Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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& rSTnYXT 1 1 1 5l oJ
naeae , pelaa
New Tailored and Lingerie Waists
New arrivals of
pretty tailored and
lingerie waists will go
on main floor bargain
square for Tuesday.
All are this season s fav
orite styles some linen
waists, others daintily
lace and embroidery
J trimmed.
Clever New Peplum Waists at $1
Those dressy and strictly new waists with
peplum below the belt line. Cleverest and
newest ideas for 1912. The rage of New York.
A number of new models on sale on main floor.
Importers' Samples of Women's
Fancy lace neckwear, jabots and stocks, laee A
Dutch collars, also collar and cuff sets tlM P
beautiful assortment-jworth up to 75c, each. .
Women's 2-CUsp Kid Gloves at $1.25 Pr
Finest French Lambskin with single row emroidery on
back black, white, brown, navy, gray tan .$125
every pair fitted. Main glove counter at
Women's 75c and $1 Kid Gloves at 59c Pr.
Two-claup short kid gloves in black, white
and colors, also 16-button length silk gloves
i with double tipped fingers, in black, white and
Women's Pore Thread Silk Boot Hosiery
Wide silk lisle garter tops, lisle soles, Jiigh spjiced
heels and toes black, tan and white .
75c quality, at, per pair '....."WC
Domes of Silence TT
Cgitorg Without WheeU
Causes furniture to glide
silently and smoothly over
all kinds of floors and car
pets. Will not scratch or
mar the floor. A few light
taps with the hammer and
they are on. On special sale
at Notion Depart -J tm
ment four for 1C
Mbrandeis stores 11
For Misses & Children
PRETTY little feet never
looked so attractive as
when tbey Here in a
pair or our Misses and Child
ren's fine shoes.
These shoes are the acme
of style sod quality, the Ideal
shoe tor the miss to wear
Kaster Sunday.
Children 8 to 11.. SI. 50
Misses 11 4 to 2.. $2.00
Young Women's, 2Vs to 6.
' 82.50
These Ideal little shoes
for little folk are one of our
specialties. We have always
a full line of Play Mates In
gun metal and Russia calf;
patent colt and tan. -
iU9 Far nam St.
Sweet Peas
Plant any time-Now
Through the skill of special
ists the hweet I'ea hss become
much larger and lovelier than
before it became so popular.
Standard Hon, Mixed or In
Separate Colors. (
Superb 8encers. the new
waved Sweet Peas of the "In
Ion" type.
Heeds That Grow, Need Any?
I'hono Doug. 12fll.
1014 Howard Street
Opes Saturday Kveninga
Commissioners Find Conditions Are
Bad t Colorado Quarries.
Ceaatr Beard Heeerves the Blgat
Oast eaeral Ceatraeter It
the Marble Ihece Nat Keep - ,
) Castas la Oaiaha.
to tush
nd dV'in-
Blxty days of grsce In which
Diarbla shipments to Omaha and
rial construction of th nw county
building will b given Caldwell ft Drake,
tin general contractors, by tta. Board of
County 'Commiaaloaera sa a result of
their trip to th quarry and works of tha
Colorado-Yule M arble company at Marble,
Colo. The commissioners found that the
marble company's plea that storms and
anowalides have hampered It was Justi
fied. ,
rCom miss loners Lynch, Best, Harte and
6 Connor and John Latenser. county
building Inspector, who nlada the trip,
returned late Sunday night after having
beta marooned twite by high water.
.Wa found conditions had baen even
worse .than tbey bad been represented
to as," aald C'onunhMloner Vest to news
paper reporters, the other conuniasionera
caving aaked blnr to give out the report
of the trip. "The quarry Is tour and a
half aulas . up the mountain from the
works. There Is a railroad connecting
then, but there baa been ao much snow
nd so many snowslides that the road
a as not been open and the works have
been short of material. They have got
tide road opened now and are getting
more marble. I went up to the quarry
while the ether commiaaioMrs checked
the work being dona in the shops. Our
Wor Is, being given -the right of way
alfl W were assured that this wilt con
tinue and that all the marble will be
here la aUtg days." ' "'"
' "It you sever have bees, eut ta that
country you don't know what snow is.
