Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The Blue Ribbon
Iowa Liability Board Finds little
Interest in Dei Xojnes.
State Coa.atU.loa a lavestlaate tha
sebssls Pleats Little Data tat Xt
ssaec Steral laetrwettea la
State mt lews.
Special Features in Boys' and Girls' Apparel for
Tuesday's Spring Opening Displays
For month oar expert buyers have bwn carefully selecting the hundred! of handsome gar
ment which you'll find all ready for you to choose from tomorrow. Each lection 1 brilliant with
freata new merchandise, impressing one more forcibly, than ever that thia Is the one atore la Omaha
which Is amply prepared to outfit young folks completely in tasty, stylish and reasonably priced apparel.
Boys1 Washable Suits
The aeaaen is now at hand when several Wash Salts are a very necessary part of the small
boy' outfit We have selected a large and pleasing variety of the neatest and smartest styles which
the Ma hat tan Wash Hull Co. of New York has ever produced. These clever little suits come in both
white and colored linen, repp 'and ehambray. They are economical, dressy and serviceable.
, Russian Sulla for ages 1 to 6 year-S1.50, 92.00. $2.50. S3.00, 53.50.
Sailor 8ult for ages S to years $2.00. $2.50 $3.00. $3.50.
Boys' Serge Suits
In navy blue, browa and dark red and rich snappy mixture offer a wide selection from which
to choose the boys' early prlng clothes. Either Russian or Bailor styles. The pleasing styles splendid
workmanship and long service especially commends our boys' clothing to every parent.
. Prices $3.75. $5.00. $6.00 d $7.50.
For larger boya, English Norfolks, in fine, smooth, blue serges tnd lively mixture of tan or gray
arc exceedingly popular with young chap nd the modest prices make It a pleasure to outfit the
yuung fellows her.
Price $5.00. $6.50. $7.50. $8.50 n" $10.00. '
Right at this In-between season every boy should hav a Top Coat and we are prepared to supply
Just tb style and fabric which will please him most. Blue serges, tan covert and smooth gray wor
steds art Mm of tha new fabric. Special value at $3.50. $5.00. $6.00 " $7.50.
Cleverly Fashioned Dresses and Coats for Girls
Mother who carefully consider the cost attendant to
making the girls; dresses at home find that It is much
cheaper to purchase them here. Tha newest and prettiest
' style are now ready. For play, school or outing there 1
an abundant showing of fresh new wash dresses of percales,
plain ohambrays aid ginghams In dainty colors of tan,
pink or blue In msny pretty patterns also a number of
' beautiful soft ton plaids. Every llttlo dress I handsomely ,
styled and trimmed Slues 8 to 14 year.
- Prleee-gt.25. $1.50, $1.95. $2.25. $2.50
M $3.50.
r'or "dreca-up occasions one may select from a very
complete showing contributed by Win. Pel of New Yor.
French Repp, French Linen sad Wexford cloth frock with
trimmings of Irish crochet lace, embroidery and hand em-
I broldered designs finished with fancy collar and cults,
many styles hav tha new plain skirt. New shade of tan,
pink, navy, rose, leather, blue and whit. Site I to 1
Price-$3.05. $4.50. $5.75. $6.50. $7.50.
$8.75 nd $10.00.
The firm of Wm. Fl of New York bar sent us a
beiutiful and comprehensive line of charming dresses of
mercerised lingerie, batiste, French lawn and whit voile,
exquisitely fashioned and trimmed. Sixes J to 14 years.
iinm $2.05. $3.75. $4.50. $5.00. $6.50
Girls' Cost show many decided innovations In design.
color combinations and trimmings. From the firm of K.
J. Wile Co.', New York, we have selected the most varied
aad complete collection of smart and clever styles we hav ever shown. Especlsl attention la drawn
to tb Little Major coat, a handaom model exclusively shown by us. Materials are serges in plain
colors, tweed, black and whit checks, coverts and .hopaack. Norfolk, V snd full length models.
