Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Entered at OmH tofnoe s econd.
ru matter. -
Pnnday Bee, one year J-
Saturday Bee, e vear...
lJUy Bm (without Sunday k. on
Daily Be and ftunday. on er
Evening Bee twlth 8 uidsy. per
Daily Bee one oats. Sunday), per iOT. k
Baily Bm l without SynSayl, per mo....
Address all complaints or irregularities
l delivery to City circulation
REsllTTAKCfc. .
Remit by Aral i, express or postal oraer.
pay la Tlx Bm Publishing eoinneny.
Only g-cent aiamp received la payment
f aroall account. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha Th Bm BulidT.g.
Koulh Omaha SIS N St.
Council Bluff 31 Seoti
Uncoln X Little Building.
Chloago-Utt Marouetie Building.
Kansas Clly-K-llin Building.
New York-M Went Thirty-third.
WaahfnuloB--73 Fourteenth St. N. W.
Commuiitrattona relating lo newa and
editorial waiter ahould be addressed
Omaha liw. Editorial department.
tale at Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa:
Dw1ln WUharo. circulation manes
Of Tbe Bm Publlsbtng company. Mm
daty sworn, nay mat tba avaraa dally
clrcuieUun. leao spoiled, uauaod and ra
turned cople. for t.'ie moata a( eb.-ury,
ISU. waa a. .....
iliVIUHT Wlbbuiao.
Circulation Nenager,
Subedited In my pr-eee.: and awora
to Mora bm tble wn d.y oi Maicn, ni
.Notary Public.
Ssbserlawra leavlsar Ika alty
Kaspsesrlly ahamld has Taa
Be stalled to tfcaaa. Address
wilt b ehsaced aa sties aa n
.' No, Mr. Weatherman, no April
; High water usually
wheat and big corn.
meant tall
; It Nsbraska, town election! don't
go wet tola time, tbey never will.
, Little thinga to think about It
Bryan la nominated, will 0. M. up-
port aim?
1 '. !T"mmTZZ7T7?T
i If our grand Jury will only keep
op taa good work, it nay ret catch
vp on lott time.
, Chairman Underwood succeeded
again in palling the wool bill over
the bonee'a eyea.
. Congressman ' Pepper of Iowa
should become one of the hot mam
bers of the bouae.
. The official ballot for tba city
prircary will toon go to pre. Do
your withdrawing now. -
Report from educational quartan
Indicate that the toutbern moun
taineer are still climbing.
Mr. Hetty Green turn her back
a little o'.l New York, thoagh, only
after (he baa catbed St in.
The author of "Sweet Marie" la
being aned for divorce. Probably
lutiita on tinging hit own tonga.
A Commercial clubTivo strong
ought to carry eome weight when it
foes after something for Omaha.
As Colonel Roosevelt's chairman.
Senator Dixon evidently goes en ths
theory, claim everything tad get
what you can.
That Chicago university bat girl
now wishes the bad tued for MOO,-
00 Instead of only half that amount
Mercy, Esther! .
Out in California they art disput
ing as to who was the original
"prorresalve." . Could It have been
ono of tba old Argonauts?
If. r. Harrington, Nebraska's most
prollflo letter writer World-Herald.
, , . .
No, never will we admit It whils
Job 0. Tetter live.
With tts elephant as the Joint
symbol, Philadelphia maa baa bet
tw-to-OM that Taft and the Atb
letica will win again this year. Easy
money one way, anyhow.
Colonel Rooeevelt most hava de
cided either that he baa satisfied tke
IeopIe with hi third -tent explana
tion, or that ths people cannot be
Satisfied on that point.
Ths miners, who hare stopped
work to negotiate peace, cipect to be
idle only a abort time. Then why
couldn't tbey bars remained at work
and done their negotiating at the
asms time? -
' In TVIsconsin the republicans
Ptad U names of Taft and La
rslleUs est talr primary ballots, ot
courts allowing any one who wished
to writ tn the names ot other pre
ferred candidates. Stop your glggllag.
"Shall tha people rule?" waa Mr.
Bryan's slogan. "Was," you under
stand, set "1-" At Us least, be
ha decided that tke democrats of
bis own state (hall not rule him in
naming their choice for presideat
srJess It happens to be his choice,
Governor Harmon deetlsea to enter
the Illinois primary ca ths ground
itit R It I snap proceeding. It
wsaat Intended for tbe democratic
bunch, anyway it waa snapped by
asd for republican only snd opened
i the democrats merely to avoid
ciirgs of partiaan discrimination.
