Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 44

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tory of the Bay Joe Gju Met
- - Addie Wolrut '
Cle-ver Maaavger Pat Om Over ea
Kla Blvml la tbe Matter of
' Maklaug Wright at tbe
"' Masslde.
r w. saichto.
SAN FRAXCWCO. March Here l
a atory that takes us back to tha days
whsa Goldfleld mula Hi en bit splash
la tha pugilistic pool, snd a fairly cood
story It la.
It has to do with Battling Nelsoa and
Joa Gana Kelson principelly-and for
fear anyone should pronovnee It a pleas
ant placa of fiction. 1 assies ta atata
that I had It from Blllr Nolan, who la
tha year referred to ass the manager
of tba Durable Dane.
Such newspaper meo as were In th Ne
vada mining camp In tha days preced'ng
tha Gaoe-Neioa fight will remember the
turmoil which arose when Nolan Insisted
oa Gana wughlng In In ring clothing.
Nolan did not Intend to spring this do
Band aatll tha day of the contest, lie
took for his basis of argument old prise
rates, which mads It Imperative for a
maa ta step on the scalrs In battle array,
and he figured aa doubt that when Oans.
who all alone had supposed he was going
ta vetch la nude, waa confronted with
aa eleventh hour Insistence that be weigh
ta his fighting equipment, he would hare
ta resort to drastic measures that would
send him Iota the ring as weak as a sick
Anyhow, someone from Nelson's camp
talked too much and news of what Nolan
had up his sleeve 'got around several
.days sooner than tha shrewd manager
Intended. Dane was one of the first to
hear It, and he sent word to Tes Rlckard.
' "They asy they're going to make me
welch with my fighting things on and
I can't show 131 pounds that wsy," com
plained Oans. "It will take me. all my
time to make the weight the other way.
If Nolaa Is ta dictate. I will have to al
low at least a couple of pounds for fight
ing trunks and shoes and this meana I
.will have to pull myself down ta IB
pounds. Mr, Rlckard. I can't do It."
, Tex spoke to Nolaa and Nolan waa de
termined. i
"".here Is the precedent for anything
like thatr asked Rlckard.
. The rules, sir, tha rules,'' whispered
smiling Nolaa. "That's the wsy they
weigh for all championship fights. FMs
al rontons did It for Dempesy at New Or
leans, Everybody has to do It"
, Rlckard called a meeting of the aub
srrlbers ta the Oaaa-Nslso purse for
that alght and Oaaa and Nolaa were
trwr by appointment. A rumor of what
was la the wind got around, and there
was a crowd outside the Red Dog, or
whatever the sum of the saloon where
the pow-wow waa held. There were mur
tertneu af discontent, too. The Nevada
port" had beard that a hitch la the null,
Ing'off of the fight waa Imminent through
Nolan's stubbornness, and grim sugges
tions were made aa to tha kind of treat
ment that aught ta be meted out to
Tax Rlckard came out to the eldtwali
from tha conference room to let Ui osot
night wind play ape kla fevered brew.
The eanressk aa bis face shewed that
no progress had been made towards
satisfactory solution of the difficulty.
"How ts It gotnc Tear asked someon
aa the crowd surged around the Ootdfteld
"Nolaa wea't gtva away aa ounce,- sal 4
. "Weil, you know us. Tax," growled one
unshaven husky. "Tou've only got ts
aay tha word, and we'll get a rope."
Then Tax exploded.
"What have you get ta, do with Itr
ke aaked with a aaarl, while a fighting
glint came Into lua ayes. "We caa maa
age our business ana we a get along a
lot better perhaps If you fellows just
chased yourselves away from here and
attended to yours."
Then ha went back Into the room and
slammed tha deer behind him. ,
Nolaa won out and the meeting dis
persed, the news being given out that
Oans would have to do IS In fighting
rig, area If It secerns necessary for him
o save a see; or aa arm amputates. And
the worst of It waa that the articles
called for thrse weighings at Intervals
oa the day of the tight, -
This wss also Nolan's stipulation. Hs
held that. If each maa showed one or
twice beforehand ha could make the
weight, there would be Bo disappointment
wbea the crowd gathered around the
Mag. '. .
oana set to work to devise a ring
costume that would be at gossamer light
neea. Mis trunks were of sums form of
cobwebby allk and weighed barely a half
pound. ' It waa aaid that h fashioned
pair of ring shoes from brows paper
and stack them together with glue. Uay
be that waa aa exaggeration.
