US BOYSNow You Know All About Eaglebeak njtTas a ft ii S ftiT- r-C a tvif raM TUt- ftr IWM RNWrjf rail i I -r-n. ir I I I I I T1 SOME KICK ABOUT HEW RULES iSceltred that Tab Will Sot Be Ffttorei Kon Thu Otlien. 'OUTSIDE ECI IS C05SH)SD a 1m tiBAa raslt 1IM P KCW TOKK. Itaw .-A BM)rtty ef nniMimli m Um iww lvt tall nte Ww favorMM. kat than ara laaM a aantara, Om crMdaB that tba roJa art cJe)ate4 M kola Tala tbat kail la aat , wartk .aartau aomidOTaiMav - Tha nk art aol aaloalatad ta M Tala any men tkaa aay attar faat Vail tana tbat kaa aaawa 4 aaatra (a mtaa aftaaaa aa w0 aa ataaaa Harrart iHH kaatwa M Itka kaat roabtax kaeka aa tba flaM nnt , fan la Waa4ll and Bncklar, rat tbra 'kaa kaaa mo alalat Irani Tala that tba Irvlaa wm ba Harrmrd. Oaa b Rntl fault an In amaaetlaa I with Uw abollahlnc af tha anaMa kick: Tba but ta ar thiaa afa baa lt aaaMd tka kaat ktealatk aa tha airaraa. 'that A annua faat kail kaa aar kaowa, aa H la ta ka racnttat that tbara wUI 'ka aa tnaMtMra la aaaula It" rarthar leac ha aara that "Oardaa Browa a frat Tala atovaa af UN Ma't baa a iktokcr who aaaM kava auallO4 for a gv bllb aekaat alavaa af U aa tar aa that ana waaKaMt af tha HUrk eehool abrroaa must bam asqulred ecreptlenal k let era ndead laat fall bT Al tharpa wouldn't kaa kaaa able ta qualify for them. Pharee waa tha klekr aa Oordod Drown ! team, and wa a flrsV claw mail la thai department. He always kaa kaaa rated aswnr tba aaaaa kaat kicker, either at pontfnf ar drop kfch Inc. ' Ho Uckad a foal from tha field froaa tba torty-flra-yard Hits aara acanua; Prmastoa, put then mayba bt(h school teams ara not aatMrtod with mra who can't kick them front the nrtr-rsj-d Una. , Mnar Adept K teas re. Aa ta "the sect klckhuj on aa avaraa la tha laat twa ar throe yean,'' nobody around these parta aaa noticed any halter areraaa Uoklaf In tha laat twa or three years that, la si see tha day at tha an alda klsk. Than waa aa ebortada of adapt kickers la tha days at more rasb lad tbaa aaw ar baton there waa aa mills klek. Meraovar, they avtraiwd an Jaat aa well than, tee. Then were any excellent hJckora at a period of say fifteen yanra prior to taa aaatda kick tbat R Bear as asMtleaed wbathar fit tarn yanra at aha canoe kick would bare dtaisapad wry esera. ar aa saany. itanwa can bs found la plenty so show that bMk tag waa far from pstlstlsd up to the chance la aha rabta whtab allawad tba co ckle kick. ' A la wasn't arciectao In the dara wkea frsa yards to three downs was tka ardar ft Isn't ttkery to ka now that It Is ton yards In tour downs. Tka Mat as waaart kickers who floar- i kick as! Tba Bat speaks tor Hcdf . It back as far aa the dare af kNawao Rick- nrda aad Alack Mortal, who won fully aa enoakle In thdr ara as Coy and Datton of tha madam ace. Also prior to oaakM kick Wen WltHara Burt, Tale; bbop Banana, Prtnortoo; Walter Eeker- aall. Catcaat: Hlrschbercer, Cblcsao; Pat O Dee. Wlacocnoa; Malcolm McBrWe, Tata; Arthur Brewer, Harvard; Al Sears, Tala; John Do Witt Frlaoetoa Bob Kenan, Uarrnrd: Percy Uaufhlon, Harvard: Vraacla Burr. Harvard yard bUtoheH. Tale; ishnaeo and Hudson af tba "uattaoai Hsyrwlds, laaaaylvaala Bun est a of Tala. Aasaap; tba Cracks. Such pood kickers as Coy of Tala, Mount neaaant of Carlisle. HoUonbaek of rcnasyrvanta. MoCraa of lAtayetta. Veeaor at Talc' WaMaa of CbraeU aad Douftaa and Mortheroft ot the Kacy dtdi . . V ' ,! tlunlrdavelopnstot Mitten to' eoi owe tami wwn tha aostda kick. Harlan aiid Coy pUyed, I shed before thorn waa any enstea sm metes try kax to prawa that tka s kirk was aireeiary . to dosotop aoodtr supply of aceseapaehid too i. ik . mt the o-.uln kirk and made' Miller of the Lntveraitr of Omaha. ; -la tba days at tha ensue ana mnoa grrr Uan y,iker. Time of halves, are raised n expert use of It. But wars first class sic- en kofera tka adoption ot tna rule snow- nunuies r. i tag R. If-la altogether likely that three1'... , . trrln inAirrnTAftrm ' ot tha crack kickers ot the present day-' Lie WtU at Princeton. Felt on ot Harvard and Deilua at tba Kavy-nould ban been last aa goad auatara butt year, aostde or' na ansMo kick. There weren't to many 11a vMtte or Daltoaa ar Id tons tvinz anand toat tha average at good kicken far whom tha cackle kick Is responsible taa airmrcnx aouenes ra ue mreir, look, at all torpe as compared to good."t kotwasa alttenot classes and kotwes. kicken of other days. Ihee dees. 