Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 38

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JJemowtrmtioift Show Cleirly that
t Xart Keeds Bolstering. -
nm la Emllnl Irfmdevahlp
Imi the Bella, Wba.Keep
tha) Market HMllkf by
- Profit TalUaa.
OMAHA. March . 112-
TtvlAy's vhwt market' demon"trted
clearly to the trade that the market
Herds constant bolstering to prevent a
slumping tendency. Kven when com
m advancing it w an eery matter for
pit tenders to force a oreaa in
The possibility of crop acarea Is ths
one and only factor which keep bean
from telling the market to the limit.
In contrast with corn the cash wheat
.t... i. 4mmJttM!. buyer seem-
ln n.x being Inclined to taka offering
wn oa gooa jnce revrowv,,..-.
The com market made another aa
vanre for new high prices today. There
la an excellent leadership among the
leading bulla keeping the market In a
healthy position by profit taking oa the
strongest swells. . ., . .
Cut corn ta the backbone of this bull
campaign and the conumptlve demand
will no doubt feal the light run of receipt
from now on.
It will take new of real bullish char
acter to hold the wheat value up. trsdera
being turned oa the buying ld when the
market how no Independent strength.
Caeh wheat wa 1W kKrr.
The corn market la bar of aelllng prea
aura and th trength In the caah prop
arty, coupled wtlh very light receipt, ta
the chief bullUh fictor. Cash corn waa
atrang. sample aelllng readily at Va over
y eaterday.
Primary wheat receipt were 3K.0ft
buahal and receipt were SCUM buiheia,
against enlpmonu last year of XsVIM
bushels and shipment of 22.oo bushels,
i Primary corn receipts were bush
els and ahlpmanta wer 431 .(Ml bushel,
against receipt last year of 343.0H0 bueh
srland shipmenU of 3S4.0110 bushel.
- Clearance wer 13.000 bus he is of corn.
MM bushel of oat and wheat and flour
equal to laOuW bushels.
Liverpool closed fed higher to VI lower
ton wheat and d higher on corn.
- The following caah aalaa war re
ported: Wbest-No. I hard: 1 cars, tl 01.
Corn-No. a white: I car. 51c; 1 car, "!Sc
-J.o. 1 color: 1 car. U'v,c. No. I yellow:
I cars, nwc No. 4 yllow: 1 car. 71o.
- No. t mixed: t car. 7:',c: 1 car, 73c; No.
grade. 1 car, 71Sc. tiats-No. I white: 1
car, 4Sic. No. 1 white: t cam, ISVic; 7
'cars, 43c No. white: 1 car. ale; 1 car,
Ossska Cash rrlee-a.
" WHFJTNo. 1 hard, !.o4yi ; No,
hard. a.OO-jLvtV,: No. 4 hard. stcbll.OOVA.
""VtORN-No. 1 whits. TTtrrac; No. 4
whW 7Itt71-c; No. I yellow. 7!872vie;
No. 4 yellow. 71Tl".c: No. J. 724i7,!,o;
Ne. 4. 7vtrill4c: ho le. AMc.
OATS-No. 1 white. 4Ji43Hc; standard.
JBtsMVic; No. I a hue. 42Str63'c; No. 4
while, UHoeic: Nm 1 elloW. 4COV);
INo: 4 yellow. U'iavfe. ,
MAKl.KV-Wsllil.g.; No. 1
feed. TWSo; heavier than feed. KtrKc
, RTB-N. t WVDiti-Ao. , taifsto,
-'. ; , Carlot Reefpte.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
-Chicago 24 144 u
Minneapolis ...... 143
Omaha (MM
fee (area at th Trading aad Ileal ag
- Prloe aa Board at Trad.
CHJCAOO, March al.-Korag grain to
day soared even abova the record break-
- Ing high prices msdo on pravtoua occa
sions thia week. Bull leader pressed th
ftuylng and compelled the covering of
mportani bnrt lines, May com reached
Ijo per bo. and oats Ilk', The close for
both cereal was within Vac of th top
most level ree. fced, a net advance of V
to "o for coin and. V.c to So for oats.
Hog products, too. pliowed a rise of as
to HSo ,but wheat a decile of Stc to .
Uncommon activity and nervous tenaitHi
developed tn corn and oat alike. I'rua
fcect of eoider unsettled weather over
etuoday ancouragud swarm of new buy
er tw taka hold aad In Ih and furoed
. pit traders t capitulate. Tlia bull view
of tba corn market waa that uiiseaann
Labla conditions wliU-h hava prevailed aev
, oral weeks beyond the usual period hava
jup'eaaltated consumption at the winter
.' rate, a huga average of mora than S&4.
' O-w.QUO bia. a month, making a total ra
.oulramant . which th amount of corn In
. toe country ha been (trained to supply
. and has put a gllt-edg premium on lua
relatively meagt-r hoard left.
- At do time today did the price of com
Taart below the uuotatlona current last
' night. Oa th other hand, the high point
. touched wa nearly equal to the best
-'luranrea aver obtained a month later la
'-tha year. Hetween the opening and the
,, cose stay delivery ranged from 740 to TbC
.. and finished (teedy Ho up at 7'c.
Vim on th bull side of th oat crowd
appeared carceiy seuond to th enthusi
asm In th corn pit. Th colder weather
- was tha chief Influence, but considerable
attention waa also paid to sign of an
, Increased cash demxnd from til south.
siajr sold from UVttv to esc and In tha
7 and waa Hiibx, just Se over last night.
T It waa a narrow and duil market fur
1 wheat, with a heavy undertone all day.
.Ha aaneral aewa directly affecting th
' cereal wa mostly depressing, but Ih ef
. toot waa largely etfset by tha strength
of other, arala. Aeeordina to esuerlK In
tha tiaida, tha outlook fur a esrioua crop
r acar had rapidly diminished, further
sjior. aauck Canadian wheat ta bring oon-
ngTMd to lilnneaMMl. duty paid, to be
t bold Ui the opsn market, buiing tha
l aesaloa Majr varied from H.B' to ll.Ctfi.
.cioslns steady Us net lower at ll.!ti.
ProvuBjon climbed mainly on account
. of tba corn bulge, firk led with an In-
' creased coat of Me to IT-tc.
" quotation on futur'i c:osed as follows:
Article, Open. Hlga.t Low. CUe. Tsfy.
May.'i 4Ej
15H itt4
" svora i i
Cat I
Caah quotsUiuna wre aa follow:
FLOUR Steady: winter patent. HIS
tls: winter straights. KUMf4.ia: sonnx
ps tents, K4. spring atraights, HU
iv: caaara. (.Kj.a .
RYK-No. tlo. i
BAJUy-Jaid or mii'ng. Vtl.-:
fair to abotoa malting. H lupl.tT.
KEEDS-IlmoUiy. 0giai4.s. Clow.
l:vt. so.
PKCiv-lalONS-sfess pork. U' ll'i. Lard,
hi tlnroee, O ak eort rtaa. hwse. a sk
Total CMarejsoae of wheat aad fWur
am aauai t in,a,-bw. Primary ra
ceipts war tatouu bu., compared with
JUL 9o tha cxarreapsedlnc nay a year -.
Catlmatad raca-jH for alanday: VTheac
at ear: aora. lit cars; oata. 404 oars,
aaaa. 4i0 head. -
Colcaw esutt PYtriea Wbaat: No. I
rad, II v vat-,: No. I red. txoatri.MV.:
Ka. 1 hard. t-.CL'I: No. I bard. tLU
La; Ks. 1 son hern. tLCLM: Ms. t
nonnsra. k.s9LU; No. I nortnarn. IU4
till: Xo. I north. Iiaset-U: K I
prtna. tv4CJt4-. Ko. I spring, H491.7:
Vs. 4 cor cg. Ocnl: velvet chaff, k-Q
,J, durum, im6l t. Corn: No. I, Hz;
Km t whit. 7,ro; No. I yellow, Tlv,
fViK No. 4. aTUij No. 4 whit. 71V
Tine; No. 4 yUw. laVrfrnc. Oata: No.
I wsUs, kSp9c; M . wait. 4v96e:
arhita. iraesc: Maadard. KViiotVc
( Sa t Kn. Briy. uoj fc. Timo
thy send, tnn4 Oover seed, tH9
Uirles. trDo.
fJilJW ijti ndl l recesw.
wt nark, sum Included.
fjr-te. ie
daiaioa, WStJIWc:
WI '!
74 1 74HI 74
T4V.I74HSV J4t4
H 4HfS HVS4H0.
i i i i i
kar. u I
IT 0 17 ltW 14 IT It tt M
ialjr. IT 7 1
. n 4o it w 1 17 4 it h n rm
tat 17 17 M I IT 71 17 aVJ
I II K t IT Tt
Lart ( I 1
slay. Trv.71 II t TH t 7THW
-July. vi M Mai), IK
Ula.ltaWllUtAltM Mil
aisy. ta ite-mJ tat ton, ttrv,
.Juiy. tnvr IM in Ik 71
kept, t H M I n t )
Wiaronain. tl.tWU: Michigan aad Min
nesota. ii.ifctn-.
POULTRY Live, firm: turkey. 14c;
chickens, Uvte; sprln;. Jac
VKAL-eKeady: 'tfUnc.
Qaotatloa af tha Day Vartaas
ait,lv. snHntr lutanla KKe.5f: winter
stra.sM. Hx-iM: winter patents, t44
H.a,. spring clears, H-ZWUtw; winter e
,ru N'n 1 t.1 m,4 m- winter extras. NO.
$i56Cli: kansss straights, .;t4.!l4.
Kv flour, auiet: ra:r to gooa, et.swv-i-,
rhnlM to feiuV I.. (IWlfi Ml
OORXMEAL Klrm: line wnite ana yel
low. Sl.tsVaLtO: coarse. HMtli-m. aim
AriA Ct Mil
R V k Mrm : No. x. SBC. r. 1. I. Bunaio.
BARI.KY-Sleady: malting, H.MjLa, c.
L f. Buffalo.
Vl'U V i T ftrw, mspbnl etesdv: NO.
red. tl.M. elevator, export bast, and
n hv. r. o. n. arioat: na t nor u inn
inth tt tau. r a. h. aflostt. ooenlns nav
igatlon. failures rnarget aecuneq i '
under hammering by bears and liquida
tion on more favorable crop aavtces. out
regained nart of the kiss on week-end
covering, closing -i-c net lower. May.
l.Ki,iL;i. cloaed at rLCM,; July closed
at run.- Receipts, . bu.
CORN Spot market firm: export. W4C
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was nom
inal. Receipts, Mr.iw du.; snipments, it.-
An K
OATS Spot msrxet steaoy: isn
whwwlt. uHc in elevator; No. t
No. t, m: No. 4, 69Sc; natural white and
wmt cilppeo. tssfiwo. on iiwts. j ...
market waa nominal. Receipt. 72 bu,;
hipments, 4.460 bu.
HAY-Kteady; prime. tl.S4j-l.4t; . 1
H.S.44JLI&; No. 2. H.liL; Jo. I eLS
1 1A
nrnpa-RteadT:. state, common to
MkAinA mi i waiw.. isia crop, nom
inal; Pacific coast. Ull crop, 41tj4c; li
crop, nominal.
rilffc r irm; lsbubi jsmeriees evai
i.f.ATHKH flteadv:' hemlock firsts.
rXe; arconda, Mo'jsc; tniras, ii; rw-
'hVOVlitlONii-PWrk, firm: mee. IDlTt
m fsmilv. ra.uufjLIu: short clesrs,
4l7.764Tls.74. Beef, firm; mesa. !?
ii ta- rmitv tuLsmaos: heisf hams. Kai-OO
r2.M). Cut meats, steaoy; picaieo ueuiee,
10 to 14 pounds, IMotsil.lO; pickled ham.
tll.76i14i. Lard, steady; middle west
prime, refined, steady; conti
nent. 110 3; South America, lllUS; com
TALLOW yulet: prims city, hhd., to;
special, tVkc; country. HiOMac
HIJT1 tiitoteauy; reoeipis, joe paoa
acr: creamery sperlala, c; extras,
li3l4y-: firsts, Kssxmc
CHKB Firm: racstw. ss, psraaass;
state whole milk, held, whita or colored.
average fancy, lc.
kuum-irregular; receun. .- cases:
western gathered whltea, T2rMc.
KM LTRT Alive, nrm; weatern cnicg-
ens, 13c. fowls. I44tl4v,c: turkeys, lbSJOc
rd. barely steany: iren killed
fowls, ltQlsVtc; fro sen turkeys, 14t)Sc
H. Laals Oeajarml Market.
ST. LOl'IS. March .-WHEAT-Casfi,
weak: trak. No. t red, V-aVrfjl .4V,; No.
I hard, I1.IBW.11
CORN Lower; iraca, ivo, e. iswtrtio;
No. I white, 74ttc
QATb weak; track, io. s. noj now
WHEA?-W.a;; May. tltlH; July.
COK.N-Iilgner; stay, rirto; Juiy, isitv
W. ' ......
OAT!-nrm: nay. ew; juiy, ttro.
HY li-Uni hanged, at tso.
VIJ-)I ll-Hteauv: red winter patenl.
4 tttxio.flii; extra fancy and straights. Hat
tit tft; hard winter cleara, 3.40tJ..
rtr,Ki iimotny, siv.tMiria.vs.
RRAN-liieady; sacked sast track, li lt
81. .
hat rirm: umomy, saovve.w, prai
rie. CJOWri.DO.
PRt)VIKIo.NH-Pork. unchanged; jon.
hlng. Lard, higher: prima steam,
J.4;t-f.i! Iry salt meats, unchanged;
hoied extra shorts, left, clear ribs, $10i;
short clears. !!(..
llilLTKy-Bteady: chicken, mc:
springs, Uc; turkeys, 17o; duoks, lie;
(res, Sc. ,
HtiTTLTv rtrm; creamerr. JUruyso,
tXM)14-tftdy at Uc.
Receipts Bhlpments.
rinur, bbls. T 4.Tt
Wheat, bu. -anew atw
orn. bu. n.vo
Oats. bu. 74.4UO M.Ut
Kaaaaa City flrala aad Proe-Mraa,
Cash, unchanged to Wc lower; No, I hard,
ILMWIUH: . tl.attrl.tav,; No, I
red. H osrn 04; No. i. il.ouVkOl.uayi,
COU.N -I n. hanged to le higher; No, I
mixed, -TlMiTait; No. I, 74r;4Hc; No, I
white, IVWi'o; no. a, giayievea.
OATS-I'nchsnged to o higher; No.
white, Ktitoyc: No. I mixed, UVWsO.
Closing price ol ititure:
WHhUT-May. tl.tvS; July, IlUc: Bep.
tern her, c.
CORN-May. 7Mst77514C: July. Tlsc: BtD-
tamber, TtiSc.
OATH Mav, MMCV-JUly, tS,
R Y f titot
UAY-Hteady to tl higher: choice tim
othy, r: choice prattle, lift.7lell.0v.
BUTTtK-creamery, svi; tints, :
seconds, 14c; packing stock. lltrZlUja
sXiUo-utraa, svtso; nrsts, uvro.
Race tits, Bhlomenta
n mi u... ... ... .... . .. , j . - i . -
Corn, bu .)
Oat, bu 4,000 UMM
Mlaaeapolta Oral a Market.
May. 1104; July, 1 07S; 8rptetnber, MWa.
Cash. No. 1 hard. tl.aM,; No. 1 northern,
tirs: No, 1 northorn, tLtHt; No, t,
EAItI.ET-JMin 38.
CORN-No. I yellow. TSfJTto.
OATbV-No. I white, etljostio,
RYK-No, t, To.
RRAN-ln Wft-lb. sacks, CS i1 80.
VI y , I ' U . , en-
ond patent. t4.46Sr4.SO; first cleara 11.40
led.,; cona clears, s2.subjx.iu,
PhlUdelphla Pradaea Market,
Market eteaay: western creamery
special, Be; extra, So; nearby print.
extra, seo.
EOOS-etteady; fair demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, t a.
per ease; current receipt, f. e piX) per
case; western nrsts, i. c, . per case;
current recelpta, t. c, s J per case.
i MKCBb rirm; new York run
wianc; lair to good, UtUe,
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
MTLWArXEE. Marah ax WHliT.
No. 1 northern, H No. I aorth-
ern, n; No, I hsrd winter, li.m
CORN No. I rellow. 1
c; NajC 'ST4Sc; May. 7M,e; July, 74ee:
barley Maiung, u.x4nJt,
Uverwael tire I a Market.
gpjt, ateady: No, I red Western winter,
laid. Futures, steady ; May, TstVd;
July. Tsrd; October, is
CORN pot, ateady; American mixed,
new kiln dried. s 7Sd- Put urea, easier.
Slay, eeviau, smwieesnev, sal
Peoria Msrttet.
PEORIA. March -CORN-TTlgher;
No. t whita 7Wo: No. I yellow. True: N.
4 yellow. 7Vc, No. I ulxed, No. 4
mixea. il,c.
OAT teady: No. t whtt. tt
ard, tttto; No. I white. UMXc.
' Caffew Market.
Futures market opened barely ateady at
a decline of I to M points undeg gen
eral renewal of local Uqotcauioa and
Euros sea selling, wnerh waa probably
Inepired by tower Eutnsiaa aaarketa and
roatlnuad larae raauiaa rereipta. Huy.
tag by trade IntereM cnecked the Initial
figures, however, and the market later
rose with the doe firm. ac t points
lower to T potnta nucner.
bag. April, una; May. U lac: Jaaa,
U.tsc; July, Aea-oet, u me:
tember. 14.41c: October, a.mci Neve
U ifle; December. 11 .; Janaary, 11. Be;
Pebruarr: B ac: March. UUo.
Havre waa V traae lower, Hamborg
was Mm prennig Merer, rae
changed at V.; aitt,. aarbensed. as.
r.: 7s. Taws. rureipt at
BraxiUaa ports erer la baca, aamteat
t ons tavta iaat year. JuasUany reeehyta.
toe bag, against l.aas aaca last year.
Pine weather waa reported la three dis
tricts of aoa Paulo, wtts .deejly eoa
dttiona er rain In tn ather tea New
York warehouse dettverles y let n day wer
nXM bag, acalaat aaa saga wax year.
im corTee. ateady: Mo, I Rsa. kt.Se:
Santos. Ka 4. M ac Mild, asdet; Cerdeva,
ti0StMB. seminal. '
' Baa eTast Ads Pradwo BawiHa,
Beadintj Bitet on lit port of Another
Strike Conference.
United States Steel Again Not let
ably Heavy in tplte at Price
laeresuss by a Lead lag
NEW TORK. March M.-Interest In to
day's session on the stock exchange cen
tered laraelv around Reading, which rose
suddenly on th report of snot her confer
ence between the anthracite owners and
the miners.. United Stales Steel wss
again noticeably heavy, regard lesa of a
ti per ton Increase by one of its leading
subsidiaries. Th metal stocks continued
under mild pressure.
cnandara railway snsres neia a uit.e
mora than steady alter some eariy
strength and th movement wss as a
whole Irregular. All th activity was in
the final hour. .
The bank statement showed an actual
lose of mora than ilo.000u.OW In rash, with
a loan expansion of almost tKOOftOM, re
ducing the exosss cash reserve to less
than Out), as compared with over
U2.ooe.tts) last week.
TodaVs fegures amount Drastically to
a wiping out of the actual reserve, but
It Is confidently predicted that thia con
dition will be corrected next week when
the local banks are almost certain to be
benefitted by Interest and dividend pay
ments. -
The bond market was firm. Total sales.
par value, tt.174.0W. Panama lost per
cent on the week.
. Number ef sal and leading quotation
a stock today ware aa follow:
Isles. Hlsk. Law. CUea
AIlMHCkllmera wU ...u! 1.444 1 4
Awsleesisles Cesser ... It. w 111, mr
asMiiosa Asrlsaltsrsi ... IM tl tl 41,
Aavarlesa Beet gsssr.... t.H SsW w SOW
Aisertiiss Caa ,) 1 X
a m y H Msj S( M,
Cettoe Oil m II It- UV.
AsMrlcsa H. A L srt.. aw I4 tt
Am. os lsesritisa..... 14 M tt t
ASMrlesa llssiH . I
Aaerlnsa Lesssiotlva .. a Vi
s g. A R.. I.M Hvj a
m K HI 16 ISMt m 1
la Steei yoasOtea.. ' 14 tl 11 U
is sue iUfiaieg. sue ivi invs us
Aewrku T. 4 T. te 14114 1441 144V,
Am, riees Tobseee Pt. IDtvi
AsMrtcsn wsaies . ..... MV,
Aoscswl Hllsg C.. 1.MS tl etv,
AuklsM i 1.M lM Nw Mtit
AteSuee ,14 , INI
AtissiM cosst Use. MS invi in in
sltlsMfe A Okie U4 104V, 1044
Bettletiem tteel MS US tl til.
rs nisi TT M utt
Csss4ls Picltl,
tw us my. 3
Ostrsl Leslser
Cestrsl Lssiksr p!4
uestnu sr
ike Okie
l.To nit n
OKsse A Alte
CltiKsse 0. W. ,M
Cliesse u. w. pre......
io n tt
40 144 111
Ut 1444
"ii 'mi
Chlesse A N. w
Chlesss, St. A St. P....
c, c, a A si. b.
ooiers r. m I
Olenule A loalhenv....
Csssell4sle4 Ota ........
Osra FroiiMts
TS4 144
144Vt 1S
1444 144k
171 171
US 4i
17 II
4M 144
IC lit
toe ' iivi
100 44
14 11 '4
it, n
neuesre A Hnases...M,
Desver A Hie Orsee.H.
A R 0. efs
nietlllsrs' IscurHies ..
grle 1st ,f4
Erie M (4
m it4j isju, mtt
10 luv, iuy 1UI4
Vt llVj 41 41
im lttv. invi m
tea tot, lev. Bit
U am irtt
11 114Vi 11114 114
l.sne tt u 9W4
it 14 11 n
M4 N Va
, - It
K M M tlfi
1 ." ..... 1ST
, II Va
Oessrtl RleBtrU
Greet Northers f4 ,
Oreet Nertner Or eua..
lllleols Cestrsl
Isterbereuih Met.
Inter. Mm. p(
Intsrssttossl Hsrvester
Ister-Msiiss pt
Isterssllensl Psssr .....
isterestleeal fsa
love Csstrsl ,
KsMss City loatlisr....
laclete Gas
Leslsvllls A MeshvllH...
Mlsm A St. Iswls..
, at. P. A . A M...
rt. K. A T
to 1174
1.14 11V.
mva m
11 II
K. A T.
44 4
Hliseatt Psettls
4.44 4t4
Nstlsesl llscalt
1(1 ITH I IT
io i a4 m4
l.w luy, iu lliv,
! lliu. H4V, inn
Mstlsssl Le4
L I K s H sht
Nsw Terk Cestrsl
N. T , O. A w
Nertslk A Wsstsra.....
Nerth AsMriess Ml
NeittieiB rselll .......
PsellU Msll
is . 7, rtv.
inv, nt
V nit
T 114
tee mi,
M ltt
int 11114
114 i
a u
140 let
IIM, lt
Psesle's W
a A St. A.....
yittsbsrOi Cetl
steti csr
Pslses Car....