Here's' where tha real atory begins. It
seems that Nolaa had almost aa equally
bard time of It with Oans In making
tha weight. . The battler bad to dry out
aa he never dried before, and the thirst.
which he dared not assuage, was prooV
Igleoa. Nolan s consolation to him waa,
"WaU, you may be a bit feverish, but
Oans will be twenty times worse."
The prospect didn't appease' Nelson al
together. Through abstinence from cool'
I tag fluids, kla tongue became as dry as
a parrot's. If ha doaed eft ea the eve
of tba fight, be dreamed of cascades of
tcewater. Just aa men do who are dying
ef thirst oa the desert.
Be was aU right for the first weighing
est day, and as waa Gana. The second
time at the scale, toe, went off with
out a bitch.
But wbea Nelsoa returned to camp to
await final watching be tell from grace.
Temptation placed la his way a cup full
of apple sauce, a thine of which the
ZMrrabls one was Inordinately fond. He
threw dlacrvUaa to tha winds. As the
coding stuff slid acnes lua parched
palate ha forget Nolan. Gana and every'
oae sins. He waa desperate and he took
"And If there's anything la the world
that wtll put oa weight la a hurry H
apple sauce." remarked Nolan wbea tell
ing tha story.
Then came the ringside Welch inc. and
naturally enough Gana waa the one who
waa watched. Suspicion was d
towards him, tor bo waa supposed to be
tha one who bad tha bard time getting
"Nelsoa trrst," said the maa at the
machine, and Nelson stepped on. The
lever clicked and Nolaa Dulled the Dane
away ajsiekry.
"Here, came back here. We did not
see that." wired some one ef the Oans
bunch, but Nelsoa bad weighed In. as
the master of the scales ruled. The
eaaaoes are that no one outside of Nolan
knew whether the bar trembled or leaped.
Then Oans stood oa tba platform while
fcverybedy crowded and craned and cheer went up wbea Joe paaaei
NEW YORK, March Si-Base bell fans
will get a fine opportunity this year to
decide the question of, what preliminary
train! rue is beat calculated tp develop a
successful manager. Argument on the
subject haa been worn threadbare and
nearly every enthusiast still pontes the
same kira thst he had at the begiontnc
Hs believes that a catcher baa the best
chance for asslmllstlng bass ball knowl
edge, or that a first baseman, aa tn
ttelder. outfielder or pitcher la best fav
ored by opportunity.
Old ball players will tell you that It
Is the maa rather than the training upon
which the development of a manager de
pends. They will say that Connie Mark
would have made a great manager If he
had played the Infield Instead of catch
ing In his younger days and that Mc
Uraw would be Just as great If he had
teen a backstop in-itead of sn Inflelder,
end so oa through! the whole hat of suc
cessful headers. Hut nevertheless, the
ran have their opinions and they like to
take a fling at argument every once In
while. They moat assuredly will have
chanoa this year.
The WIS fans will watch the vicissitudes
of seven teams under nesj leaders. Toe
capacities in which these men worked In
ITU and their new charges sre:
Manaser Clark Ortfflih, Washington
Field captain Harry Dsns, iieveiano
I mptre Hank trwr, nncinnsu ns-
rlrst Kaseman Jaae Btsni, nostou
Third Baseman Harry tvoivenun, new
York Americana.
Outfielder-Jimmy isiianan. . nw
Americana "
t'etoher Johnny Iviing. Boston na
tionals. ..
OI these l iars uninin nas nan i
moat extsnslve experience as a manager,
although Stahl and Calllahan also has
had big leaxae managerial experiences.
In his best yesr aa a pitcher, when he
had a winning per centals of .714 Grif
fith piloted the Chicago White Box Into
the American league championship of
UWl. Hs wss st the helm ot the Whits
box also the following year, and In ISM
took charge of the New York Yankees,
remaining In the managerial berth until
ttut, when he went to Cincinnati to lead
the Redtof the National league. During
his tenure ot office at Cincinnati he was
unable to make the team In any year
more than a contender, but hs haa been
said to have been beset by hard luck
throughout his career la tha Ohio city.
Ills departure from Cincinnati was ant
because nf any displeasure with his
work on the pert of the ownership of the
leant, however, but because of a more
lucrative offer by the Washington man
Griffith has earned for himself during
his career the sobriquet ot "the old
fox." and he Is generally conceded to be
about aa well posted on sll around base
ball affaire as any man In the country.
