THE BEE: OMAHA: TUESDAY, APRIL i 1912. 3 Nebraska Nebraska BOARD TO TALK STATE AID Bridge atters Will Be Considered t Tomorrow's Meeting. APPLICATIONS NOW COVER LEVY I-Ty Less Throack Flos4a Mar Sat Bp Mrt fcvra la Part at Tkl Ttsae Thraaih Pablle Actioa o Darks for (;rraar. . S.IWU S4.UW .SW) K',' iKrpm a Staff Correspondent). . LINCOLN. April 1. (Special Telegram.) -The lrriga;iou board meet "Wednes day to consider applications for stats aid lr dees, but there will be nothing for the board'.to-do in. the .matter of new.prppo t .t.uai, fi tiu amount or the stato levy two yarV aco' Is already applied for. Vndvr the Jaw where an application is a!lowtl Hi? si.-Ua pars one-half and the '.:mty i!k: rmuiruler. The levy produces feU'Ut, M.t.j p-r year, or a total for the two yeara of 1CS.J0. The following op 1 aliens are already ou file : '""our.::-. Amount. Voi re I . J.uvu mi lio:: -Moirill "H";tsliint".n Jlotk nu Key raha...: 1:m Wiliow Vlatto jodrt) ami Saunders bc.itl'a Bluff Laiuaster , Mie?ii;a.i IiotvuiU luiiiouiti not deterniineu) Tita! '....;,$ KiMtnrr tiT Itlahta. .U the Wednesday meeting the board ,vin lie u-ked to adjudicate the rights of ins Krai my rower and Electric com laiy. Tiie company was one of the first, if not the first, to make ue of the water W the Platte river, but up to the present I1.4 iieer .made a filing or recognised ti e jurisdiction of the board. The first 1.11ns of record is the North Platte Irri tation company In 1SSI. while the Kear ney comieiny asserts it has been using 1 lie water tines 1J. It asks an appro j'lmtion uf 4') feet per second. In a court a tlon Judge Grimes awarded the Kcurney company VA feet, but tile Irri gation Uoiird ipnoted the court finding Ix'c.iusc the I'M was outside the Juris 'dictlun of the court where the action was bruUBhl. The appropriations further up tlie river consume all the water during the di-y season, leaving the Kearney com litny's ditch without water. The Kear ney company now wants Its rights de- Urol supcriur to those higher up the In ream. liaardtmea Vlall Moaey. A number of Omaha guardsmen -who uino heie to report to the adjutant and get excuse for not being present at insiiecllon were caught here when the Ashland bridge went out. They had ex pected to return the same day and did not bring any surplus cash along and were forced to apply to headquarter for an appropriation. The Board of Purchase and Supplies ai letting contracts for th coming uuarter today. The stale Institutions lire asking for a little less than in the previous quarter. Prices except for meat and sugar are about the same, these two Items being higher. fiovrraor Grl o Dacha. Governor Aldrlch returned last jilgtk) from South Bend, when he ha bea ecuiratlng for a few day's. TU constant dynamiting of In frightened all , the ducks away and the governor did not get f bird. When he got ready to come home lie was forced to shin It over the Platte liver bridge and reach the Hock Island track', a stub train bringing him to .in-uln. rmlroa Sea4s hanks. Coroner Armstrong of Sarpy county has written the governor thanking him for the letter be cent regarding the Blunt Inquest. ' llrcac SKs itlth loan. Judge "Wse sat with the supreme court today for the first time since February 1 Mine the weather warmed up a little his tioutile have been less acvera and the lams iae largely ceased. Tood 'Cohinilssloncr Hansen and Chem ist Itolforn have gone to Manhattan, Kan., to visit the agricultural school and get some pointers. Uraia Tariff Cbaaaed. The Uurllngton road has been granted icnnlS!lon to correct an error In Its pub lished grain tariff on grain from Henry, Neb., and Omaha and Nebraska City. It lias also been permitted to absorb the switching charge on sand from pits on Its line when the freight amount to moro tban I& Rallaca oa Aaaeaara. The attorney general ha ruled that t:ie count: assessor was voted out. of office In tl-.j 1P11 election, even though he I:ad c ar moie to crve on the term f.'r Ii!' Ii he m oi.glrally elected. tr county la ll'll voting to abolish the office. Vhe attorney Rem lal has ruled that a rocnty judge, v. hire he is a bonded ab stracter, can (' abstract work and not t'iin th" fimovnt earned in as a portion f tfc feci i.f 1ii office. He balds thai that the Ius.ikk is no part of the duties i'f hti office. Tha case cornea up from t-v.