ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM LEADUS HUSTLES POS SXW COJOCERCUI CU0J nniTUg, JURY SHLl HTBTIfilTlK Indictmrmli Against Sosttl OasJu r IT. A AMUWXUJ Vi lllU tu. f in Odd Fellow Lodge CmniieSl Mifffis Store in Omahs Active. Ilea Jot ietanied. Z2CC& COEB.T TO "GIVE PABTY JVZOSS ASS WORSTED ST LEAS Howry W. Uwt Au, Spemdi MI0 lUary to liulUk-AankM Wa Tdnni Hal Flea, aat DhIIii. Tk Odd Fellows" lodge of the JurU eSetlom of Maryland, held a rally last , esk, end from ail reports Dearly low Marmias TrytaUK ta Ftael Wli lataesaatiasi la Ccualma Fiaesi I . Stat I. J0f oemetei JJr "Denn. TT Omaha iMBCw member were added to the roster.' I) There were so many candidates In the sty of Baltimore that . the lodges of 'ttat dry combined In the degree work. Each lodge put on the Initiatory degree -an the first four days of the week. On Friday night six tesms finished up the , Work of the other three degrees. Omaha lodge. No. S. will put on the Initiatory degree work next Friday .. evening. Dannebrog lodge. No. S tan an en Urtalnment for lu members and their wtfes and families last Friday evening. A large crowd was In attendanoe and enjoyed the dance and supper which made up the. program. . . State lodge. No. K. will have work In the third degree tomorrow night. Harry W. Tripp, the young grandson T W. R. Tripp, ths veteran Odd Fel low, died March IT. The burial took , place at Lincoln on March 3. . Beacon lodge. No. ZK wUI have two candidates tor the lnBlatory degree next . Tuesday evening. url Undquest has - resigned as vice (rand of Wasa lodge No. 183 on account at moving to Lincoln and C. J. Elstrlon fea been elected to fill the office for the remainder of the term. i South Omaha lodge No. 14S will confer ' the Initiatory degree upon three candl v dates tomorrow night. " Canton EUer No. 1 mustered In three recruits last Thursday evening. A number Df ths member. of Canton Ezra Millard ' IS'o. 1 were visitors st this meeting. Benson vlodge No. ta will have two Candidates for the Initiatory degree to morrow night ; M. Isaacson, an old-time member of Etat lodge No. W, died last Wednesday and was burled In South Omaha Jewish cemetery Thursday, ebrog lodge No. 81 of South meha gave a social session last evening. which waa attended by a large and en thuslaatlo crowd of Odd Fellows and fnelr friends. : Secretary Talbot reports that seven new Rebekah lodges have been Instituted ,1a Nebraska since November 1 of last - arear. Bnlckley lodge No. 1M conferred the - third degree upon a class of thirty mem ' bars. February 3." Dannebrog lodg No. HI will have work In the Initiatory degree next Friday i' evening. . J, ' Dannsbroa- ledge No. Bl of South. Omaha win have three candidates tor the ' initiatory degree next Saturday night ' Hesperian encampment. .No.. I will bav work In ths Patriarchal degree next Thursday evening. . Ruth feebekah lodge No. 1 Is planning , to hold a ard party. Saturday evening, jSAprll tr. ' . " - William Petersen, who "Went to Kx , celalor Springs March 1 tor rheumatism, 1 t expected bam In a tew days. . , World of Fleasara Party, Mecca court No. II, Tribe of Ben Hur, will give Its "world of pleasure party" next Thursday evening for members and their friends. - Relict Carps Teeeeay. IT. 8. Orant Relief corps will meet Tuesday afternoon In Bajight'a hall for the regular session. . ..' . Veteraaa Aaxlllary Meete. General Henry W. Lawton auxiliary No. i, United Spanish War Veterans, held a A Reasonable Plea For the Stomach If Yoar Stomach la Imfldng In Digestive Power, Why Kst Help the Stomach IH lis WorkT Bspeoially When it Costs Bothlng to Try. Not with drugs, but with a reinforce ment of digestive agents, such as are aaturally at work In the stomach? Scien tific analysis shows that digestion re quires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric add. When your food falls to digest. It Is proof poetlve that some of these agents are lacking la your digestive apparatus. Stuart's -Dyspepsia Tables contain nothing but these natural elements nec essary to digestion and when placed at work In the weak stomach and small In testines, supply what these orgsns need. They stimulate ths gastric glands and gradually bring the digestive organs back to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical tests at boms and abroad and are found to con tain nothing but natural digestives. ' Chemical Laboratory. . Telegraphlo sd. dress "Dlfflndo," London. Telephone No. Step Central. 