HIS material at Washington is not of
ths best sxcept In a few spots, but It Is
believed he may make his team a genuine
contender for the lower end ot the first
division. t
Jimmy Callahan's baas ball lit his
an Interesting one sad he takes
held Bt the White Box under Interesting
conditions. Hs succeeded Griffith ta the
management of the Chicago American
league team In MM, but quit In disgust
1PM when fielder Jones wsa raised
over him and given the leader's Job.
Callahaa then experimented In outlaw
bass ball, organising the Logan Squares
la Chicago and making what la said to
a small fortune by bis Independent
When a little over a year ago he an
nounced that he wanted to "be good"
again and return to the fold ot organised
ball with the Whits Sox, very tew
believed that he bad any chance for ret re
statement. Yet that la what occurred
and Jeems played great ball all last
year la the outfield. Hugh Duffy's mi
aging of the team did not suit Owner
the ordeal safely and tha tact waa an
nounced. Aad Battling Nelson was ths one who
was over weight
"Was be much over!" Nolaa asked.
Tm, sot much."
Aa a matter ot tact Nolaa did not
Many Seats Sold Far
m Adance-for the
Big Olympic Games
NEW YORK, March .-Although ths
svsnts In ths Olympic games la ths
stadium at Stockholm, Sweden, are more
than three months away, 8,0W seats have
already been disposed of and the com
mittee In charge bss decided to build
another stand, capable ot holding M.0W
people, and even with tVla 4t Is mors
than likely that ths late comers will be
unahle to secure seats for the contests.
Following the example ot the American
team the Russian committee Is making
arrangements to charter a steamship for
Its athletes.
The American committee announced
the final plans for accommodations oa
the Finland. The steamship will leave
New York on June 14, aad will proceed
direct to Antwerp. Two days will be
given for visiting points of Interest la
Belgium and on June the party will
leave Antwerp, arriving at Stockholm oa
June 9. the day the rifle, revolver, trap-
s'dootlnc and laws tennis contests begin.
This will giva ths athletes a week before
the track and - Held games begin
la Stockholm the Finland win be an
chored to the Inner harbor, at tba oast
era epd ot the etaasgardea, opposite
Tegelvlken, and passengers win retain
their rooms and have their meals oa
board. Access to the shore will be bJ
sotsis jauoca sr pontoon onagSb in
addition to transportation oa tbe Finland,
with rooms and meals during the ath
letic events ta Stockholm, each paaseager
wlll be furniahud with a Drat -class re
turn ticket good ea the steamahlns ot the
iBtemationai Mercantile company's
noes, until August Ml Included to tbe
price ot the trip will be reserved seats
la ths stadium for all athletio events
fr V July to IS.
' sealer Issavew CkalleaaTe.
- Owea Daley ot Beakelmaa. Neb, chal
lenges any wrestler In the world at let
pounds for a side bet ot tm This bars
bo one at that weight writes Daley, aad
ke will post the lies aa a forfeit with
any reputable person.
I ear Reports.
The disquieting news cornea from Pitts'!
burgh that Marty O'Toote a arm ta really
tmd snd Billy Kelly's finger has not yet
healed. Barney Dreyfuss might aa well
kiss that coed-bye.
New Managers Expefted to Establish
v. J--" " WT '
- I ) i
I :
New managers In the National league,
whose, work will be closely watched by
the fans this year. Hank O'Day, leader
of the Cincinnati Reds, is shown st ths
right. Hs Is ths first umpire In the his
tory of ths game to become a big league
Comlskey and Callahan announced him
self aa a candidate for tha Job, along
with Third Baseman Harry Lord. Cal
lahaa waa awarded ths position and he
now has his second chance to make good
as a big league manager.
Jaks sHahl, who will guard the destinies
of the Boston Americans during the 1911
pennant fight had his managerial ex
perience at Washington In lm and IMC
Stahl, whose real first name la Garland,
succeeded Tom Loft us In the leadership
of ths Senators. Loft us had been a dis
appointment during the three preceding
years, and It wss hoped that Utah! would
prove the Moses 'who would lead the
capital city team out ot the second di
vision wilderness, Stahl tried Valiantly
and met with some measure ot success,
but he was unable to satisfy tha man
agement and Jos Cantlllon superseded
him. The failure ot Cantlllon and Mo
Aleer, who followed him, are now his
tory. It seems that Washington has
been doomed to cellar or near-cellar hon
ors from the beginning ot time, and
) :
Putt Many to Sleep by Jndioiom Uie
ot Hit Bight Hand.
la Mailt Like a Battleship
Use Mas Greatly ' laereeuse
Slaea He Fat Ceffey Oat ' .,
ot the Way. .
