Sherlocko the MonkThe' Case 1 Str Too M.SMfcRtOO I H A BftAMD ME.W HAJ - t K HAJ j IT WtR OFFE11ED rXK RENT HBtHI Ut tettagVS. SECOND floor. 421 Cass St., 4 rooms, partly modern. Telephone ll.imey N. lath rit.. 7-r., tine modem house, a Led rooms, fcw. Phone U llSL HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and f.r warded; cheap freight rates: movtng and storing, Lapreasmen'a Unlivery Co. Tea. lKHiglaa SH. City uflice. -ij ii. lllti ou, pee Pldg. 30u AIAIU'Y .ST. Kight rooms, completely modern, finv reiuhborht-od, near cur. UUTCU1N80X-UOLLAKL CO., Karndin St. UAK Modern 10-room house. )iot akr iieat; rang; clatorn; shiule; water r-rt rid. McKachion Realty Co., aJ IJike 8t. Tel Web. 1661. T-HOOM hojse. N. 2Mb M. D H1X-HOOM. all modem, nearly new. electricity, gas. furnace, new window hade: fin she! tti oak; floors all fifth ly varnltilKMl: koo1 ard ai.J sharle. .3 linstuL Call 15. K. Hurttlev, 7-.' Brandcia Hid:- 'Kht-n" l!arny 1",2. 1-OW Rt.Vf (.'LOSi: IN. i loom, all mmlem. Korlh d 8L. r.n ttxelknt neighborhood. ixums, Ul uer tl3t, ;.H'j Nortll 2M St TKL. HKD ' ltK)M modern house, 3.U N. 21t; good Inrstlon for roomers. THUS. W. I1AZKN, 307 MoCaxue. T. l.K W. KARNAM, new brlik. i bedrooms, I latli. m N. aath Av, toi. Ked an;. ' APRlb 1 S-room modern homo, :tM ( aldwelh "llv-KUl'H bright, airy rooms; modtro r epi nell. nmurii. r.iiiiiirt c 1.', ill lilt I.' (LriMiin Ail miul. -:. haul,. Iii cathedral district. l'i information tall Harney HS2. S-It mod., 112 N. Wth. (. SIX room cottaKc, tiud'rn eicept fur I. ace. leatiir St. Phone Ked KIVB-KOOM cotlaite. marly new, firm clasj condition; modern except heat; good yard; I3. 3."i-i N. ath Hi. Ked it;. NKVVI.Y decorated and will paint. Ui" Park Ave. u rooms, modent. Cheap, t'urey. !Mh and llownnl. 1810 K. XM, ;-ruoin, all modern, 1c. Web. 3215. ;.-KUOM flat. iiKlirn, first Door. US Lake St.. 115. Colnrcd people; water paid. Phone Harney WEST Farnam, 41S South 4ith St., seven rooms. l HOUSE, 9 large looms, gas, furnco. Lath, big barn, corner lot. shade, larg jiorch, west Funiau) dlHtrtct, one block from Farnam car. Lease on year, only M pr month. I'hono trauglus 41 or llV'l'nrj 11. r.o i rnniinw ,'hti ini,,. Ntna room, modern, oak flnl.h and not ivaur IX North th street , fu. .1 OHM W. ROBRINS. W! FARNAM ST. l,.'.,ul 1 l.'.UV. ... lllJTUIl t Stoa sid Offices, M CAOl'E BVILDINO, i;,TH I DODOE. Attractive offlcen, moderate prices. AP Pl.Y OMAHA LOAN ANL ilL'lLDINU , SSOC1ATION. FOR RENT Store Room at 411 So. 15th St. Splendid Location, Rent Very Reasonable. .Remington Typewriter Co 8TORE UOOJa. !-. Howard St.. tlx in. aultablo for large lj mnoM. Inquire Wm. Fisher, Hotel Plaza. Store at 23us Cuming .Street. Htore at HJii t'uinlng btreet. Wore at 9.3 North 24lh Slroet. Htore at 35 North 2!tN :-ti-et. Move at Hi North 24 1 h btreet. Store at 3tti North tli. South Omaha. O. C. RKDICK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam biree "KOR RENT Store r"om iU Farnam Pt. Viator Dicta. 114 Faruan-. TeL D. t. OFFICE or at 1 i'h Harney. Third floor a; 1MW ilruney inew. STond floor at liw-lu Harneymew). Office at 13K Karnam. second floor. Store at 1411 ilanioy St. o. C. KKUk'K, Attorney, lali Farnum St. OI FEHKD 1 OH SALlv FuailSur, CtOSINO ont sal of furniture. Gas Btovea, ateel ranp.s. good aa uew; no rra Mmable otter reiused. Will sell isparat. or all together. iSi.' Cunui'S. I'lANu FOlt S A Ui-teMouatoie, 1 arnani. Harney ciiriti !aric uiaiioKanv Oi.l for sale cheap If taken -win, at ' lj X. it;i St. "FOR SAI.E F.k-gar.t new furniture of four-room apartment, only In use a short t.ine; a snaf. 3tW Harne, Apt. 11. Phone Harney i13. 1 , yvrrrf trra. TYPEWRITERS for rent. lowest figure ! ever quoted; 1 months. i Central Type- wittw Kachance. ln7 Fsmani. Uoug. aii. j RFuNT an t)liver typew.ller from tue . Oliver Tynewn'er Co. lw-bIhj 3:9. , VISIBLE typewriters and all other makes. o:d or reined anywhere at te - nif.'T'l prices, allowing rrnvai to ap.y oa pilce; an i pied or. approval. VVrlla for cacuiar. Ioj 'arnarc 'lypewntcr lnspction and S-.