Taft Takes Iowa.
It is cow practically settled that
rreaident Taft will take a majority
of the Iowa delegation to the Chi
cago convention, leaving Senator
Cummin with only a few votes in
support of bis candidacy from bis
home state. This it a striking testi
monial to the strength of President
Taft with his party, for it la certain
that Senator Cummins would never
have announced himself unless fully
persuaded that he would have the
backing of an almost solid delega
tion from hi own state of Iowa.
It should be remembered that
Iowa In particular has been heralded
one of the prairie atates, afire
with Insurgency, which would go to
any republican rather than to Taft,
and that it waa originally counted
on by Senator La Follette a part of
the Insurgent column behind him.
When It became doubtful whether
La Follette would win in Iowa a
againit Taft, Senator Cummin waa
projected with the expectation of
making certain of withholding all
the Iowa delegate from the Taft
forces. Tet It transpires that Iowa
republicans prefer the president, not
only aa agaioat La Follette, but a
against Cummins, their own popular
senator, who could not convince
them that be wat really In the run
ning with any prospect of landing
the nomination, and tbey were not
ready to be party to any plan to
nullify the influence of Iowa In the
convention. .
Now that the republicans of Iowa
have spoken through their prlmarlea
and conventions, it would be tbe
handsome thing tor Senator Cum
mins to accept ths verdict, end throw
his Influence to Taft
Toe High Water.
It la so easy to speak of breaking
records that one hesitate. In re
ferring to the present high watera,
to go too far with auperlatlves. But
this we know, that our Nebraska
rlverg art on what might prudently
be called a rampage, and have
wrought trait damage. At Water
loo, report tay, for (nttance, "the
water fell fifteen Inches, or eiactly
to the high water mark of 181.
Now, from that, of course, we decide
that tbe water was very high back
In lltl, but Just bow high one
cannot tell without consulting the
record. But It is thirty-one years
back to lltl, and ons may afford to
go pretty far with hla description of
ths terrible floods of that year.
But, for fact, conditions of the
paat winter made floods Inevitable
when ths Ice should break, and the
melting anowi In tha mountains will
swell the waten again later. So
that In addition to extreme cold
long drawn out, ths,, "oldest Inhab
itant" at ths future msy bark back
to 1111 with awe-fraught voice, and
thi spring alto promises to give us
of this section and generation fur
ther claim to distinction in our new
high water marks.
Kistcmrl's Trait Law Tpheli
Ths decUlon of ths United State
supreme court sfflrmlng the validity
of the Missouri trust Isw under which
ths big oil corporations wsrs ousted
or brought to tlms, should be accepted
as addltloaal svtdencs of the court'
Intention to do no violence to tbe
doctrine of state' rights. Insofar as
that doctrine Is not in collision with
federal Jurisdiction. When w re
member the supreme court's ruling
In upholding ths Nebrsaka bank
guaranty law, and then consider thlt
Missouri case ruling snd soms others
Intervening, ws surely cannot enter
tain fears of ths tribunal's disin
clination to recognise ths distinctive
rights and powers ot states to deal
with corporations within thslr boun-
Of course, when It comes to the
problem of Interlocking railroad
rates and their regulation, it la quits
evident that ths tendency Is to cen
ter the balance of power tn the cen
tral government. Ths Interstate
Commerce commission baa Indicated
tor Itself, that no rats msds for local
traffic that overlaps or affects Inter-
stats commerce is going to be left for
control to state authority, but com
mitting this control to ths national
government 1 not to be regarded aa
an abridgement ot any state's rights.
It Is simply recognising the logic of
events la Us evolution of trsnspor
tstlon. Missouri baa reason to pride her
self apoo ths sdvsnee made la bring
ing these gigantic corporation to sub
mission and setting sa example of
what can be dons in other ststes.
" A Xaa'i Friegda.
Walt Whitman aaw a miracle in
every hour ot the light snd dark.
That waa because Walt Whitman
lived ra close contact with nature.
He loved ths fresh sir, ths sun,
trees, grass, everything that sprang
from the earth snd cams down from
above. These elements were his'
companion. He knew them welL
From them be drew power and the
he gave out aa inspiration. Walt
Whitman would have been a very
different sasa, n much smaller one,
if be bad been a cloistered one.
