Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 43

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V! Never Mind Mutt and Jeff -Today.' Think of
T i J . ,1 " -
.THf. To CKtt 6 tXSN . TIM , AUIWt C eyf " r T 00 ' " "
H I , S t . , 7 MTti -t I ' 7 V lO TvtrST WTCrt (
J eoToR wamt I I .eW r - c L I " W-i V M-i- vV J
THE National Commission's ruling
In ths Deal ease, defining ths
v p'jyv'i rights aa a fro agent.
' aught is ba ballad with treat
satisfaction by all ball player.
'Th Sporting Nawa. we think, la right In
predicting that when eftectiva thla nil
will become a veritsbl Magna Chlrte
to th men t the diamond. Charles A.
Deal atgned a contract to play with the
Philadelphia National league club and
Reported tor spring training, ay per
agrstnsnt.. He was told hia servioa
war not d eel red by that club and that
he had been mold to LancaMar la the in
state league. There ha reamed that
Lancaster propoaed to par him only Se
per cost of what ha waa to get In Phila
delphia. Ba revolted and aaked that If
V Philadelphia found It Impracticable to
illva up to Ita financial contract, then be
Jshould. In all fairness, ba mado a free
,agent and permitted to go where ba
plotted and do the boat ha could. But
Philadelphia, and Lancaster did not aea
It thla way. ao Deal appealed hie oaa
to, the National Commiaaton and tha
commlealon ruled In hia favor, promulgat
ing thla rule to cover all almilar eaaea:
Rule St A free agent, who contracts
with a national agreement club, and la
releaaed by It without a trial, or who.
after entering Ita service, la tranaf erred
without hia coneent to another club dur
ing tha life of that contract, ahall be
dared a free agent If the club to which
he la releaaed doea not aaaume the eatery
hie original contract calls tor to the cloee
of It term.
Jt la Mgn time thla arbitrary power
waa taken away tram tha club owner,
for It ha a been shsmefully abuaed by
eome of them, moat of them. In fart
Baae ball cannot endure upon the baali
of one-aided agreement that Uvea alt
the advantage to the magnate. To avert
ware and revolt. It la neceaaary that
player ba given their right In such In
stance. A tree agent ought ' to be a
tree agent and the commission might
have given him the broader right of
accepting a transfer or not aa he
, fit. for otherwise Hia free agency Is much
circumscribed. Ws knew of ao case of
notable abuse of privilege by a player
that waa a free agent Jack Pfelater
once enjoyed that distinction and ao
rlub owner waa tha wore off for ft
Without aspiring to the I-toM-yoa-ao
close we mtore to suggest that 'If any
reader will turn back In the column a
few montha he will find It aaM that
Tex Jones will not stay in Chicago. Tex.
during the last week, along with Out
fielder Kelly, returned to M. Joseph. Thla
la the second round trip for Tex between
the -western boundary line of Missouri
and Went worth svseroe, Chicago, Borton,
who wee need as Texas understudy by
Jack Holland, la a much better ball
player, a conviction we nave expressed
on former occasion, and beard other
express. Tex haa a hashing war about
him that give a certain gloss to hia
work, but the gloaa too often wear off.
He la not the uphill worker that big
league require. But we wish him and
th net of hn Jo-Jo friends well. Wel
come beck among u. Tex. We think yon
and Mrs, Jens will Had your honeymoon
much more enjoyable out here In the
balmy west than roe would farther east
Chance has decided to carry twenty
five player, incledlng himself, through
ut the eeaosn. This at the legal limit
He could carry more than that-all be
now haa. fa fact up to tha middle, of
May. but Sanborn says, be will not for
then he would have to give them away,
virtually, aa the minor league team fill
up their permanent roster by the middle
or the first of April, W have known of
notable exception to this rule, however.
It .sometimes happen that a minor
leaguer think a haa filled his roataf
with a permanent est of mea only to
fud soon after the season open that
be la up against one of. two things-com
plete reorganization or certain loos. The
c hence. It seem to as, of capable young
players cast off by the big league get
ting good berths, are very favorable.
even aa Into as May K.
