Mutt Might Not Have Been There, but He Was Thereabouts r i woNoe NNcoc FOR HIM ,6Kv WNER-E . IP MS fiw OortrtA P'U. Sfe,ce ALONE, offkkem tor rent 1419 .'. 33d: '-room, all modern, IS. '.'el. Web. !'S. &-ROOM Cat. modern, first floor. 2424 Lake St.. Ji."-. Colored people; water paid. Phone Humes lK WEST Famam, 41S South nb St.. aeven rooms. FOR RENT t(P Lathrrip, ti rooms and bath, mod ern. 85. MW X. 16th St., 5-rcom flat with beat, modern. ta. till Franklin St., S rooms. Sll.SS. Hit Pierce St.. rooms, modern bat haat. fffi. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 488 BRANDEIS BLDO. D. 3382. Sterva m Off leva. M'CAGHE BUILDINui 15T1I & IX)DOR, Attractive offices moderaia prices. A P Pt.T OMAHA LOAN AND 12L'ILDIN(1 ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT Store Room at 411 So. 15th St. Splendid Location, Rent Very Reasonable. Remington Typewriter Co. STORE ROOM, 1,-1 Howard St., L'X 132, suttablo for large bunlnesa Inquire 'Vm. I'lfher. Hotel Plaza. itore at 23i Cuming street. Store at 21 Cuming Street. Htore at a North 24th Street, store at North Sdh Street. Ftora at W7 North th Street. Store at ts North Mih. South Omaha. O. C. REDICK, Attorney, U17 Farnam Street. FOR RBNT Store room 11 2 Farnara KL Victor Diets, 1214 Farnam. Tel. I. . OKKK'K ar salei-room at 15th Harney. Third floor at 1st Harney tnew). Second floor at liut-lv Harney (new). Office at 1517 Farnara. second floor. Store at 1411 Harney St. ' O. U. RKIHCK. Attorney. 1U7 Famam St. OFFERED FOR BALA, rsrsltsn. CLOSINf? out sale of furniture. Cas steel rsnges, good as new; no rea sonable offer refused. Will sail separata or all together. Cuming. vl a V l trim ma I.KU.HujionablZ 41L1 1 1 li 1 1 1 l.wA anakimnv KaA for mml cheap If taken soon, at mi N. Itth St. Tyitewrttere. TYPEWRITERS for rent, lowest flgura ever quoted; I months, 15. CentMl Tyue w rlter Hlschange. 1W Farnam. Uug. HQj. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co, Dooglas 1. VISIBLE typewriters and all otbar makes, sold or rented anywhere st It Is H mfg's prices, allowing rental to awly on price; shipped on approval. Write far circular. Uus Farnam. T pewiiter Inspection and Supply Co. ""TTPBWRITERS. all makes and prices, largeet and beat stock. CaU or write for large list. V.e ablp on approval. B. K gwanaoa Co.. UU Farnam bL. umaha- Mlacellanesme. FOR SALS Tw senolarahlns ta the Omaha Commercial college And one la Boylee college, iiusioess office, Omaha )ee. 8AND-PAPERINO machine for sale. We have a 1. A. Fay sender, M-lnch, 4 tlrum. In good working condition, which we offer for sale cheap. Kretcbmer Mfg. c'o.. Council bluffs, la. FOR 8ALK New and second-hand rerom and pocket Millard tailea end fcoltng alleye and acoeasorlee; bar fix iurae of all Kinds; easy payments. The ttrunswIck-Balkt-Coilander C.. n-4Xw a Itth St POOL, tables, store, restaurant flaturee bought. old. tievy. SH N, Be. Omaha. Coal fur stove or furnaoe. Try It J Harmon A Weeth. vster sis. 8AFKS Overstocked with serond-hsnd safes; all sizes and mk'e; bargains. American SupplyCa. Ill Farnam at. Water Damage Sale Biggest Bargains or your Ufa. Everything In oar big stock goes at Z3e to 75c on the dollar. You need something. Come now, Dunning Hardware COMPAJOf. Ill J Hamey. ;D SAFES. DEKK.HT. UM Farnam Mt JIB. iCCK hi:ntisr this is TOUK OPPORTUNITY. You can buy these things for about one lislf recular price. Two dosea "Illinois river decoys." two dosen aooee decoys. A hunting case, to carry decoys, shells. Iteming clothe, etc.; an army musket, can ue for hunting or an old relic. Call at U S. Itth St, :.twpen and 1J p. Ask tor a. a. tiiisiaison. FOR SALE 14-ffot. horse poaer . . . K T . l . 17. POOL tables,, restaurant fixtures Sounl. sold. Ley. 1S N. So. Omaha. "FOR SALE Small soda fountain cheap. Brown Park Phai-macy. PEP.iO.YAl. 0-DAY I&X! REMEDY. Cladlsh Phar rnacy, Uth and Dodge. "WANTED Treskttng Eider." A barrel of post cards er letters from the mem bers or pastor w of Metho-Jist Episcopal churches who favor the restoration of the rote-honored name. Presiding Eider. In place of the c resent name, district super intendent In writing pleae give your church, eonf-sence or official position. Write quick, t a the general conference meets In Ms:'. Address Rev. H. C. Milltre. pastor M. I. church. Kellogg. Is Wit ether paper: t which feel kodined give this circulation. There la so money In th UADIE& sve 4S per Cent Peaoell Mi! srv Ca. faxtoa Blk. stsas upstairs I " J " I J ". MNce I I J PERSONAL YOUNG women Doming to Omaht aa strangers are Invited to visit tb Young Women'a Christian woclatlon but Mint, et Seventeenth and St. Mary' a Ave , wbera they will be directed to suit able bturdliif places, or otherwiae assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union tatton. Water Damage Sale OUR BIO BARGAINS are going fast. Don't DELAY. It is money lost to you. Dunning Hardware COMPANY. 