Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tin- OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31, 1912.
eurt corains for taft
rromincct Farmers Say Aiainif
.tratioa Eai Hade Good.
LliL PHrra tar Kara IvlMts
slake rrs.ecll for All Claeaea
.'a Caaaanlty Kalllle la
fcecaael Teraa.
, X.TQXi Web; March &.Bvccai.)
',tVs;l caejnly tanners are. allva on the
' 7iK( UaasJoa aaJ have ao hesitancy
,) :! themselves fevorebl to the
pitast,-. adrctaUtraUon. My second 4ey
: tii souaty, speM la the northera part.
toys thai sinus ssntlmeat exists
ejasirt a ehang.
r. A. H1B. a very Influential and well
kaova Swedish fanner Bear Oakland and
. a veteraa at tae ctvll war. aaid: "I have
1 Aid here lortr yean and aever taw
lr!ea as food f or ua aa bow. President
, Tail saUsOcs me perfectly, and 1 waat
' tea alai renomiBated. Hta ailmtnls-
fatten haa keen a safe one. and I want
ilia aresent cacdllUona eoaUnued." The
- savas sentiment eras air txpretatd by
' Mhers whom 1 met la Oakland.
Arotntd Idroaa a street feellas eslsts la
fairer at tha areaent administration. John
r. fcnolsa. a weU-la-d farmer near town.
. i-vat to na: ."Praeldeirt Taft la entitle
in another term because be hai shown
'. l.anwll la be afcia ta band la tha attain
i. lle country eseoearfully. I Ilka Ue
. ucy ha fened about thine, and tha way
he deliberated over Important asatters be-
. I n he makes a dec ie too. Mr. Taft I
' tftoa cnoudb tor at."..
Katllled ta leaaad
7Jlt)aJn aenra la a stront; admirer of
' U-: Uooserea bat said. "1 tMnk Presi
dent' Taft hss Inade ue a rood president,
taJut farmer I have aa real criticism
ta make. I can support him If renomi
nated, and feel that I am aadaUnc aleaf
right lanes. Cudldlr, I feel that he U
tiiUtled to m secant term."
Ol- H: Miller, on of the leading farm
era of this section of BUM eonaty, aald:
'1 am for Prealdent Taft becauae I be
lieve he le a mas who doea what ha tMaka
la right Aa a general taint the saea who
depend npon tha products at tha farm
btre received rood prloea for them, and
. I believe wa ougM ta take ne chenoes aa
a chance." i
. " Ceed Vlatea for ErwrraadT.
Mr. Lewis of tha subetan
tlal farmers at Thurstoa oeunty, aald:
' "Wa outfit to let wall enough aloe.
President Taft haa (Vee tha country a
txd business aJlmloaUratlea eaa that will
( dowa la history aa eaa of the beat the
country haa ever known. Tha fanner has
been prosperous, and that means good
tinea for everybody.' When asked what
ha thoatht of the Canadian rseisrectty
' matter. Ut. Dunn aald: -The talk about
It hartlnt tha American farmer at all ban-
' combe. PoMttclens hard ased It ta make
ike road ta a second nomination for Mr.
Taft harder, but It won't work. I am aot
afraid of Canada, for I think wo are able
ta take ear at Ourselves. : Thorn ara th
ere who foal tha same aa t da." P. A. B.
La Follette Orators-
Speak in Nebraska
LINCOLN Nab, March IsSenator
Robert M. La Itollstta will make
ateaktftf cam palm neat waek la the
fnrarest of his awa presidential candidacy
la thl state. Ho haa written local mafias-era
of his c an pain that ha will ha
here on April i. and stay for six day
taking frvra eight lht to tea apeocbes
a dayat tha laraar towns of the stile.