Thla t to be the year of the come
backs; at least, ft will be If a lot of
old veteran caa make H. And among
those who are trying are Harry Steln-
feldt, th eld- Cob star third hnormsn.
and Bob Ewlng who last pitched for
Phllly. Bresnahaa has given both a
chance. 1 loser would be away to the
good if either man should happen to
coma asqrwheT near hitting his old-time
Manager Arbogaat seem t hsr the
faculty of getting his men to warm up
to him and inspiring tbeea to their best
effort a faculty that is morn rained In
tbe running of a team. Artsy, himself.
will no doubt show Improvement ha bis
work this season over last both behind
the bat and ss tbe dlractor-mUnl f
, the team and If he does k will
I ranch to Pa Rourke.
Wo hope oar young Joplln friend has
'-not wasted all hi eompUawntary ad-
lectrr upon ear Boarkes In this prelim
inary aprtng season.
That old rumor of five years' standing,
that "Haas Wipe; is all In." ba not
-ret been revamped thl nasi.
From all reports Pa'a attest acquMtloa,
lb young- catcher, Ooaeiug. I going te
Breve a veritable whirl wine
Well, cheer . It's only a tittle while
till lite actually begins again.
All right. Urea, batter up.
Will Be Started with Two Game at
Bourke Park.
Cease of Today Are Harblai
Kest Saaday Being fixed aa the
Bate en Which Most Teams
, ' ' Will Open Schedules.
The. amateur bass ball season opens
today at Rourke park with a' gama
one between th Adroa and Independents
Several other teams are also scheduled
to play today. Next Sunday's games
will Include the following:
Luxua against Triumphs at Bourkea.
Bauma aitalnst Advos.
Hollers against rort Omaha.
Alamltoa against Ancient Order United
April 14 Is the dste of the grand open
ing at rarrell park, formerly the Benson
Eaa-lea nark. Two bands will be on
the lob. One will represent th Ancient
Order United Workmen and tha other
will hall from Benson. Two classy games
have been arrangedytor tha opening, the
rtrst of which will be between the O. D.
KlDllnrers and the Omaha Grain ex
change-and the second boat Ancient
Order United Workmen against Terrell
SvruDs. All four tea ma are fast and
couple of hard fought duels ore antici
Th reach the Kaethole.
Kd Clair haa signed, up with the Btori
Thirty men have applied for admission
to tbe Omaha Ua Co. team.
Bugs Raymond Young la figuring en
alantng up with tbe Alamltoa.
Fence Buater O'Connor will be on the
carpet again this season wim ins iown
rnr mn with the Omaha Oas. Co.
squad call Frank Ileal at Douglas MB or
Webster IS.
Next Wednesdsy. April , William Dol
sea will entertain his team mates st his.
new residence. - ,
A Saturday team." formerly-known ss
the Denleun Athletic will be known as
the Americans..
Chick Farler and Edward Rubin left
Thursday night for Huntsvllle of the
outneastera league.
Sunday. April t. th Bredesaard
Crowns will play their Initial argument
with the Wagroana.
Arthur Kelly of Kearney la anxious to
land with some fast crowd. Address him
at U Case street
The A. O. U. W. recruit and regulars
will buck up against each other at Diets
park thla afternoon.
At Fort Omaha this afternoon the
Luxua will utilise the afternoon getting
thorough workout
Mar 1 the Diet dub. a Saturday team.
will commence Its eaaeon, Tney will pren
tice two nights a wee.
Today the Oraln Exchange team and
the Farrell Syrups will havs a practice
argument at rarrell para.
Dlek Klseane will leave tomorrow for
Jopila, Ma, where he wlU get his pre
liminary workout aa an adjudicator.
Last week Manaxer William A. Dolson
of the Brodegaard Crowns moved from
MM South Tweatletb te M California.
