, . I I THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31. 1912. REAL ESTATE C1TT PHOPKKTT FSK SkhM. ield Club District . Home, S9.000 nerrjweoa finish, hardwood floors, hot .. This u a fine home of ths lum 2 Hvin room 1U pS ZIL r rrTT1 "un' eteei s wwa we 4 heuaes n a boulevard. and a half blocks from oerUnel bouse built In full lot; street pavei r- all peviac paid for. f. H. Dumont & Son Dtfnf. m. Itm Farnam St, Omaha. Chicken and Garden Tract .JHMl CurO e- l west of Miller Itarh. blocks from car. 1 ham a spe elal barrain here: price reduced ! ?T s-noom house, good barn, efticken house, crapes, bearing orchard and plenty of Harden room. This tract contains 14 acres of splendid soil, with nice improved places adjoining; the price is 12, Sua Terms: Ovnr to as "?" oulldlne; and loan mortgage of ,M4 and pay balance la cash. See ma agones, as Inla place must be sold Uus S. P. Bostwick H nth et. Ground FX B Bldf. .MAKE AN OFFTiA ROOM cottage. 1 years old. built for a home, located at !uifl Bnvd at run tot strictly modern, electrio lKhts, aaa for cookuij, cement cellar, urn furnace. open plumbing, high and sightly. House I nicely arranged, and well built storm windows and screens, well painted, rests r sum, ana is weu worm imw BUt SS the limner 1. Uairin. IMa Mmii.M will eacrtflce and must be sold, any rea enable offer will be considered, doa't faU i 100 wis u you want a bargain, reason able terms will be furnished. Address " or cau v. wsj or w. wm. REAL ESTATE FARM at HaCH LANDS rOR SALE California. ' FREE IJTERATVRB will be sent to anyone Interested la the wonderful Sac rsjsedto valley, the richest valley In tne world. Unlimited epporuiaities. Thou sands of acres avellabia at right prices The place for the man wanting a home in the finest climate on earth. Write to a public organisation that gives re liable inforn-atloB- Secretary Rarrametite gevetopmeat association, Sacramento, CALIFORNIA LANDS. Ws have suburban acre property suit able for chickens, ranches, garden truck, grapes, berries, citrus and deciduous fruits. Located as electric car line. 17 minutes rids from the heart of the cltv of Sacramento, Cel. which Is a great oommerotai and manufacturing' center with a population of JMOs to 71,00s and growing rapidly. This property Is sure to double. Prices reasonable. Terms to suit. Five and tea-sera t recti planted to fruit. Near Butts City, Glenn county. California. (39 per acre down, balance on easy monthly payments. This Is battel than a life Insurance policy. It will pay you to Investigate it. For particulars, writs or call on . KiXA a WX8TBERO. fli Bee Bidg. Omaha, Keb. FAR If REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. RAX Cat LANDS FOR SALR FARM RAKCH LANDS FOR SALE UVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST fieri ea. W. R. SMITH a SUM lust handle sheep. Clay. Robinasn a Co. M Cxcaansw Bidg. I loterstat. Co. Better results ghlp to ua Excursion to Florida Tuesday, April 2d, Tuesday, April 16th Don't think all cf Florida is nlll-a. v Our lauds Are over 200 miles from the overflow lands the paper hare WE WJLL. SHOW THEM IX COMPFTmnv with avt r.E tuv ,5DrtF.J2Sfe E?S..5THEH SMALL 0R RGE FARMING, FOR We have the land, the transportation, the market, the all year round We have sold men from nearly every itate tome of largest customers are from California. CLirTON Com Co. CI Eacnange Bids, Oes e Jones Cora. Co.. bunch af hustlera L. E. B0BEMT3 A CO.. tS Kaca. Bidg. Farmers L. s. Com. Co.. A Kzck, BMg. Martla Bros. a Co.. aa-t hUcn. Bids TAQQ BROS, handle cattle, bogs, sheep Deposit nroeaeda of ahlnmant la Rtork larne mat i nana only Sena at yards OMAHA. THE CKAl.N MARKET WEEEl GRAIN CO, grain merchaaiA (.oaaujsaiaBts seuucea, .M straaaeu. LEGAL NOTICES. onr beat ' and Potatoes $250 a Bushel EAST TERMS. Cseicest piece ef acreage in Omaha for ine money, acres, 4 blocks to car Una, J-ropm house, pasture, garden and ail mnas 01 oesnng fruit. Buy terms, . PHONB WJSB. !. FOR 8ALE-UM. t-room modsra. hard wood finished bungalow: one block from car lino. Owner leaving town and wishes to sen equity, r-none uougies ens. AT BAKQAIkl. I-room houee, easy pay menta Canadlaa office. Us as. 1Mb 8A FOR BALE OR RENT e-roots house aaa earn, iui cnieaao Ht-i modsra lm- rovements. Apply H. W, Xataa, Ne- sisa nauonal bank. ROOM house and three larea 1!. at IM and Francis, tt tea i Furay. Station B. Harney ?. lots. CONTRACTS WANTED to wreck old buildings, eta Price reasonable: large or sman jo oe taken. J. Marcaa, nil a L. South Omahs. FM baLH' bV OWNER. 4-room bungalow, modem ssoept heat, cement basement and large attlo, house four years old and in first-class condi tion: liberal discount for cash offer. Call wsoster fins." WILL sell or lease t-room modem reel. dence; best ef location, no) Wool worth THREE fine lots, southwest corner fcth and Ellison, near car, near school snd Miller's Perk; suitable tor cottages: a TOl, Mee. SIS CALIFORNIA AT.-Owaer has seven-room house, all modern, with lot vm an car una. wtu sou at able price. BUY FROM OWNER Must sell my strictly modern home, built W years ago, I blocks west of High school. Call Harney tlM. 100x150 West Farnam Two blocks from ear line on Mth. High class, all clear. Will trade for clear im proved land net mora thaa W mlias from Omaha. Will not consider equity. Want something of equal value, clear. Address M-WB, BQS. - WANTEI-0ood relisbls men In dlfl ferent foralttlrs in Nebrsska to hsndle strictly nigh class proposition in Florida iruit aaa trues laoas. Homes Lend Co, Sis Omaha. Neb. Address Florida HoCefua Bldg., A MCB H0M8 south front lot sn Fowler Ave., ens half block from Florence Boulevard, Tei. Webater ! , OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE. ALLAN LINE BOTAL MAin STEAMERS. MONTREAL. UVERPOOL, OLAHGOW, Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesqus St. Lawrence Route. Four days an the ocean, three days in river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine SI earners. Saloon, second estrin and third clans, Superior one-clam cabin serv ice, cusine unexoellen. courtaous atterf tion. Send for circulars, rates, plana, eta. Allan A Co:, in N. Dearborn St.. Chicago. LIVE OAK SACRAMENTO VALLEY Did You Ever Stop to Think f What yon could do with, and what re sults you could obtain from 19 sr acres of land If the SOIL was a rich loam formed bv SIH deposits of sges, with uniformity In character and therefore In the highest state of productivity If the MOISTURS that yon required was Insured by a system of irrigation that was abundant to cover any aud ail demands at any time If the CLIMATE is such that you art growing something every month during the year If you were within easy reach of MARKETS whose demand la greater thaa any local production If from one aere of ALFALFA vnu could produce i to T crops, or from I to tons per annual yield If from FRUIT and other ctods you could get even bigger results Tou would naturally begin to think that such a Diane would be worth vnur eon. slderatlon and investigation. with less energy than you are dallv vuiuns in at us onios. store, ractorv or otherwise, you could be working out at, health and happiness and vour ewn noma, it la aunemnc instead of cloud of "moke and soot. Crop failures arc unknown. There am nn avr storms They era now settlns raeitv ta vu wie urai crop w siiaixa, wnue we arc shoveling snow. They are picking inrn ana vegetaoies, wmi ws arc Iced' ins the furnaos. we could go cn and tell you many mora good features about live Oak, In the Sacramento Valley, California, but If you will call us by phone or write us we will be glad to suddIv veu with nt.-.raM eon any mrormstioa you msv dee re. Better still, go along with us on one of our excursions snd sec for yourself. A peclsl rate of AVW to Live Oak now la Trowbridge-Bolster Co., 4m City National Bank Bldg. Douglaa low. Omaha. Neb. LIVE OAK SACRAMENTO VALLEY NOT1CK TO CONTRACTORS. Separate bids will be received until o clock on Monday. April s. 1SU, at the office of the Secretary of the Board of nrgenta, l nlverslty of Nebraska. Lin coln, for tli. rauintptlfM a - VI . . 1 lnlg Dflce la now bains- nM lit h i.i. .... i n. ollrge Laborstory Bulldlnc. slao (or down dow and tee for yourself, what is heinr dn. .i.n .h. i.i.k Pr?"rf "? v"""n. ppfratua, piumb- i.mi ,hi.K i. .. . ' , . r : ii.-M. ioa ana eierincai wiring tor tne same: ' - nuig gaiuerea ana marieiea. the total cost to be approximately tttOM F A f TC i " Bu,lt 00 ,n northeast corner of Ml. I .1 I Forty-second Avenue and Dewev ivi Over 200 farmer. In th- vbhii. -in ..it .v.. .a ..... 1 """ o JOIN OUR EXCURSION. APRIL JD OR APRIL 1TH and we Will ahow Coolidge. Architect Chicago, von. Our price it ISO and 125 rmr acra We have confidence In our propogitlon and aa an Inducement to fo and ee for yourself, we offer to refund railroad fare to all purchasers of 40 '"i " iw purcnasers of iv acres. REMEMBER APRIL 2D AND APRIL 1STH NEXT EXCURSION. Riverview Farms Company BENSON & .CARMICHAEL " t-arorn uioox. . ( Omaha. Neb. Caaaaa. LA ROE tract fertile land In Kimn il. berta for sals. Excellent opportunity for lane or colonisation scneme. Agents paid big commission. F. W. Hudson, tm Builders' Exchange, Winnipeg. Canads. UVE LAND AGENTS WANTED. western Canada la nn. Afr.r.. ... limited possibilities to the homeseeker and Investor, and will set the K...i..t Immigration this vssr in tha hiamrv nt viie munirr, .Our lands In the Carrot River Diet Hot, Saskatchewan, embracing over 1(0,000 acres, are being offered for sale for th n rat time mellow, black loam soli, clay suoeou, aosoiuteiy tree from potholes Purs water-great growth of grass-Just sufficient timber for fuel and nosta beat mixed farming district la Canada right ynrea inn iioerai lerms. W s have cur own Pullman cart equipped wnn tuning service end observation par lore sleeping berth and board tl.au ner say, ana conauct sxcurtions twice each month. FRRB RAILROAD FARE TO PURCHASERS. Live rpreMntatlves are wanted In the HTATIS or NEBRASKA. Send for particulars snd literature HOWARD EVERETT, Qenersl sfanasrer Loss Land AY Levelopment Co.. Ltd., est. Paul. Minnesota." FARM REAL E8TATB RANCH LANDS FOR SAL Arkawsaa. THE 0ZARKS The Kansas City Southern railway hag Issued a new booklet o nthe Oiark Moun tain region of western Missouri snd Arkansas. It gives most valuable In formation about this delightful country. It has hill land and prairie land and valley land: a variety to suit each Indi vidual taste and needs. The best country to be found anywhere, with wonderful prospects for great Increase In values. Write for the free booklet. WM. NICH OLSON, Immigration Agent, IN Thayer Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo." ARKANSAS LAND Beautiful Osarke. fertile valleys, rich mountains, flowing springs, health, fruit, grain, alfalfa, stock. poultry, prices right. J. C. Mitchell Cc, Fayettevills. Ark. California. This Is Your Chance There no doubt ef the suae ess of those who are locating On the Irrigated farms of Patterson. Only recently Chas. C tag tie and his partner, T. V. Dice, both of Walla Walla county, Washington, toured from Oregon to the Mexican Una and reached the enclrteton that thee Irrigated farms of Patterson In toe Saa Joaquin Valley of California offered the best opportunities to make money on the Pacific coast and they booght fifty seres. NOW STOP WISHING SB UP AND POTNO like these two men. A fve, ten or twenty-acre tract ts large enoua'h, INVESTIGATE ' fake advantage ef the S2f rate to the Pacific coast. Remember those rates snd on the 15th of April and the time for yea to prepare Is abort. Take advantage of our free sleeping car aeoommsdations to ail those who go en one ef our Wednesday excursions. Take advantaa-a of the refund of rail road fare to ail those who purchase land at Patterson. Take advantasa of tne sosrlal tsrmc tne opportunu .01 a iiieume ie cssr, stance aa payments irons owe to etovsm WB OWN AND BELL SASKATCHEWAN'S BEST LAND GODAKT LAND CO- MINNEAPOLIS." Oelora.de, 19) seres of clear, level Improved Ir rigated land, sand loam soil, under good