Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 22

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rrrTTTi muni CmTklV TTn? . KlPm "1 IntO - . '
Society Folk Coming Back from
, Trips in AH Directions.
i narm' Cinb FUss Activities for
After Lest HapST Hollow risk
Clrefe Has Real
user Weiilif Smb.
Cartel Cateedar.
MONDAY Miss Kethertne Moorhead,
i afternoon bridg for Mm Loughndge
! of front. 111.; Mr. W. O. Kutlier,
meeting of Fort Crook Bridge aad
' Current Toilc dub.
ITUEiinAr Sirs. K. W. Nash, meeting
, of Tuesday Mominf Musical club, Mr.
I and Mr. Thome W. Mlllls. golden
' wedding enniverwry reception: Mra.
i Fran Enirel. luncheon: Mra. w. u
i Rio, merting of International elnb.
1 WEDNEMAY-Mr. W. K. Price, mert
1 In of W. U. club; Mra. Fredenck
' Jann, meeting of five Hundred club.
?HUKBDAi-Mre. Alfred Wsdleiirh,
I meeting of Thursday BrMjre elub; Mm
J. Miagrave meeting of Golden mow
Card club. Mra F. 8 Raeder. meeting
1 of Swastika dub; Mr. Harry Mcnoi-
ki Amateur Musical club.
: FRIDAY Tempi Israel Sisterhood, af
ternoon bridge; Mra. Fred Oloe, meet
, Ing of November club: Mr. J. H.
' Conuurham. bridge-luncheon: Mr. and
, Mr. J. B. Coulniham. evening bridge.
J Tha milder weather I bringing home
j tha trarelers who hare been south and
west and east- Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Mo-
Ollton an bams tram a star of smrtl
1 week la Texas. Mlaa Rosa Smyth and
Miss Iran Coed, who have been having
a lolly outdoor Urn on tha Coad ranch
In New Mexico, ars expected noma In a
' few week. Miss Beatrice Coad. who haa
been there with them, will remain until
' tha first of May.
j Mra. M. L. Guckart and two children,
who neve spent the winter la Now Or
leans, will be back next weak. Among
the Interesting side trip taken by Mra.
Guekert wa ths visit to Panama. Mr.
C. T. Smith la expected thla week from
-rYaoo. Tea, where sb has besa visiting
har alstsr. I
Mr. and Mr. W. J. Millar and daugh
ter. Ida Janet Millar, will ba bom Mat
Sunday from California, where they bar
bee Moo rsbruary. Mra, H. M. Me
Claimakaa and Mis Katherln McClan
aabaa win be bam Thursday from Urn
Angsts. Prom California Mr. and Mr.
Victor Caldwell return today.
Mra. K. H. wnragu I back from bar
southara trip, aa ars alas Mr. 8. 8. Cur
tla and Mlaa Curtis, who bar born at
pa Christian. Mis. Mr. and Mra
Dempster and Miss .Allen, who have beea
I at Bilaal and la Cuba, will be bom nest
' weak.
Mia Carolina Barkalow la bom from
bar trip to Bermuda and a short May In
I New York, and Mr. and Mra. Oeora-e H.
Payna return todsy from Bermuda.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McBhan and Miss
i Maria MeShana will return next week
' from their trip e broad. Miss Mabel Bal
I combe, who ba spent the winter In Maw
! York, I back and to at the Colonial. Mr.
land Mr. DFort Richard have re
I turned (rem aa eastern trip.
. Fraternities Aro ay
To local member of Delta Gamma
J sorority are busily making plan for th
1 runt of their national officers hers next
month. Tha officers are coming to cava
a osnfanaeo with Ml Ethel Tukey, who
I editor of tha sorority magnate, and
many social affair will be green for
then. Among tho affairs planned are a
tea to b given at th bom' of Mis
Tukey aad a luneheoa give by the local
Th offlotrs who will arriv April SI
, and be bar until April an Ml as Ada
' May Brewa of Khlnalander, Wla.. prasl
dent; Mra, R. K. Crawford of Acton. O.;
Mia Am Burton of Detroit, secretary,
aad Mis Margaret Lax of Baltimore.