1(11 Harney St. Mat-netle treatnault. 1M 8. Itth. upstairs. l A K M'.K Swedish movement. Apt Wli KENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machine., lnd. A-leCa; Douglas ltl NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. lMh and Harney Sta. CHINA DECORA TO it tgfftflt INO REASONABLE. Special atunUoa ta club orders. Ruth Letchlord. Studio, aU bo :;ih m. THK SALVATION ARMY solicits caM sff clothing: in act anything you do Dot Miid. Ws collect, raualr aJtd asll at 1M N. 11th bt., tor cost at oallaoUa, to lbs worthy poor. Ptiona Toniaaa aUs aaa wagona will ealt MASSAGE "low aromaua ""Imiiiniil. Um. Allea at Chicago. H A llui bt., 1st floor. D. iSO. atAHSAUK, lira Uteele. Iu6ii a. iu St.. id floor.. R. tt Houra. to p. ra. SWEDISH maaaaage for rheumauam. stomach trouble, poor clrculatioa. Kara ten 'i'onseth. graduate from Sweden, 40 Omaha Nat'l bank Wdg Douglas 711. lasage. Kitten house, sol old Boston Bid. HATHrf. Saeulsh massage, vibrator and radiator treatments. Mrs. Snyder, apt. t, Dunemiy nth and Pierce. Dougiaa ism. liBST bracer for men. Uray'a Nerve Food Pllla, H per boa. postpaid. Sherman A McCODoell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. POULTRV AND PET STOCK FOR BALE White Enaliah bull tan. Hers, male and female; no relation; prtoe Uf. t. naa. Bcnweianarat. reteraon, la. ntvofivmni e .. . . 1 Incubator, batch and raise chickens till wank eld en shares. TeL Webster s43t. THREE Luff Orpington cockerels and cock for eale, strain irom hen that laid twenty eggs a month during; the winter time; will sell at best offer. L. L Scott rlsrnev Men. C. fuda Walker, a. at TeL 8. MS WHITE Orpington eettlnaa for aala 61 and up. George Car ley. Uth and Har rison Hts.. South Omaha. 1'hone Bouta Mi. WHITF. Orplnirton eggs, fifteen I2.0S; fifty, I6.CU. XU Camden. Webster 4141. WHITE Orpington eggs for hatching from my great prlse-wtnnlng and egg laying strain. Geo. F. Comstuck, 4sth and Manderson. 'Phone Benson ass. Two fat setting hens, 7bc each; twe dandy little female pets snd small watch dogs for small consideration. Douglas nw. BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching from my champions of tne west; s few cockerels. Write for price list. F. C. Ahlqulst, Box D., Ames Ave., Station Omaha. Neb., Phone Florence 104. TUORUlUHbRED B. C. Whlta Leg horn egga for aattlng. Phone Web. ttla THOROUGHBRED Wyandotte eggs 11.3 setting. Mrs. Wall. Florence, lnd. H-llot. TWO pans of Buff Orpingtons for sale; price reasonable. 'Phone Webster 1717. Guaranteed fertile eggs, buff leghorns, buff Orpingtons. Canon, a California. ROSECOMil RHODE INLAND RED EGOS for hatching from trap-nested winter layers, 12 for la. F. 8. awing, Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson 128 W. REAL ESTATE ABSTAACTS OF TITLK. Reee! Abstract Co.. oldest abstract etnas la Nebraska. SM Brendsts Theater. NKALB A CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam as. BLILDEUS' lAFUKMAtlUA. Flectrlc, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Ca Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming. Feclia boa A Blind, painting, decorating. H. Grose. Lum. wreck x. pib. xi A Peat ACREAGE FOR SALE, Spring Bargains In Acre Property 58 Acres eoutb of Bellevue and one-half mile from street car; fair Improve ments. M Acres northwest of Ralston; mostly sil In fruit of standard varlettea; lm provemenuts are new and first class; this Is exceptionally a good place and would prvfer not to quote a price be fore first telling you about It per sonally. M Acres north of Florence that Is ns reeented as being very choice prop erty; has good building and lota of fruit Price PUW. We have some 4ft, is. H and t-acre tracts la Sarmr county and dce to South Omaha; some Improved; they sre real j bargains. Remember, we ar- sole agents . for Country Club Acres on ti.? suburhaa car line, admittedly the choicest suburban , property to be found anywhere. Ask as about It ONeils Real Estate . & Ins. Agency IMS Famam Street. E2 N- S4th Street South Omaha. Tela. Tyler Kt4. lnd. A-SU. South m. F-U3J. Stimulate your bustaesa y advu-Usiag In Tl-e Bee the newspaper thst rta-'hes all ul the bujiiv REAL KSTATK ACRK PROPERTY. Improved, a-ls-tir-l'i and for aala or trade. These tracta are all close In and good proportion, will trade any or them for rlty properly, also sums fin vacant tracts, close in. A. W. JONES. 