Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 23

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' D. A. R. Delegates from Nebraska
HEN the Daughters of the
American Revolution from all
over the country assemble In
Washington. L. C. next
month to hold their twenty
first annual congress, a dis
tinguished delegation tram Omaha will
take Dart In the sessions.
Mrs. A. K. Gault. won ha been na
na! vice president general tor Nebraska
the last two yean, will be renomi
nated by the state chapter and will no
doubt hold this office tor the oomlng two
years. Mr. Gault la on a number of
national committees. She is chairman ot
the souvenir committee and la a member
or both the Continental Hall committee,
ot which Mrs. Matthew T. Beott. Brest-'
dent general. Is chairman, and the conser
vation committee, ot which Mrs. James
Plnchot, mother ot Gifford Plnchot, Is
chairman. Mrs. Gault holds her member
ship In the Daughter ot the American
Revolution through her ancestor, Ezra
Cleveland, who was a lieutenant during
the revolution. She also belongs to the
Society of Daughters ot Colonial Gover
nors, being a descendant of Governor
Mayhew, who headed the colony on
Martha's Vineyard Island before the war.
Mrs. J. J. Btubbs, regent of the Omaha
chapter. Is a delegate ex-offldo to the
convention. ' Her membership as a
"daughter" she holds through Mlcajah
How, who waa a Judge In Trenton, N.
J., during the revolution. Mrs. Stubbs
comes from, a long Una ot patriotic
Americans and from their deeds holds
membership In many organisations be
sides the Daughters of the American
Revolution, the National Society of Colon
ial Dames, National Society of Daugh
ters of Founders and Patriots, Colonial
Daughters of the Seventeenth Century
and Daughter of 1811 Mrs. Stubbs It
state registrar ot Doth the Daugnters or
the American Revolution and the colon
nlal Dames ot Nebraska,
The other delegata from the Omaha
chapter is Mrs. A. U Fernald, Ita sec
retary. She has tb distinction of hav-
g descended, on her mother's side ot
tt. family, from John and Priscilla
AlUen. From th deeds ot her forefather,
William Pendleton, who was made
colonel during the French and
wars and who was president ot the town
council ot Westerly, R. I., from 1TS5 to
1TS1, she Is eligible ,to membership In
the Daughters ot the American Revo
lution. The fourth member of the Omaha dele
gation la Mr a W. A. Dlllworth, who will
represent the IaJor Isaac Sadler chap
ter. The patriotic participation tn. the
ar ot her forefather, Captain Zachar-
ah Harwood ot Bennington, Vt, makes
Nathan 8. Harwood, took active part
In the wsr ot 1811 and for this reason
she belongs to the Nebraska Society of
the Daughters of 181". Her mother, Mrs.
M. A. Morton, who lives with her. Is
a "real" daughter and her daughter, Mrs,
Klmer Conley Is also a Daughter of
The Oir.alia delegation, except Mrs.
Gault, who goc early to attend a na
tional board meeting, will leave for
Washington April 12, to be there for
the opening session. April IS. The con
vention will last through the week and
will "be held In Continental Hall. The
Omaha women will be together at the
New Wlilard hotel.
(Continued from Page Two.)
course of study at the University ot Chi
cago. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Root and baby will
sail on ths "Coronla" May 4 for six
monthi In Europe.
Mr. John Patrick arrived this week
from Wyoming to join bis wife, who Is
visiting Mrs. J. J. Brown.
Miss Erma Jones went to Lincoln Sat
urday to attend the Alpha V'bl Omega
formal at the Lincoln hotel. .
lllia Kate E. Bend will sail from Mon
treal early tn May for England where
she expects to remain a year.
Miss Gertrude Fitzgerald of Chicago,
fiancee of Mr. Jack Batun. will sail for
Europe the early part of May.
Mrs. c. H. Downs and Miss Anna
Downs have returned from a three
months' stay In southern California.
Mrs. B. B. Booth and children. Flor
ence, Mildred and Jack Booth, will leave
Sunday to visit relatives In Kansas City.