.They were atlll clearing It out wben we
were there. There were stripe to be
cleared hundreds of feet long and thirty
and forty feet deep. Tbey say they have
hadaaore snow Ibis " whiter than tbey
have bad for years.'
"Colonel Meek of the company wanted
us to pass , a sesetntloa extending : the
time sixty daya. We told him we would
cot do so. . We were willing to wait
sixty days, provided we have continued
i endeaee of good faith," but we shall re-
suss, the right at any time to oust the
general abstractors and complete the
; building ouraeives. ,
Fine Old Residence
Bought by Tatle
The old Wood homestead, Twenty-second
and Chicago streets, one of the land
marks of the city's most fashionable real,
dence district of years ago, haa been
bought by Meyer Tatle, to be used by him
aa a residence. The purchase price la
understood to be 110,010.
The house, which stands on s high lot
surrounded by a stone wall, was built
nearly thirty years ago by General How
ard and waa the home of the late B. B.
Permits to smoke 6c. All dealers
The Home Bun 1,401 Mora Sub
scriptions Spells Victory.
During this gladsome Eastertide, when
all nature and mankind Is rejoicing let us
not forget our unfortunate brethren.
And when Joy, hope and Ufa can all be
tendered by auch a simple act as sub
scribing for the Ladles' Home Journal,
Saturday Evening Post or Country Gen
tleman, at 11.50 a year, why demur?
John Gordon, the Invalid magasine
agent who haa toiled night and day to
give the public satisfaction, to support
himself and eventually to build up a bual-
which would pension other Invalids,
atlll needs l.m subscriptions to the above
named magaxinea to win tha to. a prise,
the Interest from which will give him an
income of 13 a year.
Tha price of the Journal soars to K May
1st, and consequently the eubsortptlon
rate may drop. Itency a great share ot
the l.U subscriptions MUST come In dur
ing April. It you like tha Journal, renew
now, even months In advance and save
cents, stop buying tliat Post st news
stands and paying KM a year for It. Or
It yam are interested in farming the Coun
try uentieman win certainly please you
and every aubacription counts two polnta.
Instead of giving your friends tha tooth
ache with ICaater eweeta. give them a
year'a subscription to a Curtia publication.
Fgr earnestly 1 proclaim unto thee, un
less thou rally to the support of this
struggling brother he will tail within
eight of the (oai after three years of
noble and heroic fighting. Don't let him
spend his last cent In making appeals be
fore you wake up to the urgency of the
Rush In your order at once. Ilia tele
phone la Douglas 71 O. His address, Gor
don the Magaxine Man, 2421 South Hth
street, Omaha. Neb.
John Says':
"amemker 'Oraad
pap with his whisk
ers sad trusty old
sob pipe Well, ha haa
shaved his whiskers
off and aow amokaa
OIOABB. Ctee. but
Tata is aa age of
iBsprovemsat, tsa't
John's Cigar Store
16th and Harney Sts.
Two Lectures oa Christian Science
v trader the saspleee of
First Church of Christ,
et Omaha
Will be delivered by
Bicknell Young, C. S. B.,
Member of the Board of Lectureahlp
ot the Mother Church, the First
Church of Christ. Sciential,
In Boston, Mass.
At the Church Kdiflre, St, Mary's
Ave. and IMth St,
April 1 and 2, at 8 p. m.
admission free. ate Collection.
BOYD S co- "
Aran. . mat. sat.
. at. JTJLIA
la hskespeareaa Bapertotra
Thura, ntRht: Taming of tha Phrew"
Kltdey night: "Merchant of Venice"
at. matinee: "Komeo and Juliet"
Saturday night: "Hamlet" - - 60u to K. Seats Now Selling.
Song. 44.
Mat. Bvery xay. tilft. Bvery Might, tilt
isrssvis TaooBnus
Theodore Koberte; Reynolda A Honegan:
Juliet: Carson Millard; The Four
Klrhlrs; The Farber Girls: Emle and
Mildred Potta: Kenetuacope: Orpheum
Concert Orcnestra: prices. Night. We,
ac. Wo and Tx; Matinee, lr. beat suets
Xc, except Saturday and Sunday.