I treasurer.
j Sigma Ma fraternity at th t!nivrtty
of Nebraska will glr Us annual formal
I party Beat Friday evening at th Lincoln
. hotel. Uoeola, followed Saturday vnlng
by th annual kaaejuot. Th dlvlaloa eon.
.tendon of tha fraternity will b bald
' these two day and delegate from Am,
la., Volrerslty of Iowa and University
of Minnesota will a present Many
Omaha and Council Bluffs alumni art
.planning to attend both affair.
Among the Omaha people who wont to
Popular Guest from Chicago
I P J .,' !.- I
Bj.V a! i'T-;;; '5 a
III ' ' , - - ' 'a . I
I j - ' -" 1 ? ' i ' --
Unooln t attend th annual dance of
Phi Kappa Pat fraternity at th Unooln
hotel Friday evenlag were Ml Marl
Hodga. Mia Mar rue rite William. Mr.
tarn Carrier, Mr. Harry Reed, Mr. and
Mr. Fred Cu scads n. ,
Plana of I" layers' ( lab.
The player club has decided to present
"Lady I'raula" for th second perform
ance, which It will give after Lent. It
will be given at th Brand el e, April ,
with Mr. Harry Doorfy In th till role.
Th other members of ths oast ar Mlsa
Mary Rlngwalt aad Maura. Rsi More
house, Ueorg Mclntyr. Homer Conant,
William Taylor, Robert Dinning, Samuel
DUrhton, Walter Cruden, Lord.
Aa a curtain raster to th play "Th
Marriage of Kitty.- to be given April
IT. soma of th member will gtv "How
Hs Ued to Her Husband.'' In ths east
of thla humorous skit will be Mlsa Anna
Bourk and Messrs. Walter C'rundsa and
Joseph Formnn,
Happy Mallow Ronaano.
A Happy Hollow club romance will
result In on of th larger autumn wed
dings. It I rumored. Th engagement
will probably be announced In tha late
spring or oarly summer.
Th young woman la th daughter of a
prominent physlclsa and 1 pqssnml of
318-320 South 16th. St.'
1 Display of New Modes!
Tn nnr HJsnlav nf anthentic stvlea there is a wealth of lariety and more beauty than words can explain. In assem
bling our new stock of women and misses' garments every fashion center has been drawn upon for proof of cleverness
leading costumers have produced.
16th and Parnam
m M m aa a. "
I.nooT-Orsr MeCrtrf't I tti 111 Ittrs
, r
Easter Sale and
f Fathio-dbli e-ria, Apparel
The Ftaeas Special
Redfera . - '
$10, $15 and $25
Suita, Coats and Dresses. We
stair. our personal reputation
on each and every garm jnt
Our $10.00 Coats and Suits ure
equal to any $25 youll find
is the city. -
Easter Sa!a oa Fina Drssses
, mi Ersnlej Cows
of fine chiffon draped over
messalina in. the contrasting
ahadea, .Dreeaet of lingerie
05, 010 and 015
unusual beauty and attended school In
New Tjirk.
Tho man' Is a popular young newspaper
man. Ha attended Ohio Wesieyan uni
versity and Is a member of th Bet
Tbeta PI fraternity.
Both young people r member of th
Happy Hollow club. Th bride to be baa
shown her ring to a few Intimate friends
and th wedding will take place next fall
O. It. . Maalcal Competition.
Tho musical tryout of high school
senior for place on tha Ult commence
ment program will bo held May 1. prob
ably In tha assembly room at tha school,
according to plan announced by Mis
Mary Sullivan, bead at th English liter-
atur department, yeaterday afternoon.
Only tha entrante and th faculty Judges
will b allowed to bo present wbll th
competition I In progress. There will
be three musical numbers, vocal or In
strumental, on tha program, and th ob
ject of the Judge wll be to pick elea
llotis which will appeal to th audience on
In evenlny of th graduation exercise
rather than aom pi oca requiring techni
cal skill.
Fourteen students are included on th
llat of seniors who will compete, eight
f whom will fly piano numbers, four
rlolla selection and two who will offer
oral sfforta. Th list:
Ptaao-Marlon McCaffrey, Edwin A.
Relle, A 11c T, Smith. Sybil Nelson, raa-
al Livingston. Ruth Ogle, Eleanor bsar
and Adelyn Wood.