'All m slL- sars a erttJe. "the commit- am baa daaat a ktow to tba amallar co- .i m .k. L.. ..iinw. leans, wsiss thoas at ths bit tdlowa who CwSSW wimm mm t n m eiwaar rw-l kumorthst net aun aaw ta sw aw " n may so insarras. witsns es - , ot TBI aaatksda, tbacj Tale has aat suffered aay saere la tna toei'letnwn tine ta reeeiK years inss nj . Wss st strategy of rneaat raara. tha na from a fake paaaa fctek aasl toat ferward aaa. wan sprung ST Taw. Aa ai stimxegy aader tha new ruts, the allid I atvOtm aa ad4)onal opportunity ; .-. lEIL S jr? uc cnnntfSA niiir lie mmirii T?Tc.Ai (MlV VRT?MI I. faYlJjt FPU, RCPUArtON. for II. Aa aajact af tha M ralaa waa to ararMa a (mow which weaM lira te- ktraatly atroaor taarna Mora aqttltaMa paortaaitr la arm thatr atrantth, bat MM tha aonunlttM Wuaraa that tha aoa aVtra will krlna- nsra raahatc It aoM't kallava that It wBI ka aa auy, aaaadaOjr aa tbara ara taa raraa to fa with aa kalpinr af tha nmaar, that tba maDar taama wMI aaUtaa bara aanaa- ton af tha ball. Whra thajr aa hava aaiana tair will baa aa BMMh ea- aartuoUr ta aiaka atnuafteal aaa af thai faarth aawa aa tba Mc taaa. aaa; ' Maa. tbara'a tha loaf forward paaa. un- iwatrtctaal aa ta ilataaaa aa4 raatrtatad aa ta Mcrfaraaaa thmwHh, aa4 akw tha ferward paaa aar,tha acal Una. Tha aaw forward aaa rcqulraratBia iva tatlt aa stuck opportunity far atrat nr ta tba aniallar taama aa thay aa tha laraar aoaa and mora opportunity to bath tbaa ara paaalhla froaa tba forward paaa af laat roar. Any anail taam whleh la azport b tha aaa of tha forward paaa aard mt, undor tha aawoat rulaa, despair of acortnc aialnat a M( taam. A kusaooo, thla klaa that tha rmaJlar taama won't hava a ebaaoa. If tba now rulaa da not aiaka far mora rooatrlaa thry pramloa otw Btsraatlnff and aattafaetory (una than for aona dma. ' " KANSAS CITY FIVE BEATSOTTUMWA ',' (CenUaaad froaa Flrat Paa). m total at alcbt ware summsd up ta his credit. Burkcaroad aaw Hajred Bis osual steady aaaaa, kat waa a-uardod cloae ay tba rkuters and did not act stuck ahaaee ta show up aa atron as la lormar ooo tasta. Cracker had Hector alee played hard, andwora m the thick of the play, at all , Lewie Mease, tba UtUa afUourlan tart forward, la Met about' tba UvoUaat bunch at basket ball aMktp than kaa appeared though only fin tost four tnchee la helaht. be proved tha most aotuustent player aa tba teaov John Rabar, captain and center, eutjumpad bJf Rector on ear- oral occasions. Coach Tautoa af tha trlslt era deserves prnlae for turnlnc out a clean, manly sirettlon at basket toes era who da not barancuo with tha affr aula, aotnatktnc that la isnerally lackm on a arhool suad. Omaha'a aimanam and nam waa a feature at the contests whlok showed that they justly doaorwed to win. At the blew tnf of tha wMetla the Missouri ant started cut with a dash of apasd and ran the soon up to M to 1 m thdr fsror durtay tba first nine mlatttat af tha Initial P rlod, but attar that tha purple and whit lads arose to the eotasloa aad piayad rtna-s around their opponents, tha half tiaally andlnc M to B ta KansM aty t fsror. Sura of By -wsnin laat alcht'a tame tha lo- oals an euro at second place la tha In- tMscbslasUe stand I nc of the enur west BTbauw Coaab Clark's puplla be auccea ful la Uimcnlnc ouumwa Ulfb aeaooj tsta ersalaa they wUI ka accorded tba lea place amoac all the schools la the states between tha Mlaslaslppl and tht coast roston. The Ryan silver trophy cup will be awarded the