But aature'a best plant are not
her tree and her grass, but her men.
And doBbtkess ths "gray poet" real
ised thia and knew and loved men.
No man can afford not to. No man
can afford to know fewer men than
he ca conveniently reach, and mln-
gle With. Not that he must nuke
fri.A. .v... k-
That sort of association t
something 'baser than friendship, but
in the everyday life of the ordinary
individual the currents of acquaint
anceship ahould be let loose to find
their own channel.
And must a man seek hii friends
solely among those who think a be
think and do as he does? Is that
the best way for him to magnify and
extend his influence? Why should
we not be able to see in this great
intermingling forest of humanity
something worth while in most every
man with whom we come in contact?
Wouldn't this breathe broadef vis
ions for all and deeper Inspirations?
The sanctity of friendship, poetry
and poesy extol and w all know, not
unauiy. men u rnenosnip is mis
sacred relation we make It, why not
spread It and Increase it a far as
we can? In getting a vision of life,
why not get it from as many angles
as is possible?
Good Men for Commiisioner IL
John J. Ryder.
Another good man. In our opinion,
foi councilman under Omaha's new
commission plan of city government
it John J. Ryder. The fact that Mr.
Ryder ha until recently been em
ployed on The Bee may account for
a bias in his favor, but It also haa
given exceptional opportunities to
Judge of hi ability and reliability.
He has occupied positions of public
truet -and always mads a credit
able record tn the legislature of
Minnesota before coming to Ni
braska, aa labor commUsloner under
Governor Sheldon, and as present
member ot the board ot directors of
ths Omaha Public library. It la his
nswspsper experience, however, that
baa given him the point ot view of
the public on subjects which those
charged with our city government
will have to deal. He Is a boms
owner snd a tsxpsyer, snd yet baa
had to work for wages for his living,
snd thus kept In close touch with
ths greet majority ot the commun
ity that rank aa toilers. Hli endorse
ment by tbe Cltlsen' union, the only
one on their Hit to be clsssed aa a
wags worker. Is recognition of his
personal worth.
When some of our commissioner
ship csndldstes offer to give up
their present lucrative employments
to aerve the city for a paltry $1,600
a year, the sacrifice on their part
ought to be duly appreciated by ths
Ths Nsw York World cartoon
Father Knickerbocker as banging to
a street car strsp for forty-nine
years, which ought to maks him the
"last of ths forty-niners."
Objaet Laaaaaa Overdone.
Wall Street Journal.
Laaor leader declares tha public, naada
tha objort laaaon ot lit bl( sir Ika. which
la about all ha know of the public
I'aeeaalir Jeslnay.
Ctovalnnd Plain-Dealer.
The United Stat, Frano. Oermany
and Oraat Britain are mad bacaue ths
aaw Chin republic sot s lean from
B let urn InalMd of eonttnlnt her bor
rowing to tha tour great Barklet. lan't
Balalum a rather small affair to b
Jaaloui of?
Flsared Into a Raee,
Philadelphia Preaa.
One ot tha Jurors who acquitted the
beef packer y he found It Imponlbl
to traap 'the mu of flsurM preeenlad
for hla could ration durlns tha trial.
Ha rauet be atlll more puuled by the
rla of meat price Immediately follow
ing tha verdict.
A llMlf C.
Philadelphia Ledser.
Buppoa wa had Ih recall In Illinois.
What would tha voter do with Judsa
Carpenter for permlttlnc the Jury In
the beef packer eaaa to acquit them
of criminal conspiracy? And what
would they do with the twelv repre
sentatives of "tha peepur who rendered
the verdict! "Oullt I personal," aaith
tba prophet ot Inaursancy, and a pen
alty must be expected either from the
ace used or the Judge and Jury; so It
I written!
FavavIM Soma as Maltlaur.
Sprlnsfleld fUpubllcaa.
The Instruction to the Indiana delega
tion to eupport Governor Marshall for tha
demorrallo presidential nomination will
etrensthen Ih belief that no candldute
In the Baltimore convention will com
mand enough vale to be nominated on
the first ballot Favoiita son are filling
the field, and there Menu to be no likeli
hood that any candidate will even have a
majority over all abea the balloting ba
sin. Aa old-Urn convention struggle
mm probable, with ballots running up
toward a score. The chances for eom
bt nation will be numereua and tba nu
portualtl for tntrlgua curraapsndlngly
Increased. The nwult of the convention
at present cannot be In the least fore
caated. .
