Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Luclieoia. vita Speeches aai Stmt
Xcetiaf Oocipy Time.
nrg xmnrGS ecu at xight
Donahue Gives New 1
Orders Regulating
Traffic and Autos
- - lH-f fTl J- -i
Comaercial Qb Plus to Trtrut
Flood Damage,
.lit is-t 1 -"nj ' As. t m
I could tell you
a whole lot about
the individuality
I can put into
your clothes; but
talk is so cheap
(eiv e n in The
Bee) that I want
to SHOW you.
Suits to order
$25 to 540.
llacCartfcy-Wlson Tafloriflf Ca.
StUM Amth nUjttecnkth f.
All timet it prepared to give
70a the quality of work your
paying for.
linena are handled, in a way
to preserve their lift.
if ahrayi prompt and in
keeping with tha quality of
oar work.
Wi03U Eier)Kh6U Bat. Pbsoes
Telia ef Katnre'a Great Rem
edy for All Diaeasea Also
Givei a Simple Eome Pre
scription to BeUevt Stomach
Trouble, Kidney and Bladder
Affliction and Rheumatism
Mix Thia Yourself at Home
and Try It.
The people beta do not drink enough
water to tp healthy," exclaimed a
well known authority. The numerous
rases af stomach, kidney and bladder
diseases and rheumatism are mainly dee
to the fact that .tba drtakmt water,
nature's greatest medicine, baa been ae
glectsd. "slap loading yonr system wrth sure
alia; get on the water wagon. If yoa
are isally sick, why, of course, take the
proper awdlclne plain common prescrip
tion treatment, which will aot shatter
the nerves or ruin the stomach.
"To cure rheumatism yoa must make
the kidneys do their work; they are the
filters of the blood, they must be made la
strata sat of tbs blood the waste Shat
ter and adds that cause rnsnmnttsnr,
the anna must be neutralised altl
no longer be a source of IrrMstloa to
tba Madder, and most of all yoa must
keep those adds from forming la the
stomach. This Is the causa ef si smack
trouble and poor digestion. For these
conditions yoa ran do ae better tbaa
take the following ersaerlptloa: Fluid
y.x tract J sniper Berries, one eunee; Coav
pound FltSjd Balmwort, ens sunn; Com
pound Syrup of Hypopbosnhltss, foar
ouneea, lata by aaaalaa well la bottle
and take tsaipoanfal doses before se
meal and at bed time. But don't forget
tbs water. Drink plenty and often.
This valuable informatloa aad simple
prescrlptiea should be posted up la every
boussnold and need at tba first alga af
aa attack ef rheums Mass, buksnhi ar
art nary troubles, ae matter bow alight.
The above presort ptloe at manufactured
by the well known pbarmsceotlcsl aoaso.
Prescript loa Prodaeta Ca, Dsytoa. Oak.
The Classified
Eages of The Bee
are scanned dally by tbow
gandg af people.
Try a Bee Want Al
n '
Quality Laundry
Drleaatlea Visits the BarUatJtaa
Freight fJeped te Tmlk te tbe
Ic (Mill
Sanaa r.
Tha Mea ana Beagloa rorwara Move-
meat la at the heigklh of Ma campaign,
tbrough tha chorea convention doeed Frl-
day afternoon,
Fonewiac the tuuiiaimatioaal hrncheeoa
tha ckialnc meeting waa held at tha First
Presbyterian church, where three ef tba
team of expert appealed ta tba chunhts
ta bold aad work together throughout tba
Dr. C JL Barboor. team leader, ad
dressed Iba convention aa "Inter-Chareh
BeaponalBlUty." repeating tba program
outlined by Ms loamwistio) tor the saove
roent's extension, Joan bt. Deaa bofua
i steal na with a dlaeouraa aa "Coen-
inanity EstaBatea." bringing aa tba
fundamental prladplea neeeeeary ta tbt
Important feature-the Baity af cbarcbaa
The Instttates or confi
t 4J In tba afternooa after tba eoa
ventloa adjourned. Thaaa laatHntsa bare
keea held tba but twa days la speeaiea
places, with the Idea of those present gat-
etas; a better understaadlna; of tba work
Deaa aad RwaseU apeak. '
la tha everdrg Messrs. Daaa aad Boa-
ssO spoke at theaitorai aseetlng a .ffcetent, the chief believes that "aeorch
tba lwe Knot Preebyteriaa cbarcb 01. IB 1S v.
