THE -OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31, 1912. L OFFERED FOR RENT Sleasee mm Cetracee, : FLATS. t K1J .i?th, -r city water. U3.M. pi & Mck. S-r, city nw, Nii. L14 b. IJth. 6-r, city wucr. Hi , " DETACHED HOUSES. K 9. ISth, S-r., modern. 1113 S. JSth. 7-r.. modern. Ub. o Hondo, -r.. mod. ex. furnace, C4. Blondo, &-r mod. ex. furnace, fc'i Hamilton. -r, mod. ex. furnace, t-i. 3' Leavenworth, 7-r.. city water, 3. 36th and Douglas, g-r.. city water. Hi. eis s. ssin Bt.. 7-r., city water, UK. ' SU et, 7-r., city water, (U, in, us. -J!8 U Ave., t-r., city water, toilet. H. r-.4B5 Franklin. 7-r., city water, toilet. gas. lit. ii inaries st, s-r., city water, J16. t JK3 Dewey Ave., S-r., city water. VS. ' urn Caldwell. s-r city water. WIS. M a Mth St.. S-r.- city water, ill JM7 Chicago St, -r city' water, toilet OS N. Bd. -r.. city water. L 1714 Yates 8t, 4-r.. city water, toilet 110. am center St. 6-r., well. I. GARVIN BROS., ; Omaha Nafl Bank BMr . . . tat Cbarlea BL. i rooms, SIS. 83 Charles St.. S rooms, barn. Hi. 311 Parker St., rooms, SIS. .- Vtt Eouth 13th, rooms, (17. . 1515 North SMh, bain, rooms. tJ. , SMI Leavenworth, rooms, flat. 13.9a, ISO Sherman Ave.. 8 rooms, S3. tl7 ILui.l. ,i at 'JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. KEWLT decorated and will paint. iS Park Ave. rooms, modem. Cheap. varey. istn and Howard. NEAT, pretty (room cottage; city and cistern water; cemented cellar: lawn and anaoe. su. v. ouid put In concrete walks, as and electric, lights. 1S So. 40th St. lucevenwortn canine, is block. HOUSES. tS-l-r., new brick,, loll K, SSd St. J4 t-r, new brick. MIS N. SSd St. : ts-i-r, modern, SOS . 29th St. Fw sr.. modem, except beat, good yaro. ziw . ssa Si. . g3T.807-r.. modem. J417 Chicago 8t -7-r.. modem, 291S Dodge St. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANT. Phono Tyler 163s. ao 8. 17th St. ' -ROOM modem house, 323 N. 31st; good location ror roomers. THQ8. W. HAZBN. 807 McCaguc, D. MM). Stares aad offices. iCCAGVK BILDING. WTH ft DO DOR. Attractive offices, moderate prices. A P FLTOMAKA LOAN AND BUILDING ; FOR RENT VStoreRoomat 411 So. v 15th St. Splendid Location, Rent Very Reasonable. ; v Remington Typewriter Co. STORE ROOM, l-4 Howard St., S2x 131. suitable for large business. Jnqulrs B. Fisher, Hotel Flaxa. 6TORB and storage rooms, steam Iieated, fronting alley at 1SU7 and 16 Faroam St.; nave merchandise entrances, fftaaa fronts. 1-hos. F. Hull, 3 Ramge Bldg. Both "phones. 3Sa8w, 1339 Famam Kt., M floor, suitable Tor Jodire or club rooms. t W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., . 1330 Fanram St. THE main floor In the Young Men's Christian association building, formerly occupied by the Electric Light Co., else 2x6 feet with a large fireproof vault and closet extra. Entrance on 17th St., also through T. M. C. A. main kibbv. Suitable for Insurance, trust company, building? and loan association, merchant taller, wholesale Jeweler, florist. or. siml J&r business, immediate possession. The cheapest main floor apaco in the down lown dlsultu . : , ."VViU Bnild Warehouse to Suit Tenant. Trackage lot. 33x133 feet, on Dodge near JSth St., splendid location for Jobulmr or manutactunng. close to business center, abort haul to all depots, extra good ln-t car service; owner will build to suit tenant and lease for a term of years. ,J. 11. 1UM0NT & SON, Phone D SM. la Farnam St., Omaha. GARAGE VOU KENT. Brick garuge; cement floor; roof for tout can. uu. Capitol Ave. Rental 115 per montn. GEORGE ft COMPANY. " W2-13 Cltv National Rank Hlrt Phones Douglas IM, Independent A-175S. BUILDING taxM, on M. ft O. tracks. Neb. and Iowa Steel Tank Co., 13th and npruce bis." FOR RENT Store room H3 Farnam Bt Victor Diets, 1314 Farnam. Tel. D. . . ONE new brick storeroom, southwest corner 30th and Lake Sts. Apply SOttt laK6 Mt. 3C13 Cuming, with 3 living rooms, i oa 07 South 13th St.. with basement 330M 131 Dodge St, 22x81 feet, lei 09 OFFICE or salesroom, at 15th ft Harney. Third floor at 15ua Harney (new). Second floor at 1-10 Harney l new). Office at 1617 Farnam, second floor. Store at 1411 Harney St. i V. C. RED1CK, Attorney, 1617 Farnam St V . STORES FOR RENT. W'a bva Just dosed three new leases on ft Kth St store rooms. 'Noa. 13. n, (13 8. 16th Rt. for rent at tit to 1100 each per month. Have Just been remodeled. Including new store fronts, fall cemented basements with rear t entrance, electric light, etc. No. 413 8. ltb St (In City Nat l Bank Bldg.), fine modem store room with base ment One of the very best available locations In the shopping district See us for-terats. - - - - - ....... M 8. 13th St, fine new atore room and basement steam heat e& per month. - inn Jones St, warehouse S3X133 feet, tit per month. , 1414 Harney St. building 33x131 feet 4 stories and basement Bental on applica tion. . GEORGE ft COMPANY, ' YO-U City Natl Bank Bldg. , Phone Doug. 754 or A-Ufii Store St 23JI Cuming Street Store at 31oS Cuming Street Store at as North 34th Street Store at ki. North 34th Street... Store at HI North 24th Street Store at 334 North !Hth, South Omaha. . O. C. REDICK. Attorney, lilt Farnam Street. 1S23H Farnam, 1 story, KI feet deep, retail location. 