NEW YORK. , March , SO. -la r Soldier
Keens, who knocked , out ; Jlia Coffey
la lees than a round In thla'Clty recently,
another t John -U Sullivan? i For six
months K earns has been attracting ' at
tention at the . smaller boxing clubs by
stopping almost '. every 4 antagonist aa
easily as he settled. Coffey.; Tbe right
band punch, .which. has-woa more than
a dosea battles' for, Keeme, la a dupli
cate ot the great Wallop that made Sul
livan famous as the conqueror of Paddy
Ryan, Jake Kllraia and other . fighters
mors than tweaty years ago. Kearns
haa a good left hand which haa power
and spaed behind It but the right Is
pippin, la tbe language of ring followers.
Kearns Is a young giant la physique.
He stands i feet Inches tall and
weighs M pounds la fighting trim. He
la built Uke a battleship. In fact, fee Is
a ringer for Sullivan when John.
known aa the Boston Strong Boy.. Kearns
spent three years la the . regular army,
aad It waa la tha barracks that he first
took up boxing. He whipped all com
ers, and wbea his enlistment . ended he
decided to go into pugilism. Having no
reputation aa a fighter and practically
oa funds. Kearns bad to beaia at tba
bottom and Uterally fight ' his way to
a place la tba limelight- -M be toppled
000 man after another at obscure dubs
gradually attracted attention. Sev
eral enterprising managers after looking
him over made - overtures, but they
learned that Kearns waa under contract
to a maa who bad gone out ot his way
to secure matches for him.
The terrific punching that put Coffey
away, therefore, has served to Increase
tbe prestige ot Kearns,' who Is saxioas
to meet any of the white hopes. So
far aona ot bis opponents baa been abte
to tost bis gamaensa. out he doesn't
look Hke a maa with -a faint heart Oa
tbe contrary. K earns ksa the courage of
Tata Sharker and the aggreeat veaeea' of
Sullivan, wtth tbe physical strength ef
Sandow. Ha may sot possess the Boxing
skin of a champion, but there seems to
1 be no room tor doubt that he Is a natural
bora fighter. Kearns wbea pitted against
raiser. Morris or Jim Flyna may prove
a counterfeit but Just bow there are
many competent Jt-dgea ot boxing who
believe that he has a brilliant future.
, I VJT team.
manager, Ths other two photographs
are of Johnny Kllng, generally accredited
ths greatest "Inside" catcher In ths game,
who la getting his first managerial
chance In the leadership of the Boston
Stahl did no worse than his predeces
sors, so It Is not fair to figure on the
basts of his experience there that he will
fall to make good In Boston. Stsbl has
always been a good first baseman, and
although he Is now rapidly nearing ths
"hss-been" age, he la believed to have
some good base ball still left la him,
Harry Davis will take charge ot the
Cleveland Americans fresh from his les
sons under Connie Meek, than whom no
greater bass ball leader ever lived. Davis,
during his service as field captain of
tbe Athletics, proved himself a capable
lieutenant to the elongated McUllllcuddy.
He undoubtedly will Inaugurate Connie
Mack methods at Cleveland In place at
tha Stovail methods used with such suc
cess last year. Whether he caa do more
with the Naps than did Armour, Lajols,
MoUuire and Stovail before him. la a
question. Stovail Is generally credited
with having dona marvels with the team
attar McGulre'a disgusted) resignation
last season, and he thereby became tbe
I man of the hour In Cleveland. Davie wlllf(
Hunters Declare ; ,
Against the Spring
Shooting of Ducks
Several Omaha nlmrods and lovers of
hunting have begun to take sn Interest
In the wild fowl and are In favor ot put
ting a stop to spring shooting.: "A federal
law prohibiting all spring ahootlnc seems
to ' be 'the only means to ' prevent ; the
eventual .extermination v of migratory
web-footed water fowl." 'said one' man.