Waablngtoa Star: Ot eoor the people
are fit t sovara UmoimIv. Bat eoro
aelf-aacnfldng state man ha to arte
with traecttu empnaaa sow and then
ad snow them bow to go about H.
Mew Tark World: A the colonel
watch the opwatioa t the steam roller
bMtln- Sow apoa Ma be may rafted
J with ptld that be manutactnred the ma-
chin ana taught the operator bow to
um It.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: La Pollen'
deflntttoa of a "proTMaiv" seem to be
a maa who prog mat oa peeek-eiaklng
toara about the country Instead of atar
tag at Washington to attend to aualnao.
Bestow Herald: Of tba SSoM enrolled
raputxieaa voter ot Kew Tork county
only le.SW dropped Into tba nearby polling
Saee Taoaday t mark their croaeee for
Colonel ReoaevelL Surely no extraordi
nary public demand.
Sioux City Journal: The Taft victory In
the BJcott oauaty caucus assures control
os ibs VJSKOTVB oisirtci cswemiOA by aup-
,n dmuitt ration. After tn 1
"Moo wnn convention the delegate to
acor la Iowa will be: Taft, 1; Cummins,
nsasa vaH. fc La Foi tou. .- . . , j
ThisDnv in Omaha
f COMPILED FROM Bt-g file 1
t r1 April 8. I i i
inirty Vears Ago
Tha city la atartled by a double homi
cide tn which an old man. Joseph Jonae,
ehot his wife, kllllae her Instantly, and
then committed suicide. Tbey lived on
South Thirteenth street, opposite tha Bo
hemian Catholic church.
Tha Child' hoapltal at ITU Dodge street
la now open to recalve and care tor sick
A amall tire damaaed Boyd packlnc
h.ia. tn flu mImI nf ahnlil MA hfnr
i the department put It out.
The call lor a meeting ot the Brick
layers' union la signed by John S. Patton,
vk-o president.
A 'moat beautiful display of Easter
cards may be aeen at N. A. Kuhn's
drug tore. corner Fifteenth and Doug
!aa streets.
"Hasel Kirk." by the Madison Square
Garden Theater company, was an attrac
tion at Boyd with a atar performance.
Mrs. Hickman Juat returned from at
tending the New Tork openings, and I
prepared to (how the newest idea in
bonnets and bate.
"Vote for 'Joe' Redman. He la the
friend of the working man. He is for tbe
Interests ot North Omaha. He ia your
man for sewers. He Is for the market
house In Jefferson square" so aaya Jo
la a card to the public.
The district court Is still wrestling
with the so-called riot cases.
Dr. V. H. Coffman makes a report of
a smallpox scare at Florence.
Tha annual meeting of the Omaha Law
Library association selected these offi
cers: President. Champion & Chase;
vice, prealdent, B. E. B. Kennedy; treas
urer, George Hunt: corresponding secre
tary, Joseph Clarkson; recording aeore
tary. R. E. Gaylord; additional director.
B. Wekeley. Geerg W. Doane, Howard
a Bmlth. Andrew Bevins, W. O. Bar
tholomew and A. Bchwrtslander.
Twenty years Ago
All ths members of the Omaha ball
team had arrived except Vlckery. Ivory,
Sprague and Fltsgerald. Fielder Bob
Ollks cam 1 In the morning and wa
followed by Shortstop Prank Shetveck.
and later by Catcher Hayes. .Fielder Kelly
and Third Baseman Callopy. who cam
In from Boston. j
Bruce McCulloch ot the South Omaha
Stockman went to Cheyenne to attend
the Wyoming Cattle Grower' convention.
O. W. Hult of Rapid City, brother-in-law
of Dr. 8. D. Mercer, came to vlit
the latter at Fortieth and Cuming street.
Henry C. Stuart of Saa Salvador waa
a guest at the home of Dr. S. D. Mercer.
H wa a young man who had acquired
great wealth on the eouthern continent.
Rev. Prank W. Foater preached at In
manual Baptist church on ' The Unjust
The body of Dr. Henry Rau waa laid
at rest In Pleaant Hill cemetery. Funeral
eervlcaa ware held at the home, 90s Har
ney stwet. The pallbearera were a
Blath. H. Heller. I. Oberfelder, B. New
man, Ell Garrett and H. E. Meyer. At
the grv sen-lee wore conducted by
members of the Union Pacific lodge No.
