THE OMAHir SUNDAY BEE: MAJ2CH 31, 1912. r- HELP WANTED MALE Aaewta, Sale new aad Sellextecm, WAXTED-cfeleaman to Mil our line In small country town, salary and woekiy drawliyt account. Crown Cider Co.. No. to? 6. Commewal t-- Louis. Mo," I WANT to plaiV before you a mlnbty attractive propoaitloo, provided you wash to sail a high grade, much needed house 'hoM tpactalty. it's Kieleksrinrp, tlx only eevica mada that a woman can sharpen knives and grind sr isnors on. Ke sharpens silver plated blades perfectly. A democetrarion sells. No competition. Big profit. Exclusive territory- Our ex tensive advertising creates demand. J. Spengler. S7 K. VOi St., New York Bl PROFITS FOK YOL'-Manufact-ure Larley Crisp. New confection. Cali fornia Invention. 5r package cot you lc Machine, instructions complete, 17.56 pro- pais, samples mc. enuer Co.. ie How ant St.. Sn Francisco." AiJTCNTS For the only satisfactory self-beating smoothing iron en ttis mar ket; liberal commissions exclusive terri- Tory, lueal iron Co.. Newark. N. J. AGENTS Oulck money and lots of It. Write Woodhalf. lieot. V H Marion, l-'Vlllcr. - TEN well dressed, energetic men. state oi iveoruaa: call on business and pro fesskcal people. No samples necessary; up-4o-4Lue paying proposition. Wo train aod coach you for tlit work. Address . JB-ij. nee; give phone. , e.Ai,r.."! b.N wanted to carry atroii lines of bails and sunneader through ceoresse ana near try states. Answer V p- is., ax itroaaway. New York. SAIXSMKN WANTED Reliable nun. iiieiunng company wants men who visit gar. grocery, drug, furniture or bard wars trade, seeing their customers ones per month or oflener, to Jiandlo their , product as side Una. No samples ts aryy. customers la every town, torn mission on average sals over tOOO One man made IS.JS.I In a year. a. K. Perry, , an -nrn m., inaianapona, I na.- SALESMAN to call on the medical pro-fi-ssion aad mpresent old established trade. Used. Income guaranteed to suc- ceearsi anao. r. o. Bog 1H, Pblladai mUB UKk (Lal.KSURU for r-. I pictures and mouldings, liberal commis sion; smair gnu. w. J. Benedict. Chi- -nv. in. rtr.Kt. is your opportunity. Perma nent Ineo-ia. Write for free particulars. Marvel Mfg. Co., 307 Barclay Block, .Hen- '9T. Colo. EARN S WEEKLY AND EXPENSES. opwortunnies. A man or woman warns in every locality to advertise ab- ZZ3mlZ2"u!m " P-rteace ne-e-rr.Smmpin free; write now. Nsw Lo- fm wmmng ainta, ;nicago.OT BIG MONEY MAJCEitTcolleg atudenta oiners wnn good education can have as i xcesrtotuU opportunity with old ea tabrjshed beuaw-securtng magasla sub scription through useful premiums (no books l. auoosssful everywhere. Our proposition la too goo to be passed by J" i saui to mass good. ' A. M. leamen, good for no JV, - r air. uranett, a Kamge A SPI.ICVIim nine! live ' Tocket samples; pells readily to drug lists aad general atom lihMj mlsslona pid waskli klgH quality Una for quality Mdeamen; an hour day win . snasoa mat begin ning, ft lata territory na ir u Wanborn, President. Box . Chwaha. Web. W ANT U Solid tora salennao mA ... ""TITt '"'rs. attenuonl If yew ra looking far aomsUiIng goad far this , w as ana w win make yaw for jei a y are a worker, It wot, gooa day. Tba - Autamati im,,- t.-. . . Burglar alarm la a new Invention; astla ' r,r " owaar la lawn and eaun J7 ' "' niy.flre compieu autftls ,M" ' offered It to aod can prove it K you want la be shown. Agents l'Z.T. . sent expreaa prepaid for "ja ri a. neo. Ji'li "vhanta man; WANTEp-iUpsrt speclaHy f famiUas with U r.,7 drui traai. in laaClty ito. va'" t sUgr IVi? H,'' "ml"loa a wwu-nab- Imaw. al - " " have wsil-astaliilBiMd route. " - WHiini, rrvwumtni, - - SALESMEN - Eatablish A Business of Yonr Own Without CDital Our original plan of selling groceries by KS!Jb? 'fmr- cen, rsataaranta. " otaar tarse cnn " energetw salesman new living outalda of Omaha to aatanuah I aulekH- a permwinia. tTlhS? ""J auvsnced. Keml-monthly aettla- "ZI ' " " sunjeet to (rial; ei--wWw m,t aieential. Write for par. Ocglara today, giving rsfarencaa. t.i JOHN SEXTON & CO. VK fkankun emu., ohioaoo - ' f "2 K. ,";'aciurr of speelaity line -JT: " W"S eapariaaeed traeaeing -aaleamen. Salary powittoa and lra' Mfg. Ca., fnwvelsnd, o.e IB Trill - T .. . triack, nw-prtsea innsbuatloa maguna UTOLiaitinL A . ; . , " FRCfi samlne anrf f.,n . and (malUiig aoat); aouavdteeplng sat notda without a -No Itelaaw5 tia aitewea faucet, m par iorwa cast profit for M liaasH. .Naw Wa, start you In buehMaa, furaisol.ia rn Ttaingr men aad nnra; la to K'il fj'.wratlng our -New ayatsm fip. cauty tandy Factories- horn, anywhere, ?2"fJ!tt- W"""" Utetlma, aooltV -fiT1 Lmli oey asiltng our m,' or oUloa windows. l glass aians; any,, r. X .Clsnl eX Chlcagi.' . TEUA-geats, ailiiar aaa. seU'guet-.w-aiary; par aeat prvOt: !ooJa raa If kola axioeare; e,iaerlaea unaannsM-y. Adunsa "Wear l'raat," - " -. rauatoeipnia, ra," HEPUMKNTATIVEd waut.J fur Va ' ' dlvtal-wal and ,tioc. arto hy, la Wasters Caaada. Wltote a part time. Ubcral caraauasHiaj. U-uwy '""" staa Una lor aatosam. write w JhJ agent O. T. P. Hy.. Uterna- map etc.-1 or P"-""'". 14 .I' easy; naay make double; aw ageot for the Duplexo Vseujra Cleaner. V00 7 brfsct band tuachin made; nouWa sucthai. wetgoa only priHds! cleans carpets. Doers, curtains, furniture: awoaaar. t get out at ordar; a child "" Hi surprisingly low price: Mg peoCtai high elaas bostosss; oaa aiacalna tras la working agvata. Wrtta aurak tug l"'r- tra so war great offer. Pu tleaa Co, W a. Hk gc. Brooaiyg. K. X , v,Tia-4eeod apeoalty maa for thia torrtlary; aaeJustva line; we evmapetltlon: . Sfi"1" handle agents preferred. r ","Tw ".. et. louis. Ma AaST-Wendartul awaortuaitv: aa : usach: aatl -Aaaarew- Cberarotrated Bear Lx tract; makes real genuine iatox-krattng beer right at aeww by adding water; asses ka per cent brewers' price; not near aear; aot aubetituta. bat rsal laaar ae liaaor keaaae reanired: amall tmrrr week's supply, deliver aa two sen. aiwervw- s tha orrxauuatad Ingredients at rsal avgar beer; same aaa- tsrial aatii by all brewer tor brewing taa hast beer; big sailer; amorswue de . nautili Mrga prfjta: Joat asad aeatai; well show yon how to maka money e-UKk. Ataswfcaa Predacta Co. raa) IKa Clactnaatl. 