Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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V Sorta Side Christitn Cbuch to
Be Dedicated Sunday.
DeattaarieB lerrtw ta Mm Cob
s' sated ky ROT, A K. yeCcwB,
aoretaj-y af Cfcriattaa Mt
Imvi aaetety.
Til ew North Bid Chrlst'aa church
, ha baaa computed and wttl be dedicated
feneay. Bar. J. In. XcCaafc of ClnetaaaU.
Jaaaxtuvry of tba amartran Ctulatlaa Mls
yrtaaary association, preaching- th dedl
oaftiry sermon at to moraine service
ad aosurung th pastor. Rev. H. i.
The North 9ld Chrlstlaa ohurch had
tla htrth la UK. atartlDC aa a mission ot
First aharea, tha first srj-rsees batnf
aoaductad ia a flat at Twenty-atxth and
! streets. BcbeequenUy a small
ohuch was erected at Tweajr-elMh an
Oraat streets, and la M Ua mlaatoa a.
osa a regular church ersanUatlqn. Th
building at Ttraaty-alxth aad Otant
auau ma moved ta aTr a an1 aad
Iraeist streets, and later th property
was aold ta th Sacred Heart Catholic
anarch. A lot waa bought at Twenty,
aaaoad and Lothrop atreet and durlnc
AK1 at laat rear, an thla alt, th ereo-
at tha nw church wee aaaunenced.
Taa new building- la at brow brick
annat racoon, with buff tut ataaa triav
antnxs and has coat tao.Ma, The) atruetur
aa a pleasing appearance, both til I a
aad out. and baa a stutlnj aapaeity of
M Tha mam audltartvm seats . and
paalng oft thla and waarMad hp ur.
asla-lik doors la tba lestur aad prayer
nam that wlU seat m Taa gallery to
tha raw at taa mala tudliarhu seats
m aaraana.
Kar. H. J. KlrscaaUta, waa baa baaa
neater since mt aad waa baa baaa soa
ataaa In hi wart, ha aad muck t da
waa making it passible ta secure th
aw houa ot warahin.
Miss Elisabeth Hats ling wilt a th
soprano aoloiat Good Friday alhl at th
Morth Hd ChrlMiaa ahtirah. where Pa
..will bt
BoUT "Tha Seven Laat Word at Christ'
will b aunt- by tha cfeurak htr at tarty
xis Hamlin studied ta Cat'
:o and alas under Mm, J. Oaharaa
mu w ine a&etropoutaa. fjpera at
naay In Now Tork City. Jama Knight
ot th choir, will sing tha taaer solos,
and Walter H. Graham, who recently
Niurfwd from a years study in Paris.
will impersonate th Chrlat la HI laat
ward. Tba piano, Mrs. Porter; M. Oar-
rati, harp; "ales Maria Swanaoa and
Mrs, u. J. Klraahstaln, Who la also choir
master ot thla church, will accompany
tha presentation ot thla dramatlo sacred
aaa tats.
ev. Fred Berry ot Lincoln, evangel.
Is Ho preacher ot Nebraska, win be la
attendance at the Ilea and Religion
meetings Sunday. H wlU preach at both
tarvtoss ot tha Calvary apt 1st ohurch.
So Mr. Beery baa baaa leading- In treat
masting alt ever the stale thla winter.
Toe public la Invited ta attend th
services fa will ooaduet ta tala olty oa
Th North Prasbytartaa chBTCh will boU
Its annual aonaresatloa dinner at 1:10
a'alock Wednesday evening, April I, to
he followed by th annual eongregatlOBal
meeting. :f ., ' . r
Holy week aenrtoe at It Stipe ana
Episcopal mlasloa wui be aa followa:
Monday, t p. m.. oonflrmatlon at Cas
ragaUohal church. Twenty-fifth and
Ames avenue; Wednesday, p. at, litany
aad address at noma ot O. A, Hood, UU
Qraad avanae; Meundy-Vnureday, t p.
at, preparation tor oommunlon at horn
ot T. B. Vralgtflon, KM Camden avenue;
Oood rrlday, noon, three-lwur service at
boms of F. B. Low. (104 North Twenty
third atrwt; Baatar are, d a. av,
aaduamal servioe at hem ot J, T. Braav
menn, MM Fowler avenue. .