-pgiy i-o. TYPK WRITERS. all makes and ptlccs, lares, anl bes stock. Call or write for large list. We ship on approval, u. ' Sr.anaoB Co.. Uii Faruwn OL, uin.ix. ' .VI i-K-ellaueuu. rrTl SALE-Tw renolarshlpj In the Omeiia Commercial codege ind one In 1ica cdMege. ausiocaa office. Omaha U.'U-PArtEiNu Dcl.iac ior rrvc . have a J- A. Fay saxder, Il-lcch, 4 c.rjan. ia od wor'Kitus (.ondltion. which we offer for e"Cm rin- Kieunmcr 3dl. Co.. Cound! liluff. Ia- KOfi riAi-iv New jwi second -a ml aro'n anJ pocket billed an 1 li.fajC etlcys in-i ' 'CJf-or!s; bjr I ties of all fciutls: e3:y iwymtr.ta Tha truiiiwick-Bake-CoHaaJcr Co.. 4d;-0 . tn t roOL. tax1?, stare. r:.'UrJt fut lures vllZV 7 l.Hunp' lj part Xy-iwwrr JvtR U i n ir t rr ii ii ii ill I I 'I riHir mni I mi i im i 1 ' I " ! i ir Tn i min i ri i inn i i ir irr ) I I I -I I I I - - ' I E5sw J l iMinini IWVW, uvir.iv- I I I Move eEN rirrCfTl I I 1 lou our m an OFfifG tchcDc 1 I lt..r rrt umFEBTII LET M6 tHmt t-CT e, , IT ' Ot'FKKKD H)R SALE pilaw $3 Coa for stove or furnace. Try It. Harmon Weeth. Webster MS. SAFKS-0frlKltd with ircond-hud safe; all sia and mtkn: bai-ejalnx American Hupply Co.. 1110 Farnam St. j Water Damage Sale Biggest Bargains of your life. Everything In our big stock goes at 25c to 75c on the dollar. You need something. Come now. I Dunning Hardware COMPACT. It 13 Harney. 1 KOK SALE-Good gss stova cheap. Tel. i Harney 24JS. HKKK IS A BARGAIN. I Ore 'vnient block machine worth una i-oruica mock machtue wortn one veneer Llo-k machine worth ft Forty plates, A-l designs, 4 to I-Inch. woith 1 Palleu 1IW Total 5 This ia all Pettljhon machinery. !T5 buys the abova complete If takan at once. J. P. VANNATTER, Ktirtaeport. Neb. tl HAFKS. UERlOtlT. Hit Karpatn St. MR. DUCK HfNTKR-THlS 18 YOUR OPPt)UTL'NITV. Tou can buy these things for about one half remilar price. Two dosen "Illinois river decoys," two dosen goose decoys. ! A hunting case, to carry decoys, sheila. hunting t-lothea, etc.; an army muaket. can ue for hunting or an old relic. Call at 1102 R lltu St., between ( and 7:30 p. m. Auk for A. A. Uustafson. FOR HAI.K IS-foou horse power motorboat. $15. Iiouglaa 2176. POOL tables, store, fixtures bourht, sold. Levy. e10 N. Ho. Omaha, FOR SALE tJmall soda fountain cheap. Brown Park Pharmacy. AL SJ-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Rladtsh Pharmacy. Uth and IMdge. YOUN'Q women coming to Omaha aa trangera are Invited to Ttatt the Young Women's christian asociatlon building at Seventeenth and ft. Mary'e Ave., where they aill be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look far our travelers' aid at the Ut.lon etatloo. LADIES rave 40 per eent. Pelinell Mil linery Co., Paxton Blk. u steps u petal ra Water Damage Sale OUR BIO BARGAINS are going fast Don't DELAY. It Is money lost to you. Dunning Hardware COMPANY. 1612 harney St. Magnetic treatment. 710 S. lStn. upstairs. i ASSAflV saisu mevemer.t. Apb OLaOOAUili., j,,, Farnam. U. H4. Wis KLNT and repair aa kinua of aew tng macbines. lod. A-lsU; Oougiaa teeA NtbKASKA CYCLE CO., lith and Harney St.. CULXA DECORA TOH. I NO REASONABLE. Special etunitoa te club orders. Hutu Letcuord. Mtudio, Ul o. 17th St. THIS SALVATION ARMY solleiu cast eff clothing; in tact anything yon do not need. We collect, repair and sell at IM N. Uth SL. for coat of ooUoctwa, to the worthy poor. Phone bousias UZt aod aagona will call. MASSAGE dtn '"' rnauo ul-QO"-a ''-'Ueaunent. Mme. AJlea ef Chicago. Mv 8. i.lo ot., 1st floor. D. MAbAOl, Mra ttleele, imyt d. IMo St.. td floor.. H- a. Huurs. to a p. m. stomacn trouble, poor circulation. Kara ten 'lonseth, graduate from Sweden. ) Omaha Nafl Mank Bldg. Douglaa ilm. Ma.saae. itittennouae. au old Bosion old. BA'liid. Hweuisn okaaaags, norator and radiator treatioents. Ilr. onyuer, apt. 3, liunnany. loth and Pierce. Oougia. 441. BET bracer for men. Oray'a Nerve Fond Phis, 41 per box, postpaid. Sherman si McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Vital massage. Anna Fierier. 