The Florence Athletic- duds are
black with white trimmings. Down the
front of the shirt In white letter I tbe
name Florence and on the left aide the
Monegram "F. A.",
Herewith the players who wilt defenl
the Florence Athletics' colors: Bell,
Swanaon. Potter, Orossman. Thornton,
Pascal. Stribllng. Anderson, Jacobaon,
Andrew and Peterson.
The following managers held a con-
flab at Qulgley'a offlos last night Tbe
subject wss the percentage thst parks
should allow traveling teams: breeamaa.
Mullen, fcocner, Benson, yuifiey. strong,
Kennedy and Orau.
Last week the Alamito aquad aigned
up Byrne. Ha will take care of the
aunny garden. Frieda Reach, the Ala
mltoa cashier, has been ssked by the
boy to ba their official score keeper.
She la seriously considering tbe propoal
tioa. Hera la the lineup tbet the Lux us maa-
asement will pit acalnet the Htors
Triumphs next Sunday: Dans, catcher;
Cunningham and Dyke, pitcher; Hach-
tea, nrst base; Hasp, aecond oaae; Hmits,
shortstop; Tracy, third base; Denny,
Venous and Melody, outfielders.
Soldiers Stay in
' the Bowling Game
Bowling continues to be aa popster a
ever at Fort Omaha and the sol tilers are
loath to give p thla sport for boss ball,
which will start within the next two
weeks. Tbe slgnsl corps school has
lumped hits the lead In the league stand
ing by a alight margin and members of
tha team are pratleing during spare
minutes. Clarke and Longley top tbe list
of mdtrMuals with H and lie respect
ively. Folio win- Is the league and Individual
P. W. L. Ave.
81ms.! corns school .... M U .(IS
a h
i Kxue euty men.
a u
...... i; n
-ornpsny n
Company A M a
Hospital corpo 9 is n
Sergeant Clarke
Private Longley tie
Serceant Col una 11
Private Debo .... Its
Private Dupree .U
Private Grola
Mergeent Flake 1
Corporal Haggard ...114
Private LMicker IXk
Private Thorns-kino
Privste Hlggs
Private Vlnnerstono
Senreant Fuller
Sergeant Cortee
Privete Eotilager ....
Prtrate Morse
Private Bevies
Private Jacksoa
The key to success m .business I the
per latent and JndMow as ef Bewtpepcr
Paul Cobb to Be
With the Lincoln
Club This Season
Now that Paul Cobb haa gone Into
camp, lining up the Lincoln Antelopes
for the pennant chase. It la as well to
chronicle the fact that Paul'a quest of
a ball club to buy hia release waa doomed
to fail even before be started.
There l no denying the fact that
Cobb'a services would be welcomed In
other town but It la certain that no
club In organised ball would dare to
enter Into negotiations of the sort Paul
appears to have maped out The rules
laid down by the National commission,
expressly forbid a dicker between a
player and a ball club unlesa the team
which holds title baa given consent
The rule wss adopted to ahut off man
ager or club owner pursuing the trick
scheme of working on a player and get
ting him dlmtlsfled. The fine Is two.
No club would have dared to wire
direct to Paul without first securing the
consent of President Don Deepala.
It appear that Ty Cobb conducted ne
gotiations for the purchase of Paul by
a. club In the International league and
In thla the Detroit star unthinkingly
committed an Infraction of the rules.
Ty laid himself liable to a fine for his
pert In the affair, but the Lincoln man
agement Is content with haying Paal
back In the fold and will not carry the
matter further.
Farthing Signs
Up to Fitch for
the Lincoln Team
Lincoln baa again got "Parson" Perth
log on h list of twlrler. lie bended In
bis signed contract to President Deepala
t week. - Pareoa said ke waa not a
hold-out and. never Intended to be but
be did not see any reason why he should
sign hia oontract until he got to Lincoln
and reported In person. Farthing saya
be la In great ahape and. thinks that ha
will bare the beet season of his career
a league player. Following la th
personal of the Lincoln team which re
ported last week at Sycamore Springs
for aprlng training:
Pitchers- Z. Z. Ifaaerman, Andrew
Owens, Harry Smith, W. W. Wolver
ton. P. O. Ehman, George V. Farth
ing, Harry , B. Frltta, Earl Laub, Mud"
Doyle, Clyde Richmond, L. R. Wagner
and William Manke.
