THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. APRIL 2, 1912. Dreams of a Lobster Fiend Cofjrright by International News Service, Drawn for The Bee by Winsor McCay WANNA DO yiT Jum1. BE AH A AlUt 0N,7"ATv ' 6Tt ! JtOOAH UPE lM v frTrToIS ..lo dip n 1 7oLrj ROU' AH I "JfOO WE WOULD WAKNEtt iX -TBKEAK THAT OLE Some day WKT DOAH hrou take A PUHER OF US? CH. J WAS SLEEPIN'.' YOU SA1 IJES NOW WE SAID WHY DOAtf foil EVA.H TAKE OUH nPrrcHERj NEWARK AND ATHLETICS TIE Merrick Farmers Plan to Employ Expert Early Beginning of Many Inning Games it Xade. IHUZE TO TEHEE 15 F0USTEE5 Werld'e C kaaaBloas Hava lira alar Llnrap wllk Esecetloe ( Pitch ers Pkllllee Lew to Bal tlsaere. NEWARK. X. J.. April 1-Prt-seaeon gamea of professional base ball In this city brain today with a fourteen-lnnmg fight to a -J tla between tha Philadelphia American world a champions and tha Jiewerk team of tha International league. Toe world champions bad their regular lineup, with ti.e exception of the pitchers, who were tha youngsters. Haltnon and Bonner. Tha game waa called on ac count of darkness, efcore: ft. HE. Ptill delphla tlt1ttl-Jtl t JSewark ... It I ittttl Mte-I II 1 Batierlra: I'hlladrlpuia. Hilnwn. Hon Her, ltpp and Kgan; Newark, Geekill, JLee, ilelmee, smith and iiergeo. Pbllltew Defeated. BALTIMORE. Md.. April L-The Baltl mora International lee Sim dab defeated tha Philadelphia, Katlonala today. 4 to I Allen Russell, brother of "Lefty" Russell CENTRAL C1TT. Neb.. April l.-.Spe-ctal.rIn response to the announcement that Prof. 0. W. Pugsley, head of the extension department of tha stste univer sity, would bo liera to present the plan of farm supervision and experiment work In Merrick couty. to l' farmers gathered at tha city hall In this city gat urday afternoon. Prof. Paoley announced the plan to be as previously set out that an expert should be placed In Merrlrk county to devote his whole time to ttia work, and that farmers who were willing ahould allow the use of a portion of their farms for tha various experiments In tha tillage of tha soil and other elements of Im proved farming. The plan Is to raise In Merrick county and tha understanding Is that two of tha salary, making a total or rt.3, will be borne by tha sista agricultural school. It la proposed to secure tha ser vices of Prof. V. Culver, this year con nected with tha asTletiltural department of Nebraska Central college aa tha resi dent expert. A committee to raise the money waa appolnt4.iconalstlnir of E. It', liadger, chairman, and O. II. Gray, and a recent Ualttmors recruit, struck I Theodore Oetermen. Frank Campbell, out three batsmen In succession with three ana on bases. Score: R.H.E. Baltimore ... It I I t t I Mil I Philadelphia, el lasts 1-1 74 Hatteriea: Baltimore, Irgert. Russell and Payne; Philadelphia. Curtis, Oldham, Masters and Qraaem. Irtesi Basel at Bat. ST. LOUIS. April L-Hlttlng the kail t opportune moments cava the Ameri cans the second game of the spring aeries with the Katlonala this afternoon, a to i. Two run behind when they went to bat la the eighth, the Americans scored three runs and went ahead. The Nationals tied It In the ninth. The Americana scored ths winning run two singles and sacrifice, "core: .. .. "-H.K. Americans 4 11 1 Katlonala .....,..... I 4 Batteries: Americans. C. Drown, Hamil ton and HeeHrens; 'National. Harmon, Thomas Wlnfleld, A. M. Templln and Wed Marsh. It la proposed to seek the aid of the county board of supervisors and ths township boards where tha work will be carried en. and money will also be raised among . the farmers and business men Interested In Improved agriculture. HOWARD-SHERMAN LEAGUE ORGANIZED T. PAL'U Neb.. April l.