Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Scmonitratiou Show Clearly that
Mart "Heed" Bolstering." """"
Taos) a Exx-elleat - lmti
ial ike Bells. ! Keep
tne Market Health? r
Prefix Taking.
. . OMAHA,. March . Lit
Today'i wheat market demonstrated
elearlv to the trade that the market
'aeeda constant bolstering; to prevent a
lumping tenderer. Kven when corn
waa sd-enclnMt waa an e?"y matter (or
p't leader to force a 'Break In prices.
Th' possibility- of crop acarea la th
na and only factor which keeps beara
from aelllng the-market to the limit.
In contrast with corn tlie cash wheat
situation la demoralised. . buyers seem
lngl not being inclined to take offering
'n on good price recessions. :
The corn market " made another ad
vance' for new high price today. There
I an excellent leadership among the
leading bulla keeping iliemarxet in a
healthy position by profit taking on the
atmngest swells.
Cash corn-is the beckne-cl-l4a bail
campaign and the eonMimptlva demand
ill no doubt feel the light run of receipts
Irom now en.
It will take newa of real bullish char
acter to hold the wheat values up, traders
being turned on toe buying side when the
market ehowa no Independent atrength.
4 ash wheat waa imttc lower.
The corn market la bare of selling pres
sure and the atrength In the cash prop
erty, coupled wtih very light receipt, la
i he-aalef - bullish -factor- .Cash -corn . waa
strong, samples telling readily at he over
Jesterdajr. -
Primary, wheat recelpta wets .,
Husnelo and recelpta acre .s-MMI buahels.
gainst ahipmenu last year of !2s.iM
bushels and shipment of fiy.nou bushels.
1'rlrnary corn receipts were aROUO bush-e-'s
and shipments were 4.U.M) bushels,
art! net receipts last year of W.W bush
seiand shipments of 3s4.tK bushels.
Clearances were 23.009 bushels of rem,
I ion bushels of eats and wheat and flour
.iul to leVaw bushels.
Uverpool closed 4d higher to M lower wheat and 'vd higher on corn.
The following cash aatea were - re
I'orted: Wheat-No. t hard: t cara, J10L
orn N'o. a white: 1 car. ;Jc: 1 ear, 7-'Ho.
.. I color: 1 car, ft',. N'o. t yellow:
cara. 7J.Sc No. 4 yellow: I car. 71-ic.
Xa. i mixed: 4 cara, 7:4c; i cara, 71; No.
grade. 1 car. "me. Uata-No. white: 1
car. M",c No. I while: I cars. sl'ac; 7
rs, He., e. 4 white: t car, Mc; 1 car,
.c ..... -
- asaha Cask rrtaee. -
WHfUT No. t hard. tl.W9!.m: No.
t hard, B.aoeLOJS: No. 4 hard. Hc-gllMr.
VORX-No. I while. 754j;jc; No. 4
white. 71r;iV; No. I llow.' T?7Hc;
No. 4 yellow, 7171e: No. I. 1n,c;
NO. 4. 7-.e;i4c; no grsde. MtBV.
OATs-No. i white. H)63V: standard,
Ksj.'c; No. I white. si1'(r; No. 4
v. hits. SIHtKJc: No. a yellow, MVtMVic:
No. 4 yellow, iS.JIc.
pARI.KY Malting. frbM; Sn. I
I'ert. ;Mjic; heavier than feed. SOgsic
RTB-.Vo. 1 sufplc; No. J. fl90c
., farlet Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
4 htrego n . l' . 1M
-Minneapolis ltd
I'malia , si
"i'ululh ,.. I ....
reatarea el the Trading aad fleeing
Price ea Beard al Trade.
CHICAGO, March 0.-Forg grain to
day sos red even above the record break
ing high prices made on pretious ocre
Hons this week. Hull leadera pressed the
buying and compelled the covering of
Important short lines. May corn reached
per bu. and vata 6k-. Tha close for
l-oth cereals a as within sc of, the top
most level reached, a net advance of "!
to V for corn and Vc to Ho for oala
Hog products, too, ahowed a Mae of se
to 17Hc but wheat a decline of to e.
I'stommon arllvlly and nervous tension
fiaveloped in core and oata alike, rrrie-l-ect
of ooider unsettled weather uver
tkinday encouraged awarma of new buy
m to take hold and In Ilia end forced
1 it traders to capitulate. The bull view
.f the corn market was that tinsesson
nble condition" which hare urevellad sev
eral wreka beyond the usual period have consumption at the winter
rate, a huge average of more than SM.
ta,eM bu. month, making a total re
nulremeiit which the amount of corn In
ns country has seen strained Id supply
t.nd has put a gill-edge premium on the
I elatlvely meager hoard left.
At no time today did the price of corn
react 'below the quotation current laat
inght. Oa the other hand, the high point
1 -niched waa nearly sciasl- to the best
J'giirse ever obtained a month later In
the yssr. He l ween the opening and the
lose May delkvery ranged from 74o to ;se
and finished steady He up at 711c.
Vim on the bull stde of the oats crowd
appeared acarrely second 'to the enthusi
asm In the corn nit. The ooider weather
waa the chief liiihn...e. but considerable
attention waa also paid to- signs of aa
increased cash dsihand from the south.
Way sold from MHnMSc to Uo and In the
and waa Mttio3c. just He over last night.
It waa a narrow and dull -market lor
heat, with a heavy undertone ail day.
t'ne general newa directly, effecting tlie
rereal waa mostly depressing, but the ef
Ject wss largely offset y the- strength
.f other grslti. According to experts in
-l.e (lelda. the outlook for a serious crop
.are hsd rapidly diminished. Further
snore, much Canadian wheat la being con
s' gned to Minneapolis, duly paid, to be
eold In the open market. During the
.esl(m May varied from tl.W, to II.Kv,
a losing steady He net lower at ll.OSti .
