Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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f -I :
Jeff Has One
Official Backing it Given the Con
teit at Noonday Luncheon. .
cosoorms are appowted
Kiperleaeed Mra Will Han General
I . fapervlaloa ( the Bis Mrf(
; t. Held .1 A..II.H..
' ' aa April ST.
'The bit tlliniirt valley .open Indoor
track rim, which will In held at tin
Auditorium Saturday evening, April fl,
was given official backing by twenty
representative Omaha bualneaa and edu
catlonai men at the "T" yesterday noon,
when- luncheon was held to discuss to
coming ranL
t. T. Maxwell, physical dlrootor o( the
aaaoclatlon. who Inaugurated the revival
of thta annual athlatlo corapatltlon. out
lined plana tor tlio moat and emphasised
tha Importance af sflcoaraglng entrants
from local sohoola and colleges aa' we'l
at Institutions throughout Nobraaka and
adjoining atatee. Tha preliminary ex-.
t:e ot tha affair will ba assumed by
tha "T," and additional coat will ba un-
dartona by athletic enthusiasts ot th
city who ara willing to aubacriba amall
amounts In ratura for a quota o( tickets.
Another aiesns of raising tha flnlnrlal
and will ba a handsomely (ottaa up aou
venlr program replete with local advar
tlalnt. j- s
Short talka ot approval of tha projart
wara aiada by Bupartntandant K. U. Orafr
vt tha pablla achoola, Praaldant Oaortta
Ollmora at tha "T" aaaoclaHon, Oaorga
T. liortoa ot tha Raal Katata aichanga,
Jarnaa Rlahardaoa ot tha Board ot Edu
cation, Prof. F. H. Currona af tha I'nl
varalty of Omaha, C. E. Raad, loa prin
cipal and athlatlo director of tha Omaha
High achool, and othara. .
Caaailtta Apaojlatad.
Vpon tha tiaanlmoua areament of thoaa
praaant. commtttaaa to arranga tha da
tajla of tha tnaet war appointed by J.
1'. Max wall, who will aaauma tha aupar.
vlaton of tha affair: Chairman of all
auvtlary aommmaaa. 8upinteudent K.
V. Oraff; publicity. Oaorga T. Morton of
tha Real Eatata axchanga and Ad club;
patrana, Jarnaa Rlchardaon ot tha Board
of Bducalian and tha I'nlvarally club;
antartainmant, Thomaa H. Mattara, Jr.,
untreraltlM; Prof. F. H. Currpm, col
laaaa; C. K. Read, high achoola.
Tha commlttea on offlclala will ba made
up of H L Cama. aupriintendimt of
arada achol athlatlca; Joy Clark. J. O.
McKay and A. C. Wagnar. Stanley
Roaawatar and Ruaaall Flowar will dlrart
tha bo I' aetlTltlca of tha moat, and aer
oral of tha T" phyalcal dapartment n
thualaatc will aaatat to booat tha affair
among local church and athletic cluba.
Creighton Prepares
for Base Ball Game
Carl ftuasum. flrat baaeman, waa yea
U relay atacted captain ot tha aanlor elaaa
baaa ball team at Creighton university.
Aa there will ba ao vanity nine at
ureurhtoa Una year baaa bail will be re
atrlctad to aa Inter -claea sport, and a
let five orvealaed ainonc the v arte us
claaaca. which win play a aarita ot fames
tor tha college duvmptoesblp.
Captalna ara new being alerted la tha
different clsssua. aad they will abartly
'hold a tneatlnc ta form tha Interclaaa
lea rue and draw up a aohedula of games.
Raaawnw tha aaotora' leader, will look
attar the Initial aack for the clan ot '12,
'and will have a formidable lineup to aa
elet hie. Riley and Miller ot nvn year'
varatty will aoaatltuta the battery for
the easier, wMla the net of tha team
will ba eel sited from Lanpnler. Ryan,
Kama, Tobta. K pane re, Const II. O'Coa
cor aad Qatea.
Besadea taklnc part la tha Interclaea
Mriaa. tba aanaora ara planning upon out
ata gaaaaa wttb tha Nebraaka Deaf n
titutc. Omaha unlreralty. Omaha High
acKool. Fort Omaha-and other amauor
teacaa. Oamea may ba arransed by ad
draealnlr Carl BaaaUBa, IM North Twen
tlta street Telephone Douglas a.