411 Ware Bik. FOR SALE White English bull ter riers, male and female; no relation: price 0. Chas. Schwelkhardt, Peterson. Ia. THREE Buff Orpington cockerels and cock for sale. trejn Horn hefi that laid twenty ey-s a month during the winter time, will -ell at beet oiler. L. I. Scott. Harney SfeOs. K C. KcOa. t, . u.. let. a. Ma WHITE Orpington settings for sale, ii 1 and up. George Carley, lth and Har rison St., South omata. I'houe Bourn Mi. LUGS i-.JVJO EGGS FOR n.viAJitiAwU rhOM St EN OAK feTKAiN of ibrt-d to Uy 9. C White l-cgnoi na, at V IT Wfl; I.. for 15. A I at brvod-.K storks. Vr.N OAKS I-UtXTRTf FARM. Florence, Ne. 'Pfiorie Kloieme M. "WHITE Oro.ricton en KB. fifteen fc.utiT fifty, laOC. lam) caniien. Webster 4111. U'HlTk. Orpiiictou eKgs for haicUnq i from ray fcrtat inzC'Winnlny ani laytn-; felraji. Oei. K. 'omtock, iinh ai.d Vanaei-scn. Pltono Hensoa To fiat heiif, 7c ewch; two dandy little femaie peis aud smaU waub dKS fcr 11 consldeialion. loujls itAitiiKtJ i'.ymojiu Kock egt for &v:.'.t.s from my ct.air.riou of uc west: a ijv cockerels. Write fr price lltr- F. C". Ahl,uL-t, Bos. D., Arrea Ave., t'tatii ma',ia. eb. i'hoiie Florence IA. TriL)RuL;GilJRJID tL C. Whit, laf. it a etfiis for sati.i'C- Phone Web. loli- THOHOLGHbRKLf Wyaadous ;. sctuns- ''ts. Waii. lortiKt- Ind. ROB li Kll t't: lL NL) KfcD EjiS for hatt h:t:i; from lrap-nct'-4 winder layers, l; for IS. F. b. King. Bcnfoa. Neb. Tei. le&aoa 23i W. THE of the DisaDDearing Feathers A rOVLTRY AND PET tVTOCK RKSPO.N'SIBLB woman wanted to rent incubator, hatch and ml chicken tut Mk old on shares. Tel. Webster Mfe- "TWO pen of Buff Orpington for sa!. price reasonable. 'Phone Webster 1717. Otiaranteed fertile m'. buff leghorns, buff orpington. Carson. 340T- California. REAL ESTATE halts VI' llll.t. Ree1 Abstract Co.. oldest abstract office (a Nebraska. 3t Brandels Theater. NEALE A CAMPBELL. 1711 Fatnam SL llUII.Ult.HV lsFOHMA'riU. F.lectrle, ta fixtures. Omaha Silver Ca Ideal Cement Co . l th and Cuming. Kucha bun & Blind, painting, decoratlng- 11. Gross. Lum. wreck's, plb tl Paul. 4.ITV PHOPEHI V FIIH SALE Country Place A SPLENDID BVacre countrv home. Just west of the Field club on Center St. t paved), want to lease for 3 years or less. Has l"-room house, largu ham. water system, bearing orchard, sniull house for garoener or other help. A great place (or a family with children. Harrison & Morton m Omaha Nat'l Hank. Tel. IV SH a ROOM roltave. 1 years old. built for a home, located at 34 In Boyd St.; full lot. strictly modern, electric lights, gas for rooking, vemeut cellar, large furnace, open plumbing, high and sightly. House is nicely ai ranged and well built, storm a Indue s and screens, well painted, rents for per month, and Is wed worth K.toM. Hut as toe owner Is leaving this country, will sacrifice and must be sold, any reas onable offer will be considered, don't fall to see this If you want a bargain, reason able terms will be furnished. Address Box 47 or call D. 192 or W. mi. FOR SALEIA.UKI, a-room modern, hard wood finished bungalow; one block from car line, owner leaving town and wtehea to eell equity. Phone Iwuglas 4V7I. FOR SALE-3b42 Capitol Ave., S-room modern cottage and bath. Inquire at above address. I3UY FK0.M OWNER Must sell my atrictly modern home, built Its years ago, t blocks west of High school. Call Harney list. FROM owner, 7-room nearly modern house, with one or two acres. Call Ben son W. WANTED Good reliable men in dif ferent localities In Nebraska tn handle ctrtctly high claaa proposition In Florida fruit and truck lands. Address Fknida Homes Lend Co., 31 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Nel fc 1.- l ' - -n. . Lua.l nn h..l street In Benson, owner living In prop erty, will sell cheap If taken within next thirty days; must aell on account of sick ness. 3a South Lynn Ave. AT BAKUolN. i-roora iioum, easy pay meiita Canediae otflce. Ill o. UVih ex WALKlNtl DISTANCE 2il2 Dewey av enue, u nilnuiea walk to and Far nam; room with board In private family. Good family cooking. New house; new furniture, young people; no children; ref ereiiceo exchanged, price reasonable. Tel. Doug. SkTtV. 