613 X. Mlh. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE HOVSE IN WEST FARNAM TM STRICT. Nine room, modern, eek finish and hot water beet. Il North th street.. A JOHN W. ROBUINS. 1W. FARNAM ST. MAKK AN OFFER. ( ROOM cottage, I years old, built for a home, located at 841" Boyd St.; full lot. strictly modern, electric lights, gaa for cooking, cement cellar, large furnace, open plumbing, high and sightly. House la nicely arranged and well built, storm windows and screens, well painted, rents for Ki per month, and Is well worth But as the owner Is leaving this country, will sacrifice and must be sold, any reas onable offer will be considered, don't fall to see this If you want a bargain, reason able terms will be furnished. Address Box 476 or rail D. or W. IMS. FROM owner, 7-room nearly modern house, with one or two acres. Call Ben ton W. FOR SALaV-JMl Capitol Ave., t-room modern onttage and bath, IV 406. Inquire at above address. BUY FROM OWNEB Must sell my strictly modern home, built IH years ago, ( blocks west of High school. Call Harney flat. WANTBD-Oood reliable men In dif ferent localities In Nebraska te handle strictly high class proposition In Florida fruit and truck laaua. Address Florida Homes Land Co., Hi McCague lildg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE SVOOA. C-room modern, hard wood finished bungalow; one block from car line. Owner leaving town and wishes to eeil equity. Phone Douglss s7H. AT BAKiiAIN, l-room souse, easy pay swots. Canadias afflra. UI no. 1Mb at WALKING DISTANCE Ml Dewey av enue, II minutee waik to Itth and Far. nam; room with board In private remlly. Good family cooking. New house; new furniture; young people; so children; ref erences exchanged Prlos reasonable. Tel. Doug. (87. STH AVE. and Camden. M CxlS. en grsoe, water, gaa, sewer; oemem wains. "a rront. w. a or w. wi. 5-B00M BUNGALOW Id Beautiful Norwood OPPOSITB MILIAR PARK. A well built t-roem bungalow, all ea one floor, (finished last October): living room, dining room and hall finished In oak, bedrooms finished in white enamel. witn oak floors; sun room snd sleeping room; large attic, where twe or three rooms could be finished If d Ml red: full cemented basement, with hot snd cold water and laundry sink; best of fur naces, sua! bins, etc House le thoroughly modern, rought send finish walls, tastllv decorated, beautiful and artistic lighting fixtures, dining room Is panelled and has window seat and mats rail. Yard Is sodded and the walks In. Two large hits. eaen euiss, giving n root trontage. won built chicken kouse, 1-114. with large yard oa rear of one lot This place makes an ideal suburban home, with all the ad van taeree of the city. Onlv n minutes' ride to rarnam KL Am going to leave dty, will sell with althar one or butb una. Must have half rash, balance te suit SMI N. Z4TH ST. AT A SACRIFICE A fine and extra well built eight-room home; every modem convenience; paves street, rise nets a- borhood; convenient to three Usee of cars. Buy from owner direct D 7&, care Bee. Buy Direct from Owner. Five lares rooms and thoroughly awcV. era beta. The aouae la ta wd repair Inside sad out, piped for ass, at email expense could be wired fur electricity and (amacs Installed. The Irving room, dining room and kitchen are sarga, wita '.we good sised bedrvuma aae ciosax speoe. Lot la eSxiek, wits shads trees and trust trees, walking distance L. r. enops. luce essy terms. It net ssld will tent about May 1. Bee Owner. JUI M. Htb. or 'phone Webster Mu. Buy the Foundation For a Home tSS-tie down and IIS per snoots. Thla fins lot In Benson, close te car, direct from owner. East Si sot IS, block St; has south oxpessra. Is sexist (eat la else, and nag new koines buut esse by. If you den t want to UiLld. buy ler us vestment This property Increaaiiut la value sil the time. Phone Webster M stter n. ns. TO BUY, SELL OR RKNT. FIRST 8KB JOHN W. KUiJBLN. UK! FARNAM T. FOR RESULTS LIST WITH SUNDELL k GRANT RE ALT V CO., D0UO. .33. 