Catchers-Mllo Strstton, Arthur Krue-
ger, Thomas Petoet W. J. Ehman, and
L r. Porfenberger.
Inflelders-WllUam Dwyer, Manager
Louis C. Barbour, Scott Walker, O. J.
Flrestln. Harlow Clark. Frank Lyons,
Itill Kverett. J. L Weathered, Jack
K a be ma and Bobby Bootlti
Outfielders-William McCormlck, Willis
Cole, T. C Miller, Paul Cobb, and H.
A. Christensen.
Canadian May Play
First for the Sox
CHICAGO. March . -Jacques Four
nler. a French Canadian, la a possibility
aa first baseman of th Chicago White
Sox. He waa bora In a lumber cei
twenty-one year ago, la a six-footer and
weighs IM pounds. Founder has bi
pounding the leather with surprising skill
and Manager Callahan thinks ba le a
real find. In IN Foumler played In Port'
lend, Ore. Then he went to Sacrameato
and laat year he started with tha Moose
Jaw team In the Western Canadian
league. Ted Sullivan, tbe veteran scout
saw him In a game at Calgary last sum'
msr and recommended him to the Boston
Red Sox. Cooilskey took him from Bos
ton last winter by tbe waiver route and
is now congratulating himself. I But tbe
season haa not yet begun and th big
French Canadian baa a hard task be
fore him.
PHILADELPHIA. March M.-The tenth
annual regatta of the American Rowing
asaociatioa will be held on the echuylklll
river at Philadelphia Saturday, .May xk
The even is will be: First single sculls,
for Farragut Challenge cup;.' second
single sculls, first double sculls, for ths
Schuylkill Challenge cup; first four sculls.
centipedes; first four -oared aheila, for
Puritan Challenge cap; second four-oared
sheila, first dght-osred shells, for Stew
ard's Challenge up; special tntrr-ctnb
i ond etght-oared shells, junior eolleglau
' eight-oared aheila, for the New England
Challenge cup; Interscholastls eight-oared
aheila, for the Franklin Challenge cup;
I freshmen eignt ear en sdoiis jui rac
one mile and M yards straightaway,
Gym Exhibition
at the University
LINCOLN. Neb.. March m-Speclsl.-Tbe
annual gymnastle exhibition of the
university Friday night attracted a large
crowd. Tbe proceeds will be devoted to
sending a gymnasium team te the most
sf ths Western Intercollegiate sseocla
Uon at Crbana In April. Co-eds took part
la the exhibition. Tbe boxing events were
omitted, although two wrestling aumbera
the Poor Cartoonist , Drawn
1 : '
Practice Starts Tomorrow Afternoon
at Creifhtoa Fieli
Late ta the leasee the Dlaaaead
at the "f Park Will Be reed
Beys Provide Their Owe
The bass ball craft of the Oman High
school, which ba been held tight for the
last four years, waa officially launched
last Friday afternoon when all tha lade
enrolled at the school who are Interested
In the horaohlde sport held an enthusi
astic meeting and Ulked ever plan for
A total of thirty-eight lads have aigned
up on AthletlO m rector neeoa rosier
and more are expected to Join the crew
this week, Sevan are now on the rolls
for the slab honor and thro or more
aspirant will work for the place behind
the bat and the poet (tons of the infield.
Exactly one dosen youngster will cbaae
about in the outer grass.
Ths initial practice of the season will
be held at Cretghton field tomorrow aftt
emoon at t o'clock, when th aquad will
assemble to loosen up Joints and slam
a few ground ball and other varieties
around tha diamond. Aa this week I
th regular spring vacation period some
good practice will be held, as the mem
bers of the squad expect to work out
dally, some In the morning and other la
the afternoon.