winning team at the close at tha tournament thla area ta. C K. ReedV athletic director ot tha Cap ital HM nehcol, has announced the malnmt taasea at the. tourney schedule, aa tollcwa. Kansas City Central atslnst Ottumwa thu afternoon at t a'dsck. Osnaha against Ottumwa tonlfht at I o'clock. All tamos will bo Stored at the "T" tynwanuun. Following la tha lineup of last Bight's samel OMAUA HIGH. I KAN CITT IIIOH Crocker (C.I....R r. ItF i'sncy Huchee L.F. L.F U (lector ...CiC... Keber IC.) burkenrosd ...UO UO. ....... Csmphell Osrdliisr It.U.iK.a Jackson Score by . let M Tutsi. Ileivaa. let. M- JLs. fc Omaha II It 4 I IS Kansas lHy..W U 4 1 M Butntltutre: yBr-a for Campbell et left guard. Field seals: Hughes (II. Hurkrnroad (It. Mense It). Jsrkaoa (I) ';, ,r.rJ,h?.w!L.lriM v' Burk.nroad . Points awarded: Kaa- ,Mat ... Omeha. . Referee: Brsniton ess City. . Omaha. I Kereree: Braniwn of the Vnlverslty of Nebrs.ka. I'mnire: Tmentv minutes, Kxtra periods: Kive . LULLtuK nAffltj uKUnClWltlt i tContlnued from First Pace.) at bncreoileglate stbieUce. Then has grown up at Cornell la recent yean a system at contests not only set wees rrniermues asm ewcex "- Mi " "JrJTZ mTi anoac ox mm wm i i ot the rear aroccbiy e assay this sort wen held. waml . TTTT . mmlfmt tWe .inmnl sad aeA Studentm eoftlrlbutioe - ,1... ,KI. I. . ImU a m ev. arith wreat arnmkts aad suntw m the future damiliiniaelll of as- vtt-tr .thWUcs. Theee sports, taougk (tM 9ltyiBt vs naiursily Interior, an an eu -j- aoarceir leas eo.trng and laurmnbmr tbaa tba stoal keenly t tested isans between ttvat aalvorslOee.' park thla Kip- Pagan an act niaylaf at kotos. tsao Teoas tteto Brown da. ' p Tba Stsa ball taam will play at Benson awaaoa wbsa rke Ow D. 5mce siiNiNbuPMiTi4 rue SlrWFt'oH CMNr6 Wb JOB A Biscwtn. WOT HA BECOME MOCU CAblCt. SHOTS OF FAMOUS GOLFERS ! Will Andenoi Wins Fane by Slicing Sail at Will witk It Enron. TSAYZKS XAX8 WOSDB SHOT Iron la Kaaart aa Fall raaala Cp Hala PUa Uiraaakaff Tbraaah ralrway aald ta atdw waa rata. KKW TORX. March la. -Tha ahata tbat tamaua tl(ara Ilka bmsi aad tha way thay play tham la aar an Intonating topta for davotaaa af tha lama, both hart and abroad, btuah baa kaaa wrlttaa about Harry Vardoa, Jamaa Braid aad 1. II Taylar, kat tbara ara others aa tba otbar stda psaaaaalat ajiarrallaua eon trot arat eartala ahota. Taka, for Instance. Araaud Maaay. Tbara la areaahly aa aaora plcturasqja collar tbaa lata Frenchman, and daily la ptartes aaiahla ahata, ha la tba peraonlfloattan at araea. At Monk Ber wick, where aladay perfected tha cama he plcksd up at Blarrlta. njodaUIni his style aoaMtMneT attar Horace Hatehinaoo, but. of eoene. Bora aubdued, tha full mesbta ebat aaa ka attactlrety played t many of Massy likes this full shot but his favor ite la playrat tba moable tor a half shot. In hi addrere he kaa tha Vardon trip, with both thumbs down tha abaft, the rltht-hand thumb finishing Just a little above when the trip of the golf club begins. Too weight H thrown so mo nks t on tha right toot and the body over heats tha ball. In tha upward swing, the wttght la all on tha right foot and ths left Knee Is down lust a shade. The club baa born swung, but la not exactly at the perpendicular. Tba left arm la almost straight. Tha aedy la not dropped at all. Tba finish af tba stroke Is an exceed ingly eaay one. One would think that there waa nothing man than thi weight ot tha club coming through an tba ball from the swing, but Massy gets little power tram tba right toot and follows ths baN till tha weight Is all naturally on tha left. It la an easy, graceful shot aad n very oimplo ana. as lbs Frenchmar Plays It Hard Great oa fall Brasate. Although there Is no shot which Alex ander Herd, ths English professional, dose not play well, he Is at his best when be Is required to plsy full brassy or n full Iron In heavy wind. Reared on Bt An drew's, when the tusty wind and, ths open