Provisions climbed malnlv on account
af-the corn bulge. Pork Jed with an In
s reased cost of 10c to 17'r.- . .
y violations oa-ruturu closed aa folloai:
i-ticle Open ! Hlgn.i Low. Cloae.l Tafy,
.-.. i i : :
-May. I a!,, --' 1H 14
I k
' 17,, . ;hi
N KHi H;
I .1 . I
. ?-I i
tats i , l
. t.,4!Hi,l
WisOHflf .'WtiWHlt's
4t 4J$'.tr!.r4ya
g et -Msr.'ll
. I -
-" I -17
17 1 17 M
July.: 17 sow
17 4J,
!l -J 1 7 iH17 XV,
sept, li i
.. . 17 thi l?
1-4 rd
( ... i. '
lilW IE !I77H
JlllY. K
' eepLfiaUH-l
v:-s: s. if tCHI I K
. . 1
11S4! U i:'t, lr'Hu
"1 I .-"l
S gs-lHi' I J ' 1 40.-H! 47H
7:; Hi ?JH' s- tJH
HI-l04-ii -Ise-i-ie-so Kh
Cash quotations were aa follows- . .
PUOl'R Hteady;' winter patents, M 1541
t Is: winter strsights, t..mtM; spring
j sl-nts. RWqaMi,. spring , straights. 4 sal
4-4. ": bakers. tt4.uj., V .
Pit c No. a cr. -'- -' -
rJAMI.KY-Ftsd-or - mixing, Mtl.k);
Jslr to Oiolee) malting. il.l7.-
rF.KIS-Tuoothy. Clover.
ie--p21.iA - - . , .
PROVlijlONI-Mem pork. tl7.1?'. Isrd.
In tierces, HTM. Short ribs. loos. S a)
,Ttal clearances of whear - and. flour
were, eaual to 17".0o bu. Primary re-
e-pt4 were sa.v bu.. compared with
;fc.) the correspondiiig'dav a year ago.
t.nlmfu.ed receipts for Monday:. Wheat.
A .ars: corn, la cars, oats, 233 cars;
l,os, :.ons bead. - - .- -
-V'Meago Cash ; Prices Wheat; No. I
red, B-sSHfJl-OM,: No. I red, lUu&l OtH:
:o. a hard. I1.0.H4I1.W: Xo. hard, 110-s
l.tsf No. 1 northern. ll otSTI U: No. I
northern. II No.- hurt hern. . $Las
sslH:.No. northern. fl.0Msl.ll: No. :
aprtiig. i.eHrl.0: No. J spring. tl.0n(li.07;
No, 4 spring. Wr-tJIl.OS; velvet chaff.
1.J: durum, 0r4il.7. Com: N'o. a 7i;
t. a white. 7S"tJtc: No. J yellow. 72H
s,Jae; No. 4. s71o; No , 4 whit. 71,
71r; No. 4 yellow, TO-TIc. Osts: K
. a wulte, 5-rlJic: No. I whte, M'teusc
' Ke. 4 white. Vto&: standard. s,(kSc.
B: No. I. r. Barley. Timo
thy tjtl, J.0j1O. C ever seed, ticooa
Bi ' " ' ' ' '
RUTTKfr- Steady;' erea-nertea. . rec;
daurlts S17r. ' . -.
BOUA-rlteadv: receipta . 1I.17S- rw..
at mark, cases Included. It, ordinary
i ,4, - i , :. i . .. - 'i -, . i ,
;KEK.-fc Mead : daiMea, l-lMir:
l1i-a B'ii'.1c vcorig-America a, 1
m: lent horns. lS,4:3ftc.
J rtrlATOt.; eitauj . jeceipu, A cars;
Wisconsin. 1 rLM: Michigan and Min
nesota. I!.l.3. .
POULTRY Live, firm: turkeys. - 14c;
chickens, im: spring, ISe
VEAL-Sleady; 7tflltc.
Oaatatlaas at the nay a-a Tartoas
, -CasaaaeMlltte.
NEW TOP.K. March -FI01Tnr-Steady:
spring patents. r.SbtoS: wlntrr
straights. $4 9c i-t.sA; winter patents, 4.6
4 : miing clears. .-'; winter e
traa. No. 1. tl 7-fi4.Sd; winter extras. No.
S. I3.ivi.; Kansaa straights, 7064
R.e flour, quiet: fdir to good.
cnotre to rancy. 9a.wyb.3t.
tXRNMrlAle-Flrm; fine white and yel
low. ll.Cl.M; coarse. Jl.Sitrl.tu. kiln
dried. B.tfL
fMTE Plhn: No. J, SSc.'c. 1. f. Buffalo.
BARI.ET-cteady: malting, II I.Sd, c.
L f. Buffalo. .. -..'
H'H EAT Spot market" steady: No. 2
red. 'ai.otb elevator, exoort baals, and
$1 f. o. b. afloat: Not 1 northern uu
luth. Il.ttv. f.'o. b. afloat, opening nav
igation. Futures market declined He early
under hammering bv txara and liquida
tion on more favorable crop advices, but
regained part of the loss on week-end
covering, closing ti4' net lower. Mav.
l.Stl.H. closed at li.H; July closed
at IIOIH Receipts, S4.0W bu. . - '
CORN-Ppot market firm: export. TSHc,
f. o. b. afloat Futures markst was nom
inal. Jtecetpts. UOnj bu.; shipments,
0W bu. ...
OATS-Spot market steady: standard
whit, esv.-" in lvator: No. I. eHc:
No. a, C0.; Mo. 4, SHc: natural while and
whit linnd anevdc ah track. Futures
market waa nominal. Receipts, TlUt bu.;
snrt'ments. 4.430 bu,
MAT-.tesdy; prime. I1.S&91 ; No.,1.
tl.KHOI.S; Ho. t. eLtafH-KlMe. I .
lie. -
HOPS Steady; state, common to
choice, mi crop, sMrt.': lle crop, nom
inal: Pacific coast,-WU CToa,-41-!Mto.ll
crop, nominal. -
' HIOES-Flrm; .Central America, J4i; ,
Bogota. !WSo.' .1
r.r.ATri KK Pteany, nemtocx nrwia, aj
ftI7c; seconds, 3r.'6c; thirds, nunc; re
Wli i-
PROVIfllONS-Pork. firm; mess. Il-7s
a ts -e. - rsniiiv. tstoMinss.. shnrt clears.
I17.7i4f1s.7l. Reed, firm; mess. $1J air
14 00; family, in InfUt W: beef haths, R8.0J
4ss. Cdt meats, steady; pieaiea oeuies.
10 to 14 pounds, KOttll.SO; pickled hams,
II1.7MI12.". lard, steady; middle west
prime. x Mr.K; refined, steady: conti
nent. Ilut Houth America, I10.U; com
pound. r.vf:.j7H. t. . .
TALUW-ulet: prime city, bhds.. c:
special, Sc; country, 6SHc - v
Hl'TT BR Steady; recelpta. 4.M pack
agra; . creamery specials, H'c; extras,
Ji!i'c:. firsts. auoaOHc.
t'HEKHK Firm; reualpls. packagea;
atale whole milk. held, white or colored,
average fancy.-ltc.
KOO.-y-lrreiulsv: receipts, ls.79 cases;
western gathered whltee, Utf-lc.
POULTRY Alive, firm; western chick
na, Uc; .fowls. letH'v: turkeys. JiMc.
Iiressed. ' barely steady: fre-h killed
fowls, ltfJWHc; fro sen turkeys. ltflUc.
. HI. I.eals 4Jeoeral Market.
BT.' LOI'lS, March .-WH!!AT-Ca-.h,
weak; track. No. : red. ll.OC-j'Ol.OlH; No.
t hard, 11.0101. U.
CORN--Lower; track. No. I, 7474ic;
No. I white. 7Hc. ' . , ' '
UATB-Weak; track. No. t, Uo; No. t
white. ti.'4c
WHEAT-Weak: May. I1.S: Ju'r.
,RV lliaher! ' Slav. Ttte- July. 7Sffl
'to .
OATS-r-Irm: May, MHc; July, Via.
PY.C -Unchanged, at ssc. , , . .
i'tyU'R-Hteadv: red winter patenta.
l4.eMto.0D;. extra fancy and atralfhta, H')
hsrd winter clears. tl.40uS.7s,
n n r. i ' nmoin r , tv.-ssve.w. . -w .
iornmi:al-3 40.
HRAN-Bteady. sacked east track, p.B
hat rtrm: umoiny, s..suv.w, i-rsi-
rie. aa asja oo.-. . . . . . , .
PROVIHIONB fork, unensngea; joo
blng. tli.?t. - lrd. higher;- prlaie . slesto,
l.47H4V.UH. Dry salt mrsts, Unchanged;
bated eitra shorts, .; clear libs, lv.2i;
short clears, ,110.74.. ...
PtJl LTRY-teady; rulckens.
springs, lie; turkeys, - 17c; - ducks, -lie;
'Itt'TTKR Firm: creamery, ZTfJlHc'
' KOtxJ-Bteady at lie. -
. - Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls. 7,i s.Tn
Wheat, bu. T.. , .-.. . jMn,
Corn, bu. 17.0XW 21.000
Usts, bu. 75" ' ' 5.W
- M ' , l . .
Kaaeaa f tty. Clrala aad Prwylsteas.
KA1'8AR 'CITT. March. M.-WHsUT-
Cssh, unchanged to He lower;, No. I hard.
U MMfl lDH; No. 3. II l.(kH: No. t
red, ii.oitri.w: ' s.'i tssTni.wrii.
t'ORN-Unohanged .to Jc luglier; No. I
mixed. 7Hr7c; No.: t, 7t74Hc;; No,, I
white, 7H4l77c; No. a. 7S7(Ho.
OATS-Unchanged "to-4c-higher; Tib. J
whrts. Mu-so; No. I mixed. UH)fe4'i.
Closing prices of futures . j . .
WHBAT-Msy, tl.WS; July, l'4c; Bsp
tember. foHc. . , .
CORN May, nWtlKc; July, TIHo; Sep
tember, 70VC. ,
OAT-Mav; MHc; July, S"c ' ' 1
RYie-Pt . j .. .. . .
IIAY-Hteady to U higher: choice tim
othy. IJJ:. choice prslrl-j, ,7Jpl.ou.
BUTTKR-4-reamery, sc;. nrtts, nc:
aeronda, 14c; packing stock, zlff21UjC. ,
tiUUft-cairae, vt.-, iiraiii, io-,ii-.
TIWIMI nhlnmanf a
Wheat.' bu... .'..'....'. 17.0nl H7.H0O
t'orn, bu ...'...'. sti.otflv . - ai.tie
Oata, bu... tm - i 1MW
' Mlaaeapalla tlrala Market.
MIN'NRAP01,1S. March l.-WHl:AT-
May. tl.OtH: July. H.07H; K-utemser. ansc.
Cash, No. 1 hard, IIOsH; No. 1 northern,
tl vTH; Ko.'3 northern, IIOsH;. .No.' a,
FLAX-SI..j.' 4 . ..
BARLEY T&cfj II. tO. " .
CORN No. I yellow, 7ii7sc. v . .
OATf4-No. S. white, Ktt'rc. . ". . .
RVB-No. I.H7C. .,
H RAN In lMb. sacks, tnomtzsao.
FLOCR-Plrat patenta lo.OC'. .30; sec.
ond patenta. H.n.i; first clears,
second cleata, C loJ.7. .
'Philadelphia Fre-laee Market. ,
Markst. ateady; western creamery
aiMruU. He; extra, tic;. nearby print,,
extra, 14c .
RHOeV-Steady; fair demand: Pennsyl
vania and.osher nearby firsts, f, c. Sati
per case: current recelpta, f. c, K.M per
case; western firsts, f. c. tils per ease;
current recelpta, f c, pi .30 per case.
CHEESK-FIrm; New York full creams,
OfrJOUc; .fair to good, 101SiC
Mllwaalie Grain Market. . "
MII.WvM'KVL . March M.-W4HRAT-
No. 1 north srn. No. I nnnk.
rtn.' $1.0761.10:: No. t hard -winter, fl.o
vi.eo; sia- si.w-s: rfuiy, soc.
CORN-No. 3 yellow. 75c: No. t
I white,
I)'. 74c.
Wo:'No. a, 74fl74Hc; My. 7,c; July
i ats-.Htanaaro. aaerjowc. - .
BARLEY iialtlng. ai.&Wl.ta.
' ' l.lverpe-sl Grain 'Market.. .
ateady; 'No. 1 red 'WestOrn winter,
as 3d. Futures, steady; May, '7sHd;
July. 7a Tsd; October, 7a I'td. - - -
CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed,
new kiln dried. ia7Hd. Futures, easier,
Msy.,te-H1; Septsmber. esM.
i -" Peoria Market. '. ,
PEORIA. Maroh ja-CORN-Hlgher:
Vo.,1 whit. TIWc: No. I yellow, TJHc; Na.
4eilow. 7V,c; No. a mixed, 7Jc; No. 4
mixed, TfAac-
UATS steady: No. I wnlt. uc; stand
ard. MV; So. i white,' M-rOvec
NEW. YORK.' March -COFFEE-Fururea
market opened barely 'Steady at
a decline of 7'to 10 points under a gen
eral reriewal of total liquidation and
European ' selling, which ws pmbahty
Inspired by lower European markets -sd
continued, large Braxliian receipts. Buy
ing by trade Intereata cltecked the Initial
figures,, however, and tlie market later
rose with the cleee firm, .net 1 points
lower to T points higher. . Sales, s,0W
bags. April, IS. 71c; . May, 11 Cc: June,
lt.ttc: July.-U.aV: August. 13.M: Sep
tember. 14.08c; October. l.s7c:iXoremhr,
13. sac: Deceml-sr. 1J sw; January,;
February, U.Kx. March. M.Sc. . .
-Havre, waa . franc lower. Hamburg
waa HerH pfennig lower. IUo, was. un
changed, at &; Santos, unrhsnged; ,4a,
;; 7s. 7IH Receipts et -th to
Braxtllan porta were l bags, against
.). bag last' year. Jundlahy recerpta,
! bag, against Lm, bags' list veer.
Floe .weather was reported In. three dis
tricts Sao Paulo, with, cloudy, con
ditions or rain In the other two. New
York warehouse .deliveries yesterday were
10.3S2 bags, against t,M hags last year.
Hpot .coffee, steady; No., T Rio. Hc;
Pantos, Xe.,4. I4-4C. Mild,' quiei; Cordova,
lWllie-C ....
' Be Wast Ada Produce R-Jaulta '
. . .
Moit Einda of Cattle Lower for the
- " Week.
Fat Rheep aad Lassb Receipts Shew
railing OH fir Ik- Week,
"" bile Prices Are Steady
ta htroaaer.
. SOUTH OMAHA. March . 191
nfcelpts were: . Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Official Monday 4, SB J -45 ls.42
Official Tuesday av.7s 17,3fl S 79
OfflcUl Mednesdsy.... l.toi I4.-.W .'
Official Tnursday inn Jo.tns 1.J
Official Friday aa i.100 l.n
Kallmafe Saturday .... 100 1.2(1 -
Rix days h!s' week . M.a4 6VB
Same-days last week. .Is.swt 47.UO
ame daya S w'ka ago.l.M 57.t.- a.-iS
Same days I w'ka agn.17.491 K.iB 41.M
fame davs 4 w'ka ago. 14,711 Tfi.517 47.-J4
Same days last jear..E,ct S4.J74 37.SW
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hegs and sheep at South
Omaha for the year to date aa compared
with laat year:
. . 1311. JS15. . Inc. Dec.
Cattle K4..'t- -73.J44 W.7S4
nogs i.n '
Sheep' MUM 444,1.1 lZl.itU
The following table shows ene range of
prk-ea bald for hugs at south uruaha fur
the last few days, with comrsj ,-one:
bate, j mil. .luil.imo !liss).lisj.IOT.lsos.
M'ch 111 7 0
Vfch-n: 7
M'ch 231 4 M
M'ch 31
I 41 10 u
46 10 41
I 41:14 a
10 4i
,10 43
i 4 ?ii i ai is
M I 4 In 1
4 641 4 711 is: S U
I all 4 sfll ' I W
Ul ll
I7 s til Oil 3
UVh . 7 SI t.
M'ch 2! I 16 -.1
M'ch ii 7 37 I
M'ch at' 7 4H
M'ch 7 U?t;
72 3L' 11 37
e I h SO. a 33 1 tl
4I0 70
s sz is 7i
( 34 10 61
i 1 1 ai; i
m! a tv
Recelpta an.l disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at J p. m.
Cattle. Hoc.
C. M. St. P. Ry...
wabash H. H
Missouri Pacific It) ..
C, St. P. M. t O
C. B. Q. (west)
Illinois Central
Chicago. Great Western Ry.
' Total recelpta
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co
Cudahy Packing Co....
Schwana-Boien Co....
Murphy ,.,
Other buyers
... 14 SS
... 11
Total v tnt
CATTLK-Thr war ne cattle her df
any consequenee, and what la more, re
ports from the varloua railroad linea In
dicating waahouts and the loss of bridge
at many points haa led to the belief that
recelpta will continue light for some daya
to com. For the week recelpta hav
been vary liberal, footing up 33.400 head,
the largest for a number of weeka back,
and fully as large aa on the correspond
ing wek of last year. .
f'nder the Influence of very liberal re
ceipt peckers were able to bear down on
beef cattle, with the result-that at the
oloae of the wsek the general run of fat
leers can be quoted lotrlou lower than
last .week close.
Cows and hslfefs wet In very good de
mand all the week, that Is, the better
grade were, and they commanded steady
prices from dsy to day, and at the clues
of lb- wsek ar. If anything, atrong aa
compared with laat week'a. close. On
the other hand, canner and th common
to medium kind of cow had - a lower
tendency, owing to the fact that re
ceipts were large, and at the do of
the. week tby.. r Ksttlio lower.
Strictly- good feeders were In moderate
supply and wsre strong all the week. On
the other hand, .there waa a large supptr
ot common light feeders and atockers,
and a the country demand haa been very
moderate, price eased off, closing th
Woek.lMt&o lor.
quotation, oh cattle:. Oood to choice
beet. steers. I7.0ls,i.w; fair to good beef
steers, t&; common to fair beef
steers, ai.uttr4.iv; good to choice helfera,
io4 K. good to choice cow, K7Hrli.:
fair to good cows, at.0tsJ4.7i; common to
fair cows. H.OOf4.00; good to choice stock
ers snd feeders. j.CorJ4E; fair to good
tuckers and feeders, e..u.bu; common
to fair etockera and feeders, R Karri xS;
stock heifers, I3.t004.x3: vesl calves, KOufj
4.00; bulls, slags, etc., I4.S4.0. .
HOOS The usual small Saturday mar
keting of hogs waa further decreased by
Interrupted railway service, only eight
een loads showing up. quality waa me
dium lo good, but th supply Included
nothing attractive enough to make a nat
ural, tup. Partly because of meager of
ferings and partly because of the char
acteristic Indifference of packers at the
week-end there Was no dsmand whatever
on slaughter account. Shipper purchased
practically sverrtning on sale, paying
prices about loulto above those of yes
terday, rlesrsncs waa mad early.
Rest weighty hogs on sal brought
17. 77W.. with good handy butcher selling
at 17. .0 and less. Nothing of consequence
changed hands below 17. o6. .
Compared with a week ago current va
uea show a general advance of about 06
rents. A brisk and generoua shipping
demand haa been the main feature of the
trade on moat daya, one Individual chip
per 'buvlng over 100 loado on Tuesday.
Receipts for the six dsys give a good
slsed total, bulk consisting of mixed and
Kepreaentstivs aales.
Ns.. . A.
Is. Pr.
, At. th. Pr.
St 1 44
1 11
1 41
14.... 134 T n
7 n
i r u
14 t 71
t 7i
S.-4 ... -7
ti4 ii la
t TIMj-
..OS 124 T Tw
4 I tl
SHEEP Llk moat Saturday markets.
today s trsds waa practically barren and
nominal, only on load of stock showing
up. Some through stuff from the west
was expected, .but many railway bridge
on tranaportatlon linea In the weat have
bean awept away by high water and de
livery was Impossible.
A generally steady list of values has!
been maintained during th week: current '
quotation on both, fat ah rep and lamb
ruling firm .to a little higher of the six
daya Strength has been- confined to
good offerings, especially sheep. .
Receipt on paper look heavy owing to
the large amount ef through stuff, but
actual . supply waa by no mesne exces
sive. Packing demand throughout j
proved reasonably broad and fairly ac
tive, everything clearing hi creditable
fashion. Fat -lambs - made - up the bulk
and wooled shipment ere th. general
rule, the protracted winter and high
coat of feed being . responsible for car
city of shorn grade.
Vboled Mexicans were . n dwindling
supply and thee kinds of lamb claimed
uaual premiums, a -choice, string reach
ing t7. -on Monday. 'Th best price
paid for fed westerns in the fleece lately
he been 17.35. Shorn lambs are quotable
up. to KC0, and.- fax aneaiing lambs- have
been selling freely around 17.00, on
hand bringing aa moch as 17 Thurs
day. The prices indicate plenty of
finlah'.and quality, and , also revesl a
strong speculative element In tile trade.
Soring, lamb. suitable- for the Easter
trade, were rem rashly - scarce on all
davs, .Extra' good fat ewes cHMed .witn
a lofty top of ts.ll. th highest price natd
since June. Ilia '
Practically everything sent back to the
country this weak .has. been wooled and
fst.. being purchased for sheering rather
than feeding -purposes. Tlie feeder trade,
proper, .has been '.barren. .and -nominal
Week buy oa country, account. J.S06
heed. - - - - .
Quotations en Sweep and Lambs: Lambs
goud'tb choice, f? r7. 40: Iambic fair to
good. Ittnfti ; lamoo,' ahorn.;
fat shearing lambs. tR5fr7.-i; yeariinga
hand). tdSnJMsSi yes -"Unite, heavy. tt-OM
4l;:. yearlings, common. ,..Sisjs.0O; weth
er., good -to xholce, ss.BOilM; .wethers,
fair to good. ts.TfyVa: . ewes, good to
rnoie. Ii !..,; ewea fair 4o good, K75
(fi.-j. - . .
"Vat. Laiwte LIT' Sleek Market. -,
-ST LOCI6. Maseh la. CATTLE Re
ceipts. xOO-head:-market steady: native
shipping and wxport steers, 17 J04pU;
are-ed and hutrner ' steers t.vtr7 M
steers under 1.490 pounds. gJ-OOtrSOl: siock
ers and feeders. Mrt fc; eanners. t 7?
4JI; . bulla, caJrea, ae-lthjaw.
Texas and Indian steers, o.Of7.0; cowsi)
and heifers. C SOttCa-. I
HOOS-Recelpts, 4.j0 h'Sd: market
steady: pigs and light. ta.o4Xr7.90: mixed
and butcher. V..TbSMr. good. I7fa.0.
aad far ( mill aad k-r ateady
Hows Weak..
ceipts. 24) head; market steady: beeves,
t4.SS.a): Texas steers. U S"-. 75: west
ern etcer?. l'.3vfrS.i): stockers and feel
ers. K xa4.M: cnts and helfen,
a0: calves. X5hs.).
Hi sj.-v Receipts, . heath market
weak and lower than early: light. 7.i
7.S7H: mixed. r.'7.0-. heavy, r. ,
7..-. rough. I7.40ti7.70: pigs, H.&Ql.X,;
bolk of sales. 77. 7'. M
head; marker ateady; natleee, 4.3T4.i-7.
western. M fsji-i 50; yearlinsw. aV.75U7.0tl:
native lambs, tt.VJii.ti; vsestern lambs. , .
Kansas rily Live .-ItaeuV Hsrkel.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. JlarV-h 3.