5-liOOM BUNGALOW In Beautiful Norwood OPPOSITE MILLER PARK. A well built. IV-room bungalow, all on one floor, (finished last October: living room, dining room and hall ftnlehed In oak, bedrooma finished In white euamet, with oak floors; sun room and sleeping room; large attic, where two or three rooms could be finished If desired; full cemented basement, with hot and cold water and laundry alnk; beat of fur naces, coal bins, etc. House Is thoroughly modern, rought sand finish walls, tastily decorated, beautiful and artistic lighting fixtures, dining room Is panelled and has window scat and plate rail. Yard la sodded and the walka In. Two large lota, each 44x1. giving as foot frontage. Well built chicken house. 13x14. with large yard on rear of one Int. Tnia place makes an ideal auburban home, with all the advan tage of the city. Only a minutes ride to Farnam St. Am going to leave city, will sell with either one or both lots. Must have half rash, balsnce to suit. 131 N. 34TH ST. AT A SACRIFICE A fine and extra well built eight-room borne; every modern convenience, paved atrert. fine neigh borhood; convenient to three Unea of cars. Buy from owner direct- D 7va, care Bee. Buy Direct from Owner. Five la'ge rooms pd thoroughly mod ern tatti. Tne noun, la in i4cua repair inside and out, ptix-.l lor jc, t smaU evr-nw could be wired for electricity and fumaca installe-1. Tha llvlog ro-jm, diDlrtg? room and kitchen ra iarga, w'.la iwu oM Metrd leoro4nis and ctoaa sptf.e. Isnt la Alxl with KacU Ireea and fruit tree, wanaiog distance tj. t. shop, j I'm L.. eusv itrnii. 11 not sold will teat about lUy 1 B-e Owner, &3 S. Uta. or 'talons Webster 3aW, Buy the Foundation ror a home fl down and UQ ir month. This fine lot In Benson, ctoee to csvr, direct from owner. Lui kot is, blocK j. has south exposure. Is 6"xiai f-et In Site, and has new bom- built closa by. If you don t want to build, buy for in vestment. This properly increasinj. in vaiuu ail the tuna. afbuua ebatex site. . jc- TO EL!', lilvLL. OR RfcaNT, FJItT SEE JOHN v. huiiiil.S. inn FAKaNAM oT. for kesultsTisimvYtii sux0ell grant realty co., DOUG. 23a. li McCAUlE BLDO. FOR EAI.E OR RENT e-room bou sad barn. Chicago St.; soodera im proTemer.La. Apply H. W. Yates. iNa brwka Nuilrttial hank. .tcrratt-. A-RE PROPERTY improved. tV-14-4 f-l and for swie or trade. The tracts are a:i c!oe in and Sod proifrta ti"is. i:; tra.i- any f them .'or el'.y pcupcriy, jak socio fine vacant facts. cTofl In. A. V.'. JONKS, 3U N BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. I COMPLICATE & I I RK.1L KSTATK At Hi: Mir: Fk tk. Spring Bargains In Acre Property & Acre aouth of Bellevue and ona-half utile frurn alravi tr; fair liupiwe I nienta. :0 Acred nortnwerit or ruiMon: moatiy all In fruit of Ptandard vmiietlea, m kroemenut ar new and first claa; lilt la exceptionally a awod placv and would prvfer nit to quot- a price be fore first telliiu: you about It per onally. 10 A crca north of Klorenca that la rep resented aa being very choice prop erty, baa Mood tti and lota uf fruit, ("rice ttW. Wa hav aonie . 14. ! and i-acre tracts tn Sarpy county and cloae to Houth t Biaha. some improved ; they are real batKHiti. Heineniber, wa are ao!e agents for l ountry Club Acres on the suhurhan car hn admit tetlly th cholreat puburban prniterty lo be found anywhere. Afk ua abuul It. 0'Neils Real Estate & Ins. Agency 1W5 Fsrnara Street, tU N !4th street. South Omaha. Tela. Tyler 10?4. Ind A-J313. South llii K-1U3. KKAL ESTATE rum HAM h l!us row Clorse)a. 1K acres of clear, leeel Improved Ir rigated land, sand loam soil, under good canal. Good &-room house, barn; Urge l-naio cave coating Put. Mod well and windmill, fenced and erossfenced, well rented; SH miles frum Valley and about 7 nillea from Fort Morgan, Colo. Just acroaa Nebraska line. I will exchange this for good Income and let any reliable resident of Fort Morgsn make valuation on It. If you want something rljht that will bring big returns let me hear from you.. So. 6. L. U. Gibson. South Omaha, Neb. Opposite Poatofflce. NlaaeaeMa, BAROAIN. MO-aore farm edjoiaing a rood rallmad town, let miles from Minneapolis; two houses, one large bare and other build Ings; buildings originally cost M.0OS; uo acres under cultivation, balance timber and meadow land; no waate land. Prise tli per acre, tv.wo oaab. balance easy. SCHWAB Blioa, IS Guaranty Loan Building. Mlnnsaao lis. Mine. riarlda. FLORIDA LAND. Of the 1,000 acres of choice land offered In De Soto county from tit to tn per acre, we have 3,500 acres left after last week's trip to Florida. Remember the next excursion Is April t Let us hear from you promptly before thin lend la all sold. Lakeside lud Co.. Ml Oioyd Bldg.. Kansaa city. Ma eeewrsila. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLA-t-TIC HA1LP.OAD. Lands adapted to the wuuat range et erepe. All the money crepe ef the south plentifully produces. For literature treat ing with this caening oouairy, ua swi eainate, church and scJmm- advaiiiaaea write W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. (eeocral raaeenger a loin. ATLANTA. OA. TUB essiest way to rind Mrer tec your tarm as te Insert a small w-aot ad in the Dea Motoea Capital. Laugeat Mr. tulauon lo the state oi Iowa, a,ava dauy. i u capital la read by and believed la b the .laudpaiure 01 leea, woe ataae,' leluM ia peruut eaiy otuer paper ta umuj hemes. Kaiea, I eeat. a weta a aay. 4a.4i per lute per month; oooot aa orilliiarf wwroa is tue U1H Aoarase sm Capiu.1. Lhm atoiueat, la. Mvbrwaavaw lOR HALK-Weil improved farm SH acres; ru 1111.1- aUr, beavy soil, five csm uf oiaJid iiauu iScb. a1(1im iira, (ieislugtir, 97 Swutii Plna. Orand is- land. Neb. VA KM bsmaliraea nsaX 4lRlaa.ham " - - Oru b- Met 1 ai. izU City Ma. at, biug. Ii'IVF 1Z nswr AlllMni-a list ismr AA. dress Y 'fu. ears He. WliATS THAT YOU WAY? A contract for from W to Mu acres of f ri..t lai-'lr. three railroad townxta lou and .3 shares of stock In a l.w-acrs or inard, ail for $Ui.Jw. pa aoie iw.w dowu .mi iu.w per month? ILri HIRf und M per catit of these lands are less titan milea from railroad in Reynolds, iron and Wayne counties, investigate. Ibts is an Investment that may nioaa much to you. RfeiYONUDH COLNTY FRCIT UiaNDS 1 u., Karbacb iiloca. Phone Uoug. Ml. Ind. A-XhT, Wasaiaatwaw WASHINGTON ORCHARD L.VNDS Prle. M per acre and up, a t within one mlie of mi4n line railroad sibtioa on treat NorUK-ra R-ilay, west of Spo kane. Only Thirty-two Miles from the famous WENATCHEE VAL LEY. Tlie Greatest profltaltie app.s asctioa tn the whole ccrtir,U. These lands set to fnift. wlwi hearing; will pruduoe from - to U,iM per acre Xo Fruit Lands offrM equal to the, conslderlnjr anil, k-cjttion, climate arid adrintaga fur bis; profit". InveetUate without fail. Guaranteed f'rf-fla. SilK OR WRITE V FOR FULL IX-IXFuPMATlO-V. D. V. Sholes Co. !I City .Vstional Bank Ptdg. I woe 4J. Ind. A- so A' of wild land for aale la Pusk county. Vi'isomsln. at a bargain-Fran'- Andrews. Boa t, Atlanta, Wis., APRIL 2, 1912. CopvriThf. ltl. National Nee Association. KKAL ESTATE rttll HIVIH LA Mia FOR I.F tlkht.sia. OKLAHOMA I hae wme choir Oklahoma faim at very reduced prlcew, ant oine of the beat buya In business und resldcni-e prop erties In Oklahoma City. inettttate If ou want a irofltaUo tuv, st me-nt . land nd city proierty ail Miming iHpttllv. t ai-Ko handle all kinds f mtritoituu trades, laet nie know your aunt;. J. HODGE. 115"j West (Jnuid Aven Oklahoma City, Okl. Teiss. FARM FORiSALE QUICK, WO acre Texas Improved farm, for sale quick: want raeh, prti Ss.ato; ab stract of litis. Fay L. l'ickcn.. Clover dale. Ind. TIKAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lasida O KREFB KUAL KSTATK CO.. MIS New Omaha Nat l Hank Buildtog. MONKY to loan on business or real enc properties, ll.Ha) to M09.1M. W, M, THOMAS, aa Klret Met I Hank Bldg. "WANlKU-CUy loana and warrasta W Karnam Smith A Co.. 1351 Farnam St. tiet to tls.viai made pioniptly. yvead. weed Hiug.. mn ana ri GARVIN BROS. LOANJ Farms and city property. J. H. Dumont A Hon, la Farnam St. IICt CITY LOANS. lteml-Carlherg Co. "Atlll-U Brandels Theater llldg WANTkii tlty loanaT'peters Trust Co HEAL E-TATE FOI MCN'T. bares i.d Kssrs Laada, TWO farms for rent. These farrL are good tillable land, well Improved, contain. rag let acres and UO aorea. 1. T. Collia. CeuneU Uluffa la. Phone Blaek ttia KOK 8ALH bhEXCHAXtiK 15 ACRES of fruit and truck land. Brazoria, Tex., to he exchanged for food auto mobile. Telephone llunson 713. A. W.YOUNG 4tl Grant Bt., Omaha. FOR SALE OR TKADtt. 