Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Election Will Be Held Today to
"are lt Mat li
Westber;, ""'-
t- . CharoaiH, Bwtin, 43 Brandel
Jeff W. Bedior tor commissioner.
ImcIv aUrfcy for ComsaUeioner
Alfred Soreasoa for city commissioner.
Park Board Meets The park board
meets Wednesday.
Slectrie Washing- Machine, Burges-
Granden Company.
Tnekar, republican candidate for
senate. Bell phone "Florence SvS. ' Adv.
Vote for Goodley F. Brucker for Com
missioner under the Conimlssinon Form
of Government Adv.
Koy A. Jpn, rrlntar, 320 s. 13. D. ilSi.
Private Terser T. Whttaker, hospital
corps, Fort Crook. Is transferred to Com
pany & Fourth infantry, that pott.
Tow Support will be appreciated. John
P. Crick, tandidate for city councilman.
Primary April 9. Tormerly assistant city
ingincer. Adv.
labor La-a caret Office The
Labur league has opened offices In the
l'axton block, room 415. Headquarters
vlll bo maintained In this room until
after the election.
TTatsraal Onion Open Meeting- Ban
ker lodge No. 11, Fraternal union of
America, will hold an open meeting'
Thursday in the l'axton block.
Bralley Bella lot Former Sheriff E.
F. lit alley has sold a lot In ghlnn's addi
tion to 11. 11. Von Nllson, it's Larlmore
street. Von Nllson Is employed by the
M. i. Smith company.
Asaersoa's Soma Burns The home of
, Jens Anderson, Fifteenth and Perry
streets, was totally destroyed by fire
at 7 o'clock this morning. The blaze
was caused by a defective flue. The
loss Is estimated at 1800, and la cot--cred
by Insurance.
Many Licenses Issued Rut on for
tune teller secured a license to operate
In Omaha In March. Other licenses taken
out during the month were: Automo
biles. 11; dance halls. 2; express, 15; Ice
wagons, ; Junk dealers, C; pool halls,
i; theaters, ; milk wagons, 3. A total
of l licenses were Issued, amounting to
1 11.87.
Iff Business Wins Dinner In honor
of winning second prise among all the
branches of the Leslie-Judge company
for greatest volume of business, the
Omaha branch Saturday night was given
a complimentary dinner by I. U Nled-
crst, manager. There were thirty-four
employes and guests present at the din
ner an talks were made on salesman
ship, collections, deliveries, crew business,
Birth Bate Decreases There was a
decrease In the birth rate In Omaha dur
ing the m ith of March, according to
, tho repo? 'of the vital statllstlclan.
' Ninety-one white male war born, eighty
two female, three pair of twins, fire
being girls and one a boy. There were
'Us deaths recorded, a large per cent of
which were former resident of the city
'who had gone elsewhere to spend the
Internal Keren Becelpt less A
tall of over Si.OUO in the receipt of the
Internal revenue department over the
month of March 1M1, waa recorded for
the month of March, 1111. The cause
for this Is the small amount of distilled
liquors taken out In bond during the
last month. The receipts for the month
of March, 1913, war tfUlSlM a against
C3J.SU. SI for the corresponding month
last year.
Bonding- Fermlte fall off Building
permits Issued by the building Inspector
for the month of March were nearly
tmouO under the amount of permits for
buildings for the same month of the
previous year. There were eighty-three
permits issued, railing tor an expenditure
of S3M,sM, a compared with MO Issued
In March of 1U, amounting to 1411,1)00,
and tBtn. hsa been spent In the city
on buildings this year, as against WM.M0
for the same period of U1L
Permit to smoke 6c. All dealer.
3 Drop of Blood
Or a little water from the humaa system wtiea
thoroughly tested by th chief chemist at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells to
story oi impoverished blood aervoas exhaostiew
or some kidney trouble. Soeh eaaminatioas sre
mad without cost and is oaiy a small part oi th
work of th staff e physicists snd sargcons under
th direotio of Dr. R. V. Pierce fiviaf tb best
medical advio possible without cost to those
who wish to writ and ssk a fall ststesscat al
symptoms. Aa imitatioa of as tares mthod oi
nstorfcif wast oi tissu and imporerishaseat of
th blood snd aervoos fore is seed whoa yoa
take aa slterstivs sad flyoeri extract oi room,
without the as oi alcohol, sack a
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Which makes th stoeaaoh stroeuj, promotes the Sow oi di festive jsrioes, r
store tb lost appetite, make assimilstioa perfect, savigorste th liver and
purifies and enriches the blood. It is tb fraat Mood-makar, lesh-builder
nd restorative orv toaie. It mske ma strasuj in body, tiv la asiad
sad cool i lodgment. Get what too ask fori
Round Package
.-'. a,
95 maTte
si . Ssssssslase V'yesasBHssst"sl I
True Bills Against Trainor,. Good,
Pivonka, Caldwell and Byan.
fous are cut officials
Oae other Is Ala ladlrted Charaes
Are af Clvtsug and Aeoell
Bribes Ltsjaar Ll
ccaae Cases.