Aa tha mlatlon baa aa rat a church
building services are bald In th borne
of members.
Tint Principle" la tha tubject ot
Rev. F. P. Ramaay'a lecture to be de
livered before the Omaha Philosophical
aoottty Sunday afternoon at I o'clock In
B aright hall Nineteenth and Farnam
Tuesday evening th Cartotlaa Xd
deavor society at to North avie Chris
tian church will bold a celebration In
hoaor of tha dedication of Its new build.
mt at Twenry-aeeoad and Lothrap, AU
th young people's aoctatlca ot the oity
hsv bean mvtted and It la expected
that POt wia b present. Rev. M. a
tPrttehard of Lincoln will gtv a Christ
ian Endeavor address, after which a
nodal hour will be enjoyed by alL ,
The New Thought Fellowship, nam 1
Weed block. Eighteenth and . Farnam
streets, at tl o'clock Sunday morning.
Oacar A. Albreoht, leader aad teacher,
win address the meeting oa tba "Heal
ing and Health Producing' Power t
Mode" Wednesday evening at t o'clock
th regular mid-week meeting. Ta aD ot
'thee meetings th puhlio are eordaUly
' i
XlUott Holbrooke win lecture before
tba Theosophical society at tb Omaha
Quick Koliof TriaJ Packaw MaUed
fVce to AO la Plaia Wrapper.
Piles Is a tearful disease, belt caa be
cured If yoa go at It right
Aa operation with th knit Is dan
gerous, humiliating and rarely a par.
.aner.t success.'
xnere is Just
on other way
to be eared
peJnless, ants
and la tha priv
acy ot your
wn home It
la Pyramid Pile
W mall ' a
trial packag
free to aU who
writ. .
It win live
yon quick re
lief, show yea the barmleas, painless
aat are at thia great remedy and start
yov well on th way toward a perfect
- Then you caa get a full staad box
tram any druggist for M cents, bad
aftan ana box cures,
Insist oa having what yea call foe
1 Just send your name and ed dress ta
Pyramid Drur Ca, 414 Pyramid Bulld
og. Marsnalt. Mich, and reostvs free,
br return mail,' th trial ftcttf ta
School Music. Eighteenth and rVun
streeta, Sunday evening at t o'clock, but
subject being. "Th Symbousa ot the
Given under the auspices of Unity Fel
lowship at Unity church. Seventeenth and
Caa streets, a musical servic will be
given Sunday afternoon at a'eVock:
Organ prelude ,
H. H. Alien,
Basa-' But Thoa Didst Not Leave" .
P Jcj Ouan
Soprano "Coma Unjo Me" (from the
"Messiah") .Handel
Mlsp Haael Evans.
Address "Art aad tevoiion". .
Dr. UUtefors.
Bisa i "Basgpation" UndsaT
eha China.
Richard Ctark,
Edwra Clerk, Aseempaalat,
Soprano 'The Oaed Shepherd'1
Vande Water
Mrs. Marlon L. Powers.
Hymn -''Evening' ...
Organ prelude .'.
U. H. Allen.
' Tha .services next Sunday morning at
th First Methodist enure will celebrate
Palm Sunday aad th entry at Cartel 1st
A class that baa be) for aom weak
In preparation to enter the ahtwh will
be received and members will be admit
ted by certificate from ether churches.
Dr. M. B. Williams will speak oa "When
Christ Cstnes to Omaha," and will give
aa Interpretation at the Men and Religion
Forward movement 1st the light ot the
symbalisai suggested by the day.
In tha evening John L. Alexander, sec
retary at tha Boy Scouts ot America,
will speak tor th MB and Religion For
ward movement aa th church's responsi
bility tar th spiritual guidance ot hoy
Spiel al Palm Sunday programs
Chimes Tune Aatiecb ,.,
Orwead Prelude 1 Tier a Notre Dame.