YmXAXMinOA, April L The Phlla
delpCMa National took another game
from the warM a chanploa Axaasicani
here today, I to 1 Breurn, a recruit, win
pitched for tk Amcrtcans. wax Bneteadv
at arttkai .liaw. alula- Ut-Auarioaa
' . ' 1 ' 1 . " "
f mirr vr . f t O WC LCYoo Co IN ") aunts ( X POreT Exacts I f My D6r., rwUfS 1 fon You oewt
UsSto I OeTHco. what's 4 rnet , 2, ocb 5u,6; .
err wire t9 uet j WM4j4To yourvmfc. th oodoi it-tgot I But I jT . -rtvoj4). J how tmousktiha.;
60 osie tth6 I , sfett. ppRstiftTe tk tow -ft -rue it au. topg out. s S r Bcioeo Iuvr rortxht
TWTCHKM,ftT0W4Kt. w- ACTION VJgtM, SHE 'LC "CUTtHMAj' Toy OUST to a. t YOO Au. 1X1 J f?J -ee,1 60 CUT
of Those Heads
war unable to hit tha National pitcher
with any tucceaa. Boora:
i . . . R.H.B.
National ltttt- 7
Amarlrana oail-i t
Hattnnk Hfton. Alexander attd Kllll
far; Itooln. Hrown and Lapp. Umplraa:
Connolly and lllglar.
High School Lads
Start to Practice
on Creighton Field
Tha Omaha High achool baaa ball hope
ful! held thAr flrat practice ot tha ea
aon yaaterday at Cralghlon field, when
aoma twenty-five young enlhualaau nf
tha horeehtde sport want through about
two hours of preliminary wark, leoaen
Ing up Joints and tfjinc to gain their
fielding eye.
Alfred Adams and Leslie Burkenroad.
both of the Junior claea, direct tha
afternoon a work and ware kept buay for
a time slamming out ground balls, in
field pop-upa and Una drives to the squad
of lada which cavorted about the field.
Conetderable time waa also devoted to
whipping the sphere about tha Infield.
Practice will continue every afternoon
thla week and no attempt will ba made
to aaelgn any of tha lada to definite po
eltlone until achool Marts again next
An Interclaaa baaa ball league haa been
organised at Cretahtaa university and
play will begin Immediately after the
Baatar holldaye. At a meeting of the
enptalna of tha varloue clasg team Mon
day afternoon K waa decided to draw up
a achedule ot ten gamee for each team,
tha winner to be tendered a .banquet at
tha and of the season. There ara six
strong teama entered and there promise
to be a lively tuaale. Tha all teama with
their captalna ara aa follows: Senior,
Carl Ruaaum; Junior. George Harring
ton; Freshmen. Dennta Collin;, Fourth
High, Henry Dolan; Third High B, Lao
Kane; Third High A and Special Class.
Earl Torrey.
There waa much dlecusalcm a to the
choice of umpire and It waa decided to
elect one from each claaa entered. Two
ot the, both from c leasee which are not
taking part la the game, will officiate
In each claas. Tha umpire ar as fol
low: Senior, Maurice Miller; Junior.
John rolakt; Freshmen, Jerry Murphy:
Third High B. Cromer Coady; Fourth
High, Lea McCarthy. Third High A, and
Special Claaaea, Willi Madden.
Moaa Howard waa unanimously choaan
to act general ananager af the league,
while Father Devlla will act aa presi
A Junior hand ball league ha been
formed by the atudent of the high
achool department ot Creighton univer
sity with Prof. Klley ot the high achool
In charge Vincent Burkhart waa elected
manager, Paul Duffy, ecretary, and
Edward CarvllL treaaurer. There ara six
teama la tha league and each ha chosen
its captain aa followa: Olanta, Captala
Brennan; Napa, Captain Collopy; Na
tional; Captain Shield; Pirate. Captain
Merman; Athletic. Certain Burkhart
Each team will play ten game and each
member of the winning team will ba pre
sented with a Creightoa pennant.
PINBHURST. N. C, AptUL-Thlrty-
slx hole la the open event In th twelfth
ananal united north and eouth ama
teur gulf championaMp resulted hi a
pretty race today for first place between
T. L. MacNaaara, a Boatoa professional,
and Charlea Evan. Jr, ot Edgwater, the
French champion. The Boston man won,
let to 1st.
Herbert Lxgerblade and Stewart
Maiden were next la Uae with le) and 156
Oawald Klrkby ot Engiewood waa -and
among th a male are with 1st. white
H. D. Topping of Greenwich scored IM
nod Walter J. Travis of Garden City 131
Cass at St. Laata Paetamed.
ST. LOUIS. April t-The third gam
ot the spring aeries between the local
American ana National leaa-ue fcaae hall
teama, which waa scheduled for today,
baa been postponed ea. account ot rain
iwul toiowvw. - c
that Are Filled
Fete Loch. Capture Three Straight
From Dreibni Candy Company.
la Metrepalltaa Leagae the Derby
Wasleaa Roll Two Beet af Three
Fraaa Draaaaacra Haisai
Get fl,Tl.
Fete Loch' took throe In a row from
the Drelbu Candy company team last
night. Keyt had high game of til and
Kohry had high total of Kl. Condou
had high game of Ki and high total of
M for the Drelbut Canity company.
Tuesday. April I Luxua against Per
mit. Score:
1st. 3d. M. Total.
Kuhry ITT 11 !11 571
Balaer US in 1T7 ill
Hrown 17V in 11 UT
Key! I? ITS till Sa
Mc Martin ..ITS 17 Jl MS
Totals m rrs ta
1st. id. Sd. Tots!
Condon 1m
Htraw 174
Manning ITS
McDonald ,. 179
lolan ...177
Total IS U Ml
Metropolitan Leagae.
In the Metropolitan league the Derby
Woolen took two out ot three from the
Drummer. Hollo had high honor with
a single of IN and total of MR. Score:
1st. id. Sd. Total.
Hollo IM 1M 1M MR
Tnmpkln IM 137 IS 42
Straw lie lis 13 tli
Total .'. 4a - 44 48 1,41
1st. d. Id. Total.
Barton 169 U". 130 431
Perklna ITU ll IM IM
Straw lit) in 1S6 4tt
Totals 4H 443 411 1 111
1st. M. Id. Totsl.
Hanaen ts 1 M Um
1. Landwehrkamp 1( 138 is 47t
H. Landwehrkamp 1S M Ui Ms
Totala Ml Cat Kg 1,63!
1st. M. Si. Total.
Barton 147 IS 1X3 V.
Perklna IM 14) 171 M
Btraw tu u 141 IT
Total 300 4M US 1,137
- ' ateertoaa Leagae,
1st. Id. Sd. Total.
Doherty 174 ltiO IS 4
Hughes 1S3 ISO MS
Kohn 13 lj ... 313
Den man 1(3 143 IM Sit
Chamber 1 ... 141 ??
Blakeney v... 1SS Ml 1 in
Totals Sli S47 H :,4J0
Handicap 7
Total M4
1st. M. 3d. Total.
Neal IM
Tracey lit
Weekea 1
Hartley VA
Ooff la
ToUls 137 tl hi! 4W
1st. 3d. Sd. Total.
Frltschar tl 172 IM
Welter 14 1 47 173 4t)
OJerde 3fl 1 li C79
Stuna 151 1S7 17 473
Cochran ...117 :i 33 M
Total M: t&t U 2,718
ALl'UA CAall KU 1.
Soloman 1C! 144 14 473
Primeaa C. IN 17 13 34
Heaton til UTJ 17 331
Olllham 14 m 1e x
mraeaii tu US la it, 31
Totala tl SM ' 7M MM
Mereantlle. v
1st. Jd. td. Total
K. Btockwell 147 lft 13 474
Dober 1(1 143 !3 4
Oreen ltt 10 184 313
. Totals 4M 4tw ft) L4
A. O. I, W. JSO. 17.
IM. M. Si Total.
chlndler IM 175 47
J. Jam 17 li' a
Hamlll 137 17 14 r.i
Total an MS .43 Lta
1st. 2d 3d. Total.
Bland w 147 Ms tu 37
Brown us m
Lamb .... ....137 la M 344
Suauaa 1) IM Sal
Totala 41 313 133 I t
1st, Sd. 3d. lotai
prlfBn 143 la 171 473
With Vice
Bower 230 Ka 14 S3
Total 3W tf IT 1,511
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Mokry 19 hi, SOI 333
F. Jaroa 133 , 112 243
Kranda 13 133 Ml 4
Kannia let) " . lo
Total 1 433 343 1.133
1st. ra. jn. total.
Smith 34 IW 13 331
Jeff Is lu m
Johnson 141 13 Stil 4
Total 316 306 a 1.300
Owen Moran Loses
Bout with Mandot
MEMPHIS. Tenn., April l.-Joe Mandot
of New Orleans won the decision over
Owen Moran tonight In an eight-round
bout before the National Athletic club.
Six of the eight round were awarded
to Mandot; one went to Moran, and In
another, the eighth, honors were even.
In Moran a round the second Mandot
went to the floor for the count of nine
and came up groggy. The rest of the
round he held on, but In the third he
cama back fresh. During the remainder
of the fight he fought a trifle wild, but
wa effective. Neither fighter waa badly
Moran waa regarded aa one of the most
formidable obstacle In the way of the
New Orleans fighter to a match with AS
Wolgaat for, the lightweight title.
Chinese Ball Team
Shows Real Ability
SAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. April L-The
flrat Chinese baaa ball team to play In
thla country ahowed aurprlalng mastery
of the game today and waa defeated by
th University of California of Berkeley
only by the close score of 4 to 3. The
visitors ar from Hawaii but are of
Chinese parentage,
Apau. tha pitcher, had resource, apeed
and cunning. He ahowed good Judgment
In command of paoe. a faat fadeaway
and sharp break on hi curve. Hawaii
lost by Infield error, the card showing
five to Berkeley three. In batting the
Chinese handled the willow like experts
and hit cleanly when they landed at
all. Hawaii had eight hit and Berkeley
Despain Improves
After Operation
SABETHA, Kan., April L-Donald
Despain, owner of tha Lincoln Western
League Base Ball club, wbo waa operated
on yeaterday for gallstone In a Iocs'
hospital, showed Improvement today aad
th aurgeorr eaid there was every pros
pect of early recovery.
The Lincoln team, which I at Sycamore
Springs, a few mile from here, 1 In
charge ot Manager Dwyer. who la sign
ing player ana making aaslgnments. To
day he concluded a deal whereby Thomaa
Tuckey, a pitcher of tba Holyoke (Mas.)
team. Join Lincoln In exchange for
Pitcher "Buff Eh man.
NEW YORK, April 1 Joe Jeannette,
the heavyweight, ao far outclassed Grit
Jone tonight that the refer stopped
what had been scheduled to be a ten
round bout In the fourth round. Jonei
showed up fairly well for twe rounds,
but In the third era knocked down sev
eral times and a knockout waa la sight
when the referee waved Jeannette back
to hi corner.
leae Baya Berger.
DES MOINES, la.. April L-The pur
chase ot Inflelder Joe (Heine) Berger
from the Chicago American league club
by Manager Isbell of the Dee Molnee
Western league club was announced
here today. Berger played with Wichita
last year and area eoia ta Chicago at
the end ot the sea inn.
Persistent Advertising la tha Road to
Big Returns.
3. 1912.
Indianapolis Welterweight Gets De
cision From Eng-lish.
Mora Yoathtal aad Agile Opponent
Dwdgea Theaa aad Caaaea Back
Strong Toward Wladap af
Farteae Battle.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April l.-(8pecjal
Telegram.) Ray Bronson of Indianapolis
wa tonight awarded th decision over
Clarence English of Omaha In a fifteen
round I eiteat.
The battle was a furious affair from
tart to finish, In which Bronaon'a clever
nee and youth waa matched against the
ring generalship of English. Bronson
depended largely upon his atranght Jab
to the faoe and stomach after Enguab
had made hi mlsa In awing after awing
In an effort to land a haymaker.
English used a right chop effectively
and early In the fight opened up a gash
under Bronson' left eye. English also
devoted much of hi effort at awing
right and left-to the Jaw, which were
Branson's kidney punches weakened the
veteran English, and toward tha end
of the eighth his punches lacked steam,
while Bronson, who had been playing a
waiting game, became more aggressive
as th finish drew near.
Prince of Wales in
Parte Incognito, but
Flash Lights Glare
PARIS. April 1-The-princa of Walea
arrived at the Oare Du Nord tonight and
waa received by the prefect ot Parle, M.
Leplne. the Marquis and Marchioness de
Breteull and several members ot the
English colony. The prince was greatly
stsrtled by a volley ot flashlights with
which the newspaper photographer
greeted him.
M. Leplne reassured the prince, saying
this was tha first mark of esteem ot the
Parisian public. A large crowd outetde
the station cheered him aa he entered the
automobile and drove off to the Breteull
The prince of Walea Is hare Incognito,
under th name of the earl of Chester.
Ha will be received by President Fallieres
A Wonderful
a amen
in Time -ax.