-ard county. W lce- heek Areoaats, County Treasurer Fuirchtld Is to assint l. injucr Tulhes In going; over the bI9 bonki of tt;e treasurer of Lancaste"'. It.esc accounts were gone over i:t IH-ccmUcr of that year, but since Hi-titti-cveiy of tiie shortage In the office mcoiiiits In it ha been thought best to u over tt o oid accounts again. Urcreasp la t'asau Tlie leport of State Treasurer Genrg April 1 shows a large decrease In cash :t hand as compari-d with March t. On tlie latter date there was a total of K18.C4. while on April I the cash amounted to K7.9. The general fund it down to K-S and warrants are being cashed for investment by school fund money. During the month the general fund receipt took up t!0l.4 of warrant -outstanding March 1. and tlie school funi Is now carrying general fund warrants to the amount of fB.tiSG. The temporary and permanent school funds are the only nea showing a substantial Increase dur ing the month. TI.e treasurer does not anticipate receipts of any considerable amounts until spring tax payments arc made, and it will run the funds prettv Jow to care for warrants until that time and possibly it may be necessary to reg inter soma, Denioerata Lark Caadiaatr. J. K. Miller of Kearney has with drawn as democratic candidate for sen ator In the Twenty-second district. protest has been filed axaliKt Herman iK sfchuettger. democratic candidate for aenatvr from the YVaftlrigtoo-lodge ! .l.t uu U-g ground that he aevar fiej Nebraska an acceptance of the petition filed in his behalf. A search of the record shows the protest Is well founded and the county clerks have been Instructed to leave his name oft the ballot. This leaves the democrats without a candidate In that ! district. New AreMest Asaerlallvn. J. 11. Orosvenor of Aurora today filed with" Auditor Barton organisation papers of the fnlted Workmen Accident Associa tion of Nebraska and the auditor has them under consideration. The Workmen have no accident Insurance at present. The plau is a mutual' assessment one with no capital stock. . Vlre which started at : o'clock this morning did tM.uffl damage to the Kunke block. Twelfth and O streets, and several thousand dollars of damage to tenants. It started In the kitchen" of the Inn res taurant and worked up around the ele vator, which is la the center pf the build ing, to the roof.- One peculiarity of the fire -Is the manner In w hich It burned In beteween the -partition and floors, leav ing them with the appearance of little damage, while in fact they were simply shell. Several accidents happened to tenants who enteted th building today by falling through floors which appeared to be all right, butu "which were really burned out underneath.' The fixtures of the restau rant are largely a loss, amounting to tt.OiQ. The total loss of tenant is placed at .. to ),0(). ' ' ' t The heaviest' loser among the tenants was the Barnes ladles' tailoring estab lishment on the top floor, whose stock wa practically a total loss with no In surance. The other losses, v.hichhhhhhh surance. The other losses, which arc fairly well covered by Insurance, are: K. Hallet. jeweler. K.oOO; Poyle. Holmes, Dc laey ami Kullerton, attorneys, book and panera damaged by smoke and water. A number of doctor and dentists slso suf fered from the same causue. Five firemen. Capuln Stover, Pearl Huff. Pearl Knowlton. Harry 8ain and George Brlggs1. were overcome by smoke and carried out unconscious by comrades. They are all rapidly recovering and se rious oonsecuence are not anticipated. Harllacts Mrel ComnetlllvB. The Burlington road has been granted permission by the railway commission o make a number of change In Us passen ger far In this state. One class o' change It where the changing of Its own or other line ha shortened the dis'anci between competing point and It I de sired to make the fare equal 3 cents per mile on the short-line mileage, the fare to no Intermediate point to be more than