-!pef lal.) A league comprising three towns of leoward county and three of Bherman county waa organised In this city a few dais ago. "itepresentatlTet from i "recti of the towns-tn the league .were p'roeent and maay rulea were) raw a uu.eba .ut which Btrelr a4 -resrian.mtieewv .ajeTW wriry--tmms-pta ers ?, ftiwn ad Johnstone. Nallnals Take Cease. LOUISVILLE. , April I.-Tha Chloago National league team today defeated the Louisville American association team by score of to 4. HOUHTON. Tax., March XL-After tha game had gone eleven Innings the Phila delphia Americana Intentionally presented a victory to the Houston, Tex., league club today. Coombs walked Davis and threw the ball over the bleachers, Davis completing the circuit. Tha score waa I to L Bonder and Coombs pitched for tha Americana. Hweetera Lose. INDIANAPOLIS. lnd April l.-Indlan-apjJlls association players outhlt but lest to the Brooklyn National tragus' team today through poor fielding by a score of 4 to t. Indianapolis showed 'the Is ok of early training and made five errors, while Brooklyn Blare errorleeb bail' Score; R.II.B. Brooklyn .... I 1 U t-4' 4 4 Indianapolis. lltMlllMII Bournes: Brooklyn, Barger and fcrwlnt Indianapolis. Kimball, Hlxoo, noutbet, l'earce and twnnelly. Vmsire: Chlu. Aeaerieeae Leave. WACO Tel., ArUi 1-Th Chicago Americana, who have been training tier, woo their last game this afternoon from the Waco, Tex., league team. 1 tol and left tonight on the homeward trip. They will stop at Fort Worth tor one game, two at Oklahoma City and one each in Wichita nod Topeka, Kaa. Other games will be arranged later as It Is not planned to reach home before April 1 Permlla to amok lc- AH dealers. low Scientific Corn Remover - ii . . . tttuU .tiist, SiUst, Qolikitt! would be allowed to play. lan Webster of Ht Paul waa elected presidents The sohedule haa not yet been draw up, but It la planned to commence soon. Ths season will open In April. The towns that will comprise the league are Loup City, Roekvtlle, Athlon, Denne aroai Boelus and rirwell. There hv also, a movement on foot to Organise 'a central Nebraska leagwe to iaeiade H. Paul and neighboring towna. The prospects this urgsnlsaUult are fine. . . , i ' : : r COUNCIL ORDERS FLYNN -TO REPAIR THE STREETS ... ; ,. "' ', t Pcveral resolutions ordering Installation Of llgtita In the various wards were paased by. .ths city council at an adjourned seastoa llrMay rsjoiwlng.' Btreet loner Tom rijin gj ordered to repair streets 4n Olfsrent saitinf tWdtp,, ren dered, fmpansable by Cht recent thaw. i , .- DOG TAGS MOVE FAST , ' ,'. FROM CltfCtRK'SjDFFJCE '-OfiyiClerk Bam PU Butler .ban anl4 IS dog taxes since Friday. About I.OM tags are asuMty. e1 before Mag (a)f, are rMS v. -, -.- TABIJS tX-K.fee.. April. l-(ttpe chvViBev.J. tt HJsneil of Lpwltton, whees). nans wag pied, sX. ruhuin rasdldato fpr represratallve la. talis (U trKi 'kat wlfOeawa? s a.eanM.late,'ls naai kwylrg becri filed trtthout Ms sen-; mUil.w. re t fiH.wps ijevf"'" renreeentatlve 'in this district. O. W. Potts of DuBole. democrat There is but ens candidal for .the office of county commissioner In the first dlstrlcA. C, J. Middleton, republican, of Lewlston. Hon. a i. Orahaoi of Pawnee City, pres ent, county atloraeqr. has no oppoaltie. fur the nomination, either In his or the democratic, party. All of which mty-ht tend M make the vet light at the AorM arimarlea. ' '' .- - Tt BUit Hand " la seen when liver Inaction and bowel stoppage flies before Irr. King Jfww Ufa P1IU. the easy regulators. 2S cts. ror sale by Beaton Lrug Co. Mayor of Alliance WiUNot Resign ALIJA.VCB. N'rb.,. April. 1 -Kpcil.