1414 end 1414H Harney St. 33x130, 4 stories and basement; elevator and steam heat 14 Harney, 32x133, 3 stories and base ment . , . Ml Famam Bt. 21x13: I stories. - Ill N. erth St, 13x44; 1 story and base tnent; transfer comer; especially good le eatlaa for bakery or ether suitable buai hess . W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. , 133) Famam St. OARAGE. 7401 p Mth St, spae to let for private SSitasaoMlee. C& per month, W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., im far nam St OFFERED FOR BALE JTaraltara. ClJOMNvJ out eale of fw nil are. e stwvea, steel nam, seed as sew; as res- sssiaklai erfar ret need. Wilt sell separate r at) teawtker, S Cumlog. "JHANO roH BAU BessonshieT FVntnv Harney 4M8, COMBINATION beekcese end writing Seek, jingle bedstead, springs sad mat tress, Pbene Webster OtA.' A QOOU large mahogany bed for sale eheap H taken soon, st 415 N. J4h St. . Yypewsttesw. TTPK W R rTE RS for rent, lowest flgnrs wvwr wuetec edi s mentns, ev t eotral Tyi at je-rttW BaKhaage, 107 ' Famam. uoug. ' KXT an Oliver typewriter sWnr rrpswrUer Oa, fiougias , from the OFFERED FOR SALE - TypewrMen VISIBLE typewriter and all other makes, sold or rented Anywhere at te w mtg's prices, allowing rental to apply an price; anippea on approval, writ lor circular, i&e Farnam, Typewriter Inspection and Supply . Co. TYPEWRITERS, all makes a prices, largest and best stock. Call write for largw list We ship on spprovai. B. F. Bwanaoa Co., 131 Famam 6U umana. M lscllaweaa. Water Damage Sale Biggest BargaJns of jour lite. Everything in our big stock goes at 25c to 75c on the dollar. Ton need something. Come now, Dunning Hardware . COMPANT. . 1611 Harney. FOR BALE Tww scholarships IB the Omaha Commercial college and one in Boytea college. Business office, Omaha Bee. SAND-PAPERING machine for sale. We nave a J. A. Fay aander. M-tnch. 4- drum. In good working condition, which we offer for salo cheap. Kretchroer Mfg. Co., Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand rarom and pocket billiard tables and sowilng alleya and accessories; bar tlx lures of ail kinds; easy payments. Tbs Brunswlck-Balke-Collanuer Co. 4ffl- 8. 6lh St POOL tables; store, restaurant fixtures nought, sold. Levy. 25 Ui N. So- Omaha. 4 Coal or stove or furnace. Try It Harmon ft Weeth. Webster MS. 6A FES Overstocked with second-hand safes: ail sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., I1M Famam St !D SAFES. DERIOHT. 181! Farnam Sl FOR SALE Three pool tables, new tlotb: first class condition; t3u. Call Har aey " MB. DUCK HUNTER THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Ton can buy these things for about one- naif rea-uiar price. Two dosen "lillnol river decoys." two dosen goose decoys, A ' hunting case, to carry decoys, shells, hunting clothes, etc.: an srmy musket can use for hunting or an old relic. Call at DOi a 11th St, between and T:X p. Ask for A. A. uustafBon. FOR SALE ls-foot. t horse power motorooat. iz. - lfougiss nis. FOR SALE cheap, two steel soda tanks, gauge and rocker, 1. H. Schmidt 241 h and Cuming. - ' HERE IS A BARGAIN. One cement block machine worth. .$13 One cornice block machine worth.,.. One veneer block machine worth .... Forty plates, al designs. 4 to 30-Inch. worth 10 300 Pallets , 10U Total .". M6 i ni is ail ntnjonn machinery. SI 75 buys the above complete it taken at once. ' J v VIVNITTHR Bridgeport, Neb. POOL tables, store, redtsurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, gtw N. So. Omaha. OAS range, good condition. S2S5 Howard. OFFICE chairs. Sl'.oO up. Tel. (even Ings) H. 15K. FOR SA LE Small soda fountain cheao. rn-own 4-ara fnarmacy. PERSONAL . C3-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Qladlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. WANTED-"Preslding Elder." A barrel or post cards or letters from the mem. bers or pastors of Methodlat EnlsooDal churches who favor the restoration of the rime-honored name. Presiding Elder. place of the present name, district super intendent In writing please give your cnurch, conference or official position. W rite quirk, as the general conference meets in May. Address Kev. rl. c. Mlince, pastor M. E. church. Ksllogg, la. Will other papers which feel Inclined give this circulation. There Is no money In this. LADIES save 44 per cent Pennell Mil. Unary Co., Paxton Blk. SJ steps upstairs YOUNO women doming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlatian association building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave., where tney win oe airectea to suiiaoie ooardiug places, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Uclorf-etatlon. Water Damage Sale OUR BIG BARGAINS are going fast Don't DELAY. It is money loot to you. Dunning Hardware COMPANY, 1612 Harney St. Magnetic treatment 714 8. lSlh. upstairs. MASSAGE Swellu movement Apt ttLfxOJxxUili I IMA Farnam. D. (m WE KENT and reuair all kinds of saw. Ing machines, lnd. A-ltfts; Douglas ItioX KEBIIASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. CHINA DECOKATOB tug?? 1XO REASONABLE. Bnuiial atleniln. club urdera, Kuili Letcoiord. tiiuuiu, aU bo. 27th St THE SALVATION AHMV l,lt. ... eft ciothins; In fact anything you do not neeo. we collect repair and sail at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the wonnr poor, r uone ifouevas 4TJs wagons will eall. IkLiSSAGEf-."1' v viwi. iw q. mu lac uoor. p. 364a, MASSAGE. Mn. Bteele, my, a 14th StTT Hd floor.. H. 22. nours. to I p. BWtulisH maaaaaaa roe rh.utn.ti.fn stomach trouble, poor circulation. Kara ten Tonseth, graduate from Sweden. W Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Douglas 7136. Message. Rlttenhouse, S Olo Boston Bid. BATHS, Swedish massage, vibrator and radiator treatments. Mrs. Snyder, apt 3, Dunsany. lutfa and Pierce. Douglas 43N. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, gat Bee Bldg. FAT GOES QUICK. New drugless home treatment Bodily fat and double chin vanish. Lose one pound a day safe ly without starvation diet violent exer cise or drugs or medicines of any kind. Most marvelous treatment of age for harmless FAT REDUCTION. Stands su premely victorious over all. Delightful results guaranteed. Thousands ot pleased patrons Better get rid of FAT, the FOE. before It gets rid ot you. Send postal or letter today sum for my FREE BOOK on DRUGLESS WEIGHT REDUCTION and BEOlN REDUCING NOW. MAfC JORIE HAMILTON, 44-B, C B. Bldg, Denver. Colo." NEWEST book, 'Jane," 10c. Catalog, classy books and snappy den pictures free. Bond Pub. Co.. H-i, Columbus. O." HEIRS wanted at once, taourj mi,m eeeetog claimants, ioti may be one. Facts In booklet 834. 8ed stamn. Inter. national Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. YOUR sewing machine will do rood wore, ii repaireu a a iovejoy. All work guaranteed. TeL Webster 4U. Eat and Oram Sts. , BE3ST bracer for tnao. Oray's Nerve rooa ruin, l per box. postpaid. Sherman at MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. CH1ROPRACTICE removes the ewue of isesse. consultation snd examination free; address 494 fl. Mth St., D. 3037. Mr. snd Mrs. Billing ham. OCITRT AXD PET STOCK EGGS Fw Hatching. From thoroughbred R. c. Rhode Island Bedel vtgorms, hardy steak; great layers: eeuatrr range! 41 for It: Is per M0, A. H. BAKB3t. Benson. Ksa. " at t. C 'a. I, XsL Bessua HJ-W1 POrLTRY AXD PET STOCK' BOB 'WinTRROTTP T?F.JFT)Y UUU " iLXlULr XUXLL.LI I a BTuaranteea Kour ivmedv. used arwl ran ana very eiiective tonic lor poul t ... time of the year on having your benaielxm to town. 'k: incumbrance. tLtML sickly during the laying period. If your POULTRY DOES NOT LAT or seem in the best of health, send for a package of BOB WHITE'S ROUP CURE, f i-wu pusipeia. Tour young chirks: will never have white diarrhea if BOB WHITE'S ROUP care is placed In the drinking water. See directions on tlte box. MILLIONS OF. CHICKS ARB LOST tVtKV YEAR of WaiTK DIAHRHKl Ta a-old your losses g them BOB WHITE'S WHITE DIARRHEA REM EDY, M cents per box, postpaid. If your druggist cannot supply you send direct THE BOB WniTE CO, S04 North Kth St. Phone Web. SSS7 Bull rr l erner Well bred, good disposition, only 11 months old. perfectly safe around child ren; house broke and a very good watch nog. l win sell or trade him. ror som. good chickens, A. J. Knott !3 N. 2sth Ave., or wen. aa; ma. h-ish'." FINE Buff Orpington eggs for setting: standard-bred stock: prompt delivery. rtarney BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for settina. all priso stock; china brown goose eggs ana i'emn aucg eggs. i Ohio, leu web. IW7." R. & Keas. Walker. S. O.: TaL S. xa EGGS EGGS EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM SEVEN OAK STRAIN' of (bred to lay) 8. C. White Leghorns, at e-c, w. .i. w tor to. Also breeding stocks. SEVEN OAKS POULTRY FARM. Florence, Neb. 'l'hone Florence 101. on sai tie-White English bull ter riers, male and female: no relation; price v.iias. ovnweiKnarut, feterson, la. EGGS-Whlte Plymouth Rocks, Pekln ducks, pullets, cheap. R. M. Sutton. Phons riorence-am; lnd. H-12do. Florence, Neb. BUFF Orpington eggs for setting, 11.61) or io. per im. e inter C. 212a Locust RESPONSIBLE! woman w.nirf n Incubator, hatch and raise chlcksns Ull wee oiq on snares, -rei. Webster 5434. THREE Buff Omlnnon cnokeral. cock for sale, strain trom hen that laid iweiuy cess a monin dining the winter time; will sell at best offer. L, L Scott WHITE Orplnxton settlnes foe ..!e u n up. uewrge tariey, utn ana Har rison Sts.. South Omaha. 'Phon. RMith da , ROSE Comb Rhode Inland teute.1 ;r iiatcniug, .i.w per is. i&t N. anh veo. ice." WHITE Orolnsion run. flftenn I'm miy, ag.w. aui camden. Webster 414L WHITE Omlnalon eirirs for hatchin mm my great prise-winning and egg laying strain. Geo. F. Coumock, 49Ui and Hanaerson. Phone Benvon 683. Two fat setting hens. each; two dandy little female pel J and small watch dogs for small consideration. Douglas BARKED i'bniouth Hock eairs for nstcning trom my champions of the west; a few cockerels. Write for erica list, h: v. Aniquist, Box D., Ames Ave.. Station vmana, ftco., rnone Florence lot. THOROUGHBRED S. C. Whit. uwu raa sailing. rouH weo. lAis. THOROUGHBRED Wyandotte eats 31.50 setting. Mrs. wan, Florence, lnd. H-1103. 1 FOR SALE Incubator, "Old Trusty," on account of sickness, 1834 N. 2Wb- Webster 1222. ROSE comb Rhode Island tested csfS for hatching. 31.50 par IS. 1U4 N. 2vin. w cosier iza.' EGGS for hatchina: now 1. the rim. in piace your orders for eggs that will . . . natcn; fc'.iw per setting or 8.4U per lwi; 8. c. W. Leghorns or Barred Plymoutn Rocks: none better. Houston Poultry rarm t.., Florence, weD.' 43 VARIETIES: Poultry. nlaona. In. cuoators, supplies; catalogue 3 cents. I Missouri squab Co., Dipt. B. N., St. ixmis." WO pens of Buff Orulnntuns fur ai: price reaaonabie. 'Phone Webster 1717, FOR SALE Rose Comb ltiiod. Island Red eggs for hatching: one-day-old cnicKs. v. Kcnncldcr, 17JV South lath. l'hone u. 6716. HANDSOME Persian kittens tor Ki ter glfta For service; King Comet. iuit, diiiis .singier, silver; potn onie ribbon wtonera. Phone Harney mi. um S. 31st 1 hlte; Blllle Dingley, silver; both blue Guaranteed fertile eggs, buff leghorns. uutE orpingtona. warson, stub tillornia. ROBECOMB RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS for hatching from trap-nested winter layers, as lor ti. r. s. King. nenson, xhcd. jei. isenson ksw. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska laaua. u rkturiii KLAi, cstats: CO., 1414 New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on buaineaa or real- gence properties, 31.UM to fMl,M. W. mum a a, sum first Net 1 Uank Bldg. WAM KO City loans and warrants, 1J4) Farnam St r arnam bmlth ft Ca. 41M to S1V.UUU m.a. uromDtlv. Weed. Weed Bldg., isth and Farnam. (1 A RVTM TtPAW Loans, few anu us. i'A.WU. C..n. ., , .,. LoAisjs Farms and dty propert. J. o. Dumgm sc dod, iwjs s arnam ot. KtjL CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Ce, -i- miv-w iiranaeia neater tliug. w AN i ED city luana. Peters irust Ca. Wanted, farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oms.' HEAL ESTATle VUR KE.NT. TWO farms for rent These fnrnj ar. good tillable land, well improved, coutsia. mg acres ana uu scree, -i. i. coluns. irfim i, muu .K. f UUUa uuutg 4A1S UEAL ESTATE WAATED WANTED A t or 4-room house, well lo cated; also lot on which to build real. eence; kn-xui Address F 1180, care Bee. ftXMt bALK OH EXCHANGE I handle trades Everywhere. If vqu want inwawii ivean, .if Dee snug. L. 13Ua FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-440 acres real Mack bottom land In rancla river valley, Arx, mues Memphis. All vir gin timber; estimated to out 1,0(10 feet marsetaoia timber per acre. Near new railroad. Will make excellent alfalfa, corn and cotton land; on proposed drain age district. Might consider eloae-ln P payment. Price taw,(M, terms. Address care Bee. 34.003 EQUITY 140 seres southern Illinois Want merchandise, hardware, implements livery siocx. John Bee. Wliiistnn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Paying gold mine and mill in operation, on rail road in good Colorado town; would con sider land. W. s. Leebrick, SOU Fillmore pl, nenver, vote." EASTERN KANSAS PAKM. M scree highly Improved farm in Linn county, Kan. Gently rolling, fine soil, 3 miles of good town, highly Improved locality. House, 36x2a; barn. SSxaO, full 3 stories high; nice orchard, hog bouse, chicken house, corrslls. fenced arid croaa fenced, Thia Is a beautiful borne. Price, iww, mortgage, et.wn running e yeara at 4 per cent interest. Want clear cheap email ranch or good city property for equity: price must be right. Address box 474, omsha. I have a fine piece ot farm property which I wish to exchsnge for a stock of general merchandise or Implements in Nebraska or lows. Address 1179, cars isee." WHAT have yon to trade tor 3090 eeultr in comer lot 150x121, N. &V cor. Sd and Seward, Address K-4M Bea FOR RALE OR EXCHAXGK KK cement. 3-story. sVrawi hotel. wltn furniture, atrlctlv modern, nrlval. dnlnv tn- hiMinM, - (Nst-lUB-acre farm. -room house, good "am. well, windmill, good water, good buildings; u) acrM ta cultivation: flue Want a stork of merchandise. t Nire Improved W-aere farm. miles irum naniey: 1J acres in cultivation; fine, level alfalfa land. Price. ttLsua. Want to exchange for Improved NQ-arre tana in eastern Aeoraaaa or lows. (! The finest tMMkrre farm In Ife- Drasaa. near texlntrton, Dawson county I every foot alfalfa land and beetl well improved. or aale for cash. Onlv xlin per acre; nothing adjoining can be bought for less than .13. Writs quick on this win not last long. twi-xio-acre farm in Howard county, neoraska; good hbuss and bam and other outbuildings: i& acres In wheat this """" esr. oaiance hay and pasture. to I 'C1 f P1" acre; Incumbrance. 33.750, (94)-4"lesr. for clear stock of merchandise. - w-v,w iwm, . mues trom t-wtiaway; T- - . unarJ c,,"vaii n, naiance nay iiwj iwiuit. lenrea -ara cross-renced ; aooa improvementa Price at lli.oxi Dont miss a chance Ilka this. t MSO-acre farm In Merrick county. Ne braska;. 100 acres in wheat this (all: will irue u.r general merchandise or good, clean nam ware slock. A snap at 386 per acre. t-17S-acre. well Improved farm: 16 acres In cultivation; 2-story house, barn t jo nones, Dig granary, chicken bouse, well, fenced and crrMM-rewwt- orchard: 84 acres In fine timber: will pro- uuce corn, wheat, oats, timothy and Is me orii ot son: Laclede county. Mo. rrtce av Der acre, and win ma. n. i r nanui or gooa term in Nebraska, t) Exceptionally good MSS-acre ranch In Keva Palia counlv Kh ' ,h nriu wrr acre. 11 la Clear or Inellm. brance, well lorsted. good water, unlm proved. Vt III cons der trade for nl i""i"y or pan 11 ail ngnt. w-arre rucnarflson county farm, finest of land. Price of farm, C7.ML uue Muaranieea ana win t r.,i roe fin,. class ranch pnwositlnn. ta Fine 4i-acr ranch In Holt county. wii wines soutnwest or trNell. Only vX per acre. Will trade for a fruit w, iwuiu-j term, ciear income or hard' ware or general mr,-hn,liu (lav-AV-l.r-scre ranch, adjoining town of Merrlman. Cherrv Mtmrv v.h . ml m. ,uro nmnD, iv acres wneat, oal ance bent land for pasture, highly Im proved, big house, bam. etc. well fenced fine stock or dairy ranch. Price 13 per acre: trade for eastern Nebraska farm lumuer anu coal Dusinese. aW-B-160-acre farm, 2 miles ot Merrlman. Cherry county. Neb.; 130 acres In cul tivation: considered best farm l,n, in .nerry county: black soli, fine alfalfa nu. i-nce, .w per acre; ror exchange. (K)-FOR SALE FOR CASH, no trade. highly Improved 140 acres. 