CATTLE Receipts, tat head, including 10)
southerns: market steady: dressed beef
and export steers. 17. 104-8.-5: fair to good.
t4.0Ma7.9i: western steers, to.7itr7.75; stock
srs and feeders. 14. 75414.50: southern steers.
I5.50u7.-5: southern cows, t3.v-iio.50: natlv e
cows, tl 'lS-S; native heifers. t4.75w7.0O;
bulls, t4.354pj.75; caivee. lo.90tlS.35. : 1
IIOOB Recelpta. 2.10) head; -duality
very poor: market 10c lower; bolk of
sales, I7.r7.70; heavy. r7H-97-70: pack
ers and butchers. !7.oiC.7; lights. xi.r
w: pigs. tb.mi.w.
head: market steady: Iambs, 16.5064.00
SHKEP AND LAMRK-Renelpts. l,a
yearlings, x5.5oae.74; wetnere.;
ewes. U.'Jt-U.75. atockers and feeder,
l. -laarpk Lie eefc Market.
ST. JOSEPH, March -CATTl J-7-Re-
celpts. M0 head: market unctianred
steers. K.vOQt.z,: cow a and helfen, 3.250
HOGS Receipts. 3.500 head; market
lower: top, fi.a); bulk of sales, I7.evtr7.7s.
SHEEP AND IAMBS-iRecelpts. none:
market nominally ateady; lambs, I4.S09
StoeV la lght.
Recelpta of live stock at the five prin
cipal western market yesterday :
Cattle. Hogg. Sheep.
South Omaha '..
St. Joseph ....
Kansas city ...
St. Louis
.. a
Sol 11,150
(ottea Market.'"
NEW YORK, March 3.-V)TTC(n-
Futurea closed very ateadv: Ansil. lO.fiOc
May, lo.58c; June, 1 44c; July. 10.70c; Au
gust. 10.09c: September, 10.71c: twtober,
10.77c; November, le.Tyc; December, 10-K.c:
January, 10.10c; February, 10.79c. Spot
closed aulel, a points higher: mleldlln-:
uplands, ll.Nc; middling gulf. 11. Ike; no
ateady, price I polnta hlgtier; Ameri
can middling, fair at -SJd; good middling.
4d; middling. 30d; low middling, i.90d;
good ordlnan', 5 4M: ordlpary, s.rl. The
sales were i.noo bale, of which 500 were
for speculation and export and Included
4,701 American.
BUTTER-No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 33c; No.
I In 00-lb. tub. 33c; N. 3. 30c; packing,
Kc. ,
CHEESB Imported Swiss. O: A mart,
can Swiss. Sir.; block Swiss, 32c; twins,
31c; daisies, -ic: triplets, He; young
Americas, Zlc; blue label brick. 34c; iin
berger. Mb.. 30c; 1-lb.. 33c.
FISH (fresh frosen)-Pickerel. Ic; wtilte,
11c; pike, 13c; trout. S2a; large .crappte.
Unite; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, ISc;
haddocks, lie; flounders, lie; green cat
flah, 15c; roe ahad. II each: ahad roe, par
pair, UHc; salmon. 10c; halibut, lie; yel
low perch, sc; buffalo, Ic; bullheal He.
POULTRY-BioUeia. tt.00:;. per dox.;
sprlnxs, 30c; hens, 17c: cocks. He: ducks,
latfJV:; geese, 15c; turkeys, 21c; plgeona,
per dux.. U.-Ur. Alive: bens. 13c; old roost
srs and slags, Ic; old ducks, full feath
ered. 13c; geese, full feathered, so; tur
keys, 14c; pigeons, per dox., 10c; homva,
per dox., 11.50; aquaba, No, 1, 1.50; No, 1
BEEF CUT PRICES-Rlbs: No. 1. Mc:
No. 3, 14c; No. a, U-.o. Lolna: No. .1.
1!H; No. 3, UHc; No. 3. He. . Chuckat
No. 1, IVro; K. 5. 7Vc; No. 3, 7l.c:
Rounds: No. .J, lie; .No. 3, I0e; No.
I. Wc. Platea: Ka. L 4c; No. a, (He;
LOINS-No. L Ue; No. t, liHc; N. I, to.
CHUCKS No. L to; No. t, 7c; No. a,
RIBS No, 1. 17Ho; No. i, 14c; No. a,
llOIJNDS-No. t Uo; wo. t, lHc; N.
a. loc.
PLATES N. I, oiio: No. t Ho; t, so.
FHCITS-Apples: Extra fancy Baa
Davis, per bol., 14.; Jonathan per bbl.,
15.00; fancy Wines pa, per bbl... KOI;
fancy Missouri Pippins, per bol., 14.09;
fancy Osnos, per bbl., Hi; Idaho Jona
than, extra fancy, per box. 50; Waeh
Ington fcpltsenierg. per box, rj.50: Weeh-
Ington R Beauty, per bog, 3.3i; Waahlng-
ton styman winesapa, per box, too.
bananae: Fancy select, per buncb, eaHs
15u; Jumbo, psr bunch. 17&a4. 75. Cran
berries: Wisconsin fancy, per bbU. 110.71;
per boy, an. is. Uatss: Anchor brand, new,
30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, U.ti;
Dromedary brand, new, 90 1-lb. pkgs. In
hoxe. per box. HOO. Figs: California, per
ease of 13 No. 13 pkga. 15c: per rase of
M No, It pkgs., Ii.50; per cae of 5 No.
pkga.. 13.00; bulk. In and to-lb. boas,
per lb., 10c; N-Turkish, s-crown In 30
Ib. boxes, per lb., lie; -crown in le-lb.
boxes, per lb., lc; 7-crown In 30-lb, boxea
pr lb., lie. Urape Fruit.- Florida, K el is,
per crate. 15.00. 44 ls. per crate. 14 50;
he4-4t sixes, per crate. 1700. Grape:
Malaga Ira pea in but. 17 0007.50. 'Lemooa:
Llroonelra salectea brand. . extra fav
100-ie lxe. per box, tvOO; Loma I.lmo-
neira. fancy, xixkxi sis, per box. 15.10: M
and 4M else, 50c par box lea. Oranges:
California Camellia Brand navels, xtr
fancy. s-ur-iio.i,-io-ii-3K) etses, per
box, ta5; extra choice, all uses, per
box. lift; Elephant brand, 13-lt(M74-a.