Rsilws IuhjI Ivrisg..,
Rsseiof 111.70
114 Uivt ltrv.
Ketwsila stsei
n nit
hseetiiM IteM I4 M
IWk Islsti O. at
Reek lelss C. M..... M
St. U A I, p. 4 M IM
Leuls 1. W
l. a w sht
teseShetflsIt A A I..
M 44lf)
Seetkeni Psrltle .. ktl 1U
oethsr nsliwiy ........ I.TM 10
Hsllesr l.tee tii
am SH,
Teass A Psetfle. . II Bv,
t. 1 A W tee IMt
Vslsa FsHfn
Vslee Psrim pN
t'slted Metes ksslty.,
1T1 171 H
TT 1711
MH 1414
let rra
law n'i
lislts Kstss Raetar.
A t M
111 111V 11144
visa tjesper
lie IIU, 4S 41
ex Bit WV. 4H
TvJ tv, TVs
too tevi t tt
m m tm ih
10 I I T
T t4 la. tu4 iMvi
im m M14 ml
4.40 104 1fe it,
14 714 u4 tM
Wstssk pt4
Wstler Meryltnd
Wsetlsfhsese HetlH ..
Wsstsra tJslea
WNsslls A U B. .......
Itillk Tslley
fahv Cesser
Her ceaeBltdste ,. M ...
Ajatrlcaa Tafcsns .......
Tetsl ssles tor Ik sy,
Hew Terk Mesey Marfset.
NEW TORK. March lOi-MONET-Otvl
call, nominal; time loans softer; sixty
days, IVatMUj per oent; ninety day. IVi
per rent; six months. tH4J4 par cent
4V, per cent.
actual business In bankers bill at 44 44
for Mxty days and at M.I4W for demand.
Commercial bills. RMV,
BILVP.RV-Mexiraa doll are, rrc,
BONDa Oovernment. stsady: railroad.
Closing euotaaons on bonds today wen
as follows:
0. A ret Is, ras..HAsr. If. U. elss.... 1W4
ts eseae uo4Jsss 4s ... Hv,
t tk fg......lMI4 e 4Vst 4M4
s 11 a 11 VHTL c Be. 1st Is.... It
A 4a ng. 114 U A Ss. 4 mi... Hi
e sesse 114 LtX.ltt 40..... I
AllnhCkal. let Is... tlVakt. tt, A T. 1st es.. M
w. AA s sea. His...... MV.
A. T A T. sv. 4a.ll Me. Pxsne a Tut
Ask Tsatet 4a. K. R. R l H. 444s N
T. O. g
I e. A
Ar A OS. 4 VIS..
Aukisaa ea. 4a.... r4f.
T. Jt.
H. A M.
t K. A W. Tat a ex.. to
A C L let 40. MV4 ss s. 4a... 11 1 v.
at. A Okie . raslne 4a avu
4e Iws Mv, as j
St A W.,4e- HV.O. A Is rMs. 4a... tv4
reoa. Tt ev. 4a M seea. ev. lies SMS- B,
raa. at Oa. Is. lsH e ss. 4. .loitZ
Cse. Isatser is I4es4lg esa SI..... M
a N. 1. I, A A T. ta. as IMt
Csaa A Okie 4wa..m ts sea. Is... It 14
SSV.SX. u A W. a a sru
Tkk-ase A A 14.. Cl Ss 1st soUl a.. tit.
c e a l. . as... svaai a. U S4J. OS. Ss.
sa ta raa asi. Ss. as
CTAAAP. A4oM Sere. 4e.....M... ssia
C. t I 4 P. i k 4f4 aslstreL 4a i
teals. Italnsu U. leiv.
Ota IA It T4 s sta. 4s. TW
cata MsA 4s. 4v,rsea raetae 4a. ...11
c. A t I. A a 4Vjt etv4 be. 4s M14
III as a A est 4s... Ma
-T A A 0. 4s.... SM4T. A Rakeer .... e,ij
o let. OS osv,c. A Steel M Is ...101
IHsttnev ts n Vaar. "eta. la.issvi
sue a l 4a isvaWskesa 1st Aa. urv.
pa "waa es.... asv.
as ev. 4a em A.. B)v,Waetar Ma. 4a.... t-
aeries nv,Woet. Bee. ev. Is-sts.
Tlea Clas. ev. le . .TWSWVa fVanl ts M
ni Cha 1st ret .. tae,sls W ev. Ss..... ask
ear Teett Mtelass; Hsidw.
NEW TORK. Marsh TA Closing queta-
waning siocas were:
..At Utile catsf
4 Maslesa Ma
A- U Oetatte u4
..- at Opktr la
rw on. A va T tkaslaet . to
..IM Tasrew Jsesst n
Vssrnist Ota. at
OMAHA. Msrr M-BaxOt clearings for
aeaay were suei.ssate atva ror the ear-
r sec sestl eg ear last year tAMAM The
eoeelsats for ta week areouoted te
taAMMst ii aa Tor tn
year fuAtslaJsklA The
es bases
th cone ponding month last year 5.960,-
Clemrteg Hssss Baak gtateeseat
KEW TORK. March JO. The statement
of clearing house banks for ths week
snows that th banks bold 8.tB0.KKI reserve
In excess of legal requirements. This is
a decrease of tS.Zll.gOv In the proportionate
caxh reserve aa compared with last week.
The statement follows:
Loans -
Specie ,
Legal tenders ..
.... L892.S94.6m
t 169,W
t. 443.000
Net deposits ...
Circulation ....
EAcess lawful
Banks' cash reserve In vault 1368,034,000
Trust companies' cash
tn vault 6S.M6.6ts)
Aggregate cash reserve 488,83,006
Trust companies reserve with
clearinghouse members carry
ing 21 per cent cash reserve.... (8.MI.M
. Decrease.
cans C.0K.5S6.006
til 83,90
Specie l4.90,Mt
Legal tender
Net denoalta Ltte.046.00t
Circulation .' 48.643,000
Excess lawful re
' L47I.0W
' 11.747,560
serve ' 4t7M
Trust companies cash reaerva
in vault 7,S4.rn
Aggregate caah reserve 431.232,0110
Trust companies' reserve with
clearing house members carry
ing 3f per cent caah reserve 43,304.000
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Greater New York not reDorb-
ing to the New I org clearing house: -
Loans ,...1807,173,601
Specie 44.774.901)
Legal tenders ' 10,841,300
Total deposits 7va,uu,4u0
It 1,700
'Decrease. . . . .
Leadaa Sleek Mark:.
LONDON. March Jtt Ajnertcaa aacur-
Itir ware quite and featureless here to
day. Tb opening was slightly shove
parity, but support was lacking and a
part of tha list eased off. The closing
quiet, with values ranging irom It
above to 14 below yesterday's New York
London closing stocks:
Cornels, wooer...... nttlsralsvllle N IMvi
tseesilt... WM., K. A T K
CoeMr... UVaS. T. Csstrsl 11414
Assess l,Nrielk A W 1111,
Alcklssa .'...1114 o I4 II
MtkOntsrts A W
BsltlDMte A Okle...lsM4Psiisrlvsal 414
Csnsdlea Paelus..., liVaRsal At IMS... It,
Chasssesss A 0... 1yltea4ts Be,
Ob less O. W M gov Umts By 11
Ckl., Mil. A St. P..11M4 So Hi 11
Ds Basra MSOoetasra PsrIOe 1114
Dearer A Hie v.... KUaloa Paoihs 1744a
M 44V. 4V Md M
Brie lHU. A steal 4114
1st 4 174 es U IU14
M H eiVaWsbssk 714
Oris Truss M 4 U Ik
Ullsols CMiral lttvl I
SILVER Bar, quiet At ItU-ltd Per oa
MONKT ItplVi per cent.
