12 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31, 1912. Easter Apparel at - Br andeis Stor es i.. lr-ll tl1l-v-'',tn w- . t.iajU .'ii..fcwga'twi .n.B.Aj.ivj'j , -":-.M.im-tt-i. Ji.a. JiOuiRiji -J. ii - - f "nrtriii ' -- J - ! -'arm N t tiaw, ' -- Vvf-J-'''ribiiMlVr r- i V TiT I r imi 'Hundreds of Omaha women-wilt ?: select - their-Easter-attire place where the '-vameties 'art to much greater and tht ttylet to micA hortottraciici Mc? anywhere 'bi.-At.tki$ statMllirmndiit Stores vLpplut-th great majority of, OaiaKdt but dr eiied women.- To tmiet you inywr'iftttifrnkwBjnfintion many attaactiv't grou.pt for Monday'- SJdrU, Dresses, " Made of changeable taffeta, , chiffon, tuaiiiuioo w- , ' v lined with the season choicest laces " of filet, macrame, Irish, chantilly, etc., ,.T.::1:,35:,49-,65-,75-,98 The New Auto and Street Coats By far the most extensive assortment ever shown in Omnha, as we have assembled a lot of coats for every occasion and a variety that will delight you. ' Hundreds of styles. Trices range . from $15.00, $19.00, $25.00 up to $49.00 Women's Samples and Odd Coats at $10 We have just received these practical up-to-date spring coats. They come in great varieties. 'Spe cially priced for Monday, at. $10.00 The New Cassac Blouses ' The newest creations are these peplum effects, and our assortment of them in embroidered voiles, lin geries, nets, laces, etc., is quite complete at $1.50, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 up to $10.00 Clever New Chiffon' Blouses t Colors you have wanted are now here in profusion, and dainty styles and effects are more beautiful than ever, at $3.98, $5, $6.98, $8.98, $10 up to $2i , Charming Afternoon Gowns . Special at $25 ' Beautiful new frocks for spring, mada of in goft.Bilkaand bqautiful,1w-tone4 . taffetas in various modish combina-. tions of color. Many very attractive new models pneed at Clever Tailored Suits A New Group at $35 - Decided expressions of the new Louis j5tye,iemj jempire and high l waist line , effects-,.adar)tations, of pinart lringe ideas in the new Bedford cords, two " toned; whipcords, etc. Includ ing some satins in white, at 0D Special Offer Monday ... Tailored, Suits at $22.50 , j, -" , - : In a group of nobby and smart labored" Baits. An onnsoally clever lot of strict Iy 'tailored, tod'senri-titfmnied garments ' in the pretty -tansj white, navies and . French blues all service- (fffYf) Cf 1, at ....LL. jyj 4SIn. Fine Swiss Embroidered Skirtings, 27 In. Fine Swiss Embroidered Flouncings, Also Fine Allover Embroideries, Galloons, etc. Worth up to CQpvnrfl $1.00aj-ard,at 07C VarU Elegant, new designs; many very unusual effect in new combinations of crochet, filet, hexagon, floral, blind relief, Japanese, etc. Women's Kid Gloves . for Easter - CcUbntod Pen-In maka. Finest telectad ikini In nil the nwet nhndes tor street and evening vear; Paris -point or ' embroidered backs. Every pair fitted. ' Main Glove Counter. Irong Olovee, at, per pair 83.75S3.50 " S3.75 Short Gloves, at, per pair . . ... .$1.50 S1.75 aa 92.00 .Two-clasp Short Gloves of French lambskin black, white and colors, fitted it desired, at. pair ........... .$1.25 II and II button length Glovea--French lambskin, I Cleo patra buttons, black,. white, pongee and tan, at, per $1.88 $2.50 Exquisite Easter Millinery Brandeit position hat lonj been established at the western mil linery style authority, and this seastn more than any other we are preptred to tatisfy every woman who teelt a hat that it genuinely smart and truly becoming. Many French Hats have fust arrived for Easter selling, shipped direct from oar own Paris office. Mrs. Isabel Cabut, one of the meet successful of New York's milliners, is our chief designer. ' She it remarkably gifted in adapt ing just the right hat to each woman's requirements. Ihe services of Mrs. Cebus and our other expert milliners are at your disposal. Fine Emb'd Flouncings and Skirtings 25c Also wide insertions and galloons Swiss, . nainsook and cambric in choice, new designs, English eyelet, floral, blind relief and r p " ' combination effects. Many worth 50c a yd., at per yard ' ZjC - We particularly call the attention of discriminating women of Omaha to our complete lines of everything that the fashionable world . is calling for, in Laces, Nettings, Allovers, Bands, Galloons, etc.K in cluding the new shadow, macrame, filet, yenise, crochet effects, etc. all at very special prices. , ' Nowhere else in this section can you find such a wonderful as semblage if beautiful laces' and' embroideries. The Most Popular Hats in, Omaha for Easter Wear are Coronet Hats at $10 Every Coronet style it the creation of a well known , French de signer who adapts the reigning Parisian styles to the hate which we teli at this moderate price. : , We are exclusive agents for "Corone( hats in Omaha and ws -show more' than a hundred NEW styles for 'Easter in dress hats, Jlower hatt and tailored hate. " Every, shape is smart and strictlg authentic' and the - (P 1 r . materials are all of high character. Coronet hats are always P i " able and practical, ; Juniors' and ' Misses', Spring Coats Complete showing of the smartest spring crea tions in juvenile coats;' dresses and tailored suits in our new section devoted to the girls and little women. ..... i f New Confirmation Dresses '. .'. ' A pretty showing, of these" sheer, dainty frocks, for ' this notable event in all children's lives.. Special preparation has been made, and our offerings are -wonderfully complete, at $5, $6.98, $8.98, $10, $12.50 and .$15 New UndermUslins for 1912 The daintiest and prettiest of sheer and crisp new undergarments much more elaborate ideaa than ' formerly. Gowns, combinations and princess slips, t" at .... ........ .$1.50 to $10 Pretty. New Silk Petticoats, r ' : - The new soft taffetas, and' messaline petticoats, in every desirable color and in the new Btyle flounces, at $2.50, $2.98, $3:98 and,$5 Brandeis Stores are sole agents in Omaha for Red Cross Shoes for AVomen Known everywhere for the extreme flexibility of the . sole. Full range of the newest spring styles. -All . sizes and widthsper pair at. . .$3.50 and $4.00 ', Edwin C. Burt's Shoes for Women Y These high class shoes for women, sold exclusively by Brandeis. Pumps, straight lace Oxfords and high shoes in all leathers; also white buckskin and white satin. The equal of any shoe sold at $6.00 and $7.00 . our price is ....'.....'..... ..........$5.00 Omaha Agent! for Hurley Bros. Shoes for Men. - Tab ealt and gna metal calf, custom lasts, button, blather, . lace or straight lace styles. In style and quility they equal any shoe that retfils at I or 1 7. All sises and widths, at, pair -I... ...... T.$5 ''yy .. -i Educator Sloes for Children - Hick shoes,'pamps and oxfords la tan, black and white, with . new broad toe lasts. Brandeis 8 tores sre sole agents for. ' Uese shoes In Omaha. aV pair. ........ $1.98 to $2.75 f?j -2u a: