Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 40

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in '
Cost Vastier ui Approach of June
Srigbtel Market Hopes.
itiNON Caart O !! CmbmM
aa h Vsvsankl is Omaha,
; mm Omska'a Bcaltr
Attar wesks af taactftlty mi stau
m r rulf to the aua sod to star
mm th tern, Tbr aavt to era rivet 1
aa th thawtns and orrWS ef arouail
ad accastonallr anil at ths Booth if
J una hanslnc m tm calendar.
Far srtth tas aatkipatioa of that ida
their busiaess reaches lt
Crsatsat volism. Hanr excavation join
ar Baa4C better weather conditions.
mm ax Us purchases ot tlx groomi anl
bridsa-to- W.
AJrsadr tit buhrulnen el the your, I
avals hi btendlr lata that of busmen.
Ileal aetata' office have pefua to re
ret the yoathful Lochlnvar whom
artrpowerinr Mea of a home srs aar
ualtj ahatractin- hit attention from hi
pocket book. Bona have bt-un maklns
their first paxmeata, srhtl other an
hanslnc out tike real read? money- In
large amount a. i ' "
. Mas realtr'n have eipreaaed th
i opiates urine ts lt week that ther
mam (14 of thai auprein court's o
ietaioa la th aaa of KUtenbriak acalnst
K uridine Inspector WBhooll.
The plaintiff sotaytit ta ntadamua th
Inspector to compel th laraaac of a per
mit for th sraotio of a brlckysrd. LB-
der th ordinaries th Inspector had re
fusee ea th rouad that It would be a
laulaaae aed a mnao ta publlo health.
aa It la ertdent that a brickyard would
predue amok aad dust to becloud th
air. Th dealers declare that, whll th
wJ f property for brickyard will ben
aflt perhaps an da ten It will retard
' th sales ef near wTi hold the artnctei
(or prepertr la the sekthhorhood. for
ithls reasea ther are pjeaaad that th
court feusd asalnat the plaintiff.
I Ksw that the aupraaw court has held
valid th asproprjadon of IWO.OOO for th
I construct! oa st a laboneoory bulldlns ea
,tb campus at the I'rdeersHy Medical
eoUeta, forty second streat aad IMwcy
! avenue, the work la expected te start
!oea and conUna merrll
, Bids for ths construction ef th new
dine will class th test 'of thl week,
'and the wh bar flcuiwd themaelvaa
dlssy oa th proposition ar anxiously
awaJUnf April i. ths lime (1b bktdln
rlosss sad th estimates am taken by
the. university bulldtnf comtrittea, which
wards th sontract. Betides the fen.
eral contract t be decided upon ther
will b subcontracts te let such as for
the electrical work, p'.umbtiuj and heat
Inf plants V ,
Amond th subcontract! will b that
for ths oonat ruction ef rtr1-rtor rooms.
A nam bar of the will be figured upon.
It being- th Intention I make th las
oratory en ef th beat equipped la the
country. The rarr Iterator room are te
b occupied by fever pstlenta. Different
temperature ar ta be kept In each
room and each tls ta maintain a eon
slant drgrei ef beat
Aa Eatllih architect recently -Irttlnt
thai country remarked that ens thine
which struck him ea xamlalnf our
V ousts was that sur architect do not
plan bedroom with th Idea of prevent,
tnf draft. They oeualty bar window
directly o posits the door, which from
health standpoint la rather danieraua.
This brlnja np a point which must sou
time reoetv svere eoesloSratloa, says
writer la th Toronto Builder and Con
tractor. At present ventilation la left
to much t chance. ) many easel a
adeqiiat provision Is mads for fresh air.
The Improvements la balldlng construc
tion and materials all tend to mak our
btaldlnss draft proof, cuttlas oft th sup
ply of fresh air except through the open
doors aad windows, where th supply, If
utilised, la toe violent. This, of sour.
has glvea rise ta many patent window
ventilators bow oa th market, gome
ot them ar good, but moat ef them are
unsatisfactory. Th future design must
tak mors notic at th seeds at vsntlln-
tlea. ' i .
! Ths Norwood apartment, KS-M-al Har
itiey street, aeld tor oath.
f aire, alinnls R. was. Mil North Twen
-Jy-Oret atreet. who made the purchaa
front aarnuel afandeteoa a few days ago
through the CHover Realty syndleata, laid
fills) real steney Into th hands of th
aellar; ' '
The Norwood Is one of three apart-
, meat between Thh-ty-thlrd aad Thirty-
fourth streets oa Harney street that war
owned by Itaadeumn. They are two
aiorle high and ot brick.
Mrs. Swan took th apartments as aa
" At the last weekly luncheon et the
:al Estate exchange Lloyd A. WU1I
'asked for uggetlon as to the else of
apartmeata he abould build la his boose
ua the let facing Dewey and Park
avenues and Harney streets. Th lot
measures ws feet east and feet
north and south. '
The coaoensua ot opinion stsmsd to be
that ther nt a greater demand tor apait
: menta ot from tour to six rooms, espo-
. dally la that swlghborhood.
wuilt has not yet mad a decision
tin the matter but It la probable be wul
rtske that saggeatlea,
- - . , - -
The David Col Ctwatnery company ex
pect to begin exeavatloa for It new
building to b erected at 1101-t-e Jones
street, within a short Urn. A building
Vtrmlt for th structure, which will be
tft stories high and measure 18 feet
square, was taken out during th week.
Th building at to cost t,Mi y
George B. Payne, head ot the Paya
larestment company. Is expected home
at any time. With his air and a party
of friend b recently has beta visiting
th Bermuda lalaads. some very
e mating descriptive letters received from
him were read at th meeting ot ta
Ileal Estate exchange last wees.
1 A3r E
Suggestions Regarding Basement Rooms
By Artha ft Waaasa.
HE writer Is not going to de
acrlb th proper arrangement
of th rooms usually Included
In a basement, such as laun
dry, fuel room, etc., but rather
tak up th overlooked possi
bilities of th average basement hi providing-
an extra room or two for living
No matter v. hat purpuse a basement Is
used for, th walls abould b mad Im
pervtoua te moisture. In acme localities
Do extra precaution is necessary, but In
other localttle various damp-proofing
methods must be resorted to.
Assuming that th walla and floor are
damp proof, the basement should then
have good light and ventilation. When
the first floor Is high off the ground thla
Is an easy thing to accomplish. Placing
a home high off of the ground seldom
looks well, and is decidedly out of keep
ing with homes In the bungalow, crafts
man or mission styles now used to such
an extent, these styles calling for an ef
fect as low and broad as possible.
When the building stands low. light and
air can be provided In the basement la
abundance by the use of area windows.
An area window Is a regular sliding sash
window, set with the greater part ot It
below the grade, the ton of the window
being up to the basement celling, while
outside, to keep the earth away and to
admit the light and air, la aa area built
with either brick or concrete walls, the
side walls usually on a Una with the aid
Jamba of th window and th wall parallel
with the window, set out from eighteen
Inches to thirty Inches. The floor of the
area should b several Inches below th
window sill, and I sometimes tnad ot
.-11.1 n mfi
Ths Art, BeitBes and Ssntlmsat
f atom building.'
Thirty saaptera, 100 lUastratloaa.
It or a wide range of subjects
laeladlag the plaaaiag or bangs,
lews, sabnrhaa aad city home,
seating from laOOO te (30,000, let
lag soatraeta, ebooeing materials,
proper dseAga ef eatrsnoe, wta
aews, flrsplae, ess., stew third
dittos. Prise, postpaid, , 11 M.
Addr, Arthur O. ' OUasea.
Architect, 113-7-M Last bee
auaasapous, auaaesot.
cement, with a drain connected to the
sewer; th mor oomraon way, .however,
specially In sand and gravel, la to pave
I the bottom of the area with vitrified brick
i set close together, but with no mortar,
j When the leaves fall at certain timet
! of th year, they of court blow Into thlt
area, to aoms extent, hut It it a small
matter to reach down with a rake and
1 pull thera out. Area wlndowa should
never be placed on tho sidu ot the
' house adjoining driveway or an alley,
for when th windows are open, the dust
! will blow In. When tliry open onto a
green lawn, this trouble Is not exper
ienced. , The use ot area windows and many
. methods used In dampproof basements
' makea the basement room available for
many purposes. When basement rooms
are used for living purposes, the stair
is always mads ot good materials, neat
In appearance and usually connected
with one of tho living rooms or hall as
' ! ! , . '.'
. .tOWTRr " MOf- or- .'I''"
attTOHP HflR lfCJUtE: mLVc CMAMrw- '
, TWO firSTK TVVVt. 1-IAtfcAl fw ,
WTt,lpt; "-T-iq -romLM. fS& S
Ivamiasiy -. 7'V i
-. 1 " .
W ay.,. i
p n jp '
.Mrvyr iott.,, 4 n:,
' "'
Movar. m ew-rmyt woof
JLLLA.1CKVt. r-ftyMrtfcfty
0-vti M.Ka,5Ttyit UKtoan Ptfinafc
TgfijVUs HOVr, VY-T-feTt Vyp-rvr?,
at a good profit Th property changed
hands Bsyrarai mora Urns, and. In Wt,
was purchased by Marshall Field for
tltl.OM. Th lot Is now the alt of part
ot Man del Bros, great store and would
probably esmmand a purchase price la
the millions." ,
Reporter Jalas Moving Pleiere
Shew aad Loaras ecrets .
