Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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M02CDAY. APRIL 1, 1911
stave Soot Vrlst XI.
Wseeasrg;, float atiss Inner Adv.
IV. P. CkmrcklU, Dentist, 42 Brandels.
"eft W. Bedford tor commissioner
Alfred Storeases for city commissi on sr.
BtaeM Washing aTsnslnss. Bursese-
uiuumi company.
. B. Tscxsr, republican candidate for
enata, Bell phone "Florence . ACv.
VoU for Soodtey F. Brackgr for Com
missioner under the Commisslnon Form
of ftimimenL-Adv.
toy A.3Ulph,lriatsx, SB S. IS. & Sift.
Wnt a Cook stove The Associated
OLarlties wants a cook stove.
Divorce la Asked Eva Eetherlngton
has filed a petition m me district court
for a divorce from Harry E. Hetherlngtoa.
Your Support will be appreciated. John
P. Crick, candidate for city councilman.
Primary April 1 Formerly assistant city
engineer. Adv.
Baaa-ster Bora to Bernstein A girl
tipping the scales at Steven pounds wsa
bora to Mr. and Mrs. Mogy Bernstein
Saturday evening at ( o'clock.
Blsti Cine maker The Diets club
will five a stac supper and amoker at
the dtfb rooms next Friday evening.
There Till be music and a talkfest. Mem
bers and their friends are cordially In
vited to attend.
All Bids are Bsjscted All the bids oa
a new skylight In the postofftce building
have been rejected. The bids ranged from
CM to KMB. and the officials think
they were too high. New bids will be
received next Friday at I o'clock.
Autos Stalled Mara The Rock Island
baa a train of fifty-two cars of automo
biles In lis yards that will so through to
California as soon as the waters subslds
so that freight can be sent over the road.
There are an even 200 machines in the
Baths Coaroy to St. Marys Father
Conroy of 8L Louis university, who hss
been in Omaha the last week, will leave
for St. Marys, Kan., today. Father Con
roy has been conducting the students' re
treat at Crelghton university and goes to
the Jesuit college st St. Mar to do a
similar work.
Mssssngsv Boy Xas Bad Ball Fred
Button, a messenger for the Postal Tele
graph company, had a bad fall at Six
teenth and Dodge streets yesterday aft
ernoon wben his bicycle broke In two.
Parts of the machine went In different
directions, while Sutton headed for a tele
phone pole. His chin was cut.
Socialist Meatus to Entertain A dra
matic entertainment and dance will be
given at Fraternity hall tonight by the
dramatic section of the Jewish Socialist
league. They will produce a one-act
sketch In Jewish, "The Museum," by Bar-
Nash, aad a one-act sketch In English,
"The Debtor," by Jacob Gordon.
Early Morning Fire
Causes $3,000 Loss
Firs whose origin has not been learned
destroyed nearly a quarter block of prop
erty in the SO) block. South Thirteenth
street early this morning and caused a
loss of approximately ROOD.
The Are originated in the Schoeppe bar
ber shop at 33 South Thirteenth street
and In a remarkable short time spread
to the Edward Schaffer cigar store on
the south and the Omaha Harness coro-
psny on the north. Next door to the
cigar store on the south Is the Theo
dore Sage saloon, over which Is a iodg
Ins house, where about tan parsons were
sleeping. All got out safely and the fire
was checked by the department just as
it was beginning to sat Its way Into, the
sleeping quarters.
A rough estimate of the damage made
by firemen is shout 11.600 to the build
ings, about 31,000 to the contents of the
barber shop, which were entirely
destroyed. Loss of about 1900 was oc
casioned to the stock of the harness com
Omaha Elks Prepare
to Go to Portland
The Elks' "Omaha to Portland" com
mittee foregathered long and enthusi
astically at their club rooms last night
with O. A. Rente acting as chairman.
The details of the big special train were
considered, and the claims of the many
Western Elk lodges for a visit and enter
tainment en route were argued at some
length. Applications from a number of
Nebraska lodges to join with the Omaha
crowd were read; among them from one
Nebraska lodge asking for a car to them
selves. The names of about fifty Omaha
Elks were registered, and the general
committee was divided Into flying squads
of three or four esch. armed with pick
axes and cleavers, who will move on the
remaining Elks In the near future and
enroll them for the train, which now
promises to be one of the best that has
gone from Omaha In years.
Three Billions a Tear Need
lessly Extorted From the
Three Billion Dollars a Tear Is the
estimated loss to American wealth-producers
through preventable diseases.
How much of this dreadful tax do yon
and your family psv?
How much do Colds. Bronchitis, Influ
ensa. Asthma. Catarrh. Rheumatism and
childhoods diseases cost you?
Never mind figuring now. but Just re
member that a body nourished, strength
ened and purified with Osomulslon avoids
the tax by resisting diseases, by over
coming the destructive germs ef such
infections as Consumption and Grip.
The disease tax Is levied upon the weak,
pale, thin and underfed. Keep yourself
and your family smallest children In
cludedoat of that class by the timely,
steady use of Osomulslon.