..- Boelimann
Aaoiant Palm Sunday Hymn All
Olory, Laud and Honor Teschner
waneuietue rioaanna In tne nil? neat,
trrosa 8L Caeelia Mease Salennelle)
, Gounod
Palm Sunday Hymn-Wile On I Ride
On In Maiesty Dr. Hikes
anetue HW. Holv. Holv (tram 8u
Cawlla'e Mass) Ocunod
Mr, Walter Dal and Choir.
Hwn Tnon Uidst Iave Thr Throna
Baaedlctlon and Choral Amen.
PcaUude Choral song Wesley
Cwimea Jude
Orraa a Angelu Massenet
u raiiiere .,... mieiiejr
Hfap Lstd On, O Lord Eternal.
Menrv SraaK
tjnant lrd s Prayer
uymn-Anthem The Bon ot uoa uoes
Fcrth to War 8. B.Whltnev
Solo I Lay My Sins on Jesus.. B. Kofars
seise &oe rnee ana jnotr.
Hymn Flcht the Oood Klht. Bord
Anthem It Is High Time to Awake
ok riep , oarnoy
nyns-u, j reus, i riave r-rornisea....
Benediction and Cherel Amen.
Postlude Triumphal Chorus.... Quflmant
Martin Bush, organist; Thomas J. Kelly,
uvowor os me music.
A sacred concert will be held In Bt
refary Avenue Cmtrragattoaal church
Sunday evening at T:M o'clock. Special
number will n rendered by th organist
and a quart. Th following persons
will take parti Church quartet, Martha
Oryra. aoprano; Mrs. McMulIln, contralto;
Jaha R. Hepkltta, tenor; R T. Kersey,
baas and director. Charles La Cocks,
Jr., organist. Mala Quartet. Messrs.
He men way, Hoffman, Laomls, Kersey.
The program;
' PART- -
Organ-Pilgrims' Song ot Hops....BatlsU
rxwwwm Aepnyr
Quartet-O Lord I Will Praise Thee..
. O. Damarest
Solo I Will Extol Thee (Oratorio Gil) -
Mlsa (Irvm.
Offertoir-Mnmereske Dvorak
quartet It U the Lord's Own Day....
Messrs Hemenwey, Hoffman, Loomla,
i Kersey.
1 ' PART If.
Organ Stud (pedals slone
D Brlquevllle
Quartet Itook of Ages Buck
Trio-To Thee O Loving Father.... Verdi
Mlsa urya. Mr. Hopkins, Mr,
Quartet-Prsise the Lord O My ftoul..
Rolsnd Smart
Postlude Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah)
.... nanaei
Bishop William will confirm a large
class at Trinity cathedral Palm Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock and will preach
th sermon. Special music will be given.
CaJvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-fourth
ad Seward Sunday. 131 p. tn.. Bible
school; W. H. Owella, auperlntendenL
Calvary Bantlst. Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton, Rev. E. R. Cttrry, D. D., Pastor
Servteee St KVM a- m. aad t sD p m.;
Rev. Fred Berry of Lincoln will preach
morning and evening; Bible school at
noon: young neoule's meeting at (.30 a.
m.; Wedaeaday, t p. m, devotional aarv-
ImmanueL Twenty-fourth and Plnknev.
Rev. I. U. Ebersoie, Psator Services at
10:J0 and 7:W: Blue school at noon; B.
K. Daton, uperlntendent: young people's
meeting at 4 M. The evening meeting will
be under th auspiosa of tha Men and
ReUxion movement. Dr. W. A. Brown.
team expert, will speak. Regular meeting,
Wednesday at a
Grace. Tenth and Arbor. Rev. B. F.
Fellman, Pastor M a. m., Sunday school;
U.. morning, sermon. "Mea and Religion;'
7 p. m.. young people's meeting; 7:45 ad-
as by ur. xutaxa aionakutcni or
Japan. Monday night, men's' rally:
Wednesday night, prayer meeting; Thurs
day evening, neighborhood social gather
ing, wita literary ana musical program;
no admission fee.
