Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 24

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.5 "
Womei Everywhere
that their figure is depend
ent entirely upon their corset
and wo know that Warner'!
designs are the dependable
Know it because each season
our sales increase by the
million pairs, due entirely to
their oplendid value.
We have directly traced the
sale of dozens of pairs to the
proper fitting of one pair.
Whyt-i-because they shape
fashionablyfit comfortably
and outwear any other corset.
Warner'! "Double-Skirta"
are the greatest corset in
vention since rust-proof
they prevent the skirts of
iong models from tearing or
We stand back of the mer
chant who sells you a War
ner's Corset. We guarantee
them not only to shape fash
ionably, to fit comfortably,
but not to nut, break or tear.
Sold Everywhere
$1.00 to $5.00 it
Your 7oot Dress is One of
Great Impurtiic.
Solves the
by showing for Spring the
right materials on correct
patterns end lasts that are
both up-to-date and comfortable.
Tan, Wliitc and Black
I are running neck and neck
J for popularity, in Colon-
f ials, Pumps and Button
Prices $3.50 to $1.50
Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street.
Karbach Block.
Linen Ones Hay Be Had for a Small
(htlay of Cost
Other of the w Stylea Are Wash
able Soaa Have Priaca Teasels
iwn ( ae Polka
Dat Design.
Women Are
Doing in the World
Any woman be ihe rich or be the poor
-mar have dainty wlrtta parasol th!
season, (or the new linen (tin shade are
very inexpensive. The cbeapeat of thrm
sell (or 75 cents, and from that the prices
oar according to the elaborateness of
Ihe trimming.
The delightful thine about the perfectly
plain linen paraaola ht that the clew
needle woman may embroider them la aa
fancy a pattern aa aha like and la that
way secure a very stunning sun shade
(or very little money. By doing the band
work herself aba also has the opportunity
ot bavins It correspond with whatever
design la on her suit or sown.
These new linen parasols are washable.
The libs are all white enamelled and the
handles are of plat a bos wood. The lone
fringed tassels are ot cotton. There Is
nothing about them which soap and
water win soil and they coma out af tha
wash looking almost as trash aa nsw.
Soma ot tha whlta paraaola have polka
dots scattered ever them and hemstitched
borders ot plain goods at tha edge, Soma
have blue or pink dots with pink or blue
borders to correspond.
One ot tha richest at tha silk parasols
la ot Imported pongee, with a wide border
ot satin brocaded with blue, tan and
green flowers. Tha handle to large
knobbed, in green carved wood and has
a long tan silk teasel.
Another gorgeons parasol I of ger
anium-colored mesaaline with an eight
Inch border, veiled with black ohlffon
and with a Ova-Inch black satin fringe
around tha edge. The border has a full
niching of black chiffon outlining Its
edges. Tha handle to plain black ebony.
Vaa Dyke Palate.
Purple eblfroa draped over waits satin
forma tha body ot one of the parasols.
The border la formed ot deep. Vaa Lryke
paints, at Mack and whlta striped satin
veiled wHh black shadow lace edged with
a niching of chiffon. A double taeeel ot
purple satin Is en the ebony handle.
A striking sunshade of American
Beauty mseaiUns has Vaa Dyke points
at diagonally striped black and whtts
satis outlined with fancy black braid.
A very dainty sun shade to made sf
pompadour ribbon In Dolly Varden colors
alternating with Plato pink ribbon.
The new Quaker parasols are simpler.
They are ot two-toned silk, tha outslds
being of one color and tha Inside ot a
contrasting shade. One at tha Quaker
paraaola la of bright green, lined with
dainty lavender. Tha handle to at dark
Tha tee-tone effect Is being carried out
In the new umbrellas, svaa tha black silk
ones having cerise, green and blue Va
luta Some of tha umbrellas alas have
colored borders to correspond with the
Fancy Cuffs and
Collars Call Out
I "Big Lace Displays
Neckwear to especially attractive ibis
season. Tha fad for fancy autre and col
lars has brought In a big line ot Uw onl
embroidery sets for both suits and dresses.
km af the finest ot these laos seta are
ta be had at Hayden Bros.' store. Thev
are In Irish, crochet, Maltese and earrl
macrons. There are soma dainty chemi
settes In the same hand-made races.