Tonight, Mats. Twee, Taeras Sat.
m sxoaT or Tig csoas
eat Week TIB riOSTtgO HOPS
An Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
are Now on Sale at Half Price.
Women s Easter Dresses of
Beautiful Silks
Next to the tailored suits, vre consider these dainty silk
dresses the most appropriate and inviting garments'of our
great Easter collection, we have provided liberally
of styles we know are the newest and absolutely cor
rect in every detail.
The selection of the materials and colors
Is the result of weeks of systematic study and
Investigation. The making is the best critical
Inspection and matchless skill couldj
produce. And by way of showing the
care exercised In the finishing af all of
these garments, we mention that
Each wa$ tried on a living
model btfort it wat deliver'
ed to this store.
This was done to show whether or
not there are any flaws In the lines of
the garment, in the cut and the
Six Stylet of Chameleon
Taffeta Dretsei, $11.50
Low and high neck styles with long
and three-quarter sleeves; finished
with marrams lace collars and revers.
Kvery desirable coloring and some
Pekin striped effecla In the assortment.
Other changeable taffeta silk dresses
are to be had at prices varying from
113.60 to 25.00
Another lot of foulard silk
dresses, similar to those of
fered in last Friday's sale,
and which were entirely sold
before the day was over;
worth $10.00 on sate Tues
day at $5.95. A variety of
colorings A styles S F ft
to select from . . . Oe
Kttra fine quality dreewes of the
famous Cheney Bros, foulard Kilks;
tour styles with new border and tunic
effects; copies of the most recent Im
ported models; (14.95 for your choice.
Wool serge dresses In every new
iio, Mima sua colors; si.ou to sjo.vv, 0 rS?
The Only Strictly Ball Bearing Washing
Machine on the Market, $9.95
This washing machine ia made by the National Sewing Machine
company and Is sold with a five-years' guarantee. Investigation has
proven It to be the best high power rilachlne sold anywhere and it haa
many conveniences that will specially please the housewife. Can be
secured In Omaha only at this store.
It will be sent on one week's trial if you wish.
Good curtain stretch
ers with non-rustablc
brass pins, we regu
larly sell nt $1.00, spe
cially priced for Tues
day only at
A Sale of Brooms
. For Tuesday
The broouiB in this sale
ore four-tie style, made of
specially selected broom
corn and should not he
classed with the usual cheap
sale brooms. A close-out of
a manufacturer enables us
to sell these fine 4 So brooms
for only
Pare Food Store Specials for Tuesday
Bennett's Golden coffee
snd 10 stamps, lb... Sao
Assorted teaa and (0
stamps, the lb gas
Tea sittings and IS
stampe, tha lb Is
Bennett's Capitol flour
special offer of a
sack for IMi
l ib. pkg. Bennett's Cap
itol wheat and IS
stamps 10a
Franco - American apa
glietli and 1
tits can lbs
Six cans Cottage milk
and IS atampa aso
Full cream cheese and
16 atampa. tha lb.. gas
Pint can Uaillard'e pure
olive oil reduced to 40e
I pkga. Toasto the new
breakfast foodand IS
atampa s&o
Snlder's chile sauca and
I stamp, buttle.. sis
40c jar HI. hop a Cali
fornia fruitata aos
Wllkes hot tamalea
and it stamps, can, 90s
flower sad Vegetable
pkg... ass
Cider or malt and vlne-
gar and 10 stamps,
ouart bottle SOs
Quart can
soups, assorted,
for too
Medium sour plcklea and
10 stamps, quart. ..las
Bennett'e Capitol pears
or peachea and !0
atampa, the can.... gas
Special Combination for Tuesday
Can Krergreen com . .
Can Karly June peaa
Package Toaato corn flakes
S-lb. can B. C baking powder
Bottle lemon or vanilla extract...
i lbs. granulated sugar
Tuesday's pries
Pork Chops 13VjC
2 lbs. Pure Lard 25c
2 lbs. Best Salt Pork. . . .25c
2 lbs. Veal Chops ... .25c
the hilarious travesty. "Madam B-aasa
Me." Ladles' Dims Matinee bally Start
ing Thursday.
aTatlase Today tO Might gat
Bast Seats Ma
Bearfal glaaatafer
ot deadly wdcrobes occurs when throat
and long dlinsns are treated with Dr.