First. Harney and Para Avenue, c. A.
occupy tha pulpit in th morning; preach
ing at M:W a. m, subject, "Life Indeed;"
sanaay acnooi at noon; young people s
prayer meeting at 4:45: Rev. S. P. Merrill
wil be th speaker ot the evening and talk
on "Frontier Days tn Nebraska; " rrayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. Dr.
Barbour la here In connection with the
Men and Religion movement.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ. Scientist. St
Mary's and Twenty-fourth Cunday school
at : a. ml Sunday services at 11 a. m.
and t p. ax, subject of lesson aermon,
- . Lataevaa.
St Paul's, Twenty-eighth and Parker.
Rev. EL, T. Otto, Pastor Palm Sunday
vices at is a, m; evening sermon in
Eaeilsh at l et: Sunday echoot of th
Eagliah department at li:: Good Friday
prayers and aermon at M:M a. m. aad
t in tha evening.
St Mark's EnsrUah. Twentieth and
Burdstta. Rev. L. Groh. Pastor eervlcea.
11 a. rsv, public examination and confirma
tion; 7 a) p. mVTeechlng by Great Bm
amples; Sunday school at :4 a. m.;
Toung People's Chrlstlaa Endeavor, 14
a. m. Holy weak services every evening.
Oraea, 1M Sooth Twenty-sixth street
Services at 11 a. m: preaching by Rev. M.
Dltfenbach ot Newton, la.; Sunday school
il lit, m.; evening at , "Confirmation
of Catechumens;" sermon aad oonflrma
tioa by Rev. S. H. Teriaa of South
Omaha; holy week services Wednesday
and moay evenings sx a
Ziea English, Magnolia Han. Ames and
Twenty-fourth. Rev. O. W. Snyder. Paster-Palm
Sunday services St I J sx. m:
sermon by Bev. Lather P. Lodden, D. D ,
of Lincoln, western aistnct secretary of
the Lutheran board at home sues torn;
Sunday school at S:S9 p. m.; evervbody
weleoma; apeelel Invitation ia extended t
all not regularly attending any other
Kaontx MernrlaL Farnam and Twenty-sixth
Avenue. Rev. Ir. Oliver I.
Baltaly, Irsator-aarvtoes tor Palm San.
day: Th great service ot erflrmatlnn
at U o clock, when the 1M young people
$ Neither
Befer Easter Sale
of All Silk Ribbons
On one wide a lot of taffeta
and fancy striped Ribbons,
extra wide, suitable for hair
bows and sashes, and such
other uses as may be sug
gestedusually 25c 1 0p
yard, Monday, yard
Op T'other 8ide--Real Kich Ribbons, fancies
and stripes again, printed warps and
Moires, too; 60o the usual price Q rr
Mondav, yard , m i V
New Jewelry Square
An assortment of hat pins,
with colored stones, gilt and
oxidized, sold up to Qp
,50c, at.
And a large collection of
fancy carved barretts, imita
tion shell and amber, Qp
will also go at, each...
Ave monthn will take the church vows.
A snarls! sermon on "Subtle Tempta
tions" at ( o'clock: Sunday school at 10
0 clock; special L.uinor league mesiins ai
1 fur confirmed members; preparations
service and reception of adult members
WMlnendav evenlnx: noiy communion
Thursday evenlnx: three hours' service
on Oood Friday from 11 to I o'clock:
special musical service by the large choir
SI MattheWa English Lutheran, comer
Nineteenth and Castellsr, Rev. O. W.
Knyder. Pastor Palm Sunday services;
confirmation of catechumens end recep
tion of members at 11 a. m. service; ser
mon by Rev. but her P. Ixidden. D. D , of
Lincoln: no services In the evenlnx. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. The Teunf People's
society will have Its monthly business
snd social meetlnc In the church base
ment Monday eventnir. Miss Mildred
Marnier will furnish the entertainment.
The Boys' Athletic club will meet in
the church bsscment Wednesday at 7 p.
m. A (roup photograph of the club will
be taken, after which the club will
In a body to th Younc Men s Christian
association drill rooms.
Bt Mary's Avenue Conrrreratlonal, J.
