Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 27

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Spring home furnishers find this store a bargain haven
It is the boast of this house that every customer is a satisfied customer and
Furniture, rugs, draperies and curtains for every home, with every article
that no price demands here are as high as those elsewhere for same quality
j rich in values and so priced as to suit resources of the most humble purses
Gustaye Sticklers furniture
This trade-mark
on all Gustavo
Stickler furniture.
The first peep of
spring has brought out
our newest showing of
the Original Gustavo
Stickley Craftsman
Furniture, the best fur
niture of its kind in the
world. It has its imita
tors, but not a single
one of them has ever
produced an article that
bears up tinder compari
son with the origins!, for
which we are the exclusive agents in the Nortli Tlatte territory.
Stickley Craftsman is the kind that commands immediate
respect from every prospective buyer. It has a sturdy, handsome
appearance, with elegant lines of simple strength. One can look
upon a piece of Gustave Stickley furniture and know in an in
stant tiiat it is a model article. Tho Stickley make reflects good,
honest workmanship and rich, bounteous values.
In the making of Stickley's Craftsman the very best artisans
of the furniture world are employed, with the result that the very
finest furniture is produced. This craftsman endures for ages, and
is really life-time furniture, knowing no superior and giving
service to several generations. 4
Our spring showing of Craftsman is extensive. We have
many of the handsomest pieces that have ever graced our store.
It is iu great demand now and is rapidly moving from our floors.
Craftsman is not high priced furniture. It bears a very mod
est demand tag and we invite you to come here and get our fig
ures upon this "world's best furniture."
Last week of great rug sale
For the final week of
our Oriental rug sale ex
ceedingly attractive price
concessions have been
made. These reductions
should not be confused
with those ordinarily ad
vertised. They are greater
than any made before.
Tho rugs displayed here
now are fugs of standard
Persian weaves, slowly
collected because of their
individual merit and now
offered at the lowest mar
ket figures. Kothing richer or more appropriate oould be selected
for your home ihla tummer. They possess admirable designs,
striking beauty and rich colors. We wish you would call to seo
them whether you are ready to buy or not The sale will be con
tinued all this week. Many small rug bargains from $5 to $20.00.
Here are only a .few of the many rare values:
, . Biie Regular Sale Price
Royal Kennanahah--7xl0-6 ..$2000 $1600
Royal Kermanahali-llx8-9 $525 $450
Royal Kermanshah ll-Cx8-9 $ 450 $ 360
Royal Kermanahahr-ll-9xS-10 $600 $ 475
Royal Sarook-12-5x9-l . . 700 $ 500
Serapi Carpet-12-llxlO-7 $ 275 $ 200
Khorassan Carpet-13-3x9-10 $ 400 $ 325
Khorassan Carpet 14-9x3-7 $ 500 $ 385
Anatolian Carpefr-ll-lLxO $ 200 $ 160
Anatolian Carpet 12-5xS-7 $ 225 $ 190
Buluck Carpet-15-3x10-2 $ 275 $ 225
Draperies and decorations;
Our annual spring showing of
draperies, wall papers and interior
decorations always has been notable.
But now we havo made ready a show
that excels in beauty and variety and
interest anything that we have ever
done in the past.
We could do it because the best
makers have produced lovelier things
than ever before and wo have the
cream of the production.
To many, we believe, these hand
some light-weight draperies and cur
tains for spring will prove a revela
tion. The harmony of tho colors, tho
daintiness or tho strength of the designs, the softness of the tones,
and the exquisite blendings of colors all are- so wonderfully dif
ferent from other seasons.
We call particular attention to the dainty Swiss curtains, eta
mines. Marquisette scrim curtains, Toint Milan, Duchess, cluny
and Marie Antoinette lace curtains, Sunfast over-drapery goods,
the newest scrims, cretonnes, chintzes, crafts cloth and light weight
portieres all rare patterns at rare prices.
Wall paper and decorating
Our department of interior decorating is excellently equipped
to beautify your home through securing harmony in the decora
tions and furnishings. Our experts will gladly furnish estimates,
'sizes and designs to anyone who wishes to decorate a new house
or re-decorate the rooms of an old one.
Visitors are always welcome to our decorating department,
on the second floor.
Established 1884
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Company
413-15-17 South
Sixteenth Street
Spring Gives Favor to -Genuine Oriental Rugs
HB making of carpels and
run br machine la an Amer
ican Institution. It la surprls
lnc bow MUla la centrally
known of thta fact, for thla
la a roans country and tha
history of carpeting goes back ao
far that moat people take It tor (ranted
tbat our country waa merely the copier
I and not tha orlflnator.