17, Ancient Order of United Workman.
Tea Years Ago
Official announcement of ' the with
drawal from the Westers peaatnger as
sociation of th Rock Ulaqd w reoetved
In Omaha. .
KM J. Brennan. a South Omaha con
tractor, cordially Invited the oountv
board to take off of hi hands a whit
elephant ia tha form of the Emergency
hospital, which be built, and tha coun'y
board graciously declined the Invitation,
having enough white elephant of Ita own.
poatmastsr Crow mapped out a plan
for th removal ot postofflc station B
from Park avenue near Hansrem park
to tha corner ot Perk avenue nd Leav
enworth street.
C. H. Bbafer. manager of the Her Grand
hotel, waa taken to St. Joseph's hospital
to say the penalty for allowing his en
ergy to get th better of hi physio)
Word wa received from E. E. Bruce.
Euclid Martin and C. 11. Pickens that
they would return from West Katie
Springe la a few day.
Judge A. J. CornUh Of Lincoln w ve
tting hi brother, E. J. Cornish.
The Blanche Copper company of Wyo
ming waa organised with a capital stock
et il.OW.OO. Th officers were: Presi
dent. H. E. Owens of Norfolk: vice presi
dent, John R. Wrt. of Chppl: treas
urer, D. M. Owena of Omaha; secretary,
J. H. Kyner of Omaha.
People Talked About
Mle Lillian Vila Wyman. a Boston
dancing teacher, aaya nearly all th
Beaton girl ar bow-legged or knock-
kneed, and that most of them hav bis
fet. Giving away family eecreta la a
new development of th Intellectual su
premacy of th Hub.
President Tart Imd only alx hour a
night, and after rising at I S a. m.. en
gages for flftaea minute In physical
exercire, some mornings with his physical
director and some time without. Tha
prealdent use the Swedish system of
Dr. Elisabeth Faplelgh, a Boston ut
fraaetts, haa peer opinion of men.
calisthenics. He breakfasts at o'clock.
"After women get a Utile political power
Into their hands 1 shouldn't be surprised
If they abolished a few men." she aay.
"There are too many men In tin world
anyway. Aa student of Mology I ca
say that we could get along with a very
few maa."
A circumstantial report cornea from
Norrtstown, Pa., that John N. Jacob,
comptroller f Montgomery county, haa
turned back InM too county treasury
awe year's salary and fee, amounting t
KM. being quite satisfied with tha
honor of arrvtng the people. For presi
dent and general manager of the United
States and Pennsylvania, John N. Jacob.
Platform: "Dea't Need th Moaey."
Prof. Hugo Munstarcerg. exchange
profoaaor of Harvard, aow In Oermany,
discusses the mental pecuilarttkaa of
Co!ot4 Roosevelt In the Vienna Neu
Freva Pre est. "Froaa a personal ac
quaintance of many years," aaya th
Harvard phyaichologlst. 1 can bear
y tfeat for no polirjoai advantage
aouid Rooeevelt consciously do a die
honorable thing or twist the truth." But
hi ia immediately added: "However, aa
professional psychologist I am bound
1 aay that few anen so easily succumb
i i to auio-ausaesuoci aa aoes no, ana is
is ill oaten ot memory, with all their
acreayLng pseooiaena."
Colonel Sooaavelf Cam pair.
stAausjse Ar Vow Beady to
Joia she Bowa-aad-Ont Oak
The Washington correspondent of the
Cleveland Plain DMler (democratic),
draws thia picture of the third term cam
paign as It appeared at tha national
capital on Saturday:
Gloom, thick and heavy, has settled
over the national Rooeevelt headquarters
From admissions made today It msy
be stated that In ail probability th
Rooeevelt headquarters will be cloecd
by May 1, If not before.
Leaders of the Roosevelt movement
within the last three day seem to hare
become convinced thera no longer re
main chance of nominating the former
president. Hope has been abandoned. It
was aaid tonight, following confidential
report covering the campaign trip now
being made by Rxateveit.
It wa the dream of the Roosevelt
manager that the ex-prealdent. In his
appeal from the atump, would arouse
the sentiment which the Mven governor
In their appeal to Rooeevelt to announo
hla candidacy aaid existed In the country.
The real reports sent to the Rooeevelt
managers, rather than the ones given
to the public, are to the effect that th
Rooeevelt tour haa failed.