20 Cullum 8t, Fenchurch St, B. C. London, Mh Aug., IS. I have analysed most carefully a box f Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets (which I bought myself at a dty chemist's shop for ths purpose), manufactured by ths T. A. Stuart Co.. at ClerkenweU Road, landoa. X. C, and have to report that I cannot find any trace of vegetable or mineral poisons. Knowing the Ingredients of the tablets, I am of opinion that they are admirably adaptable for the purpose (or which they are Intended. (Signed) s . JoeVR. Brooks. F. L C T. C. 8. There Is Bo secret la the preparation of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, Their composition la commonly known among physicians, as Is shows by the recom aandatlone of 4.w) Hcensed physicians m the United States and Canada. They are the most popular of an remedies for tndigestloa. dyspepsia, water brash. In somnia, loan of appetite, melancholia, eoostlpetioa, dysentery and kindred dis orientating from Improper diasolu- Usa and asaunilatioa of foods, because they are thoroughly reliable and harmless ta man a child. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at eacs a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain at the active principle in these tab- 1 lets beiag strong enough (by test) to di gest tOM grains of steak, eggs and other foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet w!U digest woor food for you when your stomach can't Ask roar druggist for a fifty cent bos. as direct for a free trial sam ple portage and yoa will bo surprised at the result F. A. Stuart Co, 13 Stuart tOdg, Marshall. Mich. ' or mm 3 OUT CRAMER. vary tnjoyabl card party Saturday even ing. March B. at ths camp's hall In the Paxton block. The next regular meeting will be Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Havens, BU Templetoa street . ROOM FOR MAN WITH TRADE Scarcity of Him Is la Sharp Con trast wit Overaapply ' at Clerks,' Edward -W. Carpenter, manager of the National Employment exchange, has stated In a recent Interview that New York Is overrun with young men seeking clerical positions.' He Is quoted as say ing that as a consequence of this sur plus the rate of wages Is so low that soma firms pay as- little as 16 a week for clerks and seldom mors than tit. Then he adds: "The kid-glove jobs are overrun, but not enough men can be found for the trades. Tet the average trade worker Is better off In health and money than tha average clerk." Mr. Carpenter Intimates that the cause of this condition of affairs is the desire of the young American for what be calls a "kid-glove Job." Tet It a young man sought any other kind of Job he would find it difficult to obtain. . Interesting facts concerning ths closed-shop tyranny are presented in the North Ameitcan for January by Walter Gordon Merrltt A good Illustration Is found In the car penters' union. which, with LWO branches, will not admit . a person to membership , except on a majority vote of .the members, of the local union to which application la jnada, .and If he be rejected there he cannot thereafter be admitted to any union except by con seat of the union to which he first mads application and a two-third vote of the union to which he makes the second application. Something more than a fondness for kid gloves Is keeping young Americans out of tha trades New York Worm. Investigation of South Omaha affairs was resumed again Saturday by the grand Jury, and up to the present tiro the expected Indictment of J. J. Ryan, Joseph Plvonka. Frank H. Good and P. C Caldwell have not been returned. The Jury took a recess at noon to reconvene Monday morning. But three witnesses were examined Saturday murning. They were Fire Chief Salter and J. IX Ringer of South Omaha and Arthur Shields secretary of . the Omaha Fire and Police Board. Most of the morning was token by the Jury to locate the ".k" which Is supply ing the roporyrs with the happenings In tha Jury room. Members of the Jury fear that one of their fold is giving out Information to the reporters, but after some discussion, tlie matter was dropped. Chief alter ttaestioaed. Fire Chief Salter was questioned ou certain purchases of equipment for the tire department during 1911. J. D. Ringer. a