canal. Ooed t-room house, bam; large potato cava costing snug, uond well and windmill, fenced and crosafenced, well ruted: IH miles from Valley end about miles from Fort Morgan, Colo, Just across Nebraska line. I will exchange this for good Income and let any reliable resident of Fort Morgan make valuation on It. If you want something right that will bring big returns let me hear from you.. So. 6. L. C. Gibson, South Omaha, Neo. opposite Foatofflce. Delaware. Oct rich growing fruit In Delaware. Fertile soli, healthful climate: the mar kets of Nsw Tors. Philadelphia, Balti more, etc., but a few hours' distant. Farms all sixes, IIS an acre US. Free catalogue. Ford A Rels, Inc., Depart ment tt, Wilmington, Del." GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tne J ham ATLAS- ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM a Hi r nllirit'AIn Lends adapted to the wisest range el arecs. All the money crODs ef tha aouta bleotlfuUy produced. For literature treat, lag wu this coming country, ua sail, ciunaUk enures aud gcaww aavaataaesj wrue K. LZAHT. DEFT. K. e-el Fassenger Agent. eiuas ia u. ONLY t2M. A snlandid Oaorsla Farm Home. Earns more each year thaa tha total cost, cultivation without attention ct owner If preferred, or convertible at your option. Absoluts safety guaranteed. Bank reference and trusteeanip. Write or pnoiograons. vuic action necessary. Answer immediately. OBO. W. LKEN. Box, 0 W ay erase. Oa FLORIDA UNI) Of the LOOO UTM nt nhfllM rt-rA In Dc Soto county from Mi to LJO ner miv, we neve aaw seres lert alter last week'a trip to Florida. Remember the next excursion is Anrll i. I um irum you promptly betors this Isnd Is all sold. Lakeside Land Co- Ku Oloyd Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. aflaaesota. BAROAIN. Ilo-aere farm adjoining a good railroad town. 100 miles from Minneapolis: two nouses, one large cam and other build' Inge; buildings originally cost 16,000; Uf acres unaer cultivation, balance timber snd meadow land: no waste land. Pries U per acre, ts.buw cash, baianee easy. SCHWAB BRO&. m Ouaraaty Loan Building, atlnsaase lis, Misa. Mlasoarl. FOR cheap homes and ranch lands In Taney eo,, write A. L. Brace, owner, For syth, Mo., where the million dollar dam Is being bullt.e Mebraeka. FOR SALE Wall Improved farm M acres; running water, heavy soil, five miles east of Grand Island, Neb. Address Mrs. Oeislnger, 07 South Pine, Grand Is. Isnd. Neb. FARM barsulns near Omaha. Possesion. Orln R Merrill. 1IU City Na Bk. Bldg. Waakiaaloa. WASHINGTON ORCTLMeD LANDS. Price, CO per acre and un. . all within one mile of main line railroad station on Hi., and aow on tils In the office ik. Superintendent of Construction. Room , Administration Building, University of Nebraska. Lincoln. Bids must h. sealed and marked with the bidder's name ana ine worns: Bid for construction of Medical ruw. Bid for nesting and ventllatins annar. stus of Medhal College Laborstory Bid of plumbing of Medical College La oratory Building. Bid for elect ria wiring of Medical rai lage Laborstory Building. Written plainly on tha outside of each ma, respectively, a deposit of Tea Dot Isrs ItiaW), payable tc the undersigned will be required for the use of . of plans snd specifications, the same to be surrendered oa return of said plans b'.u .im.il mi iudb in ine IWIWri.lnJ.nl of Construction. J. g, LA LBS. nerretery. CERTIFICATE OP rt;ni IiHtmS' aTATJSlr.S" NEBRASKA, OFFICB OF AI'LITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT. Great Northern Railway, won of Spo- Lii. i7c " M--'1. hereby ksUM. ITIllllfeu nisi Only Thirty-two Miles from the famous WENATCHEB VAL- the Re! la no Life Inaiirafws. company of Pltteburgh. In the slate of rvnnrjrirania, nas ountplted with the In surance law of this stste, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore author ial to continue tne ntistness of life. neann and accident Insurance In this Tha ftrttntAnt , . I stats for the current year ending Janu apple section la the whole sry II, int. " .... , ,. I r.m,' r'rrrt..r., r profitable country. mese lands set to fruit, when bearing ending December 81. Ml: will produce from !