0- H'QH CLASS, eieee swt yenag bj: wa man, asieamaa, wltk treat USM lo nvwo, can make eery destrabks aad e ceealngiy erofrtaale coojasrtloe ants first -ciaas Minneapolis concern. For ear. Uvr?,irrf Htnga Ce, , ..- a. aawe .swig . MiniarspotlA HELP WATTEDMALE Agents, halesase aal Swlieltera. WELL experienced salesman to sell one of tiie best popular price linea men's neckwear for Iowa and .Ne braska: will allow liberal commission and right party can do a big bui nes; line strictly up-to-date, bright and snappy and weighs about forty pounds. No applications ronsfriered except 11 11 cuiuiiifraii references. S. A V. Neckwear Co.. MJ Broadway. New WAXTEDCleaa-cui young man o? good address who has had some Insur ance experience and knowledge uf book records. Must have clean record uf ser vice and be a worker. Kosponsible posi tion for the right party who can make gooa. Aowess in your own nana writ ing. O (9s, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesman .to sail men's popular price neckwear on a liberal commission basis through Iowa; Una weighs g pounds, snappy and up-to-date; no better lines made i and prices light. Address with commer cial refersncaa. Hartford Neckwear Co., 17th St. and Broadway, N. I." BRIGHT, capable ladles to take profee- sional course and beauty culture; travel. demonstrate and aril dealers; l to jO per week: H. H. Tare paid, vales Man ager, Ooodrlch Drag Co., 1JA-1V Harney St.. lima lis, N eb. SPKCIALTV gAUCSMKN WANTED. Wa have good terrltorlia for several high grada reliable, specialty salesmen In Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. Can only use men who have mada good and ran furnish the best o( references. The line la high grade, sells to druggists and gen oral stores, la backed by an excellent ad vertising and selling plan, and will make a Hva salesman a good Income, (live full particulars In first letter and write F. R. Ban born. Free. Bos St, Omaha Neb.' AOtNTg Big profits, latest thing out i ' a mall box: ao talklna- aaceasarv: ssmpis ll.S postpaid. Mend for premium plaa. Horn Supply go., Bog Ms, Port land. Ore. AGKNTH Helilng our new guaranteed ' Hand Vacuum Cleaner la the biggeet money maker for agents In years. Write Hoosler Mfg. Co., Imgsnsport. !nd. tW WBBKLy asillna aollactioa esOilneis le aiertjhante; wo eompellUon; ssclualve territory. Write tor free aamniea and descriptive matter. Meyers Co., Laclede Bidg , t. uu la. Mo. WANTKD. Aaenta Laaltlmata euhetl- tuta for alot machines, patented; sells oa sight for tl. Partioulara, Uisba Co, An Sereen. Ind. WANTKD-ealasmea with establish trade to handle side-line thst will net nira CO per month; aa samples. L. E Wilcox, 8t. Iouls, Mo.e ALB8MAN To seU hlab-srrsda suss. antaad groceries at whole sals direct to farmers, ranchmen and ail consumers, M to SIS aad up per day. A big chance to gat hrta buetnees for yourself. Have I ha buyer the retailer's aroflL Every omer I a aerwtaasat aeia. Demand constantly Increasing. Latest plana t. H. Hitchcock. Hill Co.. CHIcago. HA LEM KN Wanted-Earn bso . avonth; aell dealers hlahiv arfwaviiiuui artida, axclualyely or alde-llos; aa sam plea to carri.. Imperial Co.. HL Louia Mo." WANTKD-rirst 'OiaVsM OtsUsUaV strut Vaxsa. waaetatlva la aaadla high grade Una ol Wlga and toupees, to consumers; list per enl profit; exvertenca unnaceaaarv: our selling Instructions simplify work. Insure splendid Income for a Its hours dally well directed effort. Particulars, address UnMetAU m -'" 1DIS UNt salesmen ran ask. hii noaay with our complete line of advertis ing tans; eelllng eeaaoa now on. Writs lor aropoelUon. Address p. y, Bog fl, ANT flrat edass. romuetent aaieaman capabla sf selling the wholssala ma- ownsry trade who dealrea to baadle a aawly hjvwntesl machine of great merit in which there Is ne oom petition, should writs National atlg. A Halea Ca., M Huron m., Toledo. O " V OPENING for a good salasman who la ow selling the dry goods trade, to cover Nebraska and carry the heat imiru,, lis. V CVn"l'I. "fl ?"J '"rtM. Addresa lainguago. For Inio.matlon apply w ra IlH - isruiung officer, Uth and Doug.aa btaT, WANTED-Traveiing wleemaTtThaTr tT"if'ilfl,i. Sf0." dla beat tnoaey maker and trade getter on atarwet: smendld rvwitrars. ithaaai i.. . ducemenis. aw ISJ N. Dearborn. Chicago -s E AN galeanvaa wanted: we want one two real aalaamea at ssss in .,ii. i. orders with awr aew advartiafng eard- "sis sarw, dm oa easily aaa profitably earned aa a aid line; samples neatly ar ranged aad take up but little room; this la out a proposttlos reuufrtng anyone to buy any aamniea, but Is a fair and raa. sonsble opportunity offered to trust- wormy salesmen woo mean kuslnees. Writ 8a)as Manager, Kslamasoe Advar tHing Co., Kalamssoo, Mich. AUE.NTl-47 profit: Universal demand- sella Ilka wildfire; can be carried la pocket; write at once for frea sample, H. Matbewa, HW Third Ht Daytoa, u CAPABLE sal tarns a to cover Nebraaka with staple kne: hlsrh oommlssnona: aia. amothry sdvanca aod psrmanant f imt tloa to right man. J sea 1L Hmith Co Leimit, Mich.