Mra, Ralph W. Moody, with her child
ren, Joseph. Campbell and Charlotte
Frances, left for her boms In Chicago last
night. - t
Mrs. J. E. Baum and daughter, Kath
arine, leave Wednesday for Atlantic City,
e.iert B
Easter Gifts
Our store isresplen
dant with new things
for Easter gifts.
Silver Vases for
Violets, Boquet Hold
er Pins, gold and silver,
Card Cases, Ficture
Frames, Barrets, Bar Pins,
and manv other Easter
novelties. Take a look
any way.
C. B. Brown & Go.
Jewelers and Silversmiths
16th and Farnam.
eX -X")
. .a k.. v t. y "
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"';c I
Surely Here's the Easter Suit Sale
Tomorrow's Wonderful Values
Beauiifo! SprMfj Models Specially Priced
Read Why These Easter Suits Are Underpriced
When "Winter lingers in the lap of Spring it is bound to raise havoc with manufacturers of wearing apparel.
They figure on closing out their Spring lines long before Easter. This season has been so backward that a great many
women have hardlv civen a thought to Spring wearing apparel. An overstocked manufacturer turned to us for re
lief and we bought 300 elegant tailored suits at a full saving of one-third, which we offer special, as below.
This lot
sold before
ii This
Lot Worth
onder $25
Cuaot r .,43
licated less I
tall 120.75 I
worth op
to $40.00
, I for Lincoln to reside. AH of their frlenda
I wen completely vurprisen.
Engagements j
Mr. snd Mrs. John F. Wiirox, sn
nouncs ths enKagrmrnt of Itidr dauxhrrr,
Margaret, to George V. Til It of Tarklo,
Mo. Ths wrddlng will tuke place In the
early summer.
COME AND jyDGE with jour own eyes these astounding values. Let no circumstance keep you from see
ing this beautiful collection of suits at one-third less than what you would pay elsewhere.
173 Park Avenue,
where they will be joined by Mr. and
Mra John Rouse of Baltimore.
Mra Herman Kountse, at present In
New York, spent a few days last week as
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Esta
brook at "Glenmary," their summer home
on ths Hudson.
Mr. J. W. Thomas, who Is convalescing
after an operation at the Mayo hospital
in Rochester, Minn., Is now with Mra
Thomas at Hotel Kabler In Rochester
and la expected home shortly.
Mrs. Emma Tldd, who for several
months haa been Tisltlng relatives and
friends In 8ioux City and Lake city, la..
has returned to Omaha and after April 1
will make her home at 1771 Cuming atreet.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned expect to
move next week to their summer home
near Florence. Mrs. W. C. Shannon, who
has been with Mr. and Mrs, Learned this
winter, will go to her country place at
Elkhorn aext week.
Mr. Edmund V. Krug of 8t- Louis ar
rived In Omaha Saturday morning (p
spend tha week end. Mrs. Krug, who
haa been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F.
Coad, will return to St. Louis Sunday
evening with Mr. Krug.
Mra Ben Cotton returned from a west
ern business trip. He and his family are
In their own home again for, a month
owing to the Illness of the children with
measles. Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Morton
will take the house May L
Dr. Samuel Pierce Merrill of New Tork,
who Is the guest of Dr. and Mra W.
F. MUroy. apent the past week visit
ing at the home of thetr daughter, Mra
Herbert Hayes in Stella, Neb. Next
Tk Dr. Merrill will visit in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 8. Caldwell, Miss
Frances Wells and Mrs. Mark Coad hsve
engaged passage for Europe Juno 4 and
will spend two months traveling abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell's two children will
remain at Tioga, Pa., with their grand
mother, Mra 8. B. Caldwell. .
Mr. Louis Jaqucs of Chicago arrived
Saturday to be the guest ot Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Keellne. Mrs. Jaqucs. who
has been spending the week with her
sister, Mrs. Keellne, will return to Chi
cago this evening wita Mr. Jaques.
Many Informal social affairs have been
given in honor of Mrs. Jaques during
her brief visit here.
The wedding of Mr. Rsy Fltxgerald
of this city, snd Miss Grace Lemons
of Clark a. Neb, wax celebrated Wednes
day at the horns of ths bride. Mr. and
Mrs. Fltxgerald will reside In Fremont.
Miss Gertrude Warren of this city and
Mr. Frank H. Chamberlain of Lincoln
have sprung a surprise on their friends
by announcing their marriage, which took
place February 1? In Omaha. The bride,
who is a daughter of Attorney and Mrs.
E. F. Warren of Nebraska City, haa been
teacher of manual training la the Clifton
Hill and Edward Roaewater schools for
about three years and resigned Friday.
They kept the affair quiet until Friday
when Mr. Chamberlain and his brKle left
Mr. snd Mra Charles L. Alleman an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Lois Marjory, to Mr. Wilson Harry
Atkins, son of Mrs. A. Alklns. of this
city. The wedding will tsks place In
early June.
Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. Harold
Alleman gave an announcement party
Friday afternoon for the bride-to-be.
For the Future
Miss Hilda Hammer will give a sup
per at her horns Easter Sunday In honor
ot the McClure-Whlta wedding party.
Mrs. Fred Engel wilt entertain at
luncheon Tuesday at her home at W
North Twenty-fourth atreet. About
twenty guests will be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills will cele
brate their fiftieth or golden wedding
anniversary Tuesdsy afternoon from i to
i o'clock at their home, 2503 North Nine
teenth street. This Is to be a large affair
and a general Invitation has been ex
tended to their Omaha friends to cell In
formally Tuesday,
Evening Gowns Are
Elaborate in the
Latest Messalines
There are many whits serges and whip
cords as well as colored fabrtas and
poplins, foulards and taffetas In the
one-piece dresses for everyday wear this
spring shown In Omaha stores. For
later In ths season tha white corded
linen dresses are In now. For afternoon
and evening wear there Is an attractive
display of lingerie dresses and the
showier and mors elaborate chiffons and
Something new In street dresses is ths
coat dress which Is supposed to take the
place of a suit One of these is of blue
and brown changeable silk fastening
down the front Almost covering ths
waist Is a broad fichu of white dotted
with blue and bordered with a frill of
lace fastened at one-Inch Intervals with
small brown velvet buttons. Ths deep
cuff of tha three-fourths sleeves cor
responds with tha fichu. The skirt haa
a tunio draps edged with narrow plalt
ings of the silk.
Ths one-piece day-time dresses are
built on long, straight lines with rather
high wslst line, Dutch neck and three
fourths sleeves. Embroidery, buttons,
pipings and lace form the trimming. The
collar and cuffs contrast with tha dress.
On msny of ths new dresses a coat effect
is simulated either with lace or piping.
On some there Is a short apron effect
or peplum.
One of the daintiest and most elaborate
of lingerie gowns Is hand embroidered In
an elaborate design of daisies. The skirt
Is draped over rows of fluted narrow
shadow lace and rises at the sides. It
has a deep border of embroidery and -a
edged with crochet balls. Vertical rows
of shadow lace contrast with the em
broidery design on the waist and on the
short sleeves. This gown haa tha short
apron effect In embroidery and lace
down the front
A white crepe gown Is trimmed with
embroidery tn a grape design and duny
lace and has a bit ot color In a violet
colored velvet girdle and three small
flat velvet bows on the front of the waist
The embroidered skirt haa a twelve-Inch
wide band of lace around the bottom and
this Is edged with a narrower band of
the embroidery, at the edge of which la a
silk fringe. The watat la made with
high neck and three-fourths sleeves which
are elaborately embroidered and trimmed
with lace. Running from waist line half
way op the waist and narrowing as they
go, are embroidery points edged with
double frills ot net
The showier evening gowns arc very
Stonn'ng Silk and Serge
Dresses at $10
Worth op to $15
Surprising values tn smart,
all wool serges and charming
taffetas In solid colors and
changeable shades all daintily
trimmed ' with lacea and embroideries-newest
aprlng styles,
worth op to $15.00,
Special $10
Very Handsome New Coats
at $10.10
At tbls prlca we offer really
wonderful values In handsome
spring coats. Ths materials are
all wool workmanship of very
high character, styles are plain
and some fancy trimmed.