Sample Bottle Free by Mail
That those who are seeking health and
strength for themselves, children, rela
tives or friends may experience the life
giving properties of this exclusive Nor
way gold medal osonised cod Hver oil
medicinal food emulsion as well as to
know Osomulslon superiority In being
most palatable and easy to take-a gen
erous 3-os. bottle will be sent by mall to
those who send addresses by postcard or
l"tr to Osomulelnn. MS Peart W., N. T.
Election Fight Become Honpartisan
for Good CrOTernment
tessHlms Mewtiasa Draw
A treaties to tfert Betas Made
te Cleae Tp City Han
South Omaha today hi la a political
battle that as expected to oust from
power the old Qood-Gitlln gang, with Its
record of high taxes and Inefficiency In
office and its polkr of exploiting the
city In the Interests of professional pou
tictaaa. The gang strove hard to make It ap
pear that the fight was the usual parti
sen demonstration against the democratic
party. Falling la that. Oillln tried to
throw his mates and pleaded that the
firht an hire was a personal one. To
his rescue came Fraaek. Ryan. Plvonka
and Good with the rest of the lesser
lights of the machine. Frenek. Ryan.
Plvonka and Good only Increased the
discomfiture of their suave treasurer and
leader and that gentlemen promptly
throw out his lines for new combinations.
The fight is rapidly changing to a
non-partisan battle for clean government
In South Omaha.
Friends of Tom Hoctor have made
every effort to divorce the Good-Oillln
gang from the bead of the ticket. Oillln
and his compeers, however,, refused to
be separated from the strong man, the
hope being that Hoctor would be able
to carry the dead weights through the
fights. That he has small chance of
doing thla Is attested by the fact that
Hoctor and his friends tried for two
hours Friday night to lighten the ticket
of the weight of the four men now under
grand jury Investigation.
The story sees that Fire and Police
Commissioner Ryan was not unopposed to
giving way but that his partner. Pl
vonka, refused to agree. Good Insisted
that the decision be left to the city cen
tral committee, of which OHUn Is the
power. Glllln's representatives refused to
allow any of the candidates to withdraw
and the meeting le alleged to have broken
up with H. B. Fleharty of Omaha promis
ing to show that the reported Indictments
were works of political spits.
Reports from the parking houses say
that the democrats as a whols are turn
ing to John Orlbble and Hoctor as against
Oillln who Is opposed throughout the
Bowling Leagrae ttade.
The Magic City Bowling league closed
Its season last Thursday night at Oar
low's Bowling alleys, by awarding th
first prise to the Jotter's Gold Tope team.
Martin's Tigers were second In the race.
During the past season the Mario City
league baa been represented In three sep
arate tournaments. Including the Chicago
Dee Moines and Tri-Crty tournaments.
From Chicago the local bowlers brought
home more money than any other league
in Omaha or Sooth Omaha. As a whole
the members of the league are pleased
with their work, but It I hoped that next
year the teams will be more evenly bal
anced than has been the case this year.
Will Entertain Merrill.
On next Tuesday night at the library
hall the Pioneer Historical society of
South Omaha will entertain Dr. Merrill,
septuagenarian globe trotter, who claims
the distinction of having been the first
white child born In Nebraska.
Dr. Merrill during hie visit to the pio
neers of South Omaha will address the
members aad the general public at library
hall next Tuesday night
Two republican meetings were held last
night, one at Thirty-third and h streets
and another at Thirty -alxth and U
street, where large and enthusiastic
audiences greeted the candidates.
The speakers all Insisted upon the seed
and necessity of nlainlag up the city hell.
Speaking of the needed reforms, August
Miller told his audience that his policy
was, one of stmnls honesty.
Perry Wheeler, candidate for city clerk,
explained the need of a straightforward
business man In the office of the dty
George Johnson, candidate for the
Board of Fire and Folios Commissioners,
promised fair treatment to all and special
privileges to none.
Jay Williams, candidate for connoitmaa
from the Sixth ward, told of his long
residence In South Omaha, where he at
tended the schools In his boyhood. He re
called his prevloae record as a dty offi
cial. At republican headquarters yesterday
Chairman of the City Central Committee
George McBrlde Issued the following let
ter to the voters of the city Irrespective
of party:
To the Voters of South Omaha
The republican party presents to the
voters of South Omaha the cleanest snd
most effective ticket that this city has
seen for years. The republican party has
conducted a campaign In keeping with
the high character of the men on the
ticket. No money has been spent directly
or indirectly for any purpose other than
the legitimate purpose of publicity. We
have tried to appeal to the patriotism of
our cltisene by ths integrity of the men
on the ticket and not by the lavish use
or money or boose.
Not one csnt bas been contributed from
any source other then ths candidates
themselves. Contrast this ticket of clean
men with the democratic line up of what
is railed the Good-Glllla gang.
Weighting down thla ticket and dis
crediting the respectable man on It are
four men whom. If the woria-HeraM Is
to be believed, stand Indicted by the
grand Jury. The plea that will be made,
that the Indictments are a mere political
dodge Is too openly silly to call for re
futation, and le a elur oa the grand jury
and ths county attorney.