' A a matter of actual record, the ft rat
machine-made carpet produeed In the
world waa In the city of Lowell, Mia.,
thla waa In tha year US. Up to that
time all floor covering fabrtca had been
mad br band at very great .xpsnse.
And a mighty poor job the old hand
power loom made of It The workman
would atart off fresh from a nlghr
Bleep and for an hour or ao the carpet
would be well made and oloeely worm,
then, aa ha tired toward lunch time, the
fabrto (bowed It In a looaer construction.
Again, after the noon reet, hie next
half yard or ao of carpet nearly equalled which nothing an give tho ton and
the mornlnf'a product, and attain, aa the ftnteh but a wetl-cboaea carpet,
day wore on. It became Irregular. For tha living room or library tha moat
Of courae, "matching the pattern" waa popular, aa well aa tha moat serviceable
a physical Impoealblllty, for aa the car- carpets are quiet shade of brown, aoft
pet varied In the firmness of Ita texture red or blue effecte In Wilton or high
at every yard ao the sides of tha pattern grade Ax ml niter fabrics,
alao varied. For tha dining room a good Bruaaela
Then, too, thla hand work waa ex- la a popular material and'naually tha
tremely alow. Five or alx yarda of In- colon run little lighter than In tha
grain carpet and a proportionately amal- "mora dignified room."
ler quantity of Wilton or Bruaaela carpet Choice of patterna la getting and muet
waa a big day'a work for 'a aklllrd man. continue to get further and further away
And thla comparatively email production from tha old-time floral deatgna and to
had to carry a big profit. confine Itielf to conventional effecte or
But even aalda from price. If we were reproduction! of oriental pattern
to make carpete by the old hand-pmceea In the living rooma, particularly where
methoda It would take pretty nearly the the carpet la uaed In connection with
entire adult male population to aupply email ruga, a pleasant tone la given to
the demand of the American continent, the room by the uee of a plain green or
We would all have to give np cur oecu- red carpeting with no border at all Of
patlona In farming, manufacturing, buy- courae the objection to thla la that It la
Ing and selling of merchandise, and would apt to show the footprint! rather quickly,
probably have to draft a large percentage But on the other band those who have
of the prufceelonal men If we were to used thli carpeting And that thla ten
turn from our present power looms and dency to show every little mark wear! off
go back to methods that applied three- after a few montha of usage,
quarters of a century ago. There have been several new and good
It la aaid that a good Wilton rug can fubrlca put on the market recently for
be bought today for leea that the old use In the bedrooms. The old-time co-hand-work
factories used to consider a lonlal rag ruga have found a new popu
legltlraate profit. So far as carpets are larlty, especially In the bungalow homes,
concerned we have no reason to com- Unquestionably there are certain place
plain about the high cost of living. where ae other fabrto can replace them.
The first carpels to be turned out on yet all of ui are aware of the dleadven
these power-driven loom! were ingralni; tags of the rag rug from the fact that
quickly following thla came the perfect- while beautiful when new It hi not apt
Ing of power looms for the weaving of ,0 bold tta beauty for any great length
Wilton and Brussels carpets also. The 0j time.
right te n, all of these Invention, wsa A f , . ta
afterward, .old to other eountrle. whlch Hu itrlklnt1, bemllt((ul
The present range of floor covering. , produced Is what I. know, as the
produced In thla country offer the bouse- o,,. Th murt Bot
wife a selection in which ah. la sure to contumi with what have become known
find exactly the fabric, color and do- M lh. g,., vuxoa ,, (or
flsn to give Just the tone In the room th, Qoeblln rug la not a pile fabric and
tliat she Is seeking. u ma4. . woct JtTn where tb
During the last five or alx yeare rug. Scotch Wilton and Brussels an exactly
have Increased greatly In popularity, a ilk th ordinary ruga of thee name
ha. been aald that Just now we are suf- 9xcmpt being made of Jute yarn Instead
faring from sanitary Insanity. While of wooL
every new movement 1. bound to be over- The. GoebUa rug are made usually
done by some few, the 'sanitary home" with a plain neutral cotor center and
movement ta bound to have on flrured border. The flsmnn are sli.hihr
the whole a very good effect nim4 like the figure In the genuine
The ease with which rugs can Qoeblin tapestries from which the rugs
be taken np and cleaned ha a ,.k ttMr , w .