40 acree best Improved Irrigated land, near Fort 11 organ, price 1! uer acre; title and water rights guaranteed; two seta buildings; windmills; best drinking water; owner lives away. Address Paul B. Walker, Ast.. Fott Morgsn, Colo. WANTED TO Bl'I Household gds. clothee shixs. Dawl BUUt If you want beat price for furniture, stoves and carpets, call Llubernian. B CASH bVli SILVER Kf?1 td-bUid guous Ktrr liMi t riittti. D sSftl for old gold and silver. Phone DougTks I handle lrada uverywlier. It you want results aa(l liean. 17 lie H'dg I. If-i. EASTERN KANHAd FAHM. 19 acres highly Improved farm In XJnn county. Kan. Gently rolling, fine soil, 1 mllfa of good town, highly Improved locality. House. Ma, barn. 3Hih0, full 2 sin ties blah; nl- orchard, hog housa, chicken house, corral) , fenoed and croas fenced. This Is a beautiful home, price, lit,): mortgage. KkJU, running 4 years at 4 per cent Interest. Want clear cheap small ranch or good city property for equity: price must be right. Address Box 471 Omaha. WANTED REM WANTEI By a young profonalonal man, two furnUhed rooms, with the priv ilege of bntakfotit and o'clock dinner; must be rffasonabl, and prefer within walking distance of business center. U 7W, Hee. ' WAEljilTCATlONS H Ahlll. it ana .rumtitc don. I h tHiS First -t lass, practh al nurss. II M10, A-2S71 KITI'ATION wanted by rvfiiied young widow aa child nurse. Tel. It. im. WAN'TKI-Poaitlon aa credit man by young man thoroughly experienced In wholesale and retail credit nd collec tion's. Last flv yeara reaponslble for credits over X,009 yearly. Halary IC.HX, Lock Box Ut. Omaha. Neh. YOl'NO married man would like work of any kind. References C Cm, He. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ROYAL MAIIj BTTCAMKRS. MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL, OLAHOOW, Montreal. Havre. Plymouth, London. Tha Picturesque tit. Lawmuce Route. Four days on the ocean, three days In river aud gulf, hplendtd new Turbine 8 1 earners. Haloon. scond cabin and third class, bupenor ono-elass cabin serv ice. Cusine unaxc-lietl. Courteous atten tion, bend for circulars. rats, plan, etc. Allan fc Co:. 12? N. Oearboin St.. Chicago. UVB HTOCK MARKET UK WK91 8blp your stock ta Boula Omaha Save anileage and aiuniukaa;e. Your cooaiga vienu receive prom, and careful aitea Lie Hack Caaaaalsaloa Merckaata Byers Bros ft Co. Btrong and rvponaibia. WOOD BKOS.. 2S4-S EkChangs Bldg. Great West- Com. Co. Omaha Denver. W. R. SMITH SON jost handle sheen. Clay. Robinson at Co.. i Exchange BMg. Interstate Co. Better results, bbiptonej "CLIFTON Com Co.. at KxehangaBidg. Cox A. Jonee Com. Co., bunch of bustler. U E ROBERTS a. CO.. ta kjtcB. Bldg. "Farmers L. 8. Com. Co.. Each. Bldg Martln Broe A Co.. SOl-l aixch. Bldg. TAOO BROS, handle cattle, hoga, .beep. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Ysrds. Nat'l Bank Only bank at yarda j ;uui um.iii winiwui In The Bee the newspaper that reaches all of the buyers. OMAHA. TUE CKAJX MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants. Consignment aouens. uraooela. Drawn for The Bee ORATORS BEING ELIMINATED First Seritt in High School Districts Practically Completed. WINNIES PREPARE FOB NEXT maker t.eaeral Level of Work le nglralrel la Thle Year'e 1 -lest for Stale lhaaj. plonablp. LINCOLN. April 1-iSpeclal 1 In the fifth annual contests cf th Nebraska Huh School Debating leaxuo of aeventy schools the first series of debates In th. taelvu districts Is ptscllcai; completed, and the winners In the first aerlra are Halting nff ftir the BtH'OIld serlCS. The champlonahlp In each district Is to be determined by about the middle of April, a month before the slate championship ronleat at the University of Nebraska on high school fate day. A higher general level of work la Indi cated by the unusually large proportion of spilt declrlons Ihls tr. While laat ear only twenty-six out of Ihe entire forty-seven decisions were two to one. this year eighteen of the first twenty-slg were split. Verdicts fur the atflrmaUve and the negative are also about even In number. tte.nlta ef first Series' Coat-els. The rrsulta of the first series debate, f.itinw th school named flrat In each rasa maintaining Hie affirmative of the ,.rn.iii.,n .