Site s to 14 year. Price $5.00. $6.75- $7.50. $8.75. $9.75. $12. $13.50. $15.
"Tb College Blsxer" In school color age 8 to 18. $6.00.
Spring and Snmmer Catilogne Now Ready. Send for Your Copy Today.
m TBtin nmn
I i
wanted t so toward the eoaat was ocn
eerned. The lie ka the Elkhorn river, yesterday
came dewa from around WI.neT and
Iieemer, tore out all ol the new work and
carried away about feet of the old
grade la the west end of town.' Men
Intel Omaha and the country west were
gstebred up and sent out. They worked
sll tor and last night. .
Last BlM the Northwestern bandied It.
passenger to northern Nebraska and a
large Dumber of those of the Union Pa
etfte. "tub trains were run up to Arling
ton, where after walking about S yaerds
the passingtrt were transferred to train,
hacked down from Fremont. The same
method was pursued with reference to
pa see mars eomia gthla way. .
stonier the Burlington waa the only
Doling the last few years, conditions
la ail Unee of business, even professional
Ilia, have enanged so completely that
every maa waking u to the fact that
M order la win success be must specialise
us Warn te.da.eome one thing and do it
weU . -
' he it h. with any article that la sold to
It eotie. it must hav genuine merit
' nt Pit amuuai of advertising will main
tain tie rttoiaml for the article.
Fur B hu? jeer we hae etched with
much iuteri-st U.e remarkable record
P i j or. At mer's Swsmp-Kuut.
tlie great Kuincy. Liver and v Bladder
Hamedy. From the very beginning the
Proprietors Lad so much confidence ia It
that they Avlied every one to teat! R.
lre of cm. before purchasing.
it fat a Bhraaan s preecrtptloa.
They hav on file thousands of tetters
received from furrow sufferers who are
new enjoying good heslth as a result of
ItS M . . .. ...
Bowever, If yea wish first to try a
sample bottle, address Dr. Kilmer 4s Co..
ttlaaamlo .V. If, aad mention this
saper. They will gladly forward roe a
sample bottle by ma,L absolutely tree.
Eaarnlar sises for aala at all drugglata
'ftfty-cests sad one dollar.
road thai waa handling Omaha passengers
Into Lincoln. It waa running Ita train,
over the Missouri Faciflo to Loulevllle
and getting tbem onto Its own lines at
Oree polls. However, It waa serving the
towns betwer-e Omaha and Hello. just
this aide of the Platte, and the towns be
tween Lincoln and Ashland by running
atub trains. . .
Only Use t-lae lataet.
The Missouri Pacific Is the only road
wnt of the Missouri river that bak main
tained uninterrupted service out and In
Omaha continuously since the beginning
of the flood. This road has a bridge over
the ralte at La Platte, and unlike the
other bridges this one held, though there
were time when the grade on either side
wss badly washed, but not sufficient to
prevent trains paving over It.
While all of the roada expect to reaume
regular passenger service very ehortly. It
will probably be the laat of the present
Week before freight trains will move
with sny degree of regularity. As a re
mit It Is anticipated that considerable In
convenience will be experienced In some of
the towne In the flood-stricken district
However, there Is not going to be any
Buffering en account of lack of food sup
plies, aa all of tlie lines out from Omaha
SsV Leued orders to take previsions on
passenger- train, aa aoon aa they are
. rreaisat le Aet aalcalr.
A report comes fgrom Fremont that
suing the Platte river the low farm
lands were badly damaged by the strong
current and floating ice and in place,
catered from six inches to a toot with
nd. Ijamagea to bridges and roada
lu Douce . county may reach lUS.dOa
special meeting of the county board la
ordered (or tomorrow and the state will
be anked to help to replace the longer
bridge.. A part of the dike built bv
a dralaige district ta cut the water eft
from the north channel la gone aad the i
channel which rune acroaa Fremont
laland. loeka like a permanent one. The
levee also built by the drainage district
extending along the old north bank west
of town area only washed out a little
la one place and waa a big pals to the
city. There Is likely to be strenoee op
position to spending any mors money
en the dike
(Continued from First Page.)
hla office today after the conferences
with the mine owners at Cleveland.