that to the competing point. Another change Is where such short line rate have been In effect, but have not been used as basins rates for pome beyond the competing point, which the company Is now permitted to do. These change In practically all Instances amount to Hght reductions In fare, but in one Instance the change of line brings about an Increase of 5 cents, vis., from Omaha to David City. One change la from Omaha to Seward, old rate. 1.2. The new rate is via Cier mantown. S1.M, and via Milford, II. W; from Omaha to Kearney, old rate, K.7I. reduced to II. TJ to meet Union Pacific ahort-lioa mileage: Omaha to Wsjioo, oil rate, cent, new rate, 88 cent to meet Union Pacifle short-line mileage: Omaha U Oratul WknA. C, reduced to K 88 to meet Vunlon Pacific short-line mileage; Omaha? to central City, reduced 2 cents for the same reason, and the new rat to be a basing one for point north of Central City: Omaha to Plattsmouth. rale of 58 cent, In effect heretofore, to be a basing on for points beyond; the Stt-cent rat from Lincoln to David City to be made basing one (or point be yond and the same with the 81.28 rate from. Lincoln to fschuyler, the 81.04 rati to Fremont, the 81.81 rate to Hebron and the 80-cent rate from Lincoln to Beatrice. By thla change the rata from Omaha to Columbus Is reduced 98 cent and that to Bellwood the same amount Short I line rates to Schuyler. Mromsburg. Crawford and all other competing points are permitted to be used as basing rates for points beyond. Altogether, the change amount to veral hundred un der this phase of the order, which goes, into effect May IB. NORTH PLATTE FIREMAN IS KILLED AT JULESBURG NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. April 1.-(SpeclaU-Walter Hlnkley. a fireman In the employ of the Union Pacific Rail road company at thi place. wa Instantly killed at Julesburg. He was leaning out of the cab window while the train was moving at a alow rate of speed when hla head struck one of the Iron pillars sup porting the coal chutes, crushing his skull and face. Th body was brought to this city en a return train and pre- ai ed for shipment to bis home In Kan j sas City. He was a member In good t tnn,iintf anri enrrieil heavy Insurance In I the Brotherhood of Yeomen. Independ- . of Locomotive Fir man ahd Engineer. WOODMEN OUTLINE CAMPAIGN Insurgent Executive Committee Holds Sestion at Hastings. WILL APPEAL TO HEAD CAMP SakrvKsalttee' Will Draft Hraaest for Delay aad I alt Attor arya Akeat Lral tata af the Sltaatlea. HASTINGS,' Neb., April l.-(Special.-In accordance, with the directions given at the .recent slate convention in this city the Nebraska exaeuttva committee of the Modern Woodmen Saturday nigh! outlined a plati of vigorous, action to prevent the enforcement of the Increased ratea ordered by the head camp of the Modern' Woodmen of America at tire adjourned meeting in Chicago. , .The' resolution adopted by the staU' convention, contemplate; first, an effort to secure relief by peaceful means, and Second. If necc.ary to resort. Jo litigation .to test the legality, of the head camp's order. .The executive committee appointed two subcommittees to put the machinery of Insurgency Into operation.- Nathan Bernstein of Omaha and M. L. Corey of Clay -Center were appointed a committee to prepare a petition to the head -officials requesting that the rate be not enforced ', until the membership shall determine the question by referendum vote,- or until a special and newly-elected heal camp shall consider and pars upon : the rate proposition. A law committee, consisting of J. R. Thomp son, of - Grand Island. M. I Corey of Clay Center and Nathan Bernstein of Omaha waa appointed to Interview coun sel concerning the legal questions 'In volved rto prepare f6 possible litigation and to report at -the next meeting of the general committee. Call for Faada. Complete reports of all proceedings thus far In the Insurgent movement will be forwarded to all camps In the state, whose - co-operation will be Invited. The camps will lie asked to pay to the committee as soon as possible their lira rata share of the fund necessary to carry on the