- LAND salesmen wanted, tit end oui r the city; live leads furnished; property will sear strictest Investigation; ex- a of m vest lira! ore fur sroausetlva purrhaaers paid by us; thorough selling iMtractiona; perfect, simple, understsnd sole literatuie; unusually liberal , eonv aitssloo, splendM ea-operattom Tha (Irm one oc Iha strongest complete land or- gsnisatlons In America. Addreaa Drawer 1st. Chirsgo," . Here. WAXTED-Cood. willing boy. reason. abla schooltfig, wno wants good, perms nent position, starting at Vi per month, with promotion as deserved; preliminary tral nil sx wiil reuuirs evening work at noma lor few werka, Addreaa in awn handwriting, slating age, education, phis leal Cine lion. Address I 271, care tiee.-e llerieal aad Uftiua. FULL dress soHa and party dresses fx Hi. . ' .. . .- mk. It A M U ,l.kl JOHN ff!LMAN. K. r.ih. n.'iijJl Alt'Ot'NT ANT. out of city. al.Iav-ll sou OFriCK MANAOKR to take lull ehargs of bond dept.; must be tnoroughly ex perienced with bonus, etc Good salary to ngnt party. ClOAR SALESMAN, must be thor oughly experienced aad have goad record. IMoa .ASHIaUt who baa had considerable ex perience and Is rapid. ft. BOOKKAEPBR who asaataata execa tlve ability. 7A OFTICB Ma familiar with loans and mortgagee. B.san. SHiPflNO CLKRK. prefer young man With hard ware experience. V. CUatrTTMETAit OPBHATOR, first- DONT HESTTATa ta aaa about the above positions tt interested. , Business strictly confidential. CO-OPERATIVE RF.rr RENOS CO. (Estahlntbed rlvg YEARS ta Ornaha.) i-ir rm , u j retioneH raana tsiog.- MRST-CLA8S bookkeeser. A-l Uon, Inrastmant reeuteed; aatary !) ts S. W8 HAVB Aljwi A LA HO 8 M'M Kt OF POdlTloNS FOR 8AI.K0ME . BOOKKKEPKR8.,CLBBK8 AND m. NOORAPHERA. KE L'8 AT ON 'TV THSCANO AOENCT, Bee BJdg "PARAfJof "SilQRTHAND laarwed I. ens weea baeauae raswarkably atieplei soead araaxleally unlimited; ased an gov. ernment service: details free. Lichtenutg, J'rfi Camp, Mew Or lean, ; La-- HELP WANTED MALE1 -Merles-: aaa Utile, . TANO" High grade positions, aw nee. NOW IS THE TIME to get In touch with us for a good posi tion. WITH THE OPENING OK F PR I NO business Is improving la all Unas and aside from the position wa have open at present, wa anticipate a number of good openings In all iinee. THE WAT TO PHPI RE A GOOD POSITION is to have your name brouaht hefnrw the employer in a favorable light Our BOND- leatur doea tfiia for vou. We ruar- antee that any applicant recommended by us can furnish 8LRBTT BOND, If re quired, which Droves to the emnlover without any mvevtlgatioo whatever on his part that our applicants sre reliable as wel as competent to handle tba do- '-11 ion recommended for. WB NKKD IN PART - -TRAVELING b.U.ES'MAN Mercantile line THREE TRAVKLINO PAI.rMEN. A proposition; old. established firm, COmmiHelon afid .1T.IIM srimnrMi rKAVKLINiJ HAI.KSJIAN-OII $ -i u EAL.fcj.jiAN Young man with clean cut PersotulilT with retail ex perience gj cr.tL.ivi.Mi tusHK, wholesale.,.,... W RETAIL KHGE SALESMAN B CLERK, with experience In local freight offis as STENOORAPHER and CLERK, general More , ft STENOGRAPHER, hank... 1 R ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER t K HOTEL CLERK mom end 1 ill ''OLLECTOH. Installment experience .iiwuuiuriitii and BOOKKEEPER. nan scnoot education, bank...., i alu ouemesa strictiv eonrirfMtiai . . : --w . . 1 nl"1"t arranged by phone. iuoilki vr-r r. nr..i. E, a llONU ASSN. V! Omaha Nat'l Rank BMg.s Hll.MJ man aa h,mkkaane mil Mil clerk In manufacturing plant, good chance iur auvancement IOC riaht man- atasa salary, experience and referracea la first letter. Jtaurrsv J-'eu. ties., b'aetaey aad Tra4aa, Drag store fsnansv jona. Knlast, Bee Wag MECHANICS W DUrrhaaJMwfi laPwrat ktrwlr aa Agualai 1a. f spao to ISD7 Huwr4 bt.t w &r mO. vi vur iddm at ft GREAT REDUCTION. PATTON-BOWMAN HAKD WARE CO, . , MU raraamltt. . Water Damage Sale . Garden Tools . . That pgvg von to buy, Our logg.' Tour gain. Dunning Hardware " COMPANT.. Kit Harney St. wantku-First class architectural ..siisraui. a. ii. vyar v-o. Arc hi tec u. RELIABLE colored man wanla bouaa- vi.-ii iiiS. rnunfl Liougias SPSS. . vAi i r.i-Aii round printer; good, steady position and good wages to csj pable, aober man. J. K. Kelthley, Myra- WANTBD-A r hosier and trimmer lor yuan, tsuiuriosj. aot 0, 6tn rJt.s MlacelsawVMa. iE.ixonsrii nositioss guaranteed oa y Ihe Union Patifio and Illinois tiea. tral rsllroads if y,.u gkfa your tralnlBg la swiwi. . i m-w oa n. n, wirsa. Ad. disss for partscuiare, H. it Dolea. Praa bailee College, Omaha. Neb. U.S. AUTO iCHOCJL. I CJMAllA, , I LA ROB SHOPb; GUAAAN TUX biglisr qual ity eradnalHa. Uaa aa ' actual repair Work than any thras waivrn scnoonv tet us r-KOVE It. w ANTt.lVlsn to break up ground for aarueoi must hrmg ipiaaapta, . hi nr j v, is. STUPRLADH ,Uat lata a .paying .... irrwieassoo. kesua BUiatiWlu4e taassyiing ia wr laj. . hw. sxuiitaraiia ot SUOOsssful I raduatotfS cambists taulDmant or auto mobiles end machinery. Addrsss National Training Assn., m Braodsls Tttea ler Bidg., Omaha. Neb. DOCTOR to travel in Nebraska under .TT , ' LUW axperlence 7- ' awe. j, Tieisauialar. Kansas city. Mo,, navoy Hotel. "v a ntTcG vi i m ii a ; .TL. . . ' koaled uu married men between tha aaaa of M and K. ci tile ns of Llnisaa good cuaracter aud temperate haUie who TO ObTAIN A POHITIOV In the t olled Itatea ,avy, you do not have to ba lilted to do just one particular kind ot wort. Pur In tha avy a man may find work aa seaman, electrician. ma,:iilniMt Sm. nan, clerk, stenographer, bookkeeper, mu- carpenier, sni nutter, copporamltb, siscksmlth, bouermaaer, steward, eook kakar, or In the hospital corps. And If ha aireaay knows a trade ha can get higher pay iron tha beginning. These opportunities sre open to any healthy, ambitious young maa of gewd moral character, between tha agea of II and aV. Tlie ,avy Department never uigee anyone to emist, but aoea eeeoni mead aertwua coaaMaratlua of what it gives as a training or as a lire work. ' Call at the r-avy Recruiting btauoa, Fostoffiiw building, Omaha, Aeb., a-n question tba oiilcer In cnarge ail about tha healthy, congenial Ilia on board ehtii; me tine training woth mental ana phys ical; toe rtiancea to team by study auj travel; tha pay. promotion and incentive lu save money; and about tba fine class ei men you coma la contact with. Or send tor Tne Making ,.f Man er Waraman." a frea illustrated book wfjen tells luliy about the inier.wung II 'e of a Muejacket. Address Uiiriao of Navigation, Box SB, Navy DepartiBaat. Wumngton. D- C MAX wanted wllh tig te take charge or sate of our roeiiirlnea, extracts, vlricea, soapa, perfumee. toilet an lea, stork aim poultry preparations, etc, in yeu.