Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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! I
WE had many cases of goods delayed thro' a recent railroad wreck. Some freight cars caught fire, and our goods were tied up
until all claims were adjusted. Fortunately, in many cases the papers only were slightly charred, and, excepting the smoke
odor, the merchandise was in no whit injured. Everything has been aired, and we could have placed the goods before you in regular
way and no one could distinguish the slightest odor. The transportation companies made us the proper allowance that allowance
is jours tor we always give our customers the benefit of every concession. WEDNESDA Y-then the goods go on sale. We could
advertise with large head lines a great fire sale but that is not our way. We don't have any use for humbug.
At Dress Goods Section
Over 400 yards of Silk and "Wool Poplin
New Goods and perfect, alwars sold at $1.50. The
allowance admit of our selling it at $1.15;
colors, black, brown, helio,; Copenhagen,
Oend'arme, bisque, grey, tan, wine, navy, etc.
1200 yards Challis, all wool, imported main
ly, neat effects, usually 75c, allowance admits of
selling at 43c Wednesday.
Silk Section-400 yards of 36
in. Black Messaline, regularly a
leader at $1.00, Wednesday
Not in tht, wreck-1200 yards of All Silk
Crepes, some bordered, elegant for costumes, or
Scarfs, worth 85 cents, . QQ
On the Square
' Near Linen Section, a big purchase, of white
goods, to be sold Wednesday away below regular
600 yards of Stripes and Figured White
Goods, made in England imported AF
through Tootal, Broadhurst & Lee,
worth 50c, at yard
500 yards, worth up to 30c, at ....... .....19c
300 yards, worth up to 50c, at-. 29c
400 yards, worth up to GOc, nt .-. ..39c
150 yards, worth up to $1.00, at ...59c
80 Dozens of Scarfs
Squares and Ovals
To be sold Wednesday at Linen Section. Beau
tifully embroidered sizes as follows 30x30, 18x
50. All to go nt two prices in two great lots.
Without any exception the best values offered by
us this year, and all perfect.
Lot 1 worth up to 65 cents, at 39c
Lot 2 worth up to 75 cents, at 49c
When the 80 dozens are sold you must pay
. regular prices. ,
On the Square-Hear Elevator
On Wednesday
Royal Worcester Corsets, new long lines, ea. 98c
Sizes 18 to 26, usually $1.50 each.
Main Department Just received new models
as required for the long, straight figure and youth
ful lines. Madame Irene represented with many
new models lace front corsets La Camillc,
etc., the very acme of corset perfection.
: ' . Kedfern new models also shown on Wednes
day.' Expert fitters who will be pleased to ex
plain the new ideas and advantages.
Handkerchief Section New colored borders
for Easter. Printed and hand embroidered corners
at 50 cents and 25 cents.
Wednesday Special A lot of handkerchiefs,
all linen with the new long initial, always 15c at
10 cents. '
flew Easter Neckwear
Pleated Shadow Lace Collar and Cuff Sets; new
Chemisettes Flower Neckwear at 50c.
Irish and Macarame Lace Collars in the latest
Infants' and Juniors'
For Easter Light weight Coats from 13 to 17
years. Suitable also for slender women from
$10 to $22.50. Tans, blues, grays and mixtures.
Misses' Suits in the new Norfolk box styles.
A Wonderful Array of
Children's Hats
In the newest and nobbiest shapes and low in
price too.
All Sales Start at 8:00 A. M. on Wednesday
Street Car Conductor oa tie Dodf
j j; Street Line CeUorttet.
I nwvxrr.vm TtAM IS OXAHA
d f aVMwe " ' - " -
Has Beea Werklaa tee- trt
Hallway (Miur lMi
Twnlnf Tear
Tell HU EaaerWa.
'llr. aad Mr. T. W. atll wr mmrrfi
fifty xvi ag iraaurter aa Pt
opea aw to oaMH-Mloa f th vnl
at their home, North Nineteenth
'treet. This year alio mark th twenty -fiftk
anniversary of their comtac to
mate an Ik twnty-fourth r of
aervtc aa conductor wtth Ika Omaha
Council Bluff Street Railway company.