-flint ilia movement of organ- lied labor tor the closed anop should receive the support ef public optniuu; CENTRAL DISTRICT. Hupl. V. 11. Hlmons. Friend, Plrector. Oeneva-York-At York, February Won by Geneva, two to one. Fricnd-oereole-At Ftlend, March Won by Ftlend. two to one. EASTERN DIHTRICT. Bupt. J. N. Clark. Weeping Water, IMrector South Omalia-Fremont-At South Omaha, March L Won by Houth Omaha, two to one. Weeping Water-Plattamoiith-At vVseo Ing Water, March 1 Won by Weeping Water, two to one. EAST CENTRAL M8TRICT. Bupt J. A. Woodard, Hsvelock. IHrectnr. I nlvcrr-lty Place-Ashland-At University Place, February Is. Won by Aahlana, two to one. WIlher-llavelmk-AI Wlllier. March I. Won bv Hsvelock, two to one. Uncoln Teachers College-High School UOVERNMKXT NOTICK8. CFNTRAL MVIBION.' 01I1RF IL MR. Office. Chicago. 111., March II, lll Besled proMiaals. In triplicate, will be received by the Quartermaster, at fort Robinson. Neb., until II o'clock a. m.. mountain time, April 4. ItlL and then opened, for furnishing the construction, steam heating, electric wiring and flx- turea reiiiired. for the improvement or the Hospital at that Post. Pull In formation, plana and specifications fur nished on application to that officer. m-poait of & required for the plans, which will be refunded when the plana are re turned, plans snd specMtcetton can be eeen at thle office. Col. Jno. U Clem, Chief Qr. Mr. M. lt-lt-ls-Il. Apr. 1-1. PROPOSALK FOR VYOOU. CHARCOAL. 'HMITHINO COAL. UAHOLINE MIN ERAL OIL. FORAGE AND RUDDINO Chlef Uuartermaster's Office, Federal Building. Chicago. Ills., April 1. mi Healed proposal, will be received here until II A. m . May 1. Itlt, for furnishing supiillen mentioned above required In this Imlslon during flsi al year commen cing July 1. 1912. Information furnished on application. Col. Jno. L. Clem. Chief Quartermaster. At-t-t-4-S-M. PROPtMtAUJ FOR REPAIR OF ROADH Fort 1". A. Russell, Wyo , April 1. Itll Sealed proposals for repair of roads, curbs and guttera will be received liere until It a. m.. May 1, ltlt, and then opened. Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopea mntalning proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for repair of roads," and addressed Amos W. Kim ball, Major 4k Q. M. Al-t-t-t, 9. 30. OCEAN hTKAMHHIPS. WHITE STAR Dominion Canadian itrvic flNLY see. ..a4.Jeae I. as dnaVe 'leawek May TllnTij leer.tlwn.l..ajJt AT Fkw 141 , sWaed 11.71. f.a seClseHsej ill! tsad W 5E A cu Wl rrange nookinci with Local Ager w Compeny't Ofnce, Chtcsco, I'' 1 y SCANDINAYlAN.Aaericu Lue KORWAT. S EDU- JJ3S AND DENIAM f.mmu ULiPir' I4 isim st.uu. t -- a x,-1 H.I1UJ Ola.. 3mm m. UAiTlt,S ... t.iM, iti.w a. Jon. IS to J.U a heal Class. (aXi, a. t lOHXsoN a co . us wm niam at.. cuieasa. se u Meal Cealia.slsl Oaetrasl. 17 saitM, aed raeeaa bnnidrr, art -M. kmrv te iaeere Parte. M.idm trip tMl snijSaaa4,9vrT IburwiA). PotrQ eU" pVtee, fJlasBltqaippBa W1IB ITMM MlaVsTTfaltDJ SUM tvWJ Sp-t4xxziM smrer aBtsfiusos). AdditioTasvl sstrtngw M-mb ptos. wmromj sr sottuar ffA ..I s7l a .x a -afv s as n n m a ii m - yl t. jgLTt' I OMaeJursaeotasraU I jr.'jl llCULUIaUlC aw by Gus Mager Ta TF AATiFiriavi nice yuitu miA At Lincoln High school. March 14. Woa . by Lincoln, two to one. NORTME1SN 1HSTRICT. Supt. Cella Corbv, O'Neill. Director. Atklnsoa-Yalentlne-At Atkinson, Feb ruary O. Won by Atkinson, unanimous. O Neill-Atklnsnn At O'Neill, March la. Won by O'Neill, two to one. NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT. Supt. L. it. ubarkotter. Madison. Director. , llooper-Fullrrion At Hooper. March a.. Won by Fullerloo. unantmoua. Madison-Newman tirove At Madltoa. March H. Won by Newman Oreve. two to one. NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT. Supt. 3. II. Kemp. Wayne. Director. Raudolph-llartlngton A t Randolph,. March 1 Won by Randolph, two to one. Plerce-Crelghton At Cretghton. March Ik Won bv Creighton, two to one, NORTHWESTER DISTRICT, r-rln. J. A. Hanna. Sidney. Director. . -Keroae) Series Bearlao Friday. The second series conteets open next