VMIa-mda Pausttaa. Edward I'nd-
land, Joseph Weolery and EveiynT. Haa
William and Maud
Raster Eaa Haa Is.
Mr. Lee Herd men entertained at a
children's party waturaay afternoon In
etebratloa of th eighth birthday of bar
daughter. Ilttl Mlaa Kathleen Herdman.
A delightful luncheon was served th
Utter part of tn afternoon and aa
els borate Ksster osnterplec waa used
for th table. A large mirror In the
center of th table represented a minia
ture lake and oa thla were toy duck.
Oa tn mossy banks wer Easter favor.
Then wer Ilttl chlckeoe and rabbit
and nests filled wltb candy eggs fur th
Ilttl guest. Th rent of th afternoon
wa spent with dancing and fifteen
children wer present.
Mrs. o. u Atkln entertained at a
children's party and Easter egg ba
Saturday afternoon nt her home. on Park
avenue In celebration of th tenth birth
day of her Mttle daughter. Rllen Marie.
Pink and white rosea wer used In
ecorattoa and la th renter of th table
waa a birthday can with ten candle.
A sals tin Mrs. Atkins waa 11 Ira Mar
garet yianaaan. The children present
I4tUe Misses Uttle
Helen Borshelm, June Wlhlams.
argaret ixereaoia. Irene Itykail,
Trimmed Hats for Eastor
02.50, 03.50. 05 and 010
These consist of some rare bargains in millinery,
they art all the latest from the world of fashion.
AlKW borshelm.
Martoa A lie man.
Helen Allemaa.
Rvetyn Redawtrfc.
Carrie Red wick,
Owen McCoy,
riorothr Uray,
Helen Oray.
leahal Atkln.
Kunlce VnL
Ritaabeth Ackrrman.
Eiiea nan Alkina.
Charlea K. Atkln.
rarreraltr of Oaaaha Xatea.
Th t'tostea society of tho I'nheralty
of Omaha met at the bom of Mlaa Rhea
l ai mar a it. Kit Wirt, street. Ptlday aven
la oad fare a two-act French fare
titled Tno Return of Aunt Do
boraa." Between acta there wer several
musical aektrtkxos.
M'sa Jans Tompktn Bthel Whltele
Mia Karah Teenpklna Clara Harne
Maraaret Laurence, alera of tha
Mlesas Tompatna Eleenor Halsey
Btsaasm Fairer. Margarets friend ...
Feme Nicole
DoUa. a maid. Rhea Lamoreeux
Pleasures Past
Mr. aad
Mr. William McKey ewter
dlaaex Saturday sveoliig for
WmMr n W mi r
Wn iWi Mr "X0 TP"
1 y wtRmmm
4 r
Exclusive Evening Gowns
A complete expression of Paris pref
erences Gowns designed by Paquin,
Worth, Drecoll, Callot and Agnes.
Prices range from $29.75 to $150.00.
Lingerie Gowns
We have on display hand embroid
ered models in all styles. The daintiest
creations that have ever been execu
ted in lingerie. They are shaped and
fitted the same as the silk gowns.
Prices range from $35.00 to $125.00.
New Frocks of Two-Tone
Taffeta, Satin and Meteors
Dresses suitable for wear under
long coats, and attractive models for
afternoon wear in all of the newest
combinations. They are taken from the
most extreme French models of this
season. Attractive touches of color
and handwork the most becoming
dresses shown. Prices range from
$19.50 to $50.00,
Taffetas A r j Strongly Fea-
' tared Ihis Spring
, me prettiest etiects in tanetaa aro
brought ou. in the new coat suits for
afternoon wear. Some of these are tho
short blouse styles quaintly trimmed
with ruchings, shirrings and jilaitings.
Fancy lingerie and lace collars and
cuffs are seen very frequently on the
taffeta suits.
Colorings generally follow the pref
erence for harmonious combinations
blues and greens, gold and blue,
blue and black, rose and blue.
There is an early note in favor of
white serges, Bedford cords and whip
cords, both in plain and fancy tailored
suits. Whipcords arc strongly favor
ed in combinations of gray and white
and black and white checks.
Coats are cut in many different de
signsfrom the extreme cutaway
styles to the severely plain coats.
Skirts are cut more full, but with
lines that retain the desired narrow
Braided design are used to chirm in ! af
fect on many of tha more elaborate suits.