At. tha, same Ome other La Polletts
eratork will Invade the state. .ConsTsss
maa K, A. Mono of WlacsaaUi will seme
April 4 and enaare In a week's speaking
iur; Senator A. t. Uroua of North Da
kota will make saeeehea throughout Ihs
atata from April I to 11, Prot C. 1. Mer
rlam of th Unlrerslty of Chicago will
apeak at Lincoln and Omaha oa April U
and It, and a number of other orator
are la prospect, "
Miss Druse Wins .
Contest at McOook
M COOK, KaU, Maroh m. (Bpecuil Tel-ea-ram.)
A theuaand people heard tho
third annual daoaunatory ooatsst of the
aswtkwest Nebraska bark schools In tho
Temple theater last night Tha medal
winners. In tha JiamaUa ciarn want
KtrWjne Jirus .at Cambridge, Floyd
Bhophard of HsMrega, iCanhail Mines of
Usr.kelaiaa and Norma Cleveland of
Mouuttastoa. TV wlaiter !n tha humor
ana rtasa w-m htlas Peart Marshall of
MxCauk. The jedgea ware Chancellor
gamuaC Avory, Hn Superintendent J. K.
iHlaeli and Dr. V. A. Clark of Kearney,
and tnoy were unanlmoja In their de
sion. 2.. Ceorgo E. ComJra was referee.
If'COOK. Neb . March M.-Speclal Tel
earuin -Lal uiaht marked tho close of
tho Southwest Xobrarka Teachers' aaso
dalioa conrentioa in McCook. ca of tho
meet successful and smportaat sessions
aver hold by the association. Tho total
esuvliment reached about tho W mark
ad nrograms of highest merit occupied
tho days and evenings af tho convention,
and odd momenta wera utilised by the
a titans of Mct'ook la leodcring social
and entertainment features aot pro
gramed for their guests. The closing sea-
atoaa of tha conveatloo vera graced by
ChaaoeHor Arary of tho University of
I Hebrasfta, JStata auperiniendent Pelssll,
-fir. George K. Condra of the university.
Principal Taylor of tho Temple IMgh
achoot of Unculr. Dr. W. X, Clark of I
Kearney aad othera. At tho business ses-
seoa last arming It was decided by ehang.
lag tha coostitutloa to ta tha future
alternate the arsslona of tha aasodaiiaa
brtwaea McCoak and Hflldregs. so
Holdrego will bo tha next amting place.
Tha aew ofOoera are: Prestdeat. C L.
AndersoB. ecsnty aupartoteadent of
Hitchcock county: vice prealdent. MUa
Hulda Peteraoa. county auvarratsodent of
Pbelpa oouoty; secretary. Principal Ktla
N. Upp of Treotoa ties infer, Buporla
tandem C T. White at Trentoa. - .
Lincoln company at IK a share lor thotr
holdtnga or IN la cash for each share.
Nearly all the stock Is held by farmers,
and many of them bar decided to accept
tha cash offer. The stock has been a
good dividend payer an diners was much
opposition to the tils. Tha Lincoln com
pany plans to close one of the exchangee
hero withla a few woeks.
Lcarary af FIfly Theaeaad Hollars
Blarta Youth to Planning Maes
ta Hans tt I'p. '
Left a legacy of W.m by an uncle who
died la Syracuse, N. Y.. January It,
Simon Paddack. U-year-ld son of an
Atlantic Highland machinist. Is tha latest
rscrult to tlm millionaire-for-a-day crew.
Simon Is la Byracos collecting the first
fXMwn of hi unexpected wealth and (has
promised that on his return tha exploits
of John i. McDevItt of Wilkes barre and
(ha rest of tha short lived svendt drifts
wilt pala Into Insignificance In Mia light
of tha spending hs will do aa long as ills
SAoney lasts.
Vnllks hla predecessors, Simon Isn't
going to scatter his gold In the glare of
the whlta lights. lis wsn'ts quicker ac
tion and la going to Invest the first tlfcOno
la tha two fastest automobiles that money
eaa buy. With these, be says bo Is gulng
to burn up tha resits near aad far until
the magtstratss and auto tire dealers
gst hla last cent.
simoa was thunderstruck when ha re
ceived a telegram from Syracuse Inform
ing him that, under tha terms of his
ancle's will, hs was to receive tS.tOt at
once and S3.M more when he becomes
af ago. Simon hurried to the residence
of Juries Joha E. Poster, court of cara
mon pleaa. Monmouth county.
Judge!" ha cried, "let me have til
and I'll give you a hundred for It la
three days."
ttiKstloned by Judgs Foster, tha boy
told him ha needed tha money for trans
portation to Syracuse, Then, In wild, ea
ettemcnt, ha rotated how the" drearrl af
his .Ufa had been realised: tiow he lhay
now alt behind the' wheel of tha fastest
car that travels the Rumens -road and
shoot by the speed fiends who used to
laugh at his frantic efforts tor dVvslop a
spsed of three miles an hour ta an auto
be constructed himself. ', . ' v
"Bo," said the happy youth, "rva got
It at last, and, take It from me. It's gnlngi
tu go. I'm running them. I've been pik
ing along all my life, but no more not
as long as tha money lasts. Then will
be no strings on my bundle, and It's ma
for a good time while I have It. Syracuse
won't ara mo long after I collect my
dough,- tor I've gut my two machines
picked out, and I want to get back to
buy them."
Persona whs know ths boy well say hs
Is an automobile export and will probably
little hi repair bills. In his Ufa of
forced economy, friends add, ha has con
tracted aa expensive habits. New Tork
World. ' r ,
laasal Htragcle af Ballrwads with
Hw Drifts la tha
The annual battle with the Snow King '
Is on In the Rocky mountains. ' From
the middle of February to tha first ol :
May the struggle Is at Us hardest. Wast- i
ern raiiroaJs are hurling tnetr giant '
rotartes against the drifts that threaten ,
to Imptds transcontinental traffic Snow- j
slides are booming down mountaimuack,
sweeping away valuable timber and ;
sometimes carrying away .raining camps, i
villages, stage coaches and trains.
To secure an accurate estimate of tha j
amount of money spent in fighting the !
Snow King In tho Kovkies every winter
and to east up the total amount of dam- j
age done by avalanobea Is not easy. ;
Authorities on the subject say that grv i
OW.Os) would never cover the total. i
Every western railroad Is under tre-
mendus expense in maintaining snow
plows and their crews. Toe first cost of : j
a modern rotary plow is about t, '
The mrn who operate a snow plow are
among the highest salaried employes in
the operating dtpattment of the road.
behind each rotary there muat be from
two to six engines to furnish tha motive
power tor bucking the drifts, the num
ber of engines being resulated by the
dupth of the snow and tha steepness of
I ha giadc.
The rotary plow Is a complicated piece
of mechanism, and ta apt to get out of
order. A boulder or a log that has been
swept on the track from tha bills abovs
aud whoso presence beneath ths snow
Is not suspected by the rotary pilot will
play hovoe with tho whirling blades af
tie plow. There must be a rotary re
serve for use la rase of such an accident,
with extra crews within calling distance.
In Colorado, which contains ths high
est mountains of the continental divide,
snow fighting has been developed to a
science. Every railroad la Colorado has
a full equipment of snow plows and
mountain snow-flghiliig crews for eight
months of the year.
Necessarily when tha snows are se
verest attention Is centered on tho main
lines, which are kept clear most of ths
time, traffic seldom being Impeded aa
hour by tha worst bltzxard. The branch
lines, which penatrrte the high hills to
Ilia mining camps, do- not faro so well,
end some of tho Colorado mining towns
Ilk silvcrtoit and Breckenrldge ara cut
off from tha rest of tho world for weeks
In spite of tha efforts of tha snow
Probably the Moffat road", which Is tho
popular nam for tha. lata David H. Muf
fin.' -Denver, Northwestern at Taclflc
railroad, mow In course of oodstructlon
from Denver .to Salt Lake City, la called
upon ta da mors snow fighting than any
other lino in tho . world. Tho- Deaver,
Northwestern A Paeifjo crosses ths con
tinental divide aboil sixty miles west
af Denver at an altitude of mora than
U.eo feet above sea level.4
For miles oa both sides of )he divide
tha snow plows are required to do'heavy
service.. The track aiuat be swept olean
svsry dsy, for the reann, the high
winds are const entry filling tho outs, wlih
snow. Tile' Bring accumulate an each
side of tha trark until the trains si
overtopped many last and r they pa
through mltea of snow lanes, yet so sys
tematically Is tha track kept cleared that
traffle la seldom Impeded. . . . ,
Ths damage caused by vralanehes in
ths Rocky mountains each winter la past
all accurate computation. Tbes. snow
slides are full of treachery aad descend
at tha most Thupporfuhs (Imea and In the
most unexpected places. There are soraj
slides In tha San Juan mountains la
western Colorado which follow heaton
trails and whtck coma booming down the
slopes at about ths same time each year.
Their paths ara avoided and they do Ht
Us damage. But the average snowsllde
seems to aa a arsatara of whims.
It for jns at ths foot of soma crag far
above tha tlmberllna. Tha s winds whip'
tha snow Into deep drifts at tha bead of
a slop leading thousands of feet Into a
valley below. Under too spell of the
lengtheulng days and warm Suns of Feb
ruary and March tha drifts begin In
loosen. Tiny rivulets trickle from be
neath tha whlta mantis and suddenly
with a roar that la never forgotten br
those who have once heard It the whole
mass starts on lis Journey to the valley.
Denver Letter In New York Bun.
SEWARD, Xekw Merck suWBnwdal Tel
egram.) The stockholders of tha Inde
pendent Telephone cowumay of Bsward
cswsty voted ta sell Its plant to tha Litt
ers are given tha option af stock Is the
llr. Caorts I
PnTTott. I
Maorbcr sf tha hBuaoii sues uwie, me. uiMtepuKleat'
Order 064 reflawt. Cleric, OfttMle.
jew i
A Neglected Cough Dangerous Catarrh Followed.
"I bava been using Parana for noma time for a cough and catarrh of tha
throat with very satisfactory results.
"Having neglected tha cough, catarrh developed, and my physicians said
I Waa threatened with catarrh of tha stomach. My breath was very offensive,
aad I waa troubled with, nausea. - -
"Less thaa two bottles of Parana cured me." Mr. George Parrot L
j assists Twaaty Ti
Mr. Sidney Weasels. Merritton, Ont.
Canada, writes:
"I bar buea troubled with drspepaia
and indigestion (or twenty yaara, during
which uma I tried different doctors, hut
did aot get the desired results.
"I had about given up. thinking my
eaaa incur M. wbsa I heard af Penuuk
and douaed to try 11. i bav cvnplsta
freedom from pain, my appetite ha
turned and 1 ran again enjoy my i
tha grandest
'I believe Peruna la
medlcln under tna eunJ
Catarrh SaOrely aWliaved.
Mr. Hevmaa B. BoutiUer. Dominion
No. 1 Caps Breton. Nova Scotia, writ
"I cannot express too highly ine great
benefit I have received frvm your medi
etas, Peruna. fcrvina baa cured tha
Youf Choice ot Stores Meani MwM
Some stores dan and do transact business on a smaller margin of profit than others.
, The "Union" is just such a store. Some stores offer easier payment terms than
' ' others and the "Union" excells in that, too. Taken all in all your choice of stores
means much; it counts all the more if you've furniture to buy. Prove it now on .'
furniture you'll need this spring -learn of "Union" methods note the difference.
$18.50-Isnt That a TRIFLING
PRICE for the Above Buffet?