The rat of discount In the open market
for abort Mil la tJ-ltWi per cent; for
three months' bill a Ht3 7-14 par cenu
Boston I tee Is Market.
BOSTON. March M-Ctoalnc quoUUons
on stocks wsr as follow:
Alleles 4 Msbswk
, II
i- '
, Ut4
AaaL. Oapiier OHN,.ao Cos. ...
L t L 4 A M4NlstssUg si I see
Arisen Cast. H,NorU Katie ....
B. A a C. A i. M, 7VNerU lak .....
Cat. A Arises...... Tl Old Deavlala ...
Cel. A Heels. 414 Oseesla
Oaotaaelsl llHPsrraU A A C.
Cob. IIsbs 7 C.,
U Qulsoy U14
sat Ban c H. ...
14 aksssoa av,
U,Sup-Ylor a......., 4 T-u
tHTsmsrsek M
WtU. A A. A M... Slv,
tv, 4e f ft 4v,
atttiuk cos. im
litluk Copper Oe,.... 4114
41 Wins I
4yaWelvrla ..U....U1
Glroax Co.
Orssby Cba.
Oreaoe Csnsaaa ...
lala Reysle Copper.
Krrr leiks
Lsse Copper ,
la tall osestr
BOTTER No. 1, Mb. cartons, lie; No.
1 In It-lb. tube, tie; No, 74 luo; packing,
CHEESE Imported Swiss, t2c; Ameri
can Swiss, Kcj block BwU. tic; twlna
Uc; dallA Toe; triplets, tto; young
Americas, c; blue label brick, Mc; 11 m
berger, I-lb., 70c; l ib..' 23c
TlSH (fresh frosenl-Plcksrel. tc; white,
tic; pike, lto: trout, itc; large erappiea,
U0UV; Spanish macksrel, lie; eel. ltc;
haddock, ltc; flounders, Uo; green cat
fish, lie; roe shad, (a each; shad roe, per
pair, a4c; salmon, 10c; halibut, lie) yel
low parch, tc; buffalo, tc; bullheslA 11c
POu LTRT Broilers, 6.0utr7. per doa;
aprlnga, toe; bens, 17o; oovka, Uo: duckA
IstjUOc: geese, lie; turkeys, 13c; pigeon a
par do-, 70.100. Ailvs: hens. Uo; old roost
ers and stags, tc; old duck, full feath
ered, Uo, gesse, full feathered, c; tur
keya Ms; pigeons, per doA, Mo; homers,
per doA, IU0; squAbs, No. L LM; No. A
BEEP CUT PRICES-Rib.: No. 1. Uo;
No. t, ltc; No. I, liSo. Loina: No. L
into; No. 1, No. I, 14c Chucks:
Na L IMc; No. X 7c; No. S, 7Wc;
Rounds: No. i. Uc; No. t, 10Hc; No.
1 10c Plates: No. 1. 4.c; No. I. D40;
Na I. to.
LOIN8-N0. L ltc; No. W4C: Mo. t ta
CHUCKS-Ko. 1, ts; No. 1. 7o; No. A
RIBkV-No. i, l7to; Ka K 141 No. A
ROUNDS- 1. Uo; wo. X ltc; NA
1 10c
PLATES Wa t Mtc: No. 1 Hie; f, to.
FRLITS-Apples: Extra fancy Ben
Davis, per bbl., M.M; Jonathan, par bbi.,
.; fancy Wlnesape, per bbL, t.0;
fancy Mlaoourt Ptppina, per bbl., tt.w;
fancy Genoa, per bbl., H34; Idaho Jona
than, extra fancy, par bog. Kiev; Wash
ington Hpltsenserg. per box, t3.a: Waah
Ington R Beauty, per bog, tut; Washing
ton Utvman Wlnesana. per box. Ii.Su.
BanAnas: Fancy select, per bunch, IZ.
140; jumbo, par buncn, S2.iss.ia cran
beniea: Wlsoonaln fancy, per bbL, 414.71;
rboy, 11.74. Dates: Anchor brand, nsw,
t-lb. Pkxa in boxes, per box, tUo:
Dromedary brand, new, 9 i-ib. pkga. la
boxae, per box. 4100, Pigs: California, par
case of U No. U pkga. fee; per case of
M No 11 pkga, 83.40: per case of W No. 4
pkga., IZ.00; bulk, in 9 and su-10. poxes,
per lb.. 10a; New "Turkish, t-crowa in 10
1b. box, per lb., ltc; 4-crown la It-lb.
box, per lb., lto; 7-crown In W-lb. boxes,
pr lb., 17a, Grape Fruit: Florida, It sis,
per crate, K.00; t slse, per crate, laAO;
ftt-44-44 sixes, per crate. IT 00. Grapes:
Malaga grapes la hokv, t7.Mtf7.IA TLemona:
La mo n sir setectea orsna. exxrm xaacy,
saa-iso alsea. per box, ktw: Lome Llmo-
aelra. fancy, lut-lW slse. per bos. fAM; Ml
and 431 si see, 40c per box Use. Oranges:
California Camellia Brand, navels, extra
fancy, te-we-1.-1 iv-iw-iue-aDv sixes, per
box. U . extra cnotce. all also, par
box.; Kiepoanr. srano, l-iav-li-w-ag-TU
slsee, per box. 0-40; Lion brand,
ao-MO-S" tBses. per oox, lass.
V EOETABLEtV Beeta: Old crop, pet
n. sue: Csbegs: Wlaoorisln. per lb.. 4c:
new California, per I A. 4c Celery: Cau-
fortua Jumbo, par oa. 1.M; Florida, la
th row a, aoa e ess, per oasa, hx
Cucumbers: Hot bo use, per doa,
Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, par doA. Una
n.riie: Bxtim fancy, white, per lb.. 14a.
Lettuce: Am lasny leas, per a OS-, evo.
Onion: Calurornla, whit, noiung. per la.
70; VYlOTOtisln, yellow Olobe, per In, to,
w-A 13LnAa. nor lb, Vao; "teaalsh. ael
crate. "Aai. Parsley. Fancy eoathere, par
iT KrJa. A-074O. Parsalpe: Per Ik.
Mo, Potatoes : Minn eati ta Red River Early
Ohio seed, per bu. Set; Wlaootiatsi white
stock; per - H-aJTjn usv. einmwu aany
Roe seen, per vw. , xnwmpv.
ear bu, tl-4k ItuiabagaA. In aokA
ner lb, lvrc Tomotoee: Florida, per 4
ilssaurt erat. tA; Cubes, par 4-basket
esxrler. tt-SA Turnips: Per lb., 14,
sUiKEVLXJkNEOUS-Tarragona, per lb,
lgue- m sscks lots, to lesa. Coooanats:
P.Vsack. to-Oa, FUberts: Par lb, Mc; la
sack lota, le lea. Peanuts: Roasted, la
sack Iota Pr lb, IHc; roasted, less thaa
sack Iocs, per lb. Is; raw, per lb, tc
Pecans: Large, per lib, 17c; la sack lota,
1, ktsA WalnuU: New crop, uu. Calif or-
rifwswNelia'wka, per IsV-gaL 44 bet.
B.; per gaL. bbi, tV4: New Terk
Matt A Pr '"- w wis, -sa sv; per se
gal, bai. MM. Hone-: Kw. M fVaaMS.
u 74. KramPwr isVcaA aa. fA.A; ,
tVL kag, -aX -
lt.4U; No, A VASV4UAM: Na A flAtett
U.t; Ma 1 mMAfAsITeAAt91aVM; No. 1
ktwlaad. tI7.IOD14; alfalfta. cho4oe Id and
4th euttlng. d-uAMa.; 1st and M cut
tag. taAOoeaUt; No. ft OAtB-aM.M; Na I
NEW TORK. March TaV-tRJOAJt-Jftaw.
steady; muaesmdo, teat, AM": oaa
trlfugal. M teat, A Me; moltss-s eugy
ASA llsnnse qesei.