These Dutch collar sets, Quean Anna
collars and coat seta are. made of all
klnda ot lace Venice, me frame, Cluny,
Plane n. Tha cuffs are wide and the col
lars am large. Some ot the eollara are
of tha cardinal shape, tha square nar
rowing toward the waist tine In the back.
gome of tha collars are round, some
Jabots will be worn until we doff our
suits and don our summer dresses. Bid?
effects are most popular In Jabots, rat
Johnson, buyer for Ilaydrn Broa, whe
has lust returned from New York, de
clares that tha New York women wear
the eta-plaited frills with their suits.
Bo, ot course. It will continue proper pv
Omaha women to do so.
Corsage bonnets made of messallns
ribbon la roses, violets and all the flow
ers arc shows Is all Ihe local stores.
SI AHA has had many women
of national prominence speak
here during the last winter
lira. Emmcline Pankhurst. the
British suffragette leader;
Mrs. Maud Ballington Boot'i.
a national prison worker? Mrs. Ella
Kiagg. superintendent of Chicago school;
Kate Bernard, the Oklahoma Whirlwind:
Miss Julia Lathrop and Mrs. Gertrude
Howe Britton. settlement workers ct
Hull House. This week wa are to have
a cKnuuc to the season of noted voiikq
In Miss Fola La Follette, who will give
a lecture on "Democracy of Woman 6uf
frage" In the auditorium ot the Young
Women's Christian association next Sat
urday evening at I 11
8ha Is described aa a young woman of
charming personality and brilliant mind
After graduating from tha University a'
Wisconsin she began her career aa an
actress, during which she lias had a va
ried professional experience ranging from
Shakespearean repertoire In Ada Re nan
company to her recent part aa leading
woman In Percy Mackaye's poetic drama.
"The tjcarecrow." Miss La Follette gives
interpretative readings and lectures or
the drama and also on the subject of
woman suffrage.
Tha underlying thought In Miss La Toi
lettes lecture Saturday evening Is that
no group to wise enough or good enough
to govern any other group.
alias La Follette in addition to her own
accomplishments hss tha distinction of
being tha daughter of Senator and Mra.
Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin.
Mrs. Qeorga Mlddlston Is tha married
name of Mtas La Follette.
Miss Sara S. Hayden, head of tha art
department la the University of Ne
braska, will be the speaker at the open
meeting ot the, Omaha Woman's elub
Monday afternoon, when tha program
will be In charge ot the art department
of the club, of which Mrs. W. H. Hen
cock la leader. Mlas Hayden' topic will
be "London Art Galleries."
Mrs. 8. N. Bess will give a group of
vocal solos-The Nightingale." by Stev
ens; Welting." by Millard.
Tha literature department will vary ts j
program thla week with a social meeting
combined With Its regular study period
Wednesday at 1 p. m. at tha home of
Mrs. Albert Edholm. The program of
the last meeting, which was not held nn
account of bad weather, will be combined
with this week program, making a verv
full afternoon' meeting. One-half th
program will consist of tha reading of
J bean's "Peer Oynt." Mrs. Theodore
Mayer leader, aaslated by Mrs. B. M.
Byfert. Mrs. Edholm will lead tha other
hslt ot the program, which will Include
Rostand' "Cnontlcier" and Maeterlinck's
At tha social hour the hostesses will bo
the leader at tha department-Mrs. Mil
lard Langteld, Mrs. George & Darr. Mrs.
Oeorio Bonner. Mrs. C. H. Mullin, Mr,
a C. Swingley, Mrs. Edholm. Mra.
Mayer. AQ who expect ta ha present ore
asked to telephone their acceptance to
the secretary, Mrs. Joseph Polcar.
Thk household economics denartmant at
tha Woman club will hold lta annual
election ot officers Thursday morning.
There also will be a discussion en the
work to be taken up by the department
et year. .. ... , ' . ;
The social science department will elect
Its new of Boars Moods;, April t.
