Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Beautiful Displays of Smart Suits and Coats
Be Especially Attractive Tomorrow
The New Suits
"iVe have carefully prepared a showing of spring suits so
comprehensive and offering such a diversity of styles that you
ri!l find it an exceedingly easy matter to select here just the
stylo which meets your every requirement, either as to style
and design or fabric and color.
Goldstein Bros, of New York City have built up a reputa
tion of cleverness and individuality and the scores of charming
models selected from their handsomest designs show plainly
these' distinguishing characteristics.
The cutaway jacket with either one, two or three buttons
seems most favored, revers are new and cleverly fashioned.
Separate collars of Eponge or Bedford cord are a pleasing
new feature of the season. Skirts follow, the narrow tailored
linos, many have panel back and the new envelope effect.
Wolpcords In all the new shadee; serges,
worsteds and mannish mixtures ere ell s4
In these splendid suite.
Jl'MOR fclZKft IS, IS and 17
mcrs S15. S17.50. 819.75. $22.50
end 825.00-
822.50. $25.00. 829.75- 832.50
835.00 P 845.00-
The Coats
Radical departures from ideas of past seasons have added
nu air of elegance and charm to the coats shown by tis this
season. E. J. Wile & Co., who are foremost in executing the
season's favored fashions, have done much to make our
Spring Opening Displays the most successful of any we have
ever held by contributing the pick of their wide range of
styles to our showing.
Materials are Whipcords in plain and two-tone shades,
plain or wide wale serges, fancy tweeds and worsteds and
mannish mixtures. ' An almost unlimited range of colors and
styles. 1
. Deserving of special mention is the "Gaby Model" which
' is sbown exclusively by us in Omaha. The accompanying
illustration gives an idea of this exquisite new model.
' Junor Bizes 15 and 17. Sizes 32 to 40 for Ladies. Prices,
$12.50. $13.50. $15.00, $17.50, $19.75, $22.50,
$25, $29.75, $32.50 up to $60.00.
Haodsom new Spring and Summer catalogue now being mailed. Your copy U readjr.
Bend for It now.
!s la a ssrtoua condition as a result of
the xperlene. ' . V , ifV- "' '
Ieeader Pollocks nous Hear the
lUmMft w, inept away and, Pol
lee, a ho tuil taken' Uluge on throof,
uH his lite by catchlns: hald at a tree,
tie u rescued ater eight hour. -
Many boss wars saved by being piled
feat beyesowe er tut haystacks. ,
la- aeaaam' Ave at Wae-hu
ror three oej 'lar'si sense et ma
have beea at' work ok the break la the
main line ot the L'ulon Pacific near Mer
cer, the drat station thl side et Fre
mont, where nearly a mile of track was
entirely walked eway or badly demised.
TMe work has been ceriied on night and
day, aad at 11 o'clock today the end of
the tracks bad been connected. Prom
the! time en there was a hustling la the
operating department to get the tretfle
again started westwsrd.
It wee neceecery to run the tralne to
Frsmost on tolofreph orders, aa the Mock
, system between Omaha and that point
to out et order.
Mare Berne we Oekare Week.
The Kenkwaetera got Its ft ret train
In from the weH alnce Saturday. It
handled i psssengers, who were dis
charged at the Union stetlon a Uttle after
11 o'clock. However, they did net come
en a through train. Thle road had ea
. peeted as eeMMteb through service ever
it Klkkorn eelley line lat nlsht and
bag praetteally completed the repelre at
the Arlington washout. Some time dur
ing the Bight, softened by tk seepage of
mater, e large Motion of the bank elld
eet'- Jl. , TV
Aft Erou
Xcclimclic Gum K
I Hist I iiiiai.lwMnvs, I
AS ems Mir Md.l I
e). a. seer a ee . txtssn M r
" ie-iw ww .J I
"Cef & Ipmek sAg NOTCH"
t t i . !
prevent further flood damage.
fke president will ue pan of the ap
propriation U granted by congress la
destroying a huge ke gorge In the Hie.
soort Titer between -Yaaktoa . end Ver
million, a d.
"i am advised by the secretory of war.
wheee report 1 transmit herewith.' sey
the president la hie message, thel the
flood la the Mlaatsstppt eelley by reaeon
of the nee la all the river tributary to
the Mississippi nag Missouri at aeerly
the eame time la likely In the lower
part at the valley-that la, Mleeourl. Ken
tucky, Arkansas; Tennessee, Mississippi
end tesHanato reach e higher point
along the leveea than It baa ever reached
within recent paoeaorlse, aad that there Is
very grave dancer that the levees may
give way aader this unusual pressure
and that grest damage may be done to
preperty In the states mentioned, requir
ing, unless prompt action la taken, (rest
future outlay In preening the proper
aevtgatlon of the stream.
"These leveea contribute not only to
the safety of the adjoining agricultural
land aad ssttlementa, but are alec pert
of the great governmental nroJect for
the maintenance of navigation In the
lower weter of the Mississippi.
"It seems proper, therefore, that the
government take Immediate action to
make the lose impending aa little ee
peesible. la view of the character of
the emergency and the safeguards sur
rounding the expenditure made under
the corps of engineers, I have no heslta
tlon la asking for nn appropriation of
MS.eal es reeonrmended by the secre
tary of war.
1 urgently recommend en Immediate
appropriation so thai so time may be
la taking the necessary steps to
prevent what, but Ibr governmental ac
tion, may be a loea not only of many
millions, but of lives as wall."
Tbe rivere and harbors committee
Just before the president's aseasag we
river bridge at South Hood, but It will " V .. ',..
h. k.,,. ., k. ! b4" ' RaPreasntatlve Ranedell of Leule-
lana. providing for en emergency fund of
fM,et tor the strengthening and con.
et ruction of government leveee along the
Mleetmlppl. Missouri and Ohio fivers,
wherever deemed necessary.
The amount will be available Immedi.
ately and will be expended under the
uperrlekm of the army engineers In
constructing dikes wherever needed and
la repelrtng the Inreede mode by the
high water ha extstlng levees. This
amount may. be Increased aa the floor or
the house.
Represoatatlre Ransa ell's Wtl appro
priating tSs.Se was passed naaalmeusly
by the house.
off. ferrying wfth It an of the new work.
As a result of the new creek 1a the
dump. It Will be two or three days be
fore through service will be established.
In the meantime service wllf be main
tained aa H la being conducted today.
Trains tram the west will run dowa to
the break, where tbey will be east by stub
trains from Omaha. Passengers will wslk
around the break la the track, boarding
the tralua on which they desire la travel.
Traffic Still Metmrdcd.
Beyond Fremont repairs have been
made and the lines are an In operation.
The Burlington's Ashland bridge Is still
tm passable, owing to the water washing
the dumiie at either and. It may be a
couple of days before the abort llae be
tween Omaha and Lincoln la operated.
This Is about the way the Burlington
trains are being operated today: Mala
Una trains between Chicago sad Denver,
tnsteed of coming through Omaha, are
routed . via Paelfis Juncttoa and LeuH
vtlle, with stub' service between Omaha
and Paclflo Junction. The service be
tween Omaha and Lincoln u malntalnel
by atub trains running dowa to Paclfle
Junction, there connecting wttk Chicago
trains that run to the capital city. Loosl
service Is la operation between Omaha
and Chalco, while the trains for Kansas
City ere dstourad by way of Creston,
la. Although nor reason Is known tor
the order the trains to and from Ht
Louis are annulled, but presumably It la
oa account of high water along the lower
reak Near Hsemeat. .
The break in the Burllngtoe'e Billings
Una la the vicinity of Edgmont la st'll
in bed nape. There pesaeager transfer
from one tram to another by walking
ever a board walk a distance of M fort.
As there IS a high grade washed away
It will be some deys before through train
service Is restored.
The Rock Island not operating tralne
to or from the west by way of Omaha.
Repalre are being aiaae an the Platte
be come time tomorrow before It will b
la condition la tarry tralna.
(Continued from First Page.)
come stallontry before night and eoou
afterwards wwiid begla to fall. The
Missouri attained a depth of B.1 feet,
but has done no damage except to flood
the beerments of a few building la the
weet bottoms caused by back water from
sewer. The Kansas rtver roes ten
tneha alnce yesterday.
Train ttwaut Iate Weahaat.
RVWKLLVILLK, K, April t-Louls-vllle
t Nashville passingnr train No. m
was wrecked by maniac lata a waenewt
ceer Olmstead, Ky, today. The engine
end mall ear turned aver aad the ee
giaecr. fireman and mall clerk were In
jured. None et the paaeaiera was hart
Aeke Cansveaa fee naif Millie to
Bireaarlkcm s.veee
WASHINGTON, April l-r-restdeat
Tatt today took quick action lo bend
the ceerglea of the government toward
stopping the tbraetened floods la the
Mbaourl and. Mississippi river valleya
Followuig conference with Secretary of
War Stimaoa aad General William BUby.
chief ' engineers, and several eeaaters
and caagreeamea fraan atataa berdarlag
the tas great Mreaaas. be seat a rase
saga to congress urging the Immediate
appropriatloa oc PMO.eM to be aaed la
Reject tne Minunimi.
Wage Proposition
Mayor of Set Koines Will Outline
Flaat for the Tear.
Bawrdl ef Arblliwtlea Appointed ky
City Hallway Advlae Casapaar
Pay ktea Tea re Cent
More Wages.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
VF.S MOINES. April r (Special Tele
gram. Msyor llanna will tomorrow for
the first time under the commission plan
deliver to the council a formal meeaage
and review of the work of the coundL
In this he will outline the work ct the
administration for the next two year.
The mayor la busy outlining his view
and It la expected ha will have some In
tcreetlng Information to act before the
Building a market house and flood pro
tectlon will be among the mam Issue to
bo discussed. This will be the first mes
sage by the mayor of the city to the
city council under the Dee Moines plan.
It waa thought that with the present plan
of government the law did not require
such a message. After consultation with
the corporation counsel the attorney
gave the mayor an opinion that the law
does not intend that the message shall
bo omitted.
I'arpeatero tw Stick.
The second day of the carpenter' strike
did not bring any developments hi the
situation other than each aide claiming It
la going to hold out until It wins. Morn.
ing and afternoon meetings were held
b ) the carpenters to discuss the strike.
Former Iajareg.
Thomas French, nn aged farmer, was
kicked In the bead by an unruly horse
and may die as the ereult of his injuries.
The skull boae was fractured In several
place. Mr. French had saddled the horse
and bad ona foot in the stirrup prepara
tory to swinging himself Into the aaddi
when the hone became unmanageable,
fttatae for t'arssrn Advleed.
The board of arbitration appointed by
the Dee Moines City 1 tail way company
and the street car men's union to draw
up a new wage scale today agreed upon
sn Increase of 1SJ per c-jit lor all em
ployee. The men had aaked for aa In
crease of ft per ornt. The eld wage
seal expired March L
Harry Uarqulst, a local business man,
waa today elected member of the Poet
County Board of Supervisors to fill the
vscancy caused last night by the resig-
natioa of Frank T. Morris, against whom
removal proceedings under the Cossoo
law were to have been filed today by
state official.
Another in Held in
the Black Hand Case
IOWA CITY, la. April l-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Wkea the federal grand Jury
convened at Cedar Rapids today, Oeorge
O. Cawley, signal man for the Hock
Island road at Solon, la.,' wa brought
before It a the fifth arrest In the black,
band case s gainst the family of John U'
Adam of that place. He ha been under
secret arrest for three weeks.
LONDON, April t-The British minor
who In the first instance were lea will
ing to strike for the principle "t a mini
mum wage than their Welsh aad Scot
tish comrades, are now. aa far as the
figures of the ballot tell, still leas will
ing to return to work. The Welshmen
who were the backbone of the original
strike are voting strongly In favor of
returning to the pits.
This change of opinion haa npatf all
calculation and although the public
and the leaders, of the miners still are
hopeful that the final result of the vot
ing will be in favor of calling oft the
strike, the majority either way promlsw
to be a narrow one. '
Return thus far are of about MO. 000
votes. The exact proportion for and
against not known, la aome case it
is declared that the majority In favor
of resumption Is nearly 10.00. while in
other n majority of J,Mt against re
turning to the pits is given. The of
ficial count will bo made tomorrow by
the executive committee of the miners
federation and the result will be an
nounced on Thursday.
Senators from Two
New States Take Oath
WASHINGTON. April 1-Th four
senator from the new states of Arliona
and New Mexico were sworn Into office
at 1:11 p. m. today. The credentials et
Senator Catron and Fall of New Mexlce
were presented respectively by Senators
Warren .of Wyoming and Smith of
Michigan, and Smith and Asburst of
Arliona by Senators Shlvely of Indiana
and Culberson of Texaa. Senators
Catron and Aahurst were chosen to serve
until li;; Fall until 1911 and Smith Uli.
AUGUSTA, Me.. April l-Urdted State
Senator Obarlah Gardner, democrat, re
ceived a majority of the votes cast in
both branche of the legislature today
for United State senator to eerve for
the remainder of the term ending March
i, mi
Senator Gardner was appointed by Gov-
ernor Plaisted ea the death of Senator
William P.. Frye. republican, to aerv
until the legislature should cboos a successor.
Made in Our Own Shops and in Our
Own Way
tliat s what makes our
The common kinds of clothes for Boys and Children, .
put together to sell, may suit those who judge these
things by looks alone.
' We have a somewhat higher aim and give as much
care to the making of apparel for Boys and Children as
we give to our Men's Clothing.
These Garments are designed and tailored in our
own workshops and are sold with a guarantee of satis
factory fit and service.
Corifirmation Suits ....$5.00 to $12.00
Boys' Two-Piece Suits $3.50 to $12.00
Reefers, sixes 2V, to 8 $3.50 to $6.00
rowning.Ting S C2
R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. 15th at Douglas.
.. Oldest Man la Iowa Dies.
rCOUNIN0, la.. April I.-tvaeclalMlohn
White, one of the okkrat men of Iowa,
died . hero today, aged ICS. years 11 days..
Death ws caused by 'the Infirmities of
old age. Whits, wa bora la New York
lawn Newa Mates.
MARSHALLTOWN-A land slide la a
deep rut on the Chicago, Milwaukee ft
8U Paul nesr Haverhill yesterday de
layed traffic all day and forced the road
lo Setour trains tnrouah this city. It Is
estimated that LOU) cubio yarde of earth
slide onto the track. It will oe twenty
four hours before the track Is cleared so
traiftu can be resumeo. - '
OIJSNWOOD-Willlem Albeewho loot
both hands, being thrown from the top
of a freight car in the Burlington yams
at Alliance, Neb., haa settled with the
company. Mr. A I bee was a former reel
dent of Olenwoed and waa temporarily
employed et Alliance. During a scarcity
of switchmen he waa taken from bis
usual Inside duties and was helping In
the yards. Mr. A I bee will study law.
GIJ5NWOOD-The body of Henry P.
flraham. who waa killed la the Ogden
tutaiil railroad yarns by a switch sngin
Isst Tueedey, was Interred at Glenwood
cemetery loony.
ABERDEEN, 8. D.. April 1-Two
pioneer of Brown county died within
twenty-four hour of each other when
Henry & Hitchcock, aged 73. died at hi
home In Aberdeen of Bright disease and
a few hour later Mrs, Frances Parser),
aged 1, passed away at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Annie Angerhofer, nine
miles from. Aberdeen. Mr. Hitchcock was
a native of Ohio, where he was born on
January U, 1531. Ha took a homestead
-a Urown county In 1W1 and bad sine
resided here. Mrs. Parach waa a native
of Austria, but came to America In law
and to Brown county In itu. where she
and her husband located oa a homestead
CENTRALIA. III. . April - 1. -Charles
Brod and Henry Gross were killed and
Jess Bay was perhaps fatally wounded
early today by Oeorge Wlngter, a deputy
TheCIassiest Showing Silk
Knit Neckwear Ever Made
in Omaha is to Be Seen in
Our Fifteenth St. Windows
The unusual popularity of Silk Knit and Crochet
Xeckwear prompted us to make great purchases
our success in securing extraordinary values great
varieties and rich patterns is best measured by a
visit of inspection make it a point to see these beau
tiful ties while on display.
Browing.King & C
R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. Fifteenth at Douglas.
marshal. In a fight at Odin, seven miles
north of here.
Brad and hie companions were creating
a disturbance when they were overtaken
by Oeorge Flmm. the village roarshsl.
Flmm, after deputising Wlngter, started
to take two of the young men home
Brod, according to reports, knocked down
Wlngter, who emptied his revolver. Into
the crowd with fatal result.
Grose died 4n a hospital here this morn
ing Just a the physicians were about to
operate oa him. Ho had a bullet wound
In hi cheet and another in the abdomen.
A Remedy No Family
Should Do Without
Ma matter how healthy human being
may be It Is af to say that not many
months are passed without some obstruc
Uua, of the bowel. 1b other word, consti
pation, even If only temporary. The bloat
ing, the dull feeling may start after the
evening meet If a laxative la not taken
that aisht It Is osrtaln that sleep will not
be sound, sad you will awakea unre
treehed. Hence, It is Important for you and for
all the mem be re ef your family that a
good, reliable laxative be alwaya kept In
the house for Just such emergency. It Is
sure to be needed, and when needed you
weal It at hand. No family that Is
Ths funeral waa under j ful of Its health can do without such a
the nuepicee of the local Masonlo order i remedy. But the question of which rem
Mr. Graham had been a resident of adv ta have on hand la alas of vast lm-
umana ano louncn muiie tur twenty i nortaaoe.
years. He leaves no family. A mother
and two sisters survive btm.
WASHINGTON, April 1-Th district
supreme court today dismissed contempt
proceedings against the Washington
Times and F. A. Walker. Its managing
editor, after It waa explained that aa
euitorlal complained of waa not Intended
to be published before the casa bad gone
tc the Jury. The article related to the
alleged Insufficiency of the defense In a
sending case. -
The laxative moot highly recommended
by the majority of Intelligent Americana
as being best tor babtea and grownups la
Dr. Caldwell's' Syrup Pepsin. It Is a
liquid laxative tonic, mild, and never
gripes, la effective aa robust people 4
can be given with safety to aa Inl jt
Children like It because of these gentle
quantise and because It Is pleasant ta the
It Is the beat all-around remedy you
can have In the house for any disorder of
the stomach, liver and bowels, and many
people lias Mr. J. N. Covert, Norfolk,
Neb., and Mra. Susan Attebury, Grant,
Neb., say they would aa soon be without
the necessities a without Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of thl
remedy before buying It in the regular
way of a druggist at fifty oents or one
dollar a large bottle (family else) eaa
have a sample bottle sent to the home
free ef charge by simply addressing Or.
W. B. Caldwell, eat Washing ea Street,
Montlcello. ill. Tour sum and address
on a postal card will do.
r"j-jj Favorite Rye ii)siTOeetestt
ox six uenerauons" ,
CHICAOO. April t -Chairman Charles
R. Jones of the prohibition national caw
aaltte baa called a caaferenea ef party
leaders to meet at Atlantic City. N. J..
May a ta consider plans for the cam
paign In the eastern states and complete
arrangements tor the party eonvwatioa.
which will, be Bald la Atlantic City In
The namea of two prohibition party
candidates for preeldeat win go ea the
presidential preference ballot la Illinois
t be voted tor at the primaries April I
They are Charlea Scenloa of Pittsburgh
and Eugeaa W. Ckafla at Tucsew, Aria
Their petltioa. It I said, srill ha filed
rues rxsib i a i day.
Tour era relet will refund msnev if
PAZO OISTWKNT fan te rare any eass
strengthening the levee aad trying to 1 10 Pretn"1
Ona hundred women, formerly ooese.
are to cilnb lo the apex of Pise's fee
from lte iron Hprings. That Is the pro
gramme mapped out among the novel
tlee for Colorado the coming Spring and
This Idea originated with a Denver girl
-Miss Marjorte f . Hamilton, who bo
llevea that phyatcisl regeneration should
manifest heif in the full exercise of the
restored powers. . . - . '
Miss Hamilton I known all over the
continent tend Indeed In pretty nearly
tne entire world) for her druaieea treat
ment of fat reduction, end to a living ex
ample cf its efficacy. Tbousaads of men
snd women bsve experienced Its benefi
cent effects, sad many of theni have
tallea In love with the state from which
their redemption has Issued, i Hiring
m-tny months Mies Hamilton has bean
portraying the glories of the Rockies to
uer si si era and her present plan, which
promisee the fruit of fulfillment, embod
ies some aew anj Interesting featuree.
"Wrist 1 propose doing Is thle." Miss
Haml.ton explained. ' 1 Intended to Induce
one htind red ladies, who nave become
slender through the use of my drug less
treatment et obesity reduction, to come
to Colorado during June and July. We
ehall go from Denver to Colorado Springs
in a special train. The first number on
our chart will be a banquet in the Garden
of the Gods, and it la my purpose, to
have a camping party made up to sleep
among those tttsnte bouMsra that night.
Early the next morauig we shall board
the electric car for Maaltou. and then
proceed to I'te Iron Springs, at the foot
of the famous Peak. This point Is sub
stantially six thousand feet above eea
level, and the crest et Pike s Peak
I'ghtly exceeds fourteen thousand
feet. We shall start up - the trail
shertw after six 'clock, and I believe
by nlgbtfsll. ws shell be at the top. Of
rowrae. climatic conditions alter a great
Seal aa the way up. There will be biia
aards aad hish winds, and ether dis
agree Me thiar But I sew no reason
why we cas t make It.
-1 save flewe tart ueas mum, ea tas sew
sea. save lert 4 emme eels la. Test is s ant
ler et res taear tees 1er the Me sesere stSiee
Ihm sill be rte: euwra i
csUss aaa lseta. ass tsslisss
is absolutely pure.
It ought to be because
it is distilled 4 times
in copper.
(Ordlnarr whiskey not mora than twice)
In Bond
Each bottla is sealed with
U. S. GovaTDtrient Stamps
Its age is guaranteed by the
U. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
' Its quality speaks for itself. -
"wTien you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all daalerm.
Schenley PistflKna; Co, Lneeeco. Pa,
f all varieties on red In
I a tsw days without
tin or loss of Urns. No
sy wUl bs accepted un
1 the patient I oared.
Write or oea.
. CS-fu-OSW.
nisli M. Wrsa M. B.
ee sellais. Owaea
BOYD'S . tiuis
B. SI.
-ta kakeapeareaa SUpertoire
Thurs.' night: -Taming of the hrew"
Fnday night: "Merchant of Venice"
"at. matinee: "Romeo and Juliet"
Saturday night: "Hamlet"
Prices SOc to C. Beats Now Selling.
There Only Oae -
"Br onto Quinino"
Thai Is
Laxative Bromo Qulnlno
Brandos theater
poto riAY a aim
Sarah Bernhardt in "CAMILLE"
Bights is aoo Mato. IS and tec
Sunday, 4 Pays Ths Spring Male
rwuu '
,Tf,'oaor' Roberts; Reynolde Oonegan:
C;n. Wlllsrd; Til k-our
C.f' 1" Farber Girls; Ernie and
ff"d"l Kenetoecope; Orpheum
,2Tii"tr?.; prt-. Night. KW.
c. She snd 75c; Matinee. lc. best seats i
. Saturday and Sunday.
American Theater
tonight. Butt. Suae, efnura, Bab
5139 EVA LAJiQ
aad the
xata biob or run no is
Bsxs Woo tb nairm bopi
vwm r i
Alwtrs remember Um full Dame. Iook
Jef tbia rigutnr oa tverr box. .2 5c
"! rim cz arm'
avasTBODT-a rvonr it
at.. A'"'' ." Jil
ajsaaasw-nj sauna MBII
toff Thursday
atattaes Toeay saoBight
- awaas sea
' -