Hott Kindt of Cattle lower for the
Fat Sheep and Laaab Receipts thaw
Falling Off for the Week,
While Prleee Are Steady
ta ttreager.
SOUTH OMAHA. March . a
RswAints even,' 1-srtle Hosts Sheep.
Official Monday.. 1,339 t.Se l.!
Official Tueeday 4,878 17.23 llTt
Official Wednesday.... Asia 14.U03 AX
Official Thursday 1138 K1.018 11.24
Official Friday 4v3 1 6.100 Ltva
uumalo Saturday lt Law aw
Six days this week..a.0a. U.84 t8.0f3
Same days last week..l9.M 17.141
Same days I w'ks 47.474 43.444
Sams days I w'ks a go. 17.491 83.(36 41.468
Umi ilm I s'll ua 1(111 7K.S17 47.U4
Sam days last year..kv-M . tt,74 K.K
Ths following table shows ths receipts
or eaitie. nova aim anean at duuih
Omaha for the year to date as evmiatred
with last year:
MIL1 Mil too. Dec
Cattle S4.MI -n,l44 le.714
Hogs ..TTo.tM tlt.tUl W.WI
Sheep 444,341 444,341, U9l,vtt
The following tenia shows ne range of
prices paid for hogs at south Omaha tor
tno last lew days, sntn comgaiesona:
Date. I ItU. ilU.llAlSu.lt0t.liI.il0t.
21 J (W4
416,10 411 I
4 47;1 4 4 44
t 44lt 111 f 4t
t 41 I 43 1
t 34;lt 44 t 6t
1D (s I !
4 3 ,
43lt70 I
t 71 f (8
t 34tH 44 1 1
4 774 t I U
I lei 8 18
ze 1 va
ai tw
4 7tj t 11 4 31
4 Mil J 4 M
4 i I ttf
141 7 4141
On 1 itiw
2S 7 44,1
l I 46!,
l J St
t Si t 111 t
f ttf I 23 8 37
e I I 31, I 28
4 47 31 3D
'Sunday. ' .
Becelpu and disposltloa of live stock
at th Union (Stock Yard. South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at t p. m.
yesterday :
Cattle. Hogs
C, M. ft St. P. Ry t
Wabash R. R. ... I
Missouri Pacific Ry ..... .. 1
C, 6L P. M. ft O , ..4
C, B. ft 4. (west) 1
lillnol Central 1
Chicago, Great Western Ry..M .. ' 1
Total receipts t , 14
Cattls. Hugs.
.. 1
.... it 138
Omaha Packing Co....-
Cudahy Packing Co ,
Sch warts-Bolen Co
Other buyers
Total If ' 7370
CATTLE There were no cattle her of
any consequence, and what la more re
ports from the various railroad line In
dicating washouts and the loa of bridges
st many points has Isd to ths belief that
receipts will continue light for some days
to come. lor the weak receipt have
been very liberal, footing up Xl.OuO head.
the largest for A number of weeks back,
and fuhy aa large aa on the correspond
ing wek of isst year.
under ths influence or tut liberal re
ceipts packers were able to bear down on
beet cattle, witn tne result tna. at tna
cloea of the week the general run of fat
steers can be quoted lisgloa lower than
last week's close.
Cows and heifers wer tn very good de
mand all ths week, that Is. ths hotter
grades were, and they commanded steady
price from day to day, and at the close
of the wsek are. If Anything, strong as
compared with last week's close. On
tne other hand, canners and ths common
to medium kinds of cows had a lower
tendenoy. owing to ths faat that re
ceipt wsr large, And at tha dost of
tn week they are lutylso lower.
Btnctiy good feeder wer In modarat
supply and war strong all th week. On
th other hand, there was A large supply
of common light feeder and Blockers,
and aa the country demand baa been very
moderate, price eased oil, closing tn
week ICrbSo lower.
Violations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, 7.MwA0; fair to good beef
steers, I8.40fr7.00; common to fair beet
steers, 34.botie.40; good to choice heifers,
I4.40th4.30; good to enole cow,, 4.7&o.7t:
fair to good cows, 4.00H."; oommon to
fair oowa Ai.uutv4.uv; good to choice slock
era snd feeders, A,.4uu.Ea); fair te good
stockera and issuers, "B.Zbtl &e; oommon
to fair stocksrs and feeders. IA4(4.34:
tock hel'sra, f3.H4-; veal calves, KOOtf
aw; nuns, stags, etc,,
HOGS Tb usual small Saturday mar
keting of hog waa further decreased by
Interrupted railway service, only eight
een loads showing up. Quality waa me
dium to good, but th supply Included
nothing attractive enough to make a nat
ural too. partly because et meanr or
ferlnga and partly because of th char
acteristic Indifference of packers at the
week-end there waa no demand whatever
on slaughter account. Shippers purchased
practically everytning on sale, paying
prices about wtjisu anovs tnoae 01 yes
terday. Clearance waa made early.
Beat weighty bogs on sale brought
17.77. with good handy butchers selling
st 17.70 and less. Nothing of consequence
cnangeo nanus neiow a, od.
Compared with a week ago current val
ue show g general advance of about tit
cents. A brisk and ceneroua ehlooing
demand baa been the main feature of the
trade oa moat days, one Individual snip
per During over is loan on Tuesday.
Recelpta for the lx daya glvs A good
ised total, bum const ting of mixed aad
butcher grades. j
Representative sales
Ma At. Ik. IT Ke. Av. k. y.
II m M t ts si ..til IM T 74
It ri t T 40 4 H4 ... t tl
t4 us m 1 44 11 am m 1 74
BT 00 t St T. ...... Bt 4 TT
U 1 SIN T....,.m ... f 14
It ... 11 It IH ... T TTV4
II 144 1 TS 14... B4 13 1 TTVa
41 ts M It
SHEEP Like most Saturday markets.
today' trade was practically barren and
nominal, only one load of stock showing
up. Some through stuff from the west
was expected, but many railway bridge
on transportation lines la the west have
been wpt away by high water and de
livery waa Impossible. .
A generally ateady Ihrt of values has
been maintained during th week, current
quotations en both fat sheep aad lambs
ruling firm to A little higher of the six
AayA strength bss been confined
good offerings, especially sheep.
Receipt oa paper look heavy owing te
the large amount ef through stuff, but
actual supply waa oy as means sacea-
slv. Packing demand throughout
proved reasonably broad And fairly ac
tive, everything clearing la creditable
fashion. Fat lamb mad up the bulk
and wooled shipments wer the general
rule, the protracted winter and high
coet of feed being responetbi for soar-
city of ehora grade.
Wooled Mexicana war It dwindling
supply ana tnese kino of lambs claimed
usual premiums, a esHwce suing reach'
Ing tff.M ea Monday. The beet price
netd for red western ta the neeoe lately
ha been 37.76. 8 bora iambs are quotable
up te tAtw. and tat shearing lambs hava
been selling freely around (7.M. on
band bringing a much aa 7 a, Thurs
day. Th prleee Indicate plenty ef
finish aad quality, and also reveal a
strong ssecuiatlvs element ta the trade.
Spring lambs, suitable for the Easter
trade, war remarsaary scarce oa
daya Extra good fat ewes closed with
a lofty top of (sUt, th klgheat price paid
sines June. Its. -
Practically everything Bent back ta the
country this wsek haa bees wooled sad
fat, being psn-ehased for ths ring rather
than feeding puipasss. The feeder trad a
Wash's buy ea country aocouat, 4
Quotations est "fM and lajnhs: TLatnba.
food to choice, 7.np7.4; lambs, fair te
good. mJOtr.-m: leasi. (born, ACi4:
tat sheering lam be. JAtetr;.; yearllrura
handy. l-4"tt: yea-tings, heavy. Hi4e,
4J; yearlings, eoenmoa. V KtiAat; weth
ers, good to cftotoe, sac At; wethers,
tale to rood. tAesBAat: tvav aoed te
choice, t4.40ti4.IS;; ewes, fair 4 good, ti.74
It. iMla Ltvw ItteMrk Mmrket.
