C Easter W eel in this store are of a character that will create en thusiasm in the buying of spring merchandise. The markets of the world have been ransacked in an effort to se cure all that is best in garment or fabric, style and quality, and no effort has been spared to make the showing complete THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31, 1912. Sales 5 ifB in every detail. That we have succeeded in a superlative degree will be attested by all visitors. Satisfying qualities, superior assortments, saving prices. What more can one ask? Spring Beauty Reigns Supreme in our Women's Ready to Wear Garment Section. Suits, Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Waists, Skirts, in assortments of styles, fabrics and colorings that are broader, more beautiful and satisfying, more attractively . priced than any display before attempted. V, Our advance display of evening gowns and lingerie dresses which created so much favorable comment was but an index to the completenees of oar showings of correct styles in all lines Individuality is expressed in every graceful line of the beautiful new Crown Jewel Tailored Suits "7s, $25.00 They're the choice of all discriminating buyers who appreciate real quality and style worth. We want you to examine them care-. fully, compare them from all angles with any $30.00 or $35.00 suit offered elsewhere in Omaha. You'll find them fully the. equals and the peer of any $25 suit produced. Ask to see Crown Jewel Suits; the values will surprise you. - White is very popular for spring and our stock of Suits and Dresses is most pleas ingly complete. White Suits in all want, rd fabrics $14.90, $19.50, $25.00, , $30.00 up to ...$59.00 Beautiful White Serge Dresses in 1-piece styles, delightful assortment, $10.00, $12.75, $15.00 up to ......$39.00 Two Rousing Specials. Women's and Misses' Chiffon Party and Dancing Dresses, to $25.00 values, all new. est styles, in. pretty evening shades at .$12.50 Women's Fine Silk Underskirts Messa-. lines or Taffetas $5.00 to $7.50 values, in all colors, including black and white at $2.95 Coats Coats Coats . , . An assortment of new spring styles youll not find duplicated in Omaha, charming values, at $10.00, $12.75, $15.00, $18.00 up to ...$49.00 Women's Percale House Dresses and Wrappers, all sizes "and worth $1.50, on sale Monday while they last, choice, 95c Wmmlfi- ill i f High Grade Wash Goods Evervthinsr New for Snrhur. 1912, Now On Sale. TISSUES Toil Eticnne Tissues, Egyptian Tissucs,Violet Tissues, Roman Tissues, Mercerized Tissues, bilk 1 is sues, Raye Tissues, etc.; Monday, all on sale at. . . .24c SILK MIXTURES. Royal Aeroillk, Moscow silk, Gauze Marvel Cottoillk, Colo dlan silk, Wetawco silk, Da phemie silk. Silk Organdies, Jacquard all lea, 40-ln. Bordered Ilka, organdies, etc., Bwatka Ilka, at, yd., 14c. 35c, 50c, 69o and 75 Nil E fit WASH GOODS. Batistes, French organdie, Rare organdie. French batlate, Holly batiste, Clalrmont batiste, Arlsto batiste, Poplins, Fancies, Bengallnee, etc., at, yd, 10c, II 4c, 16c, 18c, 20c, 38o and 50 SPJUXa GINGHAMS. 1 Scotch Ginghams, French Ging hams, English Ginghams, Dun dee Zephyrs, A. F. C. Olng nams. Red Seal Ginghams, Toll dn Nord XJinghams, Pina fore Ginghams, etc., at, yd., 6c, Tttc, 10c, 11 He, 16c, 18c and 24 VOILES Ratine voiles. Just out; Mercerized voiles. Striped voile, printed ' voiles, plain voile, 40-ln voiles, Bordered voile. Egyptian voiles, Half. 811k voiles. Bilk Striped voile and every kind of voile made for this spring, at, yard, l.V, 1ST, Site, 85c, SOr, OOc, Ado and 69 Dainty Designs in Snowy Underm'Uns the very best that the market affords from tho most exquis itly beautiful French Llngerio to the most simplo and inex pensive garments; you'll find assortments superior and prices most attractive. Dome Easier Week Specials of Intercut to Economical Buyers, Ladle' Gowns, Combination and Prince Slips, lar and embroid ered trimmed, worth 11.00, on sale t .98 Ladle' Gown and Skirts, lac and embroidered trimmed, worth up to $1.60, on sale at 69 Ladles' Skirts, Gowns, Combination Suits and Corset Covers, in lac and embroidery trimmed, worth p to (8c, on sal at 49 Ladlea Gowns tn .high neck tucked yok, worth 75c on sale 33. 