Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 41

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    Sunday Bee IuTorts
t? VOL. XU-NO. 41.
That Will Be About All for Basket Ball Until December Comes Again
Oxford and Cambridge Are Forced to
Abandon Their Annual
Players Who Were m trie Great Omaha Basket Ball Tourney
Second feme , of '. the , Interstate
Serin Goes to the 'Mis
souri. Lads.
Missouri Team Shows Mort Superior
.. Style in Game.
local lads Have Won from
Winners of Yesterday,
K- Omaha Lean, a
(.'test Mar Havo to Da Decided
hj cuirlus Scarf af
.' ' the Gaawi.
Koreas City, Co; Ottumwa, S3.
The fast Kansas City Central High
school quintet triumphed over Ottumwa
llieh's husky basketeering (quad la the
second came of the western tnterschouu
t;c floor tourney by a decisive core of
SS to Si t the "T" gymnasium yesterday
afternoon. .
At no time of the contest was the Mis
souri segregation In danger of defeat and
i their brilliant playing- and team work;
Betted them a lead of seventeen points
kn the first half, which ended R to H In
hetr favor. Coach Teuton's pupils had
the necessary gameness and dash of play
which seemed to overcome the attempts
of the lowana to locate the basket.
As in the game against Omaha. Lewis
Dense, the little Kansas City forward,
was the sensational player on the floor,
and his five feet four Inches of ginger
end speed was the feature of the entire
two halves. John Rcber, captain . and
center, also played steady and outjumped
big Lester, his opponent, at all times. The
whole Missouri quintet had a style of
i May that proved superio In every way.
I Their pausing was accurate and swift,
, their basket shots steady and well timed
and .their guarding moat cleverly pulled
off. "-Mense contributed largely to their
win W tossing- "the leather ' wind - bag
throukh the. hoop twelve out of fourteen
tiroes opfree thKws. . t ' i
o'ttanfwa Is Excelled.' ?
Ottumwa proved a disappointment, ps
eislry In the first half.whanythetr oppon
ents' excelled them In evetf department
of the spdrt, Their basket shooting was
erratle and their team work loose, and
It was only , through the redeeming work
of Shaffer at left forward that they- wera
able to save themselves from a one-sided
drubbing. vTbr era also weak at -max.
Ing their free throws coust. aa they found
the woeti"-nel. but Us times ut o( a
possible nlasteto, r
The onht stag ot the contest at which
Ottumwa showed much form wss In the
last six minutes of the final period when
they rolled up 'ten points In quick suc
cession. Their Jlasn. wss toe late, how
ever. and1 thsjr, had -to be content with
the small end of the score when the final
whistle was blown,
since the. outcome of yesterday's game
the tourney, has evolved Itself Into a tri
angular affair for th championship of
the west If Omaha beats Ottumwa in the
final battle tonight, the handsome Rysn
1 trophy will go to the locals, but If the
lowans win, the western honors can only
be.jettled by competitive scores.
Omaha trimmed Kansas City last night.
ti to a j.
The Untip:
nancy B.F.IR.F Nevin
Mense L.F. .P Shaffer
Reber (CI....-......C.IC C lister
l ampbetlt Aii.L.O.L.Q wormhoudt
Jackson' ..R.O.IRO Lodwk-k
Score by kalves: Kansas City. I.", II;
total. . Ottumwa. Is, It: total, a.
substitutes:- OB Men for Campbell at
ten guard. Lynch for Wormhoudt at left
forward. Kield goals: Dancy (J), Mense
- I. Reber it), Jackson (3), Shaffer (Si.
Lester (It, Wormhoudt (1). Points
awarded: Ottumwa (ll, Kansas City in.
Kree throws: Mense (U, Lester tl). Lynch
(St. Nevin m. Refeeee: Brannon of Uni
versity. I'mplre: Gus Miller of I'nlversity
of Omaha. Scorer: R. Unn Welker of
Omaha "V association. Time of halves:
Twenty minutes.
Unli Wl
a Initial basse ( We
Floor Taarstey -
Omaha High school. S3; Kansas City
Central High school. S3.
The speedy Omaha High school basket
tossers overcame the Initial obstacle to
wards winning the honors of the 1311
Western Intcrscholastlo floor tournament
ky trouncing the Kansas Ckr Central
High quintet, tlie top school aggregation
of Missouri sod Kansas. In a hard-fought
and close exhibition of the leather wind
bag rport to the tune of to B at the
"Y" gymnasium Fnlay nigliL
Twice the g&ma was played to a tie,
the first time being at the end of the final
period, when the soore'board showed 3
to !&, and again after the five minutes'
extra time had been, played, when 33 was
'T. 'b"' "" 'r ,h -CM,d
time then It was necessary to play aa'
additional five minutes and It was during
this period that the sport reached Us
climax and kept tha crowd In a state of
real suspense.
Real basket ball prevailed during this
exdtlnc period and the crowd aa anil a
the Dlavere tinned Into tha antrtt of the
contest. Lone bosket shots were mada
from an pans of the floor, difficult over-
hand flips were reeled off and a aeriea
of double passes and Jerk throws was lately distinguished themselves to cos
snapped about, all of which gave the tests with first rate professions la at the
J plsy a dash aad vim arsaom brought , London National 8 sorting dub, Stanley.
about In this branch of athletics. It waa ! almost aa swift and subtle a boxer aa
k then by dint of soma clever team work j Drieoot, was not disgraced la his unsue-
ead excellent guarding ea tha part of
James Gardiner, the little right guard
for Coach Jay Clark puptla, that they
succeeded la shoving the numbers up fo
Z while Kansas City 'had to be content
aritSt the small ,end at 33.
aMiharxilasMlateat Vaaae.
The whole Omaha quintet played a con
sistent game and kitboogtr luck seamed
against them during the first bait they
came back strong by. locating the hoop
with regular prectaloa -4o tb final and
extra period. Mark Hughes, left for
ward, was the sntalng tight of tha eveav
Ing whea at earns tor Booting baskets, and
Continued, ea Soma PsgtJ.
ill ' laaSas vSSBAmi'Z a . s ll l ii IJ
mmmm mM fa ;L jIksL ! !gamesgrow bigger
French. Boxer's Becent .Victory 'is II T y'-vf AV 1 a Ik V M!
bi ixnucAssrai III r Y-l.X'. ...ti , UAi.Vil 1.! 15
Prearhaieai 1 Have) - Lewaj Bee a Kx
. porta wttk rail, Peaseselsug Jaag
. sseat, , aad.? Sheald V sW,..
Itlac ea
NEW YORK, March 30,-The victor ot
George Carpentter, the French middle
weight champion, . over Jim . Sullivan at
Monte Carlo; . when, the 'Frenchman .won
In seven minutes, has attracted the at
tention of followers of pugilism to the
progress ot- French boxers. Carpentier
Is now the recognised middleweight cham
plon ot Eusope. He has pace and a fine
defense, which, together with excellent
hitting powers, make him a dangerous
opponent fit the ring.
Ten years ago the Frenchman was still
supposed to be physically and morally In
capable to "f)ght like a Christian" (to
quote the quaint phrase used by a worthy
of the old prise ring), and when a little
latef le boxe began to be cultivated In
Paris It was possible tor the foreign critic
re eoBtenrplatsr-tne- fwat products of the
aew cult with mingled amusement and
amassment. Tst there was no reason In
tha nature of things why a race which
had always excelled in the art of the
sword should not also distinguish Itself
In the ring. The chsracterlstlo qualities
of the successful fencer- fine footwork,
sec urate timing, the ability to Judge dis
tance, the harmony of hand and eye.
and a reserve ot nervous energypsre
equally valuable In the modern game of
boxing, while the campact physique ot
the round-headd. short-necked French
athlete and his .conquerable eourage ob
viously provided him with tha capacity of
withstanding punishment. "
It wss soon evident that the deficiencies
of the first French boxers were merely
the result of a. lack of scientific teach'
Ing. As to their possession of the physi
cal and moral stamina (there Is really
no such thing as merely physical cou
rage), known as "bottom spirit". to the
old-fsshloned pugilists, there was no
doubt whatever. They could endure an
Intolerable deal of pounding: as a ruls It
required a knockout to extinguish the
emits which they wore on entering the
ring. And from the first the writer wss
Impressed by the fact that as a result,
no doubt of the national absemlousness
in drinking, and the eating of flesh the
French stomach Is much less susceptible
to Jolts and drives than that of the
average English or American pugilist.
The Invasion of Paris by a number of
American boxers provided the expert
teaching required, and the result la seen
today in thb appearance of a group of
skilful and hard-hitting French pugilists
whose style is In most cases ay blend of
American and English methods. A few
of theni adopt the so-called American
-crouch, which, as the annals of the old
prise ring clearly snow, la actually of
English origin. But the best of them can
only be called "Americanised" la the
that they attack in two plane.
paying as much attention to an opponent's
body as to bis head, whereas tha point
of the coin la the chief objective of t
tack with nearly all English boxers. All.
or nearly all, of them have a "punch."!
This la a striking proof that the I
French style la excellent In an essential J
point, which I too often Ignored by Erie-1
Usb teachers of boxing. The faculty of
hitting hard la not an Inexplicable Sift
of the gods: H is the result of a proper
. . k,. .,-,,
balanclag of -the body which admits af
toe constant uae of leg drive, which
counts for as much la boxing as in row
ing. Let anybody whs doubts this watch
Jim tmscoll's foot work when he is at.
tacking. This power of delivering blow
wight ot the body drives
hind them Is a common characteristic af
tTto- otherwise differing in several
respects, of Ledoux and Poesy, who hare
contest wtlh the latter, . who
must have been eight or nine poaads
heavier an advantage equal to twenty
five pounds In . the heavywelsrM claa.
But 'there can be little doubt that Poesy
at quite- good eaough already to give
even iTiscoO any amount of trouble.
Mrkrrta Ua a stertk.
ferr Haute as signed the veteran
Otlle Pickering. . who says has ankle,
broken last year while ta tb Kitty league,
has recovered. The Terr Haut club
also has Earl Pickering, the I'nlversity
of Minnesota athlete, oa its roster, but
be will aot report ants June.
OMAHA HIGH SCHOOLStandlng.'- Left to
right: Beryl Crocker, left forward and captain;
John Over, substitute forward; Sidney Meyer, sub
stitute guard or forward; Leslie Burkeoroad, left,
guafd; James Gardiner, 'right guard; - Clarence
Bhary, substitute center; Mark Hughes, right for
ward; Vargll Hector, renter; Joy Clark, coach.
OTTUMWA HIGH SCHOOL 8tanding, Left to
Right: Lester, center; Wonrfboudt, right for
ward; Shaffer, left forward; Lynch, left guard;
High School Squad to Prepare for
the Coming; Meets.
Plenty at rrosslslnsc Material
Head (each Ilaa Wet Been
SelceteSV Ta Trala. aa
Crrlahtaa Field.
The Ull high school track squad will
go Into active training this week for the
big Missouri valley Indoor meet, which
wig be held at the Auditorium April 17
A picked team of ten lada will be en
ed In this event.
There Is plenty of promising material
on hand this season from which to pick
a stellar aggregation of athlete to rep
resent the school in ths two other trach
events of the year, the Nebraska and the
Missouri valley outdoor Interscholastle
The Isds will use Crelghton field for
outdoor practice and the "V" association
gymnasium for indoor work. The onlv
available grounds ,for outdoor work at
ths school campus Is a atrip of cinder
track running on the north Mde of Dodge
street from Twentieth to Twenty-second
street. Athletic Director C. K. Reed has
not yet secure! a coach for the season,
but will mske a definite choice before
school resumes.
Maay Will Train.
