13 I ' -1 t Sherlocko the A WSTFTIIOU. ATZ7 R.WER. STREET! . J Tell the 1 OFKEIIEO POR RKXT HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap frelcht rates; moving and tortnf. Expressmen' Delivery Co. TaC Douclas SSH. City otlice. Us 0. titb St.. Bee Hldf . APRIL 1 S-rooiu modcra bouse, 2424 Caldwell. 3004 MARCY ST. Eight rooms, completely modern. tra. neigh boahood. near car. las. , HUTCHINSON'-BOIXARD CO.. 1623 Farnam St. 8030 LAKE Modern W-room house; hot water heat; range; cistern; shade: water rent paid- 132.50. McEachron Realty Co.. mi Lake St. Tel Web. ltol. 8IX-R00M, all modern, nearly new. I electricity, gas, furnace, new window shades; finished In oak; floors all fresh ly varnished; good yard and 'hade. Sit Bristol. Call K K. Huntley. 732 Brandats I Bldg. 'Phone Harney Wi LOW KENTS; CLOSB IN. rooms, sll modern. 614 North 22d SL, an excellent neighborhood. reoms, upper flat, 514Vt North 8d St. TEL.. RED Hit. (t-KOOM modern house. 33 N. Ust; good location (or roomera. THQ8. W. HAZKN. 80? McCague. D. ;m i W. FAR.NAll, new brick, f bedroonu,! ! tatha lis K. lith Av, Hit. Had ZH1. 110 FOUR bHght, airy rooms; modern escept heat; garden. WIS Emmet g!s : SIX room cottage, modern except fur nace, 1412 Decatur St. Phone Red WW. 1119 N. 13d; 7-room, all modern, &. Tel. Web. Kit. 1 6-HOOM Hat. modern, first floor. 24tt Lake at., fla. Colored people; water paid. Phone Harney 114. WEST Farnam, 418 Soutb 4uth St.. aevan rooms. HOUSE, large rooms, . furnaoa, bath, btg barn, corner let, shade, large porch. West Farnam district, una biock from Farnam car. Iaae one year, only M per month. Phons Douglas tSl or Harney 4il. 1 3R1I N. 18th, 4-r., . 2Jl Wool worth Ave., tr., modern, gS. 1S10 N. Ud St.. 7-r.. modern, tC 4 N. Sith Ave., 5-r., part modern, iii. BEMIS-CARLBEKtJ CO., D. M. no-313 Brandets Theater. MAOOARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 14uj or B. S42. . FIVK-ROOM modern brick house, with hardwood finish and polished floors, at . most new and In first elasa condition, one block from street car, on mils from uoetornce, fu ' ' .-- J. U. DUMOXT & SON, Phone Douglas . MM Farnam St. Stores sal OflUea, i unni's building. th dodgk. Attractlv offices, moderet prices. AP i PIT OMAHA LOAN AND BU1LD1NU I ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT ; ( Store Room at 411 So. 15th St. Splendid Location, Kent Very Reasonable. . Remington n .. Typewriter Co. STORE ROOM. 14US-S Howard St.. S2X . 1st. suitable for large busineaa Inquire ' Wm. Fisher. Hotel Plata. ' Store at Cuming Street, i Store at 21US Cuming Street. .. Wore at KO North 24tli Street. , Stor at North S4th Street. store at W7 North H4th 8treet. .Stor at 3M North tsth, Soutb Omaha. i . .. C. BEDICK, Attorney, f i 1517 Farnam Street. OFFICE or salesroom al ISth Harney. 'Third floor at ues Harney tnew). t Second floor at 15e-l Harney (new). uffloe at lill Farnam. second floor, tbtor at 1411 Harney St. 1 O. C. RED1CK. Attorney, J 141J Farnam St. OFFERED FOR BALh rarala. CLOSING out sale of furnltur. Gas stoves, steel range, good aa now; no rea sonable otter refused. Will sell ssparmt or all together. 2! Cuming MiNu 1'uK 8 A Lki IteaaunaW. S1 r arosm. tiarney ww. run r i.r. " - f ' four-room apartment, oniy in use a short lime; a snsp. Sou Harney, Apt. iL Poos Hrney 6411 Trpeevrster RF.NT an Olivar typewriter front tlx Oliver Typewriter uo. mw. . . . , I .-.rl.r. aim all alh.1 V 1W01JB U makes. oid or rented anywner at la u if. mfg'a pnees. allowing renuu to aypiy an prios; snipped on iioki. Wrlta lor circuAT. Im rsrtiS.ni. 'lipearltar inepecuon and iapply ca TTPEWRITBRS. all makes sM pries, larmea. ana bee. atuca. Call ar wnta for kug Hsu Ms ship oa approval, it. If. SwansoB Csv. lOs tar nam tM "TYPEWRITEUS for reni, lowest .'lgur . - aver quoted: e moniua, sa Cemrat lypa ; wnter Excnange. jfc'i Farnam. Doug. . JIUfCllSBMHIS, 1 " FOR SALE Two ecnelamus fa the Oman Commercial co.tv .tnd one la -' BoyK eolMg. xMisiocs utile, umaas j Bee. - , BAND-PAPERINu machlae for sml. ' w hare a J. A. Fay sanoer, 34-isch. drum, 1 good working condition, wbwb ' w offer for saic cheap, cretebmer Mtg. Co, Council Blutfs. la. Folt bjLUv .e end svnd-oai rarom and pocket billiard taui-s and bowling si leys and accessories; bar fix ture of sil fclnus: easy payment, in. Itrttnswlca-Baika-Collander Co, M-Jt 3 ta m ruui, taoies, swre. , i.-i r aoagot. -o a. navy. jw.u 8A FlCS-Uverstecked wttb senund-nand safe; il sise end makes: bargai..- American nUipIT vo. Ill arnmin a. , ID SAFES. DERittriT. 1SS tirsl t i FOR SALE IS-foot. horaa power wwbosv iS.-.DougIaa;i. a V. - 4 A . 1 - a. , 11 Monk - The Mystery of the Empty Room I boo Ar 9RTt we . OFFKRED FOR 8AM il lace !:) aa. Water Damage Sale Biggest Bargain! of your Ufa. Everything in our big stock goal at 25c to 76c on the dollar. ' Tou need something. Corns now. Dunning Hardware COUP ANT. 161 J Harney. POOL taules, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 410 N, So. Omaha. FOR SALE Small soda fountain cheap. Brown Park Pharmacy. FOR SALE Good IU stove cheap. Tel. Harney 1113. HERB IS A BARGAIN. One cement block machine worth lts One cornice. block macblna worth. 71 One veneer block machine worth H Forty plates, A-l designs, t to 20-lucn. worth 19 Pallets i M Total A.;...: This Is all Pettljhon machinery. t!7 buys the above completa it taken at one. J. P. VANNATTER. ' ' ' Bridgeport. Neb. $5 Coal for stove or furnace. Try t. Harmon Weeth, Webster Ma. FOR SALiO-Thraa pool tables, n cloth: first-class condition, VM. Call Harney . PKRSOKAL -DAT BLOOD REMHDT. Oladlsh Pharmacy, lilh and Uodga YOUNG women ouiniug to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit to Young Women Christian association building St Seventeenth and St. Man's Ave., wber tbey will o airectee to suitaoi soaroiiig pieces, or otherwise assisted. Look for ur traveler' aid at the Union atatioo. LADIES vt per cent. Pauuell Mil linery Co.. Paxton Blk. at ste:s upstalra Water Damage Sale OUR BIO BARGAINS are going (ait Don't DELAY. It it money lost to you. Dunning Hardware COMPANY. 1611! xiarney St. Magnetic treatnMit. IIS ft. wk upstairs. 1 ASSAUh. mo.emenu Apt, vtrki KB, NT and repair aii kinds f ow ing mectiines. ind. A-isi; iwugia issi, NktblKASKA CYCLE Cu., l.tii ana Harney Sts. AS.L1 vist- ING BEABONABLM. Bpeeoal attsnuaa te club oruers. Itutn Leitmoiu. atuuio, ell no. Ilih lit THE SALVATION ARMY Jllclls cast, ft clothing; in lact anytnii you do sot need. ve collect, repair a. id sad at IM N. 11th bt. lor cost oi eolwetsen, to u wormy puor. Pbooa xotia tUi and waaon will call. MASSACiE"1 snwoati voo'VU'C'treauiem. Mm. Alias f Chicago, N lUu M.. 1st tioor. D. ;, MAboAUn;, Mr. aiUMie. iwm H. 1st St., go Hour . M. XI. rtoura, I to p. bv SWEDISH mssasage lor rheumatism, stomacn trouwe, poor clrculattoB. Kara ten lunaeth, gruouate from Sweden, at) Omaha Ast'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa TIB. MsMaga, Kmeonouse. sue old Boston Bid. ' BATHS. 8voisn tns-sage, etnrator ana ruaistor treatuienta. Mrs. Bnyoer, apt. A Dunsuny. Ivtn and Pierce. ixHigia vm. BEST bracer for nien. Grisy'a Nerve Food Pills. 1 per box. postpaid. Hherman at Mcconnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Vital massage. Anna Fisher. 'l Ware Blk. BABIES boarded. Phone Webster Mat rOClTKr ASV PET STOCK FOR SALE-Whit English bull ter riers, male and female; bo relation; price CS. Chss. Schwelknardt. Peteiaon, la. K C HeO. eia-er. n. o.i a, a. sek EGUS EGGS J-VJUaJ EGGS FOK sHUM SEVEM UAA bTRALN of (bred to lay) S. C White Legnorna, at ss per 14M; li.se for 16. Also nreeoing stwca. SEVEN OAKS POULTRY FARM. FloreOK. Neo. 'Pbon Florence M. iHllnUUUilbKtO S. C White L- hota esiis for satung. Phone Web. iis. ROSECOMB RHODE ISLAND RED EGOS for natcblng from trap-seated winter layer. U tor IS. P. a. aving, beneon. Neb. Tel. Hen sow W. Guaranteed fertile eggs, buff leghorns, hurt rpingtons. tareon. aa caiitornla. HUGS For Hatcning. BVaaVsBB thiMbii.i.arii Sal t, Whrk4 f sllskwsal Sade. vlgurouas baroy mock; great ayara, cuuuiry tea.ge; m for t; m per it. R y. U. No. 1 lei, oeneon 7i-tV FOR SALE boston terrier:, two wate Ilk poodiee. lux tamer; avngusb bulls and couiee; Angora, cats. Mrs. George a. Brown. York. Pa. ' AT Sfc.RVlci TnvBoer seoosd: Boston terrier; ttsnerM; liS aaC; u. autua a-uooe Oogs sisB. REAL ESTATE AUS I M..4.C . We 4444.. Reed Abstract Co., eldest Bbstraet effiee ia .veeraau. 2W. vraadess Theater. NsvALc A CAkriiiLLL. I.M rarcass It. ktl,.Jk.U IMUSSAIIIlN. r leetrlc. ga fitara. Omaha S lyer re Ideal Cement Co. 17tb and Cuming. Poena boa aV Bi.no, painting, acoratlag. H. Gross. Lum. wreck g. pu. a a Paul, v i SAW OK OP HI eOMtXKV (MEk HIS ooh.hbbsj m nt ansae thc pom. kt w etx. a nouns THCN IU REAL ESTATE IITV PROI-KR1Y PUR SA1E $4,800 Brand ivw T-room wiuiiri houn, with slMplnir porrh. rVow rftdy for occupancy: rptlon hall, parlor and dining room finished In oak; boamed oalllnc in dining room; throe bodrooma and bath with al ping porch on aecond floor: cemented cellar; corner lot; houae la modem In every detail; splendid neighborhood; cloee to school. Located at Ktt & 38th 8t. Easy payments. Open for Inspection S to ft p. m. Sunday. BEMIS-CABLBERQ CO., S10-111 Brandels Theater Bldg. (l.Jttt-One-half acre of ground, good 5- room house well Improved. fl.Wn 7-room bouse mod. excciit heat. MOu-7-rooms, strictly mo(L, close to car. Terms to suit. I have hints In all parts of the city, Prioa and Terma Right. MRS. MYRTLE DEUEL, 370? Brown, Omaha. Phone. Web. Ufi? 1IC8T BE SOLD. IF TOU WANT A GOOD THING LOOK THIS UP. T rooms, slrlrtly modern; oak finish, press brick foundation, fine basement, larga floored attic; beamed celling; painted dining room, sun room; M-It. lot; less than one-half said: Dundee district. Price HUM; can make tarms. P. 0. NIELSEN. ' . ftt Omaha Nati Bank. P.' S3M. DUNDEE LOT-On Burt St., good lo cation: J blocks from car line. gsjn. FELL 4k P1NKERTON CuMPANT. !13 Board of Trade lg. HOOM cottage, year out. built for a noma, located at Mis Boyd M.; fail lot, strictly modern, leetrto lights, gas for oooklng, oement cellar, large turnac. open plumbing, high and sightly. House la nicely arranged ana well Built, alarm windows and screens. wll palntad, rents for a per month, and la we.l wortu i,M But as the oaner is leaving this country, will sacrlfic (ad must be sold, any reas onable offer will be considered, don't fat, to see this If you want a bargain, reason able term will be furnished. Adurass tox 47 er call D. lXd or W. Mtt. $3,250 Ftvs rooms and reception hall, all modern; hot water heat; house about I years okt: built for a bom.; corner lot; sightly; In north part of city;' In good neighborhood; birch finish throughout. Ask us about tins. A bargain. BEM1S-CARLBEKG CO., MO-nt Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR SALE-lfrU Caultol Ava. S-room modern cottage and bath, t3,OS. Inquire at aoove saorea 5-R00M BUNGALOW In Beautiful Norwood OPPOSITE MILLER PARK. A wsll built. 6-room bungalow, all on on floor, (finished laat October); living room, dining room and hail finished in oak, bedrooms finished In whit ensmei, with oak floors; sun room and sleeping room; large ttie, where two ur tnree room could be finished If desired; full cemented bament, with hot and cold water and launary sink; bent of fur nace, coal bins, etc. Houea is thorougniy modern, rougnt ssnd finish walls, tasthy decorated, beautiful and artistic lighting fixtures, dining room is panelled sud has window seat and nlata rail. Yard is aodded and th walks in. Two large lots, each 44s 1(6. giving St fool frontage. W all built chicken bouse, 13x14, with large yard on roar of on lot. This place makes an laeai suouroan none, with all th advan tages of th city. Only a minutes' rids to Farnam St. Am going to leave city, will sell with either one or both Iota, Must have half cash, balance to suit, final N. 24T11 ST. AT A SACRIFICE A fin and extra wall built eight-room borne; every modern convenience; pavad street, fin neigh borhood; convenient te three Use of car. Buy from owner dirct- i Toi, car Bee. Buy Direct Irora Owner. Five large rooms and thoroughly mod ern batn. Tn Bouse la in ooa repair Inside and out. piped lor gas. at small expense could be wired tor electricity and furnace installed, Tha living room. dining room and kitchen are bug, wita two soon sisea oearoom nd ciuswt space. Lot is amis, witn ansa tree ana fruit tree, ws.sihx distance u. f. ibooa. 1'rlc tt.ut; easy terms. If not sold will lent about May L Be Owner, asfl M. Istu. er 'pbob Wsbeier tU Buy the Foundation for a home I3S down and 1,0 uer montk. This fin tot In nou, ciose to car. direct from owner, kaat to lot 10, block s: baa soutb spoure, 1 smia feet In suss, and has new home bunt close br. It you don t want to build, buy lor in vestment. This preoerty inereaainar in vaiu all lb tiaa. I'bon tiebswr as alter B. m. TO BUY. HELL OR KENT. V'lKriT 8EK JOHN W. KuBhlAo. Uta rAKNAM Bf. BUNGALOW. sTTsW CASH, balance monthly; near Franklin school, Juat occupied ausut 4 months, good alsad lot. r. D. WEAD. MM Farnam St. BUY FROM OWNER Must sell my strictly modern nam, buiit It year ago, block west of High school, tad Harney Ilia. WANTKK-oood reliaote men in dit ferant kKailtle in Nebraska te nandte iricily his a ciaaa proposiuoB la Fionoa fruut ana trues Mnu. Adore J-londa Homes Lena Co, Sid MoCague MHig., ODaaia. r.ea. NEW 7-room cottage located on beat etrret in Benson, owner living In prop erty, will sell cheap if taken within next thirty days; must i .1 on account of eknesa. m Soutb L,on Avs. REAL ESTATE ACMAVabk; SUH BALIS. ACRE PROPERTT. lllllMi..J ''- ' " mi C. M -.1. trade. The tract are all elos In and Rum pnpos.uons, win trao any or them elty property, also sura fin vacant tract, clos in. A. v.. J0.HE5. m X. S4th. Stiroeiai your biislnsse by advartulng Tha Bee th newananer that nu4iM I all ef the buyer ) , 1! r i I I T I 1 ANA nSKM auSjiT M f ' I , I 1 J'jp" . News our op HcfcS necetru as, t II DEDUCE FUM THFaw m.J!N Xt-i. MT PWTea. BUT I fcUSA Ituawr . tvtn cm: V h rxwM REAL ESTATE FARM Itllkt'H LANDS TOR SALB Mlaaeaata. BARGAIN. ' tavacr farm adjoining good railroad town, loo miles from Minneapolis: two houses, one large barn and other build Inm. buildings originally cost tfcOOO; us acres under cultivation, balance timber and meadow land: ik waste land. Price tlfi per sore, IS. 600 cash, balanca easy. SCHWAB BROd., 13 Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapo lis. Mlna. Glorias. FLORIDA LAND. Of the t,000 acres of choice land offered In D Soto county from US to tto per acre, w have l,MK) acres left after last week's trip to Florida. Remember ine next excursion Is April 1 Let us he: from you promptly before this isnd Is all sold. Lakeside Land Co., IU Ulvvd Bldg Kansas City, Mo. laejla. GREAT SOUTil GEORGH Travarsed by tha ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM - ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest rang el crop. All tha money craps of the sout Kentifully produced. For literature treat g with this cowing country. Its soil umei (buck and sellout dvajitaj Ilka W. H. LF.ART. DEPT. K. Oantral Pauengar A leak ATLANTA. OA. THB easiest way u rind a ear fat tour I arm w t insert a small want ad i the Dm Mourns Capital. Largest cir culation la lb state of Iowa, um daily Ilia Capital Is rd by and believed la It the standpatters of Iowa, whe cubs. i.lus to permit any other paper a laeit tern. Ratsa, 1 eent a were a day; U.4I per lia per moats, coant sis ardlaary words is tns line. Aodreas aSwewss i spite. ! Moinee, Is. kUaaall, What's That YouSay? A contract for from lu to 440 ecrs of fruit lands, three railroad t o wrist te lot snd 2& snare of stock in a l.Oto-acrs or chard, all tor IMS 00, payabla tiO.OO down and tiO.su per month f Yes Sir! end per rant of these land are leu then tH mile from railroad In Reynold. Iron and Wayne counties. Investigate. This la an Investmeot that may mean much to you. REYNOLDS COUNTY FRUIT LANDS CO., e Karbsch Block. Phone Doug. HI, Ind. A-swIT. AaBraaka. FARM bargains near Omaha. Poassston Orln S Merrill. UU City Na Bk. Bldg, JfINK near Alllanc. US par a. Ad dre T iS7. ears Bee. Oklabonaa. OKLAHOMA I hav soma choice Oklahoma farm at very reduced price, and eom of th beet buy in business and residence piwp ertie In Oklahoma City; Inveatlgat if you want a proittable Inveetment; land snd city property advancing rapidly. I also handle all kindg of meritorious trade. Let bi know your wants. J. HODGE, 115'8 West Grand Ave., Oklahoma City, Okl. Tesas FARM FOR SALE QUICK, MO acre Texas Improved fans, for M.la AtlLrlf ejsvaanl xasK. nru MttaA. a... feaen, assei W,tVJV etgr street of title. Fay D. Plcksns, Clever dale. Ind. Washing!. . . WASIUNGTON ORCIIARD LANDS tiSaBsl issY m-. A . ... . i, i witmn e, sasa.v we Mau "iiss etiiivHsVa nBIIOO Oil Oreat Northero Kail way, wrt of Only Tlnrty-two Miles frem tits famous WE.NATCHEB VAI- iLKV. The Greatest promabl appl section In th whol country. Thee tanas set to fruit, when bearing will produce from gMO to tl.'M) per acre net. No Fruit Lands offered etual to toes, considering enll, location, climate and advantas-s for hie profits. invsetiirat without rail. Guaranteed flm-clasa. SEE OR WRITE US FOR FULL IN INFORMATION. D. V. Sholes Co. BJ City National Bank Bldg. ' Doug. 4, Ind. A-SX9. V laaaiaaie. M ACRES of wild Isnd for aal la Rusk county. Wisconsin, at a barn In Frank Andrews. Box . Atlanta. Wis., REAL ESTATE LOAN'S OMAHA property end Nebraska land. O'KEEFE RICAL ESTATE ca, WIS New Omaha Nafl Bank Buildise MONEY to loan on buatnes er rl dence properties li.Orn lo syic.u. W. tL THOMAS, aut Kh-st Nat l Hank Bldg. WAMKD-Clty loans and warrant. W Farnan. Smith A Co.. la) r. roars St. ties to Iw.lw mad promptly. F. Wead, Weed Bid., isth and Faraem. GARVIN BROS. Ts.T. LhaXjS Farma and diy propsrtyi T H Dumont A Son. Had Farnam SL 6 t CITY LOANS. liemls-Carlberg Co- AN VED-clty toaaa Ptrs Trust C. REAL ESTATH FOR REST. tans aatal saasav-b a-aaataw TWO farma for rent. Tneee fm re good tlletbl lend, wsll Improved, contain ing 14 acres and 13) sore. J. T. Coin as. Council Bluffs, la. Pbon Black 4Sia OMAHA, THE ORAIX MARKET Consignment solicited. Cdoit'iJ. tin? Valinnil Association. 1001 ucJ , ' 0 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 15 ACRES of fruit and truck land, Brazoria, Tex., to be exchanged for good auto mobile. Telephone Benson 1 1 3. A. W. YOUNG 4916 Grant St., Omaha. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ft acres best Improved irrigated land, near Fort Morgan; price IIS- Per sere: till and water rights guaranteed: two sets buildings; windmills, best drinking water; owner llvC" away. Address I'sul B, Walker, Agt., Fort Morgan, Colo. WANTEW TO BUI uuusebuld gill, clothe shoe DsSjl BUi if you wsnt best price fur fartittun taves and csi.Hita. call Ueuertiian. 1 Ji CASH FOR SILV'EU''!; td-nand good.. Kt.er. Iww center. D. Ssm for old gold and silver. Phone ItougTka im I handle trades everywhere. If you want result call Dean. (17 Be Bldg. D. Ik. WANTKtl II0.0U) Esstern Oregon Light and Power II per cent bonds st 11. J 710, Bee. EASTERN KANSAS FARM. ISA seres highly Improved farm In Linn county. Ksn. Gently rolling, fine soil 1 miles of goad town, highly Improved locality. House, ; barn, fexsu, full S atorias blah: nice orchard, bog bouse. chicken house, oorralla, fenced and croa- fenced. This is a beautiful noma. me. lll.MiO: mortgage, et eiu, running 4 years at 4 per cent interest. Want clear cheap small ranch or good city property for equity ; prtc must n rignt. Auaress Box 471 Omaha. WANTED lO KF.M man. 'two furnished rooms, with the priv- must be reasonable, and prefer within warning aistaiic ut ousinees uenrer. u ,wi, nee. WANTED-Ity three ladies, board and two furnished reoms. Prater private fam ily, convenient to car. Address rt 7W, nee. WAITED SITUATIONS WASHING snu .roning dune. T . H. St. Flrst-clsas, practlcel nurse. H Mio, A-bTi SITUATION wanted by refined young widow child nurs. Tel. D. 44. YOUNG married man would Ilk work of any kind. Heference. C 070, Bee. MAN wants a position aa auto driver. B. tltl. LADY wants day work. Ave. ni n. i;ih LA DUOS' tin washing neatly dobs at ot.s. Call Wbster ui. - . home COLORF.U woman want sweeping or Ironing. Webster 43. COLORED girl wsnts work. Call D, 4477. WANTKD-Sweeplng. Ironing and dust- ing. fhon wetnter 4SS8. EXPERIENCED laundreas wants day work, i'hsne Web. SMi. LIVE bTOCrt MARKET OF WEST Shin roar stock to South Omaha. Sev Btticag and shritikaga Your eoBsiga sjuui receive prompt snd careful eueis Mv i Stock CeBallB Merehaat. Byer Bros Co. Strong end responsible "WOOD BROS.. tst-sS tuetisng. Bldg. Great West Com. Co . Omaha at Denver. W. R. SMITH SON Just nandla sheep. Clay, Robinson A Co., ksi Excnange Bldg. Interstate Co. Better result. Ship tou. "CUrroN Com Co.. m Eachang Bldg. "Cox A Jonee Com. Co., hunch of huallera L. B. ROBERTS CO.. t Excb. Bldg. Fermer L. S. Com. Co.. as) Exch. Bldg. MerUn Bra. A Co.. ad-4 Each. Bldg. TAQO BROS, handl tsllle. hog. heep. Duoslt proceeds of shlpmanu la Stoek Yards Nat l Bank. Oaly bank at yards, Tha market page of THE BEE Is tile only complete and reliable market report. GOVERXMEXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR WOOD, CHARCOAL, SMITHING COAL. GASOLINE MIN ERAL OIL. FORAUB AND BEDDING Chief Quartermaster'a Office, Federal Building. Chicago, Ills., April 1, Bit Sealed proposals will be received her until II A. m.. May 1, 1913. for furnishing supplies mentioned above required In this I il vision during fiscal year commen cing July I. 1)11 Information furni.hrd on application. Col. Jno. L. Ciem, Chief Quartermaster. Al-3M-3t-j. PROPOSALS FOR REPAIR OF ROADS Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., April L WU. Sealed proposals for repair of roads, curbs and gutter will be received here until 1 a. m.. May 1. 1012. and then opened. Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopea containing propusals should be endorsed "Proposals for repsir of rnade, and addressed Amos W. Kim ball, Major tQ. II. A1-3-M, . X). HOTKLs. Holel Flanders 133-13? West 47ta Street, s. v. crrr. 00 Pre Ebm of Broadway. A modern fireproof hotel In tne lieart of the theater, club and hotel district: convenient te all car tinea An exceptional orchestra. Rooms with private bat f.W per .day. From Grand Central Station, Broad way cars without transfer. Frota Pennsylvania Station, 7th Avenue car without transfer, booklet ua euuswt, H. R. SHARES. Prop. WTO AS MB IS. NOT M K ,T r 1 I I I I IMC trwu ur iai V I I" 1 II .11 mis nivw i r' tf.rw, n 9CVJ I our WSidc .P - i J Drawn for The Bee by.Gus-Mager nil vrw i ill rA-fi : GOVERNORS FIIaE RATE BRIEF Arguments Made Afaint Eenborn Decision in MinneioU Case. BIGHTS OF STATES INVOLVED Hannoa, Hadley and AMrlek Ca tend rowers at Rallrwads tea Nnt Dosslnate Bad Saaer eede Th wf states. (From a Staff Owrespondent.) WASHINGTON. April t,-tSperll Tele gram,) Th United Statae supreme court room was crowded yeeterday with "trlead of the court," from various state railway ominlsalons and states' attorneys gen ts 1 with briefs te file) la th rete eeses now before the tribunal for argument. Permission ass given by th chief Justice to file briefs, but ths experience of Clif ford Thome, the Iowa rellway commis sioner and chairman ef the sub-commit-tee, representing ws stern railway com mission. In asking leave to make oral arguments and being denied practically settles it that none but attorneys In the cases actually before ths court will be heard orally. In res pons tn Mr. Thorn' request Chief Justice Whit said: "Of course. leave te file brief Is granted, hut the motion to permit oral srgument Is du eled." Others whs wished to be heard have concluded that It will b of no use to try to secure leave for oral argument. At torney Oeneral Grant Martin was In the court room during ths session and has been given leav to Ml his brief. Th brief filed by Mr. Thorns represents th view of railway commissions from the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Oklsboma, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri snd Texas. Rlekl ef Sovereign state. Th right of a ovcreiga stats ta regu late business. Including railroads, 'within its borders wss the burden of l he thief which Governors Harmon of Ohio, Had ley of Missouri and Aldrlcb ot Nebraska were permitted to file. The plea ef th governor, all of whom have been active In railroad leglslstloa end litigation, was In the appeal from United States Circuit Judge Walter Sea horn's decision In the Minnesota railroad rat case involving ths right of a stats to regulate commerce within Its borders. The thru governors wers empowered to act as a committee on stet rights at th conference of governors at Spring Lake. N. Y lest September, and were than authorised to seek to Intervene la the Minnesota rate ease. Th controversy In th court, according to th brief which was drafted by Gover nor Harmon and which waa Immediately filed with the clerk of the court, in volved no conflict between the aulas and ths federal authority, but ths mors ex traordinary question of whether railroad rights supercede and dominate state rights. Th decision of Judge Sanborn, the brief contsnds, took th power ef slates to regulate railroads from th ra OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. HAMBURG "bargestS. t. Co. AMERICAN la ths Vorid . 1J10OOS. ran too SKITS , Iui Service X.OSTPOST afSBTg XAJstS tTSS) Amaru April 11, 1 r. IL evasnsSTlTsaia. Aor. IX SP.M. leeeher Apr. 11 ) 4, II. OtaolBnsvtl,... April SO, 11 A. M. Hamburg direct. d eeniB eniy. (Ttta) Uwtrws-Antrtcea Lin erlfi- mi& OcU 0aeebie tt jmf 9V t two ideITcbdises around the worlj IX LASTS IXCTBSTOSa ABO aUDtt TBlT-a. Optleaal J 14 DATA 1ST JAPAat 'aoare 1 17 BAYS 1ST LSD LA ov. It, 118 j b- ST. 1S1. Si N.rt i.rB IKivrs Saa rVlst ViaORULl'ISEVo. aKieiisso-- .hvcitjeiisB tvil v nierr mumum ftlMr4 aVOel koT, faJ !, fcrefebl. . SUMAtit CKUISj Te the tasTO Or Til aTS. aiaST SOB. Eight dallgliUul cruise during Jane, July and August, from Xemharg to Mao way, aorta Cape, Bpitsswa-gsa, lrsiifj etc. Diuelioa 14 u, xa uaye. Lost $62.8 ul .Sslse4e' SsrMe. Isega simwssim -V1CTUIUA LUISB." "stlMlNFam- iMMA caciust' aa -agrgoit-- aV A AMERIKA V' m Apru it, ir.H. m Atlantic V 1 I B WrM. ssr Ssaklst sC ear srslsa M HAMEUES-AMERiCAK 4 Ckicsgo. or local agt. caerngat ma VfEU. HAMFArro.TOUR. LirVYC ecuiMt Da umi1 NIMOjt ATTRACT TOll. Cl """Wl TTHTlOH VrSKUSkH u. usxr. x ocs, ami I f tlP-CCC I tVMT A fl f (Secav- nn&AfteAM SHOULD BE acuM w sucm BMgr.ttYa states and left the railroads free te charge whetever rates they 'plea t.i their traffic within the Mate. He took the stand that it a state cannot reguiat th railroad within -It herder thesi there was so power te regulate them at ... . .. The appealed case crew out e( that v! Snapard against Simpson la which th Minnesota - railroad slate ngulatiaext, partlclu.ariy th S cent a mils passsager rat law, were attacked as confiscatory. JudgWItr Sanborn, whe ard the Case tn the federal court, held that xer elee of the right of states to regu! railroad rata may be enjoined by . tlfe court because ot th actual er probable sffect which It may be shown to bar oa Interstate commerce through th opera tion ef .those engaged therein of condi tions of competition, location ot commer cial center and railroad lines and at what were called "business necessltl." The local rete fixed by that state were held unlawful and enjoined seceaes ths court found that because ot tbem. carriers would have to change existing interstate rate. The states regidatloo ef Its -own internal comaaseM wee for this reason held to be, W effect, regu lation of Interstste rates. Intervention Means a War with Mexico; i Madero'5 Assertion Mexico" --city. April ' t-'-Miiiui-y operations In Chihuahua Initiated by Gon ial Bales will be continued aggT. rvetyi the governinatA has ordered cot, esntratloo ef ell essentials of warfsre in Torreon as a conaequsnc ot ths battle at Jtellano, In which ths federal Infantry suffered losses which did not eseeed t per -cent ot It total force, wtUo th enemy lost enormously by the' federal artillery fire," said President Madera la hie message opening the twenty-fifth ses sion of conars today. . ' "The total available fighting fores," he continued, "is 17.7W men. If w add lo this the body at rursle. which la round number Is 1S.W. iwe aer say thst the govsrnment has under, arms, approsj mstsly ss,soo men, M i . - Touching upon the relations sxlstleg between Mexico and the United Slates the president seld Id pert: ' v 'The armed sgitatloe which exists In varloua parts bi Ute 'republic has given rise te rumor regarding th possibility o! Intervention -In ' Mexico- by th .-UnlieU Itateg. These rumor. ' fomented In that country by. unscrupulous newspaper. have net succeeded in causing differ encee between the two government her has the 'Washington govsrnment been in fuenced by the effort." President's Control 'of Iowa ilssured . TKA MOINWk, April a Special Tete gram.) All doubt Of President Taft's con trol ef six of the eleven csn grass loas.1 districts and probably th elate of tew waa settled wbsa Clinton county In Aha second district today went ooitdty for Taft and the cuueuaea la Oeder Rapids ef Linn county ta the Fifth -"went-for Tatf , Th country district bed prevteusiy betvi Tat. , ..... ... : " .'.. .. This Insures these two' district v. thi control ef the state ewrtrenttoa. clsctlon vf naueual diate-at-larwe- and aa uil 4naUfid efnorsereent ot th prCStdeiU: ' Mr. Cumeoln is wffsctually ltniluate-: and! Ha' Close frleode here tonight Llti mate tie will withdraw Me aame as a candidate rather than go before tha aa tlonai cenTsntlon with a minority Ceirg.- -Uoa from hi stst. He l-.s so -far two delegatca. ' , - " For rheumeHsm yon will find no thin ; better than Cbamberlaia's Ilalmeot. Trv tt and aee hew quickly It five rait:. For sale by all dealua. FOREIGN-BORN POUPUTlOM OF IOWA SHOWSFALUNG OFF WASMIKGTON. , April 1-A r;iv inary etatanwal giving the dlNrlbutlen it lb forelgn-bom white pupniatlon acevrd- Ing to country of birth for lowc, sr shown by the raluru ef the tfalrteenfti decennial census, taken as ef April D. MO, was issued today by Dtrect- :;u rand ot the bureau of the census, ! partment ef Commerce and Labor. Th- tatlt!ca war prepared under the direc ilea ef William C. Hunt, chief Jtiast'.c'si. ; for popnlatkm ta the census bureavi. rr-; ere subject te revieioe. Th ' statemvr.- give comparative Sgursa for ISHa: Country. Austria Belgium Uulaaria Canada French Canada o titer . Denmark ....... England Franca Germany Greece Holland Hungary .........e,wt.. Ireland i lialv .. Luaembarsf Alcaic Uontenegre Norway - Roumaala . Kusala ... , 4 :.-i.A n tmi ill 1 .Scotland l.ii Sweden ss,. . !-a1lserwad Turkey Aia.. ,. RS-- Turkey t'Kiiivpe). ...... ...... " 47..' .'Wale 't-' Bora at sea 31-.: Other, COUi.tries.........:... . Ks4 -J ' . ).. li,5J t;b; .....1 13 wll an i - Ml ............. MAS H.1C. K.a7 ii.io: ............. 11.:?: Uk i.fji 1SJ7 J.XJ li . i: , .a ,ifa.t'H,i?'l 3t.SH . ni (Jul