The dvlo pride of South Omaha Is now
put to the test. The whole state Is watch
ing to see whether or not South Omaha
will band Its elective offieee to a ticket
loaded down with candidates under In
dictment. If we do such a thing South
Omaha will wear the stigma (or years
to come.
Without regard for party, nationality.
or any other thing that might divide us.
let every man maks Ms stand next Tues
day at the polls tor decency, honesty and
efficient s-ovsnimeat.
The republican platform declares for
tnis ano tne reputations ox cue men w
the ticket guarantee that the platform
will be carted out Tours respectfully,
Chairman Central Committee.
Cltlseae Meeting.
A monster mass meeting of the eW-
ssns wm be bold Monday evening at the
high school auditorium. Twenty-third
and J streets. Good spsaksrs win tell
of the reason for a change la dty af
fairs. A band of music will enliven the
meeting and steps have been taken to in
sure order and attention. The following
call has been Issued:
"Monster cithtens mass meeting st
high school auditorium, Monday even
ing. April 1, at IH p. m. listen to the
band. Good speakers and h caadldttts
of the citizens' progressive party win
address you. Come early. We seed yos
in the Interest of good government.'
Marlaus Park.
New addition on oar hue and close- In.
Now la the time te get a home. Also
some improved tracts for sale or trade.
A. W. Jones Co.
Masrle City Gossip.
The Past Chiefs' association was eater-
Many Delightful Ways of
Serving Spaghetti
The housewife who looks upon spa
ghetti as merely a aide dish should learn
more about it, both for ecoaomy's sake
and the saving of her reputation as a
provider of good things to eat A little
booklet, published by the makers of
Faust Spaghetti. will give her a new
light on the subject It tells many ways
ef serving this delectable dies.
Many families low make Faust Snav-
ghettl the rhlef dish for dinner oaoe a
week. And .bey get fron. it food ele
ments far la exceea of those contained In
meats, eggs, fish, etc Ask your doctor
about thla He will toll you that Faust
Spaghetti not only contains more nour
ishing power .eao these foods so eftea
considered necessary, but that It eon
tains these elements la a mora easily
dureoted form.
All good grocers sell Pauet Spaghetti
ic aad lc a package. Write for ths
free Booklet of Keel pee.
XSSI st, leala Avsaea, at. Boats, Its,
tained Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Will Qreen. Twentieth aad L streets.
Atlss turkey dinner Sunday, 11:90, MS
N. !4th 81.
Mtss Mas Walsh, asstrted by Miss Vera
King, entertained the Junior Bridge club
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Walter entertained the Presby
terian Missionary society at her home
inursday afternoon.
Turkey dinner Sunday at the Atlas
Cafe. B N. ftth St.
South Omaha students who are at
tending the Kearney state Normal school
will return home Wednesday for spring
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will give their en
nuai maple syrup dinner at the church,
Try the Atlss Csfe for Sunday turkey
dinner, MR N. 34th 9t
Misses Cordelia McCulloch and Louise
Schindel, have returned form Atlantic.
Ia., where they were the gaest of friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dudley entertained
the Neighborhood Card club at their
home. KM North Twenty-third street,
Friday evening.
The Ladies Aid society of the West Q
mission will meet Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mr Mary Frisk, Forty
eighth and T streets
Family Sunday dinners a specialty.
Atlas Cafe. N. 34th St. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Johnson have re
turned home after a three months' visit
In Callfomls. They were joined In Omaha
by their daughter. Miss Golds Johnson.
Mrs. William Berry will entertain the
ladles' auxiliary of ths Young Men's
Chrlstisn association Tueedae sftemoon
st I S) o'clock at her home. 1114 North
Twenty-sixth street
Mrs. Bruce McCulloueh will entertain
the literary department of the Century
Literary club Tuesday afternoon. Ths
subject of ths lesson discussed will be,
"Walt Whitman."
Arthur C. Psnroast hss moved his law
office to 4I Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas IMS.
Miss Mary Lewis entertained the Alo
ha h club at her home Saturday after
noon. Tables were pieced for: Mleaes
Maurine Murdork. Helen M-Kee, Hasel
Cook, Ola Alsworth. Adel Davis, Pearl
laverty. Abbie latke, Grace Northrup,
Helen Whits and Mary Lewie.
Miss Maurine M unlock entertained at
a T o'clock dinner Friday evening. A
huge bouquet of daffodills wss used for
a centerpiece. Covers were laid for
Misses Adelaide Crawford Esther Todd
and Maurine Murdoch and Messrs. Lester
Crows, Milton Seller and Clair Slppie, all
of Nebraska City.
Miss Msnrlne Murdork entertained the
Saturday Night Bridge club at her home,
ttli K Street. Mies Adelaide Crawford
was ths guest for the evening, when thoas
present were: Misses Maurine Murdock,
Clara Barnum, Hasel Cook, Ola Alewnrth.