Mail Orders
Filled as
Long as
They Last
Special $10
Pretty Lingerie and Voile
Waists at 9ix .
$2.09 Valves
A bewildering array of dainty
effects In sheer bat lata and
voile swalt your selection.
Thousands of charming waists
displaying the newest fashions.
The peplum and scores of other
Special 95c
Girls' Spring Coats
at $5
Entirely new models, three
quarter snd full length, fancy
mixtures snd plain serges, long
rolling revere new coloring
effects In contrasting shades.
Special $5
Send For
Our New
Spring Catalog
Walk-Over Shoes
No matter where your shopping- ttarta, it will end
at the WALK-OVZB ETOBJC if too are looking for
the MMon't NXWXST and most ATTRACTIVE ihoee.
Oar Easter windows
show the most beautiful
hoe display erer shown in
this city, not because we
hare attempted to make them artistic ot decorative,'
but became we hare WALK-OVER STYLES to wrk
WALiOvTE price-$3,50 tO $6.00
Walk-Over Boot wShop
319 South 16th Street.
The Right
Corset for
When we fit you with a
'corset you can put it right
on' without any discom
fort. No "breaking- in."
Every woman is satis
fied with a."N0EDA"-,
made by Mr. Kenny, prev
iously connected with the
Artists' Model Co.
Kindly take special
notice to location South
side entrance of Brandeis '
Theater. '
208 So. 17th St.
Phone for Appointment,
Douglas 4749.
Your Watch Stopped? J.
Well, take it to I,lnlay. at the new loca
tion, and Irt Iilm repair it for you. Good work
at reasonable prices hers.
S.W Lindsay, Jeweler
ornats with draperies, scarfs, beads and
frinces and many varieties of Isce. A
vivid gown shoaa by Orkin Bros, is o(
American Beauty messalln. and heavy.
Parts shade Isce. The bodlee, which Is
square In front and V-shaped In back. Is
of draped American IWauty chiffon.
Reachlna almost to ths knees in front
and to tha vary edge of the train In
back extends tha lace. In the front of
the sralst Is a large oriental buckle
from which drapes ot the messaline ex
tend down each side and across the back
of the fkirt covering; the lace.
A banquet will be given to Mayor Dahl
maa by his nonpartisan friends and sup
porters Thursday evening at Washington
halL An Invitation has been extened to
the public Several speeches are billed.
Renze is Grooming
the Alr-Sar-Ben Goat
Arrangementa are being made for the
new Ak-Sar-Ben year. Word has been
received at Samson's headquarters that
Secretary Penfold would return to
Omaha next Friday to begin the annua
membership' camplaign alone with the
usual Ak-Sar-Ben business.
Although It haa not been announced
officially It is said double efforts will
be made this year to increase the mem
bership to a l:-0o record.
Initiation devices are now being planned
and constructed by (Jus Rense. He has
been busy for some time at the Ak-Sar-Ben
den but. of course, what he Is doing
Is stnk-tiy w.,ri.
, If you have snythlnx to exchange, ad
vertise it In The L'ee Want Ad felumna.
Owing to the Inclement weather
I will continue or reduced rates.
Please note address below If in
terested or In recom mending
Am not connected ' with any
Ladies' Tailoring firm and have
not changed my location.
The Original L. Knee ter
Omaha's Rest LadW Tailor. .
Phone 1). BOSS. SU6-S So. lath St,
Creates s good appetite and ex
cellent digestion.
There's strength an 4 energy
In It. too.
Your grocer has It In It teat
dun-proof packagea.
Try Skinner's for
your next dinner
ktaaers aTaearoat aaa mass.
Brvefe a
halt park
Iwwlr tBlaaue, srata ae Maack.
la a kattene saSdlag Slak MN4
ri la lar. wim Maeal baoi.
mud with ataalarS aa4 stlsne
me; km ess. ai a nsfal at
aillk ar eraa aa4 poor aver tae Maca
roat aa4 San: imm. tta sag cv4
Vffe ta tafte aaa baa la a sat
Omaha's Great Home Paper
t3 (