Mrs. Halleck Res will be kuL. h.
lesson ot too art department of tha Wo
man's club Thursday morning. She will
be assisted by Mrs. A. B. Somen. The
artists studied will be Albert Neuhuvs
ana winism Roeiofs.
Ths literature denartment nf ha Smith
Omaha Century Literary dub will have
a Walt Whitman meeting Tuesday after
noon at the home nf Mm Rmi m .
Cuuough. low North Twenty-second
street. Mrs. McCullough will read
paper oa "Whitman, the Artist" The
ML. - it
- WiiiiuM jiii n. i. ... -
Tit n urvr. im rf hmMi . w
v fc- ew in im
J no
.. saw
Latest Styles in
Gloves for Summer
Will Be Washable
There sre a number of new whs!K
glove this spring show in Omaha
store. One Is called the Veldoa. It la
pure whit with a smooth surface aii-l
will wash Ilka ehamola. Tha doerkln
glove are something an tha same order
and the chamotsetta gloves, which look
Ilka chamois and cost only half as much,
coma la both whit and yellow. Silk
glove win be good for this summer aa In
past summers, Come have dainty hani
embroidery. Net gloves arc also shown
Whlta kid gloves are the smartest thing
for street wear before H la time to put
ea sammer'gloves. The white gloves are
stitched In white, with a few having
lavender, black and honey-colored stitch
ing. Black stands second to whlta far
street wear aad after that caane the
blues and tana and gray.
Handbags Are Small
and of Varied Skins
The new handbsgs are email and In
b'ack and color and shown in all the
deferent aklna morocco, aafflea, plg-skln,
patent leather, pi a seal; but the moat
summery ot aU are tha whlta bags In
leather and la lace. Tha all-over lace
bags are handsomest la Irish crochet and
are held -aught by a frame at the lop
or else etc with a drawing string. There
are also some linen bags with belts to
match. A point In favor ot these lace
and linen bags Is that they may be
j department will discuss Whitman as a
prophet of nature. Selections from Whit
man's works will be read by Mra A.
1 D. Majora and Miss Louise Schnlde!.
The oratory department of the Wo
man's club will have a Scotch program
Tuesday morning In tha studio of the
leader. Mlsa Lillian Fitch, when Miss
Margaret Thompson will give reading
from Barrle'a stories and Burns' poems.
The Imogen lub of Florence, will
meet Thuraday'afternoon with Mrs. M.
C. Co and Mrs. R. H. Olmsted. Mra.
R. A. Ooldlng and Mrs. F. H. Reynolds
will report current topics.
"Stories to Cultivate the Imagination,"
will be tha subject ot tha Story Tel
lers' league Thursday afternoon In the
public library under the leadership of
Mis Isabel McMillan. Among the
stories told will be Dickens's "A Child's
Dream of a Star." and Maeterllnk's
"Bluebird." A talk will be given on
tha life and poems ot Robet Louis
The Dundee Woman's club will meet
Wednesday aftenoon with Mr. W. B.
Howard. Mr. W. E. Ilhoades will be
leader, and Thomas Bailey Aldrlch'a
Story ot a Bad Boy," will be reviewed.
Mrs. J. A. Perry will report current
Tha Omaha chapter of the Daughter
ot the American Revolution will hold
lta regular meeting Monday afternoon at
f SO at tha residence of Mrs. John J.
Foster, KIT South Thirty-fifth avenue.
Among tha social events to be given
In Washington. D. C, at tha twenty
first national congress of -the national
society ot the Daughter ot the Amer
ican Revolution, which "tha Omaha wo
mea who are delegates will attend or
ta reception at the Whit House April
Id, tha reception given at Continental
hall, April IS, by Mra. Matthew T. Scott
tha president general, and tha entertain
ment by Saunwa MacManus, tha Irish
story teller, at Continental hall April
Tha Benson Woman's club will hold a
library meeting Thursday afternoon with
Mr. Charles Tracy, president ot the
club. Current events will be discussed
by Mra, A. R. Cuylsr.
Plana for tha summer school of mis
sion to be held at the University of
Omaha next summer by the woman of
tha churches, ore crystallising Into shape.
Tba latest addition to the list ot lectur
er to Han T. Freece, son of on apostate
Mormon elder, who will apeak on 'The
Whlta Slave ot Mormondom." Mr. Freece
recently worked his wsy through tb
University ot Colombia.
Mrs. B. L. Barr, president of tha
North Bide Mother's club, haa called a
special meeting of tha club for Tuesday
afternoon at tha home of Mr. E. O.
Air a. Kit Locust street, tor tba pur
pose of planning a social affair for
mother and children. j
! Two and Three-Piece Stylei Are How
Being Superceded.
Baft. CUnalaa Material la TJsecl and
MUadr Will Wear aa Few aw
Peeelble During Wauras
Me the.
However elaborate tha undergarments
may be, they or ail made on straight
and narrow line ta order that ao extra
fullness be added to milady's costume.
according to tba styles shown In tba
Omaha stores.
Tha woman In chaise ot tha petticoat
section in one ot tha store said that
tnera la Just half aa much goods being
used In the petticoat thla season aa
there wss two or three year ago. Tba
doubt ruffle and scuff ruffles hare bean
entirely dona away with, a plaited flounce
eel eg the only fullness at the border,
dome of the petticoats hare a border of
silk fringe the color of the silk.
Most of the petticoat or mad with
the Jersey tops, with an elastic around
the waist. The soft, clinging measallna
is being used more than any other silk.
The day of tha stiff, rustling taffeta
petticoat has gone along with hips and
full skirts. Tba underskirts are In plain
and changeable silks and should match
the suit -
The idea of soft, clinging material, and
ta few as possible ot them to carried out
in all lingerie mora than ever this sea
son. There to a aew wash petticoat
called the skeleton petticoat. It to cut
on straight lines with hardly any Oar to
ward the edge. It haa bo flounce what'
ever, being finished with row of inser
tion and lace, put on without a bit of
The petticoats, princes (lip, combina
tion suit and night gowns are mad of
the filmiest kind of materials sheer nain
sooks and India linens, crepe and voile
The newest and daintiest ot underwear to
made of crepe de chine. Lac has entirely
superceded embroidery a trimming tor
underwear, because It Is so much softer,
although on the French hand embroidered
piece, of course, laos and embroidery
ore, combined. Even tha medallions
which used to be used In embroidery or
being used In lac Instead. Cluny laos
remains tha favorite oa lingerie, wltn
Valenciennes, French and derma n a
doss second, feather stitching to used
a great deal.
The combination suits corset cover and
petticoats and corset cover and drawers
have entirely done away with separate
artlclea of underwear and with the
chemise, chiefly because they do away
with unnecessary fullness.
The young woman at the lingerie coun
ter In one ot the store who to just back
from a buying tour In tb east says that
American women refuse to wear the
chemise, and that tha French maker
of hand embroidered underwear are now
making the combination suits especially
to please the women In this country.
Soma of these combination suit are
being shown In Omaha store tor the first
time this spring. The combination with
night gown to match In material and
ornamentation, form a set. and bid fair
to supersede the French hand embroid
ered sets of chemise, drawer and Bight
Aa entirely new article of underwear
la the Knickerbocker drawers, which or
straight and scant. They either tie at
waist and knee or or fastened with
Night gowns sr made of tha Sam soft
material as the other lingerie and an
made on kimono and slip-over line. They
or trimmed with lace and hand em
broidery. Sleeve are very short sod
Colored ribbons or stIU used In lin
gerie. But although block and dark col
ors are used by eastern woman, only pink
snd blu ribbons era In the lingerie ehown
her. Blu to tb favorite color. "W
buy twice many sets with bin ribbon
ss with pink." said tb head one of one
of tha lingerie departments. The rib
bons are made Into soft, dainty bows and
flowers, the large, heavy bow being teen
no more.
Nabody ta Two Old
to lean that tb sure way ta cure a
cough, cold or sore lung la with Dr.
King's New Discovery. Kej and tl.tft
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
O Your Spring Suit
Tailored To Your Measure
In Time for Easter...