Pearl Laverty. Abble Lake, Adel Davla
and Frances Tanner.
The Regtna club wss entertained on
Thursday evening at the home of Miss
Anna Redmond, when those present were:
Misses Josephine snd Katharine Grace,
Jennie Lichnosky. Trees Koplsts. K a th
en oe Cuff, Maurine Nearer, Mullin, Julia
Koplsts, Ollls Hoi brook, Alice Holbrook,
Mary Clinton, Myers. Smith. Helen Red
mond and Anna Redmond.
F. A. Agnew, Law Office, Hannon Block.
Dr. F. W. Faulk, cltlsens probraaatve
party, candidate for Fire snd Police
Board. Adv.
Mrs. Fred Miller of Ornsha entertained
the Fortnightly club Friday evening at
cards. Prlsss were won by Misses Mary
Rheehey and Lets Kellogg. At the dose
of the evening a dainty lunch wss served
by the hostess. Those present were:
Misses Mary Pbeehey. Leta Kellogg, Min
nie Haas. Fred Baungarten. Mabel
Henry, Aide Meed, Anna Robertson, snd
Meedamea Will Harold and Fred Rlchert
A theater party at ths American, eras
given in honor ef Miss Edna Olson of
8tromsburg. guest of Rdna Phllp, and
Miss Jean Buchta of David City, guest
of Miss Jean Berger, Wednesday even
ing. Peats were reserved for Misses
Edna Olson. Jesn Buchta. Edna Phllp
and Mabel Meoefea and Messrs. Ross
Phllp, Steward Berger, Roy Greer and
Morris Olson.
Mrs. Dr. W. M. Davis entsriained at
a kenslngton in honor of Mrs. A. Jacobs,
mothsr of Mrs. A. L. Hunter. Thursday
afternoon. Those present were: Mee
damea A. L. Hunter. A. Jacobs, A. Web
ber, A. L. Bemke. J. Breen. L. Parsley,
J. W. Oreen. O. Dirk man, R Hathaway,
P. McMllllan, P. Kelley. E. Lewery. R.
Hannlng, George Jones, jr., George Jones,
sr., and Plna Jones.
Dr. snd Mrs. W. N. Nell entertained the
Duplicate Whist club at their home ph.
day evening. The guests of ihe club were
Mr. and Mrs E. K. Emmons. Miss Nora
Ollebrut and Captain Payne. Three ta
bles were placed for the players, who
were: messrs. ana asesaames 4. Laverty,
R. M. Laverty. A. H. Murdook. Bee Ash.
O. P. Tsvlor, E. E. Emmons. W. N.
Nell and Mlse Nora Gilchrist and Captain
The Las Llstas club were entertained
by ths Misses Lucy Ewtng and Jean
Berger Saturday afternoon at the home
of Miss Berger. Miss Oilte Hamilton
wss Prise winner st the rames .ilavrf
Those present were: Misses Nina Weppoer,
Olive Hamilton, Veluea Good. Gladys
sirAdams, Veronica Farrell, Anna Knight.
ruta tsuscn, Araa rjecsett. Marts crcon
nor. Marie Graham. Lucy Ewine and
Jean Berger.
The Utopia met Thursday sftemoon
st the home of Mrs. M. J. Fltsgerald.
rirw prize at cams was won py Mrs
D. J. Farrell and second bv Mrs. Prank
Wilson. The members present were
William Sweeney, Paul Lang. William
Mangan. P. J. Tralnor. M. Callahan, J.
st. mercny. uampoeii, xnompson, M.
Rowley, 8. Carroll. D. J. Farrell. w.
J. Maqutre, Marvel, F. Wilson. M. Mo
Cart en. O'Brien. Fllzs-ereld. J. Parka and
J. Callahan.
The Ne Zod club was entortalned Fri
day afternoon at tbe home of Mra. Roy
Dennis, VU North Twenty-third street.
The next meeting will be In two weeks at
tbe home of Mrs. Franklin. Prises at
whist won by Meedamea Wynees aad
Hancock. The members ere: Mesdames
T. J. Burke. C. A. Cllne. Roy Dennis,
A. K. Franklin, E. O. Foren. W. H
Hancock, O. L. Hessner, William Mc
Nichols, J. A. Northrup. W. B. Routt, A.
W. Tagg and James Wynesa
Mrs. J. Carley wss hostess for ths
Ladles' Afternoon Whist dub at ths home
of Mra D. L. Holmes, Thursday after
noon. Tables were placed for the follow
ing players: Mesdames D. L. Holmes.
R. E. Schindel, C. at. Schindel. A. Powell,
W. R. Sage, A. P. Durklee. B. Gilchrist.
T. H. Ensor, J. M. Tanner, John Ortbbie,
L. M. Lord. Fred Smith. H. Marling. A.
H. Murdock. R McCulloch. W. ft Cheek.
J. Carley. Thomas Parker, o. J. Ames,
B. Elliott and J. VanUusen.
The members of ths Lavender club were
entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon.
Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. D. G.