A. Jenkins, D. D.. Pastor Services. !:
m.: "Men. Man and the Measaa:"
7.30 p. m. A service of sacred song.
First Nineteenth snd Davenport At
10:90 the Japsnese speaker of the Men
and Religion Movement will speak. He
will comment on Mr. Kobereona attacx
on the ambitions and corruption ot
at. Stenhen'e Mission. Twenty-fourth
and Ames. Saratoga Hall-Sunday school,
J a. m.; service for children. 11 a. m.
Church of tha Oood Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio. Rev. T. 1. Collar, Rector Palm
Sunday, holy communion, a. m.; Sunday
school, 9 46 a, m.; morning prayer with
sermon, 11 a, m.; holy confirmation with
sermon by the Right Rev. A. U Williams,
bishop of the diocese, 7:3 p. m. Service
during the Holy week: Tuesdsy, s p. m.:
Wednesday, s p. m.; noiy communion, i
bl: Good Friday, three-hour service.
13 to 1; service for children, 4 a. m.
Church ot St Philip the Deeenn.
Twenty-first and Paul. Rev. John Albert
Williams, Rector Palm Sunday, bene
diction of palms and holy communion at
7:3 a. m.: matins at :; holy sue hart st
(choral) ana sermon at u:w a. tn. ; Bun
day school and catechism at 11 a): con
flrmaUoa by Bishop Williams at I o'clock.
Right Rev. Arthur L. Williams, bishop of
Nebraska, will visit the Church ot St.
PhiliD tha ueacon unoay axternoon at
o'clock to administer the sacrament ot
coullnnaUon. .-
Osk Street. Twentieth and Oak. Rev.
T. C. Webster will presch Sunday even
ing at 7:9 ociocx. come and nnng
someone. Bible school at s p. m. Aouit
and other classes cor a)L Mid-week
laeetlng Thursday evealng at 1 e ctock.
The NorwcKlan snd Dsnlsh. Twenty-
fifth and Decatur. P P. Peterarn, Pastor
Services with preaching by the pastor.
11 a. m. and I P. m Hunday scaeoi.
41. Toung people meeting, 1 a. m.
Every evening u i a a passion weea
hr ariu be aervtcas In thla church.
Trinity. corner Twenty-nrst ano
Blnney, O. W. Abbott. Pastor In the
morning. Rev. Mr. Blthel will preach.
In the evening. Rev. lssaa J. Lansing,
Mra's Religion and Forward Movement,
will occupy. The pastor pleads with his
people to be present at the servtcea.
Walnut HI1L Forty-nret snd cnanea.
Rev. William Boyers. Pastor-Public
The use nt spirits In tha treatment of
rheumatism has proved aa tnaoveaoa
among the medical proiMwrav wnen
mixed with certain otner ingreawoia aaa
taken nroDerlv It ts ssld to be an almost
infallible cure for rheumatism and back
ache. Her la the formula, -jrrom your
druggist get one ounce ot Torts compound
tin original sealed package) and eaa ounce
of syrup of BsraaparUla com pound. Take
these two Ingredients home end put them
into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake
the bottle and take a tabiespoonful be
fore each meal and at bee-time." Resalta
come Immediately. If your druggist does
not have Torts compound In stock he win
get It In few hours from his wholesale
house. Don't be Influenced to take some
patent saeeuein uetead ot this. Insist
on having tha genuine Torts eumpsnad la
the original as uao alalia rUw
' 1 v
i i. i.i i i.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -ii'i..i,hiii . ....
' Spirit for Rheumatism
- - -. . - -i. -
Marionettes nor Midway but more $
marvelous merchandising Monday at
Thomas KiLpatrick & Go's.
ON THE SQUARE Near the elevator on the popular underpriced counter.
Thomas Kilpatrick
wnrshln and aermon by th pastor at
10 J a. m. Sunday school at noon. En
worth league at 4:30 p. m. At 7 P.
m. the Rev. C. A. Barbour, Wader ot
the Men and Religion team win speax.