Evangelism aad Cnty faten-.o.
Probably the most unpsrtaat mssttng a
tba evening wsa that at tba Worth Pre
bytarlaa cbarcb. whera Bar. llllaj.
Brown, tba expert la Blbla atady. ad
a largs aadlsacav getng lata e-
aatowbatahaald be dews s mass tha ;
cburcb Buaday sebool a prooenneed a I
Upon tba aussUsa of srgantsaUaa for '
carrylu on tba Sunday grand work la
tba churches, tba speaker held ta the
eptnloa tba tt a batter to set lea mea
work tbaa tor 004 maa ta da tba
work of tea sssn, Intimating that aae ef
the troubles wlla ssoat af the caurches
la that there are not enough people who
are working.
Tha japeaess evangelist. Dr. T. bfunl
cbacbl. kept to his subject. -Vis one, -at
the Oarrary Baptist eburca. while Mr.
J. 1 Alexander featured hla address wttb
wba waa aeoassary to the Hfs sad re
bttlonshlp of boys aad ywaag aasa, round
ing np wttb lefwiue ha aeeestea far tbs
pre per basse Ufa af the youth.
bieos Mssiss aa Appeal.
Wraiaas A. Brown oiieed the session
with a passtonate appeal to bat audience
for a binding affiliation af the churches
tstsetad U
U a
Ha efTirmed that only m thai
way asald the isaaubia sueaset aad tbat
If they aeUhnt apart by bskthsf leaarala
nosrsatloas tbs an smnal was sound to
mil. . ,
the grsaleet and meet Important hutita
ttoa la tba worn hi the church and tba
area teat laaslttattwa la tba aburcb la the
unday srbisl. One aahooi being some.
thhag tbat caa take m nsrysudy ami to
aseer eutgisaa by asu
Tba asflusaoa at the an day
ta Raw. Mr. Brown, hi moot but-
far toed laagbt there
a aw r pargeUea,
keiptng theas M many avers la tba years
slier they ssscb inaabood aa4 wossan-
Tolling hew la get mea and women to
work an tha asmdsy aehaot BeM gad la
other aburcb departments. Rev. Mr.
Brown eoateadsd tbat there ara three
essentials. la tba fret plana people mast
be Induced ta work by havrng aomethtng
for them ta da. Then there must be seme
definite thing tnay esa da and lastly tbey
mast bars a definite task la order that
tbey aiay da It wdl, hn riser la mind all
the time that their work should be spore
elated and that tbey ehoold be thanked
for alt st la accomplished. People, be
urged, should de something worth while,
K being better ta da something that will
bring oa a shower of brick beta tbaa as
da aa Insipid Bathing tbat win result ta
a shower of roeas.
easing addressed the mooting at the
Caetstlar Presbytorlaa church aa "aoolal
service," saying that a e loser relatlon
shta with Ood was asceeaary ta a ansa's
wsa u vtng, emphasising the importance
of a system whereby he may be btoagia
rata active servtos far ala Maker. Or.
Lansing hi a superior speaker aad all
who have heard him agree ha Is carefully
Informed aa Ma far-rsac king subject.
The Initial Mea of today'e program is
to allow the boy full awing end he wtH
be glvsa full study and cutuajdciatton. It
la hoped by today's conference the boys
wlU be gat band Inte tba Bun ear schools
ef tha ohurches by a atarliar progrsa aa
has been outlined for the men.
The program today hvdiidea a caa.
fereaaa of the b unday eobooi gupsrla
tendente ef the dty'a ehurches oa the
second floor ef the Trwng Men's Chray
Uaa association bmsisa I n aad n a. m.,
with lr. C. A. Barbour presiding. Mr.