oxpossd course soon compel the young loiter to learn how to play tht wind, no, matter from what part of ths oompa It may blow, "Sandy" Herd hst perhaps an advantsgs at all other pro taaalonsls when tha day la blustery. ' In playtnt the full Iron shot, lbs stance Is eaay; to tact, tba address la aa ortho- ma be. His trip Is ths old at Andrew's one. In so tar aa then la no Inter locking, hut the right thumb Is down tha abaft, not around It. as Is usual with Bt Andrew's man. aad tba left band la wen aver. In the upward awing. the left kaaa has fust bent a little, nut the swing la entirely a body one. The weight baa been transferred to tha right foot, but tha toft foot still retains almost Its original position, and doss not rtss tram ths ground la any way. At the finish ot the swing the hands urn Weil w. the weight of the body has traveled after tha club ana Is now on tits left foou but the right toot Is still oo the ground. It Is noticeable that when the hall lets away Hard still has his head down, allhoue-h many consider be could play the abet "blind." Home laeneei Driver. As for driving. W. H. Home, the Cnertaey professional. Is considered the lencest driver In the world. James Braid la credited with the longest drive, but Hone's drive of Pa Tarda at North Ber wick on July 7, !, la tha most thor oughly Touched distance In England. In any event. Home's tavortts shot hr the full drive. Home's stance is wide. and ha la well away from the bail. The trip ta Interlocked, but the thumbs are not down, but an over the shaft. The .,. i. free aad verr full, but there , to tn aad verr !" ". ;.. full, but there body action. Tba bs ry high, but then Is no sussettoa at ovcrawinging. the rlub be n( BBder .erfect control. From this poaltloa. Hone gets a tremendous swing. He la tall and powerfullr built. nd once I be beclns the forward motion, the secret ot the remarkable distance he can act from ths tee reveal a Itself. Hie swtnf le perfect. The left foot I kept thor oughly to position. There Is a complete control over the body and the right leg does not bend very much, but the whole attitude of the body hi that It has fallen la perfect control after the ball, and. the seise at tha finish af the atroka la ab solutely correct. In the opinion af Harry Vardon. tba acme of control Ilea ta the ability to dice or pull a ball at will. On occasion. Vardoa baa extricated himself tight places by resorting to this form of master shots, but It ta doubtful It any one has the pulled hall down to such a point of sclents aa bad the lata Wat Anderson. Aadcraoa Startles trpaoewnts. It waa aver at Oakland fully twerve veen ago, when the course at BaysMe consisted of ate boles, that Anderson bad a chance ta shew kit wonderful Hoc. Bent tba Bel tusiwt p son Hmd profeesloaal at the time. i mlsctid by Joasae A. Tra aa a partner ka a tour-ball match against -n J THE- OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH Registered United States Patent Oj NfeMiCT n It" OLE eACjUEBKIE wo noi oo mis J oi nin a ftorcHc n n ecoMe me slab Au,r ro. rut vahsm tvArs. that time tha professional there. In playing tha home hole, the drive la over - ti- . BM.Mh He sharply to tha left around a point ot In those days of tha solid ball, golfers considered It a food "stunt" to drive tha band, so aa to ban aa open shot for the green oa their next.