sisw aisiin, Ai. few ti4jtos, sly, kat lives teatl Few. a'otai aaai so aat sstUaassd at ( laMMkW0laaj kuiiaar dstvwa rraa horn, t008 .ftutt. Value of water I Cla to tsa I sWv aag sua set wesa Calre, UL aaa Arkansas buy, Axs- vren el used iKeauy will as resoxe la alstrls snsmo between April 4 aa avna a. With four Mississippi rtvr towns seri ously affected by Invading water caused by the greatest tit recorded In river history, the flood situation yesterdsy ss sumed more serious aspects In wide spread distress, heavy financial lu nd Impairment of business facilities. Two thousand persons driven from th factor)- dlatrlct ot Hickman. Ky., ar being cared for by townspeople at great personal sacrifice. Th leva brok oppoalt Hickman Tuesday at Dorena, Mo. A thousand residents of th community were res cued, many from th top of (hlr homes, nd taken to Hickman, where they are being cared for. Hickman food aupply I dwindling. Train bearing tents and provtelon cannot reach th flooded town becaus of railway washouts. From fourteen to twenty block I ths afa covered by th flood la th northern section of Memphis. From TO to 1.JM weraon havs been driven from their home. Th water continue to rise In th Bayou Oayoaa. a mall leva pro tecting which gave wsy Monday. A heroic fight of two days and nights waa mads by laborer to savs th Mem phis gas plsnt. but th fore of th flood waa too great and th gas plsnt' protecting lave gave wsy last Bight To day Memphis I without gas. In th vicinity of Virkaburg, Miss., th water la rising.1 Farmers la that district era leaving lowland hosnn, taking their" goods and llv stock, after th sxampH at by thousand at person In Missouri, Ksatuohf, Tennessee and Arkansaa. Th War dspartrmnt will send M ny tsnti to New Madrid tor person msds homslssi bf th flood, boom ding to orders Issusd by President Taft at Washington today. WASHINGTON, April S-Th weathet bureau today announced It waa probablev the Mississippi river crest stag at Carlo would b little, if any sbovs M feet Tha tags at Vlcksburg. Miss., wss M feet at T a. m. today, a rtss of . of a foot sine yesterday morning. CARIO, Ill.i April I Cairo and th drains r district are aat and dry today. Th river gauge registered 617 feet Li feet above ll former records. While there I more water reported above this dty, th ovmmnt weather bureau here predicted today that unless heavy rains fall oa th watershed of th Ohio river, th stag here will not b abov M feet. More workmen wr put on th lev today atrengthenlng thm whtr any ahowad sign of wearing away. A bulk head of flv feet I being placed oa all levea In this district. Steamboat are returning from theMls sourt side with refuge and llv stock. Th rtvt men reported that th water I from two to three feet deep over farming action that war never before touched by th water. New Madrid l.'ader Water. MALDKN. Mo.. April 1-Tha flood sit uation In New Madrid county, apecl:iy In th town of New Madrid and Port agevllle, I causing grava concern todsy. Ths Cotton Belt railroad ha abandoned tialn service Into New, Msdrid. aa every street Is covered with water and boats are the only mode of conveyance. In soma Instances residents moved their be longings to the second floor ot buildings and several small house have been swept' way. Practically th eastern and southern part of New Madria county la covered with severs! feet of water. Portagevtllr, on the main lino of the 'Frisco railroad. Is also practically aubmerged, and many Now before the spring work starts is the best time this yttr to sell farm lands. The farmer has the time to investigate your proposition and the farmer lias the money to buy if your proposition is good. Results are not so much the number of answers you get from an ad., bat the manner in which yon follow them up. Do yon follow np your answers? Bee want ada bring results that mean money to the classified adver tiser. Trier 1000 aepuuea war ait oy sausuea.