-The Buffet pictured above) la the) tort yon usually sea tagged
135:00 any rwheru at go tine. It's s true colonial style In solid
oak, finished golden, masaiva la earring and appearance. It la made
up with heavy golden pillars, beautiful French bevel plat mirror,
and has two small drawers, ona plush lined for silverware, gad
extra large linen drawer and double doored dish compartment. BH
off with wood knobs. It Is s thing of beauty, at $18.60.
Wonld You
Spend $27.30 to
Put a Spire
Room Into
Shape to Bring
Yon a Continual
It there's one or more
empty rooms, rent them
out! Omaha is one ot ths
greatest transient cities
in ths country; your
rooms will rent quickly;
handy income may be
derived each month. It
takes merely st
the "Union- to tit out a
spare room completely,'
with all furniture, floor
aad window eorertngs,
and - even ths chinswmre)
snd towels that go on tho
wash-stand. In purchas
ing such as outfit at the
"Union," yon pay merely
2.50 down; then IJ.00 a'
month. This gives yon a
year to pay. snd yon re
ceiving profits from ths
moment you rent your
rooms. If yon dost know
how to rent your rooms
ths salesmen st ths "Un
ion" will TELL yon now.
quarter-sawed oak, high arm,
broad back with six flat spin
dles, rockers .worth to $4.00
ordinarily, in CI f7H
this selling V
Chase leather upholstered,
strong frame, opens automatic
ally; davenports worth all of
$27-50, m this
oak, very massive, large top
fitted with drawer, massive
legs and a pattern worth $15
usually, now go- f7C
ing at, only V s W
UtON BEDS A line of iron
beds in choice bine enamel fin
ish, full sized. We doubt their
having ever sold for 1 Of
less than $2.50. Now. . I.aViJ
stands with drawers and side
arms for towels. Boarding
houses, etc always pay $4 for'
the same thing, but 4M AA
they are now if L V 0
made, steel fabric reinforced
with heavy coil springs. Same
conches usually sell at $450
elsewhere, but here
ill D
reason why we call
Want Ad. Way the
Modern Way
COMPARE the present method of filling daily wants
with the method used in olden times. Think for a minute of the
. old days when, if the merchant wanted help, it was either necessary
, to make a personal search or else "hang out a sign." Or, when somearti
cle of value became lost, the only possible chance of recovery was to have
the Town Crier make known the loss to the best of his ability.
'Think of a Town Crier in these modern times, in a big city like Omaha, with its 150,000
population. - - ,
it"'-- - I " - . ....
i Since the days when the Town Crier held forth times . .
have changed, cities have grown larger, and new condi
. tions necessitate new methods. x
, So we call the Want Ad "Way the Modern Way. Through the want
nil columns of the daily newspaper all wants are filled. . .
THE BEE goes into more than 75
per cent of the English-speaking
And just as in every other city, there is one paper considered
best for this kind of advertising, bo, in Omaha, The Bee is the recog
nized want ad medium. , ' ,
When the employer wants help, or the unemployed seek work
When you have a boarding house to fill, or rooms for rent, or flats
for rent .
When you have some miscellaneous article for sale, like a stove,
piano, graphophone, old furniture, or most anything else
, When yon want to rent a house, or buy, sell or exchange any kind
of real estate
. When you want to find a lost article '
V ' These are but a few of the hundreds of various ways in which the
modern want ad can be of service in a community the size of Omaha.
homes of Omaha, and likewise
into thousands of homes in the surround
ing countryside. ...
A Want Ad brought, sent or deliv
ered at The Bee Office before noon ia
passed on without delay to the- eomposi- -tor,
stereotyper and pressman, and with- J
in a few hours' time is ready to go with
each copy of The Bee.
Experienced advertising men at The
Bee Office are at the service of those
who desire aid in writing advertisements.
The telephone service offers perhaps the
most convenient way to get in communi
cation with the Want Ad Department.
Telephone "Tyler 1000" at any time of
the day or until late at night, and your
Want Ad will be received by an experi- ,
enced and courteous operator. , '
Want Ad. Department
"The Want Adi Way is the Modern Way