On account of financial dlfrtcultlea the
faculty athletic board of control wilt not
secure a coach for th squad tnia season,
o the lads will have to rely upon then-
own ability and knowledge of the game.
No definite arrangement bar yet been
made for uniforms. Th crew will tarnish
their own equipment for early practice.
WveetlM at Carter Lake.
Next month It la expected that th dia
mond at the "T association sum
park at Carter lake will be aeeured lor
practice and tha regular schedule of the
There la little danger that th team
will ba weak In th flmging department,
as a total of seven lad are Included en
the roster of Director Reed' crew, most
of whom have had experience on local
amateur anrecatlons. Leo White, n
Indian lad. Is counted apon as on or
th mainstay. Alfred Adams and Leell
Borkanroad are the premier lads tor tne
mask and pads, while Hugh la oreham
and Harold Munaeka, a brother of
Munnek who M now working out with
tbe Rourks at Joplln. are th most likely
sms for the Initial bag.
There will be plenty of competition for
the other Places on th aim, especially
In the outfield, as a dosen lads win don
the finger glove tomorrow. John Mo-
Farland I conceded the shortstop place
on account of hia ability to osver tne
around. H M also strong on stick work.
The Candidates.
Following Is a complete list of the 11!
eraw of the school:
PUohsra-Llale Key, Leo white. Las-
tar Hanson, Arno Temeisoa, John Drexsi,
Rain. Rller and Mark hughe.
Catchers-Lulls Burkenroao, Airrsa
Adama. James Gardiner ana Horace
First Base-Hugh Graham, wayne
auibv, Harold Munnek ana snnwr
Second Base-Harry Ooetx, Henry Pas.
sale. Warren FWch and Coleman oordon.
Shortstop-John McFeriemi. nan tiara.
Robert Mulr and Mark Dunham.
Third Bass-Parry Singles, Fred Klener
and Roy Plats.
Outfield-Manuel Gross, Dave Bowmen,
Frank Golden. Chaeie Rebel. Fvytoa
Msrsh, Paul Witney. Ernest Wolff. Kant
Meade, Frank Carpenter. Arthur Nelson,
Roy Cromwell and Laroy Basaro.
England Crazy to
See Wolgast Tight
NEW YORK, March -"If Wolgast
would fight Mstt Wells In England, ws
could draw tea.ato." say George McDon
ald, tne English champion's manager-
They are craxy to see a world's c ham
pi oas hip bout on too other (Me. But
of course, Wolgast will not cross th
Atlantic Tommy Murphy want to most
Wells at a local dub aad aa the bout
will draw, we will accommodate him to
lima Wella Is aeentlating with Packy
McFarland for i bottle at Kenosha, Wis.
or Boath Bend, Ind.. for which a Mg
puree may bo hung up. If there's a bitch
tbey will meet at 'one of the local dub
Walls also Intends to bos K. a Brown,
Cross and Began.
NEW HAVEN, Cowl. March M Final
arrangements for the Tale-Harvard row
ing rear at ta at New London next June
have bees made. Th dale for the re
gatta hss been fixed for June XL The
freshman race will bo rowed up stream
for two miles from the railroad bridge
to the navy yard. The varsity Sour oai sd
eveot win follow at the eencsuaien of the
fresh mas race. -I will be rowed es
stream for two miles The varsity fswr
uile raes will start at t o'elook aad will
be rowed down stress. Th sjswoadlng
day th frssliniss fewr-oarsd crow and
tne gentlemen eights will row far a now
cap offered by oa ef th nmkirg of
Harvard's rowing coaunltts.
31, 1911
i i i i " - 1 11 ' '
The Six ball learn, winners of the kid
leagu gold medals In ths senior division
last year, have organised for this season
and have soma fin new suits. The team
wlU practically ba the same as laat year
with Maxwell Moore aa captain, but
will not be In tha kid league. For games
call Horn, business manager, day Doug
la MM, evenings Webster 111. or Hoi
lend. Douglas MM. Th line-up: Dlaeen,
first base: Kennedy, second bass;
Oulnane. third bass; Moor, shortstop;
Haaford. left field i Holland, earner field;
Monieoe, right field; Miller, catcher;
Manor, pitcher; Brown, substitute.