- county. One men made lev one w,k. Steady Work guaranteed; work healthful, iiieaaant. very prafilable. RtUreruea regjUea. write us. We mess bustiMsa. aUMres, Mueller Company, Dept. it, cdar Mas is, ra. RAILWAY mall clerks, Jeur earrieis, warned : good pay; line po-wow. Pay tor Instruction after you securi ticwltion. Liberty Institute. N. y.s NKED ' manager for retail lumbvr yard in western Nebraska; must have eperiwce and ability and be aile io get has share of the trade wlwwe competa- uon as severe. Aouresa x 3,a care Bee FIVK Knlghu of Fythiae givea poitt able employment near home; wnoie or part of time. Fraternal, Thame JituM!. mv York- MEN W ANTKD To sell trees and sianui: eommleeton psyasse weekly; ne experience er capital required. Write for tre eatuit. lima a Arua Nuraerlee, Rochester. V. Y. DETECTIVES earn tie to 4.S moathly. traveling throuahout tee world. We train you. Wnte lor particulars. Delertivea Training Sciwol. Merchanu Trust Bldg Los Angeiea. Cel.- tiui MONTHLT and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. S. or differ. Law ridg.. Chicago. EARN weekly taking orderw for cut rate groceries: outfit free. Standard Mer cantile Company, H .prodrome nuliding. CievelanA Ohio. FOR SALE Wild game poet asnia. r paid; eat of ban. no two alike, ft cent. scatter,. Baa ft. Fort. Waabakia, Wyo ming MEiN. be Indepeitdent. I ssrs the bar ber trade. Be your ewn boaa. Wa teach you la few sreeka aad furnish your sr-ep. Oood kicatJona and positions waiting, a-refere now for spring mk Call cr write at eoce. Moler Barber Cortex, it S. Itta at. HELP WANTED MALE Mlsretiaaewaa.. . . . DINING and eleepiag- car conductors. (T-el2. Kxpcrleoce unneceesary; wa teach you. write utrung car world, ua w, Van Buret!, Chicago." VOOT doctors wanted everywhere; earn ao weekly: profeasloa taught by mall dlplomaa; .complete course, aa: write to day, r-rof. r raucr, i,u U., WW.Ct 6t. ew I ors. BALL PLATERS wanted at eaca. Ray. nara, frwager, h. it. WANTKD-Mare iseovla to raise poul try with the did Trusty incubator. Write 'or free catalogue. U. M. Johnson. Clay Owtar, Keb. WANTi-U Hallway asall clerks as monin. no ieyoita. Omaha axa ml nations f.May h. Thousand appointments com -tamoa aaucatioa aurudaat. Coach lug free. Vi rite for eamp-e queatioua frauklia lastttute. Dept. ZSi N. Ruvhea- ter. rt. s. VOLT are wanted for tassmmMi hsal. lion. Km month: send ooesal tnr list f iMsiuons open. sTsnxun lattitute, Dapt. BAND ME! WANTED. Positions open for tailor, Jeweler and barber otaylng tba folVowina instruments: Slid trombone, tenor saxophone and BBb nana, nana men write Mitchell Military i "i asiicneu, neo. box us." HELP WANTED MALE OH rEMALI YOUNG men and ladles, with talent for ataga work; dramatic or comedy; oaa earn t to toll per week with two week's Instructions, tjtage appearance guaraateea. Dramatic Circuit Co., Shu bert Blag.. HI Broadway, New York. UVE STOCK FOR SALE Mere, aa Vehieiea. Haraeaa sf all kinds, taa largest stock hi the etty at attractive prioaa Johnson, usruortn to., B. w . cor. Nth and Jonoa. HORBE8 and cewa, Ml Cuming to. HOBisES Marwe work for sale, ttl N. 3. Web. rrTi Black mare, wt. l.sjn Wsgrier. M N. 1A FOR 8ALS-Morgaa stallion Kins Hick. registered In Vermont; registry No. Mul, chestnut sorrel, eight years oldT weight svunu. u, v.. warpamer, a. r . XI. s. oioomington. jnoiana. DON T forget I. C. Gallup a regular horse auction sale at Union liira-b v.r.i. South Omalia, Thursday. April 4th. Wilt nve tor mis sale over M horses, con- smiitig as neavy arart, match tea ma, Ohoica farm marea and ainala Avtwara Also a lew second hand ar city horses a 'litis pavement sore, which sail ten. "'v man maws sssesui norses ta take out on the farm. Remember tha data, next Thursday, April 4th, FOR 8ALK-1 head of a..,.. weight Mil to LUlll Iha UU. .al i'l.,a "ts., stables. Phono Webster Kna. . HOUSES AT A BARGAIN LIVEBY A SPECIALTY" Kor sale or hire, heavy draft horsee and nares; wagon norsea for laundry or de livery usee, am, buritv horses: all wen broke and ready for work. J. W. KEECE, nn B Merman Ave. Tel. Webster lift. 1 mica w ,A,i. K.. K- Cady Lumber Co.. th and Douglaa. LOST AJtB FOUND r-OUND AT LAST. Screen Doors and windows mada up and metalled com plete, vraer now oetora tha spring rush. Omaha Window Screen Co. ' N. Hth St.- Basement. Doug, em Wa are makers of Ferry a patent metal comers fug windows and doors. lA'KKT aaaall ilsmnul I- '1 a locker key. No, 6?J. between fcd and n "eruairt, return to uh s arnam PtHbONd having lOSt soma artmia would do well to call up the olfica ot tba us-ms ss v-ouncii Biutrs a treat Railway campaay to ascertain whether they Ml It In Lae street cava. , Many artlelea saofej day are taraed Is ana ma- eenipaay ts aatloua ta restore rowan sw toe rienttui owaar. 