That the aoft real miners will vote al
most unammouely in favor nt the new
wage proposition on April 1 was Mr.
White', prediction,
BeaiBweaters Mea Star at Werk.
KANSAS CITr. Mo.. April L-Whst-ever
may be the final outcome of the ef
forta of the coal miners and operators
of the southwest to agree on a new con
tract for the ensuing twu years there
will be no suspension of operations he
fore May I. This la In ncrordane h
a continuation clause of the agreement
or two years ago and representatives of
both the eeetatore and miners aaid today
that It would be respected.
The districts In thla territory are: Xoe.
It. 8 and 3L comarin I ik l.hnm. , .
kansas. Texas. Missouri and Kanaaa.
Representatives of the miners and op
erator, are exnected la mt
to confer relative lo local nnJiKM.
... I
toe mine., hut aa to matters of general
Importance the miners will h km. k I
the demand, of the national organisation. I
tProm a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Ia April l-tSpedal.)
The Iowa commleslon to prepere a bill
for a new law In Iowa for employers'
liability and workmen's comiiensatlon
una Just closed a tour of the state for
a week, holding meetlnss In the large:
cltiea for the purpose of he-ulng fru.:
all persons who are Interested la an,
way In the propoeed legislation.' Th
meetinga have been uniformly good. Ti:
only place In the otaie where there
jid.fference to the subject la in Det.
Moines, where the commercat bou. -Lave
been busy with other things. Ai
nearly all the meetings there have ap
peared representatives of the employe!
aiid employee and they have dlecusaeU
f lankly their view, aa to what ahouiu
be done.
The commission will continue thla week
In having hearing, and later will gui
busy In preparation of a report on whai
la being done in other atatea. The rt
port will be a comprehensive review o-.
the entire subject with suggestlona aa l
possible feature, of legislation that n-our .
be better than any yet devised.
Issjalry Into Sesool Need..
The commission sppotnted by the slati
superintendent to Inquire Into the neeu:
of the schools of the state is busy gathei
Ing Information that may be of vatut
to the legislature. The first line of lu
qulry ia to be aa to condition. In th.
rural school., for It Is universally ad
milled that practically no progress hs
been made In the rural school, of thi
state In recent years beyond what ha
bcrn done through consolidation am
grading. The Inquiry will also extent
to methods of educating the teacher,
and what can be done for better wora
In the grade schools of the cities snu
The stste tax commission is also con
ducting an inquiry aa to what can be
done to Improve the tax aystem of the
state. From theae three comml.slona
the next legislature will receive a bill of
work thai will keep. It busy the entire
Ceadltlea st lews Scales.
Not more than twenty-five eets oi
scale out of LSI sets tested by the stste
food and dairy department ahowed any
atgne of being fixed to cheat the customer,
says W. B. Barney, state food and dairy
Of a total of 1.324 sets of scales tested
by the department, 171 were found Inaccu
Questioning the sccurscy of tha figures
of Prof. Stem art of Iowa City, ststs super
intendent of weights and measures, Mr.
Barney made an Investigation of the scale
records to provs the percentage of Inac
curate scales ll not ss high aa Mr. Stewart
Mr. Barney aaya moat of the Inaccuracy
In the scale Is caused because of worn
out apparatus, and many tlmea because
ef the oheaptees of tha scales. He said
the "break" Is agalnat tha merchant al
most aa often aa It la In favor of the mer
chant. Dang Shew tor Dee Melaee.
Entrlea for a dog show have been made
here to the number of about ax) and It
will open on Thursday next In the Coli
seum. A number of dogs bays been en
tered from Chicago and several from east
ern stste. It will be held under the
auspices of a newly formed kennel club
snd be the first formal dog show In the
tste. Arrangements nave been made for
another similar exhibition at the atate
fair In September.