The following Is a list of tads who will
work out m track athletics thai spring :
Sprints Robert Wood, captain. He and
33 yards; Halleck Rouse. MS. St and 4e
yards: Joha Drexel, lot and US yard'
Hugh Millard, ! and V yards; Russet
Larmon, lot yards; Charles Klngwalt, Vi
and 4t yards.
Half and Mile Runs-Chariea Robe;
Coleman Gordon. Gilbert Kennedy, LeRo
Busard. Alien Sellne and Jame Wester
Eeld. Low Hurdles-Howard Blttlnger. John
Dread, Charles Klngwalt and Allen He-
Field Events-Vergil Rector, pole vault.
running broad Jump aad high Jump: Ar
thur Rouner. high Jump and weight:
Robert Wood, running beoad Jump; Fin
ley Jenkins, sole vault; Russell Larmon.
pole vault: Philip Gavin, weights
Relay Team-Robert Wood, Halleck
Rous.' Hugh Millard and Joha DrexeL
niinois Swimmers
Win Year's Honors
CHICAOO. March 3s. University ef
nSnou) ewlmmers captured the Intercol
legiate awinrrotng meat aa Pattea gym
nasium at Evaastoa tonight- .Tney took
first place la all but tw eveats. Only
tour ac boots entered the contest aad they
finished aa follows: Illinois. St; North
western, a; Wteeoasln. IS; Chtcago, a
Tosburgh. representing" nilnats, easily
wss the star f the meet. He captured
first place la (oar e-reata. No record
war broken, but tmaav ef the traumes
Were Ixcittag, ,
: -
i 1 ,i
Thirt" Candidates Benort at the Inl
tial Meeting'.
Aadrrsaa Look After Laasr 4)ls
taaee ttaaaere and Clapp t
Valde the Mea t be !
the Vaaltlaa-
LLNCOLN. Neb.. March 19. -( ri pedal.)
With favorable weather, ' the first call
for track men was Issued by Cosch
Btlehm this week, and at the Initial meetr
Ing held thirty candidates reported for
Guy E. Reed will take charge of the
aprlnt men, and with the assistance of
L'sptsln Anderson will also have charge
of. the long dlstsnce runner. Heed hes
shown considerable aptittra (or coach
ing' and, with hla knowledge of track
work. Is expected to be able to look after
this dtpsrtment. Dr. Clapp, who has al
ways had charge of the pole vaultere, will
take cbsrge ot this special event again.
while Btlehm will only attempt to euach
the weight men and the Jumpers.
Steady for Mrld Work. ,
It the weather Is favorable, outdoor
practice will be Inaugurated next week.
The cinder path waa slightly dsmsged
by the heavy snows melting rapidly, but
this damags will be repaired Immediately.
The wlti.drawal ot Mctlowan ' from
school last week was a serious blow to
the Comhuikcr hopes, as he wss a fast
quarter roller and by far the most prom
ising applicant (or Heed's shoes in this
event- The sprints are heavily fortified
with Msy snd Christmas In school and
rlth several promising new men. There
is sn abundance of material for the field
The appointment of Reed as asshttsnt
manager to Stlehm and assistsnt eoach,
is looked forward to at a special meet
ing of the athletic board committee Mon
day night. It at understood that Reed
has already been named by the board,
although there la some question aa to the
sltry to be paid. He will take over
nearly all of the duties as manager, with
the exception of preparing schedules.
Horine Sets Record .
' For the High Jump
. -George liorlne ( the ciasa ot 013 ofj
tanlord university broke the world s
running high Jump record la a meet with
the I'nlversity of Houthera California
here today, clearing the bar at S feet ft
laches. Tb previous" record of S feet S
ss wss made by M. F. Sweeney at
New York September H, K9S.
Horine broke the world's Intercollegiate
record her Tuesday In a Jump of S feet
Inebea. His record today waa mad
oa tb third trial aad was officially aiea
ared wy the Judgea of the meet. Trainer
Christla of the Lnrrsrstty ( Carl forma.