Drown will address the superintendents
ca The Possibilities of aa Organlssd
unday School," whaa be wfB expound
the "gang" spirit at boys and the necee
stty af keeping the "beach" together la
the Bunday school etaassa.
A conference for the elder boys will be
held la the Young Men's Cbrtatma as
sorlatloa auditorium at l b in the mora
ksg. the eeamteaca te be sdlnsnd by
Dr. David BaaseB ef aowth Afrloa aa
"Boeond Brand Cartridges, aad a gea
eral dlscuasioa will be held afterward
with Mr. Alexander, leader ef the boys'
department, preddlng.
Police Solve Murder
Mystery; Was a Pipe
A South Omaha "murder mystery that
bade fair ta furnish food for tbs thoughts
sf the stock. yards sleuths tor asses Urns
ee eosns waa aaraeesiid seat night, bat
Instead of turning out to be something
bloody It was found ta merely a "pips. '
Last sight someone telephoned te the
station and said that shots aad ados for
help had bawa heard ta the vtetalty af
Twenty -seventh and It streets. Three
poticeaasa. ted by Captain Tlsfildsr
rushed ta tha scene and made a rigid
search, which failed ta disclose either
the victim or the sauidwst. Tber
searched aa empty bouse Just before they
were ready, te leave and here they found
asms thing that gavs them a dew to the
Dolly Smith and Elisabeth Dls.
comfortably en-
la rugs, smoking opium and
eanttmg uneextnty relet la their delight
ful "bo" dreams. One ef the aogrsss
believed tbat she wss having a tot at
tea saoetme; her saiinlss aad her erkea,
the poUee thin, bad adghhsri ta behave
that someone waa really beast killed.
The pistol shots were aotsea assgwiee
ta tba hBafloatloa ef Drtepjnf aeldborx
The Mt ef
ef spring was acknowledged by Chief of
Police Donahue J'rtd.y afternojo.
when at a meeting of traffic and motor
cycle officers la his office be gar aut
pedal aprmg and
tin ta traffic and aui
The aaMereycle squadron, limihalng
Officer fan) aad Whedei. era begin
their iwaads Monday, whea tk tnetrue-
tiona given them will go into force. Tha
traffle officers arera told ta "keep things
atartar oa thalr corner and aot ta
(How fast driving la tha business dls-
trleta. Tha traffle sfOccrs this rear win
have new caps ef light material to re
place their heavy winter caps. Tha addi
tion ta tna traffle pollco sartorial outfit
win greatly m. prove tna 100M at tna
aowatowa cowers.
his mat ructions to tha motorcycle
cove vmsr uonanas said that bs ex-
rectsd aO ef tna online area relative ta
aatos ta aa enforced rigidly, ab ma-
caiaea samng no mufflers and saaklnc
me easrs aae aarre racsirsl net see wui
be sreasptly drrrea to tha station by the
molorcyde maa. and their owners ar -
resiaj urcs tba charge of maintain uu
a aumanca. raissns wba own mora tbaa
aae car, awt waa have tna same number
n mcMbc. wiu six. h. hinks into
avx u lhow why tbey ara not
rewulstfsns. Snn too. will
W auaamarflv dealt with whnjver
caught, std aa tba ponce motorist) lee ara
c4.11. tmMl .tutr drivers
nulaM tb. BB total
1 a. Tt '
riX'hll rilJlF r flRS
1 171 V11T. t.ft llmaha
K- U rrlsa af Arcadia, eandldata for
tha assalnatloa far lieutenant governor
on tna republican ticket, la la the city.
air. rrtel waa a member of tba stats
senate la the sessions af Mot and h
aad has had eaperteaea, therefore, which
weald stand him la good stead as the
presiding officer of the upper branch af
the legislature. Mr. Fries has for a long
Uaa beta sngsged la tba lamber bast
aasa at Arcadia.