'or $1.00 Ladle' Corset Covers and Drawer, in lac and embroidery trimmed, worth up to 49c, at 25 Ladln' Comlnatlon suit in silk, all over embroidery and lace trimmed, worth up to $1.00, on sale 81.50 "d $1.08 SPRING MILLINERY Authentic Styles Lowest Prices Tour neighbor will "if sh hasn't already," save 25 to 50 per cent on her Spring Hat her. You can do thai same. Manish Walking Hat and Sailors, Just what you'r looking for t 98 to $5.00 We guarantee all millinery. Monday we otter Four Spe cial groups of Trimmed Hals, worth op to 110.00. Threw hundred to Select from, at $2.50. $2.95. $3.95 ! $5.00 SPRIHG MILLINERY Superior Assortments Distinct Designs Most extensive showing of Spring Millinery .V ever attempted in any Omaha store. Dress Hats and High Class Street Hats 500 to select from $10 00 up to $125 "We guarantee satis Easter Week Sate of High Grade Embroideries Together with the choicest showing of fine Embroideries and Laces ever made in Omaha, we will place on sale Monday an Immense purchase of new Embroideries from the LEWIS & CO. STOCK, purchased from the receivers of this company, and offered at prices which represent scarcely half real worth. . Dress Flouncing, .....49 Flouncing, 79 1st Lot 3c Embroider le, 10 Including 18-ln. flouncing and corset cover embroideries, regu lar price, 36c; sale price. . O SM Lot SOc Embroideries, )rd.25 Including 18 and 22-ln. flounc ings; regular price, 60c; sal prlc 25 M tot TSe, Bmarolleries 3 In cluding JS-ln. skirt flouncing. Reg ular lie, sal prlo 9S Lot 8 So 4th t ........... 5th Lot $1.60 Dreas at 0th Lot $5.00 Drew Flouncing. t $2.75 7th Lot $7.00 Dress Flouncing. at 8th at Lot 36c to 50c 83.75 Flouncing, 15 This Is a brand new line of com bination Tucked Flouncing with Linen Lac Inserting and edge. Every yard perfect The great est value ever offered. 8ee this lot Monday at, yd., only 15 13c Stripe at 7 He. This IS a lot of loom ends tn S and 6-yard lengths. Only 7 He yd. Regular price, 15c. New Spring Silks Attractively Priced Our showing of the new spring silk fabrics is the most complete; every wanted weave and color. The Boredera foulards, taffetas and silk serges so much in vogue we have in a large assortment of QQ CI QjR styles and color jQL'Pl .7(J Satin Foulards, 36-inch All Silk Waterproof Foulards in every new spring color; 30 pieces Monday, worth $1.25 yard.... 88c 44 and 43-inch Silk Poplins, Navy, Alice, , Bordeaux, Mustard, Heliotrope, tan, brown, , black, pale rose, ' champagne; $1.25 values, Monday at ....68c 5,000 yards of all Silk Foul ards, Pongees, Brocade, Messalines, Rough Pon gees, 24 and 27-inch wide; $1 and $1.25 values; while they last, Monday at 48c 35 pieces of 44 and 48-inch Silk Poplins with self satin stripe borders. Fillet lace effects, in 15 different spring colors, $2.25 values; special Monday at ....$1.50 and $1.98 42 and 45-inch Satin Bord ered Glace Chiffon taf fetas, fancy border Messa lines, Checked, Bordered, Silk Serges in white and black styles, a grand dis play of the up-to-date ma terials; Mondny at ...$1.25 and $1.75 40-inch Bordered All Silk Most Complete Showings of Lace Curtains and Draperies Back Oartaias, new ajwortment of patterns, Monday at, pr, (le.o to SM.M lnuwli Xfei Outtlii, plain and figured centers, all new pattern. Monday. 