-but la this particular match Anderson startled the gallery by Imparting some myet ar te ua spin to tba bail thereby causing M to travel straight for IM yarda or so and than iracefully turn to the left, tia ally disappearing round tba band, well oa Ita way toward tha green. Four times did Anderson accomplish this feat that day without a mistake, and oa sack occasion It enabled htm to tat boom with sa Iron, whereas tha others were com pelled to see brassies with Indifferent results. Rince that day Anderson baa won n doses or mors championships. In cluding tba national open four times and tba Waster oa three occasions. Another master stroke rarely attempted wss krought oft by Flnalay B. Douglas during tha Ttarlonal championship la Morris county back In USX. la those days Douglas showed a preference for a wooden putter which ka bad brought over with him when be said fare well (0 old Bt Andrew's and dschlsd to esat his fortune with tba Land at tha free. Although often called a bad putter, Doug las got along remarkably well ta this tournament wltk the old-rsistiloned wooden contrivance almost obsolete now. On ana oceesloa. In his match with Travis, Douglas displayed a knowledge of the short gams that made those In tba gallery marvel. It was at the punch howl green, tha present ninth. Travis' I wss a fsw feet nearer ths hols an In such a poaltloa aa to lay tha other a direct stynris, Douglas might ban gone by hie opponent's ball aa closely aa pos sible with a new to lying dead, but he preferred ta take a hold chance-, by .put ting away almost la tha opposite, direc tion, trustlat to the basla-Uke formation et tha ground to tva tba beg turns! eat borrow" to carry It ta the hole from the opposite side. The nicety or hi Judgment waa evidenced when tha -rutty, after a winding course around three aides ot tha tresn, - flsslly Mopped within a tew Inches of ths cup; Trovers Baal ta Occasion. When fit, tbara ta acamty a club In his ba over 'Which Jerome P. Tmvere ha not almost perfect control. I -Ike all great players, tba Upper Montolalr ax- pert occasionally gets off tha line, but tha esse In point occurred during a four ball match In which Trsrsrs wss a psrty at Entlewood several yean ago. Ths seventeenth bole waa being played, and Tra vera and his partner stood one up, but .the Metropolitan champion bad pulled his drive Into long grass, whlls Jack Hobens, one of the players on the other aide, had from a good lie en tthe fairway lad hi approach to within ten test of the hole. Trsvers, however, proved equal to the occasion by laying his Iron ehot out of tba trouble to within a yard ot the pin. Becsuss of the klgh grass Tra vers played tha stroke differ ently than for an ordinary He.' He took the club up mora sharply, and a It de scended the aara way. a useful cat Waa Imparted which prevented the bar from runnlnf mora than n fsw fact after the carry. This remaarksble shot msy hava disconcerted nobsns somewhat. Anyhow, ha mlasrd the putt, while Trsvers holed his for a three, thereby winning the hole and the match. It rarely happens thai brilliant effort or master stroke an brought off by op posing players at the same time, tuch an occurrence happened In that snemor tble thlrty-elx-hole match between Travis and Trsvers st Garden City soma tin yean ago. After finishing all square at tha end af the thirty-six hole, the pair stepped to the front tee and got away good drives. The eecoad shots had ta mads In the teeth of a gals of wind. and ths trick wss to gauge It bo a to have the balls just carry the pit. yet stop short of the pin, which would enable them to putt tor the hois against tha wind. On this occasion the balls cams to CRACK LOCAL WBXSTIXS WHO IS FOEGISQ TO THE 7B0ST. . . JACK UUHT. -v w . .q A mm 1912. Drawn for amo rmQercd botch e ir. . WHO KEPT" EAfcLf 66 BUS, AU. wftNTCR. Uwtle4 5AUi4f6 A Kit, T EAfctE EK4 LlSftAA1 SHO-AP', MS rest within a few teat ot sack ether short of the flat. How thay halved tka bole In four and how Travis won tha next on n brilliant three, after being trapped oa ka) drive, la another story. . . Fall Brasal Byera Bpeclalty. If then st one snot which Ebon at. Byera, national champion In Vm, plays better than another, it la tha full bramla bp to tha hole side. The shot has won Mm many a match, tor, as a general thing, tba bill second, ana when brought off by experts, rarely bring up near tha pin. aoutolmaa tha successful execution of thla shot tall to bring Its Just reward, aa Illustrated in tba semi-final