4. all utiu las A . .. DM Ail A A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . IMIl,WaI COMPANT. MEDICAL DK.TARK7 CURES ptlea, Oatula and other rectal diseases without a surgical operation, a eura guaranteed: aa raoaay paid until aureu. Write tor book an rectal diseases wits teetimomam. pea wing., Omaha. DR. RACKdrjecialial. nerwoua aiwt all eiironlc disease, let Harney Ked CxaV Ledlea guaranteed remedies, m Ware blk. LORT-Belween the hlxh echoni Rran. dels theater and KM Park Ave., a smalt sliver watrn, open faced, old English R on tha feck. Return to BN Pant Ave. Harney t&i. Reward.-1 MONEY TO JAMS. alary aad Chattels. GET IT of Miss Snow. f t. tt . tar Loan Co., ut Paxton Blk, ft ta Bat, w iw-ai paj"niri tw auil yow. MONEY TO LOAN PRlVATB FUND&V Name and addreasaa of M persona having private tunda up to tlOa.We ta oaa private part lea; seat for ft; list uarantesd. Fay JJ. Plckana, Clovsroale, no. Wanted, farm loans Kloke lnv. Co., Oma. MONKY loaned aaia,taO laauu. keping house aad others, without Be amy; easy naymenta. Ofucea In prla- elbal ettltas. Tolman &x Om.h, tf.t'i tank Ut feemerly N. T. Ule Bkig. chattel. LOANo Lowest ratsa aad UKat lerma, lea SLhers: then aaa aa wd ha convinced that we will save oa noaey. tiOUSKULLD LOAN CO. N. R. or tata at uoug. si. l. tral. ind. A-ftU. DIAMOND LOANM at Xu, and 1 aat riTAII. till Dodge St. Tel. Red. His. LOANS NLOOTIATKI) IM UCH. t j. TA1B. FVH.NlTt.RB, P1ANOM, WARK HOUSR BKCtlMd, SALARIkS, S.TC LOWEST RATES. QUICKEST 8EAV. ICB, CONFIDENTIAL. KEK U8 tUtal. RKUABLE CRF.D1T Co. tD FIXX'R PAXTON BLDG.. IM UTR. TBLEPHO.VEH DOCOLAB 1411 A-ltll. Money Si furnltara. maawa and real aatate at a very law rata al Inlaaaas Nebraska Loan CompanT. toag. IM. m Baa Blda. A-UM. OFFERED VOH RKXT easel aad Awe aaa. O.U.K. hauls trunks. I. Bt A-slL EOT DODGR, moaern room and board i private family; artca reasons hie. Har- SOI'TH MTH. board. A. 4m. J-Room tor four, THK MADISON. First riaea laole board, steam heated. newiy rumianeo room, not water at tirnee, cleaa baths; special rates by week sr menta. The Msdlaoa. Mat aad Chi cago. SOUTH STH A VS. -Ntcety fur atahed modera rooma Board It desired. ISM Dodge rura. reosna. private family, team beat, eiec. light; ret. Doug. fKL ft77 HARNET-Nlceiy furnished light front room. Strictly modern; gas aad electric lights. Ten minutes walk ta Htb and Farnant. Douglas S41 STRICTLY modern room, aepeeially de al raMe for sun ua ft per week each. Tel. Harney MPS. ' 411 N 1TH ST. mealy tarnished roams from H at ba 1Q4 JONES-New furnished raom. wit board, for I gentlemen; prices reasonable. Phone Douglaa sL LA.YDON COURT BN icly far- aisried room: modern. Tyler nfl. e HO. ltTH Nice. : g Woeka ta lath. eleaa fvjrausbea 00 NO. DTH-Newiy furnished rooma, strictly ricdera: easy walking distance. Deugtaa wn. 33d JON ES Modern south front rooms easy naikud lilsiance. OFFERED FOR RE.TI rarsiisAeel Maasn SOUTH STH AVJNUE, furnished rooms. -Modern N1CB, new modern room: private fam fly. 13 So. JVth St. Harney TS1. 31s 8. 26TH ST One large east front room, suitable for two; other rooms from U up; cot water all summer. Call Harney DODGE ST, MU-Large south and eal front rooms: modern. MODERN furnished rooms near Haos- eom park; good board. Harney SUM. ils a JETH BT.-N'ewlv furnished room. Douglas XSl. NICE large south front room; private family; walking distance, aw s. Z7U eH. BEAUTIFUL furnished room with board In private family: exclusive nelxh- nornood for gentleman. Webster 5888. A GENTLEMAN'S CLUa Walking distance: can accommodate few more young men desirous of com fortable home, where table appointments ot the best: references reuulred. rnone iRnigiss at. FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat, for summer months. . call Harney Utl.e FOR RENT, newly furnished front room. Hanscom Park district. Price very reaeonaoie. a-jhs. Farabvhed Meaaekeeplaa K am sua. THE MANUEL Two-room asartmeat. Bt. . The Howard, i-room. srlvata bata. sm. zist ana now era. TWO light housekaeulne rooms on first iiour. Liougtas soxs. TWO taousekeepinst rooms. SOU Daven port. TWO or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, web. ess. Uouts aad Aaartaaeata, Dewey European hotel, Uth and Farnatw. OirHpn Hntol Council Bluffs. Rooms N1CKLY PURNlHHKn KlUlllU ro sas. uexacu. 1 lfl, vrtAltlAJX. lie b. Uth St. Dodge, running hot and cold watar: tela- pnones in. every room; prices tha same. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata. Aaartateata aad Flata, a-room flat ea Eherman Ava Web. ShS. - . ' .....i.v, IT W IMKW, s i srei a. jus ot. narney esas. MODERN 4-mom surintail n w , rsrntra ei., steam heat- snanea was St OVa and tanltne aaewica- vara kKaIa. JOHN W. BOBBINS, laul FARNAM ST, t-KOOM aoartmsnt. new modern aricu. steam neat; snort walking distance: aaa aiwve, reiiigerator, cupuoara. wararoos luinos; isunury; nam jaaitor Douglas tan. APARTMIC.VT t?7 W-Summer. t.12.50 wlnter-I rooms. up-to-date, steam neat. Ilia bath, hard wood finish, janitor service, rsfrlarerator. "". launory VGH'fKAb APART smit, g s. uth St. Five minutsar wain irom uth and Farnam Bta. J801 BURT ST. ese-niz rooma. strictly modern, nasx. iiiiibii , nirnw, one ohm a irotsi car. WEST FARNAM. H6-Eight rooms, strictly modern, fine niaca, tote narney Bt., Highland Terrace. HH1KLEY ST. 11 Five roims, city water. tSU A BURT 8T8. IU Three and 4-room flata. all modern except neat, goon snape. D. V. HHOLES COMPANT. , 13 City National Bank Bid. Phones Douglas , Independent A-IM.e (-ROOM mod. flat, UU B. Uth St. I- ROOM modern flat. Scar so Bids.. M No. th St., Bo, Omaha. HAIL id a in ire umg. u. vj6. A-em N. 17TI1. i-r.. nartlv mod., ta. il'A Ames Ave, t-r., partly mod.. 114. 