South Omaha attorney, who has been supplying the grand Jury with Informa tion regarding alleged crookedness of the South Omaha Fire and Police board. was taken into the Jury room and ques tioned for a short while end in order that he would not be approached by a newspaper man when he left he was let out by another door, which has not been in use since the Jury has been In session. GET FAT 0NJ1 A WEEK Tw stadenls Mara High Llvlsa v ftettona wltfc Canard Meat lal's. Dr. Albert f. Brubaker, In a lecture on "The Nutrition of the Body," delivered in Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, gava the prescription of how to live and grow fat on tl worth of food a. week and thus get revenge upon dealers who boost the price of foodstuffs, i . Dr. Brubaker declared that his knowl edge waa based on the practical, experi ence of two men who began on the diet as students and have since kept It up. They lived on 13 for' six monlhs and both gained' In weight and Improved In health. The men he said studied the value of various foodstuffs before undertaking their experiment. Knowing that the hu man body requires about S.M) heat units a day, they selected their food accord ingly. The diet -of each was the sams. Following Is what they ate during the six months: ; Two and one-half dosen cans baked beans I IZI One and one-half dosen boxes of a patent food 1. 10 Nine cans condensed milk. .S. TO One hundred and one pounds dates... ll Ten pounds raw peanuts a Three quarts ooltoneeed oil. .fft Bread, butter and extras U.7B Dr. Brubaker said one of the students was suffering from tuberculosis whsn he began ths diet. In six months hs had gained six pounds. . .The diet was kept up tor-two years. New York World. Bee Want Ads Produce Results Industrial Rank of the States WASHINGTON, March 10. -Statistics of manufacturers for the United States snd for each state, showing ths average number of wage-earners, ths total valus of products, and the total valus sdded by manufacture In IMS. together with the rank of each stats with respect to these Items,' are contained In a statement is sued today by Director Durand of ths bureau of the census. Department of Commerce and Labor. It was prepared under the supervision oti William M. Stsuart, chief statlstlcan for manufac ture and the figures were drawn from an advance bulletin now In press. The states are arranged In lb order of rank with respect to value of product. New Tork, Pennsylvsnia, Illinois, Mas sachusetts, Ohio, Nsw Jersey and Michi gan are foremost In regard to value of products, number of wsge earners and vslu added by manufacture. Each of these ssvea ststes has the same rank In all three respects except that Illinois, which Is third In vslue of products and value added by manufacture, ranks fourth in number of wage earners, Mas sachusetts, advancing to third place. These seven states together report over three-fifths of the total value of manu factured products for the United States. Most of the other states show approxi mately the same rank In each of the three Items, but there are several states to which, because of the large proportion which the cost of materials represents of the total value of products, the rank according to value of products is materially higher than that In number of wage-earners or In value added by manu facture. This Is psrtlcularly true of states In which ths flour mill and slaugh tering Industries sre the most important. Ths most noteworthy case of this char acter is Kansas, which ranks fourteenth in value of products, but only thirty third In number of wsge earners and twenty-eighth In vslue added by manu facture, ; The greatest percentage of Increase are naturally In those stales In which the development of manufacturing Industries- Is comparatively recent In psrcsntsge of Increase in value of products, between 18W and 1MB, ths states ranging above 106 per cent. In ranking order are, Nevada, Idaho, Oklahoma, Utah, Washington, North Dakota, Texas. Oregon, North Carolina, Arlsona, West Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia, Michigan, Florida, South Carolina, Kansas, Nsw Jersey, California. Alabama, Virginia and Louisiana. In percentage of Increase In average number of wsgs-earners. between JK and lttb, the ststes ranging a hove M per cent In ranging order are Oklahoma, Idaho, Nevada, Washington. Utah. Arlsona, North Dakota, Oregon. West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, New Mexico, Kansas, Florida, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina and Nsw Jersey. Among the ten states which are most Important In manufacturing the most conspicuous advances are in Michigan. New Jersey and Ohio. The absolute In crease, as distinguished from the per centage of Increase, was greater In New Tork, the leading manufacturing state. than In any other ruae. Wag i Value Value of Added by Per Cent Producta. Maauf'turea, Increase. STATE. United State New York.