114-20 sis, par box, 13.50; Lion brand,
io-0-n aires, per box. at 50.
VIUsTAKbLS- xteets: Old eroo nr
lb.. 3Hc; Cabbage: Wisconsin, per lb.. 4c;
new California, per lb., 4c. Celery: Cali
fornia Jumbo, per doa, tl.); Florida, In
the rough, I and I do., per case. ur.
Cucumbers: Hot house, per do., a?.oa.
Egg Plant: rancy tnonaa. per dox.
Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb... lie.
Lettuce: Kxtra xancy tear, per so., tie.
Onions: California, white, boiling, per lb.
7c; Wisconsin, yellow Globe, per lb, to:
rmA (llnba. Der lb.. 4Wc: Soani-ih
ctta. at.2S. Parsley. Fancy southern, per
do, bunche. st75a. Parsnip: Per Tk
3Hc. Potatoes: Miuneaota Red River Early
Ohio aeed. per bu., li ft; Wisconsin whit
stock; per bu.. tl il.50; Mlnneaota Early
Hose seed, par bo, 11.40; Bikt Triumph,
aced, per W, tl.4. Rutabagas. In aacks.
per lb., ihc lomotoee: sutnoa, per 4
ivaskai. erst. 11.74; Cuban, per s-t,w..
carrier. Turnips: Per lb., 2Hc
llim;MJ-i"i,o- .arrxurona, per la.
ltHc; la sack lota, lo esse. Cocoaauta:
pr aca. S--TT. rnw-w: t-er id., jig; in
ssfk sM. lo lea. Peanut: Roasted.
sack lota wr -. TH; roasted, lea thaa
sacs: Iota, per lb-, ae; raw, per lb-, ec.
f scans: Large, per is., ih; m sack iota,
lo less). Walnuu: New crop, urn. Califor
nia, per lb., 17c; la sack lots. Ic less.
Oder: Nw Nehawka, per 14 gal , h bbl
p oo; per I gal-, bbl.. S-io. New York
Molt', per 15-gxl.. H s . H i; p-sr
gal.. bC tK) Honey: New. 24 frames.
14.7s. Kraut: Per 14-gaL keg, 3.J. w
i-gal. keg. tua.
tMls sjwc ttaalw
SAVANNAH. O.. March sfc-TtTRPirY.
TINS Market firm; sale. 133 barrels:
receipts. 157 barrels: shipments, L713 bar
rels: stock, 14.5-3 barrels.
ROHIN-Market firm: sales, Sal barrels:
receipts, 32S barrels; shipments, ICS bar
rel; stock, 73.37 barrel, vuote: B. te.5
D. .; K, 17.05; F. O. H.. I7.1?H: L t7.14
K. 17.30; M, a; N. 7.); W't, rf.?. WW
r.7. . .
' Oaaatut Mar Market.
OMAHA. March 3.-HAT-Na L IL40
4-14.5; No. x. It (k masts.). No. a tsvjl
ItoO: No. 1 mMiand. IU.euvs'. NaTi
lowland, HZJOviUt; alfalfa, choice M aad
tth catting. xl.-ea.ol. 1st and 3d cut
Ing. a3e.0OO21.O0; No. t, tiaootal.4; N. k
tuviujli.. ,
' swl Msrrket.
ST. LOUIS.- Ma, Marck m-WOOL-Steady;
territory and west em snedluros.
Iktritc; fine mediums, liejCc; fla. Id
ssur Maettwt.
NEW YORK. Marck Ml SL'OAR-Raw.
leady; muscovado, at test, Xssr: cew
trltugal. PS test. 434c; irtolaases sugar fa)
test, 3 41c. Refined, quiet: cube, 35c;
line xamaalalwl, ease; wdrea, s-sttt.
Council Bluffs
E."W. Fellowa Choaeri President of
Teachers' Association.
Dr. Horace Warrea leellvere Address
' ss HFgtleae Dr. Colarrove Tclu
f Reawlrwaseats wf tbc
The mesMlnf of the Southwestern Iowa
Teachers' association cloeed yesterday
with the genera! conviction of all that H
was the most pleasant and valuable In
the history of the association. When the
eastt account was closed the ha lance sheet
showed that the receipts exceeded the
expenditures lust 1 cent, and mnch merri
ment waa ociasloned In the decorous Uls-
cuaslon of what would be -the best dls
postttot. to be made of tho cent. Ail
of tha teachers from abroad left on the
afternoon trains, but nearly one-half of
them slipped away before noon
There was a snintea contest when it
came to choose officers for the year and
select thai place for holding the next
meeting. Red Oak'a representatives put
up a atrong fight for the honor of enter
taining the teacher and won when the
fact waa recalled that last year Red Oak
lost tha privilege after having gained the
-rk-tory by reason of an outbreak of scar
let fever about the time, the oonvention
si to be held. Delegates from Atlantic
mad a atrong fight, but yielded grace
fully when defeat became apparent and
asked that the lelecUon of Red Oak be
mad unanimous.
It required considerable balloting to
choose) th officers and In the end these
war cboatn: President. E. W. Fellows,
superintendent elty schools. Denlson;
chairman of executive committee. County
Supaiirxtendent Clara Cowgill, Red Oak:
sic president, Anna Z. Ross, Council
Bluffs; aecretary, Superintendent W. H.
Ofmmell. Carroll.
Warrea aa Hygleae,
Th feature of the day'a program waa
th lecture and demonstrations of Dr.
Horace Warren of Missouri Valley, who
1 th att lecturer on oral hygiene.