1MI N. Hth. S-r.. mod. excent heaL H7. aoi ti. kith, a o-r strictly mod. fiat. witiun walking aistanca, vai nowara, a -r.. strictly mod. PL Louis flat, within very easy walklna dis tance, (27.50, S, H. jsth, t-r.. strictly mod. Bt, Louis list, wttntn waiKing aistance, v. m N. tub, a t-r., strictly mod. Ft Louis flat, within walking distance. ll" & auth Ave., a -r strictly mod St. IuM apartment, in a very doslrabts lo eailoti, rent K7.50. ' m 8. Htb Ave., 6-r., strictly mod. 8b Louis flat, within easy walking distance. 11 a Pacific St., a beautiful i-r strictly mod. St. Louis apartment. In a vary choice location, price US. Sola Agents, lh Floor, Omaha Nat. Lk Sola Agents, th Floor, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. VERY fine dupicx apertmenl, I largs rooms, first floor, large front porch, fire place, nice yard and corner lot. t&S Georgia Ave. (-ROOM steam heated flat. (30.W Mlw, H & Uth. FBLL A PINKBRTON CO., lit Board ot Trade Bldg.e One four room apartment, ill 50. - One three room apartment 3a. One single room, lift. Janitor service, steam heat and modern. CORNISH APARTMENTS, 8. W. Cor. IClh and Williams St. Very deslrabia lo cation, W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1330 Farnam. NEW brick 7-room apartment, south west corner Mth and Lake. tti. Apply I0W Lake St. a-room partly mod era flat. 1120 N. Uth St.. HUGO. I-room partly modern flat. 1321.M N. vm Bh. soe. 11 rooms, modern, (14 8. 13th, ISO, I or mora rooms, IU M. Uth; Me ianjtor, room I. THUS. W. HA ZEN. JOT McCague. D. !. FOR RENT Eight-room modem flat MO 8. !lth St. Tei. Ed 1. Brown, Harney FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment, ete n, ta Bt. TeL Harney 414L tM. j. Brown. MODERN APARTMENTS. ft!. For the summer; I-room apart ment in tne Alsatian on Bth St, oetween ramam ana I Kviaa We 0 Five-room apartment, strictly mod ern. une-aair. tuock from Han scom nark. ARMSTRONO-WALeUf COVPAVT Tyler IM. - . 110 & f?th Street Farataked House a. HVROOM house, eomnletelv rnniaKaA located lug Blnney St.; the owner goes to v nmioi nia soon; must rent at once, Imiulre B. Ntchtaa, em City National uanx tsiog. lxjumiss hki WILL GIVE furnished bouse with tele. phone, water and heat paid In exchange for board of lady and Utile girt aad Hanscom park district, mi a. UM. Pbeoe n. 1 v - Mwesee aad Cettauiea. SIX-ROOM house, nearly new, all mod ern; bath, laundry, hot watar heat. Phone Harney max. IIS N. Sd., -rooms, mod. MO. 3 8. loth, a rooms, mod, HA nil Chicago, 4- rooms, mod., IM. 74 Capitol Ave.. 7 -rooms, mod, Bt, S24 N. 22d.. 4-rooms. mod., 10. m Hamilton, 4-rooms. Hi, RING WALT BROS., Bran. Theater Bid. Good men are hard to gat. They doe t wa--der around the street looting far eigne to window. When yon need good net advertise In The Bee. Bee want ad ar read by kaen. energetic men who wtsn to better their condition. Ratsa Is par word It run two or mote times consecutively. Tale p.iuoe Tyler lea. 401 N. MoT. W rooms, modem. Ml 111 N. aid, I rooma, modem. Ma. . . Kt S, ftth. rooma modern, tax UM Chicago, ( rooms, modern. tM. (21 Case. 0 rooms, nvxtera. a left Capitol Ave, T rooms, modern, ft. Hamilton, t rooms. IU. RING WALT. Brandet Theater Bldg. 6-ROOM house. VX 4-room. let. Modern. Hojacom Park. Tel. Harney 14ft. FOR RENT Five and beta. ot KM N. lith St Phone B-S24I, S-HOOU bouse, modern. UV rim lawa TS So. rih Bt. phone Wen, . OUR LETTER durucaxina xeelied. A trial win aaavina yea. Beth Western Dupheatln Co.. eat Baa. 7-ROOM house, gaa, eieetric light, poree aata bath room ftsturea; first ciaae tw oair. tax. Also i-room bouse rurnished for housekeeping; gaa ramre. electiie, 4a we; U-io. No children. IU IS'. Kth St OFFERED FOR REST Hansen aad Vsnsgn. . READT TO MOVE RIGHT INTO New, four rooma aad bath, buugaiow style. This la a very pretty and oxy lit tle Dome, nas Bungalow root witn square box cornice, painted a deep bungalo bruwa and trimmed In white. Large front porch ixJt, gnod-ataed living room with wide, plain opening to large dining raom aa east side; nice kitchen and pan try conveoientt arranged. Inside en trance to basement unuer enure house, large bedroom with good closet, bata room connecting with bedroom, city water. High giade water closet wttn SY,liin Mk tantr nnnHlatK ,K .:lk anil rim, hot and cold water, heavy one-piece sink with back ia kitchen. Electric lig-nu throughout, pretty three-light electric showsr In nving room and neat dining room piece. Oaa, pine and maple finlan; floors of living room and dlnlna room of rro oan, ecrapoa, smootneo ana nousnea; all other floors'of hianlv nolisned maole. Living room and dining room decorated witn xuest aeeigns ol hign-graae oat meal Aper, kitchen In granite paner and bath with waterproof tile paper. Tola little bungalow cottage ts higa-etam ail through: K Is attractive and coxy. Tne arrangement is fine and paxnned la such ea rauigcmeni ia line anu piannca in a way that another room can be added at any time without detracting from out side appearance or inside convenience. Built Just as well, flnisned Just aa nicely aa the larger nouses. The lot is suxMO, south front and lain vp well. It Is ready to move right Into, even to having me windows all washed aad tha floors waxed and polished. Let your rent pay for this attractive and well-built home; K's a nice place to live and a good investment. Tha price is 11,786; rw cash and UD.