Our stylet. In brief, represent tha very new
est features from th imported models.
Ibices range from $25.00 to $85.00.
Separate Wraps
The separate wrap has become so
diversified in its uses that it is in
dispensable to a woman's wardrobe.
With its ever-increasing usefulness
has come a correspondingly wide
scope in the diversity of styles and
materials to meet greatly varied re
In recognition ot the Important tenden
cies that are working together to Increase
the desirability attached to coats and wraps
in the world of fashion, wt have this sea
son assembled an uausual assortment of
models which provide more than abundant
choice to meet all requirement. '
Coat for business, street and traveling.
,Coat for autolnf. train and steamer.
Distinctive wrap for dressy occasions.
In the First Group Business, street and
traveling coat we strongly feature three
Important point in combination superior
quality ot cloth, tailoring excelling notably
In exellence ' and style, poaaesslng features
ot distinctiveness and exclutivenes. Coats for
sturdy service are these at a price rang of
$10.00, $15.00, $19.50, $26.00, $29.75, and
up to $55.00.
Ia the Second Group Autoing, train and
steamer coats w show just what appeals to
practical people coxy, generously fashioned
comfortable garments in especially attractive
styles and made of fabrics that bear the clos
est scrutiny from every rlewpolnt Prices,
$11.50, $25.00, $35,00, $45.00 and $50.00.
Ia the Third Group Wrap for dressy oc
casion we emphasize the reasonableness of
price for garment that show the consum
mate skill ot artist in reproducing and adapt
ing ideas from the models by Paul Polret,
Paquin, Orescoll and other Paris Style orig
inator also attractive model of original
American designs. Wrap of Charmeuse,
Silk and Satin, wrap ot crepe, voile and eta
mine, wrap of e'ponge, ratine and glace,
wrap of Chiffon, meteor and net at $1.60,
$25.00, $35.00, $45.00. $55.00, $65.00,
$75.00 and $85.00.
His Mable Haney. whoa wedding to
Mr. Karl Perry take place AprH IJ.
Cover wer placed for twelve guest.
The Kanpa Alpha Theta alumna wer
entertained Saturday afternoon at th
ham ot Mis Helen BUsn,
Mrs. W. a Millard and eon, Robert
Millard, will leave Tuesday tor Mount
Vernon, N. Y, where they will be the
guest of Mr. George Ch run latter. Joe
and Bay Millard, who ar student at th
Cathedral school at Washington. D. C
will Join Mra. Millard In tha east to en-
Joy their spring vacatloa.
Mrs. H. Frost was hoaxes at a luneheoa
Taursdsy. Th guest of honor waa Mr.
Harry Dutta. who leaves soon for bar
home tn the west. Tho present wer:
Mesdamea Mesdame
George rreat, Jac. Butt.
Bennett. Jamee Infry,
Joeeph Duffy, Harry Butts. '
IJ ana le7JF
Florence Butts. Harriet Butts.
Mr. Robert Front. -
A party of arhool friends wer guests
Friday night at a house party at tha
bone of Mis Virginia Of-Jtt, followluf
th dance at Chamber. Tn party In
cluded Miss Claire Daugherty. Mlsa Or:
Allison. Mis Katharine Baun. Mlaa
Henrietta Fort. Maw Gartrod Owe.
Mlaa Major Snlth. Mis Bather WD
helm and Mlaa Krna BeeO.
Mr. and Mr. Haraed Evart enter"
tamed at dinner last evening at thetr
ben la kucer of Mis Mabel Marr and
MFIas Gertrude Write, who. will be
April bride. Carer wer placed for:
Misses Misses-
Gertrude White, .turr I'pdlko,
Mabel Marr, Hilda Hammer. t
aleesrs. Messrs.
Louis lxrlng. K. R. Kslney.
J. C. MrClure. Royal ComstocK.
Mr. ana Mrs. B. v. . vapen.
Mr. and Mr. Harold tvsrts.
Mrs. W. Watt wa surprised by a
party of friends Friday afternoon tn eele
bratsoa f bar birthday. The afternoon
was spent wltb maste and a guessing
contest In which prut were won by Mrs.
W. Wstts.
Than present were
r. C. Marlene.
W. Hooper.
W. Watts, sr,
H. Watts,
U. rvhrtber.
h. Brav.