Trainer Moultoa f Stanford aad Trainer
Cromwell of tb University ef Souther
I California,
Nevin, forward or jusrd; Lodwlck, right guard or
center; Klglemsn, coarh; Mendelsohn, manager.
Standing, Left to Right: Porter Graves, athletio
director; L. L. Toulon, roach; Kerfort Griffith,
sub center; Sumner Ftfleld, sub forward; EJgar
Jackson, right guard; Graham Campbell, left
guard; John Reber, center and captain; Keith
Dansy. right forward; George O'Brien, substitute
guard; Lewis Mante. left, forward.
Yachting; to Be a Big Feature on the
Nearby lakes. , '
Hod aad l.aa flab (.arias Plana for
Vrartlaa (aralval, Oa ( lb
Hla Aanaal Eveato ea
tarter Lake,
Aquatic sports promise to be active
here this spring snd summer. Yachting
will be carried on at Carter Lake, Mi
awa and Seymour lake. Robert N. Hur-
gess, . 8. Hamilton, T. P. Gibbons and
Walter Wharton are four of the enthusl
asts of the Rod snd Gun club.
The Msnswa. one of the fastest local
thirty-two-foot boats, will be on Csrter
lake this summer. It Is owned by Jerry
Vsn Renasalaer of the Hod and Gun club.
Canoeing will be In the limelight
George Aulanaugh la chief commodore of
a crew that takes In 8. X. Hamilton,
Douglas Mrleher, K. T. Glover, Oscar
Drefold and Ed snd Georgs Blermsn.
Rev. George MscDougall of the Olivet
Baptist church Is also one of the prime
movers of the sport, and has a little birch
bark of his own which he Intends toNnl-
grate through the water this year.
Oa tarter Lake.
The Diets club will boost scquatic at
Carter Lake, and a boat club has already
been organised In connection with the
other features there. Canoes, steam
launches, motor busts, rowboats snd
yachts will be much In evidence, sod
when the new dock Is completed on the
west side of the Iske. the accommodations
will be much Improved. It as planned to
hsv weekly yscht snd canoe race dur
ing July and August K. L. Latferty, It
D. Evans and Frank Sprllman make up
the committee which will conduct the
water affairs of the club this sesson.
Other organisations which will take part
In water sports are the Council Illuff
Rowing association at Lake Manawa and
the Young Men's Christian association,
which will hsv Its annual summer ath
letic park at Carter lake.
The Venetian water carnival and re
gatta under the auspice of the Rod and
Gun club will be held at Carter lake
early la August. ,
PLN&HURST. N. C, March Jl-Th
women's event of the united golf cham
pionship ended today with a sensational
climax la the defeat of Mis Kate Van
Ostrand of the Jefferson county Country
dub by Mr. J. Raymond Price, the Oak
mont champion. up and 3 to play.
Aa winner over Mlas Dorothy Campbell,
Mis Vsn Ostrand was generally regarded
as a certain victor, but from the start of
today's match Mrs. Price asd things her
owa way, turning home S up. losing two
hole coming and winning tb fifteenth
for ta match. 4 up and S to play.
Mlas Myra B. Helmer was victorious m
the consolation from Mrs. Frank Hayes
ef Eaglewod by tb same score.
Wisconsin Institutes a Hew System
of Athletio Training-.
Preseat Order af Thlasrs la the Meat
Important that Ilea Happeaed la
a Generation la the Way
at Sparta.
NEW YORK, March JO.-On fact In
connection with athletics In the college
which has been forcing Itself forwsrd for
the last half dosen years or more and
which waa brought out strongly at the
meeting of the National Colleglule Ath
letic association Is that sports and
athletio contests of sn Intercollegiate
nature are becoming of Increasing
portanc from day to day, although there
la not now and hardly will be any
tendency tor them to overshadow the
Intercollegiate contests with their picked
teams and keen rivalry. But from the
point ot view of those who have the phy
sical welfare of tha eollags student st
heart the new order of things Is the
moot Important that has happened la a
generation. 1 .
This asw plan of giving athletio exercise
to the youth of the colleges, although ex-
latlng and flourishing lb a more or less
unorganised stats In nearly every college
In the land, Is shown to Its beet advan
tage In the new system of athletio train
ing that has been Instituted at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin by Dr. George W.
Shier, who has been physical director
since Dr. C. P. Hutchlns resigned to take
up a similar poaltlon at Indiana uni
versity. Dr. Khlcr began his task by abolishing
practically entirely the old program of
compulsory gymnsstlo and callsthenle
classes and substituting training In the
branch of sport which ths student
thought he was best adapted to follow.
For the first part of the college year
the freshman class Is compelled to take
Its regular exercla outdoors, and Dr.
Khler ruled that every first year man
had to play foot ball without the tackling
feature. This continues until December I,
snd then the students take to the gymnas
ium, where Instead of being put through
the several gymnsstlo exercises they are
permitted to select one of any number
of sports such ss rowing, track athletics,
basket ball, swimming, fencing, boxing,
meaning and elementary foot ball, to
which they will devote' their attention
until spring. In the sophomore year prac
tically the same program Is followed out
As a result of this new process of mak
ing ths students take so many hours of
rcgulsr athletic exerciss each week. Dr.
Eltler ha built up such a desire for
sthletirs as such that It la believed that
in a short time there will not be the
'acuities to accommodate those who
want to go in for the various sports,
(.'amp Itandall, tha new athletio field.
Is already well filled with baas ball dia
monds and foot ball gridirons, but the
number of strictly Intercollegiate teams
that desire to make use of the ground
is men-suing at such a rapid pace that
there will hardly be room for them all
if it continues. Dr. Ehler distinctly en
courages the formation ot Intercollegiate,
teams In all branches ot sport and hi
efforts are not going unrewarded. With
such an enormous number of men com
peting It is smsli wonder that there Is
never a dearth of candidates for any one
branch of sport and that the Wisconsin
teams are better than they have ever
been In the past, taken one and all.
But It kj not only at Wisconsin that
the value of Intercollegiate porta bare
been recognised, stthough at no other
Institution sre there the facilities for
them as have been made possible by
Dr. Ehler. At Princeton there has been
for tb last lew years a general develop
ment In the Intramural Idea and no
there are all-Princeton competitions In
basket ball, bass ball, bowling, swim
ming, lawa tennis and relay racing open
to all students who havs sot the ability
I to make the first or second varsity
teams. The general athletic facilities
were badly overtaxed at Princeton last
year, but that has been remedied bow
and this season there will be little (ear
of crowding. Harvard has taken kindly
to the new. Mea of athletics and so have
practically all the colleges that support
well-organised Intercollegiate teams. The
following extract from the annual report
of Preeldent Jacob Gould tSchurman of
Cornell Is aa appreciation of the new or-
dr of things: t
"Side by aide with the successes in Inter
collegiate athletics there is developing at
Cornell university a system of home
athletics which la peculiarly gratifying to
those who recognise tb necessity of
sports and game for young men. but who
look with some apprehension on the ex-
(Continued oa Second Past.)
Oxford is Bobbed from What Looks
Like Victory.
Both Shells Become Waterlogged
' After Start
Oxford Stnris la the Lead Llabt
Blue Appear Nrrvwaa Crew
Are forced t Hall Oat aad '
Abaadua Cvate.
rt'TSEV. England. March Sk-Th an
nual elshl-oared rowing contest between
crews representing ths Oxford and Cam
bridge universities which started this
morning at Putney bridge, waa declared
no race, after both shells had become
waterlogged. The president of the Ox
ford and Cambridge boat clubs bar de
cided that the race shall be rowed again
on Monday, April L
Except for, the presence ot a strong
westsrly wind, which boating experts oa
the riverside estimated would give aa
advantage to the crew which won tb
toes (or position and selected the Surrey,
or southern shore, delightful weather pre
vailed for the sixty-ninth intervarslty
boat race. . .