217 McCAGt'E BLDO. NEW 7-room cottage located oo beat street tn Benson, owner living In prop erty, will sell cheep If taken within next thirty days; must sell on account of sickness, aj South Lynn Ave. FOtt SALE OR RENT-4Vroom aouaa aad bsrn. Chicago St; modora Im provements. Apply 1L W. Yates, Ne braska National beak. REAL ESTATE FARM at BtANCH I s FOB SALE 1) acres of clear, level Improved Ir rigated land, sand loam son, under good canal. Good s-room house, barn; large potato cave costing Can. tood well and windmill, fenced snd erossfenced, well rented; ZH miles from Vsiley snd about 7 miles from Fort Morgan. Cole. Just across Nebraska line I will exchange this for good Income and let eny reliable resident of Fort Morgan make valuation on It If yoe want something nht that will brine tiir returns let me hear ftom yon- So. 5. U C. Gibson. Sooth Omaha, Neb. Opposite Poetofflce. m ACRES of wild land for sale la Rusk count v. Wisconsin, at a bargain, t runk Andrews, Boa , Atlanta, Wis, iUF. BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 1. 1911 X HANS. TO WO 'Trta? WOR.K. i To StAND v that ths turn. 6G ft PKTViRG (rt Tr fSP. RJCAIi KSTATK FARM N!ril l.tDS rnn SAt.K Florid. FLORIDA LAND. Of the AMI acres of choice lead offered In De Soto county from 1S to M per acre, we have J, art) eorea left after last wrek'a trip te Florida. Remember the nest excursion la April t Let us hear from you promptly before thla lead la all sold. Lakeside Land Co.. SU UUd lilug.. Kan-as lty. Ma stooyta. GREAT SOUTH GE0EG1A Traversed by the ATLANTA, stlllMlNartAU - ATLA TIC RAILROAD, lands adanisd ta the Walrst range el cross. Ail tiie money crops of the seuta plenUfully produced. For literature treat log with this cooiing country, lis setl clnnetev tbarea sod scneol edvaausse ills VT. H. LXAFIY. DEPT. K. tleaeral t'assenger Agent, ATLANTA. UA. t-HS eaaleet way ta f nd a saver ret lour fsura w te Insert a aatall wast ad in the Dee Motaes Cestui. Largest clr rulation la tha atata t4 lows. 44.WA daily. Ike t-apltal la read by and believed la by the standpatters of Iowa, wbe suasiy lefuse te permit any ether paper ta luetf kernes. Kates, t cent a word a day; u-U per ties per ggoata; count sta oroiaary surds is tea una Asanas ties aitMaes tapiuU. Dea isoiuee, la. Mlaa ota. BARGAIN. 140-acre farm adjoining a good railroad town, tut miles from jlmncapotla: tws he uses, one large barn and other build ings; buildings originally coat !k,0W; 1st acres under cultivation, balance timber and meadow land; nu waste land, s-nce Ut per aura, U.DM caab, balauce easy, SCHWAB BROS,, U Guaranty Loan Bunding, Minsea pe lts Mlaa. etobraaka, FOR BALE Well Improved farm tat acres; running water, heavy eon, five miles east of tirand Island, Nab. Addrsee airs, Oclslngsr, W South Pine, Oraod Is land, Neb. FARM bargains near Omaha, Poeaastoa. Orla A Merrill. UU City Na. Bk. Hl'lg. FINE asar Alliance, til per a. Ad dress Y 3H. rare Bee. WHAT'S THAT YOU 8AYI A contract fur from H to at acres of fruit landa, three railroad townslie lots and 2 shares of slock in s l.Otmscre or chard, all for SXIS.W, payable WU.ts) down snd lit. u per menthf YRB 81RI and W per cent of Iheee landa are less titan M miles from railroad hi Reynolds. Iron and Wayne counties. Investigate This ta an Investment that may meaa much te you. KBYONLDS CO! 'NTT rRT'TT LANDS CO., l Karbach Block. Phone Doug. HI, lnd. A-Nfi. ilklahsasa. OKLAHOMA I hav Mini choir Oklahoma farmi at vary relucJ pticta, and bwitm of th boat bay in buainesa and ruldrnca prop rrttaa In Oklahoma City; Invntlitau if ym want a prolltabla Invwtmfnt; land and dty property advandng rapidly. I aino hmndla ail klnda of rntjritoiioirt iradra. Lat me know your want a. J. 1I0DGE, lloVi West Grand Ave, Oklahoma City, OkL Tease, FARM FOB SALE QUICK, SB) acra Texas Improved farm, for sals quick; want cash; price ,sul; ab stract of title. Fay D. Pickens, Clover dale. Ind. RIAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Neoraske lands, O-KEKFB REAL KSTATK CO MM New Omana .Van Hank Bundle. MONEY to loan a bualnass er real Since properties. 31.001 to tM.(M. W. U. THOMAS. st First Nst'l Bank Bldg. WANT t-D City loans and warrants, W Famstn Smith A l a. U Fsrnam St. In te IK..UW natda promptly. aa Weed. Weed Bldg.. Isth and Ferness. GARVIN BROS. ti&KXiX LOAtvS-rsroM snd city property. J. H. DuoMtit A boa. MS Famam st Kef, CITY LOAN A Bemls-Carloerg ta. "70 Mt-U Brandels Theater Bldg. Vr t-1 s.11 niy luana Peters Truei Co. KEAla KSTATb FOR KENT. baraa aost evaswa Irftsda. two farsna for rent These fara are good tillable land, well ImpreveA contain ing las acres ana isi seres t. i.wusa CouaeO Blurfe, la. Phone Blank 4Xie FOR SALK OR EI CHA NGE I hssdie ursdes rverywnere. If yea wast vaults csB lies a. 1 Bee Bldg. D- lava. EASTERN KANSAS FARM. US sums hialil Imuroved farm la Linn county. Kaa. Gently rolling, fine eoil, t miles of good tewa, highly improved locaiity. House. MxM: bara. x), full 3 etortee high; nice oretiard. bog house, chicken house, eurrslla, fenced snd crose fenned. TIUs Is a beautiful borne. Price, mortgage. Ma running 4 years at per cent Intereet Want clear cheap email rsnr er good city property for equity: price must be flgUL Address Box 47, umaaa. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4X0 acres beat Improved Irrigated land, near Fort Morgan: price US oer acra; title aad water rights guaranteed: two sets buildings: ertndmllle; beet drinking water: ewaer lives sway. Aoarese rsui B. Walker. Agt, Fort Morgan. Cola 15 ACRES of fruit Bad track laad, Braiorta, Tei., to be eichanged for good auto mobile. Telephone BeasoB 713. A. W. YOUNG 4916 Grant St., Omaha. WASTED -TO BUT ekcld rds etotkea A etwee. DSn BtKt it you want best price for furniture. rtf.Tes and carpets, call Liebermsn. B CASH FOR SILVER i"f ?iiid M-aane "i,r sei v.,( r for gold and silver. Phone Drawn fx viowe ne-s OCKAS STEAMSIUFS. THELLAN UXE KOYAL MAIL STEAMKRfi MONTRKAU UVERPOliL, GLASGOW. Montreal. Havre. Plymouth. London. The Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Four days on the ocean, three days In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine St ea mars. Saloon, second cabin and tlilnl clans. Superior one-class cabin serv ice. Cu.ine unexcelled. Courteous atten tion. Scud for circulars rale, plans, etc. Allan A Co;. ITi N. Dearborn St.. Chicago " WANTED SITUATIONS WAttl..'l ana iiouinu done T H tea Flrst-claw. practTcsl nurse, H Mlu, A-3kft WANTED Position as credit men by youni; man thoroughly experienced In wholesale and retail credits and collec tion. Last five years responsible for credits over tttOM yearly. Salary t:.l' Lock Rox X Omuha. Neb. SITUATION wanted by refined young widow aa rhlld nurse. Tel. D. 44. UVK STOCK MARKET OP WEST (hip yeur stock to Beulb Oman. Bars Btllesgs and ahrtnkage. Tour eensiaa receive prompt and careful at leu. ties, Lira Steak Csmxelsslea, Merchants. Brers Bros A Co. Strong and responsible, ""wOOlTpHOa. IX -M Exehanga Bidg. Oreat Weat. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. ""w7n SMITH A SON lust handle sheas (nay, Robinson A Co.. 300 Exchange Bids, Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to ua. CUFTON Com Co. ttt Kaehange Bids. Cog A Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers j L. B. ROBERTS A CO.. IB) KxcA Bid Farmers L. A Com. Co.. K Exoh. UloA. "Vert I a Bree. m Co.. Kxch. BldgC TAOO BROS, handle cattle, hogs, theep. Detoalt proceeds ef ehlpmenu la Stock Yards Nat l Bank. Only beak at yards , OMAHA, THE GRAM MARKET WBKKB ORA1N CO, grain asarcbaatA CaasignaisnM aoucltetV tsS Breeders, LEGAL NOTICES. CF.NTRAL DIVISION. C H I EC UU. MIL Office, Chicago, III., March U lilt Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received by tne wuanermasier, ai run Robinson. Neb., until 11 o'clock a. m.. mountain time, April 4, 111! and then opened, for furnishing the construction, steam hasting, electric wiring end fix tures required, for the Improvement of the Hospital at that Post, run in tormstlon, plsns snd speciflcetlont fur nished on application to that offli'er. Deposit of te required for tlie plant, which will be refunded when the plena sre re turned. Plsns and apeclflcatlona can be seen at this office. Col. Jno. U Clem, Chief Or. Mr. M. Is-ls-ls-ll. Apr. 1-1 PROPAIJI FOR WOOD. CHARCOAL. 'SMITH1NU COAL. GASOLINE M I IV. FRAL OIL. FORAGE AND UKDDINO- Chlef Quartermaster's Office, Federal Building. Chlcsgo. Ills. April 1. mi 4ieeled proposals will be received here until II A. m.. May 1. i'.'li lor fumiaiiing supplies mentioned above required In this Division during fiscal year commen cing July 1, Ul!. Information furnished on sppllcstkin. Col. Jno. I. Clem, t hiol Uuartermaster. AI-l-l-4-tS-M. PROPOrtAlJi FOR REPAIR OK ROADrt Fort V. A. Russell. Wye. April 1. lull Sealed propoesls for repair of roada, curbs and gutters will be received here until 10 s. m.. May I. ml and then opened. Information furnished on appli cation. Knvelopea containing proposals should be endorsed "Pruposala for repair of roads." and addressed Amos W. Kim ball, Major A J. M. Al-M-4. , 30. RAILWAY TIME CARD I'MIOA' STATION Tenth and Maeon. t nlon Pool lis Desert, a t .u asi .a 1:0) am all it rai all ssi .a T 44 aia .all le n .a I U am .ill '4 in a I ll i. .a