&M to tUNu per acre neb No Fruit Lands offered equal to these, considering soil. location, climate and advantages for big profits. Investigate without fall. Guaranteed flrst-clsBs. fibiia Oil WRITE US FOR FULL IN- fuiutaiiuii, D. V. Sholes Co. Ill City National Bank Bids. Doug. , Ind. A-SM. INCOMIO. Premiums ..A... tl.0K.WIM All ether sources.... H7.J.74 Total.. DIBHimSEMBNTft. Paid policyholders, t nt.sm M All other paymenta. Tta.B7.tL ..t.UOI.n Total.. ADMITTED ASSKTS. $ wmi; FINE U near Alliance. Ill ner dress T 9J7. cars Bee. Ad- UO ACRES In the southwest corner of Custer county, partly Improved, all fenced; must sell or trade for houee ana lot or small farm near Omaha. Address O H Bee. WHAT'S THAT YOU SATt A contract for from 1ft to SeO seres of fruit lands, three railroad townslte lots and 25 shares of stock In a 1,000-acra or chard, all for l:-.00. psyable tlv.Ow down snd 110.00 per month f TES 8IRI snd M per rent of these lands arc lest titan t miles from rsllroad In Reynolds, Iron and Wavne counties. Investigate. This is an Investment that may at can mtirn to you. RHVONLbS fWNTT FRUIT LANDS t o., an Karnach Block. Phone Doug. sn, jna. A-VM7. H'lsooaalM. H ACRES of wild Isnd for sals hi Rusk ootintr. Wisconsin, st a harain rrana Anorewe, I30X s. Atlanta, Wia, A SNAP IN WISCONSIN FOR WHOLE' SALh) LUVERS. I control W.OuO acres of Northern W is consin cut-over farm land which I will closs out at extremely low figures We believe there Is enouah timber left to pay for the land. Must sell In sections or la biook at once. This bargain for Investors or wholesalers cannot be duplicated any where. Do not fail to get full particulars it you want to msas big money quickly. jiuuaeae coo, cars nee.- .m.tuio LIABILITIES. Net reserve eLe.l-0 Net policy claims... 18.:woe All other liabilities.. ts.JS li-tl WI o?t u Capital stock paid up 1.0UO,uu.) emrpius oeyond capi tal stock and etner uatiiiitiee n,!U.3 l,f7t.;t! , ....,.. ea.ilf,i Witness mv hand and the im nf h. Insurance d. pertinent the day and ysar urst sours written. elLAS R. BARTON, Auditor of Public Acmuntg. C. H. PIKHCK, tleeuf V. O. C. WILSON. upcrvrsor lows and Nebraska. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sarpy Co.40 Acres NIFl ir e acres: every foot a farm; choirs location; neat Improvements, 10 miles out; If you do not want some thing choice do not bother me on this possession. Plica, B.S00; 13,766 or lass cash, ORIN . M&RRILL CO., Rooms 1111-U City Nat. Bank Bldg 42 Acres Easy Terms At'nrJB. irtiAnun two miiea from good town with high school, churches snd ooa k. ru service, I banks, etc.! is miles rom Boutn Omaha Very alight Im provements: I or t-room house, barn. spring; 1ft acres winter wheat and 16 acres new Isnd, otherwise. The ground slone is wortn tne money, rnce, aiw per sere; essy terms; 11.700 cash, balance t years, n per ccnu rossession. ORIN 8. MERRTT.L CO., Rooms 1211-14 City Nst'l Bsnk Bldg Farms Farms Farms TWO or thre of my best bargains: pos session can no nao yet trus spring. uriin o. M t.imii.1, t u.. Rooms 1Z18-U City Nat'l Bank Bldg Boaej HMO.V WANTED Men to become Independent farmers In Eastern North Carolina, "The Nation's Garden Spot" A card brings iniurmation. Carolina Trucking Develop ment Co., U7 Southern Bldg.. Wilming ton. N. C North Dakota. TWENTY DEEDED HOMESTEADS FOR 8 A LP! CHEAP. Owners must sell. Left country for cities. Lands worth doubla 11. (wO snd up. per quarter. Write B. Rosenberger, Mobrldge, S. D. THB ssslset war te Bad a eaves fee year (arm is te insert a email want ad ta the Dee Mstaas Capital. Aau-gsst ctr cuiauon la the mate oi iowa. u.m aauy. lue Capital is read by aad believed la sk the kiswipattara of Iowa, was iusa lefuss is Permit any etasr paper ta taair somas. Mais 1 east a wont a day; at 4 una tier moaia: eoaat aia aeoiAars words te us iios. Aedjtesa aess M tt uapiusi. a atotnee. .VOW IS THE TIME TO ACT The spring season