Bribery Indictments against J. J. Ryan
and Joseph Pivonka. South Omaha fire
and pollc commissioners, and Mayor P.
J. Trainor, who, by virtue of his office.
Is the third member of the Fire and
Police board, were returned by the Doug
las county grand Jury shortly before noon
The men are charged wiin accepting a
bribe. Indictments charging giving the
bribe were returned against three persons,
two of whom are City Clerk Frank II.
Good of South Omaha and former Jus
tice of the Peace P. C. Caldwell of South
Because all the indictments were kept
secret, the men not being In custody,
details were difficult to obtain and the
Identity of tho third man Indicted for
Riving- a bribe could not be learned. Sol
Ooldstrom. agent of the South Omaha
retail liquor dealers, several weeks ago
waa grilled by the grand Jury and con
fessed that a slush fund to "fix" the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
was msde by the dealers and paid to
Good and Caldwell, who were to pass It
on to the board members.
Uoldstroni Tells of Bribes.
Ooldstrom at first was reticent and gave
evasive answers. Special Prosecutor
Ooss fairly took hi breath away by tell
ing him he knew he had perjured him
self. Ooldstrom almost collapsed and
asked how he could save himself from
prosecution for perjury and was told he
could do so by telling the truth. He then
told what he said was the whole story.
Whether or not Ooldstrom Is the third
defendant on the Indictment for giving
a bribe could not be learned this after
noon. One other Indictment against two men
was returned. Whether it hss to do with
the South Omaha graft Investigation
could not be learned.
Resalt of Casspalaa.
The Indictments are the result of a
campaign against alleged graft waged
by South Omaha men. J. lean lllnger,
an attorney, ha been In charge of the
campaign, and directed the securing of
evidence and the laying of It before the
grand Jury.
The indictments are for alleged bribery
in connection with the fire and police
board's handling of liquor license and
other saloon matters.
Chief of Police John J. Donahue of
Omaha was the principal witness before
the grand Jury yesterday. The chief was
examined regarding charges agslnst the
Omaha Fire and Police commissioners
and against th Omaha police depart
ment. Huge Cake of Ice
Cuts Tree in Two
Whllo Engineer Simpson stood by a
tree on th bank of th Missouri river
near th water works Sunday after
noon watching the Ice swirl round the
bend In that place, a huge cake ot solid
Ice crashed into a tree a few feet from
him, cutting It oft a If It were a splin
ter and tearing ten feet of dirt out of
the bank.
A gorge had broken not far up the
stream and Sunday afternoon the float
ing cake of lee menaced the intake at
the Florence station. Ice Is piled six
feet high nesr the Intake, and slnro It
has begun breaking up the crib (long
the works have been In danger. Engi
neer Simpson haa been watching the
river anxiously.
Take Waraln.
Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney
trouble down you, when you can quickly
down them with Electric Bitters, toe.
For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Made In tho largest, best
equipped and sanitary Malted
Milk plant In the world
We do not make'milkproductsH
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
t th Original-Genuine
Made from pare, full-cream milk
nd the extract of select malted grain,
reduced to powder form, soluble in
water. Beat food-drink for all afes.
Used all over the Globe
In fineness of material god
finish Boston Carter is
supreme Th means the ut
most in long utisUdory wear.
Holds up the sock as smooth
as you skit won't let go and
won't ten the fabric. So com
(ortabio you don't (eel it,
B sure you get the garter
with the Moulded Rubber
Button and " Boston Caitet"
stamped oo the loop.
Also mJkm ol me (astern J43J Hose
Suooorteri for w asses d ciukkea.
Candidates Fail to Recognize the
Corrupt Practices Act.
raadldate the Clllseas laloa
Slate Malalala It la Frrsslss
Ikle to Make ladlvld
aal (asapalaa.
No campaign contribution statements
have been t.led In the office of County
Clerk Frank liewey. though the corrupt
practices act requires that such a state
ment shall be filed by every political
committee fifteen daya before the pri
mary election.
The city primary la but a week distant
and the time for filing contribution state
ments for this election has psssed. though
the statements still msr be filed. Fou'
days remain for politlcsl committees In
terested in the geneial primary of Aprl'
IS to file.
The law requires statements of all con
tributions over 123.
Either the officers of the CltlienY
union have overlooked this requirement
or else the contributions have not been
heavy. The l-abur league has filed no
statement. Its contributions are said to
have been small.
raadldate Work for Celres.