I II am .slt.41 am Arrive, ll KM s 4 so s t 11 sm s I U am s I It ym s i n am .11 sm ailtaa s I a? am Un alt H aa s 1 Mem s 1 am a 1st am as. Frsa. Ovsrlssl Llisitel Hiss k Japaa lest SUU.. atlaaHe tmM gaa KaseSM Deavar ssectal Cenleaalti State Ssarlal I fclerad. BasreM Oretoa-Waabtiistan Llaittet... Morts natav uoe.1 Ona blase Laeal uvsisssnl Laaal .., Illinois Central Ckkaxt Easee Csleass Ualual ..lIKia ..a I is A SI. Pat . a 144 sm tbieaae, Milwaukee 0 recuse Uautad . s t It sm sil 40 ym s B ym a Is am suae pm I I a) .m ...a I ea sm ...a 1:41 am ...kl.Ussi Cetsraas gsaeaas... Cel IViy Lasal irl Pacific . Leem Ktsvaas. .a Ik sm si Uats E.acam. .all.ll sm ai thscaugo. Rock Island at Pselfic- SAST. W.jh. - IJMIU, u . MA Ham It sm Mam it ta R rm (slcsse I..HI Paaaansw sm sit (.Please nay sippasa a sm s 4 CMesss giyiaaa a 4.U) am s 1 uea aiae immu fw a n am ail uacsAv-NeSrasaa Umlual ...a 1:4 pm an rkkass-Hes. las. is Ltseois.a I II am s I i.wae i.aiwaae ufm ... i u m a. naiB.nm. A Taaaa Kiarem..a I St em sil sm 4 am Beaky Be. mala UmtU4....tll 41 sm st: t kieaso A Nsrlhweslern NORTHBOl'ND. tt ii a 1 ' "- PaaJ Llmilae..a 1st am a I Tela Cliy Bsraas a 1:4t sm sjt v u,.. city is s. Mlssmsalls a UafcMa gl ...a 1 St am at Tela tar LtmlieS s 1:41 sm s 1 BAXTBOtftD Camll taaal a lee sm ijarimai csacase a 1.4s am balislH (icasa a I 44 am 0um aa e 1 11 am s .a a a I 41 am s I. a pa US aa s I H am anvatam Uu Csacaaa ssertal ... .... .s 4:d ym a I S ym a I at am ll ii sm -a 4 at aa ferine teaat-caicaao Uvartasa Umiua.. yam Ball ai aisva CaSar lualaa Sleaa aty see Omaha CauUraDlal State tlmtlel 11 a:Bsa 11 llsm sit at em all at am a I it am WSSTBOCAIa U Ptae aiStsm NmaaU-Usuaa B I 4e sm Lass nLaaeaes -S I u am Heaileea Paaai'lar .a I It ra Da4M .Hvl Serlasa a 1 i am Caaser-tastrT ?."m Preaaaal-alkum kl.Hpm VAaSaam frmasa w teals gasrasl ..a l:lt sm Mail a4 tvsrms a teas a 11 as s I as SH U ya a l a am a i n ua II li rm aU.U sm susswn total urea u S l. s sea l j i, ( y, " " fair Miasm k. c. a a c a for The Bee by J .NOW RAILWAY TIME CARD. Ikloaaa t-eet Weatei-a City Unltee s yta a t ats city Xiiom a 144 am ilata wbieaj a el tm slsi Tttls CSMSSS BarUsgtan Ststloa Testa, A Ma Bnrllagtea Usevw B callswala.... -u.a -mshI sUaivai. . Nekeuka PelsU tfUcS HUI. Hasn- ... 4 M a . 4 sat ...a t S est .... 4 w ea ..a m ,...U sai ...a It ua ... 1 ps iia ssi ...II is so .. at. ileal ,...U it tm .... 4:tt set ...s 4 s tm . Il k am 4. A sta ...414 4t ssi ...s 1.14 tm Arrive, a 1:41 a a 14 tm a I 44M U U tm a lata a l ie sat kit ss k 4 aa a I is am a .l sat all u tm tais a I N ea .14... bit .e sil :4a aw a I sat a l ie Mfavv k.rMs . StmIi KaenMS , kkurter-rit-etelb tiscvls Ll ..... yistUMMih-lews B-lle-e.-I'l.tunieetll tlk.Su Bperlsl lan..r ftL! , ttilcMO S.srMS .... (klusv I'M Kaen instos II. I Ual.., St. taell KisraM ... k.ivm. en a i kanul City A St. Ji Webster Steteen IStb. and Webster Mlssoarl Pact fie Avears Lscsl Itaaart. arrive. kit sat set Faal, MlanespelU A Cbleago, SI. 41 make SJaai LIU Bipraai., .! SW 111 44 yw ...I I sal a I at set Slom Ctlr PssMnser b :B set T.i. our raawaavr Ilia B.nws Lovsl b t M sal b 1:11 ssi uu Oslly. (si stily Council Bluffs Minor Mention The Council Bluffs Office of Tha Omaha ilea is at 13 tkott Street. Trlephone 44. Davis, drugs. Vlctrola, lis, A. Heaps tra, H. Berwick for waw paper. Weedrlnc Undertaking Co. Tel. as, Cerrtgans, undertakers, 'rhsnse MA NEW YORK Plumbing Co. 'Phone ISM, For gale Six-room hsusa, ta S'xth Ave. FAUST BEER AT RO0SRS BLFFBT. Lawn Cutler, tuoeral director. 'Phoss N. lUcksrson for tine work sa A. aatcties, O Psarl Bt Bluff City Laundry, Dry Cleaning aad Dye works, New 'phone No. sat. TO SAVE Oil BORROW, SEE C. & Mutual Bldg. A Loan Ass's.. Ul Peart. Magaslnea bound. Morehouse A Co. Visit A. Hot pa Co.'g Victor Parlors. Free concerts dally. eVT West Broadway, Council Bluffs. Incubators. 40-ess eaiartty. US: Us. egg capacity for IU.H. We sail lbs Dee aioines incubator una f . l ue vol Haw. CO., tvl B Away. S'v.wMn. ImI. V r.B ln, Wee,. and Accepted Masons, will have a spsclsl meeting Monday st 7:3W p. In. for work Hi ins second degree. Mr. snd Mrs. R. C. Meneray announce tits engagement of their daughter, Emma L, to J. lioyt Itiddelston. 