13 60 to SJOAO Claaj Oattalna, in whit anil ecru. ith very neat bonier. Moniley. t, nr., 11U to gia.00 Woeelty Oartaias, whit and erru, with very neat borders, Mon'lat'. t. pr., .7t to . Cable e Cartalae, whlto and ecru, Honda at. pr, tlM to (Ml Broaseletta, vary dainty pattrrna. Monday, at, pr., Sac to SO.M Tapeetry Foetleree, many different atyles and quality, at. pr.. 3-i to Siaoo Bop Vorttera, all colore, clienll curds and tapestry band. Monday, at. pr.. to S.T5 11.40 rest Madras, (or tlsht wHht portiere, at. yd 91.00 Met Beta for curtains, Monday, in all color, at. yd., l&o to. .. .fl.ao Colon Serins, for curtains, Mon day, at, yd, Joe to as Read the Big Special Grocery Opening FOR MONDAY, APIUX 1. recta aa Plgan 0Uty sag Frte 14 lbs. Beat Granulaled buaar. ,1M -lb. aacka Heat High Undo Dia mond H- Family Flour nothing Ilk It for bread, plea, cake or puddings, per sack s..fLS 1 bars Lennox Beat 'Kin AU or ltaiuoDd C Koap as I lbs. best wait or yellow Corn meat IS I I be. Beat Boiled Breakfast Oat meal 9 14-oa. cane Condenaed Milk i Kellotic's Toasted JUce Flaaea. p 1-lb. cans Pork and Beana ......S1- T lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch o Oreoe Nut, pkg to E. C Cora Flakes, pk( 4 1-lb. cane Aeeortrd Soups ..- H 14-oa. pkg. Bugle Brand Macaroni te The larsoet and finest aaeortxneut o Uried Irutta In the city. tn Brass See Best. The Best Blue Unas Beed. per pound Oe The Beet Bine Oraaa and Clover need. The best White (lover eeed, lb. 46 The Beat White rtowr Reed, lb.. 4a Red or TeUew Union beta, Jt THe Was Wait Onion Seta. ot. SS Battac. BarkBtta an Cams Bale. The Beat No. I Creamery Butter, a in. .. . Tb Beat No. 1 Dairy Butter, In., M t lbs. Good Butterln 8e t lbs. Good Table Butterln SO The Best Equal to Creamery, I lbs. for Full Cream Cheese, lb. la PuU Cream Tounf America Cbeeee. lb, 6 rleufciiatel Cbses. each 3 TO nVTt AM9 TXSXTABIJI SLaJtKKT OI OMAXA. i Heada Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5 1 Bunches Fresh Hothoua Radishes (or - a California Pieplant, pound So Fancy Cauliflower, lb. T Mew Potatoes, lb. THa California Asparacua, lb. 16 ranry Rip Tomatoes, lb. 10o Lares Stalks Celery .Ss Larre Hoop Bunches 10 Freeh Beets, Carrou or Turnips, per bunch .....4 Fresh Fpinach, peck SO Fancy Wai or Green Brans, lb. . . Sue Large Head Lettuce, bead VSs 1 Burchee Freeh Parsley So t Green Pepnern So lr aUs-hlaad Vsvel Ormaree. tke 4rajures ef Qaaiity, per dosea, IS, Specials' in New Spring 1912 White Goods Monday Checked and Striped Book Fold Dimities, worth 15c a yard, at 10c Checked and striped Book Fold Dimities, worth 19c, yd. 12 H Checked and striped Book Fold . Dimities, worth 2 Go yd. at 15 Fine sheer French Lawns and t'hiftons (or graduation, worth Too, yard 504 Fin sheer French Lawns and Cblffona, for graduation, worth 11.00 yard, at ..V 65 Floe sheer French Lawns and Chlffoua. tor graduation, worth, J. yard ". 81.00 Pure Linen round thread Waist ings, yard wide, worth $1.00, yard . -50 Pur Linen, round thread Wsiat ings, yard wide, worth J 1.25 yard ; 75 Automobile Cloth, SS loobe wide, all pure linen, worth 75c ywd 45 Rami Cloth, tha newest in suit ings, all shsdes, para linen, worth 11.00, yard 50 We want you to look before you buy furniture- We keep down the prices. Rousing Special Bargains In Oar Crockery Dept. Mowday- 8 in. Bras Fern Dishes, with lining 35 10-in. Brass Jardiniere. . . 8o tOc-dot. etched Water Glasses, for .25 Sherbet Glass, ( for . . 15? 10-in. Glas Berry Bowl, each It Win or Whiskey Glasses S for 10 Austrian China Pi Plate. for 35 7-in. Dinner Plate. for 354 $15.00 Couches, Ilk cut, genuine oak leather 83.50 $7.50 Go-Carts, -on motion col lapsible 84.50 Folding Oo-Carts, 81.50-81.75 83.08 $5.7.50 Oak Extenaion Dining TabM, highly polished, quarter siwed,' 15-in. top, t feet t .... 