lias already opened; everything Is green and fresh; fie wars are la full bloom: alfalfa is In full growth; gardes truck Is growing rapidly. Act now before It is too late. Excursion every Wednesday. Write or peons for tree llteretara, terms snd prices. ' Payne Investment Company & a cor. Utb and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. We want to hear from the man that said he bad the price to pay for a good lows farm that would not coat over $121 per sere. We hare over 20 farms for sale In lows that can be bought for 1100 and less per acre, aU highly Improved snd the very beet of eolL Bend for our complete list of good farms for sale. SUNDELL & GRANT REALTY CO., 117 McCaxae Bldg., Omaha, Neb. A BARGAIN, let proved e acres. In Greenwood Co., Kansas; MS acse in cultivation, II acres of It good alfalfa land; a fine stock farm and a great bargain, if taken soon at eue per ioa ror particulars address aa o, euucaj i ate tesicr, lasuv Oklahssaa. OKLAHOMA I have some choice Oklahoma farms at very reduced prices, aad some of the best buys In business and residence aron- erttee in Oklahoma City; Investigate It you want a profitable investment; land and city property advancing rapidly. I also handle all kinds of meritorious trades. Lst me know your wants. . HOUUE, llaMs West Grand Ave., Oklahoma City, Okl. Oreseau LANE County, Oregon, Is the place for you. Beautiful country. Fertile soil no Irrigation needed. Ideal climate no long, cold winters. No crop failures. Diversity of resources. Land of opportunity. For information send for illustrated booklet. M. 3. Duryca, Mgr., EUGBNE COM MERCIAL CLUB, EUGENE. OREGON." Teaase FARM FOR SALE QUICK, KM sere Texas Improved farm, for sals quick; want cash; price 13,600; ab stract of title. Fay D. Pickens, Clover dale. Ind. Mis rllaaseaa. INVESnOATB the fertile Northwest L imeu Biates. excellent land In Mlnns sota. North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, MMgtiM,, unnuu, sujaoent to north srn Pscide Ry.-tha hast developed sec tions of ths Northwest-obtainable at low prices. These lands under ths "Stars and Htrlpes" are as productive as any on ths 5Sn.,,lr,enl Le'What YOUR OWN HOME COUNTRY hss to offer. Buy near horns markets; qui. k transportation; closs to soou seigneurs and good schools; no Iso lated pioneering. Free U. S. Government homestead land; stats land on terms; deeded land at low prloee and on crop-payment plan. Climate fins for unui, um aim crops, uik money in vea. eisojes, grama, auaira, rruits, cattle, dairying, poultry, hogs. Choice localities1 being opened by branch lines now build ing. Writs quick for free illustrated lit erature, saying what stats most Interests you. u. 4. uricker, uen I Immigration Agent, 111 Northern Paclfta Bldg., St, Deeds files f meri Marck U. 1111: L B glsrtxal aad kiisbaml te M S I tree. I. earl let IL elect tt. Kouslss PU . a J. B. rsieier set srlte te w 1. rseee, lets L I Hi 1 klscll ila. Mford Ru. L. A. Jsress at sl. to It Htaelsa 1st It. IM 111. Sn.ta nmaaa IMS M. Htsiies see vlfs te Bridget H testes, let lo. Meek 111. SMtk nraatia 1 W. O Ire le J. M. Ursese. let X. Meek 1. Brliiss riwe I. r. Miller t, S. A. Ureses, 1st 1 Wsesb a wtsrrti-e ess. l The Nsbrasks Wsts Bask ef l.lnmln. N., te A. J. Mtr. sart M TS. Hsrtnus's sS4 , 1 O. r. Halet te Joe tales, lot L Mask L Hslst Md I DealsTsrC Psrk Imerereteest fx la t IL Slater, let 11. elect . Beelsar Sanv ... 1 lntsrartjsn uel (. te 1. B. Keogk et si.. let I, tieet a, iter ass ew HAILWAX TIME CARD liNlUN STATION Teaih aad Maaaa. laloa Faelllo Desert. Arrive. at. Fras. ovtrlasl l4mltsd..t inn 1 1 is a Iklaa Jspsa last lull... 4 I S sal a I S) set Allsalls Bipreie a I-U sal Orsssa SkSrsts all:Mpia S IUS sal utt angsM libikss.... .aiiusie a l M ,a Iws Seeclal lima a I ft eat t'eoteaalel Slate sseelal sll ..a I H sm s M sai ..all et sss S I N sa ..a t u ass a 4 II a ..a I II sal IMS u ..bll.llssi a I N sa ..a till aw a I a Ctleass LibiuS 4i ia a I.N eat I t blcsao, Mllvraakee at St. Paul WASTKD-TO Birt If you want