&J per monin; monthly payments include the interest. You will get deed immedi ately with complete abstract of title, fie me today, tor this la another good little property mat wiu aell very readily. Come today or any evening to Uo South Halcyon. Benson. tOet off ear at Hal. cyon Ave. and coma south to No. lis). r-none Benson Hi. F. 8. TRULUN0ER, BENSON. " S. aVTH. t-r. mod. execpt heat, only i Ili.A isw ciant. -r., partly mod.. IU. tan B. Uth. a -r. count-e. all mod. ex cept heat, newly decorated inside and Out. A bargain at lit 4111 N. lath, a l-r. eottaa-e. mod. In evere vawsf neat, a aargam ax sis, t 311a Vinton, a nearly new a-r. cottage, all mod. except heaL UO. - 1W S.j7th. a i-r.. all mod. house lo nanscom para, . &!18 Ohla a. n,J v , saaa te Dewer Ave. a 7-r. an mod hsuu " I'' i a warning oistmnca, sss, 804 8. Kth. a 4-r . strictly mod. cottag. ' irr' uewftwoia location, price fti.m. lalg Ya taa. 7.r atrlnlw nl k..,.,.. i . . ' - ..j .. aau, wwa hoi 8. wth, -r., strlcUy mod location, aaa. choloe Our complete printed Rat will ba mailed sva rvujuesi. . . se Agents, , th Floor, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldr f-7 rooms and bath, ICS Decatur. gO-I rooms and bath, 121 Locuat. asj-i rooms, modern, lata Lothrop. rvums, moaern, mix LiOthrop. Mi Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phono Douglas 14. HOUSES FOR RENT. Ill so l-r.. 1I Daualaa Kl nertlw wsaA. ern fhit NO.eo-4-r., W01 Ttmmetoa It., mod am fi5o--r.. 1701 Burt - modern anart. ment. steam heat. 125 00-s-r.. UM Madlann Ave mod am except heat 27.SO-i-r, flat, 1C1 Howard St, modern except neat. "-r, W Burt St., modern, naw. wT--r, i9 Bun ut., modern, aew. es".u a i., sis t-ark Ave., modern. tfiO OU ft-r.. Xioa Uaj-nav St.. mnlMa 47J0-T-r.. modern flat. U0 a. lath St.. steam beat. OEORQB A COMPANT, W-U aty Nat l Bank Bldr. Phone D. IM, or A-lTsA -room flat, Jd floor, tilt Cuming St. a-room flat ad floor, 187 N. Mth SL (-room bouse at 15M N. 17th St. 0. C. REDICX, Attorney, ' " . 1W7 Farnam St. a-r., mod, W 8. Mth. Harney t 111 Park Ave.. I rooma. atrlctlv imidsrs 1U : list St.. la-r. strictly modern, nam, HO. lag 8. nth Ava., -r strictly mod.. MX jiaav n. sun na., i-r., men. ex. neat, km, iv, gjinovjast eiflatin m t,tA. ISO Farnam St. R. COTTAQ1S. all modern event fur- navsi, on oivu. namey ems. DANDT l-room oottaae. r-loaa la KUJ So. Ad t. W-K N. Mth, 4-r.. mod. ex. heat. , 40-1010 & Hth. I-r., all mod. O0-1334 8. th St., I-r., all mod. tft-Mll N. wtb, 4-r., mod. ex. heat. 17-ai Parker, 4-r. mod. ex. heat. IDOinc Chicago, s-r., new, all mod, W 114 8. Bd. t-r, mod. ex. heat Co-Third floor, 1304 Farnam fit. ' BIRKKTT A TEBBEN8. Ml Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754, A-lTM. ( FOR EENT A modern, up-to-the-minute bouae. alrhi en, ma two hat wnnma t.a I igat rooma,a two bat roomg, Iocs- lion tha choicest la tha eltr. No. J808 Harney. If lnteretted call Harney 3123 and talk tt over, bnt do not disturb the tenants. FOR DENT-4-room bouse, modern, ax- sept nest, on ear line. aa No. axh. 1M0 N. Mth St., 7-r.. tin modern Bouse, aw rwome, em rnon o-iam HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight raise; wwvlug and storing. Exnressmen'g Delivery Co. Tel. LWugita av4 City cUl oa, at 8. 17th be. pee atiog. : MM MARC V 8T. Eight rooms, completely One neagnoornooa. near ear, xm HUTCHJNSON-BOLLARD CO., UU Farnam St. 4-ROOM eettaaw. modern. 8. Wlh St 120. Tel. D. J 1020 LA KB Modern la-room houss: hot water heat; range; deters; shade; water rent paid. ta.a0. McEachroa Realty- Co., aVA lauie "l. im wen. lfai. 1-ROOM house. N. Mth v O. H4. NEW, I ROOMS AND BATH. WALKING DISTANCE. Oak finished, oomnlete aad us-te-dat m every oataii; aeunary, etc., tJ9 per trnter pel a. BARNES A WILSOK. w Bidg. Douglaa 1041.' 1014 Bancroft, t-r., dry water. 111 IfcJ Capitol Ava. t-r, modern, 417.18 1444 8 17th, 4-r part mod., fU. till California. S-r., part mod., tit. Ult N. ftth, 4-r, city water. tU. tsa Dupont, t-r, part mod., IU. atn N. rth. t-r.. city water. Ill SO. dl Plnkney, t-r, city water. 111. ' eaft N. Xh, t-r.. city water, lift CREIGH. SONS A COMPANT. Douglas 3 m Bee Bldg. 1123 Davenport, I rooms, close In. lit tesn Davenport, t rooms, cUms In, nt. ltt 8. 9th. I run., mod. ex. heat H4. ' tut 11. Mth, I rooms, part medern. H1J8 lxa Burt, a rooma, close to, tM. tuft Barwce, t rma, mod. ex. heat, HA 111 8 Mth Ave., t noma, does Hi. lit. MS Capital Ave., t rooma, close m. 2Ut ji ri. utn. roema, cioss in, its. Ml A ftth Ave, 2 rma, mod. ex. beat. fis enrmey. s rooraa, ail mooern, s. 84 8. ftth Ave, t rooms, aU mod, 17. to N. ftth. M room, ail modern, HA TUB BYRON RERD COMPANY. Plionee: Doug. ST, A-gaM. tU A Hth 81 SIX room cottage, modera except fur nace, MU Decatur St. Phone Red IM. I-ROOM houss. 1810 Ne. Md St.. paved, n ear, awadera. a fine, bomenks asuse ta every way, IS. Brick fist. 7 rooms, entirely svoarste. tm No. ftth; all modern, one of the best fer the money, tan Loo this ua. raom house, go Mam at, Hansen. modern, electric en car, HA GEO. B. TURKIKOTON. ad Bee Bldg. STRICTLY modera a-room kuaarsJew: kaaf block ta ear Maa. KM 8rgu. riTft-ROOai cottage, nearly new, first- saTlwAMaW, wawaVaMsTS iarOVM keMCl COwM yard; KU. U N. 23U St. Bed HOt. OFFERED FOB RENT and Cwttaea. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM AND BAT This cottage is a new. hhra-etxas btovma and bath, all aa aaa floor, aad arranged splendidly. It Is not an the) bungalow stylo tha roof la gable, with wide, square bos cornice, with neat reluma wnlch anve tt a bomellha aad Pleasing ouuide appearance. Front porch ia 14 feet wide, with weary eotanun and autv a asttai railiag and aaiuatara; Iroat door of red oak. with beret Plata a lass. a naw 111 style; waatlbuse en trance to cbeerrul living room, wtdw miasioa opening to nice, bright dining rcjo',1. with high windows; large kitchen ana big pantry; lnalds basement antranoa aaX wel las outside: two large bed room a, i both wail ventilated and with laraxal eloeet tor each; large bath room; aeons t si bis from eluier bed room; bath roam I fully fitted with hlah-arrada srtaaraanaed fixtures, porcelain