1 mile. n,mk. weat of Brunswlrk, Neb,, beat of soli, no " --m " wiiaiever. die narsatn at price, which Is 36. tier acra. Ukni terms. tfWMPIne 8;acre farm. 1 miles west of it.mi, . aiiaita, u pasture: sood houn. Mm and other outbullrilna-a: clear: 1ITX .vie, ,(,r a larger larm. tL9)-3i-acre fami. Merrick county, well Improved. Imnruvemnnt. nnailn, n K....t e.w. iinrr. ia per acre. s,.wu enrum. brance; will trade equity for general merchandise. This Is good stuff, and wvnn jmir investigation. J. A. AKHllTT A I'lMPlvr iw Brandels Bldg. Omaha. Neb 1W UP to 3.JQ0 acre, s n,l)M (mm Dtu Bluffs, Wyo. Will carry back 311. M te ,..vw mn sere at s par cent. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. FOR BALE OR TRADE. 4W acres best Imomved I rn sated land. near Fort Morgan: price 3124 par sore; title and water rights guaranteed: two sets buildings; windmills; best drinking water; owner lives away. Address Paul . waiser, Agt.. rort Morgan. Colo. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITtB. Reed Abstract Co.. eldest abstrast affiea in Nebraska. 304 Brandels Theater. N BALE ft CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St . ttUlLUtCaS' IKFUMMATIUA. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver OS. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming. Fuoha Son ft Blind, painting, decorating. H. Gross. Lum. wraok'g, plb. 31 ft Paul. ACREAGE FOR SALE. TWO ACRE -GARDEN TRACTS Situated 48th Bt and county Una. outside city limits of South Omaha, Price 3tv6 each. Terms: t& eash. balance 111) per month. No touble te show you this iT t-i , -t-,t , i . - VV. FARNAM SAliTB; & Co. ,oi- , (Role Agents). Tel. D. 1084. 13J Famam St lnd. A-W64. Spring Bargains In Acre Property Acres south of Bellevue end one-half mile from street car; fair Improve uterus. Acres northwest of Ralston; mostly an in nun ui siaiuiara varieties; im provements are new and first class; this Is exceptionally a good place and wuuio prater not to quote a price be fore first telling you about it nr. eonally. Acres north or Florence that is rep resented as being very choice prop erty; has good buildings and lots of fruit Price We have some 40. IS M and g-acr. team. in narpy county ana close to South Omsha; some Improved; they ere reel bargains. Remember, we are sole scents for Country Club Acres n tha auhiirha. car line, sdmlttedly the choicest suburban property to oe xouna anywhere. Ask us smut ll. O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins. Agency IfiOK Farnam Wtree, 111 N. 34th Street South Omaha. Tata Tyier ct ind. A-33U. South 12. F-U91 Back trthe Soil 29 ACRES near a oountrr club out at umana; mile trom macadam road, bandy to church, achool and Inta-urbaa car line; town lots acroaa tha road aa.1 'TmDrveft'.th" fX?? Improved with good e-rootn house tola- tern water In the house); good site barn, chicken house, etc, etc.; land gently rolling, Ti acres alfalfa, IS acres bearing ara, orcnara oi sv gooa apple trees and 30 cherries. This is a baraaln and will make good money; ran rent other tanas, race ss.wo; 34.1W cash when possession is given, balance time. Do not delay en this. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO.. Booms 1313-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg ACRK PROPERTT. Improver, 4-is-4Vt-l and 4 for sale or trade. These tracts are all close In snd good propoationa, will trade any of them for dty property, also acme fine vacant tracts, dose In. A. W. JON EH. sl. 14. 'Mth. MUST SELL Nonresident Is very anxious to sell Ms beautiful south front corner In the north part of the dty cn paved street, 72x133 feet- This corner cost him about U ex! and he wants an offer. Plenty of room for two neosee. -inia is your ensnre. JHFT W. BEDFORD 4t faONL Douglas mt REAL ESTATE ACYelffV ABargain20 Acres Bellevue 3 ACRES partially In the corporate limits of Bellevue and within nice walk ing distance of Bellevue college; excellent view; the very beet of soil and land lavs good; slight improvement.- good place f,r stock feeding purposes (well sheltered) or for speculation. This la for Immediate sale, and the price Is MORE THAN RIGHT. Think ot It. 33.07tonly 3160 per acre. Inveetlgste. ORIN B. MERRILL CO- Room 1E3-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK SAVE? M0 Buy large modem house. SJ no. runton Ave., Benson: 109 ft. front, 130 deep; fruit trees, large front Poreh. large beck poreh, screened In summer time, glass In winter. 