Robb. Pink and white American beauty
roses were used (or center piecea. Lunch
eon was followed by cards, when Mra
w. M. SeJisoeckberger won first prise
Second was won bv Mra George Balers
and consolation prise by Mrs Jacobs.
Tables were placed for Mesdames Q.
Balers. W. M. Burke. H. Miller, A. Hough,
R Rahn. W. N. Jacobs. W. Klfer, fl.
Meek. N. Maifenbecher, R. V. Schmith
rott and W. M. Schmeckberger.
Miss Tnex Mangan was hostess for the
Eest Side Kensington crab at her home
IB North atxteenth street. Saturday i
evening. Qemea and music followed by a
dainty lunch, were the evenings amuse
ment. The guests wsre sealed at a
round table, on which a low snound of
sratlax and narcissus was ussd as a cen
terpiece. The guests of the evening were:
Mesdames Frank Grace. J. M. Cummins
snd d Grace. Tbe members are: Misses
Ruth Kelley. Florence Holbrook. kath
erine Grace. Josephine Grace, Mercedes
Mangan. Rosa Kelley, Alice Holbrook,
Olile Holbrook and lnes Holbrook.
Miss Jean Berger entertained at her
home Tuesday evening. In honor of Miss
Jraa Buchta of David City. Mtas Eunice
Conaway was assistsnt hostess. The
rooms were beautifully decorated In yel
low and green. Iaffodjle and pussy,
willows were used for centsr pieces on ths
small tables. Places were arranged for
Misses Jean Buchta, David City; Edna
Olson. Stromsburg: FMna PVltp, Mabel
Meaefee, Esther Todd, May Bergqutet
Jeaa Reewer. Eunice Conaway and Ber
nlce Cooawsy and Messrs. Stust Bergtr,
Russell Philip, Roy Greer, Morris Olson.
Edgar Klodivv Wtnthrop Lane and Clar
ence BergquusL
Gordon Lands Them
By Long-Distance
Through the Hve-wtre campaign tactics
of A. W. Gordon of the membership
committee of the Commercial club, Magee
at Deems r. who will open a men's
furnishing and clothing atore In Omaha
July L have been captured for mem
bership In the elub three months before
their prospective arrival In the dty. Mr.
Gordon used the long distance telephone
Friday as soon as he heard they were
coming, and got their applications and
checks Immediately.
Magee t Deemer nave successful stores
Is Lincoln and Red Oak. la. They have
secured their location for an Omaha
store and It will be announced shortly.
t E. Deemer, who will move from
Lincoln to Omaha to assume active
management of the new store, will repre
sent the new firm In the Commercial
There Is a big fight among ths Com
mercial club's membership committee to
see who can get the most new members,
and Mr. Gordon, who secured Mr.
Dee trier's application. Is among the
Suspected Robber
is Lodged in Jail
Perdo Gunlalas, believed to be one of
the five men who broke Into Sam Adler's
store here three weeks ago, was caught
yesterday In Sioux City and brought to
Omaha and lodged In jail.
Purse-snatching operations of one or
two negroes were stopped last night by
Virgil Williams, a messenger boy, who
fired six shots from his revolvsr st a
fleeing purse thief. None of tbe shots
Is believed to have hit Ihe fellow.
The first victim was Mrs. M. Fltsger
ald, South Twenty-fifth street, whose
handbag was taken from her at about
IM. Miss Anna Beck, sit North Twenty
third street, waa robbed In like manner
at Twenty-fourth and Cass streets; Mrs.
E. Johnson, SB South Thirty-first street,
wsa robbed of her purse at Thirty-first
and Howard streets. Mrs. C. Fries, IUK
Dewey avenue, was the last to be robbed.
She screamed when a negro snatched her
Williams heard the woman cry. saw tbe
negro run, and fired upon him.
Under ths leadership of Detective
Henry Hdtfeldt police officers last night
ransacked the rooming house conducted
by J. A. B. Martin, ill Douglas street.
confiscated a dosen bottles ef beer, and
arrested Martin on a charge of conduct
ing a disorderly bouse. Mrs. Martin sad
a woman ft lend were the only Inmates
of the house at the time and they were
not arrested. Martin Is held In jell In
default ef I1M cash bond.
Martin filed suit for 111. against
Heltfsldt three days ago alleging that
the detective na a former search of his
premises knocked oat his front teeth
with the butt of a revolver because Mar
tin would not answer a question put to
him. No arrest was made at that time,
tbe petition statexl
The proceedings by tbe dty to man
damus the railroads to build ths Nicholas
street viaduct will be up In the district
court Monday.
I will give you free a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that have brought kilts,
tad happiness to thousandsalso a book on any chronic disease you need.
The story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice
I have used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records
of results in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results. I
am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relievt
biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book.
lfiyfi evXt'Q
yJ y .jSTw-'-L-?
Burn, row Dream, coaier. tongue, poor appetite, gnawing reeling
ia stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels.
In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con
sumption, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those
obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous mem
branes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor
must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that -but
for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consump
tion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." Bold by all principal dealers in medicines.