tub, laratury a tut siphon waahdown water closet; hot and cold watar; heavy sink, with porcelain back, ia kitchen: Inside woodwork all of selected material; floors of red oak. machine scarped, earn papered aad pol ished; electric lights ia all rooma base ment and on front porch: four-light I ; ' iwm,, iviu-iujat I electric celling piece for living room. with cut (lass ahadea; threa-llght din ing room disc, with amber ii,a- re la well built in every way: aoild xl girder, lower Joists Ixt and double bridged oa both aidea girder: calling rafters Hit, platen doubled: its built to stand up: large attic The lot la full Bias; east (rent and on a paved street, cry high and nightly, with splendid view. It's a good home aad a good in vestment. Would reA for IK to f7 S downtown. Let your rent pay for this well-built and comfortable little cottage home; tba price, 11.240; cash 114 and 124.10 per month. Monthly payments Include the Interest. Warranty deed and complete abstract of title aoon aa deal la closed. Tou will get the same fair and buslmwsiik courtesy aa tM man who pays all cash. Sea ma today aa aarly as possible, for this ta a very 6e sirablg property and will aaU aukkly. Coma today or any evening to lit South Halcyon, Benson. Oat off car at Halcyon Ava and coma south ta No ll, 'Phong Benson Hi. F. & TRULLIXQEE, Benson. FOR KALE -room all modern house. For inforaution In cathedral district, call Harney 14M. S-R. mod, house. 111 N. 16th. P. tit. 8IX-ROOM. ail modern, nearly hew." electricity, gas, furnace, new window shades: finished la oak: floors all fresh ly varnished: good yard aad shade, fta Bristol Call E. E. Huntley. Braodala Bldg. 'Phona Harney 1471. LOW RENTS; CL08K IN. t rooma all modern, sit North 8d SL, aa excellent neighborhood. rooma, upper fiat, ill' North Dd m. TSU Ktll iawa Mil N. Uth. e-r ft. not Wool worth Ave., s-r., modern. in no. taa et., 7-r., moo ern, V. Ml No, th Ave., 4-r.. eert modern, Ut, BEMI8-CARLBEIU) CO.. D. IK. He-Ill BrandeU Theater. Douses la all parts of tha ally. Cratch Sotss A Co.. bee Bids MOVING, nachins aad aiarlaa af hauaaT hold goods aad pianos. Is our hull has A Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, IM 8. Kta, by tha viaduct. Braaeh eftlce, IN 8 17th Bt. TaL D. 41 aL A-1MA 714 No. Sd 8k. -r., modern. IM, 517 Park Ava. -r., modern, HO. . . 11M So. list St., I-r., modern, (ft. : KM Webster SL, W-r, modern, f& Arthur J. McShane, 111 First National Bank Bide.. Phone D. lo75. . FOR RENT Large' brick house aad about five acres improved grounds- at Sherman Ave. and Spruca St.; very suit able for club, hospital ar institutional home, M well as private residence. 401 N. II ST, 10 rooms, modern, let, SIS N. 13d, I rooms, modern, MO. . Mi 8. tftth, 4 roams, modern, HO. , . 3111 Chisago, rooms, modern. 43s. ... tai Cans, I rooma, modern, ISO. Mwt Capitol Ave., 7 roams, modern, tft. 3ug Hamilton, I rooms, US, R1NOWALT. Brandela Theater Bldg.i . NOTHING UKat IT 7-r.. house, bath! hall, basement, 4-r . flat. BO N. IM. R. 4ty I ROOMS, strictly modern arhnx 13H 8. Wth St. Tia elanteat houaa, oa Wttt jfar im; alght roomg; two btvU reotug; right oa tba car Una; No, till r ar il. It this deacriptloa appeal U yon, call Harner 1411 884 maka ar- ranfomenlA ta look It ovar, but 4o not bother tba tenants.' TOO CAN BUT NOW WITH HE.1T MONET. See our aneclal ad. hi For Bale Column ec and News. "Rent Talk." It I wonii moing. cbsrie b. wtihamaaa Ca m "n woer uooge.- RUNTAL BAKUA1NS. tia-e-room flat, tilt N. list 9L 414-t-room upper flat, 1H K. Mth Bt. 114 4-room brick cottage. t Hickory St. 15 4-room, modera except heat, 1177 Cuming St. HaRHT wow. ta Brandel Bldg. Doug. ts: Ind. A-i71. Six-room modern detaohed house with good yard ate Farnam St., 8M per month. tJix-room cottage, moaern exoern neati N. E. corner ltd and Laxlmore Ava., tX. Tan-room modern frasne house, net new. but good eld house; located between hath school and Crelghtoa college; HA , Harrison & Mortol tit Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tel. Doug, tl. FOR RENT Nine room bouse, ftth and Miami. piM. Phone P im HOUSE, t larva rooms., gas, furnace. bath, big barn, comer lot, shade, large perch. West Farnam district, ene block from Farnam car. La as one year, only M per month. Phone Douglas JH sr Harney 45M. j . I-r., rood., 4)l N. Mia. tUOt. I-r. house. 1237 Evan. J. H. PARROTTK. Board of Trade UM N. tM; 7-room, all modera, tM. Tel. Web. Int. 4-ROOM flat, modern, first floor. MM Lake St.. US. Colored peeoie: water paid. Phone Htmey 1444. WEST Farnam. 41 South 40th St, Sevan room. 5om N. Itth St, I rma, all mod. M.W-1II 8. th Bt, t rma, all mod. tie.OO-eu Blnney St, t rma, ail mod. and barn. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANT, Douglaa 17X1. A-llia.' HANSCOM PARX DISTRICT.' Tat 8. ftth St, t-r, modern brick rwei- dence, large around aad ban for garage, iw. FIVE-ROOM modera brick house, with hardwood finish aad pollened floor, al most new and In fi ret -e las condition. one block from street car, ene mil (rem poetofflce, tft. J. H. lJUMO & SOX, Pttorte Douglas 04, wt Farnam St. FOB RENT lata Lalhroa. f rooma and bath. snad. cm. va. tttt N. mh St, l-room flat with heaL modern. IW. nil FrankHa 84, I roema, ttLM. Mtt Pierce 8t 8 nana aasitain , heat, IK. GALLAGHES ft NELSON.'' tl BRAND ETH BLDQ. IX till. W. FARNAM, aew brick, I bedroom. 1 hatha. 314 N. nth Ay-, Mg. Rad 527 APRIL CatdwelL t room modern house, M24 SIX-ROOM cottage. Wat. Call Heraey am illi BUHT ST. cUx rooms, all aaoderaT aewry painted and aarmd, ttl Apply pextdoort Oracery Seere THREE adjoining room, private baiS cempaete; does In. Call Dotigla tm. na-FOCR bnght,. Mry roewte-, me axcept heat; sarden, S12 Emmet St. at. J a J e