' ! llr. Mule aa kM conductor on th
ftodg street Una for all Uwa twpnty
'four ytara, being aa of Uw oldest men
Mi powrt at an-rtaa wtth th company.
Threat fair aad M ' watbr. pss
eengera a th Dodge oa kav alway
found Mr at ale feat genial aa aslp
,fL During th street oar gtrlk at W
Mr. Mill atack t bt ear aad col DM
b Induced t leav hut Boat. - ' .
Mr. Mill to proud of th tact that
there ha mr ka aa accment going
owa' th steep Dodge kill during hl
run. Bat a mime loat hi lit
shea a north-bound car Fourteenth
treet smashed Into kl car a It we
tolas out
, Haa Kamvr Escape.
l it nt la coM weather aa th traski
Icy. Mill wa oa th raar platforni
of th but car of twobl oar when
th northbound (truck th end of th car.
He wa throws Into th air and landed
a Ik track directly In front of the
northbound ear. which copd him ui
and carried rum along until th moioi
man could ate It aad ear Mm. -
Mr. Mill ka kad a rich aiparlane In
raadlnc tuman nature in hi two doa
yaari on th Dodf Um.
"I'll watched aiaay people (row up
from children ta men and women, and
aow 1 oarry their hUdra - back and
forth oa my ear." aay Mr. Ml It.
He aay that the heet-naturad and moat
Intoreatlnf crowd that h Carrie an
th throng at kick ecfceel boy and Hrl
aad they IB turn are glad to nd with
th Jolly, white-haired conductor.
Mr. Mill kad a wide variety of arcu
pallan be for he becam a trt ca
cooductor. He waa In turn farmer, bar.
nam aMfcer, auotloaur, travaHng aalra
maa, hotel keeper. And he tcatlfle to
th tact that, throughout. Mr. Mill hai
been th very boat ort of helpmate.
Both Mr.-and- Mm- Mrrk) r CTj1lh
born baring com t thte country wltt
tbetr parent when tkf were cMMrta
Th Omana alumni chapter at th Phi
IHita Theta will boM their annual
dlanor aad reunion with th cttv chap
tar at trie ttau nlverlty Friday night
at . lb Unlearnt, dub. lavtuttona.
which are of a Corel variety, bar al
ready been hjaucd and call for no dremy
affair. Urea aula will be tabooed.
Only llr one are wanted. Th meet
IBC will be topped with on abort ad
drea. "College."
For Sprains
Sloaa'e Liniment it the best rcoMd tor
aprsja Una bruites. u qioea
the paia, telietee coofcitioo nd
reduces the iwellinjytryqukklT.
Hntrs nboof
Mr. VaBT a Toawt. ena.
M St, r teeaaeM, J,wul
t frtemd aeraeeed an aakle e
badly H went Mean. Me
Uacaed vbaa I atelbealweoid
bare eua ea m weak, bat I
eoaae u fm aaa ea MP
Maa'e UM, - la leer
dan be wee wecblac.aad aud
litirai angaageea
Mr. ia BaTcaaia, at eh,
SJO: UJ) 4, wrlwaj -Wr
" Laa
M iiiii1it a aa anthjeptle beam cwta, w
a draw te peiM from atSer el pemoaen i
aad burn, i
'o yj M
J k
Craig Withdraws
from the Eace for
City Commissioner
City Engineer Ceor W. Craig hti with
drawn ttuin Hi ra. for city commis
sioner. He aaa the last to file and la the
nly candidal who ha withdrawn aloe
th fliinaa cloard.
"la doing liila." aald Mr. Craig. be
cause 1 would not be able to devot my
entire time to the work, the death of my
partner. 8imul Katx, throwing a hear
ir burden of work on me.
1 am very tlutnkful to my ardent sup
porter tor thru- hearty encouragement,
and my request I that In this election
they will um their beet endeavor ta place
at office mea of sterling character."
Mr. Craig raid be bad no desir to
"continue In politics" If be had an op
portunity, and much preferred th prac
tice of bis profession to any vtflc anyway.
Th daughter f Mr. and Mr. J. X.
Gallup. Louie. 1 yean eld. & Lath
rap street, has prart-cally recovered from
the hock n lustalned by falling under
a street ear fender near her bom Satur
day afternoon. Only the noes at broken
sad th forehead cut. Th child hi up
aad ha a hearty appetite.
Tkr aever waa a Cm wbea popt ap
preciated th real martta at Chamber,
aua Cough Remedy mora tkaa aow.
Tkl I ebewa. by th Increase la at! aad
volaatary testlewnlala from person who
kav beta cured by ft. If yoa r your
hlldrea are troubled wtth a rw or
cold glr K a trial and beaem accXBttd
wrtk Its gocd ans litis, rr 1 by all
Marooned Fatiengen Well Taken
Care Of at Several Point,,
Train Get a Mart Leaded te th
Guards Mmlteds Go First
Other Trains Have AUles
All rilled.
While there ii no law requiring It
ther Is a rul that I almost a law
unto Iteelf. whereby the railroad corn
pan lea feed all passenger who are de
tained on their train after" the expira
tion of twenty-four hours, providing they
art unable to carry these panienger on
to destination, or deliver them to con
necting line.
As result of th feeding rule, meal
for parsrnrers have been an expensive
'tern wtth the Omaha roads during th
last few days. At Fremont for two day
ths I'nlon Pacific haa been feeding 1.0TO
to l.Mt passenger and about half as
many at Omaha. Th Northwestern fed
nenrly GOO at Fremont and more than
IOD In Omaha, while th Burlington sup
plied meals to torn X at Kdgemont.
sat at Omaha and halt as many more
at point out In th state.
The meal that the eompantee have
been supplying have not been of the
lunck counter variety, but hv ranged
around X cent each, being supplied by
the boteli, or th railroad eating houses
at th points where the passenger kav
been marooned.
Sew Kile Fast.
Th rapidity with which people fcara
that trains are to resume a schedule
after being out of commission for ev
eral day 1 something that surprises
th railroad officials.
Vntll yesterday th Vnloa Pacific had
not been running train out of Omaha to
th Pacific coast. LHuing all this time
th Chicago. Kansas City and Rt. Paul
rosds had been landing west-bound
passenger in Omaha. Upon reaching
her a majority of them scattered about
town, th t nion station being practically
Testerdar morning It waa about r
when the Infjrmatl. reached th na
tloa that the Union racltlc would run
train west In th afternoon. At that
time ther were not a doiea persons
around th station. An hoar later there
wss a Jam and at am waiting rooms
sad platform were a crowded that U
was almost impose! bl for on to worm
through the crowds. They were all
class of people. Including everybody
from mlaTnt to millionaires and th
most of them wanted to get away oa
the first strain.
Limited Trala First,
The first two trains out were th
limited, earning only first that pae-
eengers. balding sleep! rjr ear ticket
and consequently they were filled only
to rapacity, but la tb others the car
seats were all occupied, with many
standing ia tb aJslee.
For th Umltsd. some of thee who
were aazWaa t get west, were mack
wiser ILsa atbsrat Taey kaaw that
New Inspectors to
Clean Up the City
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell
has recommended to th city council
th appointment of four additional sani
tary Inspector and has appointed ths
following, subject to counctlmanic ap
proval: George Mortality. C. O. Crimea,
A. Ia McHugh, Max Kattlcman.
Owing to recent thaws following heavy
snowa and an increased carelessness on
th part of residents. Dr. Connell asys
th alley of th city are In an unsani
tary condition. Much rubbish is plied up
th alley and unless removed and
stricter enforcement of the sanitary laws
secured, a contagion of disease rosy de
velop following th going out of the
they boagbt tickets aad berths tor tb
first trala. Thai gave them aa oppor
tunity to ride ea the trala that piloted
all ether up through tb flood Mrtckca
district of the valley of the Platte.
"Com at once; there a robber in the
To above remark was heard by
Bergeant Barry Monday night over the
Phone, and arter Insisting that the
woman say It wa not an "April Fool
Joke," he sent two officer to th place,
!S7 South Eleventh street
Th officer found th house securely
fastened, nothing amiss, except a rat
which had wandered about the room
and thoroughly frightened tb three
wome& ocrugiants. When the est
knocked over a stool nd uptet a cup,
the women thought aura a burglar wa
Inside, th minions of th Isw quieted
th team of the ladle and then re
turned th station to worry about
lat "Joke."
On th Union Pacific' Overland lim
ited that went out yesterday, three
days late, there were several passenger
who were booked to sail from Ban Fran
cisco Thursday and Friday of the present
week. Their boats will have lr ft port be
fore their arrival and when they swung
onto the train they were doing lot of
guessing as to what they would do when
they reached th coast.
Ther were two men from Chicago, two
5ssarjB-B t
from New Tork and en from Cleveland.
Each of th fir had secured bertn and
paasag and each had paid for hat ticket.
The delay In being able to catch another
teamer wa on thing that annoyed
them and whether or not ther would be
a refund or a transfer wa another thtnir
that mad them rues. Ticket agents at
the station could not solv tb problems.
Of tb mea contemplating ocean voy
ag two were ticketed to Yokohama and
thro t Honolulu.
Omaha Man Buys Into
Eorence State Bank
Harry E. Lewis, formerly with tb City
National bank, ha bought out the In
terest Of F. T. Parker in ths Farmers'
Stat bank of Florence and will become
Ita cashier. W. R. Wall will remain as
president. Mr. Parker haa sold out to
devot hi entire time to hi orange
groves in Florida. The board of direc
tor ot th bank now consist of W. K.
Wall. H. E. Lewi, a. JX Olmsted and
C E. Wall.
Every woman is invited to consult our Star? of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the
Intalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Ynby letter at my expense R. V.Pierce, M.D.
There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the
hands of unskilled persons. . It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism There is every reason why she should write a specialist.
: As a powerful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked " worn-out "
ruti-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
nnequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
As a soo thine and strength
ening nervine " Favorite rre
icription" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
dihaustioru nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, aad other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attend ant'upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scriDtion is devised and nnf
up by a phvskian of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies. Its intredient.
have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice. "igrcojenw
The "Favorite Prescription" is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more. scase.
Accept no ucrct nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine or knowh
COMPOsrros, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all DrutSSS
dv-t. ricasacc rcucrs uvigoruc tne stomacn, liver and bowels. One to thn?
HEBBB iJtrXLlDr MOTEL. Bmttmlm, M. T. "
rtoass tead brtssr f dviss ad rear Bosk tat Weesea. as aes aad awai. mis
kMaaybliskaBBf pMwausmaT wad mg. ald
! Ky Kama. , , IIM '
Psst Offloa... ffnt....M..- , M...H.1 !
Bo fc mVesT Are yea jmrrkdT.
.- r '"y ' 1 rf ill lliiiasa fji i , ,
aifnuef us eaefcwa which res seller mmm T-s creese, (XI) ;
S2Sit2 BehwUew. KldTnmU. fW
:::::.hI rwHn bt, ...j.cITS,
fzua Jala tin Seelfc TieH
P.. Bark --,"7 .. OeanaaPata Sft
StiecliTreable WaUrs nk -.
I female weakae. .. ....Caaag. t Uf. ."...iTVZ. ' "j?ZL?
I Drr, mw eaW aystpfesri ea a sapiaai steal weV
a dose.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to cay cost of wrapping and mailing mh
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, IOCS pages, cloth-bcund
tad Surgical Institute, K. V. Pierce. M. D, President. Burtalo. N.-Y.
on tt free copy
: Invalids' Hots.