'ihe marriage will take place April lv. SAM SNYDER LOANS MONEY ea household goode, horses, cattle and all chattel securities at a big discount of the usual rates, imice over v w. no way. The South II rat chapter of the St Paul a guild will hold Us regular meeting Monday, April 1. with Mrs. Arthur Holt maycr, IS llsrrlsoa street. A full at tendance Is desired. All visiters are cor disily invited. Nellie Smith, widow of James Smith and Ills executrix, was discharged yes terday by Judge vVhreler snd her linal report approved. The only property bs- lungliig to her children anu subject te her disposal was liaxi fraternal Insur ance, wiucn was divided amoug Bar luur cniiarea. F. E. Cave filed a suit In the superior court yesterday asking Judgment against ireorge Meyers for 11. 1. a clslmed tu be one tor grooerlee snd mercbsnuise. An aiiAchmetit wss Issued tu secure the amount sfter a bond of n,m wea put up. 'the case will be tried at the May term. The Ladles Aid society of the First Con giegut.onai ciiurch will hold Us regular meeting oa Tuesday afternoon tn the church parlors. The entertainment com mit ten will comprise Mrs. Hlchsrd. Miss Caroline Dodge, Mrs. Wentworth and Mrs Hutrhlna. Mrs U E. Roe. Mrs. W. H. spies, airs. Mueller, Mrs. Kerr and Miss Children will nave charge ul tne re- tiislimeiits. Jesse James, from Missouri, but who modestly disc.elma any relationship te thi, real Jesse, was sent to the county jail yesterday by Police Judge Snyder with s ten day leeway to sober up. when he will be permitted to execute ins promise to return to Langdon. Frank Vaisnttne of Malvern, a cook. M years old, was sent to Jail tor thirty days under the same charge. NICE NEW. Bt'NOALOW-Flve rooms, modern except furnace, on Omaha car line, eight minutes' ride from 14th and Douglas, nice, high lot in a good loca tion. You must see it to sppreciats It, In West Council Bluffs 4i0.0 cssh, balance IS.W a month. Only C.sM.IS. WALLACE BENJAMIN. Rooms. I-I-i. First Nations, Bank Building, Council Bluffs, rnone an. Edward W. Cralne was yesterday ap pointed guardian of Walter E. Key. 14- yesr-o.d son of Mrs. Msme Key. who oieo aarca m, leaving personal property to the value of St.eao and which by her will, dated January It of this year, was left to her son. Accompanying the ap plication tor the appointment of the guardian was tne legal notice noi-ncing the readiness 10 ptouate tne will, cralne a bona u 4,sut waa Iileo and approved. Judge Wheeler yesterday granted a di vorce te Lilly Raodot from Nelson Kaa dol on the ground of cruelty. They were married at Auburn. Neb., oa March 3. pes. Soe told the court that he had com pelled her te leave their heme at Twenty eighth street and Avenue A end bsd been guilty of other acts of cruelty. The hus band wss not present, but wss repre sented by his attorney and fully agreed to the terms of the divorce by which the wife wss to have the custody of sil their minor children except one daughter, nged 8 years. agreement waa tiiat this child be ke try the mether and the father should pay flMI per week toward "Bud" Fisher sao, - aevrr. Council Bluffs. her maintenance. They have five chil dren, three ef whom are minora. A place of deviltry was reported ta the pollcs yesterday by T. W. Novlen. lost Fairmont avenue. When be entered his barn yesterday morales he louad the valuable and faithful aid family horse with Its throat eut. A gash els Inches long end threa-auartere of en Inch seep extended across the under side ef Ihe neck, but fortunately, not enough le sever the large artery or tha windpipe. The poor animal was auffertag greatly and wss weak treat lose ul blood, but will be pulled through by the veterinary sur geon, who wss immediately called. Mr. N'eolea la wholly unable to account for the act and cannot recall any Incident that would Indicate the existence of aa ordinary enemy, maoh less one vicious enough te dstoond ta suck cruelty. J. E. McLear. Ihe Omaha "dope" Mead who adroitly robbed Dr. Rlcard of a valuable diamond and aa automatic Btatoi, wss given a hearing la polloe court yea tar day morning aad was held to the grand Jury under Wu bends. He was aenl te the county Jell la default of the bond. The man still denlee any know ledge vf lbs diamond snd the polloe detectives have nut siioceaded In locating It They do net, however, enlertaia any doubt about his guilt. Tha fellow evmree a low degree of sunning although a mental and physlral wreck from long continued see of drugs. He wss found to hsve had in hi possession at the time at hie -arrest an unusually large suppiy ef mor phine and cocaine, and the belief la that he made a raise en the diamond and Pur chased the drugs la the brief Interval be tween the theft and his arrest. He gave his age as M years and looks It