He laid especial emphasis upon th neces
sity for th proper care of 'lie teeth and
gave a practical demonstration of Ills
conviction that tha tooth brush also
needed car when he took from his vest
pocket an hermetically sealed glsss tube
and ahook from It hi tooth brush. He
character! xed an unclean tooth brush aa
bout the most deadly unsanitary device
that carelessness and ignorance has been
abas to provide. He Indicated that he
regarded th glass used In connection
XYtth the -brush to be of equal danger of
tnnectlon when h took from his pocket
a sanitary collapsible paper cup. The
proper car of th teeth waa mad very
plain and Dr. Warren' talk was worth
whll a Instruction for teacher In re
lation to the cat of their own teeth ax
well a for Instructing their pupils. Dr.
Warren attributed half of th diseases
to th neglect of th teeth,
i .Another valuable lecture of scientific
Usd practical character was given by Dr.
C. P. Colgrov of Cedar Rapids. Ia., on
"Tha Educational Equation." He dealt
largely with th physiological and psych
ologies requirements of the good teacher
and cVsclared a unfounded th oft x
pressed belief that teaching waa an In
born quality. WHUngneaa to work and
thoroughly master all of th problems
lo b taught and an acquired ability to
discern quickly th quality of th pupil
was th foundation for aucces !n th
teaching profession. Mental discipline,
ha declared to u th prerequisite for
11 other dlsclpllns, and "sand, sympathy
nd venae, " he Bald, were th chief things
required outside of th education r.eces-
sary to teach.
Atlantic Creditors
. Awaiting Payment
Attorney J. J. Ilea, who haa had charge
of tha legal business connected with th
sal and transfer of th Atlantic North
ern and the Omaha ft Iowa Short Line
railroads, received a letter from Leslie
M. Shaw yesterday conveying the Infor
mation that a cablegram had come from
Kteman, the fiscal agent of the London I
bankers financing th deal. Klernan left
New Tork for London laat week for the
purpose of cubing th 4O,0O draft and
forwarding th money - to New Tork,
where It would be Immediately available
for distribution by Governor Shaw. The
letter of the former ' ecrelary of th
United State treasury did not Indicate
bit- of pessimism, nor does Mr. lies
entertain any.l
Every legal quibble haa been satisfied.
nd sven th necessity for Mr. Klernan
going to London to cash th draft that
was to hav been paid In New York on
March If ha been explained. Local In
terest in th deal haa not abated, but
considerable anxiety will be relieved
when th more than 3310.000 tied op will
be released and returned to th possession
of the local men who advanced It.
Will of Mrs. Crisp
Brought Into Court
Attorney fr. H. Killpaek yesterday filed
aa application in the district court as
counsel for Mrs. Mary J. Maxwall asking
that contestant of th wilLafMra. Elisa
beth Mary Crisp be required at one to
chow the bast of their claim that the
will offered for probate does not exprew
th real purpose of Mr. Crisp.
Tt application grew ut of th alleged
dllatorlneas of th attorneys for Mrs.
Home to comply with aa order at the
court mad some tint ax requiring them
ta enow th baai of the contests. Th
application made yssterday asks for a
mandatory order compelling them to do
so aad ta event of failure to do so asks
the court to strike all of the contestant'
papers from th fllea
Mrs. Maxwell I the tdster-in-law of the
late Mrs. Crisp and Mrs. Horner Is th
foster daughter, who. It la claimed, had
always been given to understand waa to
be the chief if not the sole benlficiary of
Mrs, Crisp,' An enstrangetnewt la said
to hav followed th young wr-maul's mar
riage and when the will wss found It was
discovered that Mrs, Crisp had given her
property to her brother's wife, who lives
la Masaachuseets. and -shorn she la said
to bar but slightly known. Several at
torneys are engaged in the case, repre
senting different Intereata and It Is said
that whan th case is finally tried the
original adoption papers will be brougnt
to light, which arc said to contain specific
obtlgatioos assumed by Mrs. Crisp is re-
la Mow to her disposal of her property in
a) of death.
Liquera. wines and cordials. Imported
and dome tic. JtoaenfeM Faxatly IJqux
House, ill a. Mai fa
Features for 1912
A greater year for a greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the news that is real news.
Mutt.and Jeff
Character creations from the pen of "Bud"
Fisher that have made all the world laugh
and turned many a sad face into a smile.
Looking Backward
This day in Omaha during the .hiBtory
forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago,
briefly and interestingly reproduced for
Bee readers.
The Bee's Wedding Book
A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of
Omaha's own people, simply and entertain
ingly detailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry
Tad's dog-man invention who has more
trouble than anyone, but trouble that is
so funny it makes amusement for every
Bee reader.
Katzenjamraer Kids
1 These tw youngsters who are the source
of Sundi fun for thousands of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
for this year. . -
Nell Brinkley Drawing.
Nell Brinkley developed a' new idea in pen
drawings, and her sketches of men and
women caught by Cupid, not only have ar
, tistio beauty, but also always teaoh a lesson.
Sherlocko the Monk
Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to
many people, but Monk, the picture-detective,
is more marvelous in the fun-way
than Dr. "Watson believes Holmes to be in
a serious way.
Nothing so amusing. has been run in any
western newspaper in many years as these
humorous play-on-words lines by Tad.
Desperate Desmond
A stage villain transferred to pen pictures
and revealed in the most laughable light to
make every Bee reader roar and hold his
Happy Hooligan
Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow
ing more entertaining- and now he is on
the road to new situations to win smiles
from all followers.
Carpenter's Travel Letters
No writer of the present day sees events
and situations in suoh Interesting light as
Frank J. Carpenter, And none describes
them so graphically. (
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By Ella Wheeler Wiloox, Winifred Black,
Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran
cis Garside, Ada Patersen, and many others
who write for women, what women want
to read.
Each week in the Sunday issue
Several big special stories of particular
interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa
Comic Section in Colors Sunday
Besides the laughable comic pictures and
the special articles by women for women,
The Bee will record dramatic events of im
portance; present exclusive human interest
stories and give an accurate account of
events of politics, with absorbing sidelights
on the two big political parties, their con
ventions and their presidential campaigns.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all over the civilized world every
day in the year.
If you neglect to
Read The Bee daily during 1912
Yon will miss these exclusive features, the
greatest series ever published in a Ne
braska paper. .