-In an imo.ew with Mayor K. W. Hnl wiih rnrard to th. anion taken by the coventor of Nebrarlm In atartlns ounti-r proceedtnrs. 3rlayor Uarrls has made the following tat.'nHnL I harofit frathlTrt; for which I phouW rwiun frfm my ottue; whtle It 1 true that th two martlial r undrr Indict mnt, non of th tcutimony tiJ bwn mad p'ibHc, and no rfquet ha bten mtvie on me to remov thM n.n trvm oft Ice. exropt a casual vtntv-nient from two or three of the jurora, matinc that theae men were dlnhonrDt, but living; no facta to rorroborata the eame. l'ndr thM rtrt-unutanrB I have not denied It fair land In thla my action hats ba?n uphi-ld by the counctlmi-n and th cMy aiturneyt lo remove thfae men from office, w.thout th-lr flret hati(r an op portunity to anawrr the Indictment under whit-h thev ar rharcrd. A number of th jurora who le;ned th tatmnt rft-rrMl to art not rUar aa to uat what It contained, but Inasmuch aa havo teen none tt the pnra, I am naturally In the dark aa to how to an awer the allikite. To my knowledge thra haa nut bwn any camblUMr or law leVaneaa that haa not been DroDt-rly tnkn care of, pnd from the fact that I tifve bn ejected to my third aucceaelire term one year ao. by a vote of 140 to my op ponent a :ie, i conclude thla to be utn dent evidence of the enteem In which I am held by the votera of Alliance, I have been denied all evidence of any kind Riven before the grand Jury, and aa ( eatd before, no requeat haa Iv-en made fur the removal of the Indicted men. other than jo raeual converaatlona of two or three of the a rand Jurora. althoutth a tranacrlpt of the evidence aeema it) have been aent to the governor of Ne btaaka for action. DOWD WORKED ON MERRICK COUNTY FARM LAST SEASON v ; CENTRAL CITT, Neb.. April L-tHpe-clal..)-J. O. Llebhsrt. a farmer residing northeast of Central City, believes thai John lKiwd. the escaped convict who kflled himself rather thsn submit to raplde last week at Uratna. worked for him last June - Mr. Uebhart says that Powd't krUrf It an excellfnt like ness of ths man who assisted Mm Tor ten dsys. the expressions In ths picture beltg unniistuksble; Iow.l worked for him under the name of Clementa and as a good hsnd. though a bit gruff and outspoken. He took a great Interest Hi Mr. Lteblieit's automobile and wanted Hi borrow It one night tor a ride. Ills request ' ws refused and ft angered him so that th next day ha Vralt work. Mr. LUbhart thought at the time that he had It planned to get away with ths automobile, but waa prevented from do ing ao because the battcrtea had been taken out of It, the owner fearing that the rhtred man had something of that tort in his mind. WORDY WAR OF DEMOCRATS Exchange of Compliment in Ne braska Getting- Warmer. BEYAN TO SE5AT01 HITCHCOCK Calls Atteatlaa to Past Prrferasaneee of the War Id Herald nasi Pelata Oat Hla Own Coarse. Cesad roaaaarrrlal flak Haa Baaejeet COZAD. Neb.. April t-tMpeetal.r-l ns Commercial ctub and retell dealers held their annual banquet on Friday evening aad nearly let guests were In attendance. Th speaker of the evening was Judge W. D. Oldham of Kearney, who gave an sddresa upon municipal development. Captain T.'a. Taylor responded to his favorlts toast" 'The Ladles." Rev. Bfyant C. Hews tslked on "The Ke la tino of the Church to tha Town." Th Relation vf the Partner to the Town" was given by IfB. Allen, -secretary of tha Farmers' Institute. Clisrlrt . E. Allen and Mayor I It parnee respondsd to Impromptu toasts. Dr. J. 1L Sayer acted aa toaetmaater. ..Mrs. Man bpry Js Dead. AbhlArcTK' Neb., April L-!ipeclaU)-'rsJ..fftpimiV5Prv, 'hP n" ,'nrrVwlf at her neeae In tats sHy on Msrrh'l. leav ing 'a1" 4"(e lo the effect that she ab solved, aer nuaband from all blame for hex- act. died