4 rooms below, rooms upstairs, bath, furnace. Open Sun- ua. lerma. namey iw - $140 Cash $24.50 Per Mo Price $2,340 Attractive 5-Room and Bath This cottage la a new. hlch class, five rooms and bath all on one floor, and ar- rangea splendidly. It Is not on the bunga low style the roof le a ssble with wide. square box cornice with neat returns which give it a homelike and pleasing nnaiae appearance. Front porch ta 34 feet wide, with heavy colurana and sub stantial ratlins, and halualer. KVv,m door of red oak with bevel plate glass, a uw in. styie. vestibule entrance to cheerful tlvtnar mom. a Ma ,i..t,tn ing to nice bright dining room with high winaowe: israe Kllcaan a rtii h . nantev Inside basement entrance as wall .. nut. side, two large bed rooms, both well ven- tliateo ana With lara. elnaat fne ...k ISrgS bath room aoceaalbla ream allhar ww i room: oatn room fully fitted with oiaa s i mi e guaranteed fixtures; porre laln tub, lavatory and siphon, wash down water closet: hot and cold water: heavv ma witn porcelain back. In kitchen. In, side woodwork- all nf 1 .... . I floors of red oak, machine scraped, sand-' papered and polished. Elecirie n.ii. in all rooms, basement and on front porch ,uu,i'ni ciecinc ceiung pi ere for living room With cut Slaaa shadea- thrM.lla-h, dining room piece with amber shades. It's wen sum in every way; solid 4x4 girder, lower joists 2x and double bridged on iwm sines aimer: cinnv ra f t a Plates doubled. It's built to stand un. Large attic. The lot la full else, esat front and on a naved at rt v.r kiai. eiiu .isniir witn aoiennifi view, it la a good home and a good Investment Would rem iot ia 10 a.s down town. Let your rni par iot I'll, well nuflt anil Mmfnrl. able Utile cottage home. The price 33.3). cash wto and 334.50 per month. Monthly payments Include the Interest. Warranty deed and complete abstract nf mi. sonn sb deal Is closed. You will get the same fair end business like courtesy ss the mart wno pays all cash. See me today, as vaiir H DOBSIDia IflT I 111 . a V.rv At- strable nronertv and will aaii niei.iv Omo today or any evening to 114 South Halcyon, Benson. Oet off car at Halcyon Avenue and come south to No. 114. rnone nenson izx. F. St Trulliiger BENSON. HOUSE IM YVRhY triRVAii .a.-rijii Kin room. modrri mtk finidii (tnst Kiv Mr bU. IM Nrtrth M(K'Mrat tffl JOHN W. ROB BINTS. FARNAM PT. Near 24th & Cuming ' T " eMi ran, wk iinaa oovn at airs: four bd roomi hmiu nw; om hlock to Mir; lame lot, HIST; PT ret. walk ovr and m u iw noru ot.n Bl.;. JT(C, ffiaVUBs S. P. Bostwick 311 So, 17th Bt.. Ground Ft Bee Bldg AN ALL MODERN HOME, oak finished, solid built, Mx on the ground, nice lawn, cement walk. fin. neigiinirnoea or new somes, occupied by ""iw, iui LAira en., only ) blocks o oar. A DUWaUI at XJ.I50. Sundell & Grant Kealty Co., BT McCague Bldg. TVoug. sSJ.e $350 , Building Lot Cement walks, city water, enod loca tion. Located on Webster Ave., t lots west ot in Ave., lies nigh end sightly, 3 blOCkS north Of Fort Mt. nae lift and Will be Within 1U blocks nf Klh .treat car line, which will be extended this sum mer. Msny new homes built In this lo cality; other lota In the same district are not offered for less than 34S0. Hera is an opportunity to make at laa Owner wants to sell In a tew days. Price, 33(41 HA8TINOB at HKTD7N. 1414 Harney St. DUNDEE LOTS Corner (1st and Burt, 3903. Corner 41st snd Webster, 31.100. TWO lots corner 41st anri Wekala 32.000. This Is a choice south front corner building site, one block from car line sod two mocks from Happy Hollow club. On 38th Ave- Near Dodge MxltS feet with paved street, good house eacn sine. A choice building; site and a great bargain. Price 32, EO. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Douglas 440. MM Famam Street, Omaha $4,300 WALKING DISTANCE. A'i I-room modern home. In desirable loculon, within one block of West Far na.a oar. Has 4 bed rooms, electric light and Saa fixtures. Dine flnlah. mania flfnra miii luruaua neac $4,500 cmaoHTOjrg rintrr adtv-baroatv a pracuesjiy new two-story saven-raora modem bouse, with oaJc flnlah, furnauo beat, toar rooms on first floor, thr. rooms and bath on second floor. Corner lot oa boulevard, and but one block from west side oar. price reduced from K,M tv st,M iot quica sue. WaH. Thomas P WW. sag First Natl Bang Bldg t-ROOif house, all modem aood naa.h. borhood. two blocks from best car line la city, -very reasonable, wis n. lata M. iau owner, xiongias vm.w Make Offer 237 Patrick At., new four-room bun cm. ww. vwmt puugm ounnoaa aj4 must aeii. Any raaaonabla offer acoaptad. inni. JEEWEi LAXD & LW. 00, P. WW. K Brandels Theater Bldg IX)R BEST. A Beautiful nees tmnm hrk-lr MriAaww hardwood finish, polished floors, sua room, hot water beat and every conveni ence, located la the Weat Ferns m dis trict, tst par month; will leaaa tor i or J years; owner going serosa. J. xL DUMONT & SON, Phone Douglas taw. ism Fsmam 8t 5-EOOM BUNGALOW. A very desirable (-room bungalow, t blocks from farnam ear Una and one mile rrotn Mth snd rs mam Sts. Price tUM. easy terms. This bouee Is almost sew end la fine condition. See us st eace. If yoa want s bargain. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone P. Ml ISM Parnsra Bt, Omaha EXCTBTIONAI. V ALL'S. Boats front lot wa fwwter REAL ESTATB CITY PROPERTY FOR HALIS TO CLOSE AN ESTATE SIX HOUSES AND NINE VACANT LOTS v; Easy Terms The estate having been settled, the owners desire to sell the following properties and are offering them at low, pricea and on easy terms. Investigate. '. . HOMES. . im Martha St. 3 rooms, large lot, CGxlSS, priced.'. . ..'..$S0O 3019 Pinkney, 5 rooms, lot 50x128, priee .$1,000 2il5 Decatur, 6 rooms, partly modern, lot 60x128, price $2,250 2212 Ohio, 6 rooms, partly modernlot 50x122, price. . . .