round be tween By era and H. B. Heyburn at At lantis City soma twa or three yean ago. Oolnt to tha seventeenth pole, Byera stood one down, but bt second not, a full "bent with tha brass!." toft lit Ball nicely aa tha frees aot mors than twenty feat from the pis. On ths other head. Hay sum half-topped his shot, which luckily raa through a narrow opening Between the end sf ths bunker and a Una f tree. Tht enabled him to get a bain In four, wbsa be should ban lost the kola. Evsa mora brilliant Is 'the way Fred Kerretheff handle hi play clubs through tha tab-way. la tht respect ka goes Brers aa better la that Herreshott get greater distance. Tba advantage at the few aatra yard waa shown whan these twa mat la lb national clmmplonshlp at Oardan City ta BO. Oolng to the fourth bow, a ntattsr ot KB yard. Herrashoff resetted the green In twa beautiful shots, whleh enabled him to win tba hole In four, a atroka under par. When Herbert M. Herri man won the amateur championship at Onwsntsla In MPs, ha bad tha reputation ot being one of the most attractive plsysrs to watch because of his ability to get out of trouble. If bunkered, Haniman only measure his remarkable auccess in this department af the gams. . . . . TRACK MEETJTO MISSOURI Kuiii Long Indoor Event Bista StrtJf at Tim. BXXlfOin) DOES THE BEST WOES Mteheleoa Only Tvcwosa Breaker, ' with Beat Mark la Hlb Jump Ever Made la Two tehee la ' Compctltlea. KANSAS CITT. Mo March Ik-For the Mlnrk time In es mini years. Missouri university defeated Kansas ,unlverslty last night la the annual dual Indoor track meet. The Missouri athletes piled up H points to M for their opponents. ussier Beimond. tha Missouri captain. waa tha Individual star pf ths meet, tsk , first ia the est and ths toVrard runs and bringing victory to his team In ths ae-mlle relay race by bis excellent worx. One record for former year was hmtM when Vleholsan of Missouri msdc test IVe Inches In the high jump. Th eld mark waa i toot fsj Inches, sum- Fifty-yard dash: Klrksey of Mlseoen won. Davis of Kansas socona. tub. tine-mite run: nnorsiey ot won. Patterson at Kansas second. 4:134, Klfty-flve-yard high nuraies: nssen oi Kansas won, Mcholson ot Missouri sec ond. Flfry-ttva-yard tow hurdle: Klrksey ot Missouri won, Nicholson of Missouri second. Tims: d:. Two-mUa run: Murray or Kansas won, Wk-kham ot Missouri second. Time: 1:11 Forty-tour-yard run: Bsrmond ot Mis souri won. Butxell ot Missouri second. Time: . ant-yard run' Bet-iuoad of Missouri won. Falrehlld of Kansas second. Time: MV Htxh Jump. Nicholson ot Missouri woo, French of Ksnsss second. Height; teat 1 Inches, breaks forsasr record of two schools which wss I feat d Inches. Pole vault: Kramer at Kansas won. Woodbury of Kansas second. Vault: 11 test I Inches. One-mile relay: Missouri wop. Tuna. I'M. 8hot put: K. L. Anderson of Missouri won. Thatcher of Missouri asoond. Dis tance: a) feet I hack. THIRTEEN INNINGS PLAYED BY CIANTSWITHOUT PUN iinHILE. Ala- March Ik Thlrteea In- ntns-s won Hayed between tha New Tors Nsuionaia ana awe s tha aoutbora lea-ruo today without a aron an either alda. The battery for New Turk waa Marquard. Teareaa aad v-cw nitiJUIl March Sk-The De tract Aa-orlcans defeated the New Or leans Southern league crob ben thla aft erwooa. S to L rutTTtKOOOA Term.. March Is. Tba Cincinnati National league team de- j feated the Chattanooga Southern league j team bora today. 4 to L SAN ANTOMO. Tex.. March Ik-Tbe - .-en. mt tha ChlMJW AaMrioAn defeated the local Texas statu team today. S to a. ; - - Tea- March Mi Tbs asc end leant at Ike Philadelphia Americans woa a T to 1 tame rrosa na uarraswo team at tba Texaa league today. Slvoa C4sm Ml! Christy Mathwwsoa to a at steeper artf eia exonerates SJoodgrasa and Cobb frees ft- sDlklaa "Heats la" Baker. Hatty says tbat if Baker bad ever played ssmsssk Fred Clarke ha wwatd save seen cut ta rspbeng by tba spikes af the FlraU . 