late last night, although sanguine htpes for her. recovery were entertained- for weeks past, complica tions set In a tew dsys sgo to which she succumbed,, her condition being- too weak la buffet the dleeajw. . - t- r- - ' - Plekrell Bank Meet, officers. IlKATRrCK, Neb.. April L-(f peclel.l- At jne annnal meeting of ths Mate bank of IMrtrreH etarorday threw officers- were elected: Ed Haumann. president: Chris Snllker. vice president: F. L. Pothast. cashier. The directors are Kd Bau- mann. Chrta fpllker. F. L. Pothast, W. The Umpire's Wife (A Piteous Ballad) Eey good-bra to every touchy, torturing, crippling com and bunion erery distress ing dirt-occumuiatlng, foot-enlarging callous! There's a new and quick way a cure and eaxe way to eomplei' - d yourself of ail ouch pesky, troublesome things, "BlJ0O"-tiiaCs the new marvel! "Bingo," the fruit of master acteaufic minda, Hreiee laboratory research and experience. Put "Bingo" on't aad eay! Palu's gone iuet like that! Cora dies, dries up and yon pick out the whole Uamed thing body, seed, root, and eu ro easily, painlessly, you can t help shouting "GUry to Bingo!" No catting no bteedmg no blood fteening! No In jury u healthy flesh! No sticky stock ings! No bethersoene straps no lumpy eotfe bails! Kone ef the usual annoy anret. - Mr "KaaV at year rartst-s--aV-er fee XaM't U a. ad sn le Teftttre raataiacal C., 1(1 Me. IWIUII (L. rWraeK "1 SelS IS tM exs kr Sa ma is a MaCanaell Pees re. tete aS DeSge. UtS sa4 Haiwrr MtS aaS Paraeak n IStSrar.aaaflar's Cst frVM Dree Stare, K. HtS at. : ikaa J sctrkmar. uta aad Jaitoe ate : gnaw toeg Ok.. U X. Sag M. BT WILLIAM K. KIRK. Another bis ball season It waa toon lo come to pass. At kmpirt'a wife waa petting to her home; ' Her eye with fear waa giaaay. like the ahinleat kind of Blast, . Aa awful pain made wrinkles In ber dome. She wrote to Garry Herrmann and to far Ban Johntno, to. Both membera of tbe National com mixtion. And these few wtrda that day on paper the did say At 'tr tbe sheeta her pea It went a-awtsbin': . CHORUS: "Don'l let air husband umpire I lor him more than jon I love hla note, I love hit ears, I lore hit eyea to blue. H lost two rib last summer in a ball fame at St. Lou. . Don't let my hut band umpire . I love him mora than Ton!" Them letter tped upon their way, aa mot stamped letter do, ' Bat to hi wife no' answer ever came: ' hey madt her hatband umpire, ber husband kind and true, And vf'at the player did. It wag a shame. They broke the Bote- sue loved ao well, they kicked away hla eara, Hts ,ye to blot were blinded one tad day. Bit loving wife so kind lot ber mind when be went blind. And Oty and night these sad worda the doe sav: (Same choraa.) .'he wr in the rank of the Nebraska democratlo party Is getting warmer dally. Mr. Bryan hat wheeled his heavy artillery Into opposition, and Is now bombarding the World-Ili-ralds editor fiercely. In the meantime "Mike" Har rington Is also bearing explosive shells In the same direction, sud the engage ment bids fair to , become general all along the line. In his Commoner Mr. Bryan shoots his ! biggest funs at Senator Hitchcock. From hla recent editorial's dealing with the senator, the following are excerpts: "Mr. Hitchcock knows aa well aa sir. 1 Bryan does that the democracy of Ne- braekn la progretalvaj, but be le not only witling, but anxious, to misrepresent the democracy of thla state In the matter of the presidential nomination. He Is endeavoring to prevent any co-operation between the two progressive candidates -Mr. Wilson snd Mr. Clark-wlth a view to securing, not only a majority, but a plurality fur Mr. Harmon, and If h can do this, be will go to Baltimore and ally