Friday evening with the Raadolpb-Wayoa . debate at Wayne and the Dlller. Western ' contest at Western. Blair and South Omaha will compete at Blair April 1 This la Blair's flrat contest la the cham- plonehlp series, there being aa odd num- J bar (five), of members la the eastern district. The twe largest audience, se far re ported were the it at the South Omaha- Fremont debate at South Omaha and the , Wymore-Beatrice at Wymora. In the ; contest at South Omaha officials et local labor anions actively interested ' themselves by selling rickets. Alllance-Kldney-At Aliieaoe. February It Won by Sidney, two lo one. Cnadron-Crawfnrd-At Chadron. March I. Won bv Chadron, two to one. Oordon-Ruahville At nordon. March L Won by Onrrion. unanimous. Scott a Blulf-Mlnatare At SVwtfs Blnff, March I. Won bv Mlnatare. two to one. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Supt. J. A. Eastwood, Ulilrr, Director. Ohlowa-Weetera At Ohlowa. February It Won by Western. Kilgar-Blue 11111 At Edgar, February Is. Won by Blue Hill, two te one. Hardy-Dlller-AI Dlller, March L Wea by Diner, unanimous. HOCTHKAHTKRN DISTRICT. Supt, U. K. Martin. Nebraska City. Director Nebraska Clt -AuburnAt Nebraska city, March L Won by Aubura. two tc one. Wymore-Beatrlre-At Wymore. March 1 ' Won by Wymore. two to one. Falls Ctty-Mtelia-At Stella. March I Won bv Kalis City, two to one. SOUTH WEHTKRN M8THICT. Supt. (J. F. White. Trenton, IMrector. Beaver City-Oxford At Beaver City, February SL Won by Oxford, unanimous, McCook-Trenton At MoCook, March L Won by Mct'ook. unanlmoua, Mlnden-Oaford-Al Oxtord. March B. Won by Mtnden, two to one. ' McCook-Franklln-At Mccook, March S. on by McCook, unanlmoim WKST CKNTRAL DISTRICT. Supt. C. S. Jones. Ord. IMrector. St. Paul-Ord-At St. Paul, March L Won by SI. Paul, two to one. Merna-Broken Bow At Broken Bow, March la. Won by Mema. unanlmoua. GENERAL PLAZA NAMED PRESIDENT OF ECUADOR aUAYQl'IL, Bcaduor. oral Leonldaa Plata ha Sresldcnt of Ecuador. April 1. Hen-V. elected General Plasa waa commander of the' government troops which opposed the recent revolutionary movement. He was president from IMS to DM, minister to tha United States In ltuo and served also . aa minister to other countries:. After the death of President Emlllo Estrada laat December. General Moateru was proclaimed president by the troops, stationed In Guayaquil. A month later,' Mooter waa shot by th angry popu, laos. dragged Into the streets, beheaded and his body burned. An Infuriated mob broke into the Quito penitentiary on January It and lynched five of the most prominent revolutionists, Oe nereis Elroy, ".' Flavlo and Medardo Alfarlo, L'npano Paaf and Manuel Serrano. About three weeks ago General Junk. Andrade, military commander at Guaya quil, was killed In an attempt to gain control In the republic. General Leonl daa Plata was then offered tne prarts-.' lonal presidency, but refused tt. - Dr.;. Frandsco Plasa continued, however, to be the popular candidate for the presi dency and his election followed. Q SENT TO PRISON FOR SENDING FALSE FINANCIAL STATEMENT NEW YORK. April L A year and three months In federal prison at Atlanta was the sentence Imposed yesterday upon the first man convicted of the new crime of setting up a false financial ' rating through use of the United States mails. Until the recent amendment of, section US of the criminal cod was j enacted the unlawful use ef the malts Included only fraudulent stock schemes,.. "get rich quick" propositions, etc., but ; with tne conviction yesterday of Joe R. , Schelnberg for sending false statement -about the solvency of his business through tha malls a precedent was set,v The federal authorities will follow tt up with similar prosecutions, r OCEAN STEAMSHIPS." Newest and Finest CoEtmemal Steamer S.S.France - - - a Tranaatiantiatse. ma Bn.i Serew TarMee eteay sBsel. TMest.iaiirBea eritk snvats beta. Tsrkiah beta, giaisiwsai. eUteriM, daihr pT.khrwy. ErwT s.ssei. s e ' -sd emasw. SW Yvk te fa Ve. York Mit t itll Segalartr tasreaftar. IBmmmmiqf'tW For ssrttealara esetr te M w. K Bark, tt3 Fae- I M Sast St. : U Km-, lat 4, I M Nt I Baok; J. - T- w Mlssa HM Fsraara ft.