"I am tha ealy maa north af the rlatte
running for either governor or lieutenant
governor at present. " said Mr. Fries,
la IMf Ben st or Fries and Senator Jen
nings af Thayer county eagagsd la a
very Interesting Utile eeataet tor presi
dent protara ef the senate. Odds seemed
gulte la favor at the Arcadia maa and
ea the Tory eight before the contest was
ta be settled Jsonlaga suddenly developed
strength sufficient ta give hlra the place.
The men were the best of friends and
their contest was marked by a spirit
of eerdlal friend Itnees, bat It waa notably
aa amusing feature of the saadoa when
Fries a woks ta the reallaatlsa that his
frl let Jennmge had actually dketaaesd
Ma hi tba race aad tt was a alts aa stuck
ef a surprise to Jennings aa ta Pries, far
Jennings' friends Were far mora responsi
ble for the acquis! tlea af tba votes tbaa
tba Thayer county senator himself,
la both sessions Senator Fries waa ana
of the ssoat active mea la tbat body.
Telegraph Company ,
to Allow Pensions
Fifteen or twenty ef the employes ef
the Western Union Telegraph company
wba are operating Instruments la Omaha
are ottgtsta. la asae of disability, to take
advantage at the penelns plan which has
just seen announced and which will tor
era seer te.QOS employes ef the company
tha United States. The plaa la de
tail Is:
After twenty years at service aad up
ta and Including the twenty-fifth year
of service the employe will be given 1
per cent ef the average salary for the
tea years Immediately preceding retire
ment multlphed by the total yean of
ssrvtce. After twenry-flve years and up
ta and Including tha thirty-fifth year.
Mi per eest for each additional year.
After Iblrty-flve years and up ta and In-N
eluding forty years. S per cent additional
tor each additional yesr. After forty
years ef mike, It per cent. The mini
mum pension allowance will be ta a
month and tna maximum flOO a month.
Omahans Marooned
By Fremont Freshet
UDet Intervdeat Tt V. Graff and seven
ef his Isatsws. four of them prbodpels,
ara water bound in Fremont, whither
they went yesterday awning to attend
the asset tag of tba Bast Central Ne
braska Teachers' association.
"We're here," sakt Bupanniimaant Graft
ever tha telephone, "sad we're going to
stay. Bridges washed away, no trains
B. V. Parrtab. publicity men tor the
Commercial dub of Omaha, hi also In
Fremont end expects to may with tbs
Omaha party until ba la convinced that
the fortitude ef a school teecher Is
creator tbaa tbat af any publicity man.
"We have ardered gum shoes and if
Fremont gets tired of keeping us we'll
walk beck." said Perrlsh.
everal tss hers from out ta the stats
ossse te Omaha 10 Matt the schools and
ara compelled to remain until bridges
and washouts are repaired and train
service hi again resumed.
To Deswasvw tba like
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
care biliousness and malarm, take Elec
tive Bitten. Gaaraatasd. Only Mc. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. ,
This Institution ta tha only en
la tha awAtral watt with sepaisie
buildings situated la their own
ample (rounds, yet entirely
distinct aad rendering it possible
lo classify cases. The one bclldi&i
belof fitted for and devoted to tba
treatment of noncontagious and
Bonmenial diseases, lie others fee
lac adattteeL, Tha othsr Re-it
Cot tags, belat aealsmed tor aad
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select snaBtal cases, requiring
tor a time waech'ul rare and sps
eaai a Brain (.
Waald Han Clab Paeh BIB
fkmib Mebraaka Leaielatere
ta Ceeate Draiaace Baa-
Tba river approvement cew-.mrttee af
tba Commercial dub called together tba
property owners and people interested ta
East Omaha and territory affected by
ha Hooding condition of tha Missouri
river lata yesterday afternooa and nr-
rlred at a plaa by which It la hoped that
seme time perafaneat Improvement might
be had to check the tendency of tha river
return to lis aid course by way af
cut-off lake.