The randltlstes on th Cttliens' union
slate muy be hitched together, but they
sre working an Individual campaign al
ready wherever they think then can get
votes. The question waa put to I. J
Ryder, In charge of the slate's publicity,
ss to the fact that one of the Cltltene'
union candidates had appeared and made
a speech for himself before the Loyal
club, and that another who was sick bad
spoken by prosy.
"It Is allowshle, so far at 1 am con
cerned," tatd Mr. Ityder. "Some candl
dates will get Invitations to meetings, at
In this ease, where others cannot break
In, and I think they would be foolish ti
turn down such inritatlons. When yo't
sre In a campaign you must meet the
voters where, when and how you can.
and to attempt to enlist all ot them sol
idly for any one ticket would be futile
The Cltlsens' union literature will carry
the names of all the candidates Indorsed
In a group, but it Is up to the Individual
candidates, under existing conditions, to
get up and hustle Individually Just as
hard as they know how."
Barlow Withdraws,
Milton T. Barlow, running on th re
lubllran ticket for renomlnation to th
Wter board, has withdrawn from th
race, leaving E. F. Uralley and F. H.
Weed the only republicans sfter the nom
instlon. I)an lloriigan, William P. Lynch
and D. J. O'Brien are the democratic
candidates. The primaries will be held
April 13. Two members will be elected
to tho board.
Dunn is Disturbed
by Nocturnal Joker
"Is this you. Cap?" Inquired an anxious
voice over the telephone at an early
hour this morning, addressing Captain
hour Monday inorutng. addressing Cap
tain Dunn of the police department,
whereupon the voice said that the
inquirer was an electric light In
spector, desiring to know whether or
not the lamp near the captain s home
wss burning.
"Sure, It's lltr
"Well, go blow It out."
It then dawned upon the captain that
Monday was All Fools' day, and he pad
dled back In his bare feet to bis warm
Practical Jokers seem to have saved up
their energy tor the police department.
This morning early the burglar alarm In
the library was tripped and the police
made a hurried call only to find every
thing in ahipshape. "A desd man at
Sixteenth and Harney streets," was an
other canard.
Lifelong Resident
of Umaha is Dead
Mrs. C. G. Hunt, wife of C. O. Hunt,
wall paper snd painting contractor, died
Monday morning at 12 5 after a short Ill
ness of pneumonia and complications,
al the age ot 41 years. Mrs. Hunt was
born In Omaha and lived here all her
life. She I survived by her husband snd
two children from her former msrrlsge.
Oeorge Rowells, with the Burlington
Irelgnt department, and Mrs. T. T. Day
of 1913 Latbrop street, both of this city.
A brotner. ivdward splilett. Is superin
tendent of the depot postoffice of this
Funersl services will be held from her
home. 3001 Ohio street. Tuesday after
noon at I o'clock. Her. c. W. Sarldge of
the People's church attending.
liye Eprelerh.l-tl SILK SO
Crosse MOST C. 43 Haass, BtoOTOn
a. 14 rYre;;.l.
Deelar F. S. Taehee la rtaaalaa far
Xarar. hat He Deal It Ss
tire Kepahllrwa Ticket
Is Safe. !
City officials will b elected today j
at Florence. The democrat, centering
all their strength on the councilman j
from th north ward, are In such ds-
perat straights that Sunday they
circulated the report that r. 3. Tucker
waa campaigning tor tn mayor, asking
his friends to write his name oo th
ballot for that office.
in a signed statement Tucker abso
lutely denies he is a candidate or would
take the office If elected. He ssys he
ha been elected nine times and If he
wanted It again he would put up a
fight and win It In the open.
There are no republicans or the ticket
as republican this er owing to th
disfranchising action of th central com
mittee. They are all on th ticket by
The present mayor. John S. Paul, a
republican, la slated for defeat owing ;
his sell out to the democrats last year.
Otherwise the republican ticket Is sure
of election from top to bottom. The
question of wet or dry dot not entet
Into the election, but the old bogl of
the paving ot Msln street Is sgsln In
jected. Doctors at Hospital
in Fistic Encounter
Or. Ralph P. Hlggins, house physician
at th county hospital, and Louis Storktn,
house druggist, shed their coats and en
Agaged In a fierce fist fight a week ago.
County Commissioner Frsnk C. Best,
chairman of th count- hospital commit
tee, today decided to permit the men to
remain In the service ot the county, with
the understanding that any further
trouble between them will b followed by
their dismissal.
Hlggins and ft or kin ar appointee of
former Superintendent Tom McClsnrghsn
snd were retained when th republicans
took charge of th hospital and other
county Institution. There had been had
blood between them almost since they
first met at th hospital. Utorkln has re
sented th authoritative tone employed
by the doctor when talking to him, and
the doctor ha been dissatisfied with the
druggist because he seemed unwilling t J
do aa he waa asked. Th relations cant
to th broking point and th men tried
to settle their difference In the good
old-fashioned way. Buperlntendent E. F.