4T. LOtnS. March Ml-CATTUB-Rs-eetpta
"tt head; inarket steady: native
Bhtpptnc aad export steers. IT Jtej-;
dreesed and butcher steers. AaF7.4t:
ateera under l.7S) poonda, AtMA; stock
srs and feeders. BJM4Jt: esuaaers. B 7iQ
Ala; avails, eVtwak; eama, -Atstrsw,
Texas and Indian steers. 76 008711)0; ow
And heifers. a.4llt4Ja.
HOGeV-Reeelnta A 401 head: inarket
steady: pigs and lights. Str. mixed
and butcher, gooa, 87.-aes.oa.
ad far Cattle and Sheep) Steady
ceiDts. K head: market steady: beeves.
S.14j.50: Texss steers, 84.Ct-a6.75: west
ern steers. m.JKm.w: Blockers and reed.
ere. t4.30tss.40: cows snd heifers. Clud
Ur. calves. "
hogs tteoeipt. AOS aeaa; marxer
weak and lower than early; light, V.Ut
I.sivt; mixed, timncri.wr, neavy,
7.44: rough. fl.m&l.TV; ptga, fa.tglJb,
bulk of sales. r.7ori7.86.
SHEEP AND LAJd BS Recei pte , 3.000
bead; inarket steady; nativett st.-oM.x,
western. l4.404X.6v: rearUngs. 86.76d7.00;
native lambs, t.7tjIJ6; western lambs.
Kansas City LIT Stews: Market.
KANSAS CrTT. Mo.. March 3A
CATTLS Receipts, M head, lnotodlng W0
southerns; market steady; dressed beef
and export steers, I7.10t4.; fair to good.
K.Wtr7.0t: western steers. 84.746I.7S; stock-
ers and feeders. K 7494.60; southern steers,
4.4ut-7.e: southern cows, ISjOO&M; native
co as, xx.M-ete.3b; native neirers, 4.7bv'.w;
bulla 44.34ii4.7S: calrea. &.-.
HOGS-ReeelptA 3.000 head; quality
Tory poor: market 10c lower; bulk of
sales, 7Juty7.7: heavy. 17.474217.70; pack
ers and butchers. I7.46ar7.70: llchta. 17.419
1 00; pigs,
neaa: market steady: lam ha. SR.50fM.00:
yesvriings, B.WA7I; wethers, fe4O0.l;
ewes. stockera aad feadara
St. Joseph Live stock Merkat.
celpts, 100 head; market unchanged;
steer. M 0Oi26: cows and heifers, ajsa
7.14: calveA &O0ta.'4X
HOGS Recelpta 1.600 had; market
lower; top, 17.80; bulk of salsa. r.tutj7.7i.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market nominally steady; lambs, .tOt?
tack la aigtst.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 100 1.350 200
... 108 2.SM
... 900 i,00t 1.001
IN ' 4,400
IM 4.000 3.000
-- 800 AI6t 4.304
South Omaha ,
St. Joseph ...
Cettea Market.
NEW TORK. March VrTrov-
Future oloaed very steady: April, N.SOc;
May, 10.6ec; June, M.ttc; July, UVTOe; au-
gusi, iv.ovo: rjetnemoer. lf.,lc: oetnbMr.
10.77c; November, N.Ttc; December, U.83c;
January. 10.80c; February, lt.Tac Spot
cloaed quiet, points higher; middling
uplands, lt.Mc; middling gulf. tLUc; 00
Spot steady, price I points higher; Ameri
can middling, fair at ASM; good middling,
4.44d; middling, ATM; low middling, AWd;
good ordinary, I. ltd; ordinary, 4.23d. The
aies were 1 tuu naies, 01 which sub were
for speculation and export aad Included
4,701 American.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Vratts
new iukk, March 10, EVAPO-
PlTPn IDDt.tVLJl.ri. 1. a
w- . w . . ... nv, linn, euifs un
changed; on th spot fancy are quoted
at VnOme; choice. fapST4c; prims, 7!4
riRTR-n tm-rrrsi ie,n
A little better Jobbing demandv, quota-
nue rms irum VTasyivTsa, I OT uaiuorma
Hp- u e-wa aoa siuillo IOT uregona, Apri
. wiin . im 1 trsuo; cnoice,
14tH4Vro; extra choice, 1415Ho: fancy. l
. t , , m, am, out stesay;
Choice. 104441!Ote: srlrs ehAlee tlslllu-n.
f,nr IkMltUi. t.l.l..,iii. i . '
. . ' - . ' 1 .ill., m, , Li i'. w I(J
isnoy seeaeu, "y7vrc: Beedleas. tHtSriHCi
mwuvh isisi eMvoiite.
Dry Good Market.
NEW TORK. Marsh Ift TRT i-inrtrrn
ine oorton gooos markeu are strong with
retrular print cloths now quoted at l'o
and wvde regulars at sc. Jobhere bu.
nut a very rair week and materially
Bmiw nan a rear ate, vvasn ranns
of the finer grade the being advanced,
goods having been advanced tea a varri
during ths day. Knit gods and hosiery
or irouii-t uenvery are in active de
mand. Ola ae,a Tteslm
6AVA4VNAH, Ga.. March -TURPFaf.
TLNE Market firm; sales. 123 barrels;
recetpts, 447 barrel; shipments, till bar-
. ei.w:ifc, ie,oae oarTeiB.
ROBIN-Market firm: sales, fat barrel
receipts, 324 barrels; shipments. Ml bar
rel, biocs, iz sm DarraiA guote: B, in 86;
D. t.W: H 7.4; F. Q. H.. I7.13H; I, 11.14;
K. 17.30; W, Alt; N. 7.4B; WO. t?.7t; Ww
I. IB,
Wm Marlkct.
ftT. TaOTTTA aVfiY tffrrK fjA WriiT
AtMilv: te7rrUfira anAl eaVsaatsaww -..swIlitM.
Uite; flM tMtflum, 1&917c; tin, M
Tweatr-Fear-Iast-AsT Gassa ta Call
ferata Coast Clst ta
Recard la 1SX1.
Frequently the question as to tha long-
set base ball game oa retard la asked.
For tha benefit of numerous Inquiring
fans th record are given.
' la th matter of extraordinary long
lames no record was broken In UU. the
longest (ani of the season being the
twenty-four-Inning gam. 1-1, between
Sacramento and Portland teams of the
Faclflo Coast league played at Sacra
mento September Ml Th th Paclfio Coast
leesrue also falls th hoaor of th second
longest asms of th season, as oa Sep la
bor 14 Sacrainento aad Los Angeles played
a tweny-one-Inning tl gams, 4-4, at Los
Angers. In MM tb longest gams was a
twenty-four-inning tie gam between tb
Mannlngtoa and Clarksburg teams of the
West Virginia league, played en July 1
la not on record gam wag played. Tha
Bloomlngtoa aad Decatur teams ef th
Threa-I leagu played twenty -six tunings
this record thus supplanting the record of
the twerity-frre-inning Oread Fork.
Fargo game which had stood sine July
a, 18SL
During the 1111 season tha longest Na
tional league game was the sixteen-uhing
gam betweaa PMladelphla and ClncinaaU
May 13. the Phlinea winning. 4-4, and th
long esc Amancaa league was was foar-
teea bi rungs, Cbkago defeating New
Tork. 7-4. at New York. April 28. Aa
there waa nothing doing la thr record-
hrslng line la mi th standing locg-
dlstanca racerds are aa follow
longest Pnteaatonal
tea against Decatur, twenty-six hmHif
Score. Decatur. 3; Bloomlngtoa, Tl Flayed
at Blooenington. Ill May a. MS.