Snes jSTX
Sews Leather , ih
Nine. Quick
THE MYERS FAMOUS LOCK STITCH SEWING AWL. ta the original aad only one of its kind ever
invested. It 1 designed tor apeedy atltching, to be naed by all classes, the ineiperrcwced as well aa the ;
roerluuiic. It simplicity make it a practical tool for all kinds of repair work, even In the hands of
the most unskilled. With this tool yon can mend harness, shoes, tents, awnings, pulley-belts, carpets,
saddles, buggy to pa, aultcaiew, daahboardg or any heavy material. You can sew up wire cnts on horse
and cattle, therefore tha veterinarian and gtockman find it indispensable. The patent acedia1 is dia
mond point and will eat throagh the thickest of leather. It haa a groove to contain the thread, run
ning the full leaorth through the shank, overcoming any danger of ratling off the thread wbea sewing
heavy material. -
The reel carrying the waxed thread is la a anost convenient positioa trader the fingers end, so
thfct the tension can be controlled at will by a simple movement of the fingers oa the reel and the thread
can be taken up or let out as desired. Thla feature is very essential in a device of this kind. These
are exrlnxtve featares: Convenient to carry Always ready to xoewd a rip or tear la any emergency
Tools in the hollow of the handle Assorted needles A supply of waxed thread wrench and screw,
driver combined.
We wsnt yon to bare this useful tool.
We will give it to yon FREE, if yon will send na $1.30 for a year a subscription to The Twentieth v
Century Farmer.
Address The Twentieth Century Farmer, (fat&a, Nel
for The Bee by
General Grant HI,
in South for Health
NEW YORK. April S.-.!ajor General
Frederick Dent Grant, U. S. A., com
mander of the Department of the East,
has left his post at Governor's island
aad gone south to recover his health.
Thla announcement was made today by
Lieutenant Marion Howse, General
Grant's aide-de-camp. The announce
ment follow:
"General Grant wa run down In health
and not feeling strong. Upon advice of
hie physicians he took leave of absence
and has gone south to obtain a rest. He
purposely left no address, so that he
would not be bothered with mall."
The departure of General Orant with
his family from Governor's Island gave
rise to reports that he was seriously III.
Concerning these. Lieutenant Howse said:
"Aa to the publication of these reports,
the whole thing Is a sensational fabrica
Because hi roommatee. Fred Gorman
and E. R. ltoblnaon, had criticised hi
action and had refused to remain with
him longer, John H. Booker. Jr., aged
S3 yeara, an employe of the Nebraska
Seed company, attempted to take hla own
life last night. He drank nearly two
ounces of laudanum, ''after drinking a lot
The three young men roomed at the
Vienna hotel, Eleventh and Farnara
streets, and yesterday a quarrel ensued
over Booker's alleged conduct. Gorman
and Robinson refused to remain with
him longer, and as they hsd been close
friends for six months Booker took the
matter as an affront.
Tha police were notified and a phy
sician eocoeeded In removing the poison
from Booker's stomach. Booker at
tended Vanderbllt University In Nash
ville. Tenn., and was a member of the
Vanderbllt foot ball team. HI home Is
In West Point, Oa.
Crelgatew HI ah Wlae.
In the first base ball game of the
season played on Creighton field Mon
day afternoon the Creighton Annex
team went down to defeat before the
team representing the claae of fourth
year high. The fourth high team out
hit their opponents and won by a score
of I to i. Score:
Annex S 1 1 0-s
Fourth High. t I 1 I I I I H
Marrtagja Lleeaeee.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to tha following named persona:
Little Hand Sewing Machine
famous Lock Stitch
"Bud" Fisher
Name and Address. Age.
.Martin J. Neary, Decatur, Neb S4
Helen Tellefero, Decatud, Neb Si
A. V. Munson. Omaha u
Anna M. Matron, Omnha 1
Jack Guster. 1 enver O
Nancy Brydaon, Gratiot, Wis I
Easter Suits
with all of the
bother lelt out
Some yeara ago your -"Joiner"
of tha Easter Pa
rade used to fume, fuaa aad
bother about hla parade
clothes a month la advance.
Today he comes here and
says: "George, fit me out
with something nifty," and
leave the store twenty min
utes later with a dainty box
containing a stunning suit
I don't charge anything for
the awlft service and only
$18 to $25
for the suit ' ,
"Society Brand Clothe"
and Smart Furnishings. '
S. K. Cor. 16th and Harney,
Ground Floor of City
National Bank Building.
Kb RiVffr Jl
Sayed Is