Church auraery open frum 10:W to Booa
Oarman, Eleventh and Center, Rev,
O. J. Jalser, . Pastor Sunday sohool
at 10 a. rev, A. M. Krsnl Meyer, super
intendent. Preaching at 11 a. as. by
Prof. K. F. Btroueter, who lately oame
from uermsny to visit his aaushtT. Mrm
J. U. Neulsen. wife of Bishop Neuleen.
Epworth league meeting at 1 a. so. and
preaching at MO by the pastor.
First, Twentieth and Pavenport, Rev.
Milton B. Williams, Minister Morning
service, 11 o'olock. Sermon by The min
ister, subject, "When Christ Comes to
Omaha" Hiveclal muslo piroprUt for
Palm Sunday. Evening service, 7:30
o'clock, address by John U Alexander,
secretsry of the Boy Scouts of America
and head at the boys' work In the Mn
and Religion Movement. Sunday achool,
l.4 a. m. Epworth league, 4. a) p. m.
Pearl Memorial, Twentv-fourth and
Tarlmoro Ave., Carl O. Bsder, Pastor
Men's prayer sarvla, 10:15 a. m. Morning
worship. 10:, subiect. 'Prnof of Pro
fession." Sunday school teachers' prayer
circle, 110 a. m. Sunday school at
noon. Junior league at l:M p. m.
Junior league teachers' prayer circle, 4:00,
Bowortn iragua at i evening worsmp.
7 10. Subject, "Keeponelbllliy of ln
fluene. ' Revival meetings, Apni i-ia
every evening aav Saturday. Senrloea
begin at 7:4ft P. ni.
Hanscora Park, Twenty-ninth gad Wso.
worth. Rev. E. B. Crawford, Pastor
Morning aervlca. 10:): sermon. 'Unonn-
sclous Spiritual Decline:" a message tor
men. Evening eervice, t:s; tlev. it. c
Phillips, field secretary ot the Irish con
ference, will apeak on "A New Men snd
He lslon Movement in Ireland." epeciai
services will be continued each evening
during tha week at 7:46. Sunday school,
soon. B. A. Wilcox, superintendent: Kp-
wortn league, t to p. m-i o. A. fieiri.r,
First Swedish. Nineteenth and
Gusuv kMcasoa. Pastor 1 a. m.
This Victrola
Outfit Complete, at .... .
GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager.
At the Wool
Dress Goods Counter
Abeautitul gathering of
choice, exclusive foreign
dress patterns one only of a
kind imported by us together
with one of New York city's
most exclusive big merchants
will not attempt descrip
tion. Look whether you wish
to buy or not and note the
satisfaction with which sales
man will display them.
A few extremely attractive
colorings in Ratine Linen
now so much wanted.
- Many popular fabric for wits and skirts.
The new models are
now on hand, and if you
think of a skirt to your
measure order this week
perfect fit guaranteed
day school, led by F. B. Sandwall: 11 a.
m., preaching service; 1 subject, "The
King of Kings'," 4:10 rJ. m., Kii worth
league service; T OO, preachlna aervioe:
uhle.4. "With Christ In Oethsemana"
(hiod songs and muslo will be rendered;
missionary meeting at F. E. Sandwall'
home, lit North Thirty-fourth street,
Thursday, I t p. nv. speakere. Lavlnta
and bene Nelson, returned atlsslonailas
from India.
Oastellar Street. Rev. -W. N. Halaey
will occudv the pulpit: morning service.
lo SO. Kunday school, 11 o'clock. Chrlstlaa
Endeavor 4 u. tv.rung service, i :v
Clifton Hill. Fbrty-fl'lh and flrand
Ave., Rev, Tho. U. Oreenlee, Pastor
Sunday school, it a nv puhlio worship,
11 a. m. "The Triumph of Christ Jesus,"
Wednesday evening. Annual congrega
tional meeting.
Falrvlew, Forty-first snd Pratt, O. H.
Flml-.g, rsstor. Bible school at t:lt
Afternoon worship at 1 Subject, "Some
Good Things Prom the Men and Religion
Forwsrd Movement." Thursday evening
th tenth lesson In Matthew,
Central 1'nltrd, Twenty-CouMh an
Dodge, Hugh B, Bpeor. Pastor 10:),
morning worship, with address by Dr. I.