Second Longest Professlsaial
Grand Forks against Fargo, twenty-flv
Inning. Score, t to A Played'at Devils
Lak July IS, I8H.
Loogest Mlxsd asms Manchester (pro-
feeelonaj) sgslsst Harvard oollssra, t
ty.fonr Innings, "tear, I to A Flayed at
Boston May 11. U77.
ton agslBst Athletics, twstUy-byor
alnca Soora: Alhietlca, 4; DVjstost.
Flayed at Boatoa IkelonMt I BtA
etsnatl sgainst ChksureT twenty mtilngs
aonre, t to I. Played at firvrtnastl July
m, tlmt. aad Phllanelpbia sgainst Chieags,
twenty limlnga Scor. Chlcagu, t; Phlus
eelphka. 1. Played at Philadelphia Aueruat
M, IMt.
Leasreet Col lege . Gaaw-Wsaleraa cot
lege ss-aiaat Trtaitvlesre of Hartford,
strteteaa iivolnga. ore. T ta 1 Flayed
at Hartford. Cona Jaa 4, 117. St Louis
Tb key
m tlsj
Deatk at Rev. Richard U BartMlIot
Paatshed for Sapperttas D. JO
Hsfilysm. -
Th death of the RL Bey. Mgr. Rich
ard Lalor Burtssll. rector of St. Mary's
Roman Catholic church at Klngstoa, N. T,
strikingly recalls a controversy belong
ing equally to saleststtral: law. and ta
municipal politics, a controversy spring
ing out of the oampaiga : of Heary
Georga for mayor of th old city of
Kb Tork In 1881 and tb hot adva-.
cacy of Oeonre aad ths single tax deo-s.
trine, by Father Edward McGlrwv, .,
rector of St. Stephen's ehurch. Of I
course. Henry Georg always regarded
himself as aa TuidlrkiuAllst. aad Dr.' Mo-'
Glynn took the stun view, but In th
popular mind slngl tajdsm was associated
with socialism, and Archbishop Cotrigaa
regarded tt aa a duty to discipline) Father
McGlyaa. Dr. BurtselL rector of th
church of th Epiphany, and regarded by . '
many as the closest student of canon -law
In th United States, stood as Dr.
MoOtynn's counsel and ad viae. He alas
waa disciplined, after Dr. McGlynn had
been excommunicated. Dr. Burtsell was
seat to a church at Rondout, la tha
municipal campaign with which this frac
tion was inseparably aasoxaated, Abram
S. Hewett got MJia ratas; Henry George,
68,110, aad Theodore Rooeevelt, after
ward president of the United State,
M.43S, for mayor.
Between Archbishop Corrigan, on the
on aide, and Dr. McGlynn and Dr. Burt
sell. oa th other, th difference was not
at ail personal. Each ski believed Itself
to be stAndmg for principles of vital
moment to th future of too church. The '
poaltion taken by the holy father and by
th propaganda may be retarded aa con
ciliatory. Archbishop Corrigan was tech
nically sustained, but Dr. McGlynn was
relieved of -communication, and was aa
signed to St, Mary's ehurch at New
burgh, which ha served until his death
tn 181. Dr. Burtssll scoured th sig
nature of M.000 Catholics for his restor
ation to th church of the Epiphany, to
a petition sent to Papal Delegate Satolll,
hot th delegate only advised Dr. Burt-
sell to mak a trip to Rome, which waa
done, 'but without marked resBlU . Dr.
Burtssll returned to tha Rondout . church.
proved himself aa efficient pastor.
s made by Archbishop Corrigaa
"Irremovabl rector' in ISM, aa
dene that b had been restored 1
leUer he was mad rural dean for Ulattr
and SuiUvan countie. and his appoint-
mant aa domestic prelate eras announced
only the other day.
Th whole history of this oontroVerty
Indicates th disposition of tha Roman
Catholic church of our day to con dons
honest differences of opinion and to sav
for th church stnoer and sarnest think
ers, and enerfstlo workers, by th sort
of conciliation that aaros tha self-raspect
of all parti ea. The sam spirit Is shown
In th modern trend of Protestant the
ology. It la assenttelly the -spirit of th
sga-Brooklyn Eail.
Edaeated Fish dassped lata Hols
, aad Palled th Halo
After It.
Th veracity of "Bub" WVxs. a wU
knows fisherman of Tarrytowa. If,, 1
bung In th balance until ha gave a de
tailed statement, with mora or Urn floor
plans; of hi encounter reowtty with A
large fish that jumped Into a hoi In
th Ice and pulled th hoi la after him.
Mr. Wicks had -told snany a good fish
story In his time, and always being able
t prove his facta, never had hi word
doubted until today,
"Any you fellow ever hear ef a futh
Jumping Into a hols in th lea and pulling
the bole In after hlmt" h Inquired tn th
railroad station. A aerie of yawns and
grunts of disapproval followed the ques
"It's got pel," aatd "Bub." shlfUnc his
quid of tobacco. And as he unfolded the
story Uiom that rtmalned to scoff wars
thrilled. 1 .
"It was like this," no went on. t was
fishing over on the Tarrytowa Lake
fish. I think ss how he must of been
when vl cams,-across this strange
aa educated fish, raised In th aquarium,
or some plao down In tb etty, for h
certainly was a smart fallow. Toa asa.
I cut a hots about six Inch across in
ths lea and dropped my lint In. Then I
waits. No lock for mora than a half
hour, to I goes over and builds a 'fir
oa th shore. Pretty soon, t heard this
fish flopping around on tba lea. t looks
over and ther I ee by th light of the
lantern I left neat tha hole, a wkoppsr.
It I over seen one.
"I ran out on th Ice, and tha flih
heard m coming and jumped back In
th hole. But. so hIp me. Boh. I couldn't
find that hole anywhere. Say, It mad m
feel creepy for a while. Then I cam to,
I remembered I had tied my Una around
th oak ef le I cut out of the bote. Th
Un fross tight and whan that fish flopped
back Into the water he Just naturally
dragged that piece of lo back la Us
Piece )nst cloaed up th hoi as slick
as a whistle. Don't that beat all yu aver
Mr. Wicks still Mains his standing la
th community. New Tork HaraM.
Atteskprs at Cermet-tag) the Feeutat
Market aad Haeealasr Flefa
Th trail of th arrpant Is over th
goober. While th world sat In the
Slouch of Despond and watohed the dlah
ma away with th pooa ha a fight to
ward prohibmv prices It waa oomfort
tng to reflect that the faithful peanut,
that staple of tha truss is, waa ami cheap
and abundant.
Salted, mad Into butler r worked ever
Into that prime delicacy, peanut brittle,
t waa ta y of the rourmet- Katsn
raw, tt haa produced from th hardy ma-
tenalsef boyhood a race ef strong and
patriotic mem. It Is one of the -dories
of Virginia, th very toast ef -the Tar
Hast state. "
And asw corns th rumor that Bk a
thief ta tha might tha octoeua haa states
i goober crop, cornel od R. wtth
tt from di eolation. The ttts-tn
facturers were sous; tlffTil Isaoi uiillj
about thetr awstasss, with awvar-a sos-
alstoa f what Impended. Th sugar waa
"be sugar waa I
taware wars, I
1 oasjdmaher J
1 wee atvscked . "
la th kettle, tb butter soolds 1
and WTtMaa. but whea ths ,
sent out far th peanut be '
ta loara that then war boas to be bad.
thea the panto tsar has s-stwsd. The
very theocTst ef s natio dstslted wHbost
warming at Its pssnsli haa erriahed what.
Irit rasBBhaed after tha sex took
rank wtth pttstssua stones aad batter be
came as tha ftoht es Opoir.-Washington
rMsanhita year TMuvne
kt Tha Bss ths awnapr
by advanhs-af I
salU .Dr.
it church, 'A .
Mor- u,d
rrigaa an J "
aa svlV .Ni,
I to favor.'
.... U'..