Laws Tenuis Team Meets Winners
Betweea France tad England.
Freer Team Enter Late wreaa
Metarae from Trip ta Faaassa
Games Draw a Yery
Big Gate. ...
NEW TORK. March America's
lawn tennis team will receive a eye m
the preliminary tie matohe between tbe
challenging net Ions for the Davis In
ternational cup this year. Thla arrange
ment la based upon the challenge wi
received Isle from France. ne
Utter nation did not file an orneuu
challenge with tbe Australasian associa
tion until after the data when th rules
surrounding the trophy stats that such
a formal nellflcalloa of a nation t com
pete for the! cup mast ha maae. tn,me
past, however. It haa keen she euatora to
accept lata challenge!,' provided there
waa not a protest of any kina irons i
nation interested la .ths matches.
la order to facilitate mailer I a grow
was Irnmad ate r maoe ana ine renui
cabled by Thomas H. Hick, secretary of
the Australasian association, to Robert
D. Wrens, president of th America
governing bony. It resulted in the nrst
being between Franc and th Bril
ls lee team, with th Americsas to
the winning nation for the right to
challenge the Australasian, holder ot tbe
world famous cup.
Ther ha been no secret for som
month as to the probability of Francs
entering th eom petitions this year. Max
Decueia, And H. Oobert W. Laurent
and M. Oerrnot have been astounding ths
players In European towrnamont for
some time. There bad even been a pros
pect sf their coning to thai country be
fore th Americas fiasco In New Eealaad
tha first of th year. Leading follower
of the game declared that with the
British Isle and Franc drawn together
R was practically certain that the tw
nation would play for the final In on
ef thee countries ratter than In America,
May Pter Ties Hero,
At thla early period in the season, whs
th tournament fixtures nave not even
been decided upon. It is difficult to learn
vfhat action this nation will take as to
securing th International ties for this
country. ' Robert D. Wrenn ha Just re
turned from a trip to Psnama and
Jamaica, and be and WIIHam J. Clothier
eonatttwt th AsMrieaa Internet lenel
committee, to i which one other must
appointed. William A. Lansed m
pectod to get the place, but Lamed la at
present In Florida on a fishing trip and
In search of health.
Aa was pointed out the other night ths
tatsrnntleBal matches in America bare
always draws big crowds, se that the
dlviaioa of the gats money among I
competing nations ha amounted to a
considerable attraction. It baa always
been a magnate with ths British Isle.
Th gat at th West Side Tennis club la
this city last September, for Instance,
mounted to approxlmstely Him gross.
It Is believed that the West Side club
will laawtltately take soma steps to
ward securing the ma tehee. If possible
la-the eettmaflett of those qualified to
make th stale merit, ao other nation Is
la the poettloo to offer the direct guar
antees t th visiting team that this
eevartry I la a position to offer. Then
the French players, who have
sweeping European court, have shown
livery Inter est ta taking a crack at some
of the American prise, sad this
tarn th balance la favor of this country
again staging ths great contests.
North Side Boys
in Athletic Games
The boy of the North Sid Presby
terian church bar organised aa athletic
dub. Tha organisation already has aboat
twenty sasmbar. and It le planned to
stage Indoor boxing - and wrestling
matches daring April and May. la which
all wBl take part
Folio win- srs the officers of th dub:
President John Robs); vtc presid.
John Rebel; vice president Harold
Sheeth; secretary. Robert Hughesi
tresses-sc. Roy Onellng; sergeant -t-
arm. Charles Sheeth.
mpre Pay Own Far.
Jack Fugate, th bold -out Ditcher of tbe
Topeka rob. paid kla ewx tare to Boreve
port La, from his homo ta Iowa. That's
bow anxlows be was I Jos the dub when
he found oat that Dale Gear waant going
to fan for bis talk about quitting basv
ba set assert.
for The Bee by
, .