.ob r. Webster spoke at length aa
dykmg tha river tor a length af two
txas Bjues rnasiaa; cast aad west north
ttl auburha and additions of that
lPart af Omaha, saying that soma such
mPtkod mutt .vsctuslly be resorted to. aa
year by year tha river Is weartag Ha way
ihreaxk and Ust even bow tber 1:
aunsnt danger of lis breaking through ta
' th, sjuic( running east of Puadt's place
, sear llelleke's addition.
; WebMer proposed a maa to have a bin
drafted vetch tba Commercial club com-
mlttee would look after, have It pat
through the Kebraska rgtaislnrs, pro.
poslag a drainage district by which tba
artiee in that part of the county effected
ould be assessed te raise soTtlciewt runes
o extend a dyke ar Jetty for a p
idneat protectloB against the river ever.
ooding Its banks. Ha believed tbat tt
aa a Nebraska problem only and there
sou Id be no Interference from the Iowa
property ewaera la that district. -
This proposition waa discussed at
length after which It waa endorsed asnat
It Is believed the government would
meet tna fund dollar for dollar for the
unprowersent, as the army engineer, Cap
tain Bchuls, last year had estimated the
work ta east tt.ett.Mt when a government
ainroprlattoa waa considered.
a.gva with We bete.
J. L. MoCague of tha McCague Invest
swat c neap say believed la . Webster's
theory that there should be some per
sasaeat aadertaking. bat be feared per
haps there might ba Immedlste danger
and advised the committee take some
mesne lata swontderaUea whereby the
river might be slopped this sprint. Ta
this O. H. Kdly, chairman of tbs dub's
executive committee, gave hearty en
dorsement, upon which Chief Forecaster
Welsh, having said there wss Bo Im
minent danger of a flood bow, added
that rains In the near future would give
the matter a serious aspect. He said
that at present the Ice waa honeycombed
and tbat there was little danger of the
Ice tort Int at any ptsoa along the river.
Borne further aeaslderatioa was Uvea
to taking action to prevent aa Immediate
flood In the locality, but there was ne
conclusion arrived at before adjournment.
Chairman Beldea of tba committee pre
sided. 1
Sioux City Man Falls
Into Hole in Street
Henry Caldwell, a traveling salesman of
Sioux City, Is-, bad a narrow escape from
death by tailing Into a oavcla about thirty
feet deep In front of the Burlington sta
ttea but algbt. The timely arrival at
newsboys probably saved hie Ms.
He wsa crossing the street reading a
newspaper and failed to sea the hols
which had suddenly apened until be
stepped Into tt. As bs fell he clutched a
street esr track and held himself in the
perilous position until rescued.
Lights were pieced about tha bole and It
wss guarded by the police. Today It
will be repaired aa quickly as possible.
treat ear service south of the depot
was net Interfered with, for tbs ralla
beid firm and aasily withstood the weight
of the care, although the ties which sup
ported the rails for tea feet are tone.
Judra MrPhersoa ruled against ths dis
missal of tha HM Ubel suit against
William R. Hearst brought by ex -Govern
or C M. Haskell of Oklahoma. John
W. Battle, attorney for Hearst, was given
until April M te file an enswer to ths
ertaknal complslnt made by HsakelL Ths
case will probably ba tried In the spring
term of court, which convenes in Omaha
April t ,
The dismissal wsa asked oa the ground
tbat tha statements published by Hearst
were made aa a warning to the people
during the presidential campaign of IMS
and were not libelous.
It la alleged sn the complaint that
llearst published articled In his papers
aad made atatemente la bis campaign
speeches that attacked Haskell's honesty.
It alas eaya that Hearst seemed Haakell
of attempted bribery la two Instances,
and called him the "paUtleal paymaster
of the Standard OH company." ,
When .Cassy Knspp, a negreei. is ar
raigned before Judge Foster la police
court for being drunk, shs will In all
probability bs garbed In overaUa, a ki
mono and very little more.
Cassy was arrested while asleep oa
the street- Before the officer reached bar
she la said to have "enjoyed" a fit or
tremen. during which she bed tarn oft
most of her clothes. Tba officer found her
dressed a la Bslome, almost.