' at Bastasas.
A trick picture Is usually th combined
at torts of. tho comio plot writer and the
expert cinematograph operator. W often
see. for Instance, omnibuses traveling at
a speed of M mils aa hour, flowers that
Jump from a table and arrange thera-
sslves In a vase, or a man diving with
the greatest esse . head-first out of a
river and landing en his feet oa th
In order to discover thee secrets per
mission was obtained to Join a ptctur
company then ngaged la the production
ot a film entitled "Th Uncanny Scot.-
Th work commenced outeld of a cigar
store aad each seen was most cart fully
rehearsed. A youthful actor as aa errand
boy aba was engaged In opening the
shop brought from It a dummy Scotsman
In the act of taking snuff and placed It
la position at th shop door. At this
point th stag manager, who waa con
ducting the operations, blew a whistle,
and Instantly the boy remained motion
less and the modus operandi of th first
trick waa revealed.
Th oompany understood by th whistle
that they were to ceass th slightest
movement and th photographer that ho
must Instantly stop th camera.
Th dummy of th Scotsman was now
removed and aa actor Identically dressed
waa arranged In precisely the aam posi
tion. Th whlstl went again and the
boy resumed bis work. When next pass
ing the Bootsmaa h received a kick from
him, which caused him to bolt Into the
shop la terror. Th whlstl now sounded
again, and a further substitution ot
dummy for man waa mad by th stage
hands. An actor tobacconist cam out of
th shop, and th boy explained what had
happened, but was dumfounded when
th master turned th ftgur upside down
and thus showed It to be lifeless, Ths
seen proceeded, with many stops and
changes from tho live Boots man to the
lean! mat dummy. Stopping th camera
almultaneoualy with the cessation ot all
animation Insured that the effect oa th
screen would be perfectly continuous,
as, of course, the film would be run
through without any break. Strand
Aa Interesting example of bow years
dd to th value of real estate ta
steadily growing city I told In the System
snsny-s Mill book, "How To Sell Reel
Xsrate' at a rroflt-"
'Back la 1KB. when rabbit hunting was
eajscllcot la tt brush oa th lake treat
snotb of Van Bursa street,- It leads,
and the postmaster knew even body by
feis first nam. Dr. Sylvester WUIard
paid eat C7 in coid cash tor lot t to
attrk II of ths Fort Dearborn addition.
JPsopl wondered what had corns ever
the physician, aad tt ta baudtd down that
the tia-wscUoH shattered the faith of a
3i amber Hs pattern, wh figured that
such a reckless ta vestment didn't speak
well for any ansa's ssiMlr. -
To doctor held the property for three
Largs eelectloa of Mapl Trees
of all grades.
Other Shade Treed Our cool cel
lar keeps the tree dormant after
digging. Tou can examine them,
root and branch, and see what
you ar buying.
Call or send for catalogue. 8av
agent's commission,
BBBSOhT, . Stpt, B.
P. J. FLYNN, Prop.
wen as being connected with th kitchen.
A llttl careful planning can always ac
complish this. la buagsJowa th bath
room la Sometimes placed la the base
ment. It is getting to be quite a popular
thing for a home to have a den, a place
ta which one can read or write In seclu
sion, or or averse ea private matters,
where they will not be disturbed by
the servants or members ot the family,
and mere particularly the smaller chil
dren. One man wise has built forty
seven homes decided 4 hat instead of tak
ing up .valuable space on the first floor
for this purpose, suiting It necessary to
Increase th six of hua bouse to a con
siderable extent in enfcr to accomplish
it, that he would have even greater se
clusion If the room were plsced In the
basement. This room was located by
the architect In one eorrser directly con
nected with the stairway,, where a fire
place could be provided . in It directly
under the fireplace In tlse living room
above. The stair was connected with
the hall and waa Just aa good tu every
way as the stair leading to the second
story. This basement den had plenty
ot light and even in. the winter time could
be well ventilated by the fireplace, v
Extra rooms for the servants are some
times provided In the basement. A base
ment is a splendid place for a billiard
room, which can usually be provided
directly under and of the tame size as
the living room. When there are boys
In the family athletically Inclined" the
bas-Hnent Is a good place for a gym
nasium. Thla room can alto be used aa
a hanging space for clothes during Inclem
ent weather. A large room in the base
ment fitted up for the pastime which
boys enjoy helps mor than oral Influence
to keep them off the streets evenings
during the Impressionable age. A dark
corner can always be found in the base
ment with running water and an outside
window contalnlg ruby glass for amateur
In Urge homes a large part ot the
basement Is sometimes left In one good
ataed room, provided with a good dancing
floor for dandng, and when a email
stags Is provided amateur theatricals can
be put on.' , . ,
There are. of course, other thing for
which a basement can be used, but the
foregoing la sufficient to call attention
to the fact that tho basement I of mora
value than many people reeltx and
whether It I a dusty, musty, damp.