1. Lansing, the social service expert ot
the Men and Rellgtoa Forward movement
team: noon. Sabbath school: ( 00, young
people's meeting; no evening servioe.
First, Seventeenth and Dodgs, Rev. Ed
win Hart J inks, D, V.. Pastor Publlo
worship, to o a. nv, with sermon by
pastor: theme. "The Lord In Need;"
evening worship at 7:10, "Will the Move
ment Mover' Chrlstlsn Endeavor meet
ing at 4:U p. m.; Sunday school at aoea.
North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, Rev.
M. V. Hlxhee. Pastor.-Rov. R. M. Stev
enson of Salt Lake City, will preach.
Theme, "The lesson of Contentment."
snd In the evening, "The Duplicity of
Mormonlsm." Sunday school at U m.
Toung People's Society of Christian Kn-
deavnr at t p m. Annual congraga-
uoaai meeting Apru J at p. m.
Nathaniel itcUlffln, D. D, Pastoiw
A Sensation in Talking
Machine Values
Think of It -For $3150, You
Get a genuine "VICTOR VICTROLA" No. 4-a
magnificent quarter-sawed oak cabinet and
TWELVE genuine "VICTOR" doable faced rec
ords of your own selection.
Tba illustration la this advertisement shows tha nodal
No. 4 Victor Victrola and also tha baaatifal spaclal cabinet
Included In thia snarraloaa outfit at only (31.60. Tha Via
tor Victrola la a geaalna Victrola, and tha cabinet la haadllr
arrangad to hold 100 records; also needles, etc
Tha Victor 10-Inch doable face records may be chosen
by yourself and the outfit will Insure pleasure that CANNOT
be measured by mora money.
If you live oat of town, writ for lists and catalogues
describing the outfit thoroughly; It yoa live In Omaha
come in and have some of the newest records played over
for yoa and HEAR Just what sort of a "Victrola" outfit
yoa are going t get for merely $31.69.
Over Two Thousand
Yards of Silks to sell
Away Below Regu
lar Value Monday
Two lots two prices
77c and 47c
Number OneNew, choice
striped Meisalines and Foul
ards, fresh from the looms
worth 75c and AT7g
$1.00, at v
Number Two Aa assortment of beauti
ful twills, something on th order of old fash
ioned Surah, but brilliant and changeable in
color, excellent for wear, and "en vogue."
And few Cloth Colorings in Faille Fran
chise, worth $1.25, all to go 7r7 'n
Monday at v-
No raucous poise from Spieler's throat
to grata haxihly on your eari . You can trade
In comfort at Kilpatridu.
The West Addition admits of displaying
moft fine Cotton Dress Goods than ever be
fore. We do not beliove you have ever looked
at a more attractive assortment.
Many Special offerings at the linen Sec
tion, Monday. Just in. Some exceedingly
pretty White Goods.
Moralsg servioe at 14 Ki. Sermon. "Th
Joy of Service." Sunday school at 11.
Junior Endeavor St I k). Senior Endeavor
! No "snlna service on aeoount
of. Men and Religion meetings, The
"awl 1 meeting of Ui congrefatloa will
- .iiiw.r evening ai s e eioca.
Church of tha Covenant, Tw.niy
Seveutk and Pratt, O, H. Fleming, Pas.
tor. Morning worship at .. HubjecL
"jme Oood Thing From the Mas n3
Rellgtoa Forward Movement.'' Blhlo
sraoel at 11 Kndeavur at 4:4a The
evening savvies will be emitted te give
tne am wiann 10 near tne seen ana
Religion Forward Movement experts In
various north side churches for the last
time Tha tenth lesson in Mstthew
Wednesday evening.
First United, Twenty-first and KroroeL
Alonao C. Douglas, pastor. Public ser
vices at 10:10 a. m. and 7.M . m. John
L. Alexander of Philadelphia, boy's
work expert, wtlh th Men nd Religion
Forward Movement, will speak at ths
10 ) a. m, servic. Sabbath school meets
at II av toung Peonie s society at 4
Th annual congregational buelnen meet
ing will be held on Wedneeday evening.