Mrs. Qlbbona, police matron, so receded
In procuring an old kimono aad some
kladhearted etftcer produced a pair of
overalls and dressed In these Cassy will
probably make her sppesrsnce la court
Sir John etalner's "The Crucifixion," a
meditation aa the sacred pension of ths
Holy Redeemer, win be sunt by tba choir
ot the cathedral Palm Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The enoer of sixty voices,
together with the regular soloists,' will
render the work. This beautiful piece
baa usually been glvsa aa Good Friday
night, but thai year will be presented at
a time more con veal out 10 tba public.
The pews ara free aad. It ta earnestly
requested tbat tbs osngregatloa assemble
by IHa.
Ktaeea Wlaa Heat ta n
illLWAl'Kr.K. March at Leon Klmm
ot Grand Rapids. Mich, waa esdly the
star of toalsht's beat events ta ths
world's ene-mtie rhamploasnlp roller
skating rosea. He finished first, stowing
up, la ne trial best and wea the semi
final. ' Stimulate your biislii ay advartislnr
m Tl Bee-the rrrwspaptr tbat reaches
I all of the burarg.
Correct Clbthes for Gentlemen
the famous Schloss Baltimore Ready to Wear garments
for particular men, are now awaiting your inspection at the
best stores everywhere.1 . - . ; '
New styles, smart models, exclusive designs impossible
to find elsewhere; tailored with a permanent and distinctive
character. Try a Schloss-Baltimore this season, and you
will never again be content with the ordinary kind.
These garments are exclusively designed by a ten thousand dollar expert,
famous Jor years as the finest custom-tailor on Fifth Avenue, New York
They are entirely hand-mads front high-grade fabrics, in one oj VU
largest tailoring shops in the world.'
For netrly forty years
th is label has marked the
very best of trten's
Ready to wear garments
It is your guarantee of
highest quality.
ctie Bread Quest
Friel Allea Found at Father's Eome
. Sear EilltviUe,
Berwewe with Message ef Cwafeaetea
sad Oeflancw frees I Idea Allea
aad Edwards, Who WUI
Fight to Death.
HILLS VILLE. Vs. March L Frld
Allea, a Mao eyed stripling of TT. young
est af tha dght ef the Allea tang, each
indicted for the five murders la the Car
roll county court boaaa a fortnight ago,
was takea late today la a carriage abed
at the hoses ot bis father. Jack Allen,
eight miles from here. Be cneerfully sub
mitted to arrest and tonight occupied a
eon la the Blilsvllls Jell with hla cousin.
Claude Bwaasoa Allea, who surnodered
without rassstanea to the detectives yes
terday. Only Sidna Allan, a man of middle age.
and his yoaag nephew, Wesley Edwards,
both bold aaountalnesrs of reckless dar
ing, are fugitives tonight. They ara the
last af the outlaw band whose fusillade
killed a Judge, sheriff, prosecutor. Juror
and bystander oa March M.
Frist Allea two days ago deserted the
two men atffl at large aad brought back
toedght their ultimatum ot defiance. Both
are prepared ta resist anal death.
Fathe Sense far Hiss.
A father's anxiety lo bare his youngest
eoa spared a terrible death In the moun
tains ta assumed to be the cause of Frtd
Allen's captors. Jack Allen waa not In
volved ba the court bouse shooting, bat
It at knova that sines bis spa Frld
Jolaed the ewtlaws be has beea endeavor
ing to advise him te submit to the mercy
of tba Uw. Just boat the parent esm-
muBtcated with tha bey has not beea dis
la the dialect ef the mountains young
Alien told bis story, heeding tnterruptioos
and answering all Inquiries.