Spring-like Weather Give Them
Ferer to Be at Play.
Jean Raeelde ef Slaas City bewared
la Take Charae of Gatta
Fereaa Affaire at Sr.
oa Lake.
With return ot the robin and spring
thaw many local golf shark havs
started to rout out dusty driver and
putter from th attic and hi themselves
te the links for an aXiemoea' play over
the different courses that have remained
Inactive all winter.
Just who deserves the honor ot being
the early bird at each club ls(a hard
questkia to settle, but It la safe to say
that there srs plenty ot pill chasers hers
who bar already begun their weekly
Saturday afternoon stunt for a quiet
gams oa the links.
Albert Cahn, Bill Chambers, Jsrk
Hughes, O. D. Ktpllnger nd Judge Mont
gnmsry are' etaeaed by William Clarke
ths veteran Field elub mentor, as being
among the very first to eom out from
cover at kla course. Ous Epsnetsr hi
another enthusiast who usually digs a
hi favorite dubs and hustle out for a
few bole of the eport before hi rival.
B. H. ffcingu I always one of th
first to appear at the Country dub and
hia early training thl year In Florida
bag pat him la excellent (bap te begin
the sea ana with hi old-time dan ef
play.'. Jerry Mags baa also been getting
la trim, dewa among th palm and
Miller park' eager enee are W. S. Wfl
moth, Claries Dooly, K. T. Hatch and
J. P. Marriam. and at Happy Hollo
Oeerge, Ross and W. E, Shaffer are gen
erally at or near th top of th list
Jabs R assise, for tw years with Ike
avows City Country elub, ba been se
cured t take charge of th gutta parens
affair at th Seymour Lake Country dub
sod will tabs up hn work early nest
month. Mr. Resold ba had eonetdevwbt
expsrteno along golf line In Scotland,
former horns. Another addition to
tbe rank of the local profsasinnsls thl
t M Leell Davis, the English oraem.
who will ssdst ChsrHe Johnston
Happy Hollow. Davis comes from ths
Mldsurrer elub ef Richmond Center, Eng-
1, and bag bad s kw raage f s
Avsrsll Beavers will assist William
Clerks at th Field rlub thl season aad
Olovl Theobelt baa been appototed bead
sddy. Th golf shop premiss to ss on
Isa-aTtTaTBaaTsa aTwJgbggt--. mWmtmmmmmmmimJ .gTV awaaal
of kitt Diseases,
Nature hu made ample provision in
(he tun shine and moisture of the air for
the outward life and protection or the skin,
but the more Imnortanl work of nourish.
In the cuticle has been left to an Inward source the Wood. Ills v
from the circulation that the pores and elands receive their support, '
and the fibrous tissues are all preserved in a healthful state because of "
constant nourishment supplied by the blood. -
So long as the blood is pure and rich the sJn vill be free from'
eroprlons or disease, but when the circulation becomes infected with -acids
and humors its nourishing and. healthful properties are greatly ;
wminiahed, and this acrid, humor-laden condition causes Irritation and
Inflammation of the delicate tissues and fibres. Then the effect Is -shown
in Ecxema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, or some other distress- ,
taf, disfiguring skin disease. .;..
. Humors and impurities get into the blood through a deranged lor' '
inactive condition of the system. Those members whose rtity it Is to
collect snd expel the refuse matter of the system fail to properly do
their work, and this surplus or wsste matter is left in the system to '
our and be absorbed into the blood. . r ., - .
The cause of all skin diseases can be traced to some humor '
or acid in the blood. Smooth, healthy skins are only possible where -the
circulation is pure; and therefore the cure of any skin affection can ''
only come from a thorough cleansing of this vital fluid. Salves,
washes, lotions, etc., are vaulable ionly for their ability to keep the
skin clean, silaiy superficial irritation, or soften the hardened cutide.
Such treatment cannot cure banue it does not reach the blood where
the cause ia located, and to depend upon such measures alone usually
results in the aggravation and spreading of any skin trouble.