himself with the plutocratic In fluences that are attempting to force Mr. Harmon upon the party. "Mr. Bryan Invite the democrats of the tats to decide between his position and ! the position taken by Mr. Hitchcock. I Mr. Bryan will. If the democrats w ish j It, represent them as a delegate, pro- ' tided be can carry out their Instructions ' In spirit ae well ae in lettert If he ; ran not do so not being able to-know I In, .ajlvapce jf ,. Ilia, .election-lie ivlu re-. sign his commission and leave the repre- j semalloa lo others who cap glvfr. voJco lo;ht jNSrty't ajshea aa expressed at ths primaries. , That ! of Iagratltsde." Ftnce Senator Hitchcock It claiming ths honor of being elected s delegate-at-large on the gronnd that re tt'a better democrat than Mr. Frran, It la only fair that their records be compared. In the winter of IKt-lwo. Mrr Hitchcock tried to secure from Governor Poynter an appoint ment aa I'nltcd Btatea senator In spite of the fact that tha democrats and populists In the legislature had supported Kenator Allen for re-election. The rule of the people was not In Mr, Hitchcock's thoughts when his ambition stood in the way. Mr. liryan'e endorsement of Sena tor Allen roused Mr. Hitchcock's wrath, which, after a temporary outburst, was suppreaaed ao long at an appearance of friendship was advantageous to him. "In IM Mr. Bryan opposed Judge Par ker's nomination and was supported by a unanimous vote in the atate coaventlon. in aptte of this Mr- Hitchcock threw whatever Influence toe had In favor of Judge Parker the rule of the people did net weigh with him then. . At this time Ifenaror Hitchcock Is seekintMo pre vent co-operation between th proaresve democrats of Nebraska In the hope -of securing not ' a majority, but merely a plurality for Governor Harmon. Whl'.e he la thoutlnf for the rule-of the people he Is openly working to defeat the will of the people. Wkra HllrHewek Sotd Oat. "Mr. Brian la following the course he haa followed for twenty years with the approval of the democracy of the state In 154. toon after Mr. Bryan became editor of the World-Herald. Mr. Hitch rock, the proprietor of the paper, aold two columns to the republican committee to be used to oppose the gubernatorial candidate whom the paper waa auliport Ing. Mr. Bryan announced to Mr. Hitch rock hia purpose to resign It the con tract was not cancelled. , Mr. Hitchcock did not deny the light of resignation then but cancelled the contract (but was after wards compelled by the court to carry It out). In IsM a democratic atate conven tion Indorsed th unconditional repeal of the Sherman act and Mr. Bryan, a eon-, greeamaa then, refused to accept It as the settled policy of his party. He made i a fight against It and was next year nominated for the United States senate without opposition and ha been nomi nated for th presidency three times since. "In 199, after being instructed for by nearly every state in the union, he re fused the promise to run unless the plat form was one which he could honestly de fend. His course in reserving the rlsht to refuse to run w-aa Indorsed by his nomination at that time and by eubse quent nomination. Mr. Bryan Is taking exactly the tame position he has taken heretofore he recognizes, and will pro tect, the right of the people t? h.V' whst they want, but he reserves the right by resigning, to refuse to be the people's spokesman when he cannot with out violation of his conscience and judg ment say what the people want said es pecially when under lite law a minority may be uniting, override a divided ma jority." Harrlasrton'a Inerrancy. in a recent editorial the World-Herald called attention to the "amazing dex terity with which Mr. Harrington ma nipulates fscts snd not facts, and the recklessness with which he slings his charges." Mr. Harrington comes right back with a characteristic letter, too long for publication In Its entirety, addressed to the World-Herald, from which these paragraphs are taken: "Will -yo pleeae point out one Incorrect statement I have ever made on a politi cal Issue, or a fsct of any kind, except one error In detailing Harmon's connec tion with one of Cleveland's bond issue"? 