work. The convention de cided upon a per capita assessment of -i) cents, with the condition that any money remaining in the fund after the work of the committee shall, have been finished will be returned to the con tributors. Camps sre already sending in money. for this fund. The committee also decided to urge the organising of Woodmen by counties to protect the Interests of fraternal Insur ance against unfair legislation. It Is the purpose of the Inturgenve lo question legislative candidates a to their atti tude on the so-called Mobile bill and kindled legislation and to support the election of those who are opposed to such legislation. A telegram of encouragement was for warded to the Illinois legislature, which has partially passed a bill prohibiting the Introduction of new ratea by fruter , nal Insurance societies prior to January 1, i!9U This bill. If passed, will apply to the Wodern Woodmen of America a one of the societies doing bu'liicsa In that state and will prevent the enforcement of the new rates until after a new head camp has an opportunity to rs cn the matter. All members of the committee were present except Treasurer M. W. Phillips of Columbus, who is marooned at home by the floods. Those In attendance were Dr. James V. Begthol. president. Hast ings; Alex MrFarlane. vice president. Friend: P. . Devol. secretary. Omaha; M. L. Corey. Clay Center; Dr. K. E. Cone. Oxford; J. R. Thompson. Urand Island' F. A. Anderson, lloldrege; Nathan Bern stein. Omaha. Aaather Meettaar Tamrada. Another meeting of the committee has been called to take place at Lincoln at It) o'clock next Thursday morning. The committee named to prepare the petition to the head officials is expected to re port at that time and probably the peti tion will be taken at clu e to Head Con bul Talbot. Members of the committee- have re ceived cncouragaliiR reports flora camps over the state. j "We are convinced that the admlnl- stratlon will yield to our demands." said I Nathan Bernstein. "We are simply aM- iug to pass on the rate question and we don't see how :'ie request can be denied." I FAIRBURY GIRLS DIES OF BLOOD POISONING FAIRBI'RV. Neb.. April l.-(Speclal.l Miss Nora Kelso died at her home In this city Saturday from the effects of blood polsonlns contracted from dental work. Miss Kelson suffered a great deal prior t her death. she la the daughter of Mr. and Mis. A. W. Kelao of this city and had llvi'd here only since February. She was formerly a steno grapher In Ties M"ines. la., and resigned In February and came to Kalrbury. She was engaged tu lie matrlcd to a railroad official in Minneapolis. Minn., and had returned to Fairbury to make arrange menta for the wedilint;. Her intended husband was called to Fairbury and . reached here in time to se hi brlde-to-, be alive. Her father 1 well known la : Falrt-ury. He Is division superintendent for the Rock Island railroad and baa lived here since November. 1910. Ml , Kelso Is survived by her parents, two sisters of Ties Moines, la., and a brother w ho Is attending tlie Purdue university , at Lafayette. Ind. C'haaaje mt TSaae. Effective Sunday March it. Train No. f, leaving Webster street station, via Chicago, ft. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha railway at i-H p. m.. and No. i. arriving from Emercon at t.S p. m. are discon tinued. Train No. t will leave for Sioux City at i.Jt p. ni. Instead of !:S p. m. Many Delightful Ways of Serving Spaghetti The housewife who look upon spa ghetti as maraly a side dish should learn mora about tu both for aceaomy'a sake aud tha saving. of her reputation a a provider of good thing to eat. A little booklet, published by th makers of Faust Spagnattl, will give her a new light on th subject It tells many way of serving thla delectable dish. Many families t ow make Faust Spa ghetti th chief dish for dinner once a week. And .hey get fron.