S.S.S. cures Skin Diseases of every kind by neutralizing tho ..
aim removing mu nil mors or
IsuffsrsdwHh a badaaa oflc-
ma ict over iiaua.,aad itrlad
o-vaarthlDg I bsmrd of. Kothing
osipoci me until 1 beau to oa U.S.
I commenced thl "iHnt and th
Kcrtema soon be ran to JTsduaDy dls
annser I aemtismAcI e&lrin ana
end tt aanrdetjftlv mirmA th -"- - --'
isesuiwaaaancauiit aa xasxsctar
istki of fbJ troaba hsv nxtnlj
left, ad I am sound and wU.
Vtrs, Cfaas. OIQ
SO Clinton BL, Nrwaxk, N. 3.
bles. It cures Ecxema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, phnples, boils, :
rashes and all eruptions of the cuticle. These troubles cannot remain; -when
the cause has been removed, and S. S. S, wffl certainty remove
the? rilio hv nttrirvinsr that KlrJul RvV , C Wl Tv i"y
. , . J r "J me. uvua vu h, a te, s trrranTB aula
medical advice free. THE SWSZ fffCiaTC.CP, ATLANTA. CL.
"Bud" Fisher
of the busy spots sf as whole dub
grounds during ths spring and summer-.',
aad will aa usual bo the mecca for all
broken dubs and other misdemeanor
of goifdom. ' '',.'
R R. Kimball of ths Country club bat v.
beta playing a greet gams at Ortnend
Beach during th last tw weeks aad
written, sum of his friends aero '-r
that be will bring home a couple of :,.
trophy cups next month. He won the
Cast Coast championship, th final of -
Which were held at Ortnend Beech ea .
Thursday afternoon. March XL ... .
College Men Engage
m Many Vocations
After School Days.::
PRINCETON. N. J March M-Psrk
H. Davis, the Princeton stattatlciaa, give .
som Interesting figsrs on Til foot ball '
Slayers st Harvard, Princeton aad Tale
nt the last forty years. By dint of per
ss vanes and an Immense amount ot '
labor Mr. Darts he scoured th history '
of foot bail pktysr at th three snprer.
slues. Te th diversity sf eoeepation ' '
must be added the diversity of location
of the slayer. Not on state In the"
eaten, and scarcely ens colony oversea,
a to be found in which on or more of '
th men M not employed. Tbe stream t "'
xdsctlon of pro feast oa or bus) nee ark.
not anierm. Th favorite occupetloa of
the men of Harvard ha bora that of ' :'
financier, capitalist banker and hrokerj t,
Princeton men era found la greatest .
aumbera ta mercantile pursuits and th
law, whll th meet Impressive feature , ,
of tha Tale table Is thst twenty-four are v
engaged . In transportation. ' Th claeeUn -..
ficatloa of th mea Is as follows:
Her- Prinoe-
,V vard. ton. Tali
a '
'Sf., ft
PhmlelsJi. ' V
Financiers . t
Merrhents M)
Clergyman 4
Manufacturers v..'..',,.... 17
Ikislneers ...'........m b
Missionaries I
Colleae professors 4
thoot teachers- f
Ine operators
Insurance I
U .
'' a
Publisher , d
Farmers ....
Rancher ....
Army v
Architects ...
Advertising I
Chemists I
Qoveraiaeat service t
Authors I '
Dentist i..
Artist I
Telephone and telegraph 4
It yea hsve anything to exchange, ad
vertlss It la Th Bee Want Ad column. .
oiner impurities from the Mood.
s. a. b. cools the tad-heated cir
culation, builds it up to its norms!
strength and thickness, multfplies,
its rich, nutritious corpuscles,- and
dds to its purity ana nourishing
fualhiesm everyway. . Then the
kin instead of being irritated and -inflamed
by adds and fierr humors. -
is nourished, soothed and mado
pcrrcci py a pieriniui supply or ncn,
pure wood. s. 5. S. is the great- .
est of all blood purifiers and there-
in lies its thilitv In eun kis tmn T"