The trip was planned to start an antl
Taft stamped. Ita failure tonight ia
sorrowfully admitted by many of the
strongest antl-Taft members of the re
publican Insurgent group.
Word reached here tonight to tbe ef
fect that th former prealdent himself
has learned that the glowing reports
carried to him before he announced hi
candidacy were baaed upon hopea rather
than facta Because of the embarrass
ing position In which he find himself,
the reports say Colonel Roosevelt la
letting Ioom with pointed and aharp re
buke for many ot th very men who
lees than six week ago wsr telling
him how he would sweep th country.
For example. Colonel Roosevelt was
upremly confident ot hie ability to
overwhelm President Taft In Ohio. The
former prealdent now la not only dle
guated. but angry with th amall group
who Informed him how Ohio would rtee
la solid phalanx to upport hi can
didacy. Th colonel believe a wa m la-
Much th same feeling that exists with
reference to Ohl applies to other state.
The case of Missouri sMmlngly I typical
of condition over the country. Governor
Hadley wa a leader among th governor
urging tha Roosevelt candidacy. Colonel
Roosevelt In hla Invasion of Missouri
failed to stir th aentlmant which waa
relied upon to give him the Mild or prac
tically solid delegation from that atate
Report received her tonight (Satur
day) ar to the effect that President Taft
111 reeeiv majority of the Missouri
delegatloa and that Governor Hadley. If
be goea aa a delegate-at-uuge, probably
will be inetructed to vote for Taft. It la
believed, however, that Governor Hauiev
would refus to Mrve as convention
delegate under those circumstance.
There Is persistent talk here that Col
onel Roovlt ia certain to meet tin
sam fat that overtook senator La Fol
lett whan hi campaign want Into
aclioM becau of hi physical break
down. Right and left then war deser
tions from the Wlaconaln aanator. Th
tag apparently Is sat for th earn
procedure In the case of the former pres
ident. Among the most Intra a of the
Insurgent there I open talk that any
mer man, no matter who he may be,
but n Incident In th present fight; that
It la a contMt far beyond that embraced
la tba personality of any individual.
That wss precisely th argument em
ployed by Govern or Johnson of Califor
nia, 01 f ford Plnchot and sever! of th
Inaursent republican senators wh aban
doned Senator La Follette snd (ied
upon Cetonal RooMvelt as th "on bst
bet" to defeat Prealdent Taft. All chance
ha son, apparently, for the laeurgeat
group to pick another leader, or to groom
a dark horse. Probably a majority of
them hav mad up their mind to ac
cept th inevitable, which they now be
lieve to be the renom! nation of the presi
Th New Tork primaries, which Insure
President Taft at least eventy-lght out
of th ninety delegate, will stand. The
RooMvelt manager have decided that aa
appeal to th eourts will b tutll. Then
I no idea that the New Tork assembly
will act en the suggestion that a new
primary bill should be enacted, and even
If on ahould be enacted It could net
poaalbly be put into operation so a to
affect the delegate elected to th Chi
cago convention.
The Taft manager SMmlngly hare dis
missed from their mind th possibility
of th nomination of Colonel Roosevelt.
They ar now chiefly consented with the
queattoa aa t whether there I to be a
bolt at Cb.cago.
Tou may sing of Franc asd Bpaia
And of aunny Italy.
Of Germany and Scotland and the Teat:
From St. Petersburg to Perth
There' not upon the Mrth
The equal of our glorioua, golden west.
There the eun gees down like fire.
There the (tare come out like eperks.
While the braese whisper low a plaint
ive tune
To the waving prairie grass that metlw
aa they peas.
And the coyotes yelp In chorus at th
Ton can hear th wranaier sing
Ae he lull hi herd to rt.
And hla vole falls faint and husky en
ths night:
His mw they aren't aew and hi die
cord aren't few
But H e mualc that yew hear with keen
Take your Venice and your Rom, '
Old Madrid or Gay Paree.
ray your rare to ionasa er to Bud
Any pise you ever saw
111 Day mine to Ofnahe-
The gateway to God a wad, th golden
New Athens. O T. U WIUON,
You will tone up your
mtem and fed better for
taldsttsia th noninttHfUmoi
Takes Isise with V slier.