- It food ele ment far In excea of those contained in meats, egg, fish, etc. Ask your doctor about thla He will tell you that Faust Spaghetti not only contains more nour ishing power tbsn these food so often considered necessary, but that It con tain these elements In more easily digested form. All good grocer sell Paust Spaghetti MAULL BEOS., Ic and 19c a package. Writ for th free Booklet ec Recipes Itai at. Leal anm, tt. XVoals, Ma ii - Pre?enU Infection of AO KiU tt Its bswslMS. Ma-hrltataMj seal Irks a a cana-tin sad Its SMlell mijaijMUif sat au TYREE'S Antiseptic Powder see wftj slliinfilly far ta hut 11 yeu. laatasrlr Is watar. Bts se eual as a srmatarre. b'sta eitearlvely fsr Acer. IVeeoi tartars siakss twe alles staaaara aNStVa. Sale ef aratglst mnkn ASK TOCa DOCTOa sr sea kosUet. X 1 TTIUCaU,VssMjta.D. From "here" to "there" and back again one-third of the motoring world will 'go this year in Ford Cars. .Seventy five thousand new Fords all alike put into service in a twelvemonth it's telling tes timony to their unequalled serviceableness and economy. There U no other car like tha Ford Modal T. It's lightest, lightest moat economical. The two-paacenger car coat but $5S0, f.o. b. Detroit, complete with all equipment the flve-paaaeoger but f 90. Today get catalogue 101 from The Ford MoforCom-1 panjr. 11 Harney St.. Omaha, or from oar Detroit factory. Phone Douglas iivo. How Far Will a Dollar Go? It is largely a question of food knowledge and food sense. An intelligent selection of food means less waste, smaller grocery bills, better health, better nourished bodies. The least nutritious foods are often the most expensive. For breakfast take two Shredded Wheat Biscuits and heat them in the oven to restore crispness and then pour hot milk over them, and you have a warm nourishing meal that will supply all the strength needed for a half day's work, at a cost of four or five cents. a-5 r Served with stewed prunes, baked apples, canned peaches or sliced bananas the meal is even more wholesome and satisfying. " It's All in the Shreds " Msafeeoly by THE IHXEDDED WHEAT COMT ANY. NIAGARA FALLS, N. T. J ? . U 1 The reason why-we call the Want Ad. Way the Modern Way COMPARE the present method of filling daily wants with the method used in olden times. Think for a minute of the old days when, if the merchant wanted help, it -was either necessary to make a personal search or else "hang out a sign." Or, when some arti cle of value became lost, the only possible chance of recovery was to have the Town Crier make known the loss to the best of his ability. Think of a Town Crier in these modern times, in a big city like Omaha, with its 150,000 population. Since the days when the Town Crier held forth times have changed, cities have grown larger, and new condi tions necessitate new methods. T So we call the Want Ad Way the Modern Way. Through the watit ad columns of the daily newspaper all wants are filled. And just a in every other city, there is one paper considered best for this kind of advertising, so, in Oniaba, The Bee is the recog nized want ad medium. When the employer wants help, or theincmployed seek work When you have a boarding house to fill, or rooms for rent, or flats for rent When you have some miiscellaneous article for sale, like a stove, piano, graphophone, old furniture, or most anything else When you want to rent a house, or buy, sell or exchange any kind of real estate When you want to find a lost article . These are but a few of the hundreds of various ways in which the modern want ad can be of service in a community the size of Omaha. THE OMAHA BEE Want Ad. Department "The Want Ad. Way is the Modem Way" HE BEE goes into more than 75 per cent of the English-speaking homes of Omaha, and likewise into thousands of homes in the surround ing countryside. A Want Ad brought, sent or deliv ered at The" Bee Office before noon isv passed on without delay to the composi tor, stereotyper and pressman, and with in a few hours' time is ready to go with each copy of The Bee. . Experienced advertising men at The Bee Office are at the service of those -who desire aid in writing advertisements. The telephone service offere perhaps the most convenient way to get in communi cation with the Want Ad Department, Telephone "Ty ler 1000" at any time of the day or until late at night, and your Want Ad will be received by an experi enced and courteous operator."