best price for furniture. stoves and carpets, call Liebermaa. B SODS. CASH FOR SILVER "f ?'""' td-i Iguous. mew. HMD i !. U. . for old gold aad silver. DowsTas BW. H0t;8Kfl to movs; small. Tsl. D. iioi'l WANTKD lu REJTt " L'tah. LAND fee sll. In IS Uk 1 erst-aeM tmtm Improved or unimproved; ws can locate you on government claims land close to railroad, with good markets; your oppor tunity is in Utah, as tha state never has been overrun by land speculators, there fore your chance is with ua; land Is yet cheap, and oa easy terms, within reach ef all; do not miss investigating this chance; It will cost you nothing te call er write us. JOHN MARF.8H. lfTT Douglas St.. Omaha. Neb e W ask la atom. - , WALLA WALLA. The valley of many waters, effera countless opportunities to small tract farmer. The climate is glorious, winter and summer. Exceptional educational facilities. Lsad vsluee are reasonable. Write for lnformatioa reerardrag fruit tracts, farm lands, truck gardening, dairying, etc.: ask for beautiful free Illustrated booklet O. COMMERCIAL lCLUJi, WALLA WALLA. .WASH. (Isrsdo OrstM-WaslilBitsa Lualled. auisieu anli WISfONKlN LAND Oras island Ureal " iiwur.ajl gn KKTAIL, I stieiaswws leesi We haVA Soma moat rijMlrahl Iran., -r I IIIIm.iIh i mmtrm ' ooa io simnssota ane Wisconsin which Ckiesss gisr. we will sell wholesale or retail at uri .. L." T , inaa win surprise you. ut us know What you are Interested In. J nit nsann I rA p. tl N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Mlnn.-i lS;:;;;";" J '5 5 MS 5 ii.rB vvTvmf.. .......a ,ai 1 B ,m esiel .1 1 a la et.isaoi e l.u sax all set i stissoari s-aeisis i IK. C et. Lie Is Etenss.a t N sa Us.. Household gda clothes fc shoes. b;i Blset I - & UM Kwa..aU;U suet laieago. sera leiaaa ex raeim BAST. eeby MeesUts Uwlled sli a rw Cklrase Local Fesentar bit s) .a kit it ta Cblcasa Ir Bisnes s ISts ila Ctbaae Barnes a 4:U ra a l ie sa Ps Holies Leosl fMHlsr.a .n sia .11 11 aa Calcage-Neefasas leaned. ..a .N got s l.sl sa Phone I cilae-Hib. Ui. U Lineuii. .a I sl ta s i.H set (tleee-jslerkas aierMi.,,.s :lt tss iism Otlssoaa a ivies Sterna. .e tel sa ell; aa Hscky Moeatala Ualw4....aU1 ta eilJ aa taloagw et Northwester 1 NORTHBOUND. Mliiseesells-ti. pu Bitew..st slsa MlaiessMls-ai. psiM Usuua.s t as ta e I M .a Tele OiT tines .1 f :W sa ait is ia bnta Cltr Lout a ta lists hiiimipmn a vme atp-... i a sa in te Tele Cltr Lialu I.U ta e l a ea sllaaassta tisna SU;S1 ea AsTsXIt'Ha Canell lecel .1 l et ta a 1 M ta .a T .a ia t I S aa a la cw ra a aa rurl. e a ta s I :U pa young man as office clerttln out of towi SZnSrumT..""."i Vu S 11 5 2 Unk or real .state office. Address D sU. tuT"":::":..: i h 'A l. 2 I real Mall A I'M taws a am IrsMU- ne.ptwV rsa utj awBS KmZZw' ?- c- " "- " u t- waais a I WXSTBOVlta Less Pise IS la sll-etaa nontit'ia itt ................ s v. um mil mm EXPKR1KNCKD laundress wants dav M"" rHse-Usesia ! u a lata ork. -Phone Webster W1. I Bestisss-gatertK. ......n lit ta nan SITUATION wanted by an siperteoced Csaar-Lasarr I s ta ait u ta by the day. Address Laun- Preaeet-AJUoa pa klSia 1 watass H. eCOl I u.ii mim Bunai tat aii-a H WANTED TO RENT a meaern I or 7-room house, in oaA I neighborhood, with place for garage. WASTED rrUAT10.sf WANTED A Boaltion aa ehtmlum, I with room snd board. Must hsva work at vnuv. Aaurees ' ew. Mre. WANT ED Situation la offioe. rood r-rT man and good at figure Best refer- IXZLlrZZm. '1 " 1 nca IiUmm a- sat it - - POSITION wanted by YOUNO lady with I years' experience Elliott-Fisher billing machine. IrfU . " ' 0" refersnosa. B laundrees. drees. P to. Bee." WAfHliNO snd ironing done. T.. First -cists, practical nurse. U jtio, A-gfil siaaasrrf Leeal Urea C. .). t IS sa til.lt aa til Kl. for general offioe work, have ha,i l,lc" oreas vveetoi soma experience with bookkeeping. Ad dress tfol Hamilton Pit GIRL wants position to do houseeTork ht home-like family. Address JUt De catur 8t.e Tele Cltr Ualud... ITvie CHr KttPat...., Calcage gitria ...... tiAnitu-roauon as credit men by