31, r I H 1 The Bee by Tom McNamara i SMiAU. SMOVVtNfcMOV MC A, tOU.AA. POR MK FAMOUS our duo. . - - GETTlNt IMS Aft. NuTO SMAPe wuit cut c pc am ,c inn MinAHMui rn me BurcMtK) c SPHINX MMffTKC D HIS MARVGUMS OMfK0C. PROPOSE GRANGES - W LINKS Conditions Xut Be Met to Satisfy . .Tonne and 01tL STAXDAED BALL IS IS VIEW Be fen lalfermlty Caa Ba Obtained It la Tbeaaht Alterations la Links Sbaald Be NEW YORK, March W.-Altbouth the qosstlon as to tha advissbintv et stand ard! slnf ilia go It ball ha thu far been claiming mora attention in Great Britain than In thla country. .It Is still a fact that the tunc Is rapidly approaching whan tha natter will bsvs to bs given careful consideration. Lelghton Calkins betters,' as to many others whs ban flvea the matter much thought, that baton the final step I taken toward a standard ball a deter mined effort should ba xaade to cop with th sttuatloa through alterations In the Itaks. Suppose a new ball, capable of setts! driven Ht yards ar ssore by the arerags player, should ba placed on tha market. Calkin' Man would be to meet the ess need condition by having three or four extremely Ion kotos, aay, tram a to I, yard la length. , This could ba done by eomtrinlnf cer tain kolas aad cuttint up or adding to other shorter ones, whlok would ob viate the necessity for stretching the total distance to mora than the present popular distances, which are anywhere bttweeft i.3n and 4. WO yarda, ' The greater number of aborthole, caused by the addition ot the KB yardsra, wouM not necessarily denote a week spot In the proposed remedy, for a short hole may always be a' good bole, provided It la properly constructed. , ," While golfers in tooktat for tha. Ideal may find their search a phantom-litre as th xpsrlsne which befell the child that tried to overtake Jh rainbow, It I also a fact that their happiness or Bor row depends to a- greatsr extent 'opon themselves. This spplles mors partic ularly to those who make a habit of spending their vacuus.-! at distant re aortsj la other wards, thsrs tra course better adaptotr-for torn players than other. ' V ' r It Is no uncommon Jhlnt.for lb hvtrsgs totter to rusk into his holiday without much reflection, spd to many esses the selection of a course Is poorly made. Tbat recalls tha experience ot a certain mis guide individual on tha other side. Thla near-golfer wslthed something mora than Mt pounds, and one sol lint August day want to Deal, only to have a ssd Urns of It among sand hills. The following season ha went to the Channel Island, and did his best to play over a course wbers tba sand hills were even mora mountainous and fatiguing thaa at Deal. Tha next season the tat man spent his summer holidays la being hauled up and down tha sea front at Bouremouth la- a don key -drawn choir. Another can ot Injudicious selection waa that of a nervous person who went to North Berwick at the height of the summer season. After break fast oa the first dsy of his vacation he waited and fussed for three hour at the tee, watch ing a crowd of player slowly start ahead ot him, aad when his turn came to drive off be waa so unstrung that be tootled nearly every shot tha entire way around. Furthermore, he never tot accustomed to i what In bis opinion were horribly dis concerting conditions, and It was net until ba returned to hst own clay courae that he found It possible to hit the ball with anythlng-approachlng confidence. Then example an given to show why It might ba well for the Intending holiday maker to exercise a little cars before he embark on ht annual soothe ra in vasion with driver and Hon, Indeed, such a precaution is even mora accessary now than a decade ago. tor 'aver since the Introduction of the rubber-cored ban the tendency ha been to make th courae BOBBB Block I : BOBBB t Do your customers live here ? ? ? . On Dodge Street, between 32d 3 Ave. and 32d St there are 3 occu pied houses and in 3 they take The