At present forty states' favor federal
protection for . these . birds and several
states have put a stop to spring shoot
ing without walling for the' government
to act la some ot the eastern states
ducks ' and - geese that have . weathered
ths dancers of fall shooting on their
way south, and also elnded the gunners
throughout the cold- weather months
while sojourning In the southern states,
are. Sato from guns sa they -wing their
wsy north In March and April, whereas
In other suites, such-as Nebraska and
Iowa more ducks are killed In the spring
flight northward thsn during sll other
months-In ths year. .
Shooting' Is permitted as late as -April
t in -Nebraska, and In' Delaware
late as April U. Ducks are well. along
la their housekeeplnc pre pa rations by
that time, and every duck killed means
ths cutting oft ot next fall's supply, to
the extent of about 'six birds, to place
It at a very low average, and this, toe,
at a time wbea the promised Increase
Is practically In sight. It Is because the
ducks are engrossed by their mating In
terests that they are such easy marks
for the unscrupulous or unthinking gun
ners wbo kill them In March and April.
Very few ducks aad reeee have beea
killed this spring by the Nebraska hunter
on account ot the poor weather and the
rising lakes and rivers which - have
flooded their banks to such aa "extent
that It ta almost Impossible to get within
ranee ot the wild bird.- - .
- .'
Uvick Has Trouble
Fixing Up Matches
'A. letter received from Cart Maxflsi,
manager for Billy Cvtck, the Nebraska
Thunderbolt, by the sporting : editor of
The Bee says I'vtck has gone Into train
ing for any match which might come sp.
At present ITvtck has not beea able to
get a fight with any ot tbe Pacific coast
pug a Hs ts bow at Han Francisco. Aa
attempt waa made to match lvck with
Sailor Petreekey. wbo waa decisively de
feated by Uvick about three years ac
la three rounds, but the sailor refused
to asset the Nebraska boy.
31, 1912.
a Rule
have to prove a howling success at Cleve
land, or there wtll be a . great clamor
for the return of Stovail, who waa dis
posed of to the St. Louis Browns.
Harry Wolverton has his work cut out
for him with the New York Yankees.
Ha has an aggregation ot stellar ball
tossers, but so did Griffith. Elberfeld.
Stalllngs gnd Chase In previous years,
and never has New York had an Ameri
can league pennant Wolverton knows
the game from the Inside out and last
year received valuable experience aa a
minor league manager In the far west
la his days as a player he was a star!
or the nrst wstcr. in inn, when with
ths Philadelphia Nationals, be led all
third basemen with a percentage ot .Ml.
His players have a wholesome respect
for blm as well as a great personal lik
ing, and he may succeed where others
Johnny Kllng carries with him the repu
tation of being the greatest "inside"
player ot any catcher that has been In
the game In recent years. His work with
the Chicago fnbs during the years he
wsa there held an Important part In the
winning of pennants by Prank Chance's
Many consider him the greatest
catcher that ever lived. His release to
Boston last year after Just having been
reinstated to good standing, following
his holding out for several years, came
as a surprise to everyone. Kllng soon
demonstrated In Boston that hs Is almost
If not quits the same marvelous artist
as of yore, and his great work toward
the close of the season has been recog
nised In his promotion to ths manager
ship, succeeding Fred Tenney. Kllng has
a few stars and many poor players In
ths roster of his club. In event that be
can mold a winning combination and give
Boston a respectable position In the Na
tional league race this year, all the credit
must be given to Kllng.
Hank O'Day, one of the most quslnt
characters that ever paraded on a dia
mond, la ths first umpire In the history
ot tha gams to become a manager, and
his work with the Cincinnati Nationals
will accordingly be watched by fans
throughout the country with keenest
Interest. O'Day aa aa umpire belongs to
the old Inflexible school. When be made
a decision, that decision wsa mads and
be would neither change It nor permit
any argument This strength ot will may
manifest Itself In any one of half a dosen
different plays la his new capacity. His
success or failure In the Job last occupied
by Clark Griffith will likelydecide the
prospects of other "men ot the blue shirt
and Indicator" to acquire managerial Jobs.
Law it Up Tomorrow, When the
Ixuk Wnltont Hy Solly Forth. .
Leact severe Winter Fellewlac tha
Lack of Balsa Last Year Haa
r la red Havee with Many
, , . reads.
Tbe fishing season la Nebraska opens
tonight at ' midnight and Immediately
after the stroke of 13 on the first day
of April it will be lawrul for tha dis
ciples of Ixaak Walton to cast then
hooks and lines Into tha depths and pull
nn "bis ones."