To find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health
and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine
revised and up-to-date book of 1000 jiages which treats of diseased conditions and the
practical, successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents ia
.one-cent stamps to pay cost of
Jewelry Store is
Robbed of Silver
Jewelry worth approximately :oo hss
bsea stolen from the C. H. William
jewelry store at 141 Howard street
The loss was discovered last eight and
reported at police headquarters by ons
of the heada of the sllvsr department
He says the list of stolen articles in
cludes three salad forks, sixty-six but
ter knives and sugar shells, six table
spoons, four lettuce forks, four bouillon
spoons, six butter spreaders, three shav
ing mugs, twelve sllvsr hsndle tooth
brushes, twelve knives, sis nail brushes
and six match safe. All of the articles
acre made of aterling silver and wera
of expensive design.
Buk Balances and Cash on Mirth
SO Show Total of $2,089,873.
City aad Sraeele Have Release aa
Head at Mllllea aad m Half aa
Meetb Close Tax tel
leetlewe Heavy.
The following statement regarding the
financial condition of city, county and
school district at tbs close of business
sn March V. yesterday, has been Issued
by W. G. Ure, City, county and school
district treasurer:
Beak Balances aad Cash.
Kountse Bros, bankers. N. T.. I 19 WI N
Omaha National, Omaha 1SJ.JTM8
Merchants National. Omaruu... im.7M.3l
First Nstlonal. Omaha lM.Ttti.S6
I nlted Mtates National. Omaha lMj.l2T.tS
Nebraska National. Omaha.... lei, TWO
City National. Omaha SMNMI
Corn Exchange Nat I. Omaha.. lU.4Xl.le
Packers Nstlonal, to. Omaha.. lMSU
Stock Yards Nat 1. So. Omaha.. sMOOW
Live Stock Nat l So. Omaha.. HvMU
Farmers Stats Bank, Florence l.MSM)
Cltlsens Stats Bank. Waterloo S.MUO)
Hank of Waterloo. Waterloo.. :rt
Bank of Benson. Benson 4.&w.
Psak of Florence, Florence.... S.wtw
German Bank of Millard !
Mangold Giandt, Bennington J.MHU
Farmers a Msrchants, Benson S.SS0O
State Bank of ttlkbvro Xduige
Valley (Hate Bank smno
Bennington State Hank I.OUDOO
Cash In receiving cashier's case l.ojaOO
For deposit In receiving
cashier's cage
Cash in paying cashier's cage. e,M9
Trust securities In safety ds-
posit vaults KT.neM
liu warrants in safety deposit
vaults JU1TS.47
Registered warrants la safety
deposit vaults Il.m.
Total 1 1 (
siaiesaeat at Sierra,
Bahuiee February , 111 I t7,n.(
Receipts Tax collections. 17,
sSs.37; miscellaneous, ft,hs.41..
Total 77
Disbursements sl.a6.os
Balance on hand March 91... I T0,l.t
Ralance February . lull H,l71,f77.M
Hecelpte Tax collections, 124,
047.7V; miscellaneous, Mt,JU.n.. S),3.U
Balance on hand Marnh
Balance February a. 111 fJ.461.3aVW
Receipts Tax collection. flOo,
I7s.s7; miscellaneous, 71.W1.3. l71.Ks.1t
Total not mm
Balance on hand March ...t2.0s,ma
Jaaeary 4 te March SO.
Balance January 4. UU I 7t,tele7
Receipts January, fu.01t.7i;
February, W4.Us.43; March, tKIWTJt
Total I aO.MOJi
Dteburssmrnts January, tie,-
71 w; February, ln.Ue.ll;
March, PJ1.SC6.01 m.tW.JT
Balance on hand Msrrh sn...f 170,
Balance January 4. ltd C.M130H7
Receipts January. IM.S4a.ej;
February, !,.; Marco,
tn.aexu TaciM
Total s3.7t6.IU.3t
Disbursements January, MM.- r-eeruary,;
March, L7.&ia
Balance on hand March tLMMatM
Balance January 4, 113 tt.717,TlM
Receipts January. W14.W441;
rbruary, tii.jt.fg; si arc n.
Total t3.saVlM.33
Disbursements January. 1761.-
t46.7; February. 1771. (Si. 47;
March. f&aVftMt 1STI,1
Balance on hand March 3n. . .t3Ms.rn.S
Get aa Awfal PVtakt
by fear of appendlnltlsr Takd Dr. Ring's
Nsw Life Pills, and soon see bowel
trouble vanish. Guaranteed. 3fi cents.
For sale by Beaton Drug company.
But for the permanent rtVtef of blood disorders and impurities, I
can recommend ray "Golden Medical Diioovtty "a blood
medicine without alcohol R. V. Pierce. M. D Bufftlt, N. T.
Nature's Way Is The Best. '
Baried deep ia ear Americas (steel we fas bleodreet, qseea'a root, aaeSaks
ead sense root, geldee ssal, Orsgea frape root aad oneerreerk. Of these Dr. K. V.