Will tie to Battlefield.
Many aurvlvlug members of the Iowa
Hornets Nest brigade will leave Monday
evening for Pltuburg Landing. Tana, to
take part in the celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary of the battle of Hhlloh.
Oovernor B. V. Carroll and Mrs. Carroll.
Colonel David J. Palmer, Captain V. P.
Twombly and Captain E. B. Soper will
bead the party that leaves Dr Molnss
Monday evening for the south.
The trip from St. Louis down will be
made by boat
tallrsads Have Cesl.
The railroads doing business In Iowa
are reported to have aufflclent coal on
hand to laat them at leaat a month and
In case of necessity they can get along
for a longer period. They have been
preparing for some months for the Inev
itable shutdown of the coal ml nee, which
haa now started. The manufacturers who
use large quantities of coal have also
stored a great deal and will not be put
to any inconvenience. The smait con
sumers are likely to auffer most from the
failure to keep the mines In operation.
Gives Himself Vs.
After James Thompson, whose home is
in Hevere. Msss.. a suburb of Boston, haa
apent six months In Dee Motnea, bis
conscience did not feel at ease for Jump
ing a parole bond, lie gave himself up to
the police todsy and said that he wanted
to be sent home. He save be waa con
victed of beating bis wife.
; i r,-e, s !-.' V Sr
eg Fesad (hot.
FAIRFIELD, la.. April I.-The body
of Olla Tost, aged H. who lived near
Liberty vllle. Ia.. waa found along the
tracks here todsy. There waa a large
bullet wound In the aide. Neither the
weapon or the young man, clothing
could be found. Coroner Gaumer aad
Sheriff Campbell are investigating.
Police Captain ladleted.
OTTUMWA, Ia.. AprH L-Nlght Police .
Captain Man X Mler n inir,..t i
by the Wapello county grand Jury today
vn charges of bootleaalna. Cant. in j .
aaya it ia a "frameup" by BollUeal ene-
uuee. ten etnera also were ntdlcted oa
D,iiegging charges.
Bronchial Troches
Aa aSfeearae raaaedy toe Qeaexe m4 Boanaassh
laealaasle la BroMblai sad Lsag Troabta. aad
to Waters sad peakees tor etaarief the vote.
rXIrely free fmat oplwas er say henafal legr
dwas geldMlylabeaw. laaili mall.d fees.
JORW I RROWTt snS, BMina, Msev
T T THENEVER or wherever you are served
A with Pabst Blue Ribbon there is always
Y V that indication of quality that brings a smile
of satisfaction. With a rich mellow flavor and delight
..iiv emrtntri tacto it satisfies evcrv exoectation aroused by
tsaV4 J tflggVV aa twwiv) mw wr T
its appetizing appearance. It is a wholesome and beneficial beverage for all
Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles.
showing at a glance tnat w ciean ana pvrv.
Why not send home a case today? Phone or write
1307 Leavenworth rhonmDouiWt.Awi Omaha, Nebr.
Bandits Arrested in
Streets of Paris
PARIS, April I. -Several bandit, armed
with revolvers unsucessfully tried to rob
a messenger of the Bank of France car
rying ilW.OOQ in a crowded street In the
center of Psrls today. They were arrested.
Clayton reaveatloa.
ELKAQER, la., April l.-The Clayton
eounty republlcana today selected dele
gate, to the atate and district conven
tions favorable to President Taft. but
resolutions snd Instructions were voted
down. ' ' - ' 1
. .I.- . . . . i .
Every woman' heart responds to
tb charm and sweetness of a baby
voice, becaus nature Intended her tor
motherhood. But ven th loving
tatur of a mother shrinks from th
ordeal becaus luch time la usually
period of suffering and danger.