K teg's New - Discovery, tee and 1X00.
For sale by Bestow Drug Co,
Ail, TXTS Wall
Bvary Bay
Vat, IS-tSs
Bigkts IS-sos
Street From Haw York Faote Flays Be Bass
The Two Plays tor tha Oas Adxalsstoa
First Tlsaa lam Aay-wber st These Prloee
There's contemplative
pleasure in it.
Old Age la the kind ot beer that yog
like to think ot before yon drink tor
there is much pleasure in looking upon
the sparkling fluid gad realising that
you are going to have a good, satisfying
The Amber Bottle -
keeps Old Age ever pore, by preventing
light from decaying 1L. Ask .for the
amber bottle.
v ' Ton, Mr. Bnainesi Man that sign in your window
won 't get the kind of a man jou -want. A few cents
spent for a 15e Want Ad will give you choice of several
good energetic men, ' Telephone Tyler 1000.
Only 6 More Days Till Eastor
Better Get Your Easter Bonnet at Once
We guarantee all millinery and save yon money.
Prices always marked in plain figures.
See the New
Oneea Quality
for Easter.
ft i E-p rJ
Oweea Qnallty
mn Ratufy
the Most
J rartlcolar.
Serges and Suitings
54-lnch all pure wool serges
and suitings in hair line
tripes and novelty styles
every scarce color. The serges
are ready sponged and aiming
$1.60 values qq
Tuesday aOC
44-Inch fine cream whipcjrj
and bed ford cord, French
senre. wool far fat.-
cnoice ot these $1.50
fabrics Tuesday
Imperial Dress Messallnes, Sfl
Inches Wide, $1.23 valae, 8c
60 pieces of these handsome
silks in every new spring
color; 25 shades to select
from, a fine, firm quality that
gives satisfaction
Si .25 Silk and Wool Pop Una,
6c $1.25 44 and 60-inca
Silk and Wool Poplins, in a
good line of colors, a soft,
clingy material that makes a
very serviceable dress. . 6St
35c and 50c Skirt Flouncings, 15c yd.
This Is a brand new line of combination Tucked Flonnclngs with
Linen Lace inuertlngg and edges. Every yard perfect The great
est value ever offered. See thia lot Tuesday; at, per yard, 1 r?
only IOC
Some Mighty Interesting Bargains Tuesday In Our Busy
Cloak and Suit Department
Sow spring styles In whipcords,
serges, etc., all colors inciud-
spring styles; special at
Silk I'ndershirts Worth $3.5u
and $4.00 A a r-n
choice p 1 aOU
Babies' Bootees . Worth f
13c pr.; on sale at OC
Children's Rubber Capes With
hoods, $3.00 values f J Jg
Percale Dressing Sacques Reg
ular 75c values, nn
.at s)i7C
Kloarit and Heatherbloom t'ndrnklrts Regular
values at
In novelty cloths In plain serges
and fancy suitings; big assort
ment; all sizes
sell at $5.00, all new
Children's Dresses Worth $1.00
slses 6 to 14 yrs., gQ
Children's Rompers Worth 60c,
all sizes, choice n r?
at -OC
Women's House Dresses $1.00
values, all sizes, en
at 59c
Gingham and Percale Aprons
35c values; on sale 4 n
t 19c
??.5.. .95c
Wash Goods Specials
Why pay more money for the
same goods, when we will show
not only tha same Identical but a
vast variety of them n.ore than
you ran see elsewhere for less
Compare the following prices
wilh otlient:
Egyptian Tissues, tea goods.. IS.
ibo Voiles, tu in. aloe las
I've Vollaa iso
High tirade (Jalataa. Uc value lao
28o Anderson Dresa Olnghams
18o Scotch Ulnghama. 33 Inches,
at ISSe
Bring In your samples aud
match them.
White Goods for Con
firmation and
Graduation Exercises
Fine French Lawns and Chiffons.
worth II. 00 a yard, at '.'.goo
Fine French and Persian lawns
and Chiffons, worth 1US yard.
t ass
Sheer soft Alreco Lingerie Cloth,
worth 2Sc yard 1J(,
Sheer soft Alreco Lingerie Cloth,
worth Sia yard ia.