$2,250 2210 Ohio, 6 rooms, partly modern, lot 50x122, price. . . .$2,250 220S Ohio, 6 rooms, partly modern,' barn, 50x122, price, $2,350 , VACANT LOTS. , 616 Omaha Xutionl Bank Bldg Both Phones. Not 3. Block 7, Plalnvlew Addition, oast front, 50x1 !. second lot south ot Laird St, on lat Kt, price) .3)500 Lota 17, 18 and 19. Block 14, Clifton Hill, northeast corner ot Patrick AVe. and Millltry Ave., each lot 12x120, prore for S 750 Lots. IS, 13 and 14, Hart's Subdivision, north fronts on Webster St, between 34th and Stith streets, each 48x150, very choice and sightly, lots, prlre each ,. $300 Lot 10. Block 10, BrlRgs' Place, north front on Douglass street, be tween 4 2d and 44th streets, 60x128, paving all paid, price 1830 Lot 16, Block 11. Brlggs' Place, northeast corner of 44th and Harney streets, 46x138, paving all paid, price.., ..850 . This Is a rare opportunity to pick up Omaba real estate at prices be low real values. PAYNF Sc SLATER Co. Sole Agents 616 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BOTH PHONES. $28.00 PER MONTH $475 CASH Iterated on pavr.l street walks and curbing all in. rlnlrndld smith front lot. tuxi2ii, with an abundance of fralt snd snsde. There Is not a better location In BUaon. Burroutidlna-s era snud and varv desirable nrlirhborhood. House practtc alyl nrw, nice frwnt veranda, larsa recap tion hall, culonade opening to south; east HvllUE room.' wld mission Alumina In large dining roomt food .tied kitchen snd pantry, full biirk foundation, walla clear down and euncrntn floor In basement, high grade furnace (Tiat heals lha house without crowding. Two splrndld sleep ing rooma, one lias ornamental hav win. dow to south, large closets, nice bsih room fully equipped with high- grade t'MiiiiuiuK- imra i. a.'-Btrwtiy modern home, well hunt, on car Una. church eie. and In s location that Is good. Kntlie house lately decorated with bur lap and leather finish paper, very attrac tive and home like. The price on this Property le Verv low. I... than lha ..,. of land and Improvements, m-s. me ukkly about this property, and will gladly give further Information.- Price win not ne a I v 1 1 over nnnn, Haa day or any evening this week. Come to us noiun naioon, uenson. Phone Bon ou m F. S. Trullinger BEXSON.' Corner Lots Room to Build ; ; 3 Cottages Located at thn M V ir.pna- nf vtk Ave, and Miami St. Two cottwu can l built front 111 HOtlth n MUinl anil wi". irnni on VHh Ave. Urminrj i lvfl; tms brick walks on both alda. olt atr, Mwer and aaa. Within on bloc Of Car lln Bllrl t awrt Klktsi nf snhmtl Thia la tha htDiit rornar vou can huv 1 1 mo id Duim "i TBytia. ni iiswq a HJSI liwN, 181 HaTpay Ht FOR KA Lt4-room houaa. ah cur line. wriy muarrn. iwi . awn Bt. A Ull ITT 9 La. llna and Haw a luwl. S block north of - " . r uwi'sjaiivw, si v;u itnrii ssuaesswjf. esirts wsai Ik LAfim Ol fOWna irUll trea. r r black brrlwa. aMpamirita and 11 ataas.s. nuuilt Wiiej BJL-lsj iniltTJ viiMne-nn. rfpromnt a ' " siw.w. f , r,w.w, if you Cain lUi V slnvafll Sir laeaisiw f 1 lUs Jaakia law iKssm, umrrw um an wHHte your sh '. SHiail sws llivillal ur " (.isMisto eeiti ittj -viBirrni. tu. , IIOOM. AMfl Un.,,. Jk eeaa I lrL... S4U, a New Homes in Bensan Three s-mom modern antt.a-e. flnlak-,1 in oak and yellow pine, two blocks trom oar line and school; terms, one-fifth cash, balance on easy payments; Just like paring rent, but owning your own noma. If yon are thinking of purchasing home It will pay you to Investigate, E. GFULLElv, Keal Estate. Phone Benson 4W KROM owner, 7-roorn nearly modern house, wltb, one or two acres. Call lieu- son W. HI SINEHH lot at nth and Cuming St. for il front foot: all specials paid. Ad dress O 1IK1, Care Bee FOR KsLEV-stti Capitol Ave., (-room modern cottage sad bath, tl.SJv, Inquire at above gddress. An 8-rom Snap, $3,500 Terms, This residence must be seen to be sp- prectatea. it ia completely mouern. witn comDinauon iixtures ana large, well ar ranged rooms; has gas fireplace; near two good ear lines and mar Park; sll paving paid. Owner desires to leave Omaha and has authorised us to dispose of his horns, so that someone can get a gooa Buy, SHOPEN & COMPANY Pszton Block. 42M. A-424T. s-room, strictly modern beautifully fin ished on 2d snd Cuming, gate. Vacant lot, sewer, walks snd gas, erth sna ourt. we want sa orrer. IDA NEtT, IS Bee Blflg. s-room strictly modern boms, finished sttlo, sieeplug porch, full cemented base ment wltb laundry oa Mth and Lafay ette Ave. Owner will sell or trade for smaller borne, doss in. This Is very fine. Price, RsM. s-room home oa Curtis Ave., one-half woes rrora electric light- cistern, two Iota one la bearing fruit; barn, chicken bouse. Owner wants to get closer to bis work. so wui cossioer home in Bouts Omaha not fsrtber south than E street, or within walking distance to business center of umana. price, cmk IPA KfiKP. t Bee Bldg WEST FARNAM DISTRICT HOME. Ten-room modern up-to-date home In the Weat Farnam district, with hardwood finish, oak floors and every convenience, south front, corner lot, two blocks from s" arnam car line. Price, tAM. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone Douriee sj. long Farnam Bt DUNDEE. On of the finest corners In Dun dee, 1 lota. lOOilJS; s, very desir able location for a fins home. Price oa application. BENSON & CABMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. HANSCOM PARK LOT Lot Stxtrt. one-half block south of Park sa west side car line: paving ail paid. If sold this week, price tUGa, JEFF W. BSBTOKD 801. - KK.1L ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB $100 Cash $18.50 Per Mb. Price $1785 Roady to Move Right Into. New four rooms snd bath; bungalow style. This Is a very pretty and cosy little home;- has a bungalow roof and square box cornice, painted a deep bungalow brown and trimmed In white. Large front porch. 7x24, good timed living room with wide plain opening to large din ing room on esat side, nice kitchen and pantry conveniently arranged. Inside en ranee to basement under entire house, large bed room with good closet, bath room connecting with bed room, ally -water. High grade water closet wltb golden oak, tank, porcelain tub with roll run, hot and cold water, heavy one-piece sink witlt naoK in kitchen. Klectne lights through out , pretty three-light electris shower In living room snd nest dining room piece. Osk, pins snd maple finish, floors of living room snd dining room ot red oaks scraped, smoothed snd polished; all other floors of highly polished maple. IJving room and dining room decorated with latest designs ot high grade oat meal paper; kitchen In granite paper and bath Willi water-proof tile paper, This little bungalow cottage Is high class sll through. It's sttrsotlvs and cosy, Tha arrangement Is fine, and planned la such a way that another room can be ad ded at any time without detracting from outside appearance or Inside convenience. Built Just as well, finished lust as nicely ss the larger houses. The lot Is tfttlM. south front snd lays up well. Its ready to move right Into, even to having the windows all washed and the floors waxed and polished. Let your rent pay for this attractive and well built home; It's a nire place to live and a good Investment. The price Is (1,786; 110) cash and i.u per month, monthly payments Include the Interest; you will get deed immediately with complete ab atraot ot title, nee me today for thia la another good Utile property that will sell very resdily. Come today or any evening te II. South Halcyon, Benson, ((let off ear st Halcyon Ave,, sod come south lo No. lie.) Phone Benson 1L F. S. Trullinger BENSON.' ioo Ft; East Front on North 24th St Half block north of Port street. In a location where property has been ad vancing very rapidly the last two years. Has dty watsr, sewer, cement walks and large shade trees In front. A splendid place for a home or to build three cot tag ea for Investment. This Is the cheap est property that ran be bad oa N. Will street in that locality. HASTINGS A H EYDEK, Kit Harney it Built by Owner 4114 Cuming St.. near new cathedral and Farnam car line. 7 rooms, large liv ing room, mantel, with beautiful iinlsh. tiore is a nouse you could not improve on, well constructed In every way; a splendid south front lot asxltv; paved street- If you want a bargain let me show it; I know you will be n ore than pleased with the property: price lust re duced to jr..r,i. The half ta not told In this ad. Property will speak for Itself If you will examine it S. P. Bostwick 11 Bo. 17th Rt., Ground Ft Bee Bldg GBNUINal BARGAIN BV OWNER. Pour-room cottage. 14x28. concrete block foundation, city water, lot HxlM. It square yards lawn; chicken pens, out buildings, sidswslk and cherry trees: only built two years; T minutes' ride from Omsha. Leaving for California; packed; must sell quick. Either cash or small monthly payments. Any reasonable offer accepted. Call 14 Avenue V, Coimtll Bluffs. WALKING DISTANCE 8613 Dewey av- en tie, 12 minutes walk to Mth and Far nam; room with board In private family. Good family cooking. New bouse: new furniture; young people: no children: ref erences exchanged. Pries res sons rue. TeL Doug. K7, FOR SALB gB.Sfte, fine Income property located In center ot growing and thickly popu lated district In Omaha: four nice modern bouses sll rented. Building sites for 1 bouses, u im, Bee. too. 9ETH AVE. snd Camden, lot eSXUa. ea grade, water, gas. sewer; cement walks, south front. W. 3K or W. MM, DUNDEE HOME. Leaving city; cement stucco dwalDns. T large rooma living room, dining room, reception hall, kitchen, dea and labora tory itrst uoor; urea isxgs bed rooms, five closets and bath on second floor: fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, beamed ceilings, paneled wall la dining room; hot water beat. Owner, Homer A. Serie - 141 Davenport H. 44M. 7 ROOMS AND LARGE BARN. tm N t&th, one block from ear Use. modern except heat, and In good condi tion ; mm; csos, assy 4erma. . This property la exceotlonailv law- priced, but must be sold ae once, Phone for further tr formation. . BARNES A ivTLSON. . -Douglas XL a Bee BMg . and (-room houses on corner lot for ale at a sacrifice; blsmst oonortonltv for some one to build grocery aad meat msrsec: very nne woaaen for s neigh borhood ttade. Call at t Bea Bid. L W. Were AT A SACRIFICE A fine and extra well built eight-room home: every modern convenience: paved street, fine neigh borhood: convenient to three lines ot cars. Buy from owner direct. D Tu care Bee. NEW T-room cottage located ea beet street ffl Brans owner nvtag la prop erty, will sell cheap if takes wtthro next ir.irry says; must sell en see sunt r . Pesagia at 13 bouts Is-aa Asa.