"Lode aidna told me.' related tha boy
with unrestrained frankness, that be
sever expected to see bis family again,
lis hopes the detectives will get dis
:'i IV l'' W
I I I "-t" isTi jLl..
i S CtHvYrtlCHTtO tf fe" jT '
CDstysilCHTtO IT
Tms Clethee Inskers
. Bslbmere sad New Yer
f J Wholesale Draper i
f coevwiaHTte its ' J
couraged to that he can get away, but If
they keep after him I think be will be
sbot killing them. He will never sur
render. He didn't like It whea I left him.
He told me I was making a mistake, but
I was tired and hungry.
"Sidna said ba ahot his pistol empty
three times. Hs always was angry with
Judge Mass!. He said ha shot Judge
Mauls and that Wesley shot Mr. Foster.
Uncle Bidna said hs Intended to get as
many of the court officers aa ba could.
When ha waa shooting ths people In the
street be really didn't know bo waa
firing at any of tbs jury. Ha said be
saw men running and thought they
needed shooting at.
'The day after Uncle Sidna aad Cousin
Wesley and I went to the mountains
Wedey had two pistols and Undo Btdaa
had a revolver and a shotgun. Wa were
on the ridge and were biddea under a
ledge by leaves. From there wa moved
to another rock and saw tba off leers
raid my Aunt Alberta's bouse.
Detewttvee Near Outlaws.
"Soma of the detectives came wlthla
fifteen or twenty yards of oa. I wanted
te leave, but Undo Sidna said If the de
tectives came closer be would fire.
"Uncle Sidna waa shot in the arm at
the eourt bouse and the same bullet
went Into bis side and back. It bj still
there. Uncle Sidna got some food la a
sack. Wo had plenty ot crackers sad
stayed la the try and laurel bushes for
ten days, but wtth nothing else to sat
excapt those cracker. I was Just starved
out. I left them oa the mountain top.'
BAN rRANCIBCQ, Cai, March St
Municipal ownership ef a telephone sys
tem was approved today by a t to 1
vote hi San Francisco. Thirty thoenmnd
voters went to tbe pells to express their
opinion as to whether the Board ot Su
pervisors should try to nullify the recent
merger ot the Pacific aa Homo tele
phone systems and whether ac election
for the authorisation of a .. iseae
ot bonds for the acquirement of tbe Morse
system should be called. Tbe deetton
wsa held under the Initiative taw Invoked
by the local electrical workers' union.
Ask for the new ScUcea
Baitimore models at your "
Dealers.. If he will not'
show there, writs us
and we will gladly tell 4
you of one who will.
15th and Douglas
Filiiifs for Commitaionejalupa Offi
cially Clote Yesterday.
Ceaaetlaaaa Jsbasea, Map arts d Oat,
Files Petition Brando, Ml ilia er,
eaaett aad tobrssder
Withdraw. .
With ninety-one candidates entered,
four- withdrawn, leaving eighty sevea
still la the race, the flUnga for dty com
missioner closed yesterday afternooa '
when George W. Craig, dtp sagineer, :
presented bis petttlott.
There were tlx filings during the day.
Councilmaa L. B. Johnson, who waa re
ported as bring aut ot the race. Sled bit
petltloa Just before tha dty clerk's office
trova aad John p. Crick, a otvll engineer.
Those who have withdrawn from tbe
a as taraaoe, air. rreasrica ,
1. H. Bennett aad Fred M.
- eaaHtkeWwW dab ahtbtsVSB
th cotMt for eoanty towmlwlniwr.
PRINCETON, March tt-Prlsce-
toa woo tha triangular debate wtth Har
vard aad Tale toaurbt, Tha subject wee: -"Resolved,
That tha laws of the United
States senate should accept the principle
of monopoly eaotrol sod regulate prices
la all cases where tha raonopty has sera
brought snoot by tbe operation of ace-'
aomle laws.'
Princeton wea at Cam bridge from Har
vard, where It took the affirmsttve stda
ef the question, and at homo from Tale
where R took the ne estiva sMo.
Tale defeated Harvard at Mew Havse,
do of tha d easts.
your tiusisssa by advartljtnsj .
to The Bee-tbe
all tt Uva buyers.
t m-, " iU' A ll