Bee. : , Advertisers can cover Omaha with one wvwvptvptt. TUP utTl ts-sj&Ee.. irtS the- cftooKeDEsr evtr som o mt CMV-i or e R) TUC CO 6VM. longer, mora difficult, and In tha opinion of some a tsst ot a plnrer a athleticism ' as well a of hi skill. Coincident with this development th erer-lncfesslnK popularity ot gulf has attracted Into the ranks a small ana ot Individuals who. It not physical .wreck, certainty never; would be selected a living advertisement s for resort boarding, houses. Aa a nils, such persons ara toller in office men who rightly . retard toe week-end on some suburban course a a, tonic, Thay move a lent quit comfort- - wo a ore an ueir nauve may. wncra toe su ing b) rarely at a nature to Impose a . sever strata, and thdr success amid such f surroundings tempts mem to try nwer ambtrkras flhrhte daring their holiday; I Somehow or other It almost invariably happen that they select course tbat hava become more or toe famous. Their 1 subsequent collapse explain why one fra- ( quently bean abject foo tiers complaln Int that such and such place ara fright- fully overrated and absolutely unfair as : , to the tests ot golf. Not long sine a member f a nearby club possessing a course with scarcely a , trap or bunker, the chief obstructions I consisting of tree la such numbers a to cause oaa to wonder if the fairways were aot hewn out of tha solid forest, visited Baltuarel, which Is generally conceded to i. no one ot (ill meet soisimuceuiy win vuk courses In the country. Almost from the club'g aaritost day advancement hat been Its motto, and In making changes the committee has been careful to avoid mis take. However, the man from th courts of tree eould tee pothlnt to entbuae over ta Baltusrol. because, aa he wrathfully i remarked, ha tot Into every trap, and one of thes twice-going and coming. Far out on Long Island. In tba vicinity of fwconle bay, when tha Ideal course la beginning to attract world-wide atten tion, muck th ruu sort ot criticism al-. ready! kaa been heard, tltkouth ths. aim-" st kaj founder Is to Jhav th stghtaea note circuit as surscuve w tnv nn u advanced yser at to th far-driving youth, do far as possible tht problem has been solved by baring a bard and aa easy way of playtnt the. hot. Altar- anting tee after a chance to make tha bole longer or horter, according to the etreorth and direction of the wind, and; while long carries ara sxoeedtngly help ful on occasions, they ar not absolutely ontlal. ! ' CREIGHTON VARSITY GETS BETTER OF SOUTH OMAHA In a rough and tumble basket battle the Crelgttton varsity quintet trounced tha South Omaha High school flvs by a score of 41 to J7 last evening at tha Young Men's christian association gym nasium. The game was played as a pre liminary to the Omaha-Kansas City con test of the western tourney. Prucha, right forward for the blue and white lad, was ths Individual stsr, roll ing ap twenty-nine point. Both periods inn marred by much rough play and tha crowd was kept cheering for whoever happened to be spilled serosa the floor with the most force. The lineup: CREIGHTON. SOUTH OMAHA. Prucha ..ttr. R.K Foley ..L.F. UF Colllnt 0.1 C Lyman. Olaen ..I.O'T.O Meneree ..R.O.IR.O Flttle Prucha fo. Hoffman 14). Balderson Hoffman Haller Bhlmerda Field goals: Sblmerds , 11 ns (2), Olsen. Haller. Menefee (5. Col-' Free throws: Prucha (Ji, Point awarded: Mouth Collin tK. Omaha. Referee: Brannon. T'mpire: Miller. Scorer: Wetter. Tune ot halves: Twenty minutes. UNHOLY GETS THE DECISION OVER ALBERTS FROM CANADA CIXVELAltD. March St. Rudy Cnholx, tha Boer, In a ten-round bout before the Cleveland Athletic club tonight bad a shad th better ot Kid Alberta, the Canadian Aghtwelght champion. Frank Whitney of Cedar Rapids and -Fighting Joe" Hytand of New Terk. also lightweights, were to go tsa rounds, but Whitney was ton strong aad heavy for Hytand and the fight was stopped in the fifth. I TAX ST tO, ISIS 277. V ? ? it'