A. r. Oatea.
and Mrs. A. T. Gates.
C. H. Gate.
U Gltereath,
i. Fartae,
F. Welts.
M. Lvona,
W. Watta,
Mra. A. Read and Mrs. WeUsnbach en
tertained at high-five In honor of Mrs.
C H. Petersen, who exiMCts aoaa to
leave for alt taut City, where she win
make her aom. Prlaea were wtm by
Mrs. Nordln and Mrs. Ps terse. Quest
present wer:
Mesdajsj Mesdamea
Nordlne. R. Nlemen.
Sorenson. H- F. Ktuhr.
F. Rortteford, W. Huntoon.
Feteraaa. - R. Dooge,
Reed. Vreisenbaeh.
UlaPetersen. Harriet Petersen.
M. McMiehael.
Mlaa France Ktemaa gave a kitchen
shower la honor ef Ula Fetersea Thurs- I
day evening. The color ccheme . wa
yellow and white. Guests present were:
Mlsses-t Mlsses-
Seivy Oledn. F.lnle Rearhke.
Anna Oranbeck. Geneva Sautter,
Harriet Petersen, tela Petersen.
Frsnoes Nlemen, Clara Eorenaoa.
Charlotte Rnumn, Helen R.wn.
Bertha Wennlnanoft Carrie Jensen.
Mrs. C W. Sear entertained at lunch
eon Saturday th alumnae members of
the Pi Beta Phi of Omaha, cooani
Bluffs and Foots Omaha. Mis Mini
Pvta and Mis Myra Thorpe assisted
Mrs. Bears. Th decorstlona were sug
gestive ef Easter, th eenterpicc of th
table wa a bowl ef dark, rea earnauoos,
tb sorority flower. Those present were:
Missis Miss-
Katharine Thomaa, A lie Trcxetl.
Hertha Wheeler. Bernloe Ouren.
sister la Lee Angcle, dl. Dainty re
frerhments were served. Those prsesn
Kdith Shuicart.
Beth Pryor.
Oertrude Branch,
Edith Flshee.
Acnew Feeoey.
Ada Psgensteober,
llel le ll.tael.
Henrietta Benedict,
Frsneea Gouli,
Vsrds Hrott.
Pryee Crawford.
George Johnston.
W J. Morins.
Frank Wllklns.
Austin Dodds,
V. R. Gould, ,
John Martin,
J. - N'leleon.
ri. M. MeClanahan,
Mra, Ed V-llooxt entertained C. 8. Grant
post Women's Relief corn at a kemens;
toa st her home, UU Latbro street,
Tuesday afternoon. Sh waa assisted by
war sister. Mr. R. Wilcox, and mother.
Mr. R. S. Wileoa. Marie and fancy
work tilled a most enjoyanl afternoon.
The kntngtoa waa also a farewell re
ception te a ef it aide, members.
Mrs, KUaa Eastman, who leave Men
after Easter to spend a year with her
A. Sayre.
E. Eastman,
D. Neeley.
H. 8. Miller,
U Eddy.
P. J. Tralnor,
L. Bweeaey.
M. Tetant.
J. Lampman,
p. Davis.
J. Bryant.
H. Wilcox,
Ed Wilcox.
Little Mlsa Virginia Wilcox.
Master riooart Laimpmaa.
Personal Gossip
Mr. R. J. Dinning is spending two
week at West Baden, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlea C. George are at
Hotel Colfax for a week or two.
Mr. and Mr. W. A. C. Johnson kav
returned from a trip to Minneapolis.
Mra. a Knight White I the Sweet for
a week ef Captala and Mrs. BetfesAertefe.
Mlaa AUe Fawcett aa moved to th
home of Mlaa Kate McHugh. lt Dodge
Mr. George Flack la at the Clarksoo
aopttl recovering from aa operatioa for
Ml Mary Ryder baa gone to sc. PsjI
and Mlnneapolt to visit relative antB
after Easter.
Mr. N. P. Oedg recratly boucht th
H D. Reed bom in Ouade and will take
possess! oa May 1.
Mbta LoucThridge, who ba beea (pead
tog a few week In Omaha, leave )nes
Say for Cfeleago. where she will take a
(Continued aa Pag Three.)