Woman who use Mother' Friend ar
aved much discomfort and suffering,
and their gyitema, bslng thoroughiy
prepared by thl great remedy, are
ta a healthy condition to meet tha
Urn with th least poislbl ulterlnj
and danger. Mother' Friend la
recommended only for tb relief and
comfort of expectant mother; It I ia
so sense a remedy tor various 111,
but it many year of success, and
tha thousand -of endorsements re
ceived from women who hav used it
are a guarantee of the benefit to be
derived from It use. Thl remedy
doee not accomplish wonder but sim
ply assist nature to perfect It work.
Mother' Friand allay nausea, pre
vents caking of
th breasts, and
la very way
contributes to
gtrong, healthy
motherhood. Mother's Friend la Jold
at drug atore. Writ for oar tree
book for expectant mother.
BlADrUlO UCUUTOK Ca. Atlanta, c.
I j!" I '! I
j He 7Viw. Ca Y
to rrstE a ot.n iw ojtE o.t
lets Drugfcieut refund money if It tall, m
cure. E. H. tittuVtS auaature ia oa
M buz. Be
It T ml Jtaat aal Mtattrt tor itreX. ce.Lagt
eti. feeeliM Imc. mm !' aM-Basm H
Itrwm tmmm toin ti mil gmm aa yrvweau
WMdtl, sWTw kAi tmitoejgea atta. JklffC lb tttM sW
DaaeHavg p-aftlem Ltf4tar firm 4 tot
Braaakiug la Not tkboaae. It It thm frwsuarst mf
tfwrj tt Ua aax Try H Mir wywleri,
n Dm'I mmpt a 7 nft-Hu Vm TKmt tttel
Children Poorly? Co To Your Doctor
Talk with your doctor about Ayer's notvakoholic Sarupahlla.
A&k him if he prescribes it for pale, delicate children. Ask him
If he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and
when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids
nature in building up the general hearth. jJj.T'nt:
If yw are subject to frequent eeMs, er
tt yen have any ef the distressing symp
toms ef catarrh, such as stuff e us rest
ing tot the heed, profuse discharge from
the aeee, sore la the nose, phlegm la the
throat cauatag hawking and spitting, dull
pain In the head or ringing In the ears.
fust anoint the nostrils er rut the throat
sr cheat with a tittle Ely's Cream Balm,
and see how gukkly yon will get relief.
In a - few minute, yon win feel your
heed clearing, and after astng the Balm
'or a day er eo the nasty discharge will
be etaerke. the para, soreness and fever
gone, and yea win no longer be offensive
to yourself as your friends by eea
ttantly hair trig, .pitting aad blowing.
Bash eft the grip of catarrh before It
Impairs your sense sf taste, smell and
hearing and poteens your whole system.
Ia a abort time yea can be completely
eared eg tale anetrtssla disease by aaiag
Ely's Cream Balm. This healing, aatlsep
tte Balm dees not feet yarn by short, else
eaceive relief, bat eompletely uierunuca
the dleeaae. It dears the nose, bead aad
throat ef all the rank petsoa. snot bee.
hails aad aareeajtheas the raw. sere miss
and cntatTh.
Oaw applleatisa will convince yew, aa
a ft eant bottle ami generally ear the
worst ease ef catarrh, tt at guarmateed.
Oet It from year druggist today.
"I can do lots of things I couldn't
do before I began eating TRIX.
My mama says I'm a different
boy how.
, is a delicious breakfast dish, a
blending of wheat, rice and barley.
it is scientifically combined to
give the greatest possible nutrition and
to take the least energy in digesting it.
The whole family enjoys it, but
it is especially suitable for children, in
. valid, and old people.
The New Enfaal Cerzal Co.
South Norwalk. Conn.
If your fro
eeriinotytt Bupplitd,
telepho ne
Doug. 3686
and a pack-
will b
deliver J to
Omaha Sales Ca
National Fidelity Bldg
Western Distributors.
Fortune or success have often
come through a little want ad.
Have you read the want ads
yet today?