812.50 $15.00 Dining Table, ( ft. 4. -In. top 89.50 All Oak Dlniig Chain on sal for th asms prices aa a kitchen chair 75 Three-piece Parlor 6ulte, Mahog any finish, genuine leather, on t 817.50 Very Fin Parlor Suites, 825.00 ad 835.00 $30 Kitchen Cabinets, on sale t 819.50 Large Brass Beds on sal. 87.50 Large Vernl Martin Beds 85.75 Other beds, each 82.50 83.50 and 8-1.75 Solid Oak Chiffoniers only J500 Solid Oak Dressers only 85.50 W would Ilk to advertise hun dreds of other bargaina la furni ture that yon should come is and see. . New Laces Our famous Lace Depart ment will make a special showing of the latest novel ties in heavy effects in white, champagne and Ecru laces Monday. Laces, regular $5.00 values at 92.30. S-J.73 and 83.00 New Hand-Mad Clunya at, yJ 25 New Filet Laces, yard, up from 35 New Silk Run Shadow Larea, tip from 25s See oar Special 23c Counter Monday. . . Wanted Weaves in Wool Dress Fabrics in Range of Colorings that leaves nothing to be desired and at prices you'll find matchlessly moderate. We are showing a very extensive line of fine whipcords in the popular navies, tans and green, 25 pieces for Monday, $2.00 value, at $1.50 35 pieces of 54-inch 6emi rough homespun and mannish suitings, grey and tones with contrasting color effects, very good for suits, skirts and coats, $1.75 a yd. values, Monday $1,25 64-ln. all pure wool Serges and Suitings in hair line stripes and novelty styles: every scare color. Tb serge ar ready aponged and shrunk, $1.50 values. Monday 981 44-ln. Fine Cream Whipcord and Bedford Cord, French Serge, Wool Taffeta; your choice of the $1.60 fabrics Monday t 88 ! Our showing of Cream Dress Materials is immense; every new weave is here. Bedford Cords. Whipcords, Basket weaves, Storm and French ' Serges, Wool Taffetas, Mohairs it's a few specials for Monday. $3.25 64-ln. heavy cream all wool serges 81.59 $2.00 64-ln. heavy cream whip cords 81.50 ll.iS 62-ln. finu quality Cream Bora , Linen Specials Linen Depf. Monday Pure Linen Barnsley Tow oling, worth 19c a, yard, at 12ttc Pure Linen Checked Glass Toweling, worth 17o a yard, at 10c Pure Linen Hemmed Huck Tow els, worth 1 9c. each ....19 Hemstitched Huck To w I , colored borders, worth 19c, cl 10 Bath Towels, large site, rranm or white, worth 25c, each 15 Par Linen Hemmed Pattern Cloths, size, SxlO, worth $4.00, each 81.93 Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, size 20x20 Inches, worth $4.00 doten, each 82.50 Domestic Room Specials Wash Goods, "White Goods, Ginghams, Prints, Out ings, Shirtings, Ltc. Batiste, Fin Printing, worth 15c 10 Serpentina Crepe 12 ft 4 18c Foulards 12H 25c Dress Ginghams, 32 . in. wide 124 India Linens, Persian Linena, End-Long Cloths, Dimities, etc., at 6c, 7e, S)ie, lOo and 12 ft 4 25c White Goods; a mixed t 10 At 0 A. M. 1 cat of Amos keag check .5 At 10:30 A. M. 1 ease of yard wide Muslin; reg. 6 He grade, 10 yards limit, at, yd.. 34 At 8 P. M. 1 case of 16c Turk ish Towels, pairs limit, at, "ch -- 10 Wall Paper Sale For Three Days MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY We place on sal every piece of WaU Paper in our Mammoth Stock, consisting of everything in the wall paper line from the cheapest white blanks to the best oat meals made. Good Rooms ac values,' at 21 2C Bed Booms Sc and 10c values, at...., 4c Bed Booms 1214c values, at 5c Kitchen Blocks 8c values, at 5c and 4c Printed Oat Meals (gilts) Plain Oat Meala (imported) Cut ont order, linens, room moulding, tc Varnished Wood Stains, qt... 551 3Q Wall Paper and Pal at Departiwart, 4th Floor. Gilt Paper 20c values, at 10c Varnished Gilts 25c and 40c values, at ..15c Upper Thirds 40c and 50c values, at. 25c Tiffany Grounds 75c val ues, at... ......38c 25 L PaglggBaaWaWaWaal