dirty place or a clean, dry, well venti
lated and vfeii lighted place, suitable for
moat any room, dependa entirely upon
how It la built, finished off and taken
car of. Tho spaco la thera In every
home end when needed parts of It can
be finished oft and mads valuabl addi
tions to th homo for living purpose.
Guaranteed oii
Home Builders'
Preferred Shares
Shares 1.00 each. Issued as paid for, in any number de
sired, weekly or monthly. Interest paid semi-afinually; compounded
if not withrawn". Shares resold under guaranty when money in
fested with interest is wanted. Not a savings bank, yet Just as
safe, as all money ot borne builders is secured by mortgages or
deeds on new dwellings. Tour savings investment solicited. Printed
matter, giving full information furnished upon request.
Buy a Home in the
New Way
We will build any style house yon like on s lot selected by you
any here in the city and furnish the money you need. Tou to pay us
back almost like rent, or as fast ss you desire. Ths new way is
simple, easy and economical. Our free booklet, "The New Way'",
will interest you.
Home Builders
American Security Company
309 S. 17th' St Bet Faraam and Harney, Ground Floor.
Both Phones. OMAHA. NEB. .
Standard Electric Company
Tel. 3831 319 South Thirteenth St, ,
Edw. F. Shurig. Mgr. - -
Build Your New House of BRICK
Houses costing $3,000 or mors can be built ot brick for ten per cent In excess of frame. ' ' '
Going to build? Then build s brick house, for it will completely satisfy you. That's the kind of a house
someone else wants, and that. In turn, la ths basis for s profitable sale, it you should desire to sell.
Brick houses are tbs safest investments. - . - )
Fine Face Brick Make Fine Houses
Ws know how to work out the most spproprlsts brick effects. It is our specialty. We hsvs helped msny
folks to select Fscs Brick. It is so artistic proposition. The most pleasing houses In Omaha ars faced
with Sunderland's Fine Face Brick.
Flesss Tlslt our display. It Is Interesting. . -i
Grass Seed and
'Fertilize Your Lawns
Stewart's Seed Store
119 North 16th tt Opposite P. O.
Telephone D. 977. j
Kentucky Blue Grass
Liwn Mixture
White Clover
"Study Nook" Lawn
"Wizard" Brand Sheep Manure
All for th Laws. W doctor
lewaa. Com In and sea as.
Bssds Tha S)rw.
amm Aayf
Open Saturday Kvaalnsa.
Ttie Nebraska Seed Cj).
rasa B. 1M1- ISIS atsward M.
X D.rlrl.rl 1 T? L T - A A
i ttuucu 1'iuYiug vans rurmiure rauiiiig
rire rroof storage Piano Moving
216 South 17th Street
Phones: Douglas 394
Ind. A-1314
Extra Fast-Extra Comforts
Extra Low Fares
"All-Tourist-Car Colonist Trains de luxe will be operated out
of Omnha on April 3, 13, 14 and 15. The low ono-way colonist
fare of $25 in effect daily until April 15 to Utah, Nevada,
California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, applies on these
"trains to points in Utah, Nevada and California, These
trains are for tourist sleeping car passengers only.
Tourist Sleeping Car
Fare From Omaha to
Salt Lake City, $3.50
Ogden, . . . . $3.50
San Francisco, $5.75
Los Angeles, . -, $5.75
The destination of the trains is San Francisco, but they will
have through sleeping cars for Los Angeles via the Salt Lake '
Eoute from Ogden; also through sleepers from Oakland over
the Southern Pacific (Coast Line), affording a daylight rido
along the Pacific Coast. Other special features of these spe
cial colonist trains will be
We feel certain that these special features will be aa induce
ment for you to have your western trip arranged via
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Automatic Qectric Block Safety Signals.
New and Direct Eoute to Yellowstone National Park.
For literature and further information relative to routes,
sleeping car reservations, etc call on or address
' La'BEINDORF, C. P. & T. A.,
1324 Farnam Street Omaha. Nebraska
Telephones: Douglas 1828; Ind. A-3231
, i
veJ ui tfcB - it to &astu Cote
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