PAPILUOX. Neb.. April t-To the
Editor of The Bee: I notice in The Be
a apecial dispatch from Lincoln purport
ing to be a statement of I. B. Fuller,
secretary to the governor, relative to a
letter which was received by me and reau
at the Inquest over the body of Bay
Blunt at Springfield. According to till
dispatch Mr. Fuller says "the letter va
written and aent at the urgent request
of Coroner Armstrong himself." He also
says, "The coroner appeared in bis tall;
with the executive office to be very de
sirous of having such a communication
sent to be read at the inquect, aid It was
merely to conform with his idea of the
situation that Governor Aldiich wrote
th letter."
I do not understand why Secretary Ful
ler ahould make such a atkxement, a the
entire statement la absolutely untrue. I
never have had one word of conversation
with the governor, nor anyone connectci
with his office, upon this or any other
subject I never have had the honor of
making tbe governor'a acquaintance. I
never have seen him but once in m
and that waa in the Rome hotel in Oman
eome time last December. The letter in
question was not aent to me, but to Mr.
Figenbaum of Springfield, and by him de
ltvered to me at the Inquest I do not
know what "prominent citizens of the
county" may have done, but as for me.
I at no time had the least apprehension
of any trouble or violence at the Inquest,
as I knew the people of Springfield to be
perfectly fair and law-abiding.
Waste laapewveaaest Clahs is Act.
At a meeting of th Newport-Be ivi-
der Improvement dub the candidate
recommended by the Cttisen' union and
th Labor league were discussed and It
wa apparent that there hi a very de
cided dissatisfaction tn our ranks with a
part of those candidate. This haa led
ua to believe that th aame condition
must prevail elsewhere. That being the
rase, and It being apparent that tlto
on whom th dissatisfaction rest, will
Bcike your food with a
pure.Cream of Tarf ar
Baking Powder
I A pure,Cream of Tartar W
Baking Powder j
product of Grapes 4 j
Seiterflian home cooking
Dining oa
Tc&My limited
A fast, through train
Win fine at anything that run s on wheel coachei,
chair cars, observation sleepers, and dining can under
the direct management of the railway. It rum via
Katy all-the-way. Leaves Kansas City
At Half Past Five Every Afternoon
rr taracuMn, ace aearcst tnt, or writ-
GEO. A. McNDTT, District Passenger Agent
- 05 Wahrjt Street, Kansts City,
be elected unless there 1 something done
'toward a concerted action of the repre
isentatlve cltlxena of Omaha, thi wa
' deemed an exceptional case. nd In order
that the representative citliens of Omaha
may be reached before the time of th
primary election of April . It wa deemed
'expedient to communicate with the dif
jferent Improvement clubs, labor unions
land other organisations In the city, ad-
vising them of our action, and req jest
ing th co-operation, oy ayiuuus u
members who will pledge themselvM to
support no perpetual office seekers or
holders, to meet with the representatives
of the other organisation In convention
and decide on seven men who represent
Omaha in the fullest sense of th word.
Communications relative- to our pro
cedure will receive ttenron should yt)V
call Webster 1505 or Webster SWT.
G. M- B.
"Have you read my latest epeechT
asked the young statesman.
Yea." replied Senator SorgJiirn. "And
there ia one thing about It thai f must
oummend. You have avoided saying any
thing so striking that people will r mem
ber It against you In case you want lo
change your mind. Waahlngton Star.
"Men. aa a rule, never know when
they've cot enough."
"No: tor example, when a man receives
heavy da mane lo his person or property,
look how he goes to the court to get
more." Baltimore American.
"I understand your boy Josh Is experi
menting on the linos of perpetual mo
tion." "Yes." replied Farmer Corntoael. "And
I feel eome encouraged about It. I
thought for a while that the only thing
Josh was goln' to take In wa perpetual
rest." Washington Star.
An old darky was trying to describe
how he preached, "it s dls a-way, boss,"
said he. "Fust Ah tells 'em w at Ah m
gwine to tell 'em. den Ah Ah tells 'em.
an' den Ah tells 'em w'at Ah t told 'em."
"Do thoM people who moved Into the
flat arrow the hall seem to be desirable
neighbors?" asked the man.
"No." replied the woman. "I watched
everything that came out of the moving
van. They haven't a thing that wa would
car t borrow." Chicago Tribune.
"What good do yon auppese the discov
ery ot the South pole ha doner"
"I don't know exactly. But offhand 1)
should aay that Amundsen ha at least
found one place where the roads aren't
forever lorn up for repair. "Detroit
FfM Preaa.