The prettiest display of Bponged and shrunk wool
ens of beautiful colors and designs to choose from, and
artists to cut and fit them to you.
These garments are all built in our well ventilated
shops by experienced men tailors. Before Easter at
the very reasonable price of
J20, s25, 30 and Up
Beautiful designs in ready made suits of
all wool, at $25.00 to
Skirts in Voiles, Serges etc., all colors
and styles, $7.50 to ,
Shadow Designs .
" Latest in Veils
Khadow design la the Shetland finish
washabla veils la white. Mack and colors
blues, browns, and grasns are beet for
street wear. Tbere le a aew automobile
vefl mad af ehlffou with as e'aatle band
whir, may either fit the veil down over
the face er bote H eloee ta tle bead la
back bb It to worn o( tb lace.
Trimmed Hats, both large and small, in neat and
nifty designs, on sale this week, at
Including some new straw shapes, original prices
from $3 to $10.
The Store
Saves Ton
Money 1
Kimono Sleeves
Are Gone from the
New Style Waists
There or many new Botes in waists,
chief of which to the new ccsssck blouse,
which has a deep peplum below the waist
lias. Ia the chiffon, measallna, marquis
ette aad crepe waists shown at Hayden
Broa, bertha and scarf effects seem to
take precedence and all or elaborately
trimmed with laee. They have high and
Dutch necks snd three-fourths sleeve.
Tb kimono sleeve hss gone, all thla eea
aoa being set in.
Tha lingerie waist holds its own against
all tnaovationa and none la prettier than
the all-over lace waists. Kllpat rick's have
soma handsome waists ot Irish crochet
lace made in one pi eta Irish crochet lac
to oa most ot the nicest wsiat and Val
enciennes, macra m and Venice laces or
also combined with hand embroidery.
In crepe waists there to a new crepe
shirt which ought to be Tory popular,
sine It Is plain and comfortable, being
mad exactly Ilk a man' shirt, and will
wash ss weU as a cotton fabric These
shirts have turnover collars and turnback
cuffs sad sr wntt stnpra wun o
kin,, breeder and other color.
i.Ath varr comfortable style I r j
i-m is the linen waist with low neck
and sailor collar and elbow sleeves with
turnback cuff. They have cither one
broad plait at the shoulder or a group of
arrow plaits down tba front. Tba col
lars are of different shop and some ore
made from different materials from the
waist Some have pique collar and cuffs,
or cotton corduroy ot black and white,
blue and white or la vender aad white
striped goods.
Tha regulation tailored whit Daen stilt
waists ore being elaborated down . tie
front and to. the cuffs with band em
broidery. Navigatla. the Mountains.
When the Armenian massacres were
commanding the Interest and sympathy
ot the civilised world, a newspaper cor
respondent rushed eacltedly one day into
the office of Assistant Secretary of State
A. A. Adee with the question:
"Mr. Secretary, will you tell me defi
nitely whether or not the t nlted States
government will send any battleships to
"No chip will be eent there." replied
Adee. with great gravity. "Navigation.
I am Informed, has not been good In the ao-
vicinity of Ararat since tha Urn ot
Noah erf-Popular Magasuu.
Oar Showing of Spring and Sam
mer Hat ia Far Above th Ordinary
and Includes Models Both Imported
and Originalities by Our ,Owm Designer.
1 a Wide Rk;3 of Style and Straw to Choose From.
For thla week only we villi offer a number ot Dress and
Tailored Hat at a very special QQ
219 City National Bank Bldg.
Millinery"Made-at'Home Prices
Come and fee the doieng ot beautiful spring httf at
prices that make downtown or store price seem unbeliev
able. No high rent, no fancy windows to maintain en
ables us to ofler millinery at one-third 1tg store price.
2618 Harney St
Phont-Harney 3892
i' I
The novelty 6.
?-9-r9 rVo 63T OMAHA
Head to Foot
for Hen and
If y
Spring 1912
First Showing of the Latest
' Spring Millinery
The Channing Little Hats, the Large Picture Hats
and the Medium Size Hats are all arranged for jour
The Hat you ought to have at the Price you ought
to pay, at
1522 Doaglat St