Fieree aaede a pars freerie sxtrsct which has bsea fs-rorekly kaowa tar ever lofty
Hs celled it "GOLDEN MEDICAL
This " Diasorery " parties ta blood
i la N stare's ewa wsy. It's Jest tas
T"lv Pleie-e aa ve " flurerin
Df. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion,
p.;, an(j stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-
mailing u.Ad dress Dr. Pierce
Thty Are Addressed by One of Men
and Seligion Experts.
Parkiest Pleat Ksaplayee Secwre
Large Hall aad Spead Their
Time Readies the Bible
ead Tearhlags
-Foreign missionary work at our doors''
is an expression aptly demonstrated
among the Japanese of South Omaha,
who are being converted from the belief
In the god Buddha to the worship of
Jesus Christ.
T. T. Mlnschucht, expert on missions
of ths team connected with the Men and
Religion Forward Movement, now ad
dressing platform and institute meetings
i. nniaha went to South Omaha Friday
evening and after addressing a gathering
of the Japanese spoke encouragingly w
the work now going on. led at present by
H. lura. a Japanese employs of the
Cudahy packing house.
i.,e. waa one of seven who were brought
over to the Christian faith five years
ego by Miss Oilve tuunt, a lereiau u
slonary worker in Japan. Of these orig
inal sewn all but five have left No
traaka, two returning to Nippon, two
now on the Pacific coast and one Is re
ported dead. '
Dormitory le Secured.
The Japs employed at the Cudahy
packing plant organised Into a band and
took over a large deserted building and
have made It Into a dormitory which Is
called the "camp." Its location Is near
Thlrty-seventh and N streets.
While there were but two of these con
fessed Christians among the Utile yellow
men, two men of their race came from
Chicago, M. Shimadsu, secretary of the
f..i n .lananaae Youtut Men's ChrlStlJUl
association, and M. Shtmlsu of the Mo-
Cormick Theological seminary, sad heJO
evangelical meetings among them, with
Ihe result eight of their number forsook
the legends of their former god and eon
fessed to ths newer faith. Still another
Is holding out, but It Is believed be will
soon turn with ths others.
While the foreign born visitors wsre
at the camp, two weeks ago, they or
ganised a Bible class of which lura was
made leader, lura la determined be
will devote himself religiously to his duty
aa a teacher, looking forward to a visit
to his own land and to missionary work
there. While the elass numbers tea st
the present time. It Is hoped by lura sad
Mlnarhochl that there will be ethers of
the camp turn to the teachings of Christ
and that with added evangelistic work
there Is hops ef making It a Christian
They Jela Churches.
Two of ihe converted men have become
members ef the First Baptist church of
South Omaha, of which Ihe Rev. Mr. C
T. Haley Is the pastor. These are lura
and lehlkawa. who are very devoted to
the church. lura Is learning the English
language even yet and has taken the
Bible for his text book. Not only this,
but hs uses tbe Scriptures In teaching
his class the Anglo-Saxon, finding no dif
ficulty, apparently. In dlfferentaUng ths
phraseology and word-endings of the
Bible with that of the modern tongue.
T. Mlnaohuehl, who spoke before the
class Friday evening, said that he thought
lura waa a good man for the class and
held forth hopes of the man svsntually
making a showing for himself In the
work he desires to follow. Mlnaehuehl
wUl again speak before the class at the
dormitory Sunday aftarnooa at 4 o'clock
with aa effort of bringing mors ef the
Nipponese Into the cars and keeping of
An article on "Common Sense and the
Sherman Law" la contributed te the last
number of the Manufacturers' News, pub
lished In Chicago, by Thomas Crelgh. well
known In Omaha where he formerly prac
ticed law, having removed to Chicago
with the law department of the Cudahy
Packing company last year.
Chaasre er Stana,
Effective Sunday March B. Train No.
I. 1 saving Webster street station, via
Chicago, St- Paul, Mlrraeapolta A Omaha
railway at I B p. nv, and No. t, arrrvtng
from Kmeroon at (: p. m. are discon
tinued. Train No. t will leave for Sioux
City at I M p. m. Instead of 1. 31 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Mag Sommere have re
turned from en extended wedding trip
through the east. They will be at heme
at the Maywood after May le.
aed toaes ag Iks Manes aa saw tas satire
tissse builder sad tends yea reeaira.
rtlsve en imrwtrvaeie vtae ta
s Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N, To
Indigestion Blamed at Caoie of IS
Wnen Deoility is at Fault -
CasuBtlese 5 a sabers la RVrery Lawgw
City Suffering with plages
ew Remedy Quickly Re
oteree FwJI Vigor.
Bvary large dty In the the ITntts
States contains countless numbers sC
worn out, half sick men and womeef
with poor appetites and bad cSgeetJo
They have no energy, little
and are despondent aad nervous.
They hare cold feet, sallow complex"
tone and they say they are "ma down."