original from which they were made, were disfranchised, excluded from public
For the bathroom and nursery, and processions and subjected to various
even for the bedroom, linoleum have other disabilities. Perhaps we could
come Into surprising popularity. They view auch prospect with equanimity
are oartalnly sanitary, ssslly cleaned and and remain In stat. of benighted
durable. While they may be a trifle bachelorhood, but there waa worse to
cold to the touch, when used In connec
tion with mall and mediam-Maed ruga,
they make splendid floor coyering.
come. The Impenitent bachelor was fur
ther compelled to march naked around
the market place and to sing a song
In both printed and Inlaid linoleum testifying to hi disgrace whloh thu.
th widest range of pattern I obtain- "Justly suffered punishment." Whether
able. In the Inlaid effect It la possible Anna Qarltn Spencer wishes to revive
to get very close Imitations of parquet these penalties there la no mean of
flooring for th bedroom and nursery or knowing. Personally we believe that a
of tiled mosaic work for th bathroom procession of naked and ringing bach,
and kitchen. Indeed there have been elor would s rouse com comment now
some excellent reproduction of oriental nday and tkat the women' club would
rug In thla fabric. probably appoint a committee of taspeo-
Printed linoleums In almost every com- tion to Investigate and report In the la
btnatkm of color 'and pattern bave been tercet.' of publra virtue. A bachelor
reproduced. The newest thing In thl wlu ciothem on I rarely a beautiful
11 n what I termed matting and Peotaele, but a naked bachelor!
novelty effects, some of which Imitate But the real point at these him Id '
matting so closely that even at a few stories should not be overlooked. It
feet It I difficult to distinguish the actual
article from th reproduction.
la evident that
oould wholly en
amount of seventy
Use daunt less spirit .
Of course matting, are still used to of th npartna bachelor. They could
some extent, but the advent of th grass
nd they
rug and Juta fabric rug ha to a large maka kha sing, but they could not make
extent replaced the more perishable mat- hlra marry. Prohsbljr be laughed at
ting. The can be used to good advan- their pun tortures and hi tree aoul
tag wherever a soft green or brown tone oxnttad wltlda hhn at tha thought that..
will lend the proper background to the hi was th better choice, that even death
furnishings and are especially popular be ssfsrabs to msrrlajra. and
la summer bom, particularly of th bun- " tomb at least was sDert. And
galow type, a Well a having a wide us "! moral of the whole boss
es porches.
Taken all In all. th housewife of today
ha good reason to thsnk the fates that
she was not born fifty year ago, for
today, even with a moderate pocketbook
and a fair amount of good taste. It I
1 that la spite of an penalties
then wen stm saesstloi In skstrta:
raes who wen wanna; to go naked and '
ta smg. But who would net lasjuuuue
tbetr saered hsrttsca at fraedom.
Bat why doe th modern woman dis
posal, to hsve a house charmingly car- 0UM Jhto "h ""disguised
peted throughout
CMStder the Class Which Dedaee
Batrissaay aad Yet Weald FeaaU
tse Bachelors.
great deal to do with their pop
ularity, but the advent of the
vacuum cleaner baa, to a
large extent offset thl advan
tage with a natural result of
Increasing Popularity of reproduction of Indian and Cashmere
carpets. design which, as a few feet distance.
There ar com room la are scarcely dlstlaqutshabl from th
take their name and have an effect of
being cmboaed on th background of the
There ha been recently put en the
market several distinct new pattern In
Goeblln pattern. Among these ar om
A apodal tax. or In other words, a
apodal punishment for bachelor 1 be
coming a favored topic for discussion In
feminist circles. Every now and then,
says the Be Francisco Argonaut, th
plaa la broached In some freak stat or
municipality, and then w hear a ripple
of falsetto applause from the women's
club and newspaper. Undoubtedly they to have nothing to do with him? Why
relish? Her own chief rrtevao- Is th
supposed fact that condition hav mads
matrimony compulsory for her. Her
own song of triumph over her emanct
petioa I based upon th idea that now
h need no longer marry and that at
least aba can gratify her well-knowa
preference for the stngl Ufa and for the
typewriter instead of the sswlnc ma-
chine. With the same breath she as
sures us that now she will never sMrry
and alao that marriage ought to be com
pulsory for men. In heaven' nam .
what ta It that ah doe want! Of what
avail to bludgeon the wretched male
Into acquiescence if ab la determined
Ike the Idea that tend, to the humilia
tion of men.
Now we hav an article by Anna Gar
Hn Spencer la the current Forum. She
tell how these things used to be
managed la Sparta, where bachelors
bully htm Into a reluctant compliance
and then mock him with her song of.
liberty whue h hammers away at her
typewriter for sight hour a day la a
downtown officer Certainly there ta a
discrepancy aomewaere.
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