The course was the usual an from
Putney bridge to Mortlake, a dlstsnce ef
four, snd one-fourth miles. At aa early
hour the towing paths and other vantage
points along the riverside began to fill
with the ten of thousands who an
nually attend the great aquatic struggl
between the selected oarsmen of the two
eld universities.
Ox feral Ha l-oaa Lead.
Oxford waa robbed of what would have
been sn eaay win by rough weather. The
Cambridge shell wss ths first to go under
water a little over a mile from the start.
The boat commenced to ship water soon
aftsr the signal was si van to start.
The oxford eight managed to get as
far as Chlswlck Eyot, about three-quar
ters of tha dlstsneo, whea tb boat had
so much water on board that the crew
had totop rowing. Unlike tha Cam
bridge men, however, the Dark Blue,
aftsr towing thslr boat oa shore and
emptying out the water, re-embarked aaf
ttluehed the. course. . ,
Oxford look ths lead la the race almost
from tlie Mart. The Light Blue appeared
nervous, and besides taking" In minia
ture sea owing to choppy . waves, ther
shipped more water from their oars. By
the time they reached Harrod's Stores,
a llltls over a mil from ths start, they
were compelled to- abandon their boat
The majority ot the crew swam ashore
and the remainder were picked up by
tlie umpire's host.
The Oxford crew, by hugging the chore,
kept out of the roughest water until they
reached Chlswlck Eyot. There their eoach
ordered them to ball out thslr shell, but
they were unable to do so, or misunder
stood the order. Instead at bailing thr
went ashore, which Is a clear breach of
the rule of the race, and the umpire's
decision that tb contest wsa "as race"
wss a foregone conclusion.
Ths official time for th whol course
from Putney to Mortlak la given at SI
minutes, St second, but tb Oxford crew
hsd already occupied IS minute when
their host was swamped.
Pueblo Complaint
Falls Very.Eat
Th Pueble authorities who appealed
to Secretary Farrell, ' of . th National
Has Ball commission, demanding redress
for th Isbetl sal to Wichita, have
heard from that official. Farrell sd vises
th Pueblana to Present their claims to
President Tip O'Neill, head of tha Weal-
era league.
Over a month ago Tip O'Neill Invited
th Pueba to send representative to tb
Chicago schcduJ meeting, but they re-
(uaed to act on th (uggeatioa. Th
Farrell decision lmply mean that th
power ot organised base ball ara con
vinced that th Weetern knows how to
handle It own affair. While - Justice
at first seemed to lean toward Pueblo,
subsequently that th chaps la Llttl
Pittsburgh did not state tha full (acta.
and when Isxy cam across . with th
document to prove that be dealt fairly.
th bottom dropped out at : Pueblo'
Poggenburg Loses
Fourth Game toRoudil
PARIS. Msrch Sa-Ferdlnand Poggen
burg. the American amateur champion
billlardlst, today lost hi fourth gam In
th Millard tournament for the amateur
championship of tb world. H was de
feated by Roudil of France, w to ta.
Poggenburg best run la today's gam
was IS. His recent run of let stands as
th beat made so far la tb tournament-
Mortier of Franc leads ta th contest
with five game won and oa lost. Artu
and Darantlsr. both of France, are la
second and third places, respectively.
Poggenburg is bow la tghth place with
two games won aad four lost.
Athletics Kobbed of
Jewelry and Money
BALTIMORE. March 3s.-Jswiry
valued, at SLS9S and SOS ta currency be
longing to four members of th Phila
delphia American league base ball dub.
I a baas ban enthusiast were auMea
from a grip left oa th player bench
during the game with the Baltimore Intt
aaUooai iea-u club today.
Those who suffered losses war: Brlaco
Lord. Joha Barry. John Mclnnea and Sd-
dl Celltne. slayer, aad Charts Tttsnaa
of Philadelphia, who accompanied tb
teem oa Its souUwra tour.