- , Pennsylvsnia Illinois Massachusetts Ohio New Jersey Mlchlgsn Wturonsln ......... ...... Indiana Missouri California Connecticut vinneota ............... Kansas Maryland , tuKMle isisnd... Tessa Iowa Louisisna ......... Kentucky Washington Virginia North Carolina... Georgia ebrasks Tennessee Maine New Hampshire.. West Vlrvtnle... Alabama . Colorado : South Carollns. Oregon Mlasiwlppl Arkansas Montana ................. HorWa .....i... .... At. No. Rk. ....CU.0tf .. ...!, a ... sTT.MI ... 7S4 ... eM.ce ... 4.at4 .. ai.en ... MMM 152.9W It ZMi7l It .ns a V'.iU 14 T'i.239 M S1.63S 7,16 n Ms,t7 lO.ITJ KM.M8 17 73.&M S3. 8 nom 44W3 n ll.SK 41 a M 11 B 1 21 14 M 11 Vermont . I tah ..... Oklahoma - Delaware Arlsona -. District at Columbia... Idaho i... North Dakota............ South Deluxe.. .. Nevada .................. New M erica Wyoming .... K.471 S3.' U.itt U.IU 71.84 (441 1.7 S.SS t taw IB 4. Ml Amount exp. In thous'ds. Rk. . 1.XS.4M 1.S3U41 1.JW.Z77 1.4KI&9 L437.KK lVb'J SMU'S) KKi.30 679.07 74.111 la. 761 490.171 4 31"4 US.riSS 2W.M4 171. 84 XD.M USM 223,764 Eu.7 tl.T!H 211.94 19.01 19.217 174.(0 14.M 161.9M 14S.K1 1.M4 1U.23S K.O ana 14M 7J.K1 Tim AIM 41. 9 mm 1-367 1 1 1 4 I T t M 11 11 11 14 15 1 17 It 1 a 23 a 24 3 X Zl 2 2 m ti 22 S M K at 17' It J out 177 T. 41. 41 41 44 - 4f 4 47 Amount exp. In thous'ds. P..UH.M i.iii.lM 1,044. 1W tr74 411,734 4 4 t 11 24a, MS 244.71 2IS,7i 3U4.K3 2K1.4U U"7.7!rt 46, 1M 116, C 1J2.IS2 S4.717 sf.Ul HM 1I1.J75 warn K.m 4.794 71.921 at, 434 49072 SI m.3H 4.iiie 44ol 41, m ,i M w 4S.71 S3.4S7 s.?a v.a 14.T.7 U.M1 U4H t.M .!. .ia 4.4X7 Utt Ware Av. No Rk. IIBS-MW. 40. 4 1 82 1 JS t III 41 1 tl i SI Mi 42 4) 4.t 12. 11.1 a. 114 2S.T 1 Pl.t K.J 4 1I1 (. 304 mi 14 4 K.l M.l K.t 41 Ml MS S 42.7 It 1 2 l.t 1K.7 452 1.1 M 2t.t 9.t . at 247J St. J Value Prod uct DOT. Una. 81.1 Ml Tit si I Kl m.i 114 1 80.7 71 III 106. K. n. nil 49 4 B 1 113.1 W.I vn.t i 74.1 211.7 M2.1 li4.1 114.1 (2.7 Ml H.I US 14I.T m 4 44 111.1 154.1 1W 7 f W 1 112 2 K.t 44. 7 m Ti la . 54 t m.T Ti SC 1 MA SlJ mm. fc Ctei Up I Entire Stock of Pianos Goes on Sale Tomorrow in Our Omaha Salesrooms Beginning tomorrow, April 1st wa will place oa tala tha entire stock of Piano. Player Pianos and Organs brought from Our Council Bluffl store, which wa closed Saturday, March SOth. This stock consists of tha greatest variety of make of Piano that wa have ewer carried In aiiy of our branch honaea. We are now crowded for room, and the contractor are Insisting that we make way for them to commence improvements on ouf building. This mean that LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS MIST BK PREDOMINATING! FEATURES In order that we may dis pose of 100 Instruments during this coming week. V. will, therefor, sell every one of these Punos, Flayer Pianos and Organs KEL.OW COST. Here Arc a Few of Ure Bargains from (his Stock NO MONEY DOWN Pay Sl.OO a Week Our motto has always been to give the beat possible value for money received, but during this sale we ofler ths above terms In order to move . them out quickly, why not take advantage of this most remarkable opportunity? You have ths . chance of securing s high .grade Piano,, Player Piano or Organ at s pries which will convince you Hhat no other Piano house in the United Bute can duplicate. Are yon willing to Invest $75.00 for s .food Upright Piano, one fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded? These Pianos Must Go D Sp&gJQGO! mmm Ss addition ta ths aova ts strumas ts w have aaaae a marked re d actios la price of she (oltswiag wall knows Siaao and Flayer Flaaoei srdmaa, Weher, Stecer a Soaa, Baursoa, KePhsil ana ear own sweet toned ScbmoUer Si Mueller. Als ths Wsses, Whseloek, Stack, stay, vesant, Teohaola and ear res SeasaoUsr S) IfnaUsr Flayer tnaaoa. mmm MM R $300 Pesss Co.. Practice Piano. .... $1530 $250 Apollo, Piano Player $40. OO $350 UghU Co.. Practice Piano $25 .00 $300 Pianola, Piano Player SG.'kOO $300 Kimball Piano . $70.00 $250 Arion Piano $75.00 $175 J. C. Fischer Pisno .