The right name for their trouble la nere
tods debility snd It Is produced by the
strain and hustle and worry ef.moderni
Many think Indigestion causes the harf
Mck feeling which afflcts them aad1
they take "something to digest theln
food." This Is all wrong. It may af
ford temporary relief, but the eanea at
there etomaoh trouble Is the nervooa,
debilitated condition of the entire sys
tem and this must be oneiouina baforw
the stomach will perform Its ftmrjtlena
Nervous debility la a modern anmeirl
caused by city life. There Is a modern,
tonic that overcomes this trouble Bins
magic. It Is called Tons Vita. If yew
are afflicted with nervous debility eon
wait another day feeling miserable, Steal
dosing your stomach. Get this gnesj
tonic and you will be astoalahed hoes
quickly your strength sad Smbtttoc wws
return snd how your stomach, tr sable
will datappear.
Tons Vita Is sold ea trial aad moo,
bring back your health or the price as
Use's Rhubarb Laxative to the siiM
ant remedy to Tone Vita and la used PS,
oases of chronic const! pat loo. There Is
nothing equal to rhubarb aa a' navtsral
harmless laxative. Harsher drugs strata
the Intestines snd leave them weak.
Rhuberd acts aa a tonto and gtvesr then
strength. Tons, Vita and Less Rhubarb)
Laxative are sold In Omaha by Shermaa
4 McOcnell Drug Co., lath ana Dodge
Sta.; Owl Drug Co.. lath and Harney Sta
Harvard Pharmacy, Mth and . Farnaas
ts. Loyal Pharmacy. Ff-t North Nth
eSrla A seWjr tVI klaVII maVWm aHSJSaaWeVaaSJsens
Symptom. An Wmlaxt
To Wlie Men,
The paUlostloB at ths teweertp-
sa ef a famed payslolaa would
weve ftultleoe to euadreds ef
men If unable to recognise .. tbs .
necessity for Ks use, ft Is set
the tauotioB or desire ef tas
writer to mislead er frtghtea by
painting tbe horrors suffered by
tas prematurely ages, but rather
la It the desire to state piala
facta. The peowllar affUetlea .
which See treys amkltiea, ergeaue
strength, energy and heps la ae-
ompaaied by scans ef the for
lewtag symptoms, If net by ailt
Dull, sunken ayes; thinness (or'
aknarmal fatness) oeid extrem
ities, backache, weakness is ths
spine, twitching, spots before ths .
eyes, pains in baok of head. Mil
Sons, trembling, fatigue, ehsiaa-.-Ing
of tbe skin, flabby ftes, im
paired sismnry. iliigliisaisst .
lose of appetlrai constipation,
kidney derangements and g awa
aral aapteparsdnsss far stner-"
geasssa at all sorts, . .
Ths right kind st mod leal -tree
ui ant win effectually ever
seae s-wh warning siuptueua
aad reeeere normal eesdltlons If
perststeuUy used for a few shert .
Any ens esa bey ths tngre
dlants and mis the medlotaes eg
this sveeoriptiesi at eaees aa It
soa tains ae sstussas splebss
Ths tsstrsetteas for sxIxIbw a
beano secret) r as thai ae smear
resement may ha fsit, are as s4
lewsi First get three euaees ef
syrup so reap a rills eeeaseasd seal
ass sense eaenfwow neM
wort; bus aad let staav
hears. Thee add ewe eaae
pound ssaenoe carets! aad eoa
ounce tincture ssit asuas aan
peund (net aardaavem), and ants
all together. The direetiaas as
te texe one ttsasiisful arte
each meal aad ens when retiring,
until beundiag health and fall
strength are res Wee. Bsea a
few weeks will witness null
wonderful re suits. . .
The sbove eiweut lutlos Is awe.
fsetured by the well knew phas
maeeutteel hoaee. Preeoiiptlea
Products Oa, Dajreaa, Obis, . .
nniiiT nim nur
iuun i ruLLUUi
'Tan out ens gray aatr aad a
will take Ma pleas" at aa eld esytag,
is, to a great estseA trwc, It ae see
appear It Is s aura that Kate senate ass
staee. It to WsJasw. aU gay awtta
m felling sea, at net sinissarat a stga
edveawtaf ag, Sos there are Ik issats
elearty people wits, ssrfsst heads at at
withawt a etagle stsaak ef gray.
Wheel grap sears eases, i
good, rellesie hats testcetug
iheeld he team lit as as aaaa.
sey the ens ef the beat
sur aissdpsisats asea. The beat paaj
attorn at thte kind It Wyath's Sea
seipsar Hair Iteaseay, a ;
tonics aad s laments, ta i
swing esrscuuy
ruff eiat sieilmlti
hair te its natural eater.
Dent sassy enetber ails sta, BSsst
Wysta-a Sage sad fetrphar at sees
see arhat a dtff srwoos a fa daeV
sunt wta aieks la yew aatr.
hia SI MM I S Ilia le aeVa..J aa W a
no as xuay earns a Bouie, aad tg i
Drag Oa.
h Ti-Tr r I
a. i uss si J i . u i
Wyath's Sag sad SWarar la easts
wkslMiass sad iMlsutti Hiisj :
. i , n -