April t This will be snooted by a son
grrgationa! dinner served at 1:41 p. m.
First Seventeenth snd Casa, Rsv. Man
fred UDIefere, Mutlstsr Bervtcos at M as.
subiect of sermon, "The Church In Terms
of Humanity." Sunday school at 11 U;
musical service at 400 P. tn., under ths
auspices of I'nlty Fellowship. Address
by Dr. Lllllefers a "Art and Devotion"
All are Invited.
I'aliea BrelkreB.
Harford Memorial, Nineteenth and
Lothma, M. O. McLaughlin. Pastor-l'nl.
vcrelty service. 10:10: sermon theme.
"Wanted, a Man." Oytnnaslum elssse
Mondav. Wednesday and Thursdsy even
ing: ladles' sendee. Wednesday, l a) p. nv:
chorus practice, Friday, 7:M p. nv; Satur
day afternoon, woodcraft with boys.
Stimulate your
la Th Bee-the
ay advertising
that reaches
all ot the buyers.
Cor. 15th and Harney St.. Omaha
& Co.
Break, the Fetter. That
i , Bind Men. '
Haadreds Here Know It
"Break twar from that ailment
sr oemplalnt U at unfits yoa far
buetasss er pleasura. Tu can
not aspect th fullest enjoyment
or pleasure la Ufa fettered to a
'drag'." ears aa eminent ptiyil-'
elan, writing to a prominent bust
Bees man In tills city. "Break th
fetter that bind youl Throw
them oft Begin a new lite to
daynow. Hsgulate th hour
sf flssp. Choos carefully your
food. Read cheerful. Inspiring
papers er books. Let th follow
ing prescription be used regular
ly for several weeks or months
snd all such symptoms as the
will vanish: Dull, sunken ares:
cold ettremltles, backache, head. X
ache, sleeplessness, thinness tor B
twitching, spots before the eeey
pains In back of head, trembling,
fatigue, despondency. Impaired
memerr, lea of appetite, flabby
muscles, shrinking akin, consti
pation kidney disorders snd a
general restlessness and Inability
to do Important duties when tbsy
should be dons.
rr ths Benefit of thee who
want a restoration to fun, bound
ing health and all ths happiness
accompanying It, the following
home treatment Is given. It con
tains na opiates or hablt-formlng
drugs whatever. aUa It at horn
and no on will be th wiser sa
te your affliction.
Ths treatment Is simple, ther
gh and correct Leading drug
gists supply tha main tinctures,
estreats and eaeenoea In one
eunce kottlea, ready to mis. Get
three ounces syrup sa re pari 11a
estapauBd, mis with on ounoe
eofMMund fluid balm wort, and
land Ivs hours. Add on uno
smaound aassnoa cardlol, and
ens ounce tincture eendomen.
compound (not cardamom). Shake
well and take a teaspoon ful after
each meal and one at bed Urn a
The above svreearlptlon Is roarre
faclured by the wall known pbai
meosuUcei house, Preecrlflioa
Prodwsu Ca. Paytoa, Ohio,
namphreya' Seventjr-SoTen
Breaks up Grip and
To knock a Cold on the head, take
"8erenty-eeTen" at the first feeling
of lassitude; before yoa begin tat
sneeze and shiver; its the first few
doses that count; don't wait till your
bones begin to ache, till the eoagbj
and sore throat set la; keep "Sevw -enty-seven"
bandy. In your pocket.
on the dresser, always within reaca
aad you will not have a serious Cold
It pars to keep "Seventv-eevn'"
handy. All dealers sell. ISe or
Humphrey's Homes, afedicfne Cti.. Cor.
William and Ana atreets. New Tork.
I Am tha Bepviblieaa Candida fa
Oeaaellsasa tress the M Ware.
If yoa elect aaa I ahall tnak jroar
Interests my business. I do not want
office te fill my own pockets, hat to
help relieve tha strain the has baaa
pat apoa th. taxpayers of this dry.
wag. aav bow mmvisc iBitrucvp, tor