young man thoroughly rturl.nr.j m wholesale and retail credits and collec tions. Last five years responsible for "suits over . yearly. Salary ttUee vow, VIIMmnm, pfq. Barllastea ftatloa Tenth st atasaa Barllaa-tea Deaeer 4 CslllcTala..... ru.a Soeid entrees... sictraaaa relate Sack Mini UVK STOCK MARKET OP WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Tour consign, meats receive Brom and careful eueo. turn. Utvw Stack Cesasaltsrlsa Vtevcaaata rryerg Bras 4 Co. Wrong etrt retpreaerbta WOOD BR 08., Ot-a Exehsngs Bldg. Deeart. Ainve. a . ta a l a ta a i n ta a l et sa S I aa its ta .....i lit ta a la ta .....k 1 : ta ail U ta -...allUsa a fata I tt aa a le ta . s I . ta bit M sa . a i a I II aa s IAS aa UStsa ilea et .tt ta au .il ta u m ta at aLT aJas its ta 1 1 a ta ilea e s'ss ta saea aa utitm sa sol as Kaaaas CKf St. I ml l aH ta a tm aa Mortheavl gxprea .. tiebnsia Ertraa M leaarler-rutlersnstk . Uerola Lecal ....... nataaeatb-iewe Bslls.ai rati Calcass Steeul tasrir setcul . Ukieaee titraa caieaae oa.1 i . ,i raa sttiea a I Icai...... ii. i. Oieal WwLIAC.Csnaha Denrat. laAMas OHM IS, . SMA Lie aa atJIM Exclusive Features for 1912 A greater year for a greater paper The Omaha Bee e- All the news that is real news. Mutt and Jeff Character creations from the pen of 'Bd Fisher that have made all the world langh and turned m&nj a tad face into a smile. Lrooking Backward ThU day in Omaha during the history, forming periods of 30, 29 and 10 years ago, briefly and interestingly reproduced for Bee readers. ' , The Bee's Wedding Book A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of Omaha's own people, simply and entertain. ingly detailed from day to day. Silk Hat Harry Tad's dog-man invention. who has mora trouble than anyone, bnt trouble that is so funny it makes amusement for every Bee reader. , Katzenjammer Kids These tw youngsters who are the souroa of Sundf f fun for thousands of children, ' promise many new tricks and delightful for this year. Nell Brinkley Drawing! Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen ' drawings, and her sketches of men and women caught by Cupid, not only have ar tistio beauty, but also always teach a lesson. Sherlocko the Monk Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to many people, but Monk, the picture-detec tive, is more marvelous in the fun-way than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in a serious way. ' Daffy dill Nothing so amusing has been ran in any western newspaper in many years as these humorous play-on-words lines by Tad. Desperate Desmond JLitage villain transferred to pen pictures and revealed in the most laughable light to i make every Bee reader roar and hold his sides. . ' j Happy Hooligan i Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow ing more entertaining, and now he is on the road to new situations to win smiles from all followers. Carpenter's Travel Letters, No writer of the present day sees events and situations in such bterestiag light aa Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes them bo graphically. Heart to Heart Talks for Women By Ella Wheeler Wiloox, Winifred Black, Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Due, Fran cis Garside, Ada Paterson, and many others who write for women, what women want to read. Each week in the Sunday issue Several big special stories of particular interest to Omaha, Nebraska and low readers. Comic Section in Colors Besides the laughable comio pictures and the special articles by women for women, The Bee will record dramatic events of im portance; present exclusive human interest stories and give an accurate account of events of politics, with absorbing sidelights on the two big political parties, their con ventional and their presidential campaigns. Complete Telegraphic and Cable News Prom all over the civilized world every day in the year. If you neglect to Read The Bee daily during 1912 You will miss these exclusive features, the greatest series ever published in a Ne braska paper. - "V" : ' I 1 ..