Robinson separated them before either
hand been greatly damaged.
Fine Dogs Poisoned
in Farnam District
Strychnine poisoning of seven valuable
dogs within two blocks on West Farnam
street ha been going on for about two
months. Among those who dog have
been poisoned sre: D. C. Bradford, O.
T. BaMmaa, Arthur V. Smith, Dr. Don
ahue and John Dugbrtir. Mr. Brad
ford after reward of th fur Infor
mation leading to cexr1etla of the
guilty person. The dog war all chll
ren'a pets th loss of which I of great
distress to
It's Coming Your Way!
the newest thing in a
Hot Breakfast Food
Post Tavern Special
A special and delicious blend of the food flavors
of Wheat, Corn and Rice.
First served to guests at the famous Post Tavern in
Battle Creek, and now offered for home use.
To be cooked and served with cream and sugar.
Tomorrow's Breakfast
Sold by Grocers
You Should Buy Your
Easter Clothes Here
A man ran pay high prices for clothes anJ they Trill
still have a low value look. It's the high class work
manship and fine quality fabrics that give individual
ity and character to our clothes. It is because we sell only good clothes of
tested materials 20',o lower than sold elsewhere in Omaha that iu justice
to yourself.
You Should Duy Easter Clothes Here
Ther'i absolutely no nruse) for you to allow jrounolt to ba handirapprd by looking clothes
common when hlgheat quality and lowest price co-operate here. There a no reason why .vou
should pay exorbitant price for fin quality clothe. We offer you all the quality here there is
to b bad la clothe at the following price:
Vacant houses arc daily rented through the
"Houses for Rent' column of The Bee. When
you advertise in The Bee ycu send your message
into more than seventyfive per cent of the English'
speaking homes of Omaha. Have you read the want
Petit Jury Convenes at Same Time
and Adjourns for Week.
llrarla f Water Works la see
Probably ta Be Reached A beat
April Tenth ass Case
Take I'p.
Th United State district court of th
District of Nebraska for th April term
convened at t:M yesterday morning with
Judge William H. Manger presiding. The
trial calendar was gone oyer and the
order ta which oases will com np was
filed by th Judge. There are forty-five
$15, $20 to
cases to come before th April term of
th court.
Th hearing of the Omaha Water com
pany against th city of Omaha will bs
th nineteenth esse to bs tried and will
In all probability be up for hearing about
April 10. Motions, demurrers and no
tices for hesrlng were taken up this
morning nd will also occupy th most
of tomorrow. Thomas W. Blackburn
asked for a new trial for Mrs. Mary
Jones, who waa convicted at th last
term of th district court. He produced
sffldavlla from witnesses whom he did not
know of at th time of th trial. Judge
Munger, however, overruled th motion.
Th federal grand Jury haa been ordered
lo report next Monday morning. The
petit Jury will also report ant Monday
morning, but will then ba discharged t
report aa April 1. whea Jury trial begin.
The rmt
clothing Store
in Omaha
to guarantee
Blue Serge
get that.
TF. you bought tires g
fn a nrirsi tvici. 1-icr eh
year, buy Diamond
Tires this year and
pocket the profit you
make in Mileage. before th year Is over
you will know thai your lire
opens i going; lo be lower
than il ha ever keen More.
QTht only reason that Diq- II
mond Tires an the largest II
selling single brand of tires
in the world is that they
give the user Grtattst
QAitd no other tire is so
easily or so theaplyrepairtd.
The Diamond Store
The diamond Vpbber (5
W could Build them Cheaper
Bui Wm Wom'lf
W would Build them Better
D.-a. IJS . I
Securities, Jewel. Deed, Mort
gage, Will, Insuranc Policies
and Inrentory of Household ef
fect before going away on
even a short trip.
Place them In Safe Deposit
Box of our Steel Vault, out of
reach of Fire or Burglar.
Safe Deposit Boxes rent from
(3.00 upwards yearly.
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
tract Laval Eatrasw ta Tamlta
11 Faraass Street.
If-AW I?
should know about the
Marvel ''Whirling Spray"
Best safest most convenient.
Cleanses instantly.
If roar drasrlst cannot snpplr the
MARVEL, seed staapfer Illustrated
book sealed, loatsins airectioaa
invaluable to ladsea.
44 East 13r Street Stfr.1
New Yerk
re sals sr aiwsaaaa s. MeCoasatU
Bros; Co- stall araara eoliolte.
law Bate t ravens Coast.
Effective LotU April 14. Specially low
rate will he iu effect to points in West
ern Canada, WaaninartoB. Idaho and
Oreiron. via th Canadian Pacific Ky.
Particulars on application to Geo. A,
YVaitoa. General Agent, tit South Clare
Street. Chicaao. -