fully. Yesterday waa the last day for paying taxes to escape the penalty that will attach unlets the first half Is Bald. Tbe rush to get under the wire at the last moment wee unusually large, and al though County Treasurer Mitchell had extra help, It waa Impossible to keep ihe enxloue taxparera from collecting several deep In front ef the counter. There hap pened is be few large taxpayers In the multitude er the grand total for the day e collections would hsve been much greater' than the amount, about HA uus, taken In. The etttce wss open for the accomoda tion et the crowd at 1 o'clock In the morning and kept open until tn tha evenlnai. Mere money will probably be recelv-jd on Monday than rams la yes terday for Ihe reease ihat the1 banks throughout the county' engaged In ss- alallng In Ihe tax collection, will turn In their heavy collections. When the bual- cloeed last evening nearly all ef the taxpayers had liquidated the first half of their obligations te the public. The ether half can now run until October i. Adam John, a tramp who narrowly es caped asphyxiation from tils gssea that arose from a alls of cinders st Ihe north ern end of tlie Northwestern yards la Ihe vicinity of Gilbert lake, la la the Merry hospital, suffering from severe bums received while he ley unconscious for several hours. A number ef trumps have come near finding death at the big cinder pile during the winter. The pile comprises about MS ear luada of cinders taken from the roundhouse pits during the winter. It la plentifully mixed with partly consumed coal and alack, which haa become Igulted by spontaneous aom busilun. Ths firs has been located (ar beneath the surface end the big pile has made a warm bad for scores of tramps during the cold weather. The maa te lbs heepusi liad taken the precaution to lav s board ea the cinders and had stretched jut on that and gone to sleep. When found by section men he was wholly un conscious. The aocumulsted neat had sel firs to ths board and his slothing wee burning when discovered. Ills bock and limbs wars badly burned. He had lain there asleep or unconscious lor mote than six hours. Reports of ths Justices ef the peace that will he made to the Board at County supervisors at their April meeting will show that the offices of Justices Cooper and Joseph sre more nearly self-suetaln-. Ing then at any previous quarter. Justine too Per will turn over to the county fees from all I sources. Including marriage fee,. gJ7l: and Justice Joseph will pay in tW. a total of I7IT7. The salaries of ths tw Justlose for ths period, at the rate of a year, la IRA leaving a deficit to be made up by the tan payers of only tu. Lnder the old method, when Justice provided their own offices snd paid all of their sinenses, taking In return aU of the fees received In civil esses. It root ths county sa high sa 10S a month for criminal cases. Tbs new plan Is thus much superior is the eld, ss the criminal business In both courts for a period of three months cost tbs county only HA A minor dlsputs of long standing be twsen airs. A. Simpson end H. White brook has lid to each having th other arrested upon Information filed In Jostles Joseph s eourt Mrs. Simpson le charged with using profane language in W bits brook s presence on last Friday. She hss hsd Whitebrook srrested ea tho charge that on May It, 1S1I, ha "took her by the arm In a rough and ungentarmanly manner." The cases are to be beard Best Tuesday. Sports, Hunters, please tell your dealers that the Inter-State Rubber e-mpsny has big stork of hip. thigh and mackintosh wading pants and boots en Band. PYTHIAN LODGES UNITE AND HOLD MEETING SOON The consolidation ef Council Bluffs Pythian lodges has been seeotniitlahetL On last Wednesday sight the last meet ing of Concordia lodge Ho. U was bald and on one week from temorrew night ths first meeting of the sanosltdatod lodge will take place. The new ledge will he known aa St Albaa's No. 7T, Bad It wlU have MY meiabers. Division ef the officers has been satis factorily effected, one-half being tskea from each lodge. J. E. HoDenbeck will be chancellor commander: t. B. Whitney, vies chancellor; H. O. Thomas, prelate'; O. A. Norene. master of work; X. t. Abbott, keeper of seats and records; Brandt Crocker, master of finance; Carl K. Lane, master of the exchequer. A Bloody Affair Is lane hemorrhage, stop It, aad seat) weak tangs, coughs and estda. srtth Dr. Una's Haw Discovery, tee aad tLtA For sale by Beaton Drue; cocapaay. . Bee Want Ada Produce Results. 3