Of course, there will sot be a great
abundance of fishing dona tomorrow or
the next day or for many days to come
unless pickaxes aad drills, augers and
other utensils sre taken along to pry
so the Ice. But then It Is understood
that there are anglers la this state wbo
woonld Just as soon ply up the entire
Missouri river ta get a chance to pull
In a good stsed eat fish, pickerel, pike or
bass. I . .
Billy Townsend. who knows all about
the fishing business In Omahs, says ths
anglers are not-going to-fake advantage
of the 'arty season this year and he baa
not had a call for artificial bait lines.
reels or hooks thus far this season and
be ssys ths anglers bars not, yet awak
ened to the fact that it la fishing season
' According to Fish r Commissioner
O'Briea many fish have beea froaea to
death by tbe severe winter.
1 e . .
know what you want for Spring. I wish to bespeak lor my
self your kind commendation and the continuence of .your
Action of Athletic Board Stin All
- the Stndcntt to Action.
H Basher af Games Already teheeV
ere Starts Darlac that
LINCOLN. Neb., March 9.- Special.)
A University of Nebraska base ball team
became a reality Saturday afternoon,
when All Year Coach Ewald Stiehm
called a meeting of tha base ball men for
a preliminary survey ot the material and
for arranging practice hours.
The action of tbe athletic board this
week In approving the report of the Mis
souri valley eligibility committee rein
stated base ball, at Nebraska after the
athletic board of the Cornhusker Insti
tution had voluntarily excluded It from
the list ot collegiate aport because of the
summer base bail rule. The meeting
Saturday afternoon was attended by
twenty candidates for positions oa the
varsity squad. '
' Immediately upon the acceptance of the
report Manager Eager ordered suits and
equipment for the ball players. The mat
ter of scheduling games for tha season
was also left to Eager entirely.
Most Gaaaea Away from Home.
The games will for the large part be
away from borne. The first games will
be played with the Lincoln Western
league team, a series of two games Im
mediately upon the return of the Ante
lopes from Sycamore springs.
Ths Kansas Aggies have WTBjten for
gaeaex and so have Ames and Kansas.
Colorado wants to meet tbe Cornhuskers
on the diamond and it m quite probable
that a game or two will be played with
Wisconsin when the Badger nine makes
Its southern trip. The rest ot the sched
ule Is pretty much in doubt owing to the
disorganised stste of baseball Jn the Mis
souri valley conference owing to the
summer base ball rule.
Point Not Settled." j .
Tha msnner ot reinstating players who
have participated In.ytown" base ball
is quits a problem gnd there Is conslder
sbls question as to the proper method ot
proceedings under ths new rules. , Some
believe thst sll of the varsity players.
Including the freshmen will be eligible
for the team, while others hold thst the
three years playing rule will effect base
ball the same as other sports. - 1
Practice will start during the coming
week and training table rules estsb
llshed. The material Is usually plentiful
although ot an unknown quality. Ths
freshmen class of two years ago, which
waa regarded as the best base ball team
seen at the institution In seversl years,
haa been badly broken into by members
leaving school, but some ot tha men are
still at Nebraska and with a small nueknie
ot veterans, Stiehm hopes to encounter
but little difficulty Is getting together a
good team.
foot wall till la the Air.
The foot ball schedule for next mil Is
still In the air, according to Manager
Stiehm and nothing definite haa been
closed with the exception of three games
-those with Kansas. Missouri sad Min
nesota. Stiehm said It would be weeks
before the final schedule would be pre
Jack Holland Is on the market for a
bull dog as a mascot for ths Joates
this summer, and has offered a season
ticket In exchange for an accepts bis
canine. Up to data Jack baa received
in his office every stray doc In t
Joseph, but none have been able to
stand ths flea test and corns up ta ths
beauty requirements. Jack first tests
them for fleas and than for beauty. Hs
pours a can of gasoline over every canine
and then touches a match to It it no
fleas come out on the doc's nose It has
successfully passed ths flea test, but by
the time the gasolene has burned oft
the cur It cannot enter tha beauty tost
Jack hi advertising for more dogs.
- Cobb a Catcher.
Say, what la Ty Cobb, a pitcher or a
shortstop?"' asked a southern traveling
man of Hugh Jennings at tbe Tigers
camp. "Neither, returned rtugrue, ne s
a catcher." "Oh. that's right" said the
traveling man. "I remember seeing him
catch In New Orleans last year."