1 was for the Newberry bill when tne World-Herald opposed it. Can you find any fault In my aupport of that measure? I was for the second Newberry bill when the World-Herald still opposed It. Can you find grounds for rccklerneas' there? With the exception of the plank written by Mr. Burrowa In the farmers' alltan'-e platform, I wrote the first plank asalnl the vicious railroad pas r-yfttem ever put Into a Nebraska state platloniu Will you find fault with that? 1 wrote the first r-cent fsre declaration ever written In a Nebraska platform. Will you find fault with that? I wrote a freight rate bill which commended Itself lo 4t Hrse number of republicans In the lerlslature. even under the administration n( Mickey. Waa there any YecktesMireS' aliout that? 1 wrote tha first bill ever presented to Nebraska lerlHltture mskltig the railroad companies liable to their employee fo: Injuries occasioned by fellow servants and It took ten years before we finally succeeded, and during practically alt o that time, and particularly ths earllet atagr-s. we got no help from the World Herald. I prepared n measure to protect packing house employes who were In jured, and their widows and children In caae of their death. F.vcn up to this time the World-Herald hasn't progressed far enough to aupport that measure, al though a somewhat similar measure has become a law In New Jersey through the efforts of Woodrow Wilson. I wrote the first initiative and referendum plank that has appeared in a Nebraska platform, and I re-wrote it In the Giand Island Ilatform, although, of course, with the concurrence if my associates. Is there any error or "recklessness" In that? -Mast Have Itepabltcaa otes. "The prosrt-Sflve democrats owe it to themselves to line up to the very lsst man behind Wilron. Champ Clark It a h-ood man and Is making a good speaker, but If nominated for president be cer tainly could get no such vote in the northwest, at least, as Woodrow Wilson. The one rran that insurgent republicans will suppcrt Is Wilson. Wo must have this support to win. Any person who haa been over tile state to any consider able extent knows that Champ Clark has no possible chance of carrying Nebraska in the primarU. A vote for Clark is a vote in the air. It Is half a vote for Har mon. Tha Wilson men and the Wilson delegates are all for Champ Clark as their second choice. The same is true all over the I'nltcd States. Wilson Is recog nized as the m:st progressive of pro gressive democrats. Champ Clark is re liarcl.d next. The Harmoa-Wall street trowd will try to nominate I'nderwood If they cannot nominate Harmon, t'ndcr-. wood Is easily their second choice. They would even go to Marshall before Clark, for Marshall Is against the Initiative and referendum. Champ Clark'a friends ought not to endanger the progressive move ment in Nebraska. Being tremendously in the minority they ought to co-operate ! with a friendly majority and help to fling . back the defy of Wall street which It has ! made by making its only fight In the j entire northwest In Bryan's home state." jMENNONITES BUY BIG ! TRACT OF LAND IN MONTANA tXOVX FALLS. P., April l.