- S'JO.OO $260 Erbe PUno 935.00 $300 Ivors Pond Piano 87x25.00 $400 dickering 4 Bon PUno $125.00 $460 Tose Bon Pisno fi'l 40.00 $275. Smith Barnes Piano. ........ ..'120.00 $400 Steger Bon Piano. $185.00 $600 A! B. Chase Pisno . t$320.O0 $550 88-Note Player Piano $290.00 $450 Knabe Piano ' 4175J00 Ya yi v. W M Xt yoa a aaahl te sail ta terooa, aisa rof na a wow s4 we will have a speelal rsprasaataUvs aatt oa row. Ordar ssatt will rseelv prompt attsation. Baateaiser the terms i MO KOIm BOWsT, An FATvaa-Ts of slso a was. ' sxcLusm sspsnawTATms roa m SCATOXUSS BTBXJTWAT tUIM Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Kuittfsvetrr, flmliri, s-tlwIUrt- 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha Tel. Beag. 1SSS , Xaa. A-iags. 1L BRIEF CITY NEWS Xav Boot Mat tV . West serf, OomHlaslomer, Ad v. . Jsff w. Bedford tor eomml ssl oner idv. Alfred Soreasoa for elty oornmlsslone. -AdT. Blsetri WasUasr MwihlsaSi Borsess Oranden Company. F. S. Taeksv, republican candidate for senate. Bell phone "Florence lei. "-Adv. Vote for Ooodley F. Brueker for Cera SAlsstoner nnder the Commissi new Form of Government Adv. Boy A. Balph, Frlatar, lis 8. IS. D. !. Wants a Cook Steve The Aasocuvtel Charities wants a oook stov. Btvoroe is Asked Oa Hetherlngtra ha filed a petition In lb district court T for s divorce from Harry B. Hetharlnstoa. Biets Olak Smoksr Ths Diets club will give a tas (upper and smoker at the elub room nest Friday evening. Thar will bevnasle and a talkfest. Mem bers and their friend are cordially In vited to attend. All BUs are Beteetea All th bid en a new skylight In the postofflc building have bass rejected. Th bid ranged from AN, t Kaos, and th officials think they wars too high. New bids will se received next Friday at I o'clock. Altos Stalled Bore Th Rock Island has a train of fifty-two ear of automo bile la It yard that will so through to California a goon as th water subside so that freight can be sent ever th read. Thsr are an even SB machines In ths shipment. If yon hats anyone to exchange, ad. tertls H In Th Bee Want Ad columns. TWO DRAW INDETERMINATE SENTENCES IN THE PEN Jess 0. Capela wa given an tndeter mtnsts sentence, of from ana to. twenty years la lb stats penitentiary la th dis trict court on a' charge of forgery. Cappl forged several checks for small amount on John Whelsn. John' Brown was also given a Ilk sentense oa the am charge. Brown Is a wsll-known forger. Chrlstlaa Seieara Laetarea. Bleknell Young, C B. B. of London, England, member of tha Board of Lec tureship of th Mother Church, tha First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston. Mass., will lecture on Chrlstlso Science at th Church edifice en St. Slary'a ave nue and Twenty-fourth street, April 1 and I at I p. m. Thee lecture are free and th publlo I cordially Invited. VIADUCT MANftAMUS ' HEARING ON MONDAY Th proceeding! i by the city to man damus th rallros da to build th Nichols street vlsdact Will be up In th district court Monday. ' t'luaaara at Time, . Xffeetlva Stmdsy March B. Train No. I. leaving Webster street station, via Chicago, HL Paul,. Minneapolis A Omaha railway at I IS p. m.. and No. t, arriving from Kmeroon at S:B p. m. are discon tinued. Train Mo,' I will Iskve for Sioux City at l:W p. m. Instead of l:gTp. so. Batistas Permits. .' O. A. Lukes, 4304 Fowler, frame dwalK Ins. .4); Frank Vlck, MB Morth Blgh tsenth stntst, frara dwelling, SUOO: Wal ter Vandamresk. tt MerVidlth. tram dwelHng, SMtt: J, F. 8turgea". aM rsnu. RSOO. I A A CONVALESCENT recovering uuiii uic a ta v a.fe& jm. uiaaaki needs a stimulant to If) Mr whip up lagging appetite and tone up the unstrung system. DufiVs "Pure Malt Whiskey used in moder ate. x amounts rapidly help the convalescent's run-down system to help itself. , lilanaei is the ideal stimulant because, it is made from the best malted grain under the best conditions and free from harmful adulterants. , v Of course it should only be used in moderate amounts. At druggists, grocers and liquor dealers, or direct, $1.00 large bottle. ill The Duff? Mart Whiskey Co. Rochester, N. Y. I- tsiHIsess