Base ball supplies
the world s standard ;
The Headquarter 316 South ISth Street
101'J Catalogue Frew For The Asking. L
Adrai.ce Announcement
, of the Opening of
Men, I have had charge of the
sales department of Vollmer 's for
the past five years, so naturally I
Indication." low. Are Jut "Aflaii
Will Be Hummer.
HAS BACXCra cum-iak
Athletie eeurda a atotw Ioa as
Nebraska Have Cadeswed tbe l a-
ertakls awaetBaf
Device Shawm. i ,
Intense Interest a) being taken ail ove-V-t
Nebraska and Iowa ta the IBOsnr tra W
meet which will be polled off at tiieT
Auditorium oa April a. Over tastltu-
ttons In tbe two states have been written
to and one ot the largest Indoor, meets
ever held In the city ot Omaha Is looked -for.
' i ' X
The meet has been Indorsed by the
athletic authorities at the atata univer
sities of both Iowa and Nebraska, and -a
large representation from Iowa university
Is expected. The feature - event 'of the
wt ta to be a relay race of ass, two
four miles. The athletic coach at Ames
is to name the length ot the race, which
wtll be acceptable to tha other entrants.
Dr. Clapp and Coach Jumbo Stetbm ot
tbe University ot Nebraska are, much
mere In favor of an event ot this kind
in Omaha than la Kansas City, which
will In fact be of much more interest to
them than the Kansas City Athletic
club. -
Mr. Kilns, ths athletic,' director of Wes- "
leyan university, states that he has only
one "W" man left on bis track, team.
but he -says hs has a most promising
group of youngsters to develop and thinks
will cop the Missouri Valley 'conference
championship. Hat croup af youngsters
are all Interested tn the coming meet
and work will begin at once' to get them
rounded Into shsps for the big event
MoralBgrslda Ossein.
A strong Buuca ot atatates are being
looked for from Morningslde college, Tbe
hloux City bunch claim they will be here
with bells oa. and ready u: battle for
every .event from the shot pat tu the
relay race. Heretofore Morningslde has
aiwaya bad a good bunch ot track stars
ahd there Is every reason to believe toet -
just as gooo a vuuvu wm ve . sens v A
vmaha this year as ever before. U warn -A
strom, the speedy little mlddte-dlatancl
man, who has always proved the bright,
and shining light lor Morningslde, will
not be wttn lbs bunch this year as be has
gone east to college and la attempting to
get In snaps to enter th trjr-eula for ths
oiympio team. .
A leature ot the evening's entertain
ment this yesr which will be of greet
interest to tne spectators. It a aew system
ot announcing the winners of tbe various
events. ror ths first time la tbe hlstoiy
of athletics the results ot the evsnta will
be shown oa a big screen by the asa of
a retiectroscoiie, giving the audience sut-
program ahd thus assuring that every
one will be kept posted as to the progress
of. the meet. This will be accomplished
by erecting a large revolving booth in
ths center ot the hall with the machine
and operator on the Inside.
Frank label! cot awfully tired waiting
around Dos Moines for the weather to
clear up sufficiently' to allow Mm ant
his bunch to get to work tralnlnc for tip
1811 season, and oa the spur ot ths mo
ment packed his gripe and with his
youngsters left tor Oeuda Springs., where
he met about the same kind ot weather.
They are working auk with the Wichita
gang at Oeuda and tba Hopefuls will re
main there until Tom. lalrweather scads
word that the weather at Des Moines Is
tit to work out Its. ; ;.r . :
Plenty at Mlkee. -The
Mobile club hsa a full band of
Mikes on its staff this season. There is
Mike Finn, msnager; Mlks O'Rourkc,
press scent; Mike Desmond, special offi
cer; Mike McDermott ticket agent and
Mlks Feeney, bat boy. That bunch ought
to be a mascot for any team. ,
Ipahs la Better.
Catcher Larry Spahr at tba Denver
Bears, wbo was diss Died with Brood poi
soning at bis home la Pittsburgh a few
weeks ago. is getting better sow, and bss
written to Manager Hendricks asking that
he be allowed to catch tba openlnc gsme.
Meet Mort
Saturday, April 6,
at the old Vollmer
107 SoutH 16th St
-v ' - -J V
' fsa tm to Tertmer.) ,
tea w to TsTtmsr.l II
' f
v-..- i a
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