-i Spe cial.) After negotiations attending over several wwk?. the memTrers of what ia known us the Wolf Creek Mt-nnonlt colony, situated In Hutchinson county, hare concluded arrangement a for tlio purchave of 9.W9 acres of land In Mon tana, ujKm which ; branch Wolf Crce!s colony will be established. The Montana tract cost ifOO.OOO. and it Is undertod that spot cash tias paid, the Wolf Creek colunlfta Uin bmong the wealthiest in the country The clony has enjoyed a steady inrreatc in numbers until It camo necessary to raro lor the surplut, ao (the tract in Montana wua purchased. SOUTH DAKOfrfbwN WIPED OUT BY FIRE PIERRE. P. D . April l.-Speclal Tele gram.) The little town of Davenport, in Northern Stanley county,' waa wiped out by fire Friday of last week. The lost was total, as there was no Insurance on the structures burned, and no water supply to fight the tire. Bee Want Ads Produce Kesul'.a. BreV Badger A ConHnatJ Story in Pittum by "Fman"No, I CAPITOL gives 5 that combination effect the close s 5 front with plenty 5 5 of room to show S the tie. S Its generous " Easy-Tie- sZ Slide" space makes every Z wearer a Capitol collar S 5 enthusiast II The Patented " Lock -that- Z Lock " keeps tbe collar from 21 22 spreading. 2 Co into your haberdasher's and tea " Capitol." - White- house" is In. higher. S pion Collars Otusef Va? -' asnsnra I ler 23c Quarter Sises UwhSa4rtACetWCeatsaaes,Tiy. S NATURES . PERFECT TONIC Something more than an ordinary toaio is required to ret tore health to a wrtakanad, run-derm syrtttn; tbtjintdkant mutt possess blood-prariiyio.g rropertie a well, beoaoat th vtaknaBS and impurity of th oircuiavtica is rwspontibh) for tht poor physical co oration. Th blood does not contain the utiauttij qinntirj art rich, red corpuscles, and Is therefore a weak, irattr atxetvm which cannot afford amfficisot ttotirishmant to sustain tht system fci -ordinary hetvlUu' A poorly aouritbfxl body cannot resist disease, and this explains why ao many persons art attacked by t spall of etc knees when tht nst of a good torn would hava prevented th trouble. In 8. S. 8. will b found both .biood-ci eansi ng snd tonio qualitiaa combined. It build op weak oonttJrutions by remorina; til impurities snd germs from tha blood, thua supplying t certain meant for restoring strength and lnTigortung tht systtm. -Tht healthful, vegetable ingredients of which 8. 8. 8. is composed mak it tpleudidly fitted to tht needs of thos systems which art) dalicat from any cause. It is Nature's Perfect Tonic, free from sJi harmful minerals, s safe and pleasant acting medicino for persons of every age. 8. 8. 8. lids th body of that tired, worn-out feeling so common at this season, improves tht appetite and digestion, tones tip the stomach, acts with pleasing s2cts on th nervous svstem, and reinvigorates every portion of tht body. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAS! A, GA, TSCSvlCT TMfTllT I f Bejinning with to-day we start a series of original comics from the pen of "Fanan." Our object is to make it worth your while to read the advertisements of This matchless bottled beer has earned its popularity because of its high quality, in imitable flavor and great tonic powers. It is the liquid life of the finest Barley -Malt " nops grown in the world. Order a case delivered to your home to-day. Brewed, aged and bottled only by the . . WW W. C Heyden, Mgr., Omaha, Neb. , . ' . . cJlnSCfi?. Job Guna Brewing Co. rheaes Bell Doaslss 4634 AateA-2S4 L&CrOSSe, Wit, CSp f fcrse Peeress cortoosia. Yom will mmnt th, sntrre series. IaMatw.owol I." $100 Reward For information leading to the arrest and conviction of person who poisoned my dog "Dinah" on Saturday, March 30th. D. C. BRADFORD. 404 South 39th St.