Extra Specials for Tuesday in Our
Domestic Room
c,un?ev;ro;i.oa,r.d,,hrc: xv,Tn wm cM - -r
lt!l.i."!ae? oun.i..l!,:,?.!!,r,,, flnUh: very 'tron '
i3 Pillow Slips', heavy and 'good' for'iiUcia orfce .?
wK .un. !!":'.'J: .,,.0.ubl twl,,,i h
16c Huck Hsif Uneii.' very'laVgs'.'.'."'.'.'''"''- 109 fins Bed Spreads. No. si0. hemmed, large" snd beavii, prtc; U.
l!Ho Batlates. faat colors ....r..7....
15c Batiste, fast colors " tHu
lo Serpentina Crepe '
8o and 26c Scotch Ginghams, as lncheswiae"'.:"::: i.Si
Lonsdale on sale all day, worth 10c .
tc Baby Flannel, on sale all day Si,a
Sue Table Linen, full bleached
Af. S,itXr& ot Hop Mu,,n-"';dwv.f!.
No dealers aold nn ulu ' fa
Read the Big Speciel Grocery Opening for Tuesday, April 2d
sets sad Fig-eras Qnallty sad Pries
IS lbs. Beat Granulated Sugar.. $14)0
48-lb. sacks Meat High tirade Dia
mond H. Family Flour nothing
like It for bread, pies, cakes or
puddings, per sack .... 11.85
18 bara of Lenox. Beat 'Km' All or
Diamond C Soap... sse
S lb beat while or yellow Corn
meal 15c
8 lbs. Best Boiled Breakfast Ost-
meal aso
la-os. cans Condensed 31ilk Ste
Kellogg a Toasted Klca Flakes, pkg.
at 6o
1-lb. cans Pork and Beans 39
1 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch SSs
Grape Nuta, pkg xoe
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg So
I- lb. can. Assorted Soups io
II- oz. pkg. Bugle Brand Macaroni THo
The largest and finest assortment
of Dried Fruits in the city.
Sow Oraea gaad Mow.
The Beat Blue Uraaa Seed, per
pound 40e
The Best Blue Grass and Clover seed.
lb. ..45o
The best White Clover seed, lb. 4Ss
Red or Tellow Onion Seta. qt....7ie
Wax White Union Sets, qt Ssa
Barter, Batterlae aaa Cheese Bala.
The Beat No. 1 Creamery Butter,
lb. 33o
The Best Butter, lb.
The Best Na 1 Dairy Butter, lb.,
- ma uooa Buttarlne .tSe
5 Iba Good Table Butterins .....Ms
The Best Equal to Creamery, 1 lbs.
for ,,..46s
Full Cream Cheese, lb. ...lea
Full Cream Young America Cheese,
lb. ...,...goe
Neufchatel Cheese, each a
Tm.m nvrr - aits TBoiTAaxa
S Heads Freeh Leaf Lettuce se
1 Bunches Fresh Hothouse Radishes
for ee
California Pieplant, pound
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. . yus
New Potatoes, lb yuB
California Asparagus, lb. x&o
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 100
Large Stalka Celery
3 Large Soup Bunches .joe
F'reah Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per
bunch a
Freeh Spinach, peck .....Mo
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. . .90s
Large Head Lettuce, head Tus
2 Bunches Fresh Paraley .sa
2 Green Peppers . . 's.
Big Highland Wave! Oranges, the
Oranges af Qnallty, per doten, ISo,
SOo, 25c aad aoo. - '
Try HAYDEN'S First
Free Land Information
The Twentietk Century Farmer, to aieet the demand of its readers
for land lnformatloi., baa gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and
farming conditions la aU parti ot the country. It la willing .0 givo out
this Information free if postage is sent with Inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, locatir.u-of land offices, etc.
How to get irrigation lands, location -of projects, laws gofeming
same, etc
Best sections for fruit growing, .general. farming, ' stock -raising or
dairying. . ' .
Tour questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and spedfj.
rally what yon want to know. 'Write.
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha. Nebraska.