Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Colorado Citiieu Seek to. Include
. Ptber Lines ia Xeuuc , ; -
n. n
Standing! . Hack
tta taeaet that lui
Already OaeeKel Ht Jtet
Beea rny riMiOh
(From a -Staff CanMpendftt
6U!X0T0M. April t6peml Tee
HTmre.)-ni beertrrr before th Judicial?
eomaUltr M th Xorrla bill to limit th
width tbs Vtlra Pacmc rlgM-of-way
set for tothoerbw. ' Baa "been now post
nea am Thursday at the raaueet of
CmnaaM Ruche sad Taylor of Cai
erado. whoa coacttruewts bar wired
tcera thst tty cannot reach Washington
until, Apra 4. Juds Noiria aald that
certain amendments vara desired by th'
Colqiajle people, but that b hoped the,
mlibrf conii be incorporated In a am
atat bin. ap as1 not to delay action v
him own .measure. ;.'
From -IsfarautaM received"! by Con
greoeroaa TtfHx-M appears tbat the Oil
erade asMndratat deetrsd propose to In
dud la th Mil canreyaBCes ay tat Kaa
aaa Panne Railroad company and V
Stittr JPaciOc Railroad company, la a
der ta valldat daed aiad alone lb
l!aa at, tb latter almtlar In their na
ture to thea made aloe tba Una of th
Union Pacific, tlie Denvai Pacific com
pony having beta iDOorporatad u a part
at tba aid Vnloa Pacific under tb act
nf imi and rctaeQuent years.
Catorada People's Ocatr.
Thar art a number ot pcopl la Colo
rado lirfng alone tb Una ot th Den
ver Pacific road who acquired tbatr prop
erty by means of conveyance from joa.
caenpanies at lie) and la later year er
gaalsed by til director and office re o.
tba Dearer part no bad Urn Kansas ps
etfn (or th purposs of acquiring, bold
In: aad disponing af band along the
llaea at laaat roads: aad It la claimed
by th Colorado partle that they ar
ias a much entitled t have their title,
validated a ere th people a bo acquire
their laoda through till directly from
the railroad companies.
Tb Colorado people further suggest
that I ha Nam bill should raclt that
tba right-of-way was (ranted by the
geuiaest not only by tb act of eoa
areas of July net, but aleo the acta a.
Jhaly t Itm and March J, IN. They ate',
that It might well ta held that carta,,
rights are degendeat upon tb art a.
im and IMI and that It wsuld b moral
a aot of precaution ta Include tbtm. ,
Steadies Back Fratrot.
Forms! protest ualnat spaaing 1.131.1.
ores of laad to. th Standing Rock In .
diea reeerratlon Is North and South be
beta baa beea Hied wtth th indlaa offle.
aad tb Indam affaire rammlHee of th.
keens by aa Indian deie ration from tlu
raaarrauon, conalatlng of John Ormee
Baajarala While, Robert p. IIKheadW
Aatolna V Ruck brain, Claude K...iiotua
Jena Ttoaeatn ant.Tboauu aated.
Th dlgtloa appeared brfore tb
houea committee Ihla umlin la laraa.
dauLpproval af lb bill now peadiag befor.
tba . ooaimlHe. It pejeed the aenau
about a aaeatb at. "' ' ,..
Ct(h aaedna bctlna are eet font
fat tbatrrtuea yraDarT filed, cblaf of whtet
la that ah (and opened aa aatthuMnt ll
1Mb tree tb reatrrauoa. bar awt boon
fully filed unea by earrhjra, and that until
hy are aceuplod rurtbar dtmliuahlnc af
th Indlaa hurt anould not b auiborlted.
Tb laataaa claim that they need th
pTotsaid tract for traalnc pAirpoaea. ae
cauaa they are una tie ta aaaka a bTliur
at faraalBf aad muet bare th ranae for
their cattM. Tb area wltbla th Male of
tout I) Dakota Biapcaed ta be opened for
sattlamoat K Wjm aoroer and ta North
teUota PHM tore. ;
Saccharin. Order
Goes Into Effect
WAKHINOTON. April 1 The pur toad
board order refulaUnj: the ua ot aac
r harts la foada. aa a oubatltut for ur
beraoie aftectte today. ' la that aoanae
tlaa attoraera for certain toad aiaautaa
tiarar made public a letter to tba eec ro
tary as HrMlim proteetlnd that th
aertetoa af th board cava tb toipraa.
alaa that th uee of aaochmrlB waa pra
blMteeV abeolutely. Tba letter dackuaa
taat tba ecie1a'raiHa the uee of
aaceharla praTtdtac a label ladlcata
that It la uaed for tba. eoaeflt af tboa
ta whom tutar nay be eVletertooa to
health. -
Tb ardar af the board apaclflcaUy pee
mtta tb uee ot aacehartn ki food for
invalids r aanl-brralM erha caaaot aagr
sacar and tb food manufacturer arctic
, - ai.
- . A. -
We eannot stand the enormout inorease in rent on our store room at 1119 Farnam street. So we are forced to close out our immense new stock
of Men's and Women's Clothing and Furnishings at a tremendous sacrifice. To vacate in time we must slaughter prices below anything ever
heard of In Omaha before. Come here and buy your new spring outfit for LESS THAN HALF WHAT YOU'LL PAY ELSEWHERE.
Ladies Suits Every one 1912 mod
' el, high grade tailored and new
collar and lapels, fine all wool
Serges,-' "Whipcords, Worsteds,
Broadcloth and other novelty fab
ric. Sizes for misses and ladie.
Regular selling price $15.00 to
$40.00. Forced Out Aft
Sale, roar choice f Dair 0
iastr Dresses Values np to $20
made from the following mater
ials: Silks, Messaline., Voiles and
Serges. Misses and Ladies' sizes.
Forced Out Sale, tQ ifi
jour choice JfJtO
$15 Ladies' Silk Rubberized Rain
coats, in all sizes. Fore r no
ed Out Sale Price 90
$10 Ladies' Serge Kubberized Rain
coats, Forced Out fit AO
Sale Price i.J0
$7.50 Ladies' Slip-On Raincoats,
Forced Out Hale . 1 MQ
Price ....5.i0
$1.00 values Ladies' Silk ftf
Hose, only in tan shades ...6vC
A great lot of Children's Dresses,"
odds and ends, all sizes. Regular
$1.50 value, Forced Out ; flf
Sale Price .3C
2 and $3 Ladies' House Dresses, a
large assortment Forced '
Out Sale Price, choice . . . . jj. I C
10.00 and $12.50 Voile and ' Wool
Ladies Skirts, Forced Out Sale
Price, your J a AO
choice J"
5.00 and $7.50 All Wool Serge and
Panama Ladies' Skirts, some ex
tra large sizes. Forced Ont Sale
Price, your 41 Qfi
choice ,fl:
All Ladies' Skirts that sold up to
$2.50, tans, blues and black colors.
Forced Out Sale Price, Qfif
your choice 0C
$5.00 Ladies' Silk Kimonos, in ell
sizes, your choice, Forced 1 & 0
Out Sale Price 5510
$2.00 Ladies' Flannel and Crepe Ki
monos, large assortment of shades,
vour choice, Forced 7!,db
Out Sale Price
200 Winter Coats Some medium
and heavy weights, in the latest
novelties and plain shades. , Sold
up to $25.00, Forced tfr A A
Out Sale Price iMV
5 Ladies' Fur Coats, Skinner satin
linings, sold for $50; will close
them out at unheard 19 ?A
of sale price ..vlaW
$15.00 Ladies' Block Silk Loose' and
i Tight Fitting Long Coats, Forced
Out Sale . . tjfi 00
Price .............. .i. VVV?
$i(X00 Ladies' '. Spring "iTickets,
,Forced Out Sale . . it) AO
Price WU,V0
Ladies' Hats that sold up to $10
take your ohoice, Fore- AA
cd Out Sale Price 1.VW
Pettteoktg, r"ortd
IS. 09 Bilk
Tie ...
Southeast Corner
12th and Farnam Sts,
- Wottih Friday
Papoi- for Dlgf
Salo on Shoos
Saturday Morning
flt Sa
SOe Ladla' rianael PeUieosta. Forced Oat
Eai Plica 104
f 1.S0 Udie PeUlcoata. In plain and fane
atripad Heather bloom materiaia. Your
cholca, FOrcad Out Sale Pric
I.tO Fancy Pleated Petticoat. Forced ;
Out Sale Price 9St !
f 1.00 Ladle' White Muelin Petticoau,
embroidered trim mine, Forced Out Sale ,
Price -v 35 ;
S.6 Net WalaU. In white and cream col- '
era. Forced Out Sale Price ....$1.43 '
IS.S0 Ladtea' Bilk Waists. In white, ecru
and black colors, open Iront or back; also
high trade Net Waists, silk lined, in all
slKa. Your choice, Forced Out fate
fric S2.24
$2.50 Tailored Waists, some plain and
fancy embroidered. Forced Out Sale
Price 69
fl.00 Ladies' Whit Waists, trimmed In
laces and embroidery, all aiies, For el
Out Sale Price 45
ISo Black Lawn and Sateen Waists, open
front or back, Forced Out Bale Price 35
1,000 Ladles' Dressing Barques, Talues up
to ll.eO' Your choice. Forced Out Sale
Price : ..-35
69c values Ladles' Corset Covert, Force 1
Out Bale Price J....19
Corset Covers,
$1.00 values Ladies' best quality Muslin
Blip Overs, neatly trimmed, Forced Out
Sal Price , 35
75c P. N. Ladles' Corsets ........38
$1.00 P. X. Ladles' Corsets 59
tt.ll P. IC Ladles' Corset 79
$1.75 P. N. Ladles' Corsets 98
Me Ladles Belts 2
tSe Ladles Vests. In many colors. Forced
' Out Bale Price -5
60c Ladles' Stock Collars, also Frills, Ja
, bote and Collars Your choice, Forcel
Out Bale Pric 10
$4.00 and $5.00 French Wavy Switches,
strictly first quality, J 4 to JS inches
Mens;, assorted la all shades. Your choice,
Forced Out Sale Pric $1.00
$1.00 and $1.60 Ladles'
Fortwd Out Sal Price .
$1.00 Talues' Ladles' Back Combs. Inlaid
14k gold and rhlneetone. A large selec
tion to choose from. Forced Out Bale
Price 35
ro j $4.00 and $3.00 French Plumes, of beautl-
xvr V ' I .w I . t I I
a us auaie aiuva, w uiun atatiie aoauea..
very heavy, np to 10 inches long. Your
choice. Forced Out Sale Price ..$1.00
3(c value, one big lot of Children's Mus
lin Drawers. Forced Out Sale Price.
, 15
6c Children's Handkerchiefs ........ l
Remember, this stork goes ' ' sale)
Thursday morning, April 4, promptly at
E:SO. .
, Reaiembe the Xame and X umber
1110-11X1.1123 Farnam Street.
MK.VS 8UT8 That we' are selling "for
$12.60 and $20.00, made from Imported
worsteds, casetmeres and blue and fancy
serges. Sizes from 33 to 60. t aa n
We offer yoa your choice, - 3k MX
Forced Out Bale Price ... . j.,v'vv.
Men's Overcoats that sold op
to $25, will go at this Forc
ed Out Sale, your choice .'
$12.50 and $15.00 Men's Cravenettes, made
by the uoodyear Raincoat
Co. Your choice, Forced -Out
Sale Price. .;,:.,..
$10 Men's Rubberized Sllp
Ons, Forced Out Sale
' Price
$2.60 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, ,
Forced Out Bale ... . . '
Price v.
Men's Dress -Trousers that sold
np to $2.60 will go In this
. Forced Out Sale, choice
$2.00 Men's Everyday PknU, All
a lies. Forced Out Bale
Price .............
$2.00 ilea's Corduroy Pants,
Forced .Out Bale
$2.00 and $3.50 Men's Hats, everyone
this season's styles, includ
ing derbys. Forced Out Bale
I J. to Men's Hats -'Fedoras,' firscers.
Crashers and Derbys,' In many shades,''
Forced Out Sale Price .......... 75
ittes, made
1 sw"T,-T-t-y" ''Tr 1T11 is sll
$1.50 and $1.00 Men's Sample Hats, about
1.000 to close out. Forced Out Bale
Price . ; 35
$1.00 Boys' HaU. black, brown and pearl
colors, all Staple shapes. Forced Out
Sale Price 25
50c Men's and Boys' Dress Caps Forced
Out Sale price 15
10c .Men's Black Sateen Caps, long or
short patent peaks. Forced Out Sale
Price 3
25c Men's Lisle Hose, la 25 shades. Forced
Out Sale Price 10
15c Men'a Black Hose - 5
$2.00 Dress Kid Gloves, Forced Out Bale
Pric w 79
35e Men's Wool and Caasimere Hose, Forc
ed Out Sale Pric 134?
$10.00 Leather Suit Cases, only few to be
closed out, your cioice, silk or lesther
lined. Forced Out Sale Price . $3.98
J2.00 Men's Union Suits, in blue, flesh,
cream or white colors, all sizes. Forced
' Out Sale Pric 89
50c Men's Silk Four-in-hand Ties. Forced
Out Sale Price -19
25c Men's Silk Neckties, Forced Out Sale
price , ..15
la Men's Four-in-hand Ties, Forced, Out
Sal Price ..34
15c Men's Pocket Combs 2
10c Fine Family Combs 1
60c Clothes Brushes 10
15c Boys' .Suspenders 5
, We are forced to give up posses
sion of our three-story building on
such short notice and therefore are
giving the public, the greatest op
portunity to save money now on
purchasing wearing apparel for
seasonable use. Our landlord waa
under the impression that we had a
gold mine in his building and only
raised ouf rent to double of what
we were paying and, to convince
him such is not the case, we have
decided to give -him possession aa
soon aa we can sell out our $75,000
Southeast Corner
12th arid Farnam Sts.
Watch Friday
Paper for Dig
Salo on Shoos
Saturday Morning
teat It la Obrteua therefore that tta uee
cannot a regarded a daaseroas ta h
health af a well person. They arsu
further that sucar la asea aa a Condi
merit aad that Ut puMte should bar th
prtvuef af eheoalns betweea sugar and
eaoeharla aravMlns tb presence of tb
Utter Incredleat I sleuaetly aclarad
an the laheL .
SIOUX VXU. 8. D.. April WSpfri
daD After sasoUatlons atttad'tiw
eeverai weeke, th memaars ot what la
known aa tba Vfutf Creek ' UefiaoaJte
eolorfy, sltsated Th Hotchliujoa count.',
ha conchaled arranseaeante- tor th
purcbaas of . aeras af land ta Man.
tana, upon which a branch Wolf Creek
colony vrill be eetabtUhea. Tba Moatana
tract cost 1300, 30. and It la vndaratoad
Avoid Blends! Send us your order for
Hayner BOTTLED-IN-BOND Whiskey
Yoa KNOW it is good and pure the Government's
Green Stamp ever the cork b your protection.
4 ,
other may xacuue
so matter bow
. tonptattbeiroBersmay
artra let tbey oSer
BeUlttVm-Bomi whiakey
snd lentembertbsT
is only one way yoa caa
be sevs of tettiac pure,
strsit whiakey aad
that is to intitt oa
BflfJetl-te Bond.
1raafs wbat s offer yoa Hay
Ser Prrrat Stock Bottled-io-
rkmd iukey neb, pur
- and debases shipped in
trnkd cast Direct from Da
, Cllervaad ail rt coats you is
m) far FOUR fuU quans
cipi est charges paid.
THerea so suestion about a
wbiaaey Uke Iko tb Co
emiseofs Grees Stsina) over
theoork eewassarance that
w Bottled-m-J3oBd tuily
IsuitDL jnmsl
WANT yoa so
TRY this wWatey
00 cr gaarante
yea wOl find it ail w
daira as fin aa you
ever tasted and tb
best value yoa ever saw
or yon easy Bend it
back at oar iijiniwi
and w wiil rstura yow
that spat cash was paM, tb Wolf Creek
cekwiata halnc amonc th wealthlaat In
th oeuatry. Th eolony haa' erOoyea a
ataadr laeraaa in number until It aa
eaa aeoeesary ta ear tor the surpiua.
as th tract la Montana waa pirrchaaed.
Taken to hospital;
House Catches Fire
Taken to the hospital with a broke teg
yeeterSey afternoon and fir eraakfnc out
la hi hoiae early m the nwmlnc. la
Jena E. Dtrkereon'a hKk.
At le o'clock Ihla BMrnlns tlama had
raoeed heavy aanas at Ucaaraoa' real,
daaca at tU Iarker tret. How th
fir Maries aaa aot learned. Th lastly
was away, ttteaeraaa la a Mere.
Nelsheor were arouaed by the flanes
and ruaned out In tnelr night ctothes ta
Sir th a tana.
take al taa ra aad
we la
'jgieeeeee eJ
se4 full 100 preoi. fuU Ltvrw
mrasiaw and a gmmntm " I
mtetaanr at ipM tmmm
mtm K er
that it oceon to yoa iuat
feleAtneeMtUlary, la ail its
origiaai purity and gorrlneay
Kate Mm at ke. ahr a) cenb
irreiea. Where elae eaa yea boy a Beetled.
avSood vrtueaeref Out
at Uaa stae. .
CSVee aad Shippaif Pa) nmli i at '
KUataeav KBaetsJea
rregraats for the Kebraaka lllatory aa
aoriaaoa aprtns Bwatlna. ta be held la
Oawha May and t, were laeeed with la
ntaOona yesterday afternoon by th pub
licity bureaa at the Caauneneal eta.
Dr. Albert Uueanell Han ot Harvard
university, waa Is bated la th Omaha
teachers' lecture eoura. will be the prin
cipal epio or al the first aneetlns. He
will talk oa th prevent eondltloas Is
lr. rrsd Morrew nine ot Kearaaka ant.
varalty wOl read act a nodal raetuttoa la
Greek lllatory th earned afternoon, and
atlas Barbara Bart at the Lincoln Hfcjh
acaeol wtll lead Ua aeoeraj dtecuaelom.
A basin seeetjn arlU be held each
say. Varied entertain me at wtll be of
fered th vlaltor. Several luncheons at
the Haialllaa cafe. Twenty-fourth aad
rvaasi aueets. are schedules.
Bicknell Tonnf of London Speaks
Twio at Local Charon.
Saye the What b)et at Kelisloa
la t Item la Haaaaai Taaasat
. the Hlskt Caaeapttaai ;
af Mvlalty. -'
As tatereetins laetur npoa Christian
Science waa delivered last ulfht st tb
First Church ot Christ, adentlet. Twenty-fourth
sad St Marys svaon, by Bick
nell Youns. C 8. B., of London, Ensland.
Mr. Toon la a netnber of the hoard f
lectureship of th Mother church la Boa
ton, Maaa. ..
Aa audience of approximately 1.M peo
ple heard the lecture, which told of the
accomptlanroente of Chrlatlaa Bcleooa.
Th sun lecture will be delivered acaia
tonltht by Mr. Youns.
"Tb atataenent 'Ood Is food" ta gen
erally accepted, but not saers:ly ander
tood." said the speaker. "It mean far
more than la generally associated with
It. It not anly Indicates the nature ot
Oca. but IndJratea Ood HlmaelC. It coroee
te as more clearly, per nape, when used
conversely, and consequently Christian
Scientists oftta ao ua It. Th szprea
elon tnOnlt goad Is Ood give a clearer
meaning ta the word Cod.
"Tb whole ebhwt af religious educa
tion ehoukt be t arouse In human
Uwaght a tight esnceetloa of divinity,
and thereby aaahe humaa aeangs to ap
prehend the way C deltvsraace from
evtl. The way is the Striae Christ, the
correct knowledge al Ood.
Natare af tHvtatty Ceea. " "
"Mew recognising that tb nature of
divinity must be eternal, aad therefor
wholly good, wo aea that Ood could aot
la aay way eatsrtala any evlL BrO. tn
af fan
IT yon h nearer i
ts htm farerar Om csaxaar
an wlthaat leuletrtrts atthar
er thtrat. bm feed htm ana
ta eat or to drink
la a satisfactory as
the only one."
Aa Aat Canaalaa
means many bad brulae. which Buck
lea's Arnica Bales heals quickly, as It
does aoraa, euta, burns sad piles. Sc.
For ssla by Beaton Drug Co.
Be VTsnt Ada Producs Result.
. Omaha Woman'' club members wer
urged to get out at the primaries and
vat for nominee for the ecnool board
by Mrs. George Ttlden, chairman ot th
educational committee, yesterday.
Tb program of yesterday's meeting.
which sit in charge of th art depart
mast, waa called eft, owing te tb In
ability of the principal speaker. Miss
Sara Harden, head of Hi art department
of the I'htvertlty of Nebraska, to get. ts
Omaha owing la tbs floods. Miss Hay.
aea will be invited te address the club
at its birthday party April K
The nominating committee te draw an
a slat for th club election, April U.
comprises th chairmen of the at ending
committees, aa follows: Mesdamas F. H.
Straight. A. K. Oautt, Edward Johnson.
C. H. Marlay, t. W. Lindsay, C. H.
Aull. Warren Swllsler. K. R. J. Edbolm.
F. H. Cols and William Berry.
Stimulate your buanwes by advertising
In Th Bee- th nawipaper that reaches
all qt the buysrs. '
If This is
a Biscuit
m at
Whan Tom C. Quinlaa. t!9 Farnent
ajai, ease red ta a flajtat with a nun In
front of a saloon at Twcntr-atxth an
Los reseat tar etreets last eight, he 4M
net antkaoate sayana auacaing bias frma
healed. Just aa he waa retting th
better ot his adversary, whoa a me th
paUre has not learned, another saaa
pkdted ap a brick aad struck QuInUs
ever the" right ey. -
The bis knocked aim dbern, wherenpoa
twe snaa disappeared la the eat aa eaa
Quinlaa went ta a a ears, r diusstute. bad
west ta th pone station. A dtp pay
eidaa foaad he had reserved a tractor
ot th skull, aad had Mm takes to St.
Hie Bsjary la net eon
Mo arrasta bad beea
see last aarht. attaaeagh aa keaeSry sua
tbs fight la batnt
ot haman eatpertence. They do not be
long te the drrtne nature: they never
originated there. Any supposition that
they did sa originate Is erroneous, for It
would hnnly th aacaastty of aa element
of elfeatrurtton In Ood Himself. -"It
ts for this reason that Chrtsttas
Scteaoe boldly announce the doctrtna
which la often anaeeeptsbl to ordinary
reUglotai thewght. It does not find It
aaeeaeary te aacriba sla asd disease to
Ood. either directly er by proxy, la order
te account for them. Indeed It declare
that primarily on does not Med ta c-
oaaat tor cm. tb nrai an. eseicy m
get rat ef ertl. sad that neriaaitr befag
tultmd. evtl Is ImtDedlataty aerouneed
tar. There I ne ether way af nrow.Mtmg
for er aantalnrnc avU. . It a nhyalrsaB
aueteede at belpras a aattant vat et
eutfertes, any ejrplanaaoa which he
aught stva would be vaJualess. the vai
oaSle part af his ai.hlMmnl haing fa
th sllmla llea af tb saftarlng; farther,
aethtn aa asdstactarOy aspialas anfTer
ln aa theatatiwaonef a. It hr e with
One the t . sad. sickly looking- one was baked with t ir baking nowimtt
possibly the high-priced kind possibly the cheap, big cm i'ioL It denotes a
lack of leavening gas. or an an even distribution of same or bah. The other th
Urge, light, fluffy one was prepared with Calumet Baking POdt i , And denotes the
nerer-failing, delicious baking that always results from its use. '
CaJ timet does not cost as much as tba high price baking powder, but it is very much su
perior in every way it is purer more reliable more healthful. Here are the reasons:
All baking powders undergo a chemical change in the process of baking. You do not take
it into the stomach in the same form as it is in the can. For example: When you use Cream
of Tartar Baking Powder yoa get Rochefle Salts in your food, because the Cream of Tartar
during this reaction turns into Rocbelle Salts. This, as yoa know, is a drug, and should be
taken only under doctor's orders. ,
Calumet is so carefully and scientifically prepared that the neutralization of the ingredients
i aosoiuteiy pence t, 7 , ,
1 1
- That it is absolutely pur and of highest quality is proven by the fact that ' I I